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Catholic Church defines Social Justice as the the respect for the human person and the rights which flow from human dignity and guarantee it. Society must provide the conditions that allow people to obtain what is their due, according to their nature and vocation.(CCC) Given this definition, I would like you to research on what the Church is saying about the following points. You may want to look at the themes of the Social Teachings of the Church and some specific Social Encyclicals such as Rerum Novarum, Quadragesimo Anno, Laborem Exercens, etc. NOTE: Always cite your sources A. Explain the dignity of the human person? What is the basis of the dignity of the person? B. What is DUE to every person befitting his dignity? What are the safeguards to guarantee and promote the dignity of persons? C. What is the role of society in relation to the dignity of every human person? How can society provide avenues for man to live according to his dignity? What is mans responsibility towards fellow men in the exercising his rights? Identify at least 2 important social teachings

principle to support your answer. D. Looking into our society today, what 3 rights are being promoted and another 3 that are being violated? Explain the reason for your choice. Provide concrete examples to substantiate your answer.



Since you are going to your immersion where you are to interact with blue-collar workers. We would like you to be able to assess/evaluate the situation of the worker you will meet vis--vis the teachings of the Church on the dignity of work and the rights and responsibilities of workers. For this, you may want to read about the themes of the Catholic Social Teachings. 1. ON WORK a. How does the Church regard work? Explain the Churchs stand regarding work. b. What does your experience with the blue-collar workers say how people (workers, buyers) regard work? Provide concrete evidences/personal experience c. Are there similarities/or differences between how the Church and the people view work? Why do you say so? Provide concrete examples from your experience.

2. MAN IS BOTH THE SUBJECT AND OBJECT OF WORK (Laborem Exercens) a. What does this say about work? Man as SUBJECT of Work Man as OBJECT of What does this imply about the Work condition of work that every man should engage in? b. Are these promoted/violated in the kind of situation/condition the blue-collar workers are subjected? Provide concrete examples to support your claim.

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