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Rangers of Gondor
By James Mullins (elven) Paint Used Chaos Black spray. Chaos Black. Catachan Green. Dark Angles Green. Snot Green. Camo Green. Goblin Green. Bestial Brown. Kommando Khaki. Scorched Brown. Graveyard Earth. Snakebite Leather. Dwarf Flesh. Elf flesh. Chainmail. Shinning Gold. Blood Red. Red Gore.

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The Rangers of Gondor have long defended the woods of Ithilen and this is how I painted these deadly archers.

Clean and Undercoat

Start by cleaning the model, removing any flash and mold lines from the casting process using your trusty files and clippers. Undercoat the model using Chaos Black Spray. Using wastered down Chaos Black go over any areas the spray missed, use thinned Chaos Black so you do not obscure any detail on the model.

As the larest part of the model I decided to tackle this first. The Rangers spend most of their time in the ruins of Osgiliath so naturally their cloaks would become dusty, this is how I aproched it. paint the cloak Catachan Green. Once this has dried apply a highlight of Dark Angles Green over this leaving Catachan Green in the deepest recesses.

Constructions Reviews General Gaming Boards The Shire Bree Eriador Amon Hen Gondor Elven Havens Dwarven Realms Rohan Isengard Mordor Give the quiver a base coat of Goblin Green, apply a highlight of Camo Green over this leaving Goblin Green showing around the decoration. Carefully pick out the decoration using Shinning Gold. to finish off drybrush the arrow flights using Snot Green.

Start by giving the shirt a base coat of Scorched Brown, this was then highlighted using Bestial Brown. leave the Scorched Brown showing in the deepest reccesses.

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Under Shirt
As the Rangers spend time in the woods they needed some green. Apply a basecoat of Goblin Green on to the under shirt, making sure you paint in between the arm greaves. Apply a highlight of Camo Green over this leaving Goblin Green showing in the reccesses.

Silply apply a coat of Goblin Green and then highlight using Camo Green. Carefully pick out the edge of the tabbard using Graveyard Earth.

Paint the trousers Bestial Brown and apply a highlight of Graveyard Earth over this then pick out the very highest parts of the trousers using Kommando Khaki.

Arm Greevs
The arm greaves were given a basecoat of Red Gore. Using Blood Red pick out the edges of the arm greaves.

Face, Hands and Hair

Give the face and hands a base coat of Bestial Brown. Using Dwarf Flesh highlight the face and hands leaving Bestial Brown between the fingers and around the eyes and mouth. Using Elf Flesh care fully pick out the forehead, nose, cheeks, bottom lip and the fingers. The hair was dry brushed using Bestial Brown and again with Snakebite Leather.

Paint the socks arond the boots Goblin Green and then highlight them using Camo Green. The boots themselfs were painted using Graveyard Earth.

Sword, Bow and Straps

The sword was painted Chainmail and the cross section was painted with Shinning Gold. The bow was painted using Scorched Brown. The straps were painted Graveyard Earth and then highlighted using Kommando Khaki.

The Rangers are now ready to ambush the Haradrim in Ithilen or defend Osgiliath with Faramir Help Us

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James Mullins (elven) Did you enjoy this article? You can give feedback and discuss it here. The article currently has 64 stars. Quick Links

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