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As an Indian child brought up in a village I remember to have swapped food grains with the grocer for sweetmeats and sweet potatoes. Have seen my mother giving basketful of rice and wheat to the women helping her in house chores. Paper currency was almost non existent and so were the banks, accounts, debit and credit cards , trade centers, stock exchange and money laundering hubs. The whole community was thriving on barter and smiling. United states and Brazil were trading wheat and coffee. Germany was obtaining coffee in exchange for coal,Danish cattle for agriculture implements and Russian petroleum for electrical machinery.Finland shipped timber to UK for coal,Argentina traded grain for

Spanish railway equipment and Turkey offered tons of gs and currants for armaments. It was only after the Zionist bankers oated paper currencies that the real wealth began to disappear along with our friendship and happiness. And today It's because of the blood sucking bankers and the callous US dollar as the necessary evils in the middle that we Indians have to pay Rs75 for a liter of petrol which normally costs Rs15 in oil producing countries.While we being an agriculture based country get tomato at Rs15 which costs them something around Rs75.So who is eating up the 60 rupees in between? And can we get rid of the middle men (system) who are throwing up the protectionist boundary and not letting us exchange the real wealth in stead of the fake paper money prone to devaluation. YES WE CAN ! We can easily get the oil-rich-food-poor Arab countries to exchange petroleum products for our homegrown food grains and fresh or canned vegetables.At least I in my personal capacity can bring them across the table.Let the rupee rise or fall in tandem with the Saffron-Zionist ballet , let's begin TRADING WITHOUT MONEY . People don't need money , they need FOOD, CLOTHING, SHELTER , CONVEYANCE and of course the SPOUSE.

Arshad Mohsin (%"' #& * @arshadmohsin (Written by an Indian Patriot in love of motherland )

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