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DeepStar Phase IX Monthly Progress Report

CTR 9401c Delivery Date: 12/31/09 Budget $32,400 In the DATE field below, indicate the month the report covers, not the month the report is prepared. For example, if you are preparing a report for February 2009 on March 7, 2009, you would select February 2009 below. Please submit your monthly report via email to the Project Manager with a copy to the Champion by the 7th day of the month following the report. The report file name should be saved as: Month_CTR#_Company Name (i.e., Feb_9401c_AMOG Consulting). 9401c VIV Data Analysis, Methods and Guidelines (CTR 8402, Part 2)" Explore full-scale VIV riser data (available from BP) to draw some comparisons/contrasts to the underlying physical behavior of the smaller scale DeepStar data ('Miami2') Data Segmentation and Synchronization: It is proposed to review the full scale accelerometer data (consisting of BP's hung off drill pipe, disconnected and connected drilling riser data) and sub-divide into 25 chunks then perform detailed investigation on each chunk. Each chunk will be chosen so that a wide range of different conditions are obtained in the final detailed analysis stage. Two (2) chunks will be chosen that cover suppression devices. However synchronization is an important issue and a decision on the data subdivision may also occur based on finding characteristic unique 'alignment' points in the data. Current velocity information will also be synchronized to the accelerometers at this stage. The second phase (Section 3.2) 'data exploration' is contingent on the success of the first phase and is proposed to require DeepStar approval prior to commencement. Data Vector rotation: Where possible a determination of the principal cross-flow and in-line directions of vibration in the 15 chunks of data will be made by maximizing fundamental frequency peak in spectrum. Also crosschecking with any directional information available from current profile. Prediction of structural response characteristics Using simple line dynamics software (Orcaflex) structural response natural frequencies and wave propagation parameters will be determined for use in drawing results in the exploration phase. Champion Email Phone Owen Oakley - CVX 925-842-4953 Mike Tognarelli - BP 281-366-8937 Yiannis Constantinides 713-372-2871 Project Manager Email Phone Jim Chitwood - CVX 713-372-2820 Contractor Lead Contact Email Phone Hayden Marcollo AMOG Hayden_Marcollo@AMOG +61 3 9542 3700 Consulting Select appropriate reporting year and month below by double clicking the check box and then by selecting the default value checked. 2008 2009 2010

DeepStar Phase IX Monthly Progress Report

January April February May March June Activity Summary & Accomplishments: Activities Planned Next Period: Corrective Action: Amount Expended: Percent Complete: July August September October November December

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