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MAKHYAN JIBRIL AL FARABI 28th Juli 2013 Jade Khalife co-Chairperson Dear Jade Khalife I am highly honored writing this letter to you for expressing my interest in joining World Young Doctors Organization as the Editors for the Speakers' corner. Nowadays, the development of information and communication era has made better possibilities for medical students worldwide to access health related information. Thus, sharing toward World Young Doctors Organization Speakers' corner will be one of the better option to share our idea, opinion or even latest medical issues. Speakers' corner will have big importance toward the development of World Young Doctors Organization credibility, as the organization aim is to become the discussion and sharing center for young doctor from all over the world. Therefore, it will need great dedication and motivation to realize it. I believe that my passion toward writing, research and development will give strong impact toward my job as speakers corner. Previously I have already participated also in some International conferences and international writing training thus Ive understand some experience to improve the article or even write an article for WYDO. I am also having a lot of award for my research and paper both in National and International events which can be seen from my enclosed resume. Those experience make me responsible to dedicate these knowledge to benefit others, and I believe become part of the World Young Doctors Organization is the answer. In order to ensure compliance with the World Young Doctors Organization as Speakers' corner editor, I will commit to take any consequences for this job. Thank you very much for your time and hope to have a fruitful association with you in the near future for a long time.

Yours Respectfully,

Makhyan Jibril Al Farabi

World We Want Influencer

Dear World We Want Influencer Team I am highly honored writing this letter to you for expressing my interest in joining World We Want Influencer Team. Nowadays, the development of information and communication era has made better possibilities for medical students worldwide to access health related information and issues. Thus, sharing together with World We Want Influencer Team will be one of the better option to share our idea, opinion or even latest medical issues. Because there we can met a lot of person with various ideas and combine it into a concept which can be applied into public and give benefical impact toward people. Discussion about post 2015 agenda will have big importance toward the development of World in the future, as post 2015 agenda will be applied in a lot of countries. Therefore, it will need great preparation and consideration to prepare what will be needed in post 2014. I believe that my passion toward health development will give strong impact toward World We Want Influencer Team. Previously I have already participated in some health policy preparation in Indonesia and even gather the opinion from thousand of medical student in my countries to share their thought toward Future Development of Indonesias Health system. Those experience make me responsible to dedicate these knowledge to benefit others, and I believe become part of World We Want Influencer Team is the answer. In order to ensure compliance with the World We Want Influencer Team, I will commit to take any consequences for this job. Thank you very much for your time and hope to have a fruitful association with you in the near future for a long time.

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