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Demosthenes Notes

Translation and Vocab

tou ... tocovto- genitive absolute
Translate oc - to show continuation of story
e = when
qv qiv - it was to us = we were angry (better - we had feelings of
ev = o
oi = oio
too_ocvo should be infinitive after |ouooi
-participle for style
toutou (line 31) defendant Conon
cioq? - subjunctive
ocivotco - more terrible things/deeds
Lines 38-40 Paint picture of not really being with
Repeats cuev to make sure we know
ctivov they are all drinking
Fuller person who cleans and finishes new cloth
Eubulus opponent of Demosthenes
covotqoo military word ambush - tocutoi should be
translated as marched, suggesting military.
Shows the actions are organized Ariston thinks in military terms
shows his character
ovootc|ouoiv they
qiv them Phanostratus and Ariston
Use of oc and this, and this recounting
Too bad to repeat too horrible for jury
Makes them think it must be very bad
cv uiv (line 53) in your presence emphasizes their stature
tou (line 54) of the fact that
tou - touto - picking up o in line 53
u|cio (line 54) arrogance, thinking yourself above the
law/gods e.g. Oedipus - thinks that he is going to save Thebes but
blind to the fact that he is the cause of the trouble
oqciov koi tckqiov (line 54) repetition and positioning,
sign and proof emphasizes just how conclusive Ariston thinks
this evidence is.
oiotiov = to iotiov
uo = stripped significant position, emphasizes this saying
later that he does not have a coat, another crime - robbery
qvckov - from |ce
|oovciov = public baths

Style and Background
ocuo = Athens (line 1)
oqou i.e. Aristons and Conons sons
sentence oiov ciko as was reasonable
to oqou understanding
ociv -infinitive of oci -to be necessary
ouocvo goes with oov
Position of ouocv separated from oov to put emphasis
on negative by placing it earlier in the sentence.
e otc cieciv-just as I was accustomed to i.e. not
looking for a fight, just doing a regular custom.
Cephisia a Deem of Athens
cuev on own- simple word places emphasis on it
implies I am not drunk, I can remember it.
Temple of Persephone remains uncertain where it was
eotc + infinitive so that they could
In this case we are given fact thought
Infinitive always case specific, in this case: aorist
Subject goes into accusative - cc/c + infinitive
Historic presents - tootitci is surrounded by other
aorists and imperfects emphasizes it
(line 45 - tcituk_ovocv )
Lines 45-50 many participles add sense of rapidity to the
Lots of words of violence six lines for the sentence
Sustained attack premeditated
oute (line) 50 such a bad way emphasis on such
toutou repeated to show the centrality of the
defendant in this action. Visual effect he will point at
him as he says this in court.
qoc ... qiouv imperfects emphasizes that these were
continuous actions creating a sustained insult lying,
bleeding on the ground while they dance around him.
tou vckoqkoto agrees with ocktuovo but
delayed in position to end of clause puts emphasis of
the word and therefore the insult Conon is making. I.e. he
does a victory dance while Ariston is almost dying.
ocktuovo cockfighting was a regular institution in
Athens and annual were held in the theatre. Though there
is no way of confirming this, there is no doubt that the
sport was as familiar to the Greeks as it was to the
Romans. E.g. mentioned by Plato and Aristophanes.
oi oc kotciv ... to tcuo alliteration in this phrase
of loud consonants (k,k,,t,tt,t) reflects harshness of
insults hear sound of elbows.
kouq koi |oq -similar words, emphasizes seriousness
oi toi - doubling up of these phrases significant
difficulty shows how long it has taken. Cant move himself
very serious.
Participles at end being busy sense of hurrying
because they are concerned.
ioto plural seeking most thorough medical care
shows how serious it is and how much they want to save
him. Plural also shows there is more than one witness.

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