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Leadership qualities will determine your future

success. Here are some qualities of
successful leadership that can make a
huge difference in building a successful
team - which will lead to a successful
• Leaders develop courage Courage is
kind of a spiritual energy that causes
us to take action. Courage is having
trust that everything happens for a
reason. Courage is a commitment to
purpose in our business and our lives.
Courage is easiest found when we
commit to a mission larger than
ourselves and for the good of others.
• Leaders continue to learn Learn
everything there is to know about your
industry, company, its service or product
and the benefits it offers people
• Leaders listen You can help others best by
listening to their needs, dreams & desires.
• Leaders are committed They look at
commitment as a positive and trust the
• Leaders care They connect with others.
When you help enough other people reach
their dreams your dreams will follow.
• Leaders are people of action embracing
each task as part of the process.
• Leaders manage their time
• Leaders are persistent, consistent and
set goals.
• Leaders are positive thinkers, in terms
of solutions rather than problems. They feel
enthusiasm from the inside.
• Leaders don’t let failure stop them
They take the lesson each situation offers
and use it to step up to a higher level. They
choose to rise above the challenges of
today and keep moving forward.
• Leaders have principles and are
authentic to their own values.

Mother Teresa was a true leader. She was

filled up with all these qualities. She lived
her life for the welfare of the others and
those others were the poor and needy
people of India.
Before you speak, it is necessary for you
to listen, for God speaks in the silence of
the heart . . . Mother Teresa


The 20th Century will in many

ways be remembered as the
century of images.. Politicians
obscure self-serving motives
behind dazzling smiles and
expensive haircuts. Super models
hide anorexic bodies behind layers of makeup.
Hollywood makes heroes out of decidedly un-
heroic narcissists. One person, however, lived a
life that was identical to the image the world
had of her. This person was Mother Teresa of
Calcutta, a woman who was celebrated
worldwide as a saint and who lived a life that
wholly justified this renown.
Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in war-wracked
Albania to Catholic refugees. When she was 18,
she took the name Sister Teresa, in memory of
Saint Teresa of Lisieux. At the age of 19, she
went to India to join the Sisters of Loreto, a
missionary order of nuns. She served with the
Sisters as a teacher for 20 years. At the age of
38, while traveling by train in India, she had a
striking realization that her life's mission was to
minister to the poorest of the poor. With the
Pope's blessing, Mother Teresa descended into
the slums of Calcutta, undoubtedly one of the
poorest cities on the planet, and began the
Sisters of Charity. Under her direction, the
Sisters of Charity ministered to the sick and
hungry of Calcutta, showering love and food on
all who came to the mission's doorstep.
Towards the end of her life, Mother Teresa was
a friend of kings and presidents worldwide. But
it was with the poor that she chose to spend
most of her time, traveling to war-torn areas
such as Beirut and drought-stricken nations
such as Ethiopia in her ongoing quest to find
new persons in need of love and support.
Today, Mother Teresa's work is being carried on
by the 3,000 + members of the Sisters of
Charity. With missions worldwide, the Sisters of
Charity minister to the poor on six continents,
continuing the selfless legacy that Mother
Teresa spent her long life establishing.
Mother Teresa is among the most fascinating
and highly respected women of the twentieth
century. She was a woman who saved lives and
changed them through the sheer force of her
faith and determination. Mother Teresa was
devoted to be love in action on earth. Since
her father was co-owner of a construction
firm, her family lived comfortably while
she was growing up. In 1928 she suddenly
decided to become a nun and traveled to
Dublin, Ireland, to join the Sisters of
Loreto, a religious order founded in the
seventeenth century. After studying at
the convent for less than a year, she left
to join the Loreto convent in the city of
Darjeeling in northeast India. On May 24,
1931, she took the name of "Teresa" in
honor of St. Teresa of Lisieux (The Gale
Group, 1998). In 1948 she founded a religious
order of nuns in Calcutta, India, called the
Missionaries of Charity. Through this
association, she dedicated her life to helping
the poor, the sick, and the dying around the
world, particularly those in India. Her selfless
work with the needy has brought her much
acclaim and many awards.
When Mother Teresa was eighty years old,
she started to suffer from heart problems. Even
though Mother Teresa became weak, she still
continued traveling and working. Mother Teresa
once said in 1989 "My doctors are always
telling me that I must not travel so much, that I
must slow down, but I have all eternity to rest
and there is so much still to do. Life is not
worth living unless it is lived for others." Eight
years later Mother Teresa died on September
5th, 1997, of a heart attack. She was eighty-
seven years old.
Some have criticized aspects of Mother
Teresa’s work, such as her lack of concern over
the origination of donations, along with
resource priorities. However these criticisms
cannot overshadow her enormous
achievements. There is no doubt that she
proved inspirational to many, attracting
followers, believers and volunteers wherever
she went. Her fight for dignity for the poor,
gave the world a moral paradigm, bridging
cultural and religious divides. Mother Teresa,
who died in 1997, is a symbol of untiring
commitment and leading by example. She is
probably one of the most admired women of all

Mother Teresa - my leader

Mother Teresa is my hero because she
represented all that is good and holy in a world
filled with pain and suffering. She replaced
violence and disregard for human life with
patience, kindness and stewardship. She was
more than just a woman of great virtue and
vision. She was truly a modern day saint whose
holiness touched an entire world. She always
helped people and she never gave up. She
never judged people or cared whether a person
was hungry, homeless or had a disease. She
would always find the time to help them. She
would stop in the street to help a hungry or
homeless person because she always wanted
the best for everyone. What counted was what
was inside a person, and she always saw the
goodness there.
Mother Teresa was an honest and giving
person. She would always give her time and
love to someone who would need it the most.
She would comfort the person during their
hardest times.
I want to try to be like Mother Teresa. I
want to help people and I want people to
respect me and look up to me. I want to
be the type of person she was, an Angel,
a living Saint.

Mother Teresa’s Style of Leadership

According to Bass and Avolio (1993)
transformational leadership, is concerned with
engaging the hearts and minds of others. It
requires trust, concern and facilitation rather
than direct control. The skills required are
concerned with establishing a long-term vision,
empowering people to control them, coaching,
and developing others and challenging the
culture to change. In transformational
leadership, the power of the leader comes from
creating understanding and trust. In contrast,
in transactional leadership power is based
much more on the notion of hierarchy and
Mother Teresa was as exceptional leader who
exhibited charisma and had the ability to
inspire the members of her order to transcend
their own self-interests to achieve the vision.
She is an ultimate example of transformational
leadership model for helping others aspire to
and attain high levels of performance for
themselves and the organization.
"... Being a true leader, Mother Teresa was
someone who was not afraid to do the right
thing or motivate others to do so.... She went
out into the world and dedicated her life to a
worthy cause. Not many people would willingly
give up the comforts of modern society and
undergo a frugal lifestyle in order to help
others. Yet this marvelous woman did so and
succeeded. Through her actions and
dedications, she motivated many people to
contribute to helping the poor of the world,
when otherwise those same people would
never have helped the poor in any way. Thus,
Mother Teresa embodies what it means to be a
leader. She helped when no one would and in
so doing inspired others to do the same thing.
Leaders are not made, they are born, and
Mother Teresa showed the world that she
was definitely one of those rare
individuals who can be called a leader."
We recognize that Mother Teresa was one of
the great religious and humanitarian leaders of
the world. When we aspire to be leaders, we
must learn to discern between fame and
greatness. Fame is Madonna; greatness is
Mother Teresa. There is a tremendous shortage
of and need for truly great leaders–leaders who
are trustworthy, ethical, good, and honest and
who have high personal standards. The world is
looking for honest and upright leaders.
This leadergraphy looks at her leadership
through different aspects of her life, social,
cultural, psychological, spiritual, biological, etc.
The founder and leader of the Missionaries of
Charity was more then just a leader, she was
an integral leader. She was not simply a
Charismatic leader, a self-appointed leader and
could be classified in the traditional concepts of
charismatic leadership. This book shows that
Mother Teresa’s mission and leadership
emerged from an integral growth process. Her
vocation and leadership, intimately linked to
her integral development, arose through a
series of discontinuous awakening experiences
called epiphanies. These epiphanies have
been, among others, intense moments of
suffering or spiritual experiences that
transformed Mother Teresa’s life. They have let
her to found a new religious order and lead
numerous people to the joy of giving.

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