Donald Poduska. Classical Myth in Music. A Selective List

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Classical Myth in Music: A Selective List Author(s): Donald M. Poduska Source: The Classical World, Vol. 92, No.

3 (Jan. - Feb., 1999), pp. 195-276 Published by: Classical Association of the Atlantic States Stable URL: Accessed: 15/03/2010 09:20
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This survey provides a bibliographical resource for those teachers who wish to add a music component to their courses in classical mythology. Much work has been done on the classical tradition in the visual arts, but little has been done with music, an area developing so rapidly that even such an admirable work as The Oxford Guide to Classical Mythology in the Arts, 1300-1990s has been unable to keep up with it. The survey lists those musical works which revolve around some mythical character known to the Greeks and Romans, whether the composer is merely alluding to the character, retelling the familiar story, or creating a new story with familiar characters, and which are presently available in CD format. (Works named after the fact by someone other than the composer [e.g., Mozart's Symphony No. 41 "Jupiter"]or works with seemingly mythical subjects [e.g., Nicholas Maw's Odyssey] have been omitted.) What is truly amazing today is the availability of older works never recorded before or long unavailable as well as of newly created musical works still using classical mythical characters. The format is that of The Oxford Guide to Classical Mythology in the Arts, 1300-1990s; each mythical character or theme is listed alphabetically followed by the musical works listed chronologically with the addition of (when available) the playing time of a work, a short description of it, and its date and CD reference. An asterisk has been placed before a preferred recording (based on the judgment of music critics) when multiple recordings are available. Recordings of selections from a work are generally omitted when the complete work is available. When a CD contains more than one mythical work, reference to the additional work(s) is made in the CD listing. No one source of information has a complete list of available musical works. The major sources, among others, are the various editions of The Penguin Guide to Compact Discs and Cassettes, CD Guide to Classical Music and its periodic updates, Fanfare magazine, American Record Guide magazine, Gramophonemagazine, Stevenson Guide to Compact Discs, and the monthly catalogue of Records International (graciously provided by Jerry Clack). Any additions would be appreciated. ACHILLES (see also HECTOR, HECUBA, IPHIGENIA, MEMNON, PENTHESILEA, TROJANWAR) Achille Oisif (Achilles Idle) (I 714), 12:00, Campra,Andrd(1660-1744). A cantataabout Achilles' unsuccessful attemptto sit out the Trojan War on Scyros. * PIERREVERANY786101 (with his Arion, Daphne, Didon, Hibe). Achille in Sciro (1765), Agricola, Johann Friedrich(1720-1774). An opera in three acts on the same story of Achilles' attemptto avoid the Trojan War. * CPO 10113 195



Achilles Goes Forth to Battle (1930), 9:00, Bliss, Arthur (1891-1975). A section of Morning Heroes, a symphony for orator, chorus, and orchestra, on lines from the Iliad 19. * BBC CONCERT CLASSICS 91992, CALA 1010, EMI 63902 Songs for Achilles (1961), 15:30, Tippett, Michael (1905-). Three songs for tenor and guitar from his opera King Priam on the bond between Achilles and Patroclus. * HYPERION 66700 Achilles and the Tortoise (1983), 9:30, N0rgard, Per (1932-). A work for piano illustrating Zeno's paradox on the infinite divisibility of a given distance. * KONTRAPUNKT 32147 La Colere d'Achille: Mythologie I (1991), 15:30, Fdnelon, Philippe (19521994). A work for strings and solo flute representing Achilles and focusing on Achilles' killing of Hector. * THESIS 82057 (with his He'lios, Orion, Ulysse) ACTAEON (see also ARTEMIS) Action (1683-85), 45:00, Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1635-1705). A pastorale (tragedie en musique) on the tale from the start of the hunt to Actaeon's death. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901095, 901316/18 (3) ("Les Arts Florissants, Ten Years," excerpts, with selections from his Medee, Lully's Atys, Purcell's Dido and Aeneas, Campra's Enee et Didon), MUSIQUE D'ABORD 1095 (same performance as HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901095) Acteon Transformed into a Stag (c.1781), 18:30, Dittersdorf, Karl (17391799). Symphony No. 3 from Six Symphonies after Ovid's Metamorphoses on Metamorphoses 3. * CALIG 50885/6 (2), CHANDOS 8564/5 (2), MHS 522223, NAXOS 8.553368, SUPRAPHON 110579 (2) Der Zurnenden Diana (Diana Angered) (1820), 6:00, Schubert, Franz (17971828). A song on Johann Mayrhofer's poem about the dying Actaeon's rejoicing at having seen Artemis naked. * DG 437225 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 2"), HYPERION 33014 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 14," songs dealing with Greek mythical figures), TUDOR 764 ("Lieder Set to Poems by Johann Mayrhofer," with his Atys, Fahrt zum Hades, Philoktet, Uraniens Flucht) Diane and Actaeon (1886), 7:00, Drigo, Ricardo (1846-1930). A pas de deux choreographed by Marius Petipa and later added to Jules Perrot's ballet La Esmeralda. * LONDON 421818 (2) ("Ballet Gala") Walking the Woods (1927), 2:00, Warlock, Peter (Philip Heseltine) (18941930). Music for an unknown poet's wish to be Actaeon so that in his cervine form he could be near his beloved. * CHANDOS 8643 (with his Rest, Sweet Nymphs) Tod des Aktaeon (1960), 5:30, Banter, Harald (1930-). An excerpt from a ballet Diana Sopresa. * MARCO POLO 8.223860 (with his Phadra)



ADONIS Plainte de Venus sur la Mort d'Adonis (1669), 4:00, Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687). An interlude for five-part string ensemble and vocal soloist in Ballet Royal de Flore on Venus' lament. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77218 (with his Entree pour Bacchus et Ariadne, Recit d'Orphee from Divertissement 1, Ouverture de Psyche from Divertissement II, Entree d'Apollon from Divertissement III) Venus and Adonis (1681), 53:00, Blow, John (1649-1708). A masque presenting the familiar story with Adonis dying in the arms of Venus. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 49623 (2) (with Gibbons' Cupid and Death), HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901276, L'OISEAULYRE 440220 II Giardino dAmore (c.1700), 53:00, Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660-1725). A serenata in which Venus and Adonis find each other in the garden and profess their mutual love. * ACCORD 200082 La Purpura de la Rosa (1701), 67:00, Torrej6n y Velasco, Tomias de (16441728). An opera, the first composed and performed in the New World, about Venus and Adonis. * NUOVA ERA 6936 Fruhlingsfeier (1906), 3:30, Strauss, Richard (1864-1949). One of six Lieder, op.56 on Heinrich Heine's poem of a sorrowful invocation of Adonis by girls at a spring festival. * CHANDOS 9159 (with his Gesang der Apollopriesterin), EMI 640002 Diploration pour Adonis (1914), 2:00, Lourid, Arthur (1893-1966). A song from Le Chants Grecs sur des Textes de Sapho addressed to Venus on the death of Adonis. * LE CHANT DU MONDE 288025 ("Mdlodies Russes des Ann6es 1920," with his Priere a Aphrodite and Le Jardin des Nymphes) Cinque Frammenti di Saffo (1942), 2:00, Dallapiccola, Luigi (1904-1975). The third part of a set from Liriche Greche for voice and diverse chamber group lamenting the death of Adonis. * ENTR'ACTE 6504 (with his Due Liriche Anacreonte [Eros]), ERATO 98509 (with his Due Liriche Anacreonte), NUOVA ERA 7109 The Garden of Adonis (1972), 14:30, Hovhaness, Alan (1911-). A chamber work for flute and harp on a reference in Edmund Spenser's The Faerie

* BIS 143 Venus and Adonis (1980), 13:00, Loevendie, Theo (1930-). Incidental music for Shakespeare's narrative poem on Ovid's Metamorphoses 10 about the lovers. * ETCETERA 1097 AENEAS (see also TROJAN WAR) La Didone (1641), 48:30, Cavalli, Pier Francesco (1602-1676). Excerpts from an opera on the Aeneid about Dido's love for Aeneas, her abandonment, then her rescue by Iarbas. * AUDIVIS 6118



Dido and Aeneas (1689), 58:00, Purcell, Henry (1659-1695). An opera on the Aeneid in which Dido's abandonment is effected by witches. ANGEL 61006, ARCHIV 427624, 431121, ARKADIA 619, CBC 5147, CHANDOS 0521, 0586, *8306, EMI 65664, ERATO 45263, *98477, GLOBE 5020, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 905173, 907110, LONDON 425720, *L'OISEAU-LYRE 436992, NAXOS 8.553108, PHILIPS 416299, *432114, TELARC 80424, TELDEC *42959, 91191, 93686, VOX 7518 Didon (1708), 10:30, Campra, Andrd (1660-1744). A solo cantata in which Dido laments her abandonment. * PIERRE VERANY 786101 (with his Achille OisifJ Arion, Daphne, Hebe) Le Mort de Didon (c. 1709), 12:00, Monteclair, Michel Pignolet de (16671737). A cantata for soprano and ensemble on Dido's lament over her desertion by Aeneas and her death. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901280 (with his Le Triomphe de l'Amour and Pyrame et Thisbe), KOCH INTERNATIONALCLASSICS 370962 ("French Cantatas of the 18th Century," with his Pan et Syrinx and Cldrambault's Medee) Enee et Didon (1714), 15:00, Campra,Andre (1660-1744). A cantataabout Aeneas' winning of Dido during a storm, but without the tragic aftermath. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901238 (with his Arion and Le Dispute de l'Amouret de l'Hymen), 901316/8 (3) ("Les Arts Florissants, Ten Years," with selections from his Action, Lully's Atys, Purcell's Dido and Aeneas) Didone Abbandonata (1734), 11:00, Tartini, Giuseppe (1692-1770). A violin sonata in which the music suggests Dido's moods of love and despair. * BIDDULPH LAW 006 ("Romantic Baroque Violin"), HYPERION 66430, PAVANE 7220 Didone Abbandonata (1747), 169:00, Jommelli, Niccol6 (1714-1774). An opera in which Dido is deserted by Aeneas, sees her city burned, and dies in the conflagration. * ORFEO 381953 (2) Ascanio in Alba (1771), 164:00, Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791). An opera about Ascanius' marriage to the nymph Silvia of Alba Longa. * ADDA 590043 (2), FOYER 2032 (2), NAXOS 8.660040/1 (2), *PHILIPS 422530 (3) Didon (1783), 153:00, Piccinni, Niccol6 (1728-1800). An opera on the Aeneid with larbas and Aeneas as rivals for Dido until Anchises orders Aeneas to leave. * ARKADIA 596 (2) Aeneas zu Dido (1810), 7:00, Reichardt, Johann Friedrich (1752-1814). A song for solo voice and harp on Aeneid IV.331-362 by way of Friedrich von Schiller as Aeneas pleads his case. * ORFEO245921 ("Liederfor Solo Voice and Harp,"with his Prometheus) Vedi Quanto Adoro (1816), 5:00, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song from text in Pietro Metastasio's Didone Abbandonata presenting Dido's lament. * HYPERION 33009 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 9"), *LONDON 440297 ("The Impatient Lover," with his Pensa, Che Questo Istante (Heracles) and Haydn's Arianna auf Naxos) Didone Abbandonata (1821), 23:00, Clementi, Muzio (1752-1832). A piano sonata, opus 50/3, as a scena tragica depicting the gamut of Dido's emotions.



* AMON RA SAR-8 Sub Nocte per Umbras (1989), 32:30, de Vries, Klaas (1944-). A processional for large ensemble suggested by Aeneas' descent into the underworld at Aeneid 6.268. * DONEMUS 34 AEOLUS Der Zufriedengestellte Aeolus (BWV205) (1725), 41:00, Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750). A cantata on Vergil with a raging Aeolus calmed by the work's dedicatee, botanist August Mueller. * BERLIN CLASSICS 9224, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901544/ 5 (2) (With his BWV 201-Midas and BWV 213- Hercules), PHILIPS 432161, TELDEC 42915 Les Eolides (1876), 11:00, Franck, Cesar (1821-1890). A symphonic poem on Charles Leconte De Lisle's poem about the Aeolian winds. * ARION 68293 (with his Psyche), ARKADIA 453 (with his Psyche), ERATO 45552 (with his Psyche), 88167, IMP 9037, LONDON 433718, MUSIC & ARTS 274 (with his Psyche), NAXOS 8.553631, RICERCAR 9058/9 (2) (with his Psyche), TELDEC 74863 Aeolus, God of the Winds (1977), 17:30, Adler, Samuel (1928-). A work for clarinet and piano trio with one movement each for Zephyrus, Boreas, Eurus, and Notus. * GASPARO 298 AGES OF THE WORLD The Four Ages of Man (c. 1781), 17:30, Dittersdorf, Karl (1739-1799). Symphony No. 1 from Six Symphonies after Ovid's Metamorphoses on Metamorphoses 1. * *CALIG 50885/6 (2), CHANDOS 8564/5 (2), MHS 522223, NAXOS 8.553368, SUPRAPHON 110579 (2) AJAX (see also TROJAN WAR) Ajax (1972), 9:30, Eaton, John (1935-). A work for baritone and instrumental ensemble on Sophocles with Ajax reflecting on his insane slaughter. * INDIANA UNIVERSITY 04 (with his Clytemnestra, From the Cave of the Sibyl, Aphrodite Rising) ALCESTIS Alceste (1674), 166:00, Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687). An operatic adaptation of Euripides with Admetus killed by a rival and Heracles in love with Alcestis. * *ASTREE 8527 (3), *DISQUES MONTAIGNE 782012 (3) (same recording) Alceste (1749), 57:00, Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759). Incidental music for a masque or semi-opera by Tobias Smollett on Euripides' play. * L'OISEAU-LYRE 421479 Alceste (1767, 1776), 151:00, Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714-1787). An opera on Euripides' play. * (1767 Italian version) LONDON 436234 (3) * (1776 French version) EKLIPSE 24 (2), MELODRAM 26026 (2), ORFEO 027 823 (3) Alcestis (1960), 10:30, Fine, Vivian (1913-). Four sections from music for a ballet using the myth as a metaphor for the coming of spring and life. * CRI 692



ALCYONE AND CEYX Alcione (1706), 155:00, Marais, Marin (1656-1728). An opera on Ovid's Metamorphoses 11 with addition of a friend torn between loyalty to Ceyx and love for Alcyone. * ERATO/MUSIFRANCE 45522 (3), ASTREE 8525 (orchestral suite 53:00) Alcyone (1902), 27:00, Ravel, Maurice (1875-1937). A cantata for three solo voices and orchestra on her lament for Ceyx and her reunion with him in death. * AUDIVIS-VALOIS 4644, RIZZOLI 2005 ALPHEUS AND ARETHUSA Alphee et Arethuse (1713), 14:00, Cldrambault, Louis-Nicolas (1676-1749). A cantata from Cantates FranCoises, Livre 2, but with a twist as Arethusa relents to the wooing of Alpheus. * MERIDIAN 84272 ("Triumph of Apollo," with his Apollon) Aretusa (1911), 12:00, Respighi, Ottorino (1879-1936). A cantata for mezzosoprano and orchestra on Percy Bysshe Shelley's poem of Arethusa's becoming a fountain. * CHANDOS 9453 (with his Deita Silvane), COLLINS CLASSICS 1349 (with his Trittico), MARCO POLO 8.223347 La Fontane dArethuse (1915), 6:00, Szymanowski, Karol (1882-1937). One part of Mythes for violin and piano, inspired by a visit to the fountain in Syracuse. * ACCORD 201122, CHANDOS 8747, DG 431469, EMI 55169, KOCH SCHWANN 311552, ONDINE 759, PAVANE 7280, SIMAX 1115 ("Quasi Una Sonata") Arethusa (1951), 2:00, Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976). One of Six Metamorphoses after Ovid for solo oboe about her change into a fountain as she flees a lover. * CAMERATA 30CM-449, CHANNEL 9326, CRYSTAL 323, 325, EMI 55398, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 911556, HYPERION 66776, MERIDIAN 84119, NORWAY MUSIC 1004, SIMAX 1022, SONPACT 94011, UNICORN-KANCHANA 9121, VICTORIA 19036 AMPHION Amphion (1777), 8:00, Naumann, Johann (1741-1801). Selections from an opera-ballet about Amphion's winning Antiope through his musical powers. * MUSICA SVECIAE 426 ("Gustavian Operas,"with Haeffner's Electra and Uttini's Thetis och Pelee) Amphion (Prelude, Fugue, and Postlude) (1929), 40:00, Honegger, Arthur (1892-1955). Parts of a ballet-melodrama for Paul Valery's Amphion with Apollo ordering Amphion to invent music. * ERATO 45862 (also contains his Phaedra Prelude), TIMPANI 1035 AMPHITRITE Le Cortege dAmphitrite (1905-7), 3:00, Koechlin, Charles (1867-1930). A song in Au Flanc du Verse on Albert Samain's poem about her procession across the sea. * HYPERION 66243 ("Le Cortege d'Amphitrite," with his Amethyste, Hymne a' Venus, La Naiade)



AMPHITRYON AND ALCMENE Amphitrion or the Two Sosias (1690), 9:30, Purcell, Henry (1659-1695). Some of the music for John Dryden's comedy after Plautus and Moliere. * HYPERION 6700 1/3 (3) ("Complete Ayres for the Theater"), L'OISEAU-LYRE 444 620 ("The Glory of Purcell") Amphitryon (1787), Kraus, Josef Martin (1756-1792). Entr'acte and ballet music for a performance of Moliere's Amphitryon. * OPUS 3 19304 ("Viriditas per Omnibus") Amphitrion, 8:00, Wagenaar, Johan (1862-1941). An overture inspired by Heinrich von Kleist's serious drama of the same comic story. * LONDON 425833 Out of This World (1950), 64:00, Porter, Cole (1891-1964). A musical comedy on Plautus' Amphitryon with Zeus as a still persistent lover in the 20th century. * DRG 94764, SONY 48223 Olympus on My Mind (1986), 47:00, Sturiale, Grant. A musical comedy on the same exploits of Kleist's play. * JAY 1238 ANDROMACHE (see also HECTOR, TROJAN WAR) Ermione (1819), 120:00, Rossini, Gioacchino (1792-1868). An opera on Jean Racine's Andromaque of Hermione's rebuff by Pyrrhus and her revenge after the Trojan War. * ERATO 45790 (2), 75336 (2). Andromaque (1903), 13:00, Saint-Saens, Camille (1835-1921). The overture and prelude to the fourth act of incidental music for Jean Racine's play. * VALOIS 4688 Andromache's Farewell (1962), 12:30, Barber, Samuel (1910-1981). A work for soprano and orchestra on a scene from Euripides' The Trojan Women. * ETCETERA 1145, SONY 46727, 62837 (with his Medea's Meditation and Dance of Vengeance) ANTIGONE (see also OEDIPUS) Antigone (1841), 55:00, Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847). Incidental music with an overture and music for choruses only for Sophocles' tragedy. * CAPRICCIO 10392 Antigone (1921-2), 25:00, Raitio, Vdin6 (1891-1945). A three-movement tone poem on this mythical heroine. * ONDINE 790 Antigone (1927), 44:00, Honegger, Arthur (1892-1955). An opera on Jean Cocteau's adaptation of Sophocles' play. * BOURG 17, PHILIPS 434105 Sinfonia de Antigone (Symphony No. 1) (1933), 14:00, Chavez, Carlos (18991978). Originally incidental music for a Jean Cocteau production of Sophocles' Antigone. * ASV 653, 942 ("Musica Mexicana, vol. 8"), EVEREST 9041, MMG 10002, PHILIPS 422305, VOX BOX 5061 (2) Antigonae (1949), 140:00, Orff, Carl (1895-1982). Music to enhance Friedrich Holderlin's close rendering of Sophocles' Antigone. * DG 437721, *ORFEO D'OR 407952 (2), STRADIVARIUS 10060 (2)



Antigone (1981-2), 19:00, Hvoslef, Ketil (1939-). A set of symphonic variations for orchestra on incidental music for Sophocles' Antigone. * AURORA 4969 Antigone-Legend (1982), 53:00, Rzewski, Frederic (1938-). A work for soprano and piano on Bertholt Brecht's poem about her courage and dignity in the face of tyranny. * CRI 548, 747 Hymn to the Human Spirit (1983), 12:00, Constantinides, Dinos (1929-). A work for tenor and orchestra on Sophocles' Antigone. * VESTIGE 04 Antigone (1991), 53:30, de Leeuw, Ton (1926-1996). A musical drama on Sophocles' play emphasizing the idea of humans as pawns of the gods. * NM CLASSICS 92036 Antigone (Symphony No. 4) (1994), 20:00, Constantinides, Dinos (1929-). A symphony from incidental music for a production of Sophocles' play. * CAPSTONE 8627 ("Tonus Tomis") APHRODITE/VENUS (see also ADONIS, OLYMPIAN GODS, PYGMALION) La Deesse Venus (1588), 4:00, Monte, Philippe de (1521-1603). A song for five voices from Bk. 13 of his madrigals on a text of Sappho. * EMI 63428 ("Sacred and Secular Works"), 67118 ("Hilliard Ensemble: Highlights") Sappho to the Goddess of Love (1700), 6:00, Blow, John (1649-1708). A song for soprano and strings with Sappho asking Venus to aid her with her arts of love. * ELEKTRA-NONESUCH 79156 ("Welcome Every Guest") Aphrodite Symphony (1792), 26:30, Vranicky, Antonin (1761-1820). A program symphony suggesting the Greek goddess. * SUPRAPHON 72438 Tannhauser (1845), 183:00, Wagner, Richard (1813-1883). An opera about a minstrel-knight in medieval Germany seeking release from Venus who represents carnal love. * (Dresden) ANGEL 47295 (3), *EMI 63214 (3), HIS MASTER'S VOICE 747296-8 (3), MELODRAM 322 (4), 36105 (3), 37073 (3), 37091 (3), PHILIPS 420122 (3), PREISER 90133 (3), SERENISSIMA 360166 (3); (Paris) ARKADIA 204(3), 432 (3), *DG 427625 (3), 435405 (3), HUNT PRODUCTIONS 34032 (3), *LONDON 414581 (3), MYTO 932.77 (3), PEARL 9941 (2), *PHILIPS 434607 (3), STRADIVARIUS 12318 (3); (selections) CHESKY 19, LEGATO CLASSICS 168 (2), RELIEF 1881, TELDEC 91973, VAI AUDIO 1084; (orchestral excerpts) DELOS 3040, SONY 47178 ("Tannhttuser without Words") Hymne ai Venus (1904), 13:30, Magnard, Alberic (1865-1914). A symphonic poem emphasizing power more than sensuousness. * RICERCAR 30005 ("Du Crepuscule A L'Aurore") Hymn to Aphrodite (1906), 7:30, Bantock, Granville (1868-1946). A song from the song cycle Sappho on text by Sappho about the goddess of love. * HYPERION 66899 (with his Muse of the Golden Throne) Aphrodite (1910), 28:00, Chadwick, George (1854-1931). A symphonic poem about both the power of love and the charm of the sea. * REFERENCE 74



Khrizis(1912), 44:00, Gliere, Reinhold (1875-1956). A suite of music from a ballet in which a Greekgirl seeking happinessis destroyedby Venus.
* CONSONANCE 81-3000 Priere a Aphrodite (1914), 1:00, Lourid, Arthur(1893-1966). A prayer to

the goddess asking for a favor. * LE CHANT DU MONDE 288025 ("Melodies Russes des Anndes
1920," with his Deploration pour Adonis and Le Jardin des Nymphes)

Hymneai Venus(1918), 4:00, Koechlin, Charles (1867-1930). A song in 2 Melodies on the second canto of Philippe Auguste Villiers de L'Isle Adam's poem about the sensual love of pagans in opposition to the love of Christ. * HYPERION 66243 ("Le Corteged'Amphitrite," with his Ame'thyste,
Le Cortege d'Amphitrite, La Naiade)

Venus (1922), 91:00, Schoeck, Othmar(1886-1957). An opera on Prosper Mdrimde's La Venusd'ille with elementsfrom Josephvon Eichendorff's Das Marmorbild in which an ancient statue comes to life and infatuates and then kills a young man. * MUSIKSZENESCHWEIZ6112 (2) The Birth of Venus(1927), 5:00, Respighi, Ottorino(1879-1936). One musical picturefrom TritticoBotticelliano,setting to music the composer's reaction to the painting. * CALA1007,CAMPION 1316,CBC5080, CHANDOS 8913, COLLINS CLASSICS1349, DENON78916, *DG 437533, EMI 47844, 69358 (2), STRADIVARI8013, SUPRAPHON110683, TELARC80309, *TELDEC91729 TheCyprian Goddess (1938-9), 24:30,Bantock, Granville (1868-1946).Symphony No. 3 centeringon Venus after inspiration from a sea voyage to Cyprus. * HYPERION66810 One Touch of Venus (1943), 13:00, Weill, Kurt (1900-1950). Selections from a musical comedy on FrankAnstey's short story about a barber bringing a statue of Venus to life. * DG 439894 ("Speak Low"), DRG 5207 ("Julie Wilson Sings the Kurt Weill Songbook"), KOCH SCHWANN 314162, LONDON 425204 ("Ute Lemper Sings Kurt Weill"), 440280, NONESUCH 79131 ("StratasSings Weill"), PEARL9189 (2) ("FromBerlin to Broadway") Trionfo di Afrodite (1953), 41:00, Orff, Carl (1895-1982). A concerto of seven scenes, the final part of the triptych Trionfi, set to poems by Catullus, Sappho, and Euripides. * BERLINCLASSICS2047 (2), EMI 55517, SUPRAPHON110321 (2), WERGO6275 (3)
Ode to Venus (Symphonique #3) (1954, rev. 1960, 1969), 6:00, Moondog

(Louis Hardin) (1916-). A work for strings and woodwinds evoking the joys and sorrows of love. * CBS 44994 ("The Music of Moondog") Venus (1959), 2:30, Marshall,EdwardH. (1932-). A pop song in which a modern-daylover asks Venus to send him the perfect mate. * RHINO 70620 ("BillboardTop Rock 'N' Roll Hits-1959") 11 Giardino di Afrodite (1961), 5:00, Pizzetti, Ildebrando(1880-1968). A part of Due ComposizioniCorali on one of Sappho's poem addressed to the goddess. * CHANDOS8964 Venus in Blue Jeans (1962), 2:30, Greenfield, Howard (d. 1986). A pop



song in which someone likens his new love to a teenage Venus. ACE 2038 ("The Very Best of Jimmy Clanton"), 2073 ("Letter from an Angel"), DC 8892 ("Dick Clark's All-Time 21 Hits, Vol. 2"), DELTA 11024 ("American Dreams"), DOMINION 607 ("Golden Years: 1962"), HIGHLAND 283 ("Super Hits of the 60s"), HOLLYWOOD 283 ("Super Hits of the 60s"), K-TEL 6072 ("Golden Years: 1962"), KING 2377 ("Hits from 1962"), LASERLIGHT 12323 ("American Dreams"), ORIGINAL SOUND 8892 ("21 All-Time Hits, Vol. 2") Anahit (Lyrical Poem Dedicated to Venus) (1965), 13:00, Scelsi, Giacinto (1905-1988). A work for violin and chamber orchestra to an eastern goddess of water associated with Venus. * ACCORD 200612, CP2 108. Sao-no-Kyoku (The Venus in Spring) (c.1973), 8:00, Miki, Minoru (1930). A work for koto seen through Westernized Japanese eyes. * CAMERATA 55 Tatsuta-no-Kyoku(The Venus in Autumn) (c.1973), 8:30, Miki, Minoru (1930-). A work for koto seen through Westernized Japanese eyes. * CAMERATA 55 Birth of Venus (1976-7), 3:00, Korte, Oldrich (1926-). The first movement of Wonderful Circus, written for Prague's Laterna Magica Theater. * PANTON 1257 The Vigil of Venus (1980), 78:00, Lloyd, George (1913-). A choral composition for tenor, soprano, and orchestra using the Pervigilium Veneris as text. * ALBANY TROY 170, ARGO 430329 Birth of Venus (1981), 5:00, Ciani, Suzanne (1946-). The first part of Seven Waves for electronic instruments on Venus' rising from the sea. * PRIVATE MUSIC 2046 (with her Sirens) Aphrodite Rising (1981), 2:00, Eaton, John (1935-). A song for soprano and flute from A Greek Vision on poems by Angelos Sikelianos about the birth of beauty. * INDIANA UNIVERSITY 04 (with his Ajax, Clytemnestra, From the Cave of the Sibyl) Venus (1986), 3:30, Leeuwen, R. A pop song about the goddess of beauty and love written for the female trio Bananarama. * LONDON 828158 ("Greatest Hits Collection"), RAZOR & TIE 2063 ("True Confessions") A Summerfield Set (1988), 12:00, Harrison, Lou (1917-). A work for solo piano on the invocation to Venus at the beginning of Lucretius' De Rerum Natura. * MUSICMASTERS 7051 (with his Ariadne) Walk on Water (1990), 4:00, Cohn, Marc (1959-). A pop song about two lovers at water's edge awaiting Venus' re-emergence from the sea. * ATLANTIC 82178 The Flight of Aphrodite (1993), 21:00, Baker, Michael Conway (1937-). A work for violin and chamber orchestra inspired by the goddess of love. * SUMMIT 182 ("Hope's Journey") APOLLO/HELIOS (see also DAPHNE, HYACINTH, MARSYAS, MIDAS) Apollo Slays the Monster at Delphi (1589), 6:00, Marenzio, Luca (1553/41599). One of six interludesfor Girolamo Bargagli's comedy La Pellegrina. * EMI 47998 ("Una 'Stravaganza' dei Medici," with his Pierides and Malvessi's Arion and Jove)

CLASSICAL MYTH IN MUSIC Entree d'Apollon (1681), 3:00, Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687).

205 Music for

five-part string ensemble and singer separatingscenes of an act in the ballet Le Triomphede I'Amour. HARMONIA MUNDI77218 (with his Plainte de Venus * DEUTSCHE Entriepour Bacchuset Ariadne,Recitd'Orphee sur la Mortd'Adonis, from Divertissement de Psyche from Divertissement I, Ouverture II) L'Apollon Enjoue (1700), Kusser, Johann(1660-1727). The overturefrom a lost opera. * AMATI 9012/1 ("Lully in Deutschland") Louis-Nicolas (1676-1749). A L'Isle de Delos (1716), 21:00, Cldrambault, cantata celebrating the birthplaceof Apollo as a place of peace and beauty. * OPUS 111 9103 (with his Apollon et Doris, Liandre et Hero, and Pirame et Tisbe) Louis-Nicolas (1676-1749). A cantata Apollon (1716), 21:00, Ckdrambault, from Cantates Franqoises, Livre 3 about Apollo taking a shepherdto Parnassusto hear the Muses sing. * MERIDIAN84272 ("The Triumphof Apollo," with his Alphee et

Louis-Nicolas (1676-1749). A Apollon et Doris (1720), 18:00, Cldrambault, cantatain which Apollo breaksdown Doris' resistancewith the promise of eternal fidelity. * OPUS 111 9103 (with his L 'Isle de Delos, Leandreet Hero, Pirame et Tisbi)
Dorilla in Tempe (1726), 148:00, Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741). An opera

in which Apollo asks Dorilla for her love, but is rejected.

* PIERRE VERANY 794092 (2)

La Naissance de la Musette(1741), 17:00, Corrette,Michel (1709-1795). A cantata in which Apollo creates a musette so that he can release his passions on it. * JECKLIN 616 (with selections from his Les Amusements d'Apollon chez le Roi Admete) Les Amusements d'Apollonchez le Roi Admete(1742), 13:00, Corrette,Michel (1709-1795). A sonata for harpsichordand flute on Admetus' thanks to Apollo for helping him win Alcestis. * AMON RA 57, JECKLIN616 (selections, with his La Naissance de la Musette) Le Templede la Gloire (1745), 34:00, Rameau,Jean-Philippe(1683-1764). An orchestral suite from an opera on Voltaire's text about Apollo's establishing a temple for the wise and forgiving. * HARMONIAMUNDI FRANCE907121(with his Nais) Apollo, Symphonie Concertante in D major (1778-c.1805), 23:00, Pichl, Viclav (Wenzel Pichel) (1741-1805). A symphonicconcertantewhose title suggests the composer's interest in classical myth. * OLYMPIA434 (with his Mars Symphony) CarmenSaeculare (1779), 73:30, Philidor (Danican, Fran9ois-Andrd) (17261795). Music in cantataform for Horace'sCarmenSaeculare, addressed to Apollo and Artemis. * ERATO MUSIFRANCE 45609 Freiwilliges Versinken(1820), 4:30, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Johann Mayrhofer's poem in which the poet sees a parallel to himself in Helios. -ERATO 98493 (with his An Schwager Kronos and Die Gotter HYPERION 33014 ("TheHyperion Schubert Edition: Griechenlands),



Complete Songs vol. 14," songs dealing with Greek mythical figures) Orakel-Spruche (1851), 7:00, Strauss II, Johann (1825-1899). A waltz inspired by Apollo's oracle at Delphi. * MARCO POLO 8.223229 Apollomarsch (1862), 3:00, Bruckner, Anton (1824-1896). A work for military band whose attribution to Bruckner is questioned. * KOSEI 3072. Gesang der Apollopriesterin (1896), 7:30, Strauss, Richard (1864-1949). A song for soprano and orchestra from Two Songs, Op. 33 on E. von und zu Bodmann's text welcoming the god. * CHANDOS 8631, 9159 (with his Fruhlingsfeier) Helios (1903), 12:00, Nielsen, Carl (1865-1931). A concert overture inspired by a sunset over the Aegean Sea during a trip to Greece. * CBS 42093, CHANDOS 6533, *9287 (with his Pan and Syrinx), DG 447757 (with his Pan and Syrinx), DUTTON 2502, KONTRAPUNKT 32157, PHILIPS 438867, SONY 45989 First Choral Symphony: Finale (1924), 19:00, Holst, Gustav (1874-1934). A work for soprano, chorus, and orchestra whose finale draws upon John Keats' Hymn to Apollo. * HYPERION 66660, INTAGLIO 740 Hymn to Apollo (1926, rev. 1965), 10:30, Bliss, Arthur (1891-1975). A tone poem for orchestra about Apollo as god of healing who can end both physical and emotional pain. * CHANDOS 8818, LYRITA 225 (1966 rev.) Apollo (Apollon Musagete) (1928, rev.1947), 31:00, Stravinsky, Igor (18821971). A ballet about Apollo's birth with dances by three Muses as each receives her specific gift. * ASV 618 (with his Orpheus), CBC 5161, CHANDOS 9237, 9240 (with his Oedipus Rex) (5), DG 415979, ELEKTRA/NONESUCH 79343, EMI 49636, ESS.A.Y. 1015, GLOBE 5071, INFINITYDIGITAL 66727, KOCH INTERNATIONAL CLASSICS 7359, LONDON 414457, 430740, *440327, 443577, MELODIYA 25197, MUSICMASTERS 67078 (2) (with his Oedipus Rex), NIMBUS 5097, NONESUCH 79343, ORFEO 198891, PEARL 9020, PHILIPS 438350 (2), RCA 60156, RUSSIAN DISC 10908, SONY 46292, 46667 Apollo (1935), 8:00, Wood, Haydn (1882-1959). An orchestral overture inspired by the Greek mythical character. * MARCO POLO 8.223402 The God in Disguise (1938), 30:00, Larsson, Lars-Erik (1908-1986). A suite of music, song, and recitation for Hjalmar Gullberg's Forkladd's Gud about Apollo's living among mortals. * BIS 96, SWEDISH SOCIETY 1020 Young Apollo (1939), 8:00, Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976). A piece for piano, string quartet, and string orchestra on John Keats' Hyperion, Book 3 describing the sun. * EMI 54270, ASV 737, CHANDOS 8817, PHOENIX 111 Far-darting Apollo (1954), 3:30, Bush, Geoffrey (1920-). A song for baritone and piano from The End of Love on Kathleen Raine's text about Apollo as a sportsman playing deadly games with human destiny. * CHANDOS 8830 ("A Little Love Music," with his Three Songs of Ben Jonson) Helios (1977), 15:00, Mathias, William (1934-1992). An orchestral work dealing with a journey in sound "beginning in darkness and closing in the memory of light."



* NIMBUS 5343 Helios: Mythologie III (1989), 19:00, Fdnelon, Philippe (1952-1994). A work for harpsichord solo representing Helios' successes, but ending sadly with his son Phaethon's death. * THESIS 82057 (with his La Colere d'Achille, Orion, Ulysse) Hymn to Apollo (1989), 16:00, Roussakis, Nicolas (1934-1994). Music for ensemble whose first movement praises the god and whose second describes his Hyperborean winter. * CRI 624 ARES/MARS (see also OLYMPIAN GODS) Courante Mars (1654), 1:30, Eyck, Jacob van (c.1590-1651). A popular air by Pierre Guedron about Mars the troublemaker, set for the recorder. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 907170 ("Fluyten Lust-Hof, vol. 2") Symphony in D major (Mars) (1778-c.1805), 16:30, Pichl, Vaclav (Wenzel) (1741-1805). A symphony whose subtitle suggests the composer's interest in classical myth. * OLYMPIA 434 (with his Apollo) Mars, the Bringer of War (1914-6), 8:00, Holst, Gustav (1874-1934). An instrumental rock version of a movement from The Planets for the group Emerson, Lake, and Powell. * POLYDOR 829297 ARIADNE (see also DIONYSUS, THESEUS) Lamento dArianna (1608), 13:00, Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643). The lone surviving aria from Monteverdi's opera inspired by Ovid's Heroides. * ANGEL 54333, CLAVES 9016 (with Haydn's Ariadne aufNaxos), DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77115 ("Lamento d'Arianna" with the treatment of Ariadne by Bonini, Costa, Monteverdi, Pari, Rascarini, and II Verso), 77190, DG 415296, DORIAN 90104 ("Songs of Love and War"), EMI 49414 (2) (exactly the same set as DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77190), HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901129, NAXOS 8.553320, VANGUARD 8100 Lamento dArianna in Stile Recitativo (1613), 30:00, Bonini, Severo (15821663). A work for one and two voices on Ariadne's lament, inspired by Monteverdi and Rinnuccini's Arianna. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77115 (2) (see previous Monteverdi entry), EMI 49414 (2) (see previous Monteverdi entry) Lamento dArianna a 5 (1614), 13:00, Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643). An arrangementfor five voices of the first four sections of the surviving aria. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77115 (2) (see previous Monteverdi entry), EMI 49414 (2) (see previous Monteverdi entry), VIRGIN 91154 Il Lamento d'Arianna (1619), 30:00, Pari, Claudio (fl.1611-1619). The name of the first twelve madrigals from his fourth book of madrigals. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77115 (2) (see previous Monteverdi entry), EMI 49414 (2) (see previous Monteverdi entry) Lasciatemi Morire (1619), 3:00, 11 Verso, Antonio (c.1560-1621). A madrigal from a fifteenth-century collection about Ariadne's lament after her desertion by Theseus. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77115 (2) (see previous Monteverdi entry), EMI 49414 (2) (see previous Monteverdi entry) Pianto d'Arianna a voce solo (1626), 7:00, Costa, Francesco (fl.1615-1626). A work composed under the impact of Monteverdi's work. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77115 (2) (see previous Monteverdi



entry), EMI 49414 (2) (see previous Monteverdi entry) Pianto della Madonna (1640), 9:00, Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643).The music of the lament with a new Latin text substituting Jesus and his mother for Theseus and Ariadne. DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77115 (2) (see previous Monteverdi entry), EMI 49414 (2) (see previous Monteverdi entry), NAXOS 8.5533 18 Pria ch'Adori (c.1662-5), 17:00, Cesti, Antonio (1623-1669). A serenala a 2 voci in which a poet seeks Ariadne's magical thread to help him out of his "labyrinth" of love. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901011 (with d'India's Lamento di Giasone) Entree pour Bacchus et Ariadne (1665), 2:00, Lully, Jean-Baptiste (16321687). A musical interlude for five-part string ensemble and singer from Ballet de la Naissance de Venus. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77218 (with his Plainte de Venus sur la Mort d'Adonis, Recit d'Orphee from Divertissement1, Ouverture de Psyche from Divertissement II, Entree d'Apollon from Divertissement III) L'Arianna (16??), 17:30, Stradella, Alessandro (1644-1682). A cantata in which Ariadne laments her desertion by Theseus on Naxos. * ADDA 581 173 Arianna (1680s-90s), 20:00, Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660-1725). A cantata about Ariadne's abandonment by Theseus and her rescue by Bacchus. * CONIFER 51293 (with his Orfeo) Lasciatemi Morire (c. 1695), 6:00, Rascarini, Francesco Maria (d. 1706). A cantata for three voices acknowledging its debt to Monteverdi. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUTNDI 77115 (2) (see previous Monteverdi entry), EMI 49414 (2) (see previous Monteverdi entry) Arianna in Creta (1734), 150:00, Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759). An opera dealing with Theseus' arrival in Crete and his slaying of the Minotaur with Ariadne's help. * L'OISEAU-LYRE 425496-2 (orchestral version) lI Pianto d'Arianna (1741), 15:00, Locatelli, Pietro (1695-1764). The last violin concerto a quattro from Opus 7 as the violin imitates the sighs of the heroine. * CBC 5099, FONE 87F 05-17 Ariadne auf Naxos (1775), 41:00, Benda, Jiti Antonin (Georg) (1722-1795). Continuous musical accompaniment for a melodrama on Johann Jakob Christian Brandes' work. * MDG GOLD 3350740 (with Eberwein's Proserpina), NAXOS 8.553345 (with his Pygmalion) Arianna auf Naxos (1789), 18:00, Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809). A cantata in which Ariadne laments her desertion by Theseus. * ARCHIV 447 106, ARTS 47286, BRIDGE 9059 (with his Cupido), CAMERATA 123, CLAVES 9016 (also contains Monteverdi's Lamento d'Arianna), ELYSIUM 706, EUROPA MUSICA 350-251, HUNGAROTON 12432, JECKLIN-DISCO 621, KICCO CLASSIC 196, KOCH INTERNATIONALCLASSICS 7044, *LONDON 440297 ("The Impatient Lover," with Schubert's Vedi Quanto Adoro [Dido] and Pensa, Che Questo Istante [Heracles]), MQS 193 ("Passion and Piety"), L'OISEAU-LYRE 425496, VIRGIN 59033, 91215 Lamento dArianna, Respighi, Ottorino (1879-1936). An orchestral transcription



of Monteverdi's work. *ELAN 82280 Ariadne auf Naxos (191 1, rev. 1916), 125:00, Strauss,Richard(1864-1949). A comic opera with a story within a story as a serious opera on Ariadne and a farce are performedsimultaneously.
ANGEL 69296 (2), CAPRICCIO 10481, *DG 419225 (2), 445332

(2), *EMI55176, 64159 (2), 69296 (2), KOCH-SCHWANN 314732

(2), LONDON 430384 (2), MELODRAM 270105 (2), PHILIPS 422084 (2), PREISER 90217, 90259, (2), RCA 60398 (2)

L'Abandond'Ariane (1927), 10:00, Milhaud, Darius (1892-1974). One of Theseus carryingoff Phaedra his Trois Operas-Minutes about a drunken ratherthan Ariadne. * ARION 68195, CLASSICALCOLLECTOR 150 122 (3), KOCH SCHWANN311392 Bacchus et Ariane (1930), 35:00, Roussel, Albert (1869-1937). A ballet about Theseus' triumphover the Minotaur,but ending with Bacchus taking Ariadne from Theseus. * *CHANDOS9494, DG 449748 (with Milhaud's Les Choephores), *EMI 64690, ERATO 45278, 75348, FORLANE 16529, HIS MASTER'SVOICE 747376 * (Suite I-renamed first act) CYBELIA 2002, MULTISONIC31 0150, PRAGA 264 008 * (Suite 2-renamed second act) ANGEL 62669, CHANDOS 7007, 8996, DG 423957, DISQUES MONTAIGNE2041, EMI 64690, MULTISONIC 31 0150, ORFEO199891, RCA60469, REM311220, SONY 62644, SUPRAPHON110681 The Minotaur (1947), 33:00, Carter, Elliot (1908-). Music for a ballet on the story from Pasiphae'smeeting with the bull to Ariadne's abandonment in the labyrinth. * ELEKTRA/NONESUCH 79248. Errand into the Maze (1947), 14:00, Menotti, Gian-Carlo (1911-). Music for a ballet symbolizingan innerstruggleto overcomefear, a Minotaurlike creature. * KOCHINTERNATIONAL CLASSICS 7051 ("MoreMusicfor Martha Graham" with Schuman'sNight Journey [Oedipus]). Labyrinth(1951), 9:00, Henze, Hans Werner(1926-). A "psycho-chamberjazz ballet"on the familiarstory of Theseus, Ariadne,and the Minotaur. * L'OISEAU-LYRE DSLO 4 (with his Apollo and Hyacinth) Ariane (1958), 44:00, Martind,Bohuslav (1890-1959). An opera on Georges Neveux' play Le Voyagede Theseepresented froma Freudian perspective. * SUPRAPHON104395 Nenia (1975), 10:00, Edlund,Lars (1922-). A vocal work for chamberchoir on the opening words and motifs of Monteverdi'sLamentod'Arianna. * PHONO SUECIA 38 The Crown of Ariadne (1979), 20:00, Schafer, R. Murray(1933-). A suite for harp, percussion, and tape of a differently tuned harp on Ariadne, Theseus, and the Minotaur. * CENTREDISCS 4292 (2) ("Chimera" withhis Theseus), DOREMI 9307 Trionfo di Bacco e d'Arianna (1986), 3:30, Heppener, Robert (1925-). A song for unaccompaniedmixed chorus from Canti Carnaschialeschi on Lorenzo de Medici's poem. * TELARC80384 ("Invisible Cities") Theseus (1986), 18:00, Schafer, R. Murray (1933-). An atonal work for harpand stringquartet,partof the same work as The Crownof Ariadne.



* CENTREDISCS 4292 (2) ("Chimera,"with his The Crown of Ariadne) Ariadne (1987), 9:30, Harrison, Lou (1917-). A work in two movements for flute and percussion for a ballet about the desertion and rescue of Ariadne. * CRI 568, MUSICMASTERS 7051 (with his A Summerfield Set [Aphrodite]) Ariadnes Faden (Ariadne's Thread) (1990), 20:00, Stahmer, Klaus Hinrich (1941-). A work for contrabass flute, percussion, and computer-manipulated sounds of twelve large ceramic jars to suggest Theseus' journey through the labyrinth with the aid of Ariadne's thread. * PRO VIVA 167 Ariadne, Arter, Matthias (1964-). An improvisational work for solo oboe. * PAN 510087 ("Matthias Arter, Oboe") ARION Arion and the Dolphin (1589), 14:00, Malvessi, Cristofano (1547-1599). One of six interludes for Girolamo Bargagli's comedy La Pellegrina on a story found in Herodotus. * EMI 47998 ("Una 'Stravaganza' dei Medici," with his Jove and Marenzio's Apollo and Pierides) Arion (1708), 14:00, Campra, Andrd (1660-1744). A cantata about the familiar story of the poet's rescue at sea by a dolphin. * ANALEKTA FLEUR DE LYS 3018, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901238 (with his Dispute de l'Amour et de l'Hymen, Enee e Didon), PIERRE VERANY 786101 (with his Achille Oisif, Daphne, Didon, Hebe) ARTEMIS/DIANA/SELENE (see also ACTAEON, APOLLO, CALLISTO, ENDYMION, OLYMPIAN GODS) Diana (1623), 3:00, d'India, Sigismondo (c.1582-c.1630). A song describing Diana as yielding her symbols of chastity to a royal lady. * ELEKTRA/NONESUCH 79125 ("Olympia's Lament"), HYPERION 66106 ("Olympia's Lament"), 66227 ("The Emma Kirby Collection") The Hunt (BWV 208) (1713), 44:00, Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750). A cantata about Diana's being so absorbed in hunting that she neglects her beloved Endymion. * ARCHIV 431 118, BERLIN CLASSICS 9223, EMI 65729, HANSSLER 98.161, *HYPERION 66169, MUSICAPHON 51351, NAXOS 8.550643, TELDEC 46151 Diane (1883-6), Debussy, Claude (1862-1918). A work for two pianos scored from vocal music on Theodore de Banville's Diane au Bois II about Eros' conquest. * ARION 268128 ("Piano Music" with his Bacchus) Inno a Diane (1899), 2:30, Puccini, Giacomo (1858-1924). A hymn to the goddess, dedicated to the hunters of Italy. * CBS 44981 ("Placido Domingo: The Unknown Puccini"), ETCETERA 1050 ("Songs and Rare Pieces") Diane Selene (1921), 2:00, Faurd, Gabriel (1845-1924). A song from L'Horizon Chimerique on Jean de la Ville de Mirmont's text about yearning for Diana's serenity. * ARCANA 28, NONESUCH 79371 Aubade (Diane) (1929), 19:00, Poulenc, Francis (1899-1963). A concerto for piano and instruments on Diana's rebellion against the law condemning her to eternal chastity.



* AS DISC 333, ERATO 88140, MUSIC AND ARTS 649 ("Salute to France"), NEWPORT CLASSIC 60087 ASCLEPIUS/AESCULAPIUS Aeskulap-Polka (1853), 3:00, Strauss II, Johann (1825-1899). A polka written for and dedicated to the medical students of the Wiener HochSchule. * MARCO POLO 8.223203 (with his Amazonen-Polka) ATHAMAS AND INO Ino (1765), 38:00, Telemann, Georg (1681-1767). A cantata for soprano and orchestra on Ino's flight from the mad Athamas and her change into a sea goddess. * DG 429772, TELDEC 44633 (with Handel's Apollo e Dafne), 77621 (2) Ino (1780), 30:00, Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich (1732-1795). A cantata which covers the same part of the story as Telemann's cantata. * CAPRICCIO 10303 (with his Pygmalion) ATHENE/MINERVA (see also OLYMPIAN GODS) Pallas Athene, the Goddess of Victory (1921), 5:00, Simonsen, Rudolf (18891947). The last movement of his three-movement symphony Hellas, inspired by this goddess. * DANACORD 370-1 (2) Minerva's Web (1985), 26:30, Scott, Stephen (1944-). A work for bowed and plucked grand piano on Ovid's Metamorphoses 6, referring to images of webs of material. * NEW ALBION 026 (with his Niobe) La Deesse Athena (1992), 8:00, Xenakis, lannis (1922-). A work for baritone, solo percussion, and chamber ensemble on Aeschylus' Eumenides 681 ff. about equality. * MODE 58 (with his Persephassa) ATLAS Der Atlas (1828), 3:00, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Heinrich Heine's poem in which Atlas laments having to bear not only the world but also its sorrows. * ASV 6171, DG 429766, 437235, 437536, DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77319, FORLANE 16647, PHILIPS 442460, PREISER 89997 ("Franz V6lker: Lieder Recital"), RUSSIAN DISC 15 022 ("Great Russian Artists: Pavel Lisitsian"), SONY 66835, SYMPOSIUM 1064 ATREUS Prelude to an Opera: The House of Atreus (1987), 7:00, Fortner, Jack (1935-). A work for symphony orchestra conceived as prologue for an unwritten opera on the accursed House of Atreus. * VIENNA MODERN MASTERS 3009 ATTIS Atys (1676), 171:00, Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687). An opera on Ovid's Fasti with a love triangle introduced as Sangaride and Cybele vie for the love of Attis. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901257/9 (3), HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901249 (excerpts), HARMONIA MUNDI 905805 (excerpts)



Atys (1817), 4:30, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Johann Mayrhofer's poem in which Atys mourns his lost home as he is forced to serve Cybele. - CAMERATA 32CM-I 15 ("Ernst Haefliger: Song Recital," with his Aeschylus), CLAVES 508611 (with his Die Gotter Griechenlands), DG 437225 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 2"), TUDOR 764 ("Lieder Set to Poems by Johann Mayrhofer," with his Der Zurnenden Diana, Fahrt zum Hades, Philoktet, Uraniens Flucht) Corybantes (1932), 1:30, Foulds, John (1880-1939). A part of Hellas, a suite for double string orchestra, harp, and percussion, about Cybele's followers. * LYRITA 212 (with his Song of the Argive Helen and Dirge for a Hero) BACCHANALIA Bacchanal (1913), 4:30, Reger, Max (1873-1916). Part of a tone poem Vier Tondichtungen nach A. Bocklin, on a painting of "a beer festival in Roman costume." * BERLIN CLASSICS 2177, BIS 601, CAPRICCIO 10 307, CHANDOS 8794, KOCH SCHWANN 311011 Dionysiaques (1913), 11:00, Schmitt, Florent (1870-1958). A tone poem on the revels of Dionysus' followers. * CALLIOPE 9859, CAPRICE 21384, KLAVIER 11066, MARK 1116 Bacchanale (1938), 7:30, Cage, John (1912-1992). Vigorous, African, and primitive-sounding music for prepared piano written for and danced by Syvilla Fort. * ARGO 436925 ("The American Innovator"), CATALYST 61980, DORON 3002 ("American Piano Music of the 20th Century"), NEW ALBION 070, WERGO 6159 Bacchanale (1956), 8:30, Ibert, Jacques (1890-1962). An orchestral composition commissioned by the BBC for the tenth anniversary of the Third Program. * ANGEL 49261, LONDON 440332 Bacchanal (1989), 6:00, Hoffman, Kurt. A work for two violins, cello, two saxophones, and rock rhythm section for the rock group The Ordinaires. * BAR/NONE 72615 ("One") Bacchantische Tanzszenen (1991), 11:30, Denhoff, Michael (1955-). Two concert pieces for percussionists originally part of a ballet project on Euripides' Bacchae. * KOCH SCHWANN 313412 BAUCIS AND PHILEMON Philemon und Baukis (1773), 6:00, Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809). The overture for a marionette opera on the familiar story of the gods' visit to the elderly couple. * KOCH SCHWANN 317232 (with his Acis et Galatea overture) Philemon et Baucis (1860, rev. 1876), 97:00, Gounod, Charles (18 18-1893). A comic opera on Ovid's Metamorphoses 8 about the couple's restoration to youth and the gods' love for Baucis. * FOYER 2-CF 2016, GAIETE LYRIQUE 202342, MUSIDISC 202342 Philemon and Baukis (1987), 12:30, Harrison, Lou (1917-). A work for violin and gamelan recalling the aged mythical couple. * MUSICMASTERS 67091 ("Gamelan Music") BELLEROPHON II Belerofonte (1767), 173:00, Myslivecek, Josef (1737-1781). An opera in three acts dealing with the basic story of this hero. * SUPRAPHON 110006 (3)



BOREAS Abaris ou Les Boreades (1763), 156:00, Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764). An opera about a woman who discovers that the man she is obliged to marry is actually her beloved. * ERATO/MUSIFRANCE45572 (3), GALLO 863/4, NAXOS 8.553388 (suite), PHILIPS 420240 (suite with his Dardanus suite) CADMUS Cadmus et Hermione (1673), 13:00, Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687). A suite for oboe band of dance music from an opera on Ovid's Metamorphoses 4 about the trials of the two. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 907122 CALAIS (see also JASON) Calais (1976), 9:00, Sigurbj6rnsson, Thorkell (1938-). A flute solo about the son of Boreas who charms the creatures of the sea with his music. * BIS 709 (with his Euridice and Liongate) CALLISTO La Calisto (1651), 114:00, Cavalli, Pier Francesco (1602-1676). An opera on Ovid's Metamorphoses 2 combining Callisto's deception by Zeus with Artemis' love for Endymion. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901515/7 (3), STRADIVARIUS 13606/7 (2) CASSANDRA (see also TROJAN WAR) Kassandra (1900), 9:30, Schillings, Max von (1868-1933). A piano work, later orchestrated, on Friedrich von Schiller's text of Cassandra's lament over Troy's destruction. * MARCO POLO 8.223660 (with his Das Eleusische Fest) Casandra's Dream Song (1970), 9:30, Ferneyhough, Brian (1943-). A contemporary work for solo flute. * MUSIKSZENE/SCHWEIZ 6107 ("Flute Music"), NEUMA 450-72 ("New Music Series: Volume 2") The Meteln Kassandra (after 1981), 20:00, Abbinanti, Frank (1949-). A work for clarinet and ensemble on Christa Wolf s works which see the modern arms race as a new Trojan War. * NEWPORT CLASSIC 85537 ("The Clarinet in My Mind") Cassandra (1982), 5:00, Andersson, Benny (1946-) and Ulvaeus, BjSrn (1945-). A song for the pop group ABBA about the seer who was not believed. * POLYDOR 9353 Cassandra (1983), Sicilianos, Yorgo (1920-). A cantataon Aeschylus' Agamemnon as Cassandra recalls past evils of Atreus' house and predicts her own end. * LYRA 0117 Cassandra Sings (1988), 15:00, Davidson, Tina (1954-). A work for string quartet with Cassandra reborn into present-day America to reveal the truth and be believed. * CRI 671 ("Cassatt Quartet") Cassandra Speaks (1992), 15:30, Axelrod, Lawrence (1960-). A tone poem for orchestra and electronic tape about her unheeded prophecies after her rejection of Apollo. * VIENNA MODERN MASTERS 3012 ("Music from Six Continents, 1992 Series")



Cassandra (1993), 14:30, Firsova, Elena (1950-). An orchestral poem in which the prophetessreflects with forebodingupon the future of present-dayRussia. * BIS 668 CENTAURS Balletto di Centauri Ninfe e Salvatici (1674), 6:00, Schmelzer, Johann (16231680). A ballet suite for an allegorical pageant composed for the entertainment of the court of Leopold I of Hapsburg. * L'OISEAU-LYRE 425 834 Memorias del Centauro (1990), Tenreiro, Alfonso (1965-). A symphonic work using classical elements in honor of a hero of Venezuelan independence. * A private edition by the composer CEPHALUS AND PROCRIS L'Aurora Ingannata (1605), 61:30, Giacobbi, Girolamo (1567-1628). An intermedius about Aurora's love for Cephalus, already married to Procris, and his loss of both females. * TACTUS 563201 Cephale et Procris (1773), 9:00, Grdtry, Andre (1741-1813). A suite from the opera on Ovid's Metamorphoses 7, composed for an aristocratic wedding celebration. * EMI 69701, KLAVIER 11049 ("Opening Night: French Overtures and Ballet Music," ballet music with Offenbach's Orphee overture and Massenet's Phedre overture) Cephalus and Aurora (1789), 9:00, Benda, Jiff Antonin (Georg) (1722-1795). A cantata in which Procris is not even introduced in this retelling of the Greek myth. * HYPERION 66649, SLOVART 0013-2-131 Aurora (1812), 154:00, Hoffmann, E. T. A. (1776-1822). An opera on Ovid's Metamorphoses 7 and Hyginus' Fabulae with a happy ending for Cephalus and Procris. * BAYER 100 276/8 (3) Procris (1958), 3:00, Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872-1958). Music for medium voice and piano for one of Ursula Vaughan Williams' Four Last Songs, inspired by a painting. * CHANDOS 8475, KOCH INTERNATIONAL CLASSICS 7168 (with his Menelaus on the Beach at Pharos), TRAX CLASSIQUE 116 (with his Menelaus on the Beach at Pharos) CIRCE (see also ODYSSEUS) Circe (1675), 19:30, Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1635-1705). Ten movements, mainly sung, from incidental music for Thomas Corneille's play Circe. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901244 (with selections written to accompany Pierre Corneille's Androme'de),MUSIQUE D'ABORD 1244 (same performance) La Maga Circe (1788), 80:00, Anfossi, Pasquale (1727-1797). A comic opera about Circe in the eighteenth century, still enticing men and changing them into animals. * BONGIOVANNI 10001/2 (2) CLYTEMNESTRA The Cry of Clytemnestra (1979), 16:30, Eaton, John (1935-). A selection from his opera on Aeschylus' Agamemnon with the action revealed through Clytemnestra's visions.



INDIANA UNIVERSITY 04 (with his Ajax, From the Cave of the Sibyl,) and Aphrodite Rising) CYCLOPES Les Cyclopes (1724), 3:00, Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764). A rondeau from Pieces de Clavecin avec une Methode sur la Mecanique des Doights of these creatures at work. * CHANDOS 0598, KOCH INTERNATIONAL CLASSICS 7389 ("Fandango"), L'OISEAU-LYRE 425 886 (2) (with his L'Entretien des Muses), REFERENCE 27 ("Pieces de Clavecin" with his L'Entretien des Muses and Orphee) DANAE Die Liebe der Danae (1940), 208:00, Strauss, Richard (1864-1949). A comic opera with Midas and Danad, both loving gold, living and loving together even in poverty. * MELODRAM 37061 (3), ORFEO 292923 (3), NAXOS 8.550342 (symphonic fragment), SONY 45804, 62650 (symphonic fragment) DANAIDS Les Danaides (1784), 109:00, Salieri, Antonio (1750-1825). An opera in which Danaus is vengeful, Hypermnestra refuses to marry Lynceus, and all are relegated to Hades. * EMI 54073 (2), MARCO POLO 8.223381 (overture) DAPHNE When Phoebus First Did Daphne Love (1603), 2:00, Dowland, John (15631626). A song from Third Booke of Songs in which Apollo suggests to Daphne that no maiden should remain a virgin. * L'OISEAU-LYRE 430284, VIRGIN 90726 La Dafne (1608), 66:00, Gagliano, Marco da (c.1575-1642). An opera on Ovid's Metamorphoses I from Apollo's battle with the Python to his lament over the loss of Daphne. * ARCHIV 437074, K617 058 Gli Amori di Apollo e di Dafne (1640), 3:00, Cavalli, Pier Francesco (16021676). An operatic aria in which Daphne addresses Musica, the earthly image of heavenly delight. * DORIAN 90123 ("Musica Dolce") Doen Daphne d'Over Schoone Maeght (1644), 6:30, van Eyck, Jonkheer Jacob (c.1590-1657). A work for recorder in nine variations about the most beautiful Daphne. * ASTREE 8588 (with his When Daphne from Faire Phoebus Did Flie), CHANNEL CLASSICS 3392, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 907072 (with his Bockxvoetje and Questa Dolce Sirena), PHILIPS 442624 When Daphne from Faire Phoebus Did Flie (1644), 3:00, van Eyck, Jonkheer Jacob (c.1590-1657). Music for a song by Gilels Earle about Apollo's pursuit of Daphne. * ASTREE 8588 (with his Doen Daphne d'Over Schoone Maeght), HUNGAROTON 31477 Daphni (1708), 11:30, Campra, Andrd (1660-1744). A cantata about her pursuit by Apollo and her metamorphosis into a laurel tree. * PIERRE VERANY PV.786101 (with Achille Oisif Arion, Didon, Hebe) Apollo e Dafne (1710), 40:00, Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759). A cantata



on Ovid Metamorphoses I from their first meeting to Daphne's metamorphosis. * CHANDOS 0583, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 905157, TELDEC 44633 (with Telmann's Ino), 98645 Dafne in Lauro (1714), 120:00, Fux, Johann (1660-1741). An opera in which Daphne renounces her love for Apollo so that he can carry out his divine duties. * NUOVA ERA 6930/1 (2) Daphne (1938), 94:00, Strauss, Richard (1864-1949). An opera dealing with the unsuccessful courtship of Daphne by Leucippus and Apollo. * ANGEL 49309 (2), DG 423579 (2), 445322 (2) (same recording), KOCH SCHWANN 314552 (2), PREISER 90237 (with his An den Baum Daphne), ANGEL 34014 (selections) An den Baum Daphne (1943), 14:00, Strauss, Richard(1864-1949). An a cappella choral ending for his opera, later replaced by an orchestral finale. * CHANDOS 9223 ("A Cappella Choral Works"), PREISER 90237 (with his Daphne) Daphne-Etude in G for Violin (1945), 1:30, Strauss, Richard (1864-1949). A work for violin after a musical motif from the opera. * ARTS 47263 ("Complete Chamber Music, Vol. 5") Daphne of the Dunes (1958, rev. 1967), 18:30, Partch, Harry (1901-1976). A work for musicians and prerecorded tape on original instruments for the movie Windsong on the familiar story. * MODE 33 ("Newband Plays Microtonal Music") DARDANUS Dardanus (1739), 119:00, Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764). An opera about Dardanus' love for his enemy's daughter with magic, monsters, disguises, and a happy ending. * ERATO 45184, 95312 (2), PHILIPS 420240 (2) (with his Les Boreades), AMATI 9206 (selections, with his Hippolyte suite), ERATO 88013 (suite), GALLO 768 (organ selections) DEMETER/CERES Klage der Ceres (1816), 18:00, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Friedrich von Schiller's poem about Ceres' lament for her lost daughter and her hope for the future. * DG 431773 ("Lieder," with his Ganymed), HYPERION 33005 ("The Hyperion SchubertEdition: Complete Songs Vol. 5," with his Ganymed) Das Eleusische Fest (1900), 13:00, Schillings, Max von (1868-1933). A musical work for speaker and orchestra on Schiller's poem about Ceres' search for her daughter. * MARCO POLO 8.22360 (with his Cassandra) Demeter (1917, 1924), 7:30, Szymanowski, Karol (1882-1937). A cantata for alto, female chorus, and orchestra on a text by Szymanowski's sister about Demeter's lament. * MARCO POLO 8.223293 (with his Penthesilea), MUZA 063, NAXOS 8.553687(with his Penthesilea), POLSKIE NAGRANIA 063 DIONYSUS/BACCHUS (see also ARIADNE, EROS, PENTHEUS) Le Triomphe de Bacchus (1882), 4:00, Debussy, Claude (1862-1918). A divertissement for orchestra on Thdodore de Banville's poem Le Triomphe de Bacchos a son Retour des Indes.

CLASSICAL MYTH IN MUSIC * VOX BOX 5053 (2) The Capture of Bacchus, 3:00, Buck, Dudley (1839-1909).

217 A spirited song

based on Charles Swain's poem about Dionysus' capture by pirates. * ALBANY TROY 034 ("Songs of an Innocent Age") Hymn to Dionysus (1913), 9:00, Holst, Gustav (1874-1934). A work for female chorus and orchestraon text from Gilbert Murray'stranslation of Euripides' Bacchae. * UNICORN-KANCHANA 9046 Charles Triumph of BacchusSuite,Koechlin, (1867-1930).A suitefor two pianos. * PAN 510 076 First Choral Symphony:Song and Bacchanal (1924), 10:00, Holst, Gustav (1874-1934). A work for soprano, chorus, and orchestra in which a sad song is interruptedby a Bacchanalianprocession. * HYPERION66660, INTAGLIO740 Bacchus for Two Pianos (1928), 4:00, Debussy, Claude (1862-1918). A of Le Triomphede Bacchus made postfour-handpiano arrangement humously by M. F. Gaillard. * ARION 268128 ("Piano Music" with his Diane) Wilhelm (1867-1942). A hymn Dionysus-Dithyramb, 8:00, Peterson-Berger, in praise of the god from a text by FriedrichNietzsche. * BIS 42 Bacchus (1951), 2:00, Britten, Benjamin(1913-1976). One of Six Metamorphoses after Ovid for solo oboe about a feast of his followers. * CAMERATA30CM-449, CHANNEL9326, CRYSTAL 323, 325, EMI 55398, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE911556, HYPERION 66776, MERIDIAN 84119, NORWAYMUSIC 1004, SIMAX 1022, SONPACT 94011, UNICORN-KANCHANA 19036 9121, VICTORIA Bacchus (1979), 3:00, Lieber, Edvard(1948-). A piano work inspired by a series of paintings by Elaine de Kooning entitled Bacchus. * CONCORDCONCERTO 42027 Bacchus on Blue Ridge (1983), 19:00, Horovitz, Joseph (1926-). A fantasy about the god coming to the Blue Ridge Mountains in a jazz/blues rendition for symphonic band. * KOSEI KOCD 3564 ("Bacchus on Blue Ridge") Balz (1946-). A work for baritone Dionysus-Hymnen (1985), 15:30, TrUimpy, and eight cellos after ancient invocationsto the god from Orphicrites. * MUSIKSZENE/SCHWEIZ GRAMMONT 39 DIOSCURI/CASTOR/POLLUX Castor et Pollux (Musicapro ComoediaGenerali)(mid-I8th century),Patzelt, Joannes(d. 1748). A school play or little opera about the two brothers. * OPUS 9352 1719. Castor et Pollux (1737), 170:00, Rameau, Jean-Philippe(1683-1764). An opera on the basic story, but with a love affair which somewhat devalues Pollux's sacrifice. * ERATO 95311/2 (2), *HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901402 (3), 901435/7 (3), TELDEC 42510 (3), HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE901501 (extracts), PHILIPS426714 (instrumentalsuite)
Eight Variations on the Air de Balletfrom Castore e Polluce (1804), 10:30,

Weber, Carl Mariavon (1786-1826). A piano variation done to honor the composer's former teacher and mentor Abbe Vogler. * NAXOS 8.550990 ("Piano Music, Vol. 3") Liedeines Schiffers an die Dioskuren (1816), 3:00, Schubert, Franz(1797-1828).



A song based on Johann Mayrhofer's poem about a sailor's prayer to Castor and Pollux. CLASSICS FOR PLEASURE 2224 (with his Prometheus), DG 429933, DG 437215 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 1"), HYPERION 33014 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 14," songs dealing with Greek mythical figures), 66165 ("The Sea"), TUDOR 762 (with his Orest auf Tauris) Castor and Pollux (1952), 16:00, Partch, Harry (1901-1976). Part of Plectrum and Percussion Dances for home-made instruments about Zeus' amour with Leda and its result. * CRI 751 (with his Ulysses at the Edge), 7000, MUSIC & ARTS 931 ("Newband") Dioscuri (1957), Apon, Saskia (dates unknown). A work for trombone quartet. * ERASMUS 176 ("Dioscuri") ENDYMION Diana ed Endimione (c.1680-5), 30:00, Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660-1725). A chamber opera for two voices and instruments in which Diana steals Endymion's heart, but returns it. * PIERRE VERANY 790013 (with his Ero e Leandro) Endimione e Cintia (1705), 45:30, Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660-1725). A serenata for two sopranos and instruments about Cynthia's (Selene/Artemis) reproach of a sleeping Endymion. * DOREMI 9303. Endymion's Narrative (1901), 22:00, Converse, Frederick (1871-1940). An orchestral work based on John Keats' poem in which Endymion can possess Artemis only as a dream. * ALBANY TROY 030 (with Chadwick's Euterpe) EOS/AURORA (see also CEPHALUS) Titon et lAurore (1753), 122:00, Mondonville, Jean-Joseph de (1711-1772). An opera on the familiar story, but complicated by the introduction of the jealous gods Aeolus and Pales. * ERATO 45715 (2), 98520 (excerpts, 63:00) L'Aurora (1815), 9:00, Rossini, Gioachino (1792-1868). A cantata for alto, tenor, and baritone likening Ekaterina Kutuzova to the goddess. * EBS 6080 ("Soiree Musicale") Aurora-Ball-Tdnze (1851), 6:30, Strauss II, Johann (1825-1899). A waltz for the ball of the Vienna Artists' Association named after the goddess of the dawn. * MARCO POLO 8.223220 Aurora-Polka (1855), 3:00, Strauss 11, Johann (1825-1899). A polka for a ball of the same group. * MARCO POLO 8.223212 Aurora Ball Polka (1859), 3:30, Strauss II, Johann (1825-1899). A French polka for the ball of the above-mentioned cultural group. * MARCO POLO 8.223242 L'Aurore (1905), 5:00, Ravel, Maurice (1875-1937). A single-movement choral song greeting the dawn goddess. * MARCO POLO 8.223755 ("Prix de Rome Cantatas") Aurora 10:00, Lloyd Webber, William (1914-1982). A tone poem portraying the inherent sensuality of the dawn goddess. * PHILIPS 420342 ("Variations") Aurora (1974), 8:00, Towner, Ralph (1940-). An acoustical work for the



jazz fusion group Oregon evoking the approach of the dawn goddess. * VANGUARD 79341, 109/10 ("The Essential Oregon,"with their Naiads) Tithon (1989), MAche, Francois-Bernard (1935-). An all-electronic score. * JADE 015 (also contains his Hyperion) ERIPHYLE Amphiaraos (1815), 6:00, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Theodor Korner's poem about one of the Seven against Thebes who foresees his own destruction. * DG 437215 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 1"), HYPERION 33014 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 14," songs dealing with Greek mythical figures) EROS/AMOR/CUPIDO(see also PSYCHE) Cupid Is Venus' Only Joy (?), 2:00, Anon. A song about Cupid's wantonness which causes trouble for both men and women. * DORIAN 90109 ("The English Lute Song," with Nothing on Earth [Philomela]) Cupid and Death (1653), 88:00, Gibbons, Christopher (1615-1676). A masque on James Shirley's adaptation of Aesop where an impish servant switches arrows of Cupid and Death. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 49623 (2) (with Blow's Venus and Adonis) Le Dispute de I'Amour et de Hymen (1714), 12:00, Campra, Andrd (16601744). A short cantata recounting a spat between Cupid and Marriage which is settled by Venus. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901238 (with his Arion and Enge et Didon) Le Triomphe de I 'Amour (c.1716), 12:00, Montdclair, Michel Pignolet de (1667-1737). A work from Cantatas for 1-3 Voices and Instruments (Book 2) on Eros' triumph over Bacchus. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901280 (with his Le Mort de Didon and Pyrame et Thisbe') Viento es la Dicha de Amor (1743), 89:00, Nebra, Jose de (1702-1768). A zarzuela (Spanish opera-like work) on a love story involving, inter alios, Eros, Zephyrus, Marsyas, and Tiresias. * AUDIVIS VALOIS 4752 (2) Les Surprises de I Amour (1757), 51:30, Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764). An opera-ballet in which Cupid and his followers resolve various conflicts in unexpected ways. * MUSIFRANCE/ERATO 45004 (selections) Anacre'on (1757), 45:00, Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764). A comddie ballet about the reconciliation of the followers of Bacchus and Eros by the poet Anacreon. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901090, NAXOS 8.553746 (suite) Les Petits Riens (1778), 20:00, Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791). Music for Jean Georges Noverre's ballet-pantomime about Cupid's playing a prank on some shepherdesses. * CBC 5095, CENTAUR 2062, PHILIPS 422286 Cupido (1781), 2:30, Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809). A song from XII Lieder fur das Klavier-Erstes Teil. on G. Leon's text describing the clever, powerful child. * BRIDGE 9059 (with his Arianna a Naxos), PHILIPS 420217 Les Caprices de Cupidon (1786), 27:00, Lolle, Jenz (1751-1789). Music for



a ballet by Galeotti. * CYBELIA 802 Le Kerioklepte (1931), 1:30, Roussel, Albert (1869-1937). A song from Deux Idylles on Theocritus' Idyll 19 about Aphrodite's rebuke of Eros for moaning about a bee sting. * EMI 749271 (2) ("Melodies," with his Pan Aimait Ekh6) Due Liriche Anacreonte (1944-5), 5:30, Dallapiccola, Luigi (1904-1975). The first part of this second set of Liriche Greche for voice and instrumental quartet about the powers of Eros. * ENTR'ACTE 6504 (with his Cinque Frammenti di Saffo [Adonis]), ERATO 98509 (with his Cinque Frammenti di Saffo [Adonis]) Cupid's Boogie (1949), 2:30, Veliotes, John (Johnny Otis) (1921-). A rhythm and blues song in which a girl successfully calls upon Cupid to help her win her man. * RHINO 71806 ("The R&B Box: 30 Years of Rhythm and Blues") SAVOY 4415 ("Roots of Rock 'n Roll") Stupid Cupid (1958), 2:00, Sedaka, Neil (1939-). A pop song about a teenager blaming Cupid for his falling in love and being unable to concentrate on his studies. * ERA 5025 ("Brill Building Sound"), MALACO 2003 ("Where the Hits Are"), MCA 10421 ("The Patsy Cline Collection"), POLYDOR 827569 ("Very Best of Connie Francis"), 831699 ("Very Best of Connie Francis Vol. 2"), RCA 2406 ("All-Time Greatest Hits Vol. 2"), TIME LIFE R927-07 ("Teen Idols Redux") Cupid/I've Loved You for a Long Time (1961), 4:00, Cooke, Sam (19351964). A song sung by The Spinners in which a man asks Cupid to cause a female to fall in love with him. * RHINO 71971 ("Video Soul: Best Soul of the 80's Vol. I") Eros (1975), 12:30, Trochu, Pierre (1953-). A work for electronic tape. * CENTREDISCS 3288 ("Shadow Box") Cupid's Got a Gun, 3:30, Fadden, Jimmie (1948-). A song for The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band in which Cupid needs a gun, not arrows, to keep lovers together. * LIBERTY 28169 ("Acoustic") Cupid's Got a Brand New Gun (1988), 3:30, Penn, Michael (1958-). A song in which Cupid sneaks up on couples and causes them to fall in love and feel its pain. * RCA 9692 ("March") EUMENES

L 'Eumene (1773), 7:00, Carvalho, JoAo de Sousa (1745-1798).

The overture of his opera. * HUNGAROTON 12884 ("Overtures,"with overtures from his Penelope and Perseo)

EUROPA L'Enlevement d'Europe (The Abduction of Europa) (1927), 8:00, Milhaud, Darius (1892-1974). One of Trois Operas-Minutes in which Europa, preferring cattle to men, willingly goes off with the bull. * ARION 68195, CLASSICAL COLLECTOR 150 122 (3), KOCH SCHWANN 311392 Europa und der Stier (1988), 75:00, J6rns, Helge (1941-). A chamber opera based on the Greek myth. * COL LEGNO 31816



FATES Gesang der Parzen (1882), 11:30, Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897). A work for chorus and orchestra on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Iphigenia auf Tauris about the gulf between the gods and humans who are the helpless victims of the Fates. * DG 431790, LONDON 430281 (with his Ndnie), MEMORIES 4493/ 4, ORFEO 025821 (with his Nanie), RCA 60260, 61201(with his Nanie), TELARC 80176 (with his Nanie) Atropo (1967), 13:00, Malipiero, Gian Francesco (1882-1973). His tenth symphony, named after the Fate who cuts the thread of life, honoring Hermann Scherchen. * MARCO POLO 8.223697 The Three Fates (1970), 8:00, Emerson, Keith (1944-). A work for organ (Clotho), solo piano (Lachesis), and piano trio (Atropos) for Emerson, Lake, and Palmer. * ATLANTIC 19120 ("Emerson, Lake and Palmer"), VICTORY 480016 (reissue), 484004 ("The Return of the Manticore") FURIES The Furies Suite (1950), 4:00, Waxman, Franz (1906-1967). An orchestral suite of music from the movie The Furies which has elements of Greek tragedy. * TELARC 80141 ("Roundup") The Furies (1995), 20:00, Mageau, Mary (1934-). A piano concerto in three movements, one for each of the Furies. * VIENNA MODERN MASTERS 3036 ("Music from Six Continents 1996") GALATEA Azis y Galatea (1708), 14:00, de Literes, Antonio (1673-1747). A Spanish opera-like work with spoken dialogue on the familiar story. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77336 ("Barroco Espaflol vol. 2-Zarzuelas") Aci, Galatea, e Polifemo (1708), 84:00, Handel, George Frideric (16851759). A cantata in Italian derived from Ovid's Metamorphoses 13, written for a noble's wedding. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901253/4 (2). Acis and Galatea (1718), 93:00, Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759). A masque in English on John Dryden's translation of the tale in Ovid's Metamorphoses 13. * *ARCHIV 423 406 (2), 435 792 (2) (Mozart arr.), *DELOS 3107, *HYPERION 66361/2 (2), LONDON 425792 (Mozart arr.), *L'OISEAU-LYRE 430 538 (2) (Mozart arr.), NAXOS 8.553188/ 9 (2), NEWPORT CLASSIC 60045 (2), OPUS 111 9 109/10 (2) (Mozart arr.), ORFEO 133 852 (2) (Mozart arr.), VOX 7502 (2), 7519 (2) Acis et Galatea (1773 rev.), 8:00, Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809). The overture for one of his early efforts at operatic music. * KOCH SCHWANN 317232 (with his Philemon und Baucis) ll Ciclope (Polyfemo e Galatea) (1775), 27:30, Hasse, Johann Adolph (16991783). A cantata in which Polyphemus becomes a polite suitor and graciously accepts his rejection. * ADES 201 932 ("Cantati") Romance de Galatee (?), 3:30, Fortunati, Ferdinando (1772-1812?). The


DONALD M. PODUSKA song of a spurned lover who expresses his continuing love for Galatea. * CRYSTAL 640 ("The Plymouth Trio")

GANYMEDE Ganymed (1817), 5:00, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's poem about Ganymede's joyous ascent to Zeus. * ARCANA 37 (with his An Schwager Kronos and Prometheus), ASTREE 7783 ("Goethe Lieder"), DG 431773 ("Lieder," with his Ceres), 437215 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 1"), 437784 ("Cheryl Studer in Salzburg"),445294 (with his Gruppeaus dem Tartarus),ELEKTRA/ NONESUCH 79263, EMI 764026, HYPERION 33005 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 5," with his Ceres), LONDON 452917 (with his An Schwager Kronos and Prometheus), NAXOS 8.553113, NONESUCH 79263 ("de Gaetani"), 79317 ("Upshaw: Goethe-Lieder"), OMEGA 1001 ("Elly Ameling Sings Schubert at Tanglewood," with his Iphigeneia and Die Gotter Griechenlands), PHILIPS 412623, TELDEC 90873 ("Lieder") Ganymed (by 1842), 3:30, Loewe, Carl (1796-1869). A part-song based on the same poem of Goethe. * CPO 999260 Ganymed (1889), 5:00, Wolf, Hugo (1860-1903). One of Wolf's GoetheLieder on the same poem of Goethe. * CLAVES 9517 (with his Prometheus), COLLINS 14022, DG 415192, HYPERION 66590 Ganymede/Prometheus (1982), 8:00, Hair, Graham (1943-). A work for contemporary music sextet in which Ganymede is an "inverse double" of Prometheus. * CANBERRA SCHOOL OF MUSIC I GLAUCUS Scylla et Glaucus (1746), 170:00, LeClair, Jean-Marie (1697-1764). An opera on Ovid's Metamorphoses 13, but with a twist as Glaucus seeks the aid of Circe. * ERATO/MUSIFRANCE 45277 (3), ERATO 75339 (3) (same performance), 98518 (excerpts, 72:00) GORGONS Gorgon (1984), 17:30, Rouse, Christopher(1949-). An orchestralwork suggesting each of the Gorgons as well as Medusa's death at Perseus' hands. * RCA 68410 GRACES Les Grdces (1758), 7:30, Duphly, Jacques (1715-1789). A work for harpsichord from Book 3 of Pieces de Clavecin suggesting the elegance of the Three Graces. * ADDA 581097/100 (with his La Medee), ASV 108 HADES (see also PERSEPHONE) Charon, oh Charon (1633), 6:00, Johnson, Robert (c.1583-1633). A song for two voices in which Charon is asked to help a dead lover find his beloved in the Elysian Fields. * VIRGIN 59321 ("Shakespeare's Lutenist")



An Schwager Kronos (1816), 3:00, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's poem about Chronos rushing the poet through life to the Underworld. D DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77342, ERATO 98493 (with his Freiwilliges Versinkenand Die Gotter Griechenlands), HYPERION 33024 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 24"), LONDON 452917 (with his Ganymed and Prometheus), ORFEO C140 101 (with his Prometheus), 389 951 Fahrt zum Hades (1817), 4:00, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Johann Mayrhofer's poem about the fear of those being ferried to the land of the dead. DG 437215 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 1"), HYPERION 33002 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 2"), NIMBUS 5022 ("Shura Gerhman"), ORFEO 021 821 ("Lieder for Bass", with his Prometheus, Gruppe aus dem Tartarus), TUDOR 764 ("Lieder Set to Poems by Johann Mayrhofer,"with his Der Zurnenden Diana, Atys, Philoktet, Uraniens Flucht) Gruppe aus dem Tartarus (1817), 3:00, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Friedrich von Schiller's poem about the condemned of Tartarus begging for an end of punishment. DG 437225 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 2"), 445294 (with his Ganymed), DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77296 (with his Die Gotter Griechenlands and Hectors Abschied), DG 445294 (with his Ganymed), HYPERION 33014 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 14," songs dealing with Greek mythical figures), ORFEO 021 821 ("Lieder for Bass," with his Prometheus, Fahrt zum Hades), PHILIPS 411421 (with his Hippolits Lied), PREISER 93145 (with his Prometheus). Rhadamanthus-Klage (1851), 8:00, Strauss II, Johann (1825-1899). A waltz inspired by one of the judges of the Underworld. * MARCO POLO 8.223223 Lethe (1941, rev. 1976-77), 3:00, Clarke, Rebecca (1886-1979). A song on Edna St. Vincent Millay's image of the river as "the taker-away of pain, and the giver-back of beauty." * ELEKTRA/NONESUCH 79178 ("Songs of America") Styx (1968), 9:00, Logothetis, Anestis (1921-1994). Electronic music for an orchestra of plectral instruments, using the river as a symbol of permanent transition. * THOROFON 2201/2 (2) ("Siegfried Behrend in Memoriam") Barcarola (1979), 21:30, Henze, Hans Werner (1926-). A musical view of a shade being ferried across the Styx and reflecting upon the important moments of his life. * EMI 54762 Styx (1984), Mache, Francois-Bernard (1935-). A work for two pianos and eight hands. * ATTACA BABEL 9481 ("Works for Two Pianos, Eight Hands," with his Lethe) Lethe (1985), Mache, Francois-Bernard (1935-). A similar work. * ATTACA BABEL 9481 ("Works for Two Pianos, Eight Hands," with his Styx) Cerberus (1987), 14:00, Pape, Gerard (1955-). A tone poem for organ and electronic tape evoking the characteristics of the three-headed monster. * MODE 26 ("Music by Pape")



HARPIES The Harpies (1931), 22:00, Blitzstein, Marc (1905-1964). A satirical opera with Phineus' story as metaphor for the composer's own experiences during the Depression. * PREMIER 1009 HEBE (see also HERACLES) Hebe (1708), 11:30, Campra, Andrd (1660-1744). A cantata about Hebe as goddess and teacher of youth. * PIERRE VERANY 786101 (with his Achille Oisif, Arion, Daphne, Didon) Les Fetes d'HIebd(1739), 46:00, Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764). Ballet music from the opera which celebrates poetry, music, and dance through Hebe's appearance in Paris. * EMI 65732, NEWPORT CLASSICS 85555 ("L'Amour R6gne") Hebe (1879-82), 2:00, Chausson, Ernest (1855-1899). A song from Sept Melodies on Louise Ackermann's text honoring the cupbearer of the gods. * ERATO 88012, TIMPANI 2028 (2) Hibe (1888), 8:00, Waldteufel, Emile (1837-1915). A waltz named after the cupbearer of the gods. * MARCO POLO 8.223450 HECTOR (see also ANDROMACHE, TROJAN WAR) Hektors Abschied (Hector's Farewell) (1815), 5:00, Schubert, Franz (17971828). A song on Friedrich von Schiller's poem in which Hector and Andromache meet for the last time. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77296 (with his Die Gotter Griechenlands and Tartarus), HYPERION 33014 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 14," songs dealing with Greek mythical figures) Hector's Farewell to Andromache (1930), 13:00, Bliss, Arthur (1891-1975). The first section of Morning Heroes, a symphony for orator, chorus, and orchestra, based on lines from Iliad 6. * BBC CONCERT CLASSICS 91992, CALA 1010 HECUBA (see also ACHILLES) Ecuba (1812), 106:00, Manfroce, Nicola Antonio (1791-1813). An opera on Dictys' and Dares' pseudo-Homeric epics of Achilles' love for Polyxena and its tragic aftermath. * BONGIOVANNI 2119/20 (2) Preludio, Aria e Danza Funebre (1940), Malipiero, Gian Francesco (18821973). An arrangement for a segment of his opera Hecuba. * FONIT CETRA 2033 (with Dallapiccola's 3 Episodes from Marsia) HELEN (see also PARIS) La Belle Hile'ne (1864), 107:00, Offenbach, Jacques (1819-1880). A comic opera satirizing classical myth and the superficiality of contemporary French society. * ACCORD 290002 (2), EMI 65366 (2), 68289 (with Waldteufel's Pomona) (2), KLAVIER 11007 (2) Helenen-Quadrille, Strauss, Eduard (1835-1916). A quadrille based on a theme from Offenbach's work. * INTERCORD CONCERTO COLLECTION 820.748



Die Agyptische Helena (1928), 135:00, Strauss, Richard (1864-1939). An opera on Stesichorus' speculation that Helen's image was at Troy as the real Helen was in Egypt. LONDON 430381 (2), MELODRAM 27066 (2), ORFEO D'OR 424 962 (2), RCA 60398 (excerpts) Song of the Argive Helen (1932), 2:30, Foulds, John (1880-1939). Part of the suite Hellas for double string orchestra, harp, and percussion, inspired by Helen of Troy. * LYRITA 212 (with his Corybantes and Dirge for a Hero) Elegy (1965), 8:00, Corigliano, John (1938-). Orchestral music for a love scene between Helen and Telemachus in Wallace Grey's play Helen. * CBC 5050, RCA 68100, TELARC 80421 HERA/JUNO Giunone (1816), 11:30, Rossini, Gioacchino (1792-1868). A cantata for tenor, chorus, and orchestra, recorded here for the first time. * CBC 5148 ("Rarities by Rossini and Verdi") HERACLES/HERCULES (see also ALCESTIS) Ercole Amante (1662), 165:00, Cavalli, Pier Francesco (1602-1676). An opera on Ovid's Metamorphoses 9 of Heracles' pursuit of lole and Deianeira's attempt to retain his love. * ERATO 12980 (3) La Lotte d'Ercole con Acheloo (1689), Steffani, Agostino (1645-1728). A dramatic divertissement on Ovid's Metamorphoses 9. * BNL 112823 (also contains his Apollon et Doris, Ledandreet Hero, Pirame et Tisbe) Omphale (1701), 24:00, Destouches, Andre (1672-1749). A selection from an opera in which Juno causes Heracles to compete with a friend for Omphale's love. * ADES 141782 Le Mort d'Hercule (1716), 14:00, Cldrambault, Louis-Nicolas (1676-1749). A cantata for bass in which the singer narrates the action and provides a moral for the audience. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901329 (with his La Muse de l'Opera, Orphee, Pyrame et Tisbe), MUSIQUE D'ABORD 1329 (same performance) Hercules auf dem Scheidewege (BWV 213) (1733), 52:00, Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750). A cantata about this examplar of virtue for the birthday celebration of the crown prince elect of Saxony. * BERLIN CLASSICS 9227, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901544/ and BWV 205-Aeolus), 5 (2) (with his BWV 201-Midas MUSICAPHON 51356 Hercules, A Musical Drama (1744), 153:00, Handel, George Frideric (16851759). A musical drama on Sophocles' Trachiniae and Ovid's Metamorphoses 9 dominated by Deianeira's jealousy. * ARCHIV 423 137 (3), BERLIN 9113 (3) Die Wahl des Herakles (The Choice of Hercules) (1751), 54:00, Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759). An oratorio from incidental music for Tobias Smollett's Alceste on Heracles' choice between Virtue and Pleasure. * CAPRICCIO 10019 The Choice of Hercules (17??), 4:30, Stanley, John (1712-1786). A work for two trumpets on the familiar theme.



* NIMBUS 5155 ("Rule Britannia," with Eccles' The Judgment of Paris) Alkid (1778), 10:00, Bortnyansky, Dmitri (1751-1825). Selections from an expanded version of Metastasio's Alcide al Bivio. * ARTS AND ELECTRONICS 10370 ("Concertino," with Fomin's Orfey i Evridika), RUSSIAN COMPACT DISC 10301 (suite) Alcide al Bivio (1790), 87:00, Righini, Vincenzo (1756-1812). An opera about Heracles at the crossroads, written for the marriage of the Hapsburg Archduke Joseph. * BONGIOVANNI 2157/8 (2) Pensa, Che Questo Istante (1813), 2:30, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song from text by Pietro Metastasio in which Heracles is reminded that his life must be marked by courage. * *LONDON 440297 ("The Impatient Lover," with his Vedi Quanto Adoro [Dido] and Haydn's Arianna auf Naxos) Le Rouet d'Omphale (1869), 9:00, Saint-Safns, Camille (1835-1921). A tone poem on Victor Hugo's poem of feminine seduction as a weapon of the weak against the strong. * DENON 75024 (with his Phae'ton), DG 400070, EMI 47477, 69112, ENIGMA 74652, ERATO 55001, LONDON 414460 (with his Phaeton), 425021 (with his Heracles and Phaeton), 433087, MASTERSOUND 017, NAXOS 8.550138, RCA 61400 La Jeunesse d'Hercule (1877), 18:00, Saint-Safns, Camille (1835-1921). A symphonic poem depicting Heracles at the crossroads, choosing between Pleasure and Virtue. * ERATO 45696, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 905197, LONDON 425021 (with his Omphale and Phaeton), 433087 Les Travaux d'Hercule (1901), Terrasse, Claude (1867-1923). A comic operetta in which Augeas completes the labors of a diffident Hercules who gets the credit. * GAITE LYRIQUE 201 792 (2), MUSIDISC 20179 (2) Atldntida (1928-1972), 106:00, Falla, Manuel de (1876-1946). A cantata on Verdaguer's poem in which Parts 1 and 2 deal with Heracles saving Spain from destruction. * CASCAVELLE 2005, MEMORIES 4464/5 (2), VALOIS 4685 (2) Hydra (1981), 10:00, Brophy, Gerard (1953-). An ensemble piece for various tuned and untuned percussion instruments. * CANBERRA SCHOOL OF MUSIC 2 ("Synergy") Les Travaux d'Hercule (1981), 61:00, Duhamel, Antoine (1925-). An opera for children about the mythical hero and his labors. * ERATO 9248 Hydra (1988), 11:30, Zappa, Enric Andrew (1953-). A sonata for flute and piano inspired by the mythical monster slain by Heracles. * CRS 9257 ("Excursions") Herakles 2 (1992), 15:00, Goebbels, Heiner (1952-). A work for five brass players, drums, and sampler in fusion big-band sound on Heiner Moller's play Zement describing Heracles' second labor against the Hydra. * ECM 1483 HERMAPHRODITUS The Fountain of Salmacis (1971), 8:00, Gabriel, Peter (1950-). A song for the



Salmacis' love for Hermaphroditus. rock group Genesis about the water-nymph ATLANTIC 2000 ("Three Sides Live"), 80030 ("Nursery Cryme"), Buddah 56592 HERMES/MERCURY (see also OLYMPIAN GODS) Symphonyfor Mercury (1701), 6:00, Eccles, John (c. 1668-1735). The Trumpet Sonata in D for The Judgment of Paris on William Congreve's poem about the well-known episode. * CRYSTAL 512 ("Treasures for Horn and Trumpet"), HYPERION 66108 ("Purcell's London") Aventures de Mercure (1924), 14:00, Satie, Erik (1866-1925). Music for a ballet in which Mercury engages in a lot of comic adventures. * HYPERION 66365, LONDON 421395, 443897, VANGUARD 4030, VIRGIN 62877 (2) Mercury Concerto (1978), 14:00, Sapieyevski, Jerzy (1945-). A work for trumpet and wind ensemble. * AM CAM 10305 Mercury Dream (1994), Pontinen, Roland (1963-). A work using jazz motifs for clarinet and piano. * BIS 693 ("French Beauties and Swedish Beasts") Hermes-Dance Images (Piano Concerto #6), 51:00, Heini6, Mikko (1948-). A ballet-concerto for soprano, piano, and strings about the Jungian implications of Hermes' divine/human duality. * ONDINE 870 HERO Leandre e HIro (1713), 17:00, Ckdrambault, Louis-Nicolas (1676-1749). A cantata about the star-crossed lovers, ending with a rebuke of Eros for his cruelty. * ANALEKTA FLEUR DE LYS 3018, ERASMUS 071, MERIDIAN 84182 (with his Orphee), OPUS 111 9103 (with his L 'Isle de Delos, Apollon et Doris, Pirame et Tisbe) Ero e Leandro (1725), 9:30, Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660-1725). A cantata on the same subject. * PIERRE VERANY 790013 (with his Diana ed Endimione) Ero e Leandro (1879), 5:00, Bottesini, Giovanni (1821-1889). The prelude to the opera with libretto by Arrigo Boito. * ASV 907, BONGIOVANNI 2141 Ero e Leandro (1885), 16:00, Catalani, Alfredo (1854-1893). A symphonic poem adapted from Boito's libretto. * BONGIOVANNI 2097 Hero and Leander (1901), 28:00, Herbert, Victor (1859-1924). A symphonic poem in two parts describing the familiar story musically. * SONY 52491 HESPERUS Hesperus-Waltz (1858), 8:30, Lumbye, Hans Christian (1810-1874). A waltz for the ball of the Vienna Artists' Association named after the evening star. * UNICORN-KANCHANA 9089 Hesperus-Polka (1861), 2:30, Strauss II, Johann (1825-1899). A polka for a ball of the same group. * MARCO POLO 8.223205 (with his Musen-Polka)



HIPPODAMIA Hippodamia (1888-1891), 405:00, Fibich, Zdenek (1850-1900). An opera trilogy emphasizing not her wooing by Pelops but her destruction of three generations of her family. - SUPRAPHON 3037 (6) HYACINTHUS Apollo et Hyacinthus (1767), 81:00, Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791). An opera as intermezzo between the acts of a Latin play with Zephyrus as a human rival of Apollo. * BERLIN CLASSICS 1010 (2), PAVANE 7236 (2), *PHILIPS422526 (2) Apollo et Hyazinthus (1948), 16:00, Henze, Hans Werner (1926-). A symphonic poem (and harpsichord concerto) on Georg Trakl's poem about Hyacinthus' death. * LONDON 430347 HYPERION Hyperion (1975), 17:30, Wuorinen, Charles (1938-). A concerto grosso for twelve instruments allowing the audience to draw its own conclusion about the title. * KOCH INTERNATIONAL CLASSICS 7110 Hyperion (1981), Mache, Francois-Bernard (1935-). An all-electronic score. * JADE 015 (with his Tithon) Hyperion or The Rhetoric of Fire (1988), 25:30, Guillou, Jean (1930-). A work in four movements for organ with fire as its theme. * DORIAN 90134 ("The Great Organ of Saint Eustace") ICARUS L'Envoi d'Icare (1932), 27:00, Markevitch, Igor (1912-1983). Ballet music, later an orchestral work, then a work for two pianos and percussion on the flight of Icarus. * LARGO 5127 (two-piano version), MARCO POLO 8.223666 Symphony (The Airborne) (1946), 14:30, Blitzstein, Marc (1905-1964). A history of human flight in twelve musical tableaux, the first of which deals with Icarus. * RCA 62568 Icarus (1971), 4:00, Towner, Ralph (1940-). Music for the new-age Paul Winter Consort suggesting Icarus' soaring flight. * COLUMBIA 44314 ("Pioneers of the New Age"), LIVING MUSIC 0004, 0018, 0023 Icarus-Borne on Wings of Steel (1975), 6:00, Livgren, Kerry (1949-). A rock song for the group Kansas about the freedom of flying. * EPIC 47364, KIRSHNER 33806 ("Masque") Flight of Icarus (1983), 4:00, Dickinson, Bruce (1958-). A song for the rock group Iron Maiden about striving, but failing. * CAPITOL 46186 ("Live after Death"), 46363 ("Piece of Mind") Icarus (Second Concerto) (1984), 22:00, Lazarof, Henri (1932-). A concerto, inspired by Icarus, about the nobility but also the dangers of space flight. * DELOS 3069 La Chute d'Icare (1988), 10:30, Ferneyhough, Brian (1943-). A work for solo clarinet and instrumental ensemble inspired by Brueghel's painting The Fall of Icarus.



* ACCORD 205 772 (with his Prometheus), ETCETERA 1070 (with his Mnemosyne) The Flight of Icarus (1990), Haligrimsson, Hafli6i (1941-). A work in three movements for solo flute. * JAPIS MILLENIUM P. 006 ("Implosions," with Ferneyhough's Mnemosyne) Salto. Trapez. Ikarus (1990), 20:00, Kalitzke, Johannes (1959-). The last part of a concerto for thirteen instruments reflecting the sorrow over the loss of Icarus. * CPO 999259 Icarus (1992), 8:30, Murray, David (1955-). A work for jazz quintet inspired by a character who influenced Malcolm X. * EVIDENCE 22131( "Ugly Beauty"), RED BARON 53224 ("MX") IDOMENEUS Idominee (1712), 167:00, Campra, Andre (1660-1744). An opera about his murdering his son in exchange for a safe return from Troy and his resulting madness. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901396/8 (3), 901506 (selections) Idomeneo, Re di Creta (1781), 223:00, Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (17561791). An opera based on the same story, but with the customary baroque complications and a happy ending. * ANGEL 63990 (3), ARCHIV 431 674 (3), DG 435396 (5), *447737 (3), EMI 63685 (2), 63990 (3), LONDON 411805, 420130 (3), MELODRAM27003 (2), *PHILIPS420130 (3), 422537 (3), RODOLPHE 32467/8 (2), TELDEC 35547 (3), VERONA 27038 (2) Paraphrase on Mozart's "Idomeneo" (1991), 10:30, Saxton, Robert (1953-). Music mirroring the opera as different instruments represent each of the major characters. * EMI 754 424 IPHIGENIA Iphigenie en Aulide (1774), 132:00, Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714-1787). An opera on Jean Racine's play after Euripides dealing with corruption of power versus human decency. * ANGEL 64143 (2), *ERATO 45003 (2), 98513 (excerpts, 74:00), EURODISC 7796 (2) (1847 Wagner revision), MYTO 91544 (2), ORFEO 428 962 (2), RCA 7796 (2) Iphigenie en Tauride (1779), 116:00, Gluck, Christoph Willibald (17141787). An opera on Guymond de la Touche's play after Euripides about the eventual rescue of Iphigenia. * CHANT DU MONDE 278769, MELODRAM 26012 (2), MYTO 91544 (2), ORFEO 052 832 (2), PHILIPS 416148 (2), *SONY 52492 (2) Iphigenie en Tauride (1781), 104:00, Piccinni, Niccolo (1728-1800). An opera with a similar plot. * FONIT CETRA 32 (2) Ifigenia in Aulide (1788), 7:00, Cherubini, Maria Luigi (1760-1842). The overture of an opera which differs from its predecessors by using music to delineate character. * ARTS 47102 (with his Medea overture), EUROPA 350 221 (the same performance), FREQUENZ 011-042 (the same performance) Iphigeneia (1817), 3:30, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Johann Mayrhofer's text of Iphigenia's lament over her loneliness in Tauris



and her wish to return home, EMI 69389, HYPERION 33003 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 3"), OMEGA 1001 ("Elly Ameling Sings Schubert at Tanglewood," with his Ganymed and Die Gotter Griechenlands) Suite Delphique (1943), Jolivet, Andre (1905-1974). Music for wind instruments, harp, ondes martenot, and percussion to accompany Euripides' lphigenia in Tauris. * ADDA 581171. Iphigenia in Brooklyn (1963), 10:00, Schickele, Peter (PDQ Bach) (1935-). A parody of famous musical works and forms inspired by the Iphigenia legend. * VANGUARD 72015 ("The Wurst of P.D.Q. Bach") (2), 79195 ("An Evening with P.D.Q. Bach") Iphigenia (1977), Theodorakis, Mikis (1929-). The musical score for Michael Cacoyannis' film based on the episode at Aulis. * SAKARRIS 50089 IXION Ixion (1737), 14:00, Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de (1689-1755). A cantata from his 2nd Livre de Cantates about Ixion's lust for Hera and his punishment. * PREZIOSA 66020 Ixion (1944-45), 6:00, Langgaard,Rued (1893-1952). The composer's Symphony No. I 1, termed "a nutty experiment." * DANACORD 408 (with his Sfinx) Ixion (Summerspace) (1958), 12:00, Feldman, Morton (1926-1987). Music for ten instruments used for a ballet by choreographerMerce Cunningham. * CATALYSYT 68751 ("Music for Merce") JANUS Januaries (1984), 21:30, Fox, Frederick (1931-). An orchestral poem suggested by thoughts about the Roman god. * INDIANA UNIVERSITY 03 JASON (see also CALAIS, HARPIES, MEDEA) Lamento di Giasone (1623), 10:30, d'India, Sigismondo (c.1582-c.1630). A song on d'India's own text from Book 5 of Musiche a Una e Due Voci about Jason's sorrow for his dead sons. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901011 (with Cesti's Pria ch 'adori [Ariadne]), VIRGIN 59231 (with his Lamento d'Orfeo) Giasone (1649), 234:00, Cavalli, Pier Francesco (1602-1676). An opera revising the Jason story as Hypsipyle wins Jason and Medea weds her first love Aegeus. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901282/4 (3) Jason and the Argonauts (1975), 11:00, Herrmann, Bernard (1911-1975). Selected music, including the prelude and the episode with Talos, from the sound track of the movie. * LONDON 417852, 448948, MOBILE FIDELITY 692 ("The Mysterious Film World of Bernard Herrmann") Jason and the Argonauts (1982), 6:00, Partridge, Andy (1953-). A song by the pop-rock group XTC using the mythical story to comment upon contemporary times. * VIRGIN 4036 ("English Settlement")



Lamia, Symphonic Poem (1888), 13:00, MacDowell, Edward (1860-1908). A work on John Keats' poem as an enchantress returns to her serpent form as her lover is found dead. * EMI 49263 ("Skyscrapers," with Paine's Oedipus Tyrannus), LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 104 LEDA Princezna Hyacinth (1911), 33:30, Nedbal, Oskar (1874-1930). Music for a ballet in which a man is cured of his lust for money by a number of famous people including Leda. * SUPRAPHON 111414 Leda (1929), 10:00, Varkonyi, Bela (1878-1946). A fantasy for viola and piano. * JERUSALEM 8701 Leda and the Swan (1976), 7:00, Avni, Tzvi (1927-). A work for voice and clarinet. * SYMPOSIUM 1110 LETO/LATONA The Lycian Peasants Changed to Frogs (c. 1781), 20:00, Dittersdorf, Karl (1739-1799). Symphony No. 6 from Six Symphonies after Ovid's Metamorphoses on Metamorphoses 6. * CALIG 50885/6 (2), CHANDOS 8564/5 (2), MHS 522223, NAXOS 8.553369, SUPRAPHON 110579 (2) LINUS Chant de Linos (1944), 11:00, Jolivet, Andrd (1905-1974). A chamber piece for flute, string trio, and harp inspired by the tragic end of Heracles' tutor. * ASV 918, BIS 549, 739, CLAVES 509003, CONNOISSEUR SOCIETY 4183, DENON 1476, GM 2026, INTIM 40, KOCH INTERNATIONAL CLASSICS 7016, MARQUIS 143, SIMAX 1806, VIENNA MODERN MASTERS 2013 MARSYAS Marsyas (1910), 34:00, Diepenbrock, Alphons (1862-1921). A concert suite from incidental music for Balthazar Verhagen's comedy about the mythical music contest. * CHANDOS 8821 (with his Elektra) The Flaying of Marsyas (1986-87), 18:30, Matthews, David (1943-). A work for oboe and string quartet inspired by Titian's painting of the contest between Apollo and Marsyas. * METRONOME 1005 MEDEA (see also JASON, THESEUS) Medee (1693), 180:00, Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1635-1705). A tragic opera deviating from Euripides with the introduction of amatory complications. * *ERATO 96558 (3), HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901139/41 (3), 901316/8 (3) ("Les Arts Florissants, Ten Years," excerpts) Medee (1710), 20:00, Cldrambault, Louis-Nicolas (1676-1749). A cantata for soprano and ensemble expressing the changes in Medea's emotional state. * ARCHIV 437 085 (with his Orphee), KOCH 6644, KOCH SCHWANN 7096 ("French Cantatas of the 18th Century," with Montdclair's



La Mort de Didon and Pan et Syrinx). Medea in Corinto (1711), 15:00, Caldara, Antonio (c.1670-1736). A cantata for countertenor and ensemble depicting Medea's ambivalent feelings for Jason and her revenge. * VIRGIN 59058, 91479 La Medie (1758), 4:00, Duphly, Jacques (1715-1789). A piece for harpsichord from Book 3 of Pieces de Clavecin suggesting Medea's emotions. * ADDA 4 581097/100 (with his Les Graces), AMATI 8902/1 ("Du Clavecin au Pianoforte, vol. 1," with Forqueray's Jupiter) Medea (1775), 51:00, Benda, Jiri Antonin (Georg) (1722-1795). A melodrama for narrator and orchestra in which Medea laments her lost happiness and exacts her revenge. * ACCORD 202622, NAXOS 8.553346 Medee (1797), 147:00, Cherubini, Maria Luigi (1760-1842). An opera in which Medea murders her rival to gain revenge on Jason. * ANGEL 63625 (2), ARKADIA 428 (2), 464 (2), 516 (2), CLAQUE 2005/6 (2), DENON 7336/7 (2), EMI 63625 (2), FONIT-CETRA 3002 (2), FORTISSIMO 3002 (2), HUNGAROTON 11904/5 (2), HUNT 516 (2), 34028 (2), MELODRAM 26005 (2), 26016 (2), 26022 (2), 27087 (2), MYTO 91136 (2), NUOVA ERA 7253/4 (2), VERONA 27088 (2) Medea in Corinto (1813), 198:00, Mayr, Johann Simon (1763-1845). An operatic adaptation of Euripides with a war, Creusa's kidnapping by Aegeus, and his rescue from prison. * OPERA RARA 11 (3) Medea (1843), 119:00, Pacini, Giovanni (1796-1867). An operatic adaptation of Euripides where a disguised Medea interrupts Calchas' attempts to annul her marriage. * ARKADIA AKADEMIA 146 (2) Medee: Suite (1898), 30:00, d'Indy, Vincent (1851-1931). A concert suite from his incidental music for Catulle Mend6s' play starringSarah Bernhardt. * MARCO POLO 8.223654 The Daughter of Colchis (1943), 23:30, ChAvez, Carlos (1899-1978). A symphonic version of the music for a Martha Graham ballet entitled Dark Meadow. * ASV 927 Suite for Double Quartet (1943), 23:30, ChAvez, Carlos (1899-1978). A suite for woodwinds and strings drawn from the music of The Daughter of Colchis. * DORIAN 90215 Cave of the Heart (1946), 28:00, Barber, Samuel (1910-1981). Music for chamber ensemble from a ballet with a Freudian twist on Medea's abandonment and revenge. * KOCH INTERNATIONAL CLASSICS 7019 ("Music for Martha Graham"), 7361 Medea (Cave of the Heart) (1947), 25:00, Barber, Samuel (1910-1981). A seven-movement orchestral suite for full orchestra incorporating most of the ballet music. * CAPRICCIO 10466, ("American Classics, Vol. 2") KOCH INTERNATIONAL CLASSICS 7010, MECURY 432016 Medea's Meditation and Dance of Vengeance (1955), 13:00, Barber, Samuel (1910-1981). A one-movement tone poem derived from the complete ballet score.



* ASV 534, *CHANDOS 9253 (with his Music for a Scene from Shelley [Prometheus]), EMI 49463, RCA 61424, SONY 62837 (with his Andromache's Farewell), TELARC 80250 The Medead (1977), Nelson, Marie Barker (1926-). A tone poem based on Euripides' tragedy. * MMC 2016 ("Modern American Classics, Volume One") Prism (1980), 22:00, Druckman, Jacob (1928-1996). A work echoing some of the music of Charpentier'sMidge, Cavalli's II Giasone, and Cherubini's Medea. * NEW WORLD 80335 Je Deviendrai Midge (1986), 19:30, Demierre, Jacques (1954-). A song for solo voice by the mythical female who produces her own myth. * MUSIKSZENE/SCWEIZ GRAMMONT 38
Dance with Shadows (1990), 8:00, Druckman, Jacob (1928-1996). A work

for brass quintet on parts of Charpentier's Medee III, iii. * CRYSTAL 564 Medeamaterial (1992), 54:00, Dusapin, Pascal (1955-). An operatic project on Heiner Muller's text focusing on Medea as an autistic schizophrenic. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 905215 Choruses for Medea (1995), 30:00, Denisov, Edison (1929-1996). Choral music for a Russian adaptation of Euripides with the singers in the role of a Greek chorus. * SAISON RUSSE 288131 Freispruch fur Medea (1995), 63:30, Liebermann, Rolf (1910-). An opera in which Jason is gay and Creon junior is Jason's lover. * MUSIKSZENE/SCHWEIZ 6126 MEDUSA (see also GORGONS) Euryali (1973), 10:00, Xenakis, lannis (1922-). A work for solo piano inspired by the gorgon with her head of serpents. * MONTAIGNE 782005 (2) (with his Kottos), VIENNA MUSIC MASTERS 2014 Medusa's Shadow (1987), 17:00, N0rholm, lb (1931-). A piece of chamber music for flute, viola, cello, and harp. * KONTRAPUNKT 32019 ("Chamber Music") MELEAGER Atalanta (1736), 140:00, Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759). An opera about Meleager's wooing of Atalanta with a double love affair, disguises, and misunderstandings. * HUNGAROTON 12612/4 (3) La Corona (1765), 60:00, Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714-1787). A retelling of the Calydonian boar hunt dealing only with the pleasant aspects of the story. * ORFEO 135872 Atalanta in Calydon (1911), Bantock, Granville (1868-1946). A work for unaccompaniedmixed chorus on Algernon Swinbume's Atalanta in Calydon. * ALBANY TROY 180 Spring Fire (1913), 30:30, Bax, Arnold (1883-1953). A symphony on a chorus from the same play about the atmosphere of the forest where the lovers meet. * CHANDOS 8464



MEMNON Memnon(1817), 6:00, Schubert,Franz(1797-1828). A song on JohannMayrhofer's poem about a statue of the hero speaking once a day at dawn. DG 437215 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 1"), HYPERION 33014 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 14," songs dealing with Greek mythical figures) Prelude to Memnon (1933), 22:00, Schreker, Franz (1878-1934). Symphonic fragments for an uncompleted opera about the same statue which makes miraculous music. * MARCO POLO 8.220469. MIDAS (see also DANAE) Der Streit zwischen Phoebus und Pan (BWV 201) (1731), 56:00, Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750). A cantata on Ovid's Metamorphoses I I about a contest judged by Midas, a satire on critics of Bach's music. * BERLIN CLASSICS 9221, CAPRICCIO 10 615, HARMONIA MUNDI and BWV FRANCE 901544/5 (2) (with his BWV 205-Aeolus 213-Heracles), HANSSLER 98,162, MUSICAPHON 51352 Le Jugement de Midas (1778), 35-59:00, Gretry, Andrd (1741-1813). Excerpts from a comic opera in which Midas judges parodies of tragedie lyrique to be better than Apollo's song. * KOCH SCHWANN 310902, RICERCAR 63033 King Midas (1961), 25:30, Rorem, Ned (1923-). A cantata for tenor, soprano, and piano on Howard Moss' ten poems about the negative effects of Midas' touch. * PHOENIX 126 MNEMOSYNE (see also MUSES) Mnemosyne (1986), 11:00, Ferneyhough, Brian (1943-). A work for live bass flute and pre-recorded tape of eight bass flutes named after the goddess of memory. * ETCETERA 1070 (with his La Chute d'Icare), JAPIS MILLENIUM P. 006 ("Implosions," with Hallgrimsson's The Flight of Icarus) MUSES (see also PIERIDES) L'Entretien des Muses (1724), 6:30, Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764). A keyboard work from Pieces de Clavecin avec une Methode sur la Mecanique des Doigts about the Muses. * L'OISEAU-LYRE 425 886 (2) (with his Les Cyclopes), REFERENCE 27 Terpsichore (1734), 11:00, Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759). A work of dance and song in which Terpsichore portrays various emotions through dance. * HUNGAROTON 31193 Terpsichore (1836), 3:00, Moscheles, Ignaz (1794-1870). A piano work in a can-can/polka motif from the Opus 95 Etudes. * KOCH SCHWANN 311782, NEWPORT CLASSICS 60088 Musen-Polka (1854), 3:00, Strauss II, Johann (1825-1899). A polka inspired by the Muses. * MARCO POLO 8.223205 (with his Hesperus-Polka) Musen-Quadrille (1858), 8:00, Strauss, Josef (1827-1870). A quadrille inspired by the same characters. * MARCO POLO 8.223566 Thalia (1866), 3:30, Strauss, Josef (1827-1870). A polka-mazurka inspired



by this Muse for the Hesperus Society ball. * MARCO POLO 8.22351, SONY 66860 Die Tanzende Muse (1869), 4:00, Strauss, Josef (1827-1870). A polka-mazurka. * DG 429563, RCA 68421 Melpomene Overture (1887), 15:30, Chadwick, George W. (1854-1931). An orchestral work after the Greek muse of tragic poetry. * ALBANY TROY 103 ("Those Fabulous Americans"), CHANDOS 9439, REFERENCE 64 Fete du Couronnement de la Muse (1897), 7:00, Charpentier, Gustave (18601956). A musical image of a crowd scene for chorus and orchestra, later incorporated into his opera Louise. * MUSIC MEMORIA 30223 Euterpe (1904), 9:00, Chadwick, George W. (1854-1931). A concert overture in honor of the Muse of lyric poetry. * ALBANY TROY 030 (also contains Converse's Endymion) Muse of the Golden Throne (1906), 5:30, Bantock, Granville (1868-1946). A song from the Sappho cycle on Sappho's text recognizing the power of the Muses. * HYPERION 66899 (with his Hymn to Aphrodite) La Muse et le Poete (1910), 16:00, Saint-Saens, Camille (1835-1921). A work for violin, cello, and orchestra on a colloquy between the Muse (violin) and the Poet (cello). * ADDA 590077, CALA 1016, EMI 54913, 64790 (2), SUPRAPHON 111837 The Muse (1912), 2:30, Rachmaninoff, Sergei (1873-1943). Prologue of the Fourteen Songs cycle on Aleksandr Pushkin's poem about poetic inspiration. * CEDILLE 019 ("Songs of the Romantic Era"), CHANDOS 9477 ("Complete Songs, volume 3"), RUSSIAN DISC 11342 ("Romances") L'Accueil des Muses (1920),4:00, Roussel, Albert (1869-1937). A piano work suggesting a funeral cortege of the Muses in honor of the deceased Claude Debussy. * GASPARO 295, PHILIPS 422138 (2) Las Musas de Andalucia (1942), 34:30, Turina, Joaquin (1882-1949). Nine chamber music miniatures for varying ensembles, each representing a different Muse. * CLAVES 509320 Polimnia (1942), 4:00, Turina, Joaquin (1882-1949). One section of Las Musas de Andalucia for double bass and piano. * ORFEO 225911 ("Encores: Ludwig Streicher") Terpsichore (1994), Newman, Maria (20th century). A work for clarinet, viola, cello, and piano. * RAPTORIA CAAM 1007 NAIS Nais, an Opera for Peace (1749), 120:00, Rameau, Jean-Philippe (16831764). A work about Neptune's wooing of Nafs, a supposed daughter of Tiresias. * ERATO 98532, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 907121 (orchestral suite, with his Le Temple de la Gloire) NARCISSUS Echo et Narcisse (1779), 96:00, Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714-1787). An opera on Ovid's Metamorphoses 3 with a happy ending as both



Echo and Narcissus survive. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 905201/2 (2) Narcisse (1915), 7:00, Szymanowski, Karol (1882-1937). One part of Mythes for violin and piano about the tragedy of Narcissus seeing himself. * ACCORD 201122, CHANDOS 8747, DG 431469, EMI 55169, KOCH SCHWANN 311552, ONDINE 759, PAVANE 7280, SIMAX 1115 ("Quasi Una Sonata") Narcissus (1951), 3:00, Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976). One of Six Metamorphoses after Ovid for solo oboe about his falling in love with his own image. * CAMERATA 30CM-449, CHANNEL 9326, CRYSTAL 323, 325, EMI 55398, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 911556, HYPERION 66776, MERIDIAN 84119, NORWAY MUSIC 1004, SIMAX 1022, SONPACT 9401 1, UNICORN-KANCHANA 9121, VICTORIA 19036 Echo's Lament for Narcissus (1952), 3:00, Bush, Geoffrey (1920-). A song for high voice and piano from Three Songs of Ben Johnson. * CHANDOS 8830 ("A Little Love Music," with his The End of Love) Narcissus (1994), 77:30, Furrer, Beat (1954-). An opera of live and taped elements on Ovid's Metamorphoses 3 about artistic truth in the modern world. * MUSIKSZENE/SCHWEIZ 6143 NENIA Nenie (1874), 11:00, Goetz, Hermann (1840-1876). A work for mixed chorus and orchestra on Friedrich von Schiller's poem about death's inevitability. * CPO 999316 Nanie (1880-1), 13:00, Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897). A work for chorus and orchestra on the same poem, memorializing the painter Anselm Feuerbach. * DG 435349, LONDON 430281 (with his Gesang der Parzen), ORFEO 025821 (with his Gesang der Parzen), PHILIPS 442799, PREISER 9331 1, RCA 61201 (with his Gesang der Parzen), TELARC 80176 (with his Gesang der Parzen) NIOBE Grand Fantasy on Pacini's "La Niobe " (1 837), 12:30, Liszt, Franz (1 81 11886). A piano piece on a theme from the opera for a contest to determine the world's greatest pianist. * ASV 783 ("Liszt vs. Thalberg"), ORION 7801 Niobe (1951), 2:00, Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976). One of Six Metamorphoses after Ovid for solo oboe about her grief for her children and her metamorphosis. * CAMERATA 30CM-449, CHANNEL 9326, CRYSTAL 323, 325, EMI 55398, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 911556, HYPERION 66776, MERIDIAN 84119, NORWAY MUSIC 1004, SIMAX 1022, SONPACT 9401 1, UNICORN-KANCHANA 9121, VICTORIA 19036 The Tears of Niobe (1986), 26:00, Scott, Stephen (1944-). A work for bowed and plucked piano on Ovid's Metamorphoses 6 recalling her weeping. * NEW ALBION 026 (with his Minerva's Web) NYMPHS (see also SATYRS AND FAUNS) Nymphes Nappees (?), 3:00, Desprez, Josquin (c.1440-1521). A six-voice song addressed to the nymphs by someone in deep sadness.




* KONTRAPUNKT 32110, RCA 61814 ("The King's Singers-ReNymphes des Bois (?), 5:30, Desprez, Josquin (c.1440-1521). A five-voice lament addressed to the nymphs upon the death of Johannes Okeghem in 1497. * KONTRAPUNKT 32110, RCA 61814 ("The King's Singers-Renaissance")

Lamento della Ninfa (1638), 4:30, Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643). A madrigal about an abandoned nymph seen through the eyes of three shepherds. * ASTREE 8546 ("Madrigals of Love and War, Book 8") Najaden-Quadrille (1847), 6:00, Strauss I, Johann (1804-1849). A quadrille inspired by these water nymphs. * MARCO POLO 8.223617 (with his Orpheus-Quadrille) Sylvia ou La Nymphe de Diane (1876), 87:00, Delibes, L6o (1836-1891). A ballet on Torquato Tasso's Aminta about Aminta's triumph over his rival Orion for the love of Sylvia. * LONDON 425475 (2), MERCURY 434 313 (3), NAXOS 553338 (2) * (excerpts) EMI 67208 * (suite) FORLANE 28, NAXOS 8.550080, QUINTESSENCE 2100, RCA 61975, ROYAL CLASSICS 70118, SONY 46551 Nimfy (The Nymphs) (1889), 9:30, Kalinnikov, Vasily Sergeyevich (18661901). A tone poem based on a prose-poem by Ivan Turgenev. * MARCO POLO 8.223135, MELODIYA 10-00170, 34165 (2) Le Tombeau des Naiades (1897-98), 3:00, Debussy, Claude (1862-1918). A song on Pierre Louys' Chansons de Bilitis depicting two people in winter resting at the tomb of the Naiads. * CBS 35127 ("Portrait of Frederica von Stade"), LONDON 417813, QUANTUM 6912, RCA 60899 ("Nathalie Stutzmann: Ravel Debussy Melodies"), VIRGIN 59604 (with his Syrinx), WERGO 60054-50 ("MagnifiCathy") Driades (1903), 2:00, Inghelbrecht, Ddsird-Emile (1880-1965). A work for flute and harp from Esquisses Antiques, inspired by these nymphs. * CANTILENA 66008 ("Serenades for Flute and Harp") Amethyste (1905/8), 5:00, Koechlin, Charles (1867-1950). A song on Albert Samain's poem about a nymph walking the earth after the other gods are banished. * HYPERION 66243 ("Le Cortege d'Amphitrite," with his Le Cortege d'Amphitrite, Hymne a' Venus, La Naiade) Dryadi (1910), 6:00, Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957). A tone poem suggesting the ease and peacefulness of these creatures. * BIS 359 (with his Pan and Echo), CHANDOS 8395/6 (with his

Naiad (1912), 5:00, Bax, Arnold (1883-1953). One of Four Pieces for Flute and Piano presenting a haunting portrayal of this nymph. * ASV 768 ("Folk or Fantasy") Le Jardin des Nymphes (1914), 1:30, Lourie, Arthur (1893-1966). A short song on the haunts of the nymphs. * LE CHANTE DU MONDE 288025 ("Melodies Russes des Annees 1920," with his Deploration pour Adonis and Priere a Aphrodite) Aallottaret (Oceanides) (1914), 11:00, Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957). A tone poem about the water nymphs, composed for his 1914 visit to the United States. * ANGEL 49511, 64119, BIS 263, CHANDOS 6508, 6538 ("Orchestral Seascapes"), 8395/6 (with his Dryadi), EMI 47515, 65182,



68646 (2), FINLANDIA 95858 (with his Dryadi), RCA 60401 Nympholept (1915), 18:00, Bax, Arnold (1883-1953). A tone poem on Algernon Swinburne's and Bax's poems about the desire for a nymph (the unobtainable). * CHANDOS 8493, 9168 Dryades et Pan (1915), 7:00, Szymanowski, Karol (1882-1937). One part of Mythes for violin and piano in which Pan courts the frolicking Dryads with his flute. * ACCORD 201122, CHANDOS 8747, DG 431469, EMI 55169, KOCH SCHWANN 311552, ONDINE 759, PAVANE 7280, SIMAX 1115 ("Quasi Una Sonata") Nereid (1916), 4:30, Bax, Arnold (1883-1953). An impressionistic work for solo piano inspired by this water nymph. * CHANDOS 8732 Rest, Sweet Nymphs (1922, 1924), 2:30, Warlock, Peter (Philip Heseltine) (1894-1930). An art song on a poem of an unknown author, wishing pleasant sleep to the nymphs. * CHANDOS 8643 (with his Walking the Woods), ETCETERA 1078, HYPERION 66736 Dryade (1924), 8:00, Aubert, Louis (1877-1968). Orchestral music for a silent movie about a pagan past in which an evil god turns fauns into trees. * MARCO POLO 8.22353 1 Naiades (1926-27), 4:30, Vieme, Louis (1870-1937). Suite 4 for organ from Pieces de Fantaisie, op. 55, evoking these creatures dancing over the sea. * ADDA 581246, BAYER 100014/5 (2), KOCH INTERNATIONAL CLASSICS 7008 (3) La Naiade (1935), 2:00, Koechlin, Charles (1867-1950). A song from Sept Chansons pour Gladys about a seducing Naiad seduced, ending with the first line of Catullus 3. * HYPERION 66243 ("Le Cortege d'Amphitrite," with his Amethyste, Le Cortege d'Amphitrite, Hymne a Venus) Die Bezaubernde Nymphe (The Enchanted Nymph), 5:00, Levitzki, Mischa (1898-1941). A work for piano. * NIMBUS 5326 ("Virtuoso Piano Showpieces"), VIRGIN 59304 ("Stephen Hough: The Piano Album 2") The Dryad (1940), Bantock, Granville (1868-1946). The slow movement of his Sonata No. 3 in C major for Violin. * UNITED 88031 Dans la Foret Antique (1944), 4:00, Koechlin, Charles (1867-1950). A work which suggests a walk through an ancient forest inhabited by nymphs and fauns. * BAYER 100174 ("Detours") On Remembering a Naiad (1956), 6:30, Young, La Monte (1935-). Five small pieces for string quartet with a whimsical title. * DISQUES MONTAIGNE 782010 Naiades (1971), 13:00, Alwyn, William (1905-1985). A "fantasy-sonata" for flute and harp meant to recall the water nymphs. * CHANDOS 9152, METIER 92006, NIMBUS 5247 ("Images and Impressions") Naiads (1972), 2:00, McCandless, Paul (1947-), and Moore, Glenn (1941-). An acoustic work for the jazz fusion group Oregon, suggesting the flitting about of these nymphs.



* VANGUARD 79326 ("Music of Another Present Era"), 109/10 ("The Essential Oregon," with their Aurora) Ocianides (1986), 14:00, Calame, Genevieve (1946-). A work for synthesizer and chamber orchestra recalling the dual nature of these creatures of the sea. * MUSIKSZENE/SCHWEIZ GRAMMONT 28 Songs of Nymphs (1987), 14:30, Mozetich, Marjan (1948-). A work originally meant to illustrate aspects of harp playing, but later more influenced by images of nymphs. * BIS 649 ("Canadian Harp Music") Off-Duty Dryad (1990), 13:00, Jenkins, Leroy (1932-). A work for string quartet and double bass to a wood-nymph, fusing jazz improvisation with classical styles. * CRI 663 ODYSSEUS (see also CIRCE, PENELOPE) II Ritorno d'Ulisse in Patria (1640), 164:00, Monteverdi, Claudio (15671643). An opera on the Odyssey 13-23 following the plot rather closely. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901427/9 (3), NUOVA ERA 7103 (3), TELDEC 35024 (3), 42496 (3), 91342 (with his Orfeo), VHS VAI 1973 Le Retour d'Ulysse (1862), Herve, (Florimond Ronger) (1825-1892). A comic operetta known for its gaiety and zaniness by the father of French operetta. * GAIETE LYRIQUE 202212, MUSIDISC 202212 Le Chant de Euryclee (1869), Gounod, Charles (1818-1893). A song from Vingt Melodies pour Chant et Piano, ler Recueil. * LIGIA DIGITAL 0201010 The Lotos Eaters (1892), 32:30, Parry, C. Hubert (1848-1918). A work for soprano, chorus, and orchestra on Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem from the Odyssey 9. * CHANDOS 8990 Ithaca (1904), 9:00, Stenhammar, Wilhelm (1871-1927). A tone poem for orchestra and baritone on a section of Oscar Levertin's poem about Odysseus' homesickness. * CAPRICE 21358 Lotus Land (c. 1908), 6:00, Scott, Cyril (1879-1970). A piano piece later transcribed for piano and flute from Two Pieces op. 47. * ASV 862 ("The Reed of Pan"), CAMBRIA 1086, DANACORD 389 ("Rarities of Piano Music"), ETCETERA 1132 Le Retour (1912), 5:30, Boulanger, Lili (1893-1918). A song on Georges Delaquys' poem about Odysseus' return to Ithaca. * BAYER 100041 (with her Les Sirenes) Metopy (1915), 15:30, Szymanowski, Karol (1882-1937). A cycle of piano pieces evoking females (Calypso, Nausicaa, Sirens) encountered in the Odyssey. * ALBANY TROY 203, DOREMI 9305 ("Fialkowska Plays Szymanowski"), HYPERION 66409, LONDON 436451, NAXOS 8.553016, NIMBUS 5435/6 (2), OPENING DAY 9305 Elpenor (1920s), Jaubert, Maurice (1900-1940). Two songs for soprano, piano, and string quarteton Jean Giraudoux'spoems about Odysseus' comrade. * FNAC 592300 ("Felicity Lott") Lotusland (1922), 16:00, Kleven, Arvid (1899-1929). A symphonic poem about this mythical land, composed in a rather dreamy, languid mood.



* SIMAX 3106 Elpenor (1937), 8:00, Roussel, Albert (1869-1937). Incidental music for flute and string quartet for Joseph Weterings' radio script about Elpenor's fidelity to Climene. * ADDA 581064, KONTRAPUNKT 32218 (2), OLYMPIA 460 The Return of Odysseus (1942), 24:00, Skalkottas, Nikos (1904-1949). A symphony whose musical themes represent the sea, Odysseus' joy to be home, and his slaying of the suitors. * KOCH SCHWANN 311110, AGORA 009 (two-piano version) The Rescue of Penelope (1943), 38:00, Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976). A concert version of music for Edward Sackville-West's The Rescue about Odysseus' return to Ithaca. * ERATO 12713 (with his Phaedra) Ulysses at the Edge of the World (1955), 6:30, Partch, Harry (1901-1974). A work for Partch instruments, baritone saxophone, alto saxophone, and voice about Odysseus' last journey. * CRI 750 ("Gay American Composers, Vol. 2") Nausicaa (1961), 60:00, Glanville-Hicks, Peggy (1912-1990). Music from an opera on Robert Graves' novel Homer's Daughter suggesting her as author of the Odyssey. * CRI 695 Nausikaa Alone (1963), 21:00, Lidholm, Ingvar (1921-). A work for soprano, chorus, and orchestra on a part of Eyvind Johnson's novel Return to Ithaca, in which Nausicaa reflects upon her past premonitions of Odysseus' coming and her hope of marriage upon his arrival. * CAPRICE 21366 Siebzehn Tage und Vier Minuten (1966), 19:30, Egk, Werner (1901-1983). Orchestral music for Calderon's El Mayor Encanto Amor which retraces Odysseus' adventures with Circe. * BERLIN CLASSICS 9209 Tales of Brave Ulysses (1967), 3:00, Clapton, Eric (1945-). A rock song for the group Cream about the storm-tossed Odysseus, with references to the Sirens and Aphrodite. * POLYDOR 823636 ("Disraeli Gears"), 811639 ("Strange Brew") Ulisse (1968), 151:00, Dallapiccola, Luigi (1904-1975). An opera on a silent film of the Odyssey about man's search for self-identity, truth, and God. * STRADIVARIUS 10063 (2) Odysseus (Symphony No. 25) (1973), 35:00, Hovhaness, Alan (1911-). A work about Odysseus' spiritual journey and homecoming, alternating love songs with narrative. * CRYSTAL 807 Metamorphoses/Dance (1974), 18:00, Goehr, Alexander (1932-). An imaginary ballet on the Odyssey about Circe's encounter with Odysseus' men. * UNICORN-KANCHANA UKCD-2039 The Odyssey (1976), 48:00, Bedford, David (1937-). Music for electronic and traditional instruments and other media on episodes of the Odyssey for children. * BLUE PLATE 1199 Lys de Madrigaux (1976), 23:30, Ohana, Maurice (1914-). A choral work for female voices, piano, organ, two zithers, and percussion on Odysseus' adventures. * OPUS 111 30-109 Home at Last (1977), 5:30, Fagen, Donald (1948-). A pop song by the group Steely Dan with allusions to some of Odysseus' adventures.



MCA 37214 ("Aja") Ulisse Ritorna (1981), SigurbjOrnsson, Thorkell (1938-). His Concerto for Cello and Orchestra honoring Hafli6i Haligrisson who is like Odysseus in his travels. * MELED 1993 Ulysses' Bow (1984), 33:00, Harbison, John (1938-). The second part of a ballet about Odysseus' return to Ithaca and his triumph over the suitors. * ELEKTRA/NONESUCH 79129 What Did the Sirens Sing, as Ulysses Sailed By? (1986), 25:00, Frounberg, Ivar (1950-). A work of contrasting sounds for orchestra and computer. * MARCO POLO 8.224027 Odysseus (1987), 59:00, KocAb,Michael (1954-). Music for soloists, chorus, rock band, and orchestra for LaternaMagica's performanceof the Odyssey. * SUPRAPHON 110403 Calypso (1987), 4:00, Vega, Suzanne (1959-). A pop song for voice and acoustical instruments about Calypso's feelings as Odysseus prepares to leave her. * A&M 5136 Ulysse: Mythologie IV (1990), 20:30, Fdnelon, Philippe (1952-1994). A work for a combination of winds and strings recalling various episodes from the Odyssey. * THESIS 82057 (with his La Colere d'Achille, Hilios, Orion) A l'Aventure (1990), 12:00, Gougeon, Denis (1951-). An orchestral work interweaving scenes from the Odyssey with music depicting the idea of wanderlust. * CBC 5106 The Canticles of Ulysses (1991), 16:30, Kupferman, Meyer (1926-). A piano work evoking, among other things, Odysseus' daring, energy, and eagerness for his homecoming. * SOUNDSPELLS 115 Delphic Suite (1994), 14:30, Walczyk, Kevin (1964-). A three-movement suite for orchestra evoking scenes from the Odyssey. * ALBANY TROY 115 AOIODOI: An Odyssey for Horn and Harp, 22:00, Klein, Lothar (1938-). A tone poem for the two instruments depicting various unnamed episodes from the Odyssey. * BIS 793 ("Horn and Harp Odyssey") OEDIPUS Incidental Music from Oedipus (1692), 9:00, Purcell, Henry (1659-1695). Incidental music for John Dryden and Nathaniel Lee's Oedipus following Sophocles, Seneca, and Corneille. * ARS MUSICA 1141, DORIAN 90105 ("English Mad Songs and Ayres," with his Music for a While, an aria from the incidental music and Arne's 0 Come, 0 Come My Dearest from his The Fall of Phaeton), L'OISEAU-LYRE 444 620 ("The Glory of Purcell") Edipo a Colono (before 1817), 41:00, Rossini, Gioacchino (1792-1868). Vocal music for Giambattista Giusti's translation of choruses from Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus. * FONIT CETRA/ITALIA 68, PHILIPS 434016 (overture) Antigone und Oedip (1817), 6:00, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Johann Mayrhofer's text from Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus where Antigone prays for Oedipus. * HYPERION 33014 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 14," songs dealing with Greek mythical figures)



Odipus (1845), 50:30, Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847). Incidental music for double male chorus, actors, bass, and orchestra for Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus. * CAPRICCIO 10 393 King Oedipus (1852), 79:00, Lachner, Franz (1803-1890). Music for choral songs and spoken scenes for Sophocles' play. * AUDITE 97.425 Chorus of the People in the Temple (1861), 4:00, Mussorgsky, Modest (18391881). A choral scene from V. A. Ozerov's unfinished Oedipus in Athens, an adaptation of Sophocles. * CHANDOS 9497, RCA 61354 Oedipus Tyrannus (1881), 9:00, Paine, John Knowles (1839-1906). Incidental music for soloists, chorus, and orchestra for Sophocles' play. * ANGEL 49263 ("Skyscrapers," with MacDowell's Lamia) Oedipus Rex-Prelude (1887), 10:00, Stanford, Charles (1852-1924). The prelude from incidental music to Sophocles' play. * CHANDOS 7002/3 (2), 8884 Symphonischer Prolog zu Sophokles Oedipus (1900), 11:00, Schillings, Max von (1868-1932). A musical introduction to the play commissioned by the Society of Literature and Art. * CPO 999233, MARCO POLO 8.223324 Symphonic Prologue to a Tragedy (1908), 29:00, Reger, Max (1873-1916). An orchestral work for Sophocles' Oedipus Rex. * KOCH SCHWANN 311076 Sfinx (1909, rev. 1913), 8:30, Langgaard, Rued (1893-1952). A tone poem for orchestra. * DANACORD 408 (with his Ixion) Edipo Re (1920), 75:00, Leoncavallo, Ruggiero (1857-1919). An originally unfinished operatic adaptationof Sophocles, later finished by G. Pennacchio. * ITALIAN OPERA RARITIES 7723 Oedipus Rex (1927, rev. 1948), 50:00, Stravinsky, Igor (1882-1971). An opera oratorio on Jean Cocteau's close Latin text rendering of Sophocles' tragedy. * ARKADIA 766 (2), CHANDOS 9235, 9240 (with his Apollo) (5), *DG 435 872, EMI 54445, LONDON 430001, MEMORIES 4128, MUSICMASTERS 67078 (2) (with his Apollo), ORFEO 071831, *PHILIPS 438865, SAPHIR 830.869, SONY 4630 (2) (with his Persephone), *48057, STRADIVARIUS 12311, SUPRAPHON 111947 Oedipe (1910-31), 157:00, Enesco, Georges (1881-1955). An opera on Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus, following Oedipus from birth to death. * EMI 54011 (2) Night Journey (1947), 30:00, Schuman, William (1910-1992). A ballet score depicting Jocasta's feelings as she realizes the truth about Oedipus. * KOCH INTERNATIONALCLASSICS 7051 ("More Music for Martha Graham," with Menotti's Errand into the Maze) Sohn Laios' (1958), 6:30, Henze, Hans Werner (1926). A guitar interlude followed by a line from Friedrich Holderlin's In Lieblicher Blaue from Kammermusik about Oedipus' sufferings. * MUSICMASTERS 60169 ("Eliot Fisk Plays Guitar Fantasies"), SCHWANN MUSICA MUNDI 310 004 Oedipus Rex (1959), 4:00, Lehrer, Tom (1928-). A short spoof of the tragic hero by the well-known musical satirist. * REPRISE 6199



The End (1967), 11:30, Morrison, Jim (1943-1971). A rock composition for The Doors with references to Oedipus. * ELEKTRA 74007 The Gospel at Colonus (1983), 53:00, Telson, Bob. A musical fusing classical and Christian myth by linking gospel music and Sophocles' Oedipus plays. * ELEKTRA/NONESUCH 79191 Ego Phano (Symphony No. 3) (1984), 21:00, Ikebe, Shin-Ichiro (1943-). A work using Oedipus' words to find Laius' killer as a protest against excessive intellectualism. * CAMERATA 374 Greek (1988), 78:00, Turnage, Mark-Anthony (1960-). An opera on the Oedipus story as a skinhead progresses from racism and poverty to selfknowledge. * ARGO 440368 Into Eclipse (1980, rev. 1989), 30:00, Albert, Stephen (1941-1992). A songcycle on Ted Hughes' adaptation of Seneca's Oedipus, later arranged as an orchestral piece. * ALBANY TROY 192, ELECTRA/NONESUCH79153, NEW WORLD 80381 Oedipus Tex (1990), 28:00, Schickele, Peter (PDQ Bach) (1935-). A parody of famous musical works and forms, placing Sophocles' plot in Thebes Gulch, Texas. * TELARC 80239 ("Oedipus Tex and Other Choral Calamities"). Jocaste (1993?), 119:00, Chaynes, Charles (1925-). An opera focusing on Jocasta as the one person not blind to the truth of Oedipus' past and future. * CHAMADE 5633/4 (2) OLYMPIAN GODS Uraniens Flucht (1817), 18:00, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Johann Mayrhofer's poem in which Urania appears at a party of the gods to lament her lot on earth. * HYPERION 33014 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 14," songs dealing with Greek mythical figures), TUDOR 764 ("Lieder Set to Poems by Johann Mayrhofer," with his Der Zurnenden Diana, Atys, Fahrt zum Hades, Philoktet) Die Gotter Griechenlands (1819), 4:30, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on the twelfth strophe of Friedrich von Schiller's poem requesting the gods to return to Greece. * CLAVES 508611 (with his Atys), DG 437225 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 2"), DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77296 (with his Hektors Abschied and Gruppe aus dem Tartarus), ERATO 98493 (with his Freiwilliges Versinkenand An Schwager Kronos), HYPERION 33014 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 14," songs dealing with Greek mythical figures), JECKLIN-DISCO 630 (with his Ganymed), OMEGA 1001 ("Elly Ameling Sings Schubert at Tanglewood," with his Ganymed and Iphigeneia) Thespis "The Gods Grown Old" (1871), 9:00, Sullivan, Arthur (1842-1900). Ballet music from a burlesque about an acting troupe temporarily entrusted with the powers of the Olympians. * MARCO POLO 8.223460 The Planets (1914-16), 49:00, Holst, Gustav (1874-1934). A symphonic suite for large orchestra depicting various gods and goddesses.



ANALEKTA 7804, ANGEL 47160, *69045, ASV 782, 6078, CBS 37226, 44781, CHANDOS 8302, CLASSICS FOR PLEASURE 4243, 9513, COLLINS CLASSICS 1348, 10352, DENON 75076, DG 400028, 413852, 419475, *429730, 439011, *445860, EMI 47160, 64300, 64748, 65423, FACET 8002, IMP 108, 890, INFINITY DIGITAL 57258, KOCH HISTORIC 7704, KOCH LEGACY 7018, LASERLIGHT 14010, LONDON *414567, 414650, 417553, 417677, 417709, *425152, *430447, 452910, MASTERPIECE 1827, MCA 9813 (2), NAXOS 8.550193, NIMBUS 5117, PEARL 9417, PHILIPS 416456, 420177, 420893, 422403, 434162, PRO ARTE 542, RAVEN 380, RCA 61270, 61724, 68819, SAGA 3346, *SONY 47567, 62400, TELARC 80133, TELDEC 46316, 94541. VIRGIN 59645, 61257, VOX 9035, VOX BOX 5105 (2), ALBANY TROY 198 (two piano version), RCA 60518 (electronic performance) Suite No. 2 (1943), 25:30, Lajtha, LAszl6 (1892-1963). Music for the satirical ballet The Grove of Four Gods about the amorous adventures of four Greek gods. * MARCO POLO 8.223671 The Olympians (1949), 123:00, Bliss, Arthur (1891-1975). An opera about the restoration of the Olympians' powers once every hundred years on Midsummer Night. * INTAGLIO 755 (2) Phlegra (1976), 13:30, Xenakis, Iannis (1922-). A work for chamber orchestra inspired by the battleground of the Olympians and the Giants. * ERATO 45770, VANDENBURG 0001 Kottos (1977), 9:30, Xenakis, lannis (1922-). A work for solo cello reflecting the rage of the hundred-handed giant who fought Zeus. * MONTAIGNE 782005 (2) (with his Euryali [Medusa]) Goddess (1996), 22:00, Arkenstone, David. A new-age work for synthesizer, keyboard, and percussion honoring various goddesses for their creative energy. * ENSO 62804 ("Goddess") Song of the Goddesses, Nelson, Marie Barker (1926-). A work for mixed choir honoring Gaia, Artemis, Hera, Aphrodite, Demeter, and Persephone. * MMC 2010 ("American Chamber Music") ORESTES (see also ANDROMACHE, IPHIGENEIA) Electra (1787), 88:00, Haeffner, Johann Christian Friedrich (1759-1833). An opera capturing Sophocles' portrayal of an impetuous and defiant heroine. * CAPRICE22030:1/2 (2), MUSICA SVECIAE 426 ("GustavianOperas," selections, with Naumann's Amphion and Uttini's Thetis) Fragment aus dem Aeschylus (1816), 2:30, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Johann Mayrhofer's translation of Aeschylus' Eumenides 540555. * CAMERATA 32CM-1 15 ("Ernst Haeflinger: Song Recital," with his Atys), DG 437215 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 1"), HYPERION 33014 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 14," songs dealing with Greek mythical figures) Orest auf Tauris (1817), 3:00, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Johann Mayrhofer's poem about Orestes' arrival in Tauris in hopes of escaping his curse. * DG 437225 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 2"), HYPERION 33014 ("The



Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 14," songs dealing with Greek mythical figures), PREISER 93404, TUDOR 762 (with his Lied eines Schiffers an die Dioskuren) Der Entsuhnte Orest (Orestes Purified) (1820), 3:30, Schubert, Franz (17971828). A song on Johann Mayrhofer's poem about Orestes' joyous homecoming from Tauris. * DG 437225 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 2"), HYPERION 33014 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 14," songs dealing with Greek mythical figures) Oresteya (1887-94), 148:00, Taneyev, Sergei (1856-1915). An opera presenting a compact version of Aeschylus' trilogy with one act for each play. * MELODIYA 195 (2), OLYMPIA 95 A/B (2) Apollo's Temple in Delphi (1894), 3:00, Taneyev, Sergei (1856-1915). The entr'acte from his opera Oresteya after Aeschylus. * MELODIYA 10-00021 Oresteia Overture (1897), 18:00, Tanayev, Sergei (1856-1915). A symphonic poem about the Furies' pursuit of Orestes until they become the Eumenides. * CHANDOS 8953 Elektra (1908), 90:00, Strauss, Richard (1864-1949). An opera on Hugo von Hofmannsthal's play about Electra's revenge for the death of her father. * ARKADIA 459 (3), ARLECCHINO 20/2 (3), DG 431737 (2), 445329 (same performance), 453429 (2), EMI 54067 (2), FONIT CETRA 4 (2), *LONDON 417345 (2), MELODRAM 27044 (2), MEMORIES 4380/1 (2), MYTO 946.117 (2), NUOVA ERA 2241/2 (2), ORFEO 298922 (2), PHILIPS 422574 (2), RCA 68635 (5), RODOLPH 32420/ 1 (2), STANDING ROOM ONLY 833 (2), TELDEC 99175 (2) Les Choephores (1915), 34:00, Milhaud, Darius (1892-1974). Incidental music for Part 2 of Paul Claudel's translation of Aeschylus' Oresteia capturing the atmosphere of doom. * CLASSICAL COLLECTOR 150 122 (3), DG 449748 (with Roussel's Bacchus et Ariane), SONY 62352 Elektra (1920), 20:00, Diepenbrock, Alphons (1862-1921). A symphonic suite of incidental music by a classicist/composer for Sophocles' play. * CHANDOS 8821 (with his Marsyas), DONEMUS 50 The Oresteia (1921), 7:30, Simonsen, Rudolf (1889-1947). The first movement of his symphony Hellas, inspired by Aeschylus' Oresteia. * DANACORD 370-1 (2) Electra (1962), Theodorakis, Mikis (1929-). The musical score for Michael Cacoyannis' film on Euripides' drama. * SAKKARIS 50090 Electra (1966), 19:30, Flagello, Nicolas (1928-1994). A concerto for piano and percussion ensemble as a character study of the heroine. * PREMIER 1014 Oresteia (1966/1987), 49:00, Xenakis, lannis (1922-). An orchestral suite on selections of Aeschylus' trilogy focusing on the story's violence. * SALABERT 8906 Mask of Electra (1968), 9:00, Kupferman, Meyer (1926-). A work for mezzosoprano, oboe, and electric harpsichord to a text by the composer. * SOUNDSPELLS 112 The Oresteia (1991-93), 49:00, Lim, Liza (1966-). An opera on Aeschylus' trilogy emphasizing the continuing meaning of the themes of the original. * DISCHI RICORDI 1030 Three Faces of Electra (1995), Kupferman, Meyer (1926-). An orchestral work


DONALD M. PODUSKA described alternately as a symphonic poem and an imaginary ballet. * SOUNDSPELLS 120

ORION Orion's Bdlte (1914), Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957). A song for voice and piano from Six Songs on Zachris Topelius' text. * BIS 657 Orion (1979), 13:00, Vivier, Claude (1948-1983). An orchestral work built on seven different motifs, one for each star of the constellation. * CBC 5106 Orion: Mythologie II (1988-89), 21:00, Fdnelon, Philippe (1952-1994). A work for clarinet, viola, harp, and trombone on his adventures until his death. * ADDA 581277 ("Alain Damiens"), THESIS 82057 (with his La Colere d'Achille, Helios, Ulysse) ORPHEUS Euridice (1600), 102:00, Peri, Jacopo (1561-1633). An opera with a happy ending to the familiar story. * ARTS 47276 (2), RIVO ALTO 89151 (2) Euridice (1601), 104:00, Caccini, Giulio (c.1545-1618). Another opera with a happy ending since it follows the same story line. * ARN 238023. L'Orfeo (1607), 108:00, Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643). An opera with two different endings on Ovid's Metamorphoses 10 and Vergil's Georgics. * *ARCHIV 419 250 (2), CLAVES 9419 (orchestrated by Respighi), EMI 47142 (2), 64947, ERATO 45445 (2), 88133 (2), 98531 (2), HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901553 (2), K617 7066 (2), LONDON 433545 (2), LYRICHORD 9002 (2), *L'OISEAU-LYRE 433545 (2), TELDEC 35020 (3), *42494 (2), 91342 (with his II Ritorno d'Ulisse in Patria), ARKADIA 015 (selections), ERATO 88032 (ballet music only) Come, Woeful Orpheus (1611), 5:00, Byrd, William (c. 1543-1623). A part-song calling upon Orpheus to create a sad song. * TELARC 80328 ("English Madrigals") Le Morte d'Orfeo (1619), 120:00, Landi, Stefano (ca. 1590-ca. 1655). An opera about Orpheus' death, return to Hades, and eventual transformation into a demigod. * ACCENT 8746/7 (2)) Lamento d'Orfeo (1621), 8:30, d'India, Sigismondo (c.1580-1629). A song from Book 4 of his Musiche a Una e Due Voci about his lament for the lost Eurydice. * VIRGIN 59231 (with his Lamento di Giasone) Orfeo (1647), 219:00, Rossi, Luigi (1598-1653). An opera on the wellknown story with a host of secondary characters and many subplots. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901358/60 (3) Recit d'Orphee (1666), 6:00, Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687). An interlude for five-part string ensemble and singer in Ballet des Muses on Orpheus' love for Eurydice. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77218 ("Les Divertisssements," with his Entree pour Bacchus et Ariadne and Plainte de Venus sur la Mort d'Adonis from Divertissement 1, Ouverture de Psyche from Divertissement II, Entree d'Apollon from Divertissement III) Orpheus with His Lute (1667), 1:30, Locke, Matthew (1622-1677). A three-



part song about Orpheus' musical powers from Playford's Catch That Catch Can. * EMI 63143 (with his A Pastoral [Pan]) Orphee Descendant aux Enfers (1683), 16:30, Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1635-1705). A dramatic cantata about whether Orpheus, Tantalus, or Ixion has suffered the most. * RICERCAR 37011 La Descente d'Orphee aux Enfers (1687), 56:00, Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1635-1705). A chamber opera on the story from the couple's marriage to their departure from Hades. * ERATO 11913 Poi Che Riseppe Orfeo (1680s-90s), 12:30, Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660-1725). A cantata about Orpheus' learning of Eurydice's death and his determination to rescue her. * CONIFER 51293 (with his Arianna) Orphee (1710), 18:00, Ckdrambault, Louis-Nicolas (1676-1749). A cantata for soprano narrating the action from Eurydice's death to Orpheus' success in Hades. * ANALEKTA FLEUR DE LYS 3018 (with his Leandre et Hero), ARCHIV 437 085 (with his Me'dde),HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901329 (with his La Mort d'Hercule, La Muse de l'Opera, Pyrame et Tisbe), MERIDIAN 84182 (with his Leandre et HIro), MUSIQUE D'ABORD 1329 (same performanceas HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901329) Orphee (1721), 18:30, Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764). A chamber cantata for voice and strings about his loss of Eurydice. * MD+G 3131, REFERENCE 27 La Lyre d'Orphee (1728), 3:00, Dandrieu,Jean Fransois(1682-1738). A harpsichord work from Pieces de Clavecin 2 suggesting solemn lyricism. * DENON 7810 Orfeo (1735), 17:00, Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista (1710-1736). A chamber cantata about his search for Eurydice. * CAPRICCIO 10517, NAXOS 8.550766 Orfeo ed Euridice (1762, 1774), 86:00, 127:00, Gluck, Christoph Willibald Ritter von (1714-1787). An opera with a happy ending, in an Italian version, a French version, and a version by Berlioz. * 1762 version - *ANGEL 63637 (2), ASTREE 8538 (2), BERLIN CLASSICS 9033 (2), *CAPRICCHIO 60-008, FORLANE 16720 (2), ORFEO 3919521 (2), *PHILIPS 434093 (2), SONY 48040 (2), VERONA 27016/7 (2) * Berlioz version - ANGEL 49834 (2), MUSIC AND ARTS 295 (2), PEARL 9169, *TELDEC 98418 (2) * mixed version - ACCENT 48223/4 (2), EKLIPSE 28 (2), *ERATO 45864 (2), 98512 (excerpts, 74:00), FORLANE 16720 (2), LASERLIGHT 14113, *LONDON 417410 (2), MEMORIES 4283/ 4 (2), PHILIPS 434784 (2), RCA 7896 (2), SONPACT 92002, VANGUARD 4039/40 (2) Orfeo ed Euridice (1776), 77:00, Bertoni, Ferdinando (1725-1813). An opera using the same libretto as Gluck's opera and competing with it. * ARTS 47118, JECKLIN 700 Recueil des Airs du Ballet "Orphee" (Mozart arr.) (I 777), 11:00, Cannabich, Christian (1731-1798). Some of Cannabich's ballet music scored by W. A. Mozart for piano quartet.



- DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77221 Orpheus and Eurydice, 2:00, Boyce, William (c. 1710-1779). A song about Orpheus' journey to the underworld to recover Eurydice. * SAGA 3332 ("Seventeenthand Eighteenth Century Songs and Catches") Orfey i Evridika (1791), Fomin, Evstigney (1761-1800). Excerpts from a melodrama on Yakov Knyazhnin's poem conveying action through speech, dance, and song. * ART AND ELECTRONICS 10370 ("Concertino," with Bortnyansky's Alkid) Orfeo ed Euridice (L'Anima del Filosopho) (1791), 114:00, Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809). An opera in which both Eurydice and Orpheus die from drinking poison offered by the Bacchantes. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77229 (2), KOCH-SCHWANN 1484, MYTO 905.29 (2), L'OISEAU LYRE 452668 (2), ORFEO 262 932 (2), VERONA 28018 (2) 11 Pianto d'Armonia sulla Morte di Orfeo (1808), 20:00, Rossini, Gioacchino (1792-1868). A cantata for tenor, chorus, and orchestraon Abbot Girolomo Ruggia's poem. * AKADEMIA 109 Lied des Orpheus (1816), 4:30, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Johann Georg Jacobi's text depicting Orpheus' journey to the underworld. * DG 437215 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 1"), HYPERION 33011 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 11"), PREISER 89058 La Mort d'Orphee (1827), 14:00, Berlioz, Hector (1803-1869). A choral work for tenor, female chorus, and orchestra on Henri-Montan Berton's text about Orpheus' death. * DENON 72886 ("Cantatas"),HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901542 Orpheus-Quadrille (1844), 6:00, Strauss I, Johann (1804-1849). A quadrille inspired by the legendary singer. * MARCO POLO 8.223617 (with his Najaden-Quadrille) Orpheus (1854), 10:00, Liszt, Franz (1811-1886). A symphonic poem on Orpheus' ability to charm the wild beasts with his beautiful music. * ARGO 430244 (also with his Orpheus), BERLIN CLASSICS 1093, CALA 88038 (piano trio transcription), CEDILLE 014 (duo piano transcription), COLLINS CLASSICS 1249 (organ arrangement), EMI 64850, 69022, ETCETERA 1133 (piano transcription by Taussig), HUNGAROTON 12446, IMP 30366 00032 (organ transcription), NAXOS 8.553355, PMG 10115, PRT 8387, REM 311203 (organ arrangement), SONY 66834, SUPRAPHONET 111112 (with his Prometheus) Orphee aux Enfers (1858), 94:00, Offenbach, Jacques (1819-1880). A comic opera with many plot changes meant to spoof the Olympian gods and French society. * EMI 65384 (2) (German version) * (highlights) CBS 37769, CHESKY 57, CURB 78013, MCA CLASSICS MCAD-6325, PHILIPS 442403, RCA 61211, 68366, SONY 47532, TER CLASSICS 1008, VOX 8773 * (overture) CBS 37769, DENON 7012, DG 400044 (with his La Belle Helene), KLAVES 11040 (with his La Belle Helene), KLAVIER 11049 (with Grdtry's Cephale et Procris ballet music and Massenet's Phedre overture), NAXOS 8.550468, PHILIPS 411476 (with his



La Belle Helene), RCA 61429 (with his La Belle Helene), TELARC 80116, SONY 53288 (with his La Belle Helene) Orpheus with his Lute (1863-64), 3:30, Sullivan, (Sir) Arthur (1842-1900). A song from his Shakespeare Songs on Shakespeare's Henry VIII III, i, about Orpheus' powerful music. * PEARL 9636, SYMPOSIUM 1123 Orpheus (1860s), 4:00, Gabriel, Virginia (1825-1877). A song with piano accompaniment on Shakespeare's Henry VIII III, i. * HYPERION 66709 ("In Praise of Women") Orphee aux Enfers, 7:30, Strauss, Isaac (1806-1888). A quadrille which has borrowed its tune from Offenbach. * MARCO POLO 8.223806 ("Les Succes de la Danse") Orpheus with His Lute (1903, 1925), 2:30, Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872-1958). A song for voice and piano on Shakespeare's Henry VIII III, i, about the power of Orpheus' music. * COLLINS 1488, HYPERION 66480 ("Songs to Shakespeare") Orpheus with His Lute (1908), 2:00, Coates, Eric (1886-1957). A song from his Four Old English Songs. * MARCO POLO 8.223806 Orpheus (1912), 2:30, Gurney, Ivor (1890-1937). A song for tenor and piano on Shakespeare's Henry VIII III, i, about the power of Orpheus'

* HYPERION 66261/2 ("War's Embers") Orphee: Trois Fragments Symphoniques (1913), 25:00, Roger-Ducasse, Jean Jules (1873-1954). A suite from a music-drama in which Orpheus is dismembered by the Maenads. * CYBELIA 820, MARCO POLO 8.223501 L'Orfeide (1919-22), 108:00, Malipiero, Gian Francesco (1882-1973). An opera trilogy in which Orpheus imprisons the seven principal characters of the commedia dell'arte and brings in seven humans to play out seven dramas, with an epilogue of Orpheus, Nero, and Agrippina in a marionette show. * TAHRA 190/1 The New Orpheus (1925), 18:00, Weill, Kurt (1900-1950). A cantata for soprano, violin, and orchestra on Iwan Goll's text about Orpheus' reappearance in the twentieth century, finding "Eurydice" in a railway station, losing her, and shooting himself. * ASV 987 Les Malheurs d'Orphee (1926), 35:00, Milhaud, Darius (1892-1974). An opera in which Orpheus is stoned to death by Eurydice's sisters when he cannot cure her fatal disease. * ADES 203452, ASV 758 Orpheus in Town (1938), 12:00, Rosenberg, Hilding (1892-1985). A suite from music for a ballet inspired by Carl Milles' Orpheus Fountain at the Stockholm Concert Hall in which the statue comes to life and seeks Eurydice in various places in Stockholm. * CAPRICE 21510 (3) Orpheus with His Lute (1939), Quilter, Roger (1877-1953). A song from Two Shakespeare Songs, op. 32 on P. Fletcher's text. * SYMPOSIUM 1184 Arald (1942), 28:00, Bretan, Nicolae (1887-1968). An opera on Mihai Eminescu's The Ghosts, a variant of the Orpheus story set in seventh-century Germany.



* NIMBUS 5424 Orpheus with His Lute (1944), 3:00, Schuman, William (1910-1992). A song arranged for flute and guitar on Shakespeare's Henry VIII III, i. * ALBANY TROY 081 ("Paul Sperry Sings an American Sampler"), HYPERION 66920 ("Sure on This Shining Night"), MUSICMASTERS 70838 ("Mountain Songs"), VOXBOX 5745 (2) ("Twentieth-Century Voices in America"), VOXBOX 3037 (3) ("I Hear America Singing") Orpheus (1947), 3 1:00, Stravinsky, Igor (1882-1971). A ballet about Orpheus' lament for Eurydice, her rescue and loss, his death and eventual apotheosis. * ASV 618 (with his Apollo), CHANDOS 9014, KOCH INTERNATIONAL CLASSICS 7276, MELODIYA 33220, SONY 46292 (3), 53274 Orphee (1949), 11:30, Auric, Georges (1899-1983). Music alone, music with monologue, and music with dialogue for Jean Cocteau's film Orphee. * AUDIVIS TRAVELLING 1506 (with one track from his Le Testament d'Orphee) Urworte Orphisch (Primeval Orphic Sayings) (1949), 10:00, Pfitzner, Hans Erich (1869-1949). A cantata for solists, chorus, and orchestra on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Urworte Orphisch about the duality of law and man's desire for freedom, unfinished when Pfitzner died, but completed by Robert Rehan. * ORFEO 273 922 Danse Elegiaque, "Pour le Tombeau d'Orph&e"(1950), 6:30, Flothuis, Marius (1914-). An incantation for solo harp reflecting upon ancient Greek ideas of the cycle of life and death. * GLOBE 5043 ("Harp Recital: Edward Witsenburg"), QUANTUM 6903 ("Recital de Harpe: Martine Geliot") (1927-1958). A cantatausing electroacousVoiled'Orphle (1953), 15:30,Henry,Pierre tic music and a male voice declaiming an Orphic Hymn in Greek. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 905200, MUSIQUE D'ABORD 5200 (same performance) Concerto d'Orphee (1953), 23:00, Sauguet, Henri (1901-1989). Music for violin and orchestra which evokes the mythical musician. * MUSIC AND ARTS 620 Orpheus mit der Tone Reine (1954), 3:00, Koerppen, Alfred (1926-). A song for male chorus from Zwei Sangesspruche on Henrik Ibsen's text about Orpheus' power over nature. * THOROFON 2183 Meditation on Orpheus (1957), 14:00, Hovhaness, Alan (1911-). A tone poem in which folk-like melodies for solo winds alternate with passages for strings and brass. * BAY CITY 1004, DELOS 3168 Le Testament d'Orphee (1959), 2:00, Auric, Georges (1899-1983). A single track of music with monologue by Jean Cocteau from another of his films about Orpheus. * AUDIVIS TRAVELLING 1506 (with his music from his Orphee) Black Orpheus (1959), 49:00, Bonfa, Luiz (1922-), and Jobim, Antonio Carlos (1927-). Sound track for a movie about a modern-day Orpheus and Eurydice in Rio de Janeiro at carnival time. * KOKO 1299, VERVE 830783 Nenia: The Death of Orpheus (1970), 13:00, Birtwistle, Harrison (1934-).



Music for soprano and instrumental ensemble on Peter Zinovieff's text about the Orpheus legend. * CPO 999360 Orpheus and Eurydice (1972, rev. 1983), 22:00, Foss, Lukas (1922-). A work for two violins and orchestra with the violins personifying the two main characters. * NEW WORLD 80375 Sonnets to Orpheus (1974), 13:30, Perle, George (1915-). The second movement of Songs of Praise and Lamentation for a capella chorus on four sonnets (1, 9, 5, 19) by Rainer Maria Rilke celebrating Orpheus the musician persisting through time and comforting souls with his song. * CRI 615 ("To Orpheus") Orfeo II (1975), 14:00, Musgrave, Thea (1929-). A revised ballet suite for flute and strings inspired by Orpheus' journey to the underworld. * KOCH INTERNATIONAL CLASSICS 7140 Syringa (1978), 19:00, Carter, Elliot (1908-). A work for voice and chamber ensemble on John Ashbery's poem about artistic creation and loss. * BRIDGE 9014 (with his In Genesis), CRI 610, 648 Euridice (1978), 21:00, Sigurbjornsson, Thorkell (1938-). A concerto/symphonic poem for flute and orchestra about the couple seen from Eurydice's point of view. * BIS 709 (with his Calais and Liongate) In Genesis (1981), 3:00, Carter, Elliot (1908-). The last song of In Sleep, In Thunder on Robert Lowell's poem dealing with the same theme as

* BRIDGE 9014 (with his Syringa) Orpheus behind the Wire (1981-83), 22:00, Henze, Hans Werner (1926-). A work for unaccompanied chorus on five poems by Edward Bond transferring the Orpheus legend to a contemporay situation of political intimidation and violence influenced by Henze's experiences in Nazi Germany. * CHANDOS 8963 ("Masters of 20th Century a Capella"), CRI 6150 (with Perle's Sonnets to Orpheus) Overture to Orpheus (1982), 12:00, Andriessen, Louis (1939-). A harpsichord solo from the overture for a theatrical work composed in 1977. * HAAGS GEMEENTEMUSEUM 02 Dark Orpheus (1982), 13:00, Kupferman, Meyer (1926-). A work for cello and guitar. * SOUNDSPELLS 105 Charon's Gift (1982), 14:00, Marez-Oyens, Tera De (1932-1996). A work for piano and tape on the composer's dreamlike descent into Hades to persuade Charon to free a friend. * COMPOSERS' VOICE 8702, DONEMUS 8702 The Severed Head (1982), 6:00, Tippett, Michael (1905-). A song for soloists and chorus about Orpheus' return from Hades and his dismemberment by the Maenads, part of the ninth movement from The Mask of Time, on lines from poems of John Dowland and Rainer Maria Rilke. * EMI 47705/6 (2) Orphee-Serenade (1984), 19:00, Bolcom, William (1938-). A serenade with each letter of "Orphde"being the first letter of the title of each movement. * DG 435389 ("Points of Departure") Orpheus (1986), 10:30, Davis Jr., Louis (Chip) (1949-). A work for the progressive group Mannheim Steamroller on Orpheus' journey to and from Hades.



* AMERICAN GRAMAPHONE 386 ("Fresh Aire VI," with his Sirens) Sogno de Orfeo (1988-89), 17:00, Pettersen, Jan Erik (1947-). A work for lute, percussion, and acoustic guitar based on a series of paintings by Kjell Nupen. * INTAVOLATURA 4003 ("Jan Erik Pettersen: Sogno," with Smith Brindle's El Polifemo de Oro) Orphee (1989), 68:00, Gagneux, Renaud (1947-). An opera linking the story of Orpheus, Eurydice, and Aristaeus to the resurrrection of Christ. * CYBELIA 865 Orpheus Over and Under (1989), 18:00, Lang, David (1957-). A work for two tremolo pianos seeking in music an equilibrium between hope and loss in the Orpheus myth. * CR1 625 Under Orpheus (1989-94), 16:30, Lang, David (1957-). A reworking of the previous work, now including woodwind, brass, electric guitar, and double bass. * CHANDOS 9363 ("Adams/Lang: Works for Wind Ensemble," with his On Hearing the Siren's Song) Orpheus Singing (1991), 10:30, Baley, Virko (1938-). A work for either oboe and string quartet or string orchestra. * CAMBRIA 1087 Antiphonies for Piano and Orchestra (1993), 34:00, Birtwistle, Harrison (1934-). A piano concerto from music of his opera The Mask of Orpheus presenting the basic story in an unusual way. * COLLINS 14142 Orfeo III (1993), 14:30, Musgrave, Thea (1928-). A work for flute and string quintet on Gluck's Orfeo ed Euridice with flute as Orpheus and strings as other roles. * CRI 723 ("Orchestra 2001: Distant Runes") Pour en Finir avec la Pouvoir d'Orphe'e, Parmegiani, Bernard (1927-). An electro-acoustic piece. * ADA 1012/3 (2) Euridice in Hades, 12:00, Bolleter, Ross (1946-). A work for solo decaying accordion. * TALL POPPIES 45 The Sonnets to Orpheus, Anderson, John Maxwell (1948-). Music for mezzosoprano, violin, and piano for Stephen Mitchell's translation of seven poems from Rainer Maria Rilke's Die Sonette an Orpheus, a work held together by the figures of Orpheus and a young dancer. * ANDERSON V2 (private issue) PAN (see also ARTEMIS, MIDAS, NYMPHS, SYRINX) Bockxvoetje (Goat-foot) (1646), 1:00, van Eyck, Jonkheer Jacob (c.15901657). A work for recorder in which Goat-foot is Pan, luring nymphs to the satyrs with his music. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 907072 (with his Questa Dolce Sirena and Daphne) A Pastoral (1667), 1:30, Locke, Matthew (1622-1677). A song of praise to the increaser of flocks and the bringer of peace from Playford's Catch That Catch Can. * EMI 63143 (with his Orpheus with His Lute)



Le Flu2te de Pan (1897-98), 3:00, Debussy, Claude (1862-1918). A song from Pierre Louys' Chansons de Bilitis about a person's learning from Pan to play the pipes. * ARABESQUE 6673, BIS 28, 34, CBS 35127 ("Portrait of Frederica von Stade"), LONDON 417813, QUANTUM 6912, RCA 60899 ("Nathalie Stutzmann: Ravel Debussy Melodies"), UNICORNKANCHANA 2078, VIRGIN 59604 (with his Syrinx), WERGO 60054-50 ("MagnifiCathy") La Flu2te de Pan (19??), 15:00, Mouquet, Jules (1867-1946). A work for flute and orchestra suggesting Pan's competion with shepherds, birds, and nymphs. * BIS 529 ("French Flute Concertos") Pan et les Oiseaux (19??), 7:00, Mouquet, Jules (1867-1946). The second part of the previous work. * SYRINX 90101 ("La Belle Epoque de la FlOte") Pan and Echo (1906), 4:30, Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957). A dance intermezzo for orchestra inspired by the two woodland deities. * BIS 359 Pan (1910), 56:00, Novak, Viteszslav (1870-1949). A tone poem for piano, later orchestrated, with the Greek god as the central figure. * CHANDOS 9489 (piano version), MARCO POLO 8.223325, SUPRAPHON 11 0682 Pour Invoquer Pan, Dieu du Vent d'Ete (1914), 2:30, Debussy, Claude (18621918). One of 6 Epigraphes Antiques for different musical arrangements on Pierre Louys' poems. * ASTREE 8568, CALLIOPE 9824, 9833, CHANDOS 9294, CLAVES 8508, 9008, COLOSSEUM 34.0649, DENON 78848, DONEMUS 22, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901504, 90957, KOCH INTERNATIONAL CLASSICS 7055, KONTRAPUNKT 32107, MD+G 6190658, MUSIQUE D'ABORD 190957, PAN CLASSICS 510076, PRICE-LESS 23677, QUANTUM 6912 (with his Chansons de Bilitis), TITANIC 216 ("Poetic License") Choral Symphony Prelude (1924), 3:00, Holst, Gustav (1874-1934). The prelude of the First Choral Symphony for soprano, chorus, and orchestra on John Keats' text invoking Pan. * HYPERION 66660 Pan (1924), 12:00, Merikanto, Aarre (1893-1958). An ethereal and impressionistic symphonic tone poem. * FINLANDIA 021, 349 Pan (1924), 2:30, Rangstrom, Ture (1884-1947). A song for mezzo--soprano on Bo Bergman's poem about the power of the god's song. * DG 449189 ("Wings in the Night") Pan and the Priest (1926), 13:30, Hanson, Howard (1896-1981). A tone poem inspired by the ancient mythical figure. * BAY CITIES 1009, CITADEL 88116 Pastoral (1928), 34:00, Bliss, Arthur (1891-1975). A choral work for mezzosoprano, small choir, flute, timpani, and strings on Ben Jonson's and John Fletcher's poems about Pan and Echo, Robert Nichols' about Naiads, and Theocritus' prayer to Demeter. * CHANDOS 8886, HYPERION 66175 La Fluzte de Pan (1928), 15:30, Cras, Jean (1879-1932). An instrumental piece set to four poems of Lucien Jacques dealing with the origin of


DONALD M. PODUSKA the Panpipe. * QUANTUM 6897, TIMPANI 1025 Aimait Ekh6 (1931), 2:00, Roussel, Albert (1869-1937). A song from Deux Idylles on Moschus' excerpt about a foursome having a love/ hate relationship. * EMI 749271 (2) ("Mdlodies," with his Le Kerioklepte [Eros]) (1951), 2:00, Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976). One of Six Metamorphoses after Ovid for solo oboe about his playing upon the syrinx, his former beloved. * CAMERATA 30CM-449, CHANNEL 9326, CRYSTAL 323, 325, EMI 55398, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 911556, HYPERION 66776, MERIDIAN 84119, NORWAY MUSIC 1004, SIMAX 1022, SONPACT 94011, UNICORN-KANCHANA 9121, VICTORIA 19036 (1978), Schnebel, Dieter (1930-). A work for flute and accompaniment. * THOROFON 2190 ("Music for Four Flutes") (1985), 5:00, Kagel, Mauricio (1931-). A work for piccolo, flute, and string quartet inspired by the story of the creation of the Panpipes. * DISQUES MONTAIGNE 789004 Fantasy (1985), 44:00, Sarmanto, Heikki (1939-). A work for four flutes, keyboard, and strings suggesting Pan's wanderings through a mythical garden. * FINLANDIA 929



Pan Pan Pan

PANDORA (see also PROMETHEUS) Pandora (1944), 26:00, Gerhard, Roberto (1896-1970). An orchestral suite for two pianos and percussion from music for a ballet about the evils of war and Fascism. * AUDIVIS MONTAIGNE782105, LARGO 5119, HARMONIAMUNDI FRANCE 901500 Skizzen aus Pandora (Sketches from Pandora) (1973), 13:00, Segerstam, Leif (1944-). An orchestral suite from music for a ballet about Pandora's release of all the ills of the world. * BIS 84 Pandora's Box (1987), Zucker, Laurel (1955-). A work for solo flute. * CANTILENA 66004 ("Song of the Wind") PARIS (see also HELEN) II Paride (1662), 150:00, Bontempi, Giovanni Andrea Angelini (c.16241705). An opera on the judgment of Paris for the wedding celebration of a nobleman. * VOCE 62 (3) The Judgment of Paris (1701), 3:30, Eccles, John (c. 1668-1735). A setting for four trumpets and tympani for William Congreve's masque. * NIMBUS 5155 ("Rule Britannia," with Stanley's The Choice of Hercules) Paridi ed Elena (1770), 132:00, Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714-1787). An opera on Ovid's Heroides about Paris' carrying off Helen despite warnings of tragic consequences. * BARD 1D2, CAPRICCIO 60 027 (2), ORFEO 118 842 (2) Menuett (1924), 3:00, Friedman, Ignaz (1882-1948). A piano transcription based on Le Jugement de Paris, an anonymous work of 1804. * ETCETERA 1117



PEGASUS Pegasus Galop, Lumbye, Hans Christian (1810-1874). A spirited dance never recorded before. - UNICORN-KANCHANA 9143 Pegasus Effect (Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra) (1984), 24:00, Yoshimatsu, Takashi (1953-). Music suggesting the metamorphosis of an earthbound horse into a heavenly winged horse. * CHANDOS 9438 Pegasus, McFarlane, Ronn (1953-). A string quartet. * CON MOLTO 94001 PENELOPE (see also ODYSSEUS) Peinlope (1782), 8:00, Carvalho, Joao de Sousa (1745-1798). The overture of an opera written as a birthday present for royalty. * HUNGAROTON 12884 ("Overtures," with overturesfrom his L'Eumene and Perseo), MOVIEPLAY 11033 Penelope (1912), 124:00, Faurd, Gabriel (1845-1924). An opera on the second half of the Odyssey about Penelope's trials while awaiting Odysseus' return. * ERATO 88205 (2), ANGEL 47939 (prelude, with his Prometheus), CHANDOS 9416 (prelude), NAXOS 8.553740 (prelude), PIERRE VERANY 792051 (prelude) Penelope (1954), 71:00, Liebermann, Rolf (1910-). An opera linking Penelope's story to that of a woman awaiting her husband's return from World War II. * ORFEO 328 931 PENTHESILEA Penthesileia Overture (1879), 21:00, Goldmark, Karl (1830-1915). A tone poem on Heinrich von Kleist's tragedy about Achilles' love for Penthesilea. * HUNGAROTON 12552 ("Goldmark'sOvertures,"with his Prometheus), MARCO POLO 8.220417, RECORDS INTERNATIONAL 7007 Penthesilea (1883-85), 27:00, Wolf, Hugo (1860-1903). Another tone poem based on Kleist's play. * BERLIN CLASSICS 9026, *ERATO 45416 Penthesilea (1908, 1912), 7:00, Szymanowski, Karel (1882-1937). A work for soprano and orchestra on Stanislaw WyspiAnski's play Achilleis about Penthesilea's love for Achilles. * MARCO POLO 8.223293 (with his Demeter), NAXOS 8.553687 (with his Demeter) Penthesilea (1924-25), 80:00, Schoeck, Othmar (1886-1957). Another opera based on Kleist's play. * ORFEO 364 941, CLAVES 9201 (a twenty-five minute orchestral suite based on music from the opera) PENTHEUS (see also DIONYSUS) King Roger (1926), 94:00, Szymanowski, Karol (1882-1937). An opera, loosely based on Euripides' Bacchae, about a conflict between Roger, king of Sicily, representing medieval religious traditions, and a shepherd who turns out to be Dionysus, representing self-abandoning joy. * KOCH SCHWANN 314014 (2), 314303 (2), MARCO POLO 8.223339/ 40 (2), OLYMPIA 303 Revelation in the Courthouse Park (1960), 84:00, Partch, Harry (1901-1976).



An opera alternating a modern plot with Euripides' Bacchae in an attack on the mediocrity of mass culture. * TOMATO 70390 (2) The Bassarids (1966), 117:00, Henze, Hans Werner(1926-). An opera on Euripides' Bacchae contrasting the rational Pentheus and the sensual Bacchus. * KOCH SCHWANN 314006/7 (2) Backanterna (1991), 128:00, B6rtz, Daniel (1943-). An opera on Euripides' Bacchae showing the inanity of any kind of fundamentalism. * CAPRICE 22028-1 (2) PERSEPHONE/PROSERPINE La Proserpina (1645), 4:00, Uccellini, Marco (c. 1603-1680). No. 26 from "Bk. 4" of his Sonatas for string trio, probably derived from a popular musical work. * GLOBE 5099 ("Italian Music for Virtuosi"), HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 907066 Proserpin (1780), 125:00, Kraus, Joseph Martin (1756-1792). An opera on Persephone's abduction by Hades, but adding another suitor for her love. * MUSICA SVECIAE 422/3 (2), 909 (excerpts) Proserpina (1815), 26:00, Eberwein, Carl (1786-1868). Incidental music for Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's monodrama about Persephone's anger over her lost life. * MDG GOLD 3350740 (with Benda's Ariadne) Persephone (1929), 1:30, Holst, Gustav (1874-1934). A song about death and its aftermath from Twelve Songs by H. Wolfe on Humbert Wolfe's text. * UNITED 88016 ("Dweller in My Deathless Dreams") Persiphone (1934), 48:00, Stravinsky, Igor (1882-1971). A ballet-melodrama or accompanied recitation on Andr6 Gide's poem about the abduction of Persephone. * MUSICMASTERS 67103, SONY 46300 (2) (with his Oedipus Rex), VIRGIN 59077 (2), *61249 (2), 91511 (2) Proserpine (SymphonyNo. 7) (1959), 50:00, Lloyd, George (1913-). A symphony representing the joyful side of life, the goddess of death, and the desperate side of life. * ALBANY TROY 057, CONIFER 143 Persephassa (1969), 26:30, Xenakis, lannis (1922-). A work for six percussions suggesting the cosmic cycle of death and rebirth. * MODE 58 (with his La Deesse Athena) The Garden of Proserpine (1982), 8:00, Reed, Alfred (1921-). A work for wind ensemble about the place where troubles end in quiet. * KOSEI 3007 Le Rapt de Persephone (1987), 58:00, Bon, Andre (1946-). An opera on the Greek myth, but with a contemporary setting. * CYBELIA 861 Persephone Rising (1990), 4:30, Read, Bob, and White, Anne Louise. A song for the new-age group Trapezoid to a beloved one who, like Persephone, returns only in the spring. * ATLANTIC 6301 1, MCA 6301 1, NARADA 63011 ("Moon Run") PERSEUS Andromede (1682), 13:00, Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1635-1705). Incidental music for Pierre Corneille's play Andromede, replacing the music of his rival Charles Dassoucy. * HARMONIAMUNDI FRANCE 901244 (seven instrumentalmovements



of twenty-three movements, mostly singing, along with movements from Thomas Corneille's Circd music), MUSIQUE D'ABORD 1244 (same performance) Andromede et Perse'e (c. 1718), 14:00, Mouret, Jean-Joseph (1682-1738). A cantata on the familiar story of her rescue by Perseus. * CBC 1081 ("Un Concert en Nouvelle-France") Perseo (1779), 6:30, Carvalho, JoAo de Sousa (1745-1798). The overture for his opera written as a birthday present for royalty. * HUNGAROTON 12884 ("Overtures," with overturesfrom his L'Eumene and Penelope) Die Rettung der Andromeda durch Perseus (c. 1781), 23:00, Dittersdorf, Karl (1739-1799). Symphony No. 4 from Six Symphonies after Ovid's Metamorphoses on Ovid's Metamorphoses 4. * CALIG 50885/6 (2), CHANDOS 8564/5 (2), MHS 522223, NAXOS 8.553369, SUPRAPHON 110579 (2) Phineus (c. 1781), 16:00, Dittersdorf, Karl (1739-1799). Symphony No. 5 of Six Symphonies after Ovid's Metamorphoses on Ovid's Metamorphoses 5. * CALIG 50885/6 (2), CHANDOS 8564/5 (2), MHS 522223, NAXOS 8.553369, SUPRAPHON 110579 (2) Andromeda (1814), Vaccai, Nicola (1790-1848). A cantata of arias alternating with orchestrally accompanied recitative on Andromeda's rescue by Perseus. * BONGIOVANNI 10005 Plainte dAndromede (1891), 45:30, Lekeu, Guillaume (1870-1894). A cantata for solo, chorus, and orchestra on J. Sauveniere's poem about her rescue. * MUSIQUE EN WALLONIE 80051, RICERCAR 99083, RICERCAR 119129 (a chamber version of the work for soprano, piano, double bass, and string quartet) Andromede (1901), 15:00, Holmes, Augusta (1847-1903). A symphonic poem about her rescue by Perseus. * MARCO POLO 8.223449 Serenata per Andromeda (1987), Arrigo, Girolamo (1930-). A work for clarinet, piano, viola, and string orchestra on Roberto Guiducci's poem. * BONGIOVANNI 5511 Andromeda (1994), 15:30, Bell, Elizabeth (1929-). A work for piano, string orchestra, and three percussion instruments about her rescue. * VIENNA MODERN MASTERS 3029 ("I Am an American Woman") PHAEDRA Hippolite et Aricie (1703), 18:00, Bernier, Nicolas (1665-1734). A cantata for solo voice and instruments from bk. 3 of his Cantates Francoises adding Aricie to the story. * PIERRE VERANY 792113 Hippolyte et Aricie (1733), 170:00, Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764). An opera on Euripides' Hippolytus, Seneca's Phaedra, and Racine's Phedre on the familiar story. * *ARCHIV 445 853 (3), *ERATO 15517 (3), AMATI 9206 (with his Dardanus selections), DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77009, EDITIO CLASSICA 77009 (orchestral suite) Fedra (1788), 109:00, Paisiello, Giovanni (1740-1816). An opera on Euripides emphasizing not Phaedra but Aricia and ending with Hippolytus' rescue. * MEMORIES 4502 (2), NUOVA ERA 2271/2 (2) Hippolits Lied (1826), 3:00, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Georg Friedrich von Gerstenbergk's poem of Hippolytus' love for Aricie.



DG 437225 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 2"), HYPERION 33014 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 14," songs dealing with Greek mythical figures), PHILIPS 411421 (with his Gruppe aus dem Tartarus) Phedre (1873), 9:00, Massenet, Jules (1842-1912). A concert overture as well as incidental music to Jean Racine's play. * KLAVIER 11049 (with Grdtry's Cephale et Procris ballet music and Offenbach's Orpheus overture), MERCURY 432014 ("French Opera Highlights") Phedre (1926), 18:00, Honegger, Arthur (1892-1955). Six sections which comprise the incidental music for Gabriele d'Annunzio's Fedra. * ERATO 45862, MELODIYA 212, ERATO 45862 (3 sections) La Delivrance de Thesee (1927), 8:00, Milhaud, Darius (1892-1974). One of his Trois Opera-minutes following the classical story except for the inclusion of Aricie. * ARION 68195, CLASSICAL COLLECTOR 150 122 (3), KOCH SCHWANN 311392 Dirge for a Hero (1932), 3:30, Foulds, John (1880-1939). A part of the suite Hellas for double string orchestra, harp, and percussion about Hippolytus. * LYRITA 212 (with his Corybantes and Song of the Argive Helen)) Syllabaire pour Phedre (1967), 27:30, Ohana, Maurice (1914-). A chamber opera on Euripides' story with scenic references to Japanese noh plays. * CALLIOPE 9877 Phaedra (1973), 18:00, Franke, Chris (1953-), Froese, Edgar (1944-), and Baumann, Peter (1953-). An electronic work for the progressive music group Tangerine Dream on the ill-fated character. * CAPITOL 39804 ("Tangents: 1973-83"), VIRGIN 342 ("Dream Sequence"), 2010 ("Phaedra"), 90933 ("Phaedra") Phaedra (1975), 16:00, Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976). A cantata for mezzosoprano and small orchestra on her dying words in Robert Lowell's translation of Racine. * ANGEL 49259, ARION 68035, COLLINS 7037 (2), ERATO 12713 (with his The Rescue of Penelope), HYPERION 66845, LONDON 425666 (2) Hippolytus and Salome (1992, 1993), 12:30, Bowles, Paul (1910-). Interwoven selections from music written for productions of Euripides' play and Oscar Wilde's play. * LARGO 5131 Phddra (Rhapsodic Concerto for Cello and Orchestra) (1 993), 27:30, Banter, Harald (1930-). A work for solo cello and orchestra on the tragic story. * MARCO POLO 8.223860 (with his Tod des Aktaeon) PHAETHON (see also APOLLO) Phaeton (1683), 140:00, Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687). An opera on Ovid's Metamorphoses 2 with a complicated love story introducing the familiar part of the tale. * MUSIFRANCE/ERATO 91737 (2) O Come, 0 Come My Dearest (1736), 1:30, Arne, Thomas (1710-1778). A song from the masque The Fall of Phaeton on Pritchard's text, then a song in his The Songs in As You Like It. * DORIAN 90105 ("English Mad Songs and Ayres," with Purcell's



Music for a While from his music for Dryden and Lee's Oedipus) Der Sturz Phaethons (c. 1781), 17:00, Dittersdorf, Karl (1739-1799). Symphony No. 2 of Six Symphonies after Ovid's Metamorphoses on the story from Ovid's Metamorphoses 2. * CALIG 50885/6 (2), CHANDOS 8564/5 (2), MHS 522223, NAXOS 8.553368, SUPRAPHON 110579 (2) Phaeton (1868), 9:00, Saint-Saens, Camille (1835-1921). A symphonic poem describing Phaethon's flight in Apollo's chariot. * ANGEL 47477 (with his Le Rouet d'Omphale), ASV 599, DENON 75024 (with his Le Rouet d'Omphale), EMI 69112 (with his Le Rouet d'Omphale), LONDON 414460 (with his Le Rouet d'Omphale), 425021 (with his Heracles and Le Rouet d'Omphale), PAN CLASSICS 510 078, SONY 53979, TELARC 80274 Phaeton (1951), 1:30, Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976). One of Six Metamorphoses after Ovid for solo oboe recalling his fall from the sky. * CAMERATA 30CM-449, CHANNEL 9326, CRYSTAL 323, 325, EMI 55398, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 911556, HYPERION 66776, MERIDIAN 841 19, NORWAY MUSIC 1004, SIMAX 1022, SONPACT 9401 1, UNICORN-KANCHANA 9121, VICTORIA 19036 Phaethon (1986), 8:00, Rouse, Christopher(1949-). A tone poem on Phaethon's ride and eventual destruction, dedicated to the astronautswho died in 1986. * TELARC 80452 PHILOCTETES Philoktet (1817), 2:30, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Johann Mayrhofer's text about Philoctetes' lament after his bow is stolen by Odysseus. * DG 437215 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 1"), HYPERION 33014 ("The Hyperion Schubert Edition: Complete Songs vol. 14," songs dealing with Greek mythical figures), TUDOR 764 ("Lieder Set to Poems by Johann Mayrhofer," with his Der Zurnenden Diana, Atys, Fahrt zum Hades, and Uraniens Flucht) PHILOMELA Nothing on Earth (?), 4:00, Anon. A song in which a poet compares his distress to the sad fate of Philomela. * DORIAN 90109 ("The English Lute Song," with Cupid Is Venus' Only Joy) Philomel (1963), 19:00, Babbitt, Milton (1916-). Acoustic music for soprano, recorded soprano, and synthesizer on John Hollander's adaptation of Ovid's Metamorphoses 6 in which Philomela rediscovers her voice as a nightingale. * NEUMA RECORDS 45074 ("Electro Acoustic Music: Classics"), NEW WORLD 80466 Philomela (1954-1970), 19:30, Cone, Edward T. (1917-). A suite for soprano, flute, viola, and piano on poems by Robert Bridges, Sir Philip . Sidney, and Matthew Arnold. * CRI 737 PIERIDES The Singing Contest between the Pierides and the Muses (1589), 9:00, Marenzio, Luca (1553/4-1599). An interlude for Girolamo Bargagli's comedy La Pellegrina from Ovid's Metamorphoses 5.


EMI 47998 ("Una 'Stravaganza' dei Medici," with his Apollo and Malvessi's Arion and Jove)

POLYPHEMUS (see also GALATEA) El Polifemo de Oro (1956, rev.1981), 10:00, Brindle, Reginald Smith (1917-). A work for solo guitar about the guitar's round mouth, a golden Cyclops who both sings and cries. * INTAVOLATURA 4003 ("Jan Erik Pettersen: Sogno," with Pettersen's Sogno de Orfeo) POMONA Pomone (1877), 10:00, Waldteufel, Emile (1837-1915). A waltz inspired by the Roman goddess of fruit trees. * EMI 68289 (2) (with Offenbach's La Belle Helene), MARCO POLO 8.223451, NAXOS 8.553956 (with his Les Sirenes), NIMBUS 5264, SOLSTICE 100 POSEIDON/NEPTUNE (see also NAIS, OLYMPIAN GODS) Neptune (1880), 9:00, Rubinstein, Anton (1829-1894). The third movement of his Symphony No. 2 (Ocean) presenting a calmer and more serene god. * MARCO POLO 8.220449 The Triumph of Neptune (1926), 22:00, Berners, Lord (Gerald Hugh TyrwhittWilson) (1883-1950). Ballet music for the Ballets Russes containing shipwrecks, drunken sailors, and Neptune himself. * ANGEL 47668, EMI 63405, 65098 The Story of Neptune (1991), 19:00, Williams, Tony (1945-1997). A neobop work for jazz quintet. * BLUE NOTE 98169 PROMETHEUS Creatures of Prometheus (1801), 66:00, Beethoven, Ludwig von (1770-1827). A ballet about Prometheus' creation of humans from clay and fire stolen from heaven. * DG 419608, DIVERTIMENTO 41002, HYPERION 66748, KOCH SCHWANN 316070, ORIGINALS 824, RCA 60786, VANGUARD 8084/5 (2) ("Music for the Theater"), TELDEC 90876, VOX/TURNABOUT 7112 Prometheus (1809), 4:00, Reichardt, Johann Friedrich (1752-1814). A song for solo voice and harp on text from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's unfinished play about the Titan. * CLAVES 9517 (with his Ganymed), ORFEO 245921 (with his Aeneas zu Dido) Prometheus (1819), 4:30, Schubert, Franz (1797-1828). A song on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's text about the defiant creator of man and prototype of the artist. * ARCANA 37 (with his An Schwager Kronos and Ganymed),CLASSICS FOR PLEASUERE 2224 (with his Lied eines Schiffers an die Dioskuren), DG 437225 ("Schubert Lieder, Vol. 2"), LONDON 452917 (with his An Schwager Kronos and Ganymed), ORFEO 021 821 ("Lieder for Bass," with his Fahrt zum Hades, and Gruppe aus dem Tartarus), PREISER 93145 (with his Gruppe aus dem Tartatus), PREISER 93145 (with his Tartarus) Promethee Enchaine (1848), 12:00, Alkan, Charles (1813-1888). The final



movement from Grande Sonate: Les Quatre Ages prefaced by seven lines from Aeschylus. * DISCOVER INTERNATIONAL 920362, ELAN 82276, EMI 64280, FIDELIO 8839, HYPERION 66794 Prometheus (1850), 13:00, Liszt, Franz (1811-1886). A symphonic poem to celebrate the unveiling of a statue of Johann von Herder, philosopher and humanist. * ARGO 430244 (with his Orpheus), BERLIN CLASSICS 1126, CEDILLE 024, EMI 68595, LONDON 417513, NAXOS 8.550487, SONY 53978, SUPRAPHONET 111112 (with his Orpheus) Der Gefesselte Prometheus (1889), 17:00, Goldmark, Karl (1830-1915). Music from Overture to Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound capturing the struggles and upheavals in the play. * ASV 934, HUNGAROTON 12552 ("Goldmark's Overtures," with his Penthesilea), RECORDS INTERNATIONAL 7007 (with his Penthesilea) Prometheus (1890), 8:00, Wolf, Hugo (1860-1903). A song on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's text about a defiant Prometheus facing Zeus. * ORFEO 219911 ("Orchesterlieder") Prometheus-The Poem of Fire (Symphony No. 5) (1910), 20:00, Scriabin, Alexander (1872-1915). A symphonic poem on Prometheus' emergence from primeval tranquillity to assume the power of creation. * ALLEGRETTO 8170, ANGEL 54112, ARLECCHINO 32, 65/6 (2), BIS 534, 535, CHANDOS 8462, EMI 54251, LONDON 417252, 430843, MUSIC AND ARTS 967, PEARL GEMM 9066 (2), PHILIPS 420785 (3), RUSSIAN DISC 11 058, SONY 53978, SUPRAPHON 104149, TUDOR 7025, VOX 8170 Andante Movement, Symphony no. 2 (1911-15), 9:00, Stenhammar, Wilhelm (1871-1927). A movement of a symphony inspired by Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound. * DG 445857 (2) Promithie (1917), 33:30, Faurd, Gabriel (1845-1924). Preludes and scenes from an "opera" for Jean Lorrain and A. Ferdinand Herold's tragedy Promethee. * EMI 47939 (with his Penelope), PG 7466 Prometheus Unbound (1933, 1936), 7:30, Bantock, Granville (1868-1946). A symphonic prelude for brass band, then a choral work with orchestra on Percy Bysshe Shelley's play. * CHANDOS 4510 ("Brass: Black Dyke Mills Band") Music for a Scene from Shelley (1 933), 9:00, Barber, Samuel (1 910-198 1). A symphonic work inspired by Shelley's vision in Prometheus Unbound of all creation united by love. * ARGO 436288, CHANDOS 9253 (with his Medea's Meditation), STRADIVARI 8012, VANGUARD 4016, VOX BOX 5091 (2) Prometheus (1967), 18:30, Ferneyhough, Brian (1943-). A work for woodwind sextet on themes of creative power and freedom of choice. * ACCORD 205 772 (with his La Chute d'Icare), CRI 652 ("Sonor Ensemble") Ganymede/Prometheus (1982), 8:00, Hair, Graham (1943-). An ensemble piece for contemporary music sextet in which Ganymede is an "inverse double" of Prometheus. * CANBERRA SCHOOL OF MUSIC I Prometeo (1984), 133:30, Nono, Luigi (1924-1990). An opera on Aeschylus'



play using quotations from more recent sources to heighten the meaning. * EMI 55209, SONY 53978 (2) Promithius (1985), Stankovych, Yevhen (1942-). A ballet suite. * ANALEKTA 8901 The Fires of Prometheus (1986), 11:00, Kupferman, Meyer (1926-). A work for trumpet and two pianos in echo. * CRYSTAL 667 PROTEUS Protee-Symphonic Suite No. 2 (1919), Milhaud, Darius (1894-1972). A suite from incidental music for Paul Claudel's farce inspired by the title of a satyr play of Aeschylus. * IMP 5691862 ("BBC Radio Classics") PSYCHE Ouverture de Psyche (1671), 2:30, Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687). Music for five-part string ensemble and singer for Pierre Corneille and Jean Baptiste Moli&re's comedy-ballet. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77218 ("Les Divertisssements," with his Entree pour Bacchus et Ariadne, Recit d'Orphie, Plainte de Venussur la Mort d'Adonis from Divertissement1, Entree d'Apollon from Divertissement III) Psyche (1675), 77:00, Locke, Matthew (1621/2-1677). Vocal music for Thomas Shadwell's Psyche or The English Opera on Apuleius' Metamorphoses. * L'OISEAU-LYRE 444 336 Psyche (1881-82), 83:30, Gade, Niels (1817-1890). A cantata for soloists, chorus, and orchestra about the love affair of Psyche and Eros. * KONTRAPUNKT 32244/5 (2) Psyche (1886), 28:00, Franck, Cdsar (1821-1890). A symphonic poem for chorus and orchestra about Cupid and Psyche's love affair. * ARION 68293 (with his Les Eolides), *ARKADIA 453 (with his Les Eolides), CHANDOS 9342, CHESKY 87, DG 419605, 431468, ERATO 45552 (with his Les Eolides), 88167 (with his Les Eolides), HUNGAROTON 31360, LONDON 425432, RICERCAR 9058/9 (2) (with his Les Eolides) Airs de Ballet d'Ascanio (1890), 4:00, Saint-Sadns, Camille (1835-1921). A variation for flute from his opera's Act 3 ballet divertissement depicting Cupid's appearance to Psyche. * BIS 166, CHANDOS 8840 ("La Flfite Enchantee"), KONTRAPUNKT 32062/3 (2) Psyche (1924), 5:00, Falla, Manuel de (1876-1946). A work for voice, flute, harp, and string trio on G. Jean-Aubry's text of Psyche's rejection of all suitors save Eros. * AS DISC 5004, DORIAN 90214, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901432, LONDON 433908 (2), NONESUCH 979262 ("Dawn Upshaw"), RNE/SPANISH NATIONAL RADIO M3/06 Cupid and Psyche: Suite (1939), 25:30, Berners, Lord (Gerald Hugh TyrwhittWilson) (1883-1950). A suite from the music for a ballet on Apuleius' Metamorphoses. * MARCO POLO 8.223780 Cupid and Psyche: Overture to a Ballet (1943), 7:00, Hindemith, Paul (18951963). A work for a never-written ballet on Apuleius' story as depicted in paintings at the Villa Farnesina in Rome.



* CPO 999004 ("Complete Orchestral Works, vol. 1"), NOVALIS 150118 The Singing Tree (1988), 129:00, Bergman, Erik (1911-). An opera on a Swedish fairytale of Prince Halt in the Nether World traced to Apuleius' story. * ONDINE 794 (2) Eros et Psyche, Prometheus et Psyche (1992), 9:00, 6:30, Sleeper, Thomas (1956-). The second and third movements of his Concerto for Bassoon and Orchestra. * VIENNA MODERN MASTERS 3037 PYGMALION Pygmalion (1748), 45:00, Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764). An acte de ballet combining orchestral music, song, and dance for the classical story. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 49132, 77143, EDITIO CLASSICA 77143, FNAC 592196, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901381 Pygmalion (1779), 28:00, Benda, JitiAntonin (Georg) (1722-1795). Musical accompanimentfor Jean-JacquesRousseau's monodramaabout Pygmalion's creation of Galatea. * NAXOS 8.553345 (with his Ariadne auf Naxos) Pygmalion (1795), 32:30, Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich (1732-1795). A cantata for alto and baritone about the gods' favorable reply to Pygmalion after his denunciation of them. * CAPRICCIO 10303 (with his Ino) Pimmalione (1809), 53:30, Cherubini, Maria Luigi (1760-1842). An opera on Jean-Jacques Rousseau's play Pygmalion. * MELODRAM 19501, MELODRAM2 29501 II Pigmalione (1816), 40:00, Donizetti, Gaetano (1797-1848). An opera on Ovid's Metamorphoses 10 and Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Pygmalion about artistic creation. * BONGIOVANNI 2109/10 (2), VOCE 15 Die Schone Galathea (1865), 28:00, Suppd, Franz von (1819-1895). Excerpts from a comic opera with Galatea causing such trouble that Pygmalion prays for her return to stone. * (excerpts) EURODISC 258-376) * (overture) BERLIN CLASSICS 2153, CBS 44932 (with his Tantalus' Torment overture), CHANDOS 4514 ("Overtures"), DG 435712 (2), KOCH SCHWANN 311162 (2), LASERLIGHT 15 611, MARCO POLO 8.223648 (with his Tantalus overture), MERCURY 434 309, NAXOS 8.550468 My Fair Lady (1956), 71:00, Loewe, Frederick (1901-1988). A musical on George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, a modern update of Ovid's Meta-

morphoses 10.
* COLUMBIA 2015, 5090, LONDON 421200 Pygmalion (1957), 24:30, Poot, Marcel (1901-1988). A suite derived from his ballet score about the mythical creator of the perfect woman. * MARCO POLO 8.223775 PYRAMUS Pirame et Tisbe (1713), 18:00, Clerambault, Louis-Nicolas (1676-1749). A cantata for tenor and instruments based on Ovid's Metamorphoses 4. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901329 (with his Hercule, La Muse, Orphee), MUSIQUE D'ABORD 1329 (same performances), OPUS 1 11

9103 (with his Apollonet Doris, L'Isle de Delos, Leandreet Hiro)



Pyrame et Thisbe (c.1716), 23:30, Montdclair, Michel Pignolet de (16671737). A cantata for soprano, contratenor, and baritone from his second book of cantatas. HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901280 (with his Le Mort de Didon and Le Triomphe de l'Amour) Pyramus and Thisbe (1745), 60:00, Lampe, John Frederick (1702-1752). A mock opera on the play within William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. * HYPERION 66759 Piramo e Tisbe (1768), 107:00, Hasse, Johann Adolph (1699-1783). An opera on Ovid's Metamorphoses 4. * CAPRICCIO 60043, KOCH SCHWANN 310882 (2) SATYRS AND FAUNS The Satyres' Masque (1611), 2:00, Johnson, Robert (c. 1583-1633). A work for four strings to accompany a dance of satyrs in Ben Jonson's masque of the same name. * SAGA 3367 ("Music for Kings and Courtiers") The Satyr's Dance (1621), 2:30, Johnson, Robert (c. 1583-1633). Instrumental music for a dance from Ben Jonson's masque Oberon. * CBS 45792 ("English Renaissance Music"), CLAVES 9510 ("Thomas Simpson"), HYPERION 66435 ("The Englishmen Abroad"), SOUND ALIVE MUSIC 401 ("Ghosts, Witches, and Demons") Der Neumodische Liebhaber Damon (Die Satyrn in Arkadien) (1724), Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767). A comic opera about an amorous satyr chasing nymphs, but eventually being caught and banished. * CPO 999429 (3) Les Sylvains (1892), 3:30, Chaminade, Cdcile (1857-1944). Piano music about a serious old faun and a playful young faun or about the two sides of a faun's nature. * GASPARO 247, HYPERION 66846 Prilude a I'Apres-midid'un Faune (1894), 10:00, Debussy, Claude (1862-1918). An orchestral work, later for two pianos, on Stdphane Mallarmd's poem about a faun's attempt to attract nymphs. * ALLEGRETTO 8025, ANALEKTA 2925, ARKADIA 529, ARTISTS 31, AS 418, ASV 6026, CBC 1069 ("Silver Sounds for Flute"), 5164, CBS 37261, 39444, CENTAUR 2114, CHANDOS 7015 (with his Nocturnes), 8893, CHESKY 57, CLASSIS FOR PLEASURE 9502, COLLINS 1364, DENON 8001, 78774, DG 413589, 427213, *427250, 427815, 429728, 435766, 439008, DISC MONTAIGNE 8790, DUTTON LABORATORIES 1002, EMI 55347, 69587 (with his Nocturnes), ERATO 45605, FNAC 642303, FONIT CETRA 3011, HYPERION66468, IMP 915, IN SYNC 4134, KONTRAPUNKT 32107, LASERLIGHT 14004, 15528, LONDON 417488 (with his Nocturnes), 417704, 421171, 430240, 430444, 430732, 433711, 436468 (with his Nocturnes), 439008, MERCURY 434 343, NAXOS 8.550262, PAN 510 076, PEARL 9065, PHILIPS 416444, 438742 (2) (with his Nocturnes), PRO ARTE 361, RCA 6719, 60265, 60578 (electronic performance),61211, 61379 (flute arr.), 61556, REALTIME 2003, REM 311284, SERAPHIM 69728 (with his Nocturnes), SHEFFIELD LAB 24, 10043, SONY 37261, 47546, 48231, 53256, 62599, 68327 (2) (with his Nocturnes), SYMPOSIUM 1204, TELARC 80071, TELDEC 13133, TESTAMENT 1011 (with his Nocturnes),



1105, VAI 1022, 1074, VICTORIA 60133, VIRGIN 45018, 59659, 90707, VIRGO 61109, VIVACE 327, 571, VOX 8041, 8159, VOX BOX 5003 (2) Faunes et Dryades (1906), 14:00, Roussel, Albert (1869-1937). The last movement of Le Poeme de la Foret (Symphony No. 1) evoking thoughts of autumn. * CYBELIA 801, ERATO 88225, RCA 62511 (2) Enchanted Summer (1910), 28:00, Bax, Arnold (1883-1953). A work for two sopranos, chorus, and orchestrafrom Percy Bysshe Shelley's Prometheus Unbound II, ii about two Nereids on their way to visit the chained Prometheus amid the song of forest spirits. * CHANDOS 8625 Cydalise et le Chevre-Pied, Suites no. I & 2 (1919), 44:30, Pierne, Gabriel (1863-1937). Orchestral suites from music for a ballet in which a satyr captivates a dancer in eighteenth-centuy France. * EMI 64278 Deitl Silvane (1926), 12:00, Respighi, Ottorino (1879-1936). A vocal-symphonic work on Antonio Rubino's text evoking the haunts of fauns and nymphs. * CHANDOS 9453 (with his Aretusa), CHANNEL CLASSICS 9396 Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun (1973), 5:00, Deodato, Eumir (1942-). A jazz version of Debussy's work. * CBS 44175 ("CTI Classics in Jazz") Nymphs and Satyr (1979), 15:00, Hanson, Howard (1896-1981). A ballet suite for chamber orchestra about the influence of destiny on two nymphs and a satyr. * *ALBANY TROY 129, *BAY CITIES 1005 (same performance) SEMELE El estrago en la Fineza o Jupiter y Semele (1718), 12:00, de Literes, Antonio (1673-1747). A Spanish opera-like work with spoken dialogue on the familiar story. * DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77336 ("Barroco Espafiol vol. 2-Zarzuelas") Semele (1743), 174:00, Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759). An opera on Ovid's Metamorphoses 3 of the ill-fated love affair of Zeus and Semele. * *DG 435782 (3), ERATO 45982 (2), 98515 (excerpts) SIBYL From the Cave of the Sybil (Sonority Movement) (1971), 6:00, Eaton, John (1935-). A "sonority movement" for flute and harp ensemble inspired by a visit to the cave of the Cumaean Sibyl. * INDIANA UNIVERSITY 04 (with his Ajax, Clytemnestra, and Aphrodite Rising) SILENUS Silene (1714), 13:00, Campra, Andre (1660-1744). A cantata for bass and instruments from Bk. 2 of his Cantates Francoises about a drunkenly happy Silenus. * GLOBE 5055 Sile'ne (1977), 14:00, Ancelin, Pierre (1934-). A work for bassoon and ten

* REM 311123 ("Chamber Music")



SILVANUS Le Sylvain (1857-68), 6:00, Rossini, Gioachinno (1792-1868). A song for tenor and piano from Peches de Vieillesse Vol. iii on Emilien Pacini's poem about a Pan-like Roman deity so ugly that he frightens away the nymphs. * EMI 55614 SIRENS (see also ODYSSEUS) Questa Dolce Sirena (1646), 3:00, van Eyck, Jonkheer Jacob (c. 1590-1657). A work for recorder about a siren who calms the sea becoming a mermaid. * HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 907072 (with his Bockxvoetje and Daphne) Sirenen-Waltz (1855), 8:00, Strauss II, Johann (1825-1899). A waltz inspired by these sea creatures. * MARCO POLO 8.223213 Les Sirenes (1878), 8:00, Waldteufel, Emile (1837-1915). A waltz with an introduction suggesting lapping water about the Sirens luring sailors to destruction. * MARCO POLO 8.223441, MUSICAL HERITAGE SOCIETY MUS 1164K, NAXOS 8.553956 (with his Pomona), PHILIPS 400012 Sirenes (1899), 10:00, Debussy, Claude (1862-1918). One section of Nocturnes for wordless female chorus symbolizing the Sirens' power. * ACCORD 149187, ADES 203852, ALLEGRETTO 8159, ANGEL 47028, 49472, 62669 (2), 69184, 69587, AS 548, BIS 526, CALA 1002, CBS 44645, *CHANDOS 7015 (with his Faun), 8914, DENON 78774, DG 415370, 429738, 435069, COLLINS 1364, DISC MONTAIGNE 8710, EMI 65422, 67770, 69587 (with his Faun), ERATO 45605, 45698, 55037, FNAC MUSIC 642303, FONIT CETRA 1044, HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901490, IMP 915, INFINITY DIGITAL 66307, IRON NEEDLE 1339, KONTRAPUNKT32107, LASERLIGHT 14004, LEGEND 101, LDR 1009, LONDON 414040, 417488, 425502, 430732, 433712, 436468, MERCURY 434 306, MULTISONIC 310178, MUSIC & ARTS 280, NAXOS 8.550262, 8.551113, PHILIPS 400023, 411433, 438742, RCA 6719, 60265, 60692, 61967, REALTIME2003, RUSSIAN DISC 11 167, SERAPHIM 69728 (with his Faun), SONY 47546, 53256, 58952, 68327 (with his Faun), SYMPOSIUM 1042, TESTAMENT 1011 (with his Faun), VICTORIA 19081, VOX 8159, VOX BOX 5003 (2) Syrenes (1908), 13:30, Gliere, Reinhold (1875-1956). A symphonic poem about these creatures who lure sailors to their doom. * MARCO POLO 8.220349, NAXOS 8.550698 Les Sirenes (1911), 5:30, Boulanger, Lili (1893-1918). A choral song for female voices on Charles Grandmougin's poem about the powers of the Sirens. * BAYER 100041 (with her Le Retour), HYPERION 66726 Song to the Siren (1968), 3:30, Buckley, Tim (1947-). A pop song addressed to the Siren using the mythical account as a metaphor for a love affair. * BIZARRE/STRAIGHT 70360 ("Starsailor") Sirens (1981), 7:00, Ciani, Suzanne (1946-). The second wave of Seven Waves, a new-age work for electronic instruments, suggesting the seductive Sirens. * PRIVATE MUSIC 2046 (with her Venus)



Sirens (1986), 12:00, Davis Jr., Louis (Chip) (1949-). A work for the group Mannheim Steamroller about the Sirens' contest with the Muses. * AMERICAN GRAMAPHONE386 ("FreshAire VI," with his Orpheus) On Hearing the Siren's Song (1990), 3:00, Lang, David (1957-). The final part of Are You Experienced for single woodwind, brass, strings, electric guitar and keyboard, and synthesizer about someone who, knocked unconscious, experiences, among other things, the Siren's song. CHANDOS 9363 ("Adams/Lang: Works for Wind Ensemble," with his Under Orpheus) SISYPHUS Sisyfos (1954), 17:30, Blomdahl, Karl-Birger (1916-1968). A ballet suite on Erik Lindegren's poem about events leading to Sisyphus' punishment with Sisyphus symbolizing twentieth-century man's desire to live in the face of absurd threats, whether from death, destruction, or the gods. * CAPRICE 21365, SWEDISH SOCIETY 1037 The Liberation of Sisyphus (1990), 9:00, Stevens, John (1951-). A work for tuba solo and tuba octet about a tuba player experiencing the same unending frustrations as Sisyphus. * CRYSTAL 690 ("Roger Bobo Tuba Libera"), HUNGAROTON 31642 ("Waves") Sisyphus Dreams (1994), 10:00, Kaipainen, Jouni (1956-). A tone poem which may suggest that Sisyphus endures his task through dreaming. * ONDINE 855 SYRINX (see also PAN) Pan et Syrinx (c.1717), 19:00, Montdclair, Michel Pignolet de (1667-1737). A cantata for soprano and ensemble with a singer narrating Syrinx' story and drawing a moral. * ANALKEKTA FLEUR DE LYS 3018, KOCH SCHWANN 7096 ("French Cantatas of the 18th Century," also containing his Didon and Cldrambault's Medee), KOCH INTERNATIONAL CLASSICS 370962 Syrinx (1913), 3:00, Debussy, Claude (1862-1918). A personification of the flute, originally called Flute of Pan, the only piece written for the play Psyche. * ATTACCA 9158, BIS 28, 100, 459, BOSTON RECORDS 1014, CANTILENA 660012, CHANDOS 8385, DELOS 3143, DG 429738, DISCOVER 920281, GALLO 810, KONTRAPUNKT 32032, MOVE 3090, PHILIPS 422839, PHILOMUSICA 10023, POLSKIE NAGRANIA 029, RCA 7173, VANGUARD 25002, VIRGIN 59604 (with his Les Chansons de Bilitis) Pan og Syrinx (1917), 9:00, Nielsen, Carl (1865-1931). A tone poem for orchestra about Syrinx' pursuit by Pan and the creation of the Panpipes. * BIG BEN 571-01 1, CBS 44934, *CHANDOS 6524 (with Sibelius' Dryadi), 9287 (with his Helios), DANACORD 354/6 (with his Helios), DG 447757 (with his Helios), EMI 47503, 64737 (same recording), HARMONIA MUNDI FRANCE 901489, KONTRAPUNKT 32193 (with his Helios), SONY 44934, 45989 (with his Helios) After Syrinx (1982), 13:00, Bennett, Richard Rodney (1936-). A work for oboe and piano based on a melody from Debussy's Syrinx. * DENON 52881, 73088



After Syrinx II (1984), 10:00, Bennett, Richard Rodney (1936-) A set of five variations for marimba on Debussy's Syrinx. * NEWPORT 85528 Syrinx (1990), 10:00, Louel, Jean (1914-). Symphony No. 4 for symphonic band, inspired by Syrinx' story. * RENE GAILLY 87 057 ("Belgian Works for Symphonic Band, Vol. 2") Syrinx, Manneke, Daan (1939-). A work for four saxophones. * ERASMUS 066 ("Music of Manneke") TANTALUS (see also HIPPODAMEIA) Tantalusqualen Overture (1868), 6:00, Suppe, Franz von (1819-1895). The overture of an operetta dealing with Tantalus' murder of his son and his punishment in Hades. * CBS 44932 (with his Die Schone Galathea overture), MARCO POLO 8.223648 (with his Die Schone Galathea overture) THESEUS (see also AMAZONS, ARIADNE, PHAEDRA) Teseo (1713), 148:00, Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759). An opera dealing with Theseus' arrival at Athens from Troezen and Medea's attempt to murder him. * ERATO 45806 (2), 98516 (excerpts, 70:30) 11 Teseo Riconosciuto (1798), 113:00, Spontini, Gaspare (1774-1851). An opera on the story of Theseus' appearance at Athens and his neardeath at the hands of Medea. * BONGIOVANNI 2193/4 (2), NUOVA ERA 7253/4 (2) TH ESTOR Testoride Argonaute (1780), 124:30, Carvalho, JoAo de Sousa (1745-1798). An opera on Hyginus' Fabulae about a little-known character and his children. * NUOVA ERA 6928/9 (2) THETIS Thetis (1718), 10:00, Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764). A cantata for baritone and chamber group about her pursuit by Jupiter and Neptune. * ERATO 97416 ("Quatre Cantates Franqaises pour Baryton"), FNAC 592 333 Peleus and Thetis (before 1740), 42:00, Boyce, William (1711-1779). Theater music for George Granville's masque about the wooing of Thetis by Peleus. * HYPERION 66935 Thetis och Pelee (1773), 34:30, Uttini, Francesco (1723-1795). Selections from an opera on B. Fontenelle's text about Peleus' wooing of Thetis. * MUSICA SVECIAE 407, 426 (with Haeffner's Electra and Naumann's Amphion) Le Nozze di Teti e di Peleo (1816), 8:30, Rossini, Gioacchino (1792-1868). A cantata for three sopranos, two tenors, chorus, and orchestra for a royal wedding celebration. * AKADEMIA 109 (contains only an aria, but also his work on Orpheus), LONDON 436075 ("Rossini Heroines-Bartoli") TITANS Sounds of Themis (1847), Strauss 1, Johann (1804-1849). A waltz inspired



TRITON Tritons (1899), 11:00, Ireland,John (1879-1962). A symphonic prelude portraying these creatures of the sea. * CHANDOS 8994 Tritons (1920), 2:00, Walton, William (1902-1983). A song from Two Songs for Tenor and Piano from W. Drummond's text about these sea creatures. * CHANDOS 9292, COLLINS CLASSICS 1493 TROJAN WAR (see also ACHILLES,AENEAS, CASANDRA, DIDO, HECTOR) Les Troyens (1856-58), 240:00, Berlioz, Hector (1803-1869). An opera on Vergil's Aeneid 1, 2, 4. * ARKADIA 461/4 (4), *LONDON 443693 (4), MELODRAM 37060 (3), *PHILIPS 416432 (4), VAI AUDIO 1006 (3) * (highlights) ANGEL 9544, CLASSICAL COLLECTOR 2006 (2), 150062 (2), ERATO 45566 * (orchestal selections) CHANDOS 6587, DG 431624, MERCURY 4343014, PEARL 9485, PHILIPS 416431, TELARC 80164 Menelaus on the Beach at Pharos (1954), 4:30, Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872-1958). Music for medium voice and piano on a poem from Ursula Vaughan Williams' Four Last Songs to Menelaus. * KOCH INTERNATIONAL CLASSICS 7168 (with his Procris), TRAX CLASSIQUE 116 (with his Procris) Troilus and Cressida (1954), 120:00, Walton, William (1902-1983). An opera on Benoit de Sainte-Maure'sstory popularizedby Geoffrey Chaucer's poem. * CHANDOS 9370/1 (2), EMI 65550 (2), EMI 64199 (selections), CHANDOS 8772 (a four-part symphonic suite arranged by Christopher Palmer) Andromache's Farewell (1962), 12:00, Barber, Samuel (1910-1981). A song for soprano and orchestra on J. P. Creagh's translation of an episode from Euripides' Trojan Women. * ETCETERA 1145, SONY 46727 King Priam (1962), 127:00, Tippett, Michael (1905-). An opera combining the world of Homer's Iliad with modern attitudes on the mysterious nature of human choice. * CHANDOS 9406/7, LONDON 414241 (2) The Trojan Women:Scenes from the Ballet (1981), 28:00, Husa, Karel (1921-). A ballet suite on Euripides' play about the destruction of Troy, inspired by the destruction of Lidice in World War II. * PHOENIX 128 Liongate (1984), 20:00, Sigurbjornsson, Thorkell (1938-). A flute concerto inspired by the Lion Gate at Mycenae and evoking images of Agamemnon's return from Troy. * BIS 709 (with his Calais and Euridice) Achilles, Agony and Ecstasy in Eight Parts (1992), 29:00, MANOWAR (rock group). A rock work about Hector's attack on the Greek camp, Patroclus' death, and Hector's mutilation by Achilles. * ATLANTIC 82423 ("The Triumph of Steel") ZEPHYR Zephyr (1984), 9:30, Fontyn, Jacqueline (1930-). A work for bassoon and piano. * THOROFON 2099 ("The Magic Bassoon")



ZEUS/JUPITER (see also EUROPA, LAMIA, LEDA, OLYMPIAN GODS) Jove 's Gift to Mortals of Rhythm and Harmony (1 589), 15:00, Malvessi, Cristafano (1547-1599). An interlude for Girolamo Bargagli's comedy La Pellegrina performed at a nobleman's wedding. * EMI 47998 ("Una 'Stravaganza' dei Medici," with his Arion and Marenzio's Apollo and Pierides) Plate;e (1745), 135:00, Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764). A comic opera on Pausanias about Jupiter's cruel use of a helpless girl to cure Juno's jealousy. * ERATO 45028 (2), 98522 (excerpts, 73:30), SOUTHERN CROSS 1022 Jupiter (1747), 6:00, Forqueray, Jean-Baptiste (1699-1782). Suite No. 5 for harpsichord from Pieces de Clavecin. * AMATI 8902/1 (with Duphly's Medee), DEUTSCHE HARMONIA MUNDI 77262 ("Pieces de Viole"), VIRGIN 59310, WILD BOAR 9201 Les Amours de Jupiter (1945), 34:00, Ibert, Jacques (1890-1962). Music for a ballet after Ovid's Metamorphoses. * EMI 63416 Ode to Zeus (1992), 4:00, Theodorakis, Mikis (1925-). The opening of Canto Olympico invoking Zeus to bestow glory and beauty upon Olympic victors. * INTUITION 3107, SONY 62592 ("Summon the Heroes") Zeus (1994), Arapis, Dimitri (dates unknown). Music for a ballet describing Zeus' boyhood, Aphrodite's attempted seduction of him, and his eventual rule. * ORATA 191




(see THETIS), PELOPS (see HIPPODAMIA), PHINEUS (see PERSEUS), POLYXENA (see HECUBA), PRIAM (see TROJAN WAR), SALMACIS (see HERMAPHRODITUS), SCYLLA (see GLAUCUS), SPHINX (see OEDIPUS), STYX (see HADES), TARTARUS (see HADES), TELEMACHUS (see HELEN), TERPSICHORE, THALIA (see MUSES), THEMIS (see TITANS), THISBE (see PYRAMIS), TITHONUS (see EOS), TROILUS (see TROJAN WAR) APPENDIX 2 (Composers and headings under which their works may be found) Abbinanti: Cassandra Adler: Aeolus Agricola: Achilles Albert: Oedipus Alkan: Prometheus Alwyn: Nymphs Ancelin: Silenus Anderson: Orpheus Andersson: Cassandra Andriessen: Orpheus Anfossi: Circe Apon: Dioscuri Arapis: Zeus Arkenstone: Olympians Arne: Phaethon Arrigo: Perseus Arter: Ariadne Aubert: Nymphs Auric: Orpheus (2) Avni: Leda Axelrod: Cassandra Babbitt: Philomela Bach, J.C.F.: Athamas, Pygmalion Bach, J.S.: Aeolus, Artemis, Heracles, Midas Baker: Aphrodite Baley: Orpheus Banter: Actaeon, Phaedra Bantock: Aphrodite (2), Meleager, Muses, Nymphs, Prometheus Barber: Andromache, Medea (3), Prometheus, Trojan War Bax: Meleager, Nymphs (3), Satyrs Bedford: Odyssesy Beethoven: Prometheus Bell: Perseus Benda: Ariadne, Cephalus and Procris, Medea, Pygmalion Bennett: Syrinx (2) Bergman: Psyche Berlioz: Orpheus, Trojan War Berners: Poseidon, Psyche Bernier: Phaedra Bertoni: Orpheus Birtwistle: Orpheus (2) Bliss: Achilles, Apollo, Hector, Olympians, Pan Blitzstein: Harpies, Icarus Blomdahl: Sisyphus Blow: Adonis, Aphrodite Boismortier: Ixion Bolcom: Orpheus Bolleter: Orpheus Bon: Persephone Bonfa: Orpheus Bonini: Ariadne Bontempi: Paris Bortnyansky: Heracles Bortz: Pentheus Bottesini: Hero Boulanger: Odysseus, Sirens Bowles: Phaedra Boyce: Orpheus, Thetis Brahms: Fates, Nenia Bretan: Orpheus Brindle: Polyphemus Britten: Alpheus, Apollo, Dionysus, Narcissus, Niobe, Odysseus, Pan, Phaedra, Phaethon Brophy: Heracles Bruckner: Apollo Buck: Dionysus Buckley: Sirens Bush: Apollo, Narcissus Byrd: Orpheus Caccini: Orpheus Cage: Bacchanalia Calame: Nymphs Caldara: Medea Campra: Achilles, Aeneas (2),


DONALD M. PODUSKA Dittersdorf: Actaeon, Ages of the World, Leto, Perseus, Phaethon Donizetti: Pygmalion Dowland: Daphne Drigo: Actaeon Druckman: Medea (2) Duhamel: Heracles Duphly: Graces, Medea Dusapin: Medea Eaton: Ajax, Aphrodite, Clytemnestra, Sibyl Eberwein: Persephone Eccles: Hermes, Paris Edlund: Ariadne Egk: Odysseus Emerson: Fates Enesco: Oedipus Eyck: Ares, Daphne (2), Pan, Sirens Fadden: Eros Fagen: Odysseus Falla: Heracles, Psyche Faure: Artemis, Penelope, Prometheus Feldman: Ixion Fdnelon: Achilles, Apollo, Odysseus, Orion Ferneyhough: Cassandra, Icarus, Mnemosyne, Prometheus Fibich: Hippodamia Fine: Alcestis Firsova: Cassandra Flagello: Orestes Flothuis: Orpheus Fomin: Orpheus Fontyn: Zephyr Forqueray: Zeus Fortner: Atreus Fortunati: Galatea Foss: Orpheus Foulds: Attis, Helen, Phaedra Fox: Janus Franck: Aeolus, Psyche Franke: Phaedra Friedman: Paris Frounberg: Odysseus Furrer: Narcissus Fux: Daphne Gabriel, P.: Hermaphroditus Gabriel, V.: Orpheus Gade: Psyche Gagliano: Daphne Gagneux: Orpheus

Arion, Daphne, Eros, Hebe, Idomeneus, Silenus Cannabich: Orpheus Carter: Ariadne, Orpheus (2) Carvalho: Eumenes, Penelope, Perseus, Thestor Catalani: Hero Cavalli: Aeneas, Callisto, Daphne, Heracles, Jason Cesti: Ariadne Chadwick: Aphrodite, Muses (2) Chaminade: Satyrs Charpentier, G.: Muses Charpentier, M.: Actaeon, Medea, Orpheus (2), Perseus Chausson: Hebe Chavez: Medea (2) Chaynes: Oedipus Cherubini: Iphigenia, Medea (2), Pygmalion, Ciani: Aphrodite, Circe, Sirens Clapton: Odysseus Clarke: Hades Clementi: Aeneas C1krambault: Alpheus, Apollo (3), Heracles, Hero, Orpheus, Pyramus Cohn: Aphrodite Constantinides: Antigone (2) Converse: Endymion Cooke: Eros Corigliano: Helen Corrette: Apollo Costa: Ariadne Cras: Pan Dallapiccola: Adonis, Eros, Odysseus Dandrieu: Orpheus Davidson: Cassandra Davis: Orpheus, Sirens de Leeuw: Antigone de Vries: Aeneas Debussy: Artemis, Dionysus (2), Nymphs, Pan, Satyrs, Sirens, Syrinx Delibes: Nymphs Demierre: Medea Denhoff: Bacchanalia Denisov: Medea Deodato: Satyrs Destoches: Heracles Dickinson: Icarus Diepenbrock: Marsyas, Orestes

CLASSICAL MYTH IN MUSIC Gerhard: Pandora Giacobbi: Cephalus and Procris Gibbons: Eros Glanville-Hicks: Odysseus Gliere: Aphrodite, Sirens Gluck: Alcestis, Iphigenia (2), Meleager, Narcissus, Orpheus, Paris Goebbels: Heracles Goehr: Odysseus Goetz: Nenia Goldmark: Penthesilea, Prometheus Gougeon: Odysseus Gounod: Baucis and Philemon, Odysseus Greenfield: Aphrodite Grdtry: Cephalus and Procris, Midas Guillou: Hyperion Gurney: Orpheus Haeffner: Orestes Hair: Ganymede, Prometheus Hallgrimsson: Icarus Handel: Alcestis, Ariadne, Daphne, Galatea (2), Heracles (2), Meleager, Semele, Terpsichore, Theseus Hanson: Pan, Satyrs Harbison: Odysseus Harrison: Aphrodite, Ariadne, Baucis Hasse: Galatea, Pyramus Haydn: Ariadne, Baucis and Philemon, Eros, Galatea, Orpheus Heinio: Hermes Henry: Orpheus Henze: Ariadne, Hades, Oedipus, Orpheus, Pentheus Heppener: Ariadne Herbert: Hero Hermann: Jason Herve: Odysseus Hindemith: Psyche Hoffman: Bacchanalia Hoffmann: Cephalus and Procris Holmes: Perseus Holst: Apollo, Ares, Dionysus (2), Olympians, Pan, Persephone Honegger: Amphion, Antigone, Phaedra Horovitz: Dionysus


Hovhaness: Adonis, Odysseus, Orpheus Husa: Trojan War Hvoslef: Antigone Ibert: Bacchanalia, Zeus Ikebe: Oedipus d'India: Artemis, Jason, Orpheus d'Indy: Medea Inghelbrecht: Nymphs Ireland: Triton Jaubert: Odysseus Jenkins: Nymphs Johnson: Hades, Satyrs (2) Jolivet: Iphigenia, Linus Jommelli: Aeneas Jorns: Europa Josquin: Nymphs (2) Kagel: Pan Kaipainen: Sisyphus Kalinnikov: Nymphs Kalitzke: Icarus Klein: Odysseus Kleven: Odysseus Kocab: Odysseus Koechlin: Amphitrite, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Nymphs (3) Koerppen: Orpheus Korte: Aphrodite Kraus: Amphitryon, Persephone Kupferman: Odysseus, Orestes (2), Orpheus, Prometheus Kusser: Apollo Lachner: Oedipus Lajtha: Olympians Lampe: Pyramus Landi: Orpheus Lang: Orpheus (2), Sirens Langgaard: Ixion, Oedipus Larsson: Apollo Lazarof: Icarus LeClair: Glaucus Leeuwen: Aphrodite Lehrer: Oedipus Lekeu: Perseus Leoncavallo: Oedipus Levitzki: Nymphs Lidholm: Odysseus Lieber: Dionysus Liebermann: Medea, Penelope Lim: Orestes Liszt: Niobe, Orpheus, Prometheus Literes: Galatea, Semele Livgren: Icarus


DONALD M. PODUSKA Mouquet: Pan Mouret: Perseus Mozart: Aeneas, Eros, Hyacinthus, Idomeneus Mozetich: Nymphs Murray: Icarus Musgrave: Orpheus (2) Mussorgsky: Oedipus Myslivecek: Bellerophon Naumann: Amphion Nebra: Eros Nedbal: Leda Nelson: Medea, Olympians Nielsen: Apollo, Syrinx Nono: Prometheus N0rgArd: Achilles N0rholm: Medusa Offenbach: Helen, Orpheus Ohana: Odysseus, Phaedra Orff: Antigone, Aphrodite Pacini: Medea Paine: Oedipus Paisiello: Phaedra Pape: Hades Pari: Ariadne Parmegiani: Orpheus Parry: Odysseus Partch: Daphne, Dioscuri, Odysseus Partridge: Jason Patzelt: Dioscur Penn: Eros Pergolesi: Orpheus Perl: Orpheus Peterson-Berger: Dionysus Pettersen: Orpheus Pfitzner: Orpheus Philidor: Apollo Piccinni: Aeneas, Iphigenia Pichl: Apollo, Ares Pierne: Satyrs Pizzetti: Aphrodite Pontinen: Hermes Poot: Pygmalion Porter: Amphitryon and Alcmene Poulenc: Artemis Puccini: Artemis Purcell: Aeneas, Amphitryon and Alcmene, Oedipus Quilter: Orpheus Rachmaninoff: Muses Raitio: Antigone Rameau: Apollo, Boreas,

Lloyd: Aphrodite, Persephone Lloyd Webber: Eos Locatelli: Ariadne Locke: Orpheus, Pan, Psyche Loevendie: Adonis Loewe, C.: Ganymede Loewe, F.: Pygmalion Logothetis: Hades Lolle: Eros Louel: Syrinx Lourid: Adonis, Aphrodite, Nymphs Lully: Adonis, Alcestis, Apollo, Ariadne, Attis, Cadmus, Orpheus, Phaethon, Psyche Lumbye: Hesperus, Pegasus MacDowell: Lamia Mache: Eos, Hades (2), Hyperion Mageau: Furies Magnard: Aphrodite Malipiero: Fates, Hecuba, Orpheus Malvessi: Arion, Zeus Manfroce: Hecuba Manneke: Syrinx MANOWAR: Trojan War Marais: Alcyone Marenzio: Apollo, Pierides Marez-Oyens: Orpheus Markevitch: Icarus Marshall: Aphrodite MartinC: Ariadne Massenet: Phaedra Mathias: Apollo Matthews: Marsyas Mayr: Medea McCandless: Nymphs McFarlane: Pegasus Mendelssohn: Antigone, Oedipus Menotti: Ariadne Merikanto: Pan Miki: Aphrodite (2) Milhaud: Ariadne, Europa, Orestes, Orpheus, Phaedra, Proteus Mondonville: Eos Monte: Aphrodite Montdclair: Aeneas, Eros, Pyramus, Syrinx Monteverdi: Ariadne (3), Nymphs, Odysseus, Orpheus Moondog: Aphrodite Morrison: Oedipus Moscheles: Muses

CLASSICAL MYTH IN MUSIC Cyclopes, Dardanus, Dioscuri, Eros (2), Hebe, Muses, Nais, Orpheus, Phaedra, Pygmalion, Thetis, Zeus Ranstr6m: Pan Rascarini: Ariadne Ravel: Alcyone, Eos Read: Persephone Reed: Persephone Reger: Bacchanalia, Oedipus Reichardt: Aeneas, Prometheus Respighi: Alpheus and Arethusa, Aphrodite, Ariadne, Satyrs Righini: Heracles Roger-Ducasse: Orpheus Rorem: Midas Rosenberg: Orpheus Rossi: Orpheus Rossini: Andromache, Eos, Hera, Oedipus, Orpheus, Silvanus, Thetis Rouse: Gorgons, Phaethon Roussakis: Apollo Roussel: Ariadne, Eros, Muses, Odysseus, Pan, Satyrs Rubinstein: Poseidon Rzewski: Antigone Saint-Saens: Andromache, Heracles (2), Muses, Phaethon, Psyche Salieri: Danaids Sapieyevski: Hermes Sarmanto: Pan Satie: Hermes Sauguet: Orpheus Saxton: Idomeneus Scarlatti: Adonis, Ariadne, Endymion (2), Hero, Orpheus Scelsci: Aphrodite Schafer: Ariadne (2) Schickele: Iphigenia, Oedipus Schillings: Cassandra, Demeter, Oedipus Schmelzer: Centaurs Schmitt: Bacchanalia Schnebel: Pan Schoeck: Aphrodite, Penthesilea Schreker: Memnon Schubert: Actaeon, Aeneas, Apollo, Atlas, Attis, Demeter, Dioscuri, Eriphyle, Ganymede, Hades (3), Hector, Heracles, Iphigenia, Memnon, Oedipus, Olympians


(2), Orestes (3), Orpheus, Phaedra, Philoctetes, Prometheus Schuman: Oedipus, Orpheus Scott, C.: Odysseus Scott, S.: Athene, Niobe Scriabin: Prometheus Sedaka: Eros Segerstam: Pandora Sibelius: Nymphs (2), Orion Sicilianos: Cassandra Sigurbj6rnsson: Calais, Odysseus, Orpheus, Trojan War Simonsen: Athene, Orestes Skalkottas: Odysseus Sleeper: Psyche Spontini: Theseus Stahmer: Ariadne Stanford: Oedipus Stankovych: Prometheus Stanley: Heracles Steffani: Heracles Stenhammar: Odysseus, Prometheus Stevens: Sisyphus Stradella: Ariadne Strauss, E.: Helen Strauss, I.: Orpheus Strauss I, J.: Nymphs, Orpheus, Titans Strauss II, J.: Apollo, Asclepius, Eos (3), Hades, Hesperus, Muses, Sirens Strauss, Josef: Muses (3) Strauss, R.: Adonis, Apollo, Ariadne, Danae, Daphne (3), Helen, Orestes Stravinsky: Apollo, Oedipus, Orpheus, Persephone Sturiale: Amphitryon and Alcmene Sullivan: Olympians, Orpheus Supp6: Pygmalion, Tantalus Szymanowski: Alpheus, Demeter, Narcissus, Nymphs, Odysseus, Penthesilea, Pentheus Taneyev: Orestes (3) Tartini: Aeneas Telemann: Athamas and Ino, Satyrs Telson: Oedipus Tenreiro: Centaurs Terrasse: Heracles Theodorakis: Iphigenia, Orestes, Zeus


DONALD M. PODUSKA Wagenaar: Amphitryon and Alcmene Wagner: Aphrodite Walczyk: Odysseus Waldteufel: Hebe, Pomona, Sirens Walton: Triton, Trojan War Warlock: Actaeon, Nymphs Waxman: Furies Weber: Dioscuri Weill: Aphrodite, Orpheus Williams: Poseidon Wolf: Ganymede, Penthesilea, Prome-theus Wood: Apollo Wuorinen: Hyperion Xenakis: Athene, Medusa, Olympians (2), Orestes, Persephone Yoshimatsu: Pegasus Young: Nymphs Zappa: Heracles Zucker: Pandora DONALD M. PODUSKA poduska(

Tippett: Achilles, Orpheus, Trojan War Torrej6n: Adonis Towner: Eos, Icarus Trochu: Eros TrUmpy: Dionysus Turina: Muses Turnage: Oedipus Uccellini: Persephone Uttini: Thetis Vaccai: Perseus Varkonyi: Leda Vaughan Williams: Cephalus and Procris, Orpheus, Trojan War Vega: Odysseus Veliotes: Eros 11 Verso: Ariadne Vierne: Nymphs Vivaldi: Apollo Vivier: Orion Vranicky: Aphrodite

John Carroll University

CW 92.3 (1999)


Recommendations are now being sought for the CAAS Award of Merit. Any member of CAAS may submit a nomination based on the following qualifications: that the nominee be a member of CAAS in good standing, and distinguished in his or her service to the profession over a period of years, whether in scholarship, teaching, or promotional and organizational work for the Classics. Nomination forms are available from CAAS Regional Representatives and from the Awards Committee Chair. All nominations must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae and two letters of recommendation for the nominee. One letter should be from a present or former student; the other, from a present or former colleague or administrative supervisor. Please mail nominations and supporting materials as soon as possible to: Dr. Henry V. Bender The Hill School 717 East High Street Pottstown, PA 19464

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