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-, -: . .6, :, 2000, . 35 (Scenar-therapy and Scenar-expertise: Collection of articles. Issue 6, Taganrog, 2000, p. 35) .., .. (Tarakanov .., Karmen N.B.) -

Authors: Article name: Keywords: Summary:

SCENAR, emergency
In this work authors estimate the effectiveness of SCENAR-therapy in patients with acute forms of diseases of various etiology in the conditions of the emergency hospital. Satisfactory results of treatment when pharmacological, instrumental and classical physiotherapeutic treatment have proved ineffective were got. These are pain syndromes, headache, treatment of postoperative fistulas and treatment of neurotrophic damages in patients with isolated and combinative skull injury.

SCENAR-therapy in Ambulance
The doctor rendering the first help when the disease is in the acute period, should realize all the responsibility and complexity of the problem. Nowadays, the quantity of serious pathology increased and the diseases are more serious. People suffering from acute forms of disease usually address to multi-field hospital. The searching of new methods for effective treatment is necessary in these conditions. Scenar-THERAPY application is handy because of its availability, fast positive effect, simplicity of treatment and stable result. 90 patients treated by Scenar were observed in the Rostov emergency hospital 2. Models 97.4 and 97.5 were used. The treatment was carried out daily or every other day in constant and individuallydosed modes taking into account the attributes of the little assymmetry and secondary factors. Patients were distributed in the following way. The first groupone of the most favorable because of the prognosis and treatment. The pain was decreased already by the 2nd 3rd procedure, complete regress of pain syndrome appeared by the 4th 5th procedure. The sensitivity disorder- reduction of zones not sensible to pain. The angle of the lower extremities instep was increased for 15-20 %. The recommended operative intervention was postponed because of remission in many cases. The anodyne and anti-inflammatory effects were realized; vascular and muscular spasms were decreased; blood circulation, tone and trophism of interested muscles were normalized. Besides, the general somatic condition, arterial pressure, pulse were stabilized, sleep and appetite improved, diuresis increased. It indirectly testified the normalization of hydro-salt metabolism. Treatment of acute nonpenetrating backbone-spinal traumas (CBST) depended on the affection degree, state severity, degree of the spinal cord compression, character of surgical intervention. Treatment by Scenar was carried out: 1) after surgical intervention (decompression of the spinal cord, inspection and reconstruction of the spinal canal, laminectomy was, vertebras fixation by metal plates etc. were its purpose); 2) some time later (traumatic illness of the spinal cord, syndrome of complete, cross or partial affections of the spinal cord).
Publication from the RITM OKB ZAO library 1

Affection of the spine cervical area was accompanied by the hands paralysis, disappearance or decreasing of the upper and lower extremities reflexes, spastic paralysis of legs with muscular tone increasing, pathological foot reflexes. The decreasing or loss of mainly painful and temperature sensitivity was registered below the affected zone level. The urine and feces delay, and also neurotrophic syndrome with formation of plural extensive deep bedsores were marked. The trauma of spine lumbar area was characterized by the paresis of flexors and extensors of foot and fingers, decreasing or absence of reflexes, languid paraplegia, disorders of pelvis organs functions, neurotrophic damages. (bedsores). The primary aims of Scenar-THERAPY application when treating this category of patients in the acute period: 1) Reduction of brain and tegumental symptomalogy; 2) Realization of anti-inflammatory, antiedematous and resolvent effects in the zone of center localization; 3) Improvement of blood supply in the center of affection; 4) To cut the stressor reaction off , tranquilizing effect realization; 5) Urination restoration when treating the areflectorno-spinal or areflectorno-atonic (secondary) forms of neurogenic disorders with influence on the area of the urinary bladder projection and pelvic floor area; 6) Stimulation of antagonists of the lower extremities spastic muscles when treating the traumas of cervical and breast areas of backbone and flabbyparetic muscles when treating the traumas of backbone lumbar area; 7) Restoration or reduction of neurotrophic syndrome with bedsores areas stimulation; 8) Liquidation of respiratory system complications. The repeated Scenar-THERAPY courses were combined with medical massage and therapeutic physical training in the remote period of CBST. Table 1. # 1. Pathology Neurologic and neurosurgical: 1. Osteochondrosis of cervicothoracic and sacrolumbar areas of spine, 2. Osteochondrosis complicated with the disk hernia, 3. Craniocereberal trauma when acute and subacute periods (CCT). Traumatology: 1. Combinative trauma (CCT) with fractures of extremities and pelvis, 2. Extremities traumas, postoperative period. Purulentseptic surgical pathology: diabetic angiopathy, diabetic foot, gangrene, amputation, trophic ulcers of the lower extremities, erysipelatous inflammation of the lower extremities. Eye pathology(traumas, iridociclitis, uveitis, neuritis, hemorrhage into retina). Patients quantity 19 9 17 5 7 18 15


3. 4.

The regress of brain and tegumental symptomalogy, partial or complete restoration of painful and temperature sensitivity, reduction of neurotrophic syndrome with bedsores healing were marked when treating CBST in the postoperative period. Movements volume increasing; normalization of temperature, blood count; improvement of general somatic condition were registered. The success of treatment appreciably depended on interest of the patient, valuable care and nourishment.
Publication from the RITM OKB ZAO library 2

To treat the spinal trauma (even in not serious case) is a difficult problem. The patience is necessary sometimes for 2-3 and more months. The initial results of Scenar-THERAPY can be hardly appreciable. At the same time, as the practice show, even short-time Scenar-INFLUENCE results the reduction of treatment terms. Scenar-THERAPY was applied after tegumental symptomology disappearance when treating the skull injury. The treatment promoted the hematomas resorption and created the favorable conditions for restoration of functionally oppressed brain areas. The influence was carried out on orbital, occipital, periorbital areas, collateral zone, areas of craniocereberal nerves output on the face and 3 tracks. In the remote regenerative period, the Scenar therapy aim was to improve the liquor outflow, to regulate the arterial pressure, to amplificate the action of basic medicinal therapy, to decrease the patient asthenisation. Scenar-INFLUENCE was used when treating the motor disorders, hemiplegia, speech functions disorders. Scenar -THERAPY application combined with complex pharmacotherapy when treating the surgical patients with purulentseptic complications provided the collateral blood circulation, the stimulation of vegetative centres function, the improvement of local blood circulation, the reduction of spastic processes, had anesthetizing effect and trophic influence. Wounds and ulcers were processed directly, thenalong the vascular tracts. The results of treatment- normalization of peripheral hemodynamics parameters, improvement of pulse fillings of shin vessels, reduction or disappearance of painful sensations in wounds, normalization of skin colouring. The wounds were cleaned, their size was decreased; granulations and regional epithelisation of edges appeared, the quantity of secretion in the wound was increased. Scenar application in ophthalmologic practice showed its significant therapeutic potential. The device influenced the orbital area, the nape, collateral zone, the spine. When treating: the visual acuity increasing was registered, blood supply of the eye back pole was improved, acceleration of retinal hemorrhages resorption was marked. Treatment of iridocyclitis and uveitis resulted the fast precipitates resorption. Thus, Scenar-THERAPY is the important and necessary component for the combined treatment in the conditions of the emergency hospital. In some cases ,all the methods of pharmacological, instrumental and classical physiotherapeutic treatment can not replace the neuroadaptive influence. By our opinion, Scenar should be not only the obligatory component of complex treatment but also be used as monotherapy.

Publication from the RITM OKB ZAO library

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