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MONTH September DAY 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26

English- Grades K-5 10:30AM-12:00PM

CLASS Parents and Children Class Activity, Getting to know each other Class Chapter 1 Class Chapter 2 NO CLASS To share at home: What did you like about Mass today? Parents and Children Class Activity, Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5. Parents will meet in the Family Life Center. NO CLASS Fall Break Parents and Children Program Activity, Reconciliation Retreat Chapter 6 Chapter 7 NO CLASS To share at home: What are you thankful for? Parents and Children Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Class Chapter 10. Parents will meet in the Family Life Center. NO CLASS Christmas Break NO CLASS To share at home: How do you welcome Jesus in your life? Parents and Children Family Activity, Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Class Chapter 13. Parents will meet in the Family Life Center. NO CLASS To share at home: Look at pictures of each others baptism. How has that event marked your life? Parents and Children Family Activity, Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Class Chapter 16. Parents will meet in the Family Life Center. NO CLASS To share at home: Find a story of the Holy Family. How is your family similar to the family of Jesus? Parents and Children Program Activity, Eucharist Retreat Chapter 17 Chapter 18. Parents will meet in the Family Life Center. Class Chapter 19 NO CLASS To share at home: Lent is a time to find God. What are you doing during lent that is helping you do that? Parents and Children Family Activity, Chapter19 Preparation for Faith Continuation Day NO CLASS Easter Sunday. Rejoice! The Lord has risen! Parents and Children Program Activity, Faith Continuation Day! Registrations






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6 13 20 27

Please read the information in the back and keep this Calendar in a visible area in your home. Should you have any questions contact Martha Jones at 303-364-7435 x12. Check Fox 31 News for Snow Cancellations (St. Pius X will generally not cancel any classes due to weather.)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Two 8x11 notebooks- 1) Will be used for taking notes in class and 2)Journaling in class and at home. Pencil or Pen- Will be used for writing in the classroom and at home. The program will provide pencils. Bible- Will be used for reading in class and at home for homework (if you have one at home that will work!). Rosary- Will be used for learning in class and praying at home. The program will provide rosaries. Unscented Candle- Recommended to be used at home for prayer. A bag- to keep all these things in one spot at home.

Parents: Always remember to dedicate time for prayer at home with your family in the mornings, before meals, in the car, and at any time and at all time giving thanks to God for life and the many blessings in your family, asking forgiveness and repair for anything that you or others in your family may have caused to Gods beautiful Creation. Remember: Prayer does not have to have a specific structure. It is an intimate conversation with God.


Attendance is mandatory for those parents whose children are preparing for First Communion and Confirmation If the parents do not attend the mandatory classes they are letting us know that they wish their children receive their sacraments next year. If that is the case, they must register again in the religious education and sacramental preparation programs for the following year. Attendance will be taken at each class. DATE OF CLASSES TIME 10:45-11:45 10:45-11:45 10:45-11:45 10:45-11:45 10:45-11:45 10:45-11:45

MONTH September Parental Roles October Reconciliation January The Holy Trinity February The Eucharist March Faith April What is Easter?

DATE 22 13 19 16 16 13

PLACE Basement Basement Basement Basement Basement Basement


Those who are preparing to receive the sacraments of Communion and Reconciliation will prepare during the months of February and March. Make sure you remember the days in which you signed-up for! Please make sure that we have a copy of the Baptismal certificate in the office . Please make sure that the certificate has accurate information. If the information is incorrect the corrections should be done at the parish of baptism. After the corrections have been made you may bring the corrected copy to the office.
Please, never hesitate to contact Martha Jones should you have any questions By phone 303-364-7435 x12 or email

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