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Nature of the Service Sector The rehab care caters to individuals with a DSM-IV Axis I Mental Health Diagnosis. In this category, it includes all diagnostic categories except mental retardation and personality disorder. Common Axis I disorders include depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, schizophrenia and substance-related disorders. The majority of mentally ill offenders were apprehended for property offenses, theft being most common. These are the following statistically significant findings pertaining to mentally ill offenders: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mentally ill offenders committed significantly more property offences. Crimes were significantly less dangerous and less physically violent. Fewer crimes involved use of a weapon. Significantly more crimes were seemingly without a motive or in response to an hallucination or delusion. Offenses were seldom planned. Crimes were more visible, most occurring during the day, with little attempt made to conceal the act.

It was found 18% of murders and attempted murders were committed by people with a mental illness. There were 45 violent crimes committed per 1,000 inhabitants. Of these, 2.4 were attributable to patients with severe mental illness, which also includes bipolar disorder (manic depression) and other psychoses. This means that 5.2% of all violent crimes over the period were committed by people with severe mental illness. When the figures were broken down, it was also found that 15.7% of arsons were committed by people with such illnesses, as were 7.5% of threats and harassment. Just under 7% of cases of assaulting an officer, 6.3% of aggravated assaults, 5% of sexual offences, 3.6% of robberies and 3% of common assaults were also carried out by this group. When the researchers looked specifically at violent crimes committed by women aged 25 to 39 - a much lower number than are committed by men - they found 14% were committed by those with serious psychiatric disorders. Meanwhile, one-quarter of those convicted of serious crimes have had contact with the mental health services, the vast bulk of these were either drug abusers or alcoholics or suffered from personality disorders other than schizophrenia or serious mental illnesses. Most had begun their criminal career before having any contact with psychiatric services. Literature reviews revealed that mentally ill individuals are more of victims rather than perpetrators of violence and substance-abuse is the major determinant of violence whether it occurs in the context of a concurrent mental illness or not. Problem Statement The rehabilitation care accepts men and women with a mental illness under the category of Axis I Mental Disorders. These patients basically commit crime due to various associated reasons. Like for example an individual diagnosed with schizophrenia was brought jail because he was stealing. One of the primary reasons of the theft is not because the person intents to steal but probably and maybe due to certain impulses in the brain that has control over them and influence their behaviour which results to such act. Substance-related committed crimes is also due to the influence of the substance taken by the abuser before doing a hideous act such as rape, robbery and many more.

Market Factors and Future Trends According to statistics, there is an increasing rate of individuals associated with substance addiction mainly due to irregular lifestyle. And these people may become potential clients for the center. Another factor is concerned with the third party payers; this includes the California Board of Corrections and Medicaid. The program is funded for 5 years and until then, the center seeks alternative funding after the grant period. This indicates that the center must work hard for high revenue to continue its operation.

Description The populations served are individuals with coexisting substance abuse and mental health problems involve in criminal justice system. From an outpatient program serving 25-60 clients a day out of 150 clients enrolled, the proposal has changed into an inpatient program with contracted clients of 15-20. The length of stay is estimated from 3-12 months depending on the severity of the substance use. Clients legible for the program are the ones with behavioral problems associated with substance use that lead to criminal activities. Unique Program or Features The programs offered are the following: linkage from jail or prison (enrolling clients first when still in jail), court advocacy, support groups, substance abuse groups, prevocational and vocational services, medication monitoring, after-hours crisis intervention, intensive care management, symptom management, and individual psychotherapy. The Harm Reduction Process Group Model is the basis of t he program to minimize harm related to substance use and is considered to produce an improvement in both client and staff morale, and increase of referrals.

Target Market and Characteristics The inpatient target market is more dominant in men than in women due to cases reported that there is an increase prevalence rate of men sentenced to jail with associated substance use. Catered clients aged from 16 to 45 years old diagnosed behavioral problems with coexisting substance use. The program has an average overall duration of 3 12 months treatment or long-term stay; a maximum capacity of 15 clients; and 75% productivity requires 5 new clients per 2 weeks. Strengths and Weaknesses of Competitors The new programs population targets are the ones who do not receive any mental health services from other rehabilitation centers or who havent gone any other treatments. The center aims at the reduction of incarceration of mental health service recipients. Other rehabilitation centers that do not provide any stabilized housing, substance abuse management, and management of mental health symptomatology to reduce jail revision is going to be covered up by the new service, Citywide Case Management Forensics Project. Strength Ones own vision is actualized The staff members working as part of a team Having the ability to modify things that are not effective

Weaknesses The need to continue to do things that do not work until the program is changed Wanting to be able to carry out more individual assessments and one-to-one environment Outcome data are being collected as part of an ongoing analysis but are not yet available

Opportunities Threats Staff turnover The sense of loss that goes with this staff change. 35% reduction in days in jail Fewer arrests Fewer parole revocations Reduced criminal justice costs Reduction in the rate of violent crimes, depressive symptoms, and self-reported use of drugs Increased ratings on quality of life and health status measures Increase client referrals

Advertising Promote Change for a Better Future, as the centers slogan. The clinic offers the most affordable yet equally competitive Forensic Treatment Services for Mental Health Clients. This offer is made especially to those clients who have financial difficulties so they could avail the rendered services which theyre muc h in need of. Flyers regarding the services offered will be spread throughout to give information and reach those whod wish to avail. The flyers will contain all the services that the center renders. It will also provide facts about OT services, its process and goals. Marketing Strategy The Center will affiliate with some of the jails that have the most number of prisoners who are the ideal clients. Tarpaulins will be posted in places nearby the police stations so that the significant others of the possible clients could be aware of the center and its services that could likely meet their needs.


Key players qualifications and experience The clinic hired the best of licensed Occupational Therapists who have a wide scope of experiences in the Forensic setting. Mostly are highly equipped with knowledge and skills that are much needed in providing quality health care service for the clients. Administrative Personnel The clinic is spearheaded by the owner himself who acts as the Administrator at the same time, Marc Francis Uykingtian OTRP, OTR, MBA. As one of the Board of Directors, Mithel Hannah Go, OTRP, OTR, also worked hand in hand with Mr. Uykingtian in supervising the clinic.

Professional Support Clients who are in need of further more help will be referred to the affiliated Psychiatrist Dr. Joe Ker, Psychologist Dr. Who Gas Plato Lim Po, Physician Dr. Henry Chua, Chief Supt. Asiong Salonga from the Police Station 1 and Supt. Juan dela Cruz from the Police Station 5. Ownership The Clinic is owned by a well-established Occupational Therapist in New Zealand who also has made a name across United States, Europe, Australia and some countries in Asia, Marc Francis L. Uykingtian, OTRP, OTR, MBA. Directors, advisors, community representation: President: Marc Francis Uykingtian, OTRP, OTR, MBA Vice President: Mithel Hannah Go, OTRP, OTR OT Managers: Ma. Fuerza Veraque, OTRP, OTR Cindy Jane Cisneros, OTRP, OTR OT Practitioners: Jaspar Aldwin Falcon, OTRP Kristeta Acebedo, OTRP Nievaben Fabiano, OTRP Michelle Inguillo, OTRP Goebel Ygay, OTRP Pauline Cioneller Sy, OTRP Jojeanne Lariosa, OTRP Eris Tomimasu, OTRP Bernadette Barte, OTRP

Staffing Patterns Assumptions: PT= 5.0 mods / rehab patient OT= 4.0 mods / rehab patient ST= 3.0 mods / rehab patient Productivity- 75% Census 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 No. of mods 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 No. of hours 33.33 31.67 30 28.33 26.67 25 23.33 21.67 20 18.33 16.67 15 13.33 PT hours 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 5 PTA hours 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 PT Aide 11 9 8 7 5 4 6 4 8 7 5 5 5 Total 27 25 24 23 21 20 19 17 16 15 13 12 10 HPPD 1.35 1.32 1.33 1.35 1.31 1.33 1.36 1.31 1.33 1.36 1.30 1.33 1.25

Census 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

No. of mods 80 76 72 68 64 60 56 52 48 44 40 36 32

No. of hours 26.67 25.33 24.00 22.67 21.33 20.00 18.67 17.33 16.00 14.67 13.33 12.00 10.67

OT hours 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5

COTA 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 0 0 0 0 0

OT Aide 11 9 8 7 5 4 6 4 8 7 5 5 5

Total 27 25 24 23 21 20 19 17 16 15 13 12 10

HPPD 1.35 1.32 1.33 1.35 1.31 1.33 1.36 1.31 1.33 1.36 1.30 1.33 1.25

Census 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

No. of mods 60 57 54 41 48 45 42 39 36 33 30 27 24

No. of hours 20.00 19.00 18.00 17.00 16.00 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 10.00 9.00 8.008

ST hours 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7

ST Aide 5 4 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 13 12 11 11 10 8 8 8 8 7 7 6 5

HPPD 0.65 0.63 0.61 0.65 0.63 0.53 0.57 0.62 0.67 0.64 0.70 0.67 0.63

Qualifications and number of Personnel The management must look for new staff members who are flexible enough and can function well with or without supervision, a graduate of physical/occupational/ speech therapy, willing to do many activities, accepts full-time work and with at least 3 work experiences. The management must also make sure that there will be enough number of personnel that will render services. Recruitment and Salary The management has hired a professional recruiter as well as advertised in the local newspaper and posted on the Internet about the job availability and requirements. Salary minimum level is the mandated amount and increased when discussed about position new staff applies for and level of experience he/she has undergone to determine expertise in the field. Training Management has established a training program about services staff needs to give in the program; on how to handle mentally ill law breakers and appropriate behaviors on the field for effective and efficient outcomes. First part with facilitators alone to learn basic practices and later on moving to staff in the program and on the actual setting for integration of learned knowledge and can practice with supervision.

The program funded by the California Board of Corrections Mentally Ill Offender Grant stated that the local plan is aimed at providing a cost-effective continuum of graduated responses, including prevention, intervention and incarceration, for mentally ill offenders. Prevention and intervention strategies must include mental health or substance abuse treatment and long-term stability following release from custody, thus, providing the program a 5year-funding to 17 populations.

Location The center is located in a run-down area of town that has a high concentration of individuals who need the service it provides. Licensing The Forensic Treatment Services for Mental Health Client is licensed primarily by the government to provide mentally ill offenders with an integrated service agency focusing on stabilized housing, substance abuse management, and management of mental health symptomatology to reduce jail recidivism. Building and Space requirements Enough space for the number of clients in the said program. The clients are screened daily before allowing them into the program to ensure that they are not under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol and do not have a behavior disorder. Equipment and Supplies Facilities include a cafe, an art area, a food bank, a food preparation area, two group rooms, seven interview rooms, and staff offices.

The program is well funded by the California Board of Corrections through the Mentally Ill Offender Grant. There is a 5-year funding for the programs offered and it will soon seek alternating funding immediately after the grant period. The indicators include the expected first 15-20 clients, their improvement in the intervention, and the recidivism reduction. The center will be open for follow-up evaluations and surveys that would have an objective and subjective measurement for an appropriate feedback from our clients. When we say subjective measurement, it would include questions relating to their improvement in the programs. While our teams evaluation with the outcome and measuring clients improvement through standardized functional measures will serve as the objective measurement. For the different goals and indicators for each of the costumers; the quality of the program, the third-party payer, and the funding agency will be proportionated for positive outcome associated by other indicators.

The risks that are needed to be taken into consideration are the possible challenges that the staff will be facing for the upcoming changes in our programs. Adjustments in their performance must be done in accordance to the new program model; wherein they would be taking greater intervention planning in order to provide the harm reduction process group model. Another risk is the need of budget increase and as well as there must be an expected better gross profit. The reason for the need of budget increase is due to expected increase in clients, thus increasing both direct and indirect costs. Also, the centers efficiency will have the gross profit as one of the basis whether there is an optimal efficiency or the new business plan has compromised the margin. Lastly, the opportunities laid should be taken into consideration; wherein it should be achievable or else it might be one factor of fluctuations.

Promote Change for a Better Future

Acebedo, Kristeta Barte, Bernadette Cisneros, Cindy Jane Fabiano, Nievaben Falcon, Jaspar Aldwin Go, Mithel Hannah Inguillo, Michelle Lariosa, Jojeanne Sy, Cionelle Pauline Tomimasu, Eris Uykingtian, Marc Francis

Veraque, Ma. Fuerza Juris Ygay, Goebel Anwin

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