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Prepared by C.o.U Soroti Diocese, Education Department, P.O Box 107, SOROTI Tel 256-045-6174 E-mail:

Church of Uganda - Soroti Diocese situated in Eastern Uganda was established in 1961, as one of the Dioceses in the Province of the Church of Uganda. It was created out of the Upper Nile Province of the Church of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Bonga Zaire. It has since birthed Karamoja Diocese in 1972 and Kumi Diocese in 2001. It currently has 5 Archdeaconries and 49 parishes in the four administrative Districts of Soroti, Katakwi, Amuria and Kaberamaido. It is one of the 33 Anglican Dioceses that constitute the Province of the Anglican Church in Uganda with a Christian following of between 40 50% of the total population. The Vision of Church of Uganda Soroti Diocese is to see a peaceful, prosperous and spiritually mature church. The mission of the Diocese is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ through preaching, teaching, worshiping and serving the people of God. In her development programmes, the Diocese works to meet the social economic and development needs of all the people of the community irrespective of their faith. The Diocese of Soroti Operates in four main Departments; Missions, Education, Planning and Development, and Finance and Administration. Evangelism and discipleship work, youth ministry and mothers union are part of the Missions Department. The Education Department is responsible for all the church founded educational institutions in the Diocese including training Sunday school teachers and providing chaplaincy in the schools. The Anglican Church of Uganda in the area Soroti Diocese has founded over 200 primary schools, 14 post primary and 5 Health Units. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT The Education Department of Soroti Diocese therefore, Serves and Supports Government efforts in the provision of Education and is actively involved in the management and administration of its Institutions within the Diocese. Being committed to the Departmental Gospel values of humility, love and honesty, the department strives to realize its vision of an enlightened Christian community. Vision An enlightened skilled Christian Community. Mission We are Church of Uganda Education Department in Soroti Diocese mandated to equip the people of God with Knowledge, skills, attitudes and values for Christian living, growth and service. Target Groups School children and youth Orphans and Vulnerable Children School Community leaders Parents/community members Donor Partners Edukans Foundation, The Netherlands ICCO, The Netherlands Teso Development Trust (TDT), UK Savannah Church, USA. Mama Watoto Foundation, the Netherlands Local Contributions.



The Education Department of Church of Uganda in her commitment to Gospel values of Humanity, Love and Honesty, recognizes the severe inequalities in the provision of quality Education and the need for moral reconstruction of our society. Such reconstruction will help in the production of an enlightened and productive Christian Community. The Department strives to achieve its mission of equipping the people of God with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values through interventions in the Formal and Non Formal Education. To achieve its mission, the Department works hard to realize the following objectives; To contribute to the provision, development and management of Education Institutions in Soroti Diocese. To participate in the development and implementation of the Educational policy in Uganda. To contribute to the moral reconstruction and development of society through active promotion of religious values and education in schools and the community. To promote collaboration with the Ministry of Education and other Education actors in the provision and monitoring of Education institutions in the region. To help build the capacity of Diocesan Education and school based structures through strengthening local level leadership. To carry out resource mobilization for the support of development of Education in the Diocese. To contribute to the promotion of Health and Human Rights in the Diocese.

Roles/functions of the Education Department in Educational institutions To conduct mission and evangelism for spiritual, moral development and renewal. Resource mobilization for infrastructural and academic development (provision of facilities/materials for teaching and learning in schools. Participate in ensuring proper management of Church of Uganda Education Institutions. Ensuring provision of Christian moral values, attitudes and discipline through chaplaincy and pastoral work. Ensuring the teaching of Christian Religious Education. Participate in policy making through partnership with government to bridge gaps and supplement each others efforts. To conduct implementation, monitoring and evaluation of education policies and services. Carry out lobby and advocacy for provision of quality education. Sensitize, mobilize, coordinate and build the capacity of communities and other actors to participate in education activities. Education Department Programme Sector Areas: Formal Education (FED) Section This section is concerned with the provision and supervision of formal education; Early Childhood Development (ECD) Support to Primary, Secondary, Vocational and Tertiary Education.

Theological Education (THED) section This section is concerned with; Training and Development of Church man power. Improving moral and spiritual development of the children and adults. Chaplaincy in schools and Churches. Non Formal Education Section This is concerned with; Enhancing the capacity of the youth and adults in and out of school for self reliance. Increasing HIV/AIDS awareness in prevention, care and support in schools and communities. Functional adult Literacy Peace, conflict resolution and good governance Socio- Economic empowerment Finance and Administration Section. This provides support, information and communication. The functions include; Financial management Income Generating projects Records and statistics Departmental budgeting and control. Personnel welfare, management and maintenance of departmental assets Primary life changes in beneficiaries Overall, the work of the education department aims at creation of an enlightened and productive Christian community, through equipping the people of God with knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values for Christian living, growth and service. Specific life change desired and largely achieved among the people served includes; Children who receive holistic quality education academic excellence, socially responsible, successfully play a leadership role in their communities and local churches Coherent and unified communities able to live together in harmony, and to undertake joint development efforts Schools that are functional, self-sufficient, and sustainable growing food crops to feed students, generating income from developed facilities (meeting halls, training rooms, accommodation) especially during weekends and holidays Youth that are knowledgeable and skilled for responsible sexuality and adolescence self confidence, safe and supportive social relationships with peers, family and other associates, open and mutually supportive dialogue on sexuality challenges, Salvation and Christian growth reaching others with the gospel messages and works of love, compassion and charity; leadership in church

Track Record Brief program intervention(s) The Education Department has made a number of interventions including; physical development of educational institutions primary and secondary schools, tertiary and

vocational training institutions, students hostels, rehabilitation of old structures, expansion and construction of additional structures, set up new institutions, training of teachers and school managers head teachers, school management committees. In resource mobilization and management, monitoring educational quality, guidance and counseling for students and parents, lobbying for expanded support to local education initiatives. Promoting non-formal education through churches and community groups family life and HIV/AIDS awareness creation. To enhance family and community development, better health and economic capacity in families, harmony in the community and nation, HIV prevention, compassionate care for families affected by HIV/AIDS. Child sponsorship to increase access to formal education targeting orphans and other needy children. Giving them the opportunity for self development (to the fullest God given potential), support to family and others in the community in need


Chief steward of Christians and church assests in the Diocese Links the Diocese to the Province Policy implementor on behalf of the Archbishop Chief resource mobiliser and accounting officer of the Diocese Chief Administrator of the Diocese Coordinates activities of the 4 departments In charge of staffing and staff development Chief missions coordinator Book keeping and accounting Arranging for Audit Financial Advisor to the respective boards on financial and statutory matters Cash and asset management Chief budget controller

Name Rt. Rev. George Erwau

Title Bishop

Years of related experience 7


Years with 30

Years in current role 7

Rev. Boniface Esomu

Diocesan Secretary


Mr. Dennis Elemu

Diocesan Treasurer

Head of Education Department

Rev. Samuel Ediau

Education Coordinator



PROJECT LEADERSHIP EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Responsibility Name Rev Samuel Ediau Title Education Coordinator Years Years with of related organization experience 7 9 Years in current role 1

In Charge Administration Management & Strategic direction Accounting Officer Responsible for Planning, Supervision and overall coordination Liaising with Government Officials & other stakeholders on matters concerning Education Supervising work of the Archdeaconry and Parish Committees Responsible for statistics and keeping records Regular planning for implementation of all programme activities Carry out educational Needs assessment Make regular statistical and Narrative /progress field reports Prepare materials and conduct training

David Okello

Programme Officer Education Department

Participate in monitoring and Evaluation. Carry out community mobilization Prepare Monthly, Annually Financial reports Ensuring completeness of supporting documents for all expenditures paid out Prepare timely monthly Bank reconciliation for the Accounts Manage and monitor Education Department petty cash Assist in preparation of Education Department budgets Prepare and pay authorized bills Carry out cheque preparation, deposits and withdrawals of cash form the bank and project activities

Simon Peter Ochen

Finance Officer




Diocesan Council

Board of Education

Committees of Board of Education (i.e. Executives)

Archdeaconry Education Committee

Parish Education Committee

Sub-Parish Education Committee



Diocesan Education Coordinator

Deputy Coordinator/ I/C Formal Education

Assistant Coordinator Non-Formal Education



Accounts Assistant

Officer In charge IGAs

Support Staff



BOARD OF EDUCATION The Education Department of Church of Uganda has the Board of Education, which is responsible for its overall policy guidance. Its composed of the following members; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Rev. Canon Stephen Amuret Mr. Gershom Eyoku Ms. Amina Reita Maraka Mr. Charles.D. Ochung Mrs. Caroline Ekobu Mr. John Julius Ejule Mrs. Frances Amuron Egadu Mrs. Jeniffer Ilenyot Mr. Samuel Okiro Rev. Samuel Ediau Rev. Boniface Esomu Chairperson Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Secretary (Education Coordinator) Ex Officio (Diocesan Secretary)

The Management/Education staff 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Rev. Sam Ediau Mr. David Okello Ms. Betty Alaso Opio Mr. Simon Peter Ocen Ms. Janet Akol Mr. Richard Olupot Ms. Mary Nampa Ms. Rebecca Amodan Mr. Samson Opio Diocesan Education Coordinator Programme Officer Programme Officer Finance Officer Administrative Assistant Transport Officer Office Manager Volunteer Volunteer


Diocesan Constitution Diocesan Education Policy Education department operational guidelines Human Resource manual Financial Policy Provincial canons

Appendix 4:


NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.



FINANCE Overall Organization Revenue Sources (Income) and Spending (Expenses) in USD 2010 - 2013. Income 2010 % 2011 % 2012 % 2013 %

Total Expenditure 2010 % 2011 % 2012 % 2013 %

Total Surplus/(deficit)

Major Donors 1. ICCO The Netherlands 2. Edukans Foundation 3. Civil Society Fund 4. Forum Uganda Norway 5. Evangelical Lutheran Church- Lutjenburg Germany 6. Artefacts Gemany Financial Statements Prepared monthly, quarterly and annually. Reviewed by management and board. Annual Audit reports.

Contact Person and Address: Rev. Samuel Ediau, Education Coordinator Church of Uganda Soroti Diocese, P.O Box 107, SOROTI UGANDA (EAST AFRICA) Tel 256-352280276 E-mail:

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