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1. Download Skim (PDF reader for Mac) and open your PDF proof in Skim.

a. When you begin to work, be sure to his Save frequently.

b. In the View menu, choose “Show Notes Pane”. This will show you everything you
are highlighting.
c. Turn on the highlight mode. Now, whenever you highlight something with your
cursor, it will be highlighted in yellow with Skim.

d. Take note, when saving Skim will make a .skim file with the same name as your
PDF. DO NOT trash this file, as it holds the highlighting notes.
2. Highlight all references in Skim.
a. Be sure that all items are separate. For instance look at a string of references like
this: Gen 1:1; 3:5, 7, 9. This is 4 separate references and should be highlighted
as for separate items Gen 1:1 3:5 7 9 (Iʼll explain how this is later fixed)
3. Once all items are
highlighted in Skim
and saved, export
the highlights you
have made from
Skim. Choose
Choose for the File
Format, “Notes as
4. Open the resulting .rtf file in TextEdit.

a. Choose “•
page “
replace it

b. Place a
tab mark
at the very
of the text.
mark and
copy it into
the Find.

c. Then
the Tab
mark and
copy it
into the
field. Hit
d. Remove the very first tab with a paragraph break (hit Return)
e. Copy the
two Tab
place into
the Find

f. Copy the
mark and
place it
into the
All. Hit
Save. The
result is
the PDF
pg.# [tab]
5. Okay, now we will fix all of the partial quotations. Open your PDF in Skim on the left
side of your screen, and move the .RTF in TextEdit to the right side. As you can see,
your Skim highlights are in the same order as your text file.

a. Scan through your text file and add book names (be consistent, use abbreviations
or full book names) and any missing chapters.
i. To jump
right to a
click on
the page
in the

b. In this
image, all of the bottom items need the book abbreviation added. I add
“1 Sam[tab]” before the citations. I add the chapters to the bottom three as well.
i. When you come upon any book name, you also need to do a quick Find and
Replace. example,
• Find “1 Samuel “ and Replace it with “1 Sam[tab]”
• Also Find “1 Sam ” (your book may have used a period after an abbrev., so
“1 Sam.”) and Replace it with “1 Sam[tab]”
ii. Do this every time you come across a new book— Do a Find and Replace for
the full book name and the abbreviation type used in the proof.
c. The Result of the above image is tab separation

d. You need to be diligent all through this. All of the book name abbreviations
need to be consistent.
e. While filling in the missing info, you need to also make note of citations that are
in footnotes. AFTER the citation put [tab]n.6.
f. Hit Save every once in a while as you go through this second major process.
g. Final Find and Replaces— If your citations used colons (eg. Gen 1:1), replace
all colons with periods. Also replace en dashes and em dashes with a regular

6. You now have a large .RTF text file that has the pdf pg# [tab] book [tab] citation
7. Now open Excel or Numbers or whatever spreadsheet software you use.
a. Highlight your whole text file and paste it into your spreadsheet. (This may take a
while for your system to do, as it is a lot of text you are pasting)
b. The result is a 3-columned spreadsheet like above.
c. Move column A (the page number) to the right side, with one blank column after

column C.
d. Now in the first field of the blank column, you must make an equation to fix the
page numbering (in case you didnʼt notice, the page numbers are the page of the
PDF, not the page number of your proofs).
i. Look at your first item page number, and
compare it to the actual proof page
number. You will likely need to subtract
20+ pages. Your equation should look
like this. (in the brackets corrects the page number, the “&” sign will add the
footnote column to the column). Drag down the equation to fill that column all
the way through your spreadsheet (grab the bottom corner and drag down)
ii. The result is this:
iii. The first 3 columns are what your results are.
e. Now,
and sort
by column A
and B.

i. This will alphabetize your index by book name, with ascending chapter and
verse items.

• NOTE: spreadsheets donʼt understand the dash (-) sign. These will need to
be placed properly in your final edit.
ii. Okay, you need a plain .txt file to be a middleman between your spreadsheet
and your word processor. In your spreadsheet app, export your file to .txt or
csv on your Desktop.
iii. If you just made a .csv file, replace the .csv with .txt.
iv.Open the resulting file in TextEdit and delete everything (we did the last few
steps just to get a blank file).

8. Okay, the final tedious part.

a. Open your word processor. (Pages or MS Word)
b. Book by Book, cut (CUT not copy) and paste the first 3 columns of info from your
spreadsheet into the blank .txt file, and then cut and paste that into your word
c. Once you do the
cut and paste,
hold down your
alt/option key
and drag your
mouse to
highlight all of
the redundant
names. Then
just put the
bookname once
at the top
d. Go through what you have just pasted. With a careful eye:
i. Put any duplicates on the same line (eg. Gen 1:1 [tab] 6, 35, 109). They will
all be grouped together, so do quick deletes and comma additions to bring
them together.
ii. Citations that had dashes for verse ranges will be out of sequence. Cut and
paste the whole line to the correct position.
e. Repeat for each book. Add Major Headings as per the convention you are
following, and sub-headings for each book.

Any questions, fire me off an email.

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