Calc Essay That Turned Into A Story

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Sybico Melissa AP Calculus 5 28 May 2013 A Math Story Ive always liked math.

I was just one of those kids who understood it really easily after one explanation. Math was and still is pretty simple to me, as long as you have the equations and the memory of the problem. Thats why I wanted to start high school math classes early. I started algebra in 8th grade and went to geometry as a freshman in high school. I then had Mr. McGinn for algebra two, and again the next year for math analysis/ pre-calculus. His class was productive, but easy. I always finished my homework in class and started the next days assignment in that same class. It was just teach-do worksheet-test day after day, and Im not complaining. I learned a ton in the class, yet I was able to relax a bit when it came to that grade. This year, as I started calculus, I wasnt sure what to expect. First of all, a BUNCH of teachers that worked at Zama all left and new people replaced them. The school was different! Second of all, my sisters both had trouble with calculus. But once I started, it was not bad at all. It was just like all my other math classes: easy for me to understand, and not with a large work load. Thanks Mr. Levie! (I think other kids had more work than I did, cause I usually finished my homework in class, haha) But then everything changed when the fire nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. And although his airbendings skills are great, he has a lot to learn before hes ready to save anyone. But I believe Aang can save the world. Avatar: The Last Airbender is a really good cartoon series. I really like watching good cartoon series like Avatar. I also like reading books! Theyre true entertainment. Ben wanted me

to start reading this one series that had the first book called Enclave, but I started reading it and it had some really zombie-like creatures in it and it was a really dark novel, so I was too scared to continue reading it. But maybe I will one day, when I dont have anything else to read. It made me have a really awesome dream the night after I began reading it. It was once of those really long dreams that I never remember the whole story. I have some really good story ideas in my dreams, but I always forget them. Oh well. Anyways, the part that I remembered was that it took place during a sort-of zombie apocalypse. The zombies (that I will now call freaks in conjunction with the Enclave book) were organized and were being kind of controlled by the evil guys in suits. They were pretty much hired by the rich suit wearing guys. Anyways, I was battling these freaks with a partner who wore an iron man suit. Now, he wasnt iron man because he looked nothing like Robert Downy Jr. or a Tony Stark, but he had the suit. Must have found it somewhere. Next of all, he didnt have the iron man abilities like flying or shooting laser gun thingies, which I realize is really lame now. But he did indeed have the armor. It was lightweight I guess and protected this guy from freak attacks and bites, so he wouldnt turn into one of them. It was pretty smart, as long as it didnt slow him down. So now the story part! We were being chased by a bunch of freaks sent after us by the suit-wearing guys. It was by a coast that had a whole bunch of storage units. The suits were projecting their voices really loudly to tell us a message. I learned at that point, that my partner was one of the suit guys sons! Plot-twist!! (If you cant tell by now, Im terrible at telling storiesso I apologize.) Anyways, instead of getting overwhelmed by the freaks, my partner and I jumped into the water, and swam farther than the freaks could swim in order to get away. And then I woke up and got ready to go somewhere with my family. I told my dream to my sisters and they laughed at me. Oh well.

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