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Students Roll No.




B.A./B.Sc. JUNE 2012



Saturday, June 30, 2012

10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Time allowed: 3 hours

Full Marks:


Instructions: Use fountain pen or ball-point pen of blue or black ink. Answer in your own words as far as practicable.

Do not write anything on the Question paper other than your Roll No. Answer each group in a separate answer script.


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Of the questions attempted, the answers to only the first required number of questions (as stipulated in the question paper) will be evaluated. So, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT EXTRA QUESTIONS. Answer EACH GROUP in a SEPARATE ANSWER SCRIPT.
GROUP A (ALGEBRA III) Answer ANY FOUR questions. (48=32)

1. (a) Let be a cyclic group of order where , are relatively prime positive integers. Show that G m n . (4) (b) If and be two nontrivial subgroups of , , show that is also nontrivial. Hence or otherwise show that , cannot be expressed as an internal direct product of two nontrivial subgroups. (4) 2. (a) Write the class equation of a finite group explaining all the symbols used in the equation. Show that the center of a finite group contains more than one element. (2+2) (b) Show that every group of order 99 has an element of order 33. (4) 3. (a) Assuming Cauchys theorem for finite groups, establish the converse of Lagranges theorem for finite abelian groups. (b) Show that every group of order 35 is cyclic. 4. (a) Find all irreducible cubic polynomials over 2 . (b) Obtain a field, with proper justification, a field of order 27. 5. (a) Define finite and algebraic extension. Show that every finite extension is algebraic. (b) If , are algebraic over of degrees and respectively, where and are relatively prime, prove that , is of degree over . 6. (a) State and prove the Cauchy Schwarz inequality in inner product space. 1 (b) Find an orthonormal basis for 3 that contains (1, 2, 0) . 5 7. (a) Let

(4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4)

K be a field extension and c K be algebraic over with minimal polynomial . F F [ x] Show that F [c] . (4) m( x )

(b) Let be a polynomial of degree 2 or 3. Show that is irreducible over if and only if has no root in . Is the result true for the polynomials of degree 4? Justify. (4)


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GROUP B (PROGRAMMING IN C) Answer ANY FOUR questions. 8. (a) Subtract (01110001) 2 from (11001101) 2 using twos complement method. (b) Convert (35.3125)10 to binary form and ( ABC )16 to decimal form. 9. Draw a flowchart to evaluate the following infinite series 1 + x + of real correct upto 5 places of decimal. (2+1+1) (44=16)

x 2 x3 + + ... for a given value 2! 3! (4)

10. Write a C program to evaluate and print the roots of a quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0, a 0 , where , , are taken as user inputs.


11. Let Ann be a given real matrix ( is taken as user input). Write a C program to reduce it to a diagonal matrix and print it. (3+1)

12. Write a C program to evaluate and print the standard deviation of an array of real numbers taken as user input by writing separate functions for calculating mean and standard deviations. (2+2) 13. (a) Write a C program to read two sets of coefficients (real numbers) , , and , , and print the solutions of the linear system ax + by = c dx + ey = f keeping provision for consistency test. (b) Shown below is a Floyds triangle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . . . 79 . . . . . . 91 Write a C program to print this triangle. (2+2) ********************


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