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Government of the District of Columbia ADVISORY NEIGHBORHOOD COMMISSION 5C www.ancward5C.


Resolved, the Advisory Neighborhood Commission of 5C have the authority to exercise great weight on the decisions of government agencies specifically with regards to zoning and alcohol and beverage laws and regulations, and therefore shall inform of the opposition regarding the current application for a liquor license by The Scene which is located within the boundaries of 5C; Whereas, The Scene, located at 2221 Adams PL NE, has been operating a nightclub establishment that has negatively impacted the surrounding residential community and neighboring business corridors; Whereas, since 2008, Police Chief Kathy Lanier has ordered over five times the revocation of The Scenes liquor license; including requests made in February and September 2011 after multiple stabbings activity. Chief Lanier closed the establishment each time for 96 hours stating, continued operation of this establishment presents an imminent danger to the health and safety of the public; Whereas, since 2010, over a dozen violent episodes have taken place including additional stabbings, assaults with deadly weapons and other violent crimes; Whereas, on November 2011, the former ANC 5B passed a resolution urging ABC Board to reconsider its decision not to revoke The Scenes liquor license; Whereas, since the last renewal of The Scenes liquor license renewal, the owner(s) was fined for failure to pay more than $92,000 in sales and taxes. At that time, the liquor license was seized; Whereas, on September 26, 2012, the ABC Board served a Notice of Summary Suspension to The Scene due to violent incident reports; failure to provide video footage on the night of incident; and violating the previous ABC agreement to no longer employ members from the bands, TCB and The Kings; Whereas, The Scene has repeatedly disregarded the agreement to update their security plan to include 16 infra-red cameras. Yet, The Scene only installed cameras after two additional followup investigations from the ABC Board;

Whereas, The Scene has failed to notify neighbors within 600 feet of the establishment of any musical shows or bands that generate excessive noise and increase activity for parking and litter; nor has made any agreement to remedy the circumstances; Whereas, The Scene lack of community engagement has greatly impacted the quality of life for all residents in the abutting Landgon/Woodridge community with the Single Member District of 5C02; Therefore, ANC 5C shall petition to the Alcohol and Beverage Administration that it cannot support The Scene application for a liquor license renewal at this time; Please send all responses to 2214 Douglas St NE, Washington, DC:

This resolution was presented and approved at a properly noticed meeting of the 5C Commission on the date of ________________________________________at which a majority of the six (6) members voted. Attested by:

________________________________________________ ANC 5C Chair





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