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EarningPDUs In my article Howto earnyourPMPin just 8 weeks I offered you a quick and relatively inexpensive way to earn your

PMP certification. Now Id like to congratulate you. You are finally a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). You studied hard, you proved you can pass the PMP exam and now you are reaping the fruits of your labor. As you continue on your successful path of managing challenging projects, Id like to remind you that in order to keep your PMP certification, you need to report to the Project Management Institute (PMI) at least 60 Professional Development Units (PDUs) in a 3 calendar year-cycle. This may sound overwhelming, expensive and quite discouraging. Some of you may be too busy to give a Project Management lecture at a PM seminars (worth 10 PDUs), let alone write an article (actually worth 30 PDUs) or write a book on the topics of project management (worth 40 PDUs). But guess what? There is a way you can earn free pmp pdus. More than 60 free pdus for your pmp in fact (and transfer up to 20 PDUs for your next cycle) online. The key is to start early and to be persistent.

First, download the PMIs PMPHandbookand read quickly Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) Program section. Itll familiarize you on PMIs expectations on how to earn and report your PDUs in order to keep your PMP certification active. Then, follow the links below and start earning a free pmp pdu each each time you sign up for free on these sites: 1) Earn 30 PDUs in Category 2: a. Category 2 SDL: Self-Directed Learning:

15 PDUs - Visit start listening to their free podcasts. 60 minutes of listening qualifies for 1 PDU you can claim. Remember you can claim up to 15 PDUs from this type per each 3-year cycle. Keep a record of what you heard as may audit your claims.

b. Category 2 H: Practitioner of project and/or program management services:

15 PDUs per 3-year cycle. Did you work as a Project Manager for more than 1,500 project hours during the past 3 calendar years? If so, you can claim these and it costs you nothing. How to Earn 60 PDUs (and more) for FREE towards your PMP Continued:

2) Earn 85 PDUs (yes, you can transfer up to 20 PDUs towards your next 3-year cycle) under Category 3 - PMI Registered Education Providers. And yes, these are all free:

a. 26 PDUs - Visit the International Institute of Learnings web site. It has a number of podcasts and webinars for free:

* 2 PDUs Hear Dr. Harold Kerzners 8 Modules Podcasts series on PMs Best Practices, Executive and Line Managers inProject Management and the PMO. These qualify for 2 PDUs. * 20 PDUs when you register to take over 20 Webinars offered by the institute, each worth 1 PDU

b. 24 PDUs - Visit Solutions Cube Group site and register for two FREE live webinars offered each month, worth 1PDU each.

c. 18 PDUs - Visit IBMs Rational Project and Portfolio Management certification training e-kit site. There are four free interactive training courses each worth 4 PDUs and one free course worth 2 PDUs.

d. 5 PDUs - Visit Provedia Learning Incs site and take the free course on Rescuing Troubled Projects worth 5 PDUs .

3) Earn 12 PDUs under Category 4 Other Program Provider:

a. 12 PDUs Visit Rita Mulcahys RMC Project Management, Inc site. It offers 12 free prerecorded webinars per calendar year each worth 1 PDU.

Did you know that Categories 3 and 4 have no maximum on how many PDUs you can claim? So go ahead, listen and claim. And keep in mind, not only are you going to learn a lot by taking these PDUs, but you can return to many of these sites each cycle and earn your PDU requirements again for free. Good luck and share this knowledge with your fellow PMPers.

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