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Applied Vehicle Dynamics Seminar

May 12-14, 2013 East Lansing, Michigan

Photo credit FS Germany

Pricing Information: Before April 12

Group of 3 or more: $505 Individual Price: $575
This three day seminar is dedicated to vehicle design, tesng, data acquision, and applied vehicle dynamics theory. A unique opportunity to gather knowledge and methodology you need to win in 2013!

After April 12
Group of 3 or more: $595 Individual Price: $700

People are


The seminar was brilliant. I have spent many hours

! y a d To r e t egis

trying to understand the material on texts such as Milliken and Millken and Tune to win by Carroll Smith. I feel through these texts I was developing a sound understanding of vehicle dynamics and car design. However, aending Optimum G seminar has allowed me to link each aspect together which will allow me to design a complete package in future years.

Craig Innes, University of Wollongong, Australia

+1 1 303 752 1562


Covered Topics
Understand how and why grip, balance and driver feedback are inuenced by the forces and moments generated by the re contact patches. See how re models can be used to develop car design and setup. Review/Evaluate best pracces for re pressures, temperatures and visual inspecon. Aer a review of fundamental aerodynamics, this secon will focus on the understanding of aero-maps, stac and dynamic ride height sengs and how to integrate them into the design of a suspension. This part of the seminar explains why wrong kinemacs cannot be patched by adjusng springs, anroll bars and dampers. Theories as well as ps and tricks on stac and dynamic camber, toe, KPI, caster, Ackermann, roll and pitch axis will be shared for race car designers and race engineers. Then, see how to tune the suspension kinemacs to get the most ecient use of the res. Understand how suspension kinemacs, springs, anroll bars and re vercal sness inuence the res vercal dynamic load, car grip and balance with step by step theory and a guided exercise. The knowledge acquired in previous chapters will be combined to dene and predict the balance of the car. Understand and quanfy the inuence that car design and setup parameters have on the car understeer and oversteer characteriscs, with numeric examples. Aer a brief descripon of damper technology, this part of the seminar will focus on how damper sengs have an inuence on re load, re load consistency, racecar performance and driver percepon of the car performance.



Steady State Weight Transfer Understeer & Oversteer Denition

Damper, Ride & Transient Weight Transfers

Several racecar engineers have con conrmed this chapter gave them many Car Design, Tuning, new and useful ideas on car design and tesng. A smart combinaon of Modication and Chassis Setup vehicle dynamics theory and driver e experimental feedback will help to successfully dene parameters such as a kinemacs, springs, anroll bars and dampers. This knowledge will help to considerably diminish the amount of me spent in tesng by making sense of simple simulaon tools.


Learn the methods that make OpmumGs consulng customers win races and championships. The exclusive Yaw moment method will help race engineers to close the loop between re, car and driver by qualifying and quanfying the essenal parameters of grip, balance, control and stability. Learn the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) method used to make sense of large amounts of acquired data while quickly and eciently measuring, comparing and analyzing car and driver performance.

Data Acquisition

+1 303 752 1562

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