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How to be a Gigolo


Gary Brodsky

This is how it started. In the early 1980s, my friend Hallett, my brother Pelo-head and I were having dinner at the Oyster Bar at the Plaza Hotel. There was a beautiful dark haired woman about 29 years old obviously quite wealthy sitting alone at the bar, real hot. From our table, we noticed several different guys approach her. The first guy, no shit was telling her that he owned half of the Empire State building. He was quickly and rudely shot down by this woman. The second guy approached her, sat down and began to tell her that he was on the Board of Directors of like 12 different companies. FYI so you know under mo conditions with a woman be a seller- always be the buyer, We were now sitting and laughing. I said watch me go up and break her balls with my I dont care what happens attitude. NOTE: with women or business deals if you are if you care too much about losing it you will appear weak a probably will loose it. My first thought was to sit down next to her and tell her I owned the other half of the Empire State Building. I walked up and sat down next to her and she said So, what is your story? Just trying to break her balls a bit, I said. Im a

gigolo and if you want to hear my story youre going to have to pay and then I turned away from her. Moments later she poked me with her finger and said how much do I have to pay? I said $2,200 cash, not negotiable. The reason I picked that number was because American Express was calling me non stop about an overdue bill and I figured that would cover it, but at that time I was still just being funny, I didnt expect her to take me seriously. But she replied Hi, my name is Tanya. Do you take personal checks? Now I thought she was breaking my balls and I said sure. Then she asked if making it out to cash would be OK and I said that would be fine. TIP # 1 - CONTROL She was asking for permission already. Thats when I knew I had her. Never forget this. Clients pay you to be in charge for the night or number of hours youre together. Once youve accepted the payment, the last thing she wants to do is be in charge and make decisions. All decisions have to be fun, but remember, you cant be bossy or demanding. After spending a wild night with her at the Plaza Hotel which I would have gladly paid for myself, but fortunately worked out the other way around, I left with her check. And with her

of course, I left my phone number.

Here is an important note about giving out your phone number, maybe at the time she thinks youre a dolt, moron, jerky- what ever: But there will comes a time soon she will have a broken heart, bad day, lack of self esteem booty call, some dumb crisis and she will call, nine out of ten times. Not bad for a loose nothing proposition. When I came back to my house, Hallett and my brother who both lived in separate first floor apartments of my house came to my place for lunch. I told them the story and showed them the check. I was about ready to trash the check thinking it was a joke when Hallett suggested we go to her bank and see if we could cash it. And thats exactly what we did. No one was more amazed than me that the check was actually good! I still assumed I would get a phone call from this woman screaming why the hell did you cash that check? With considerable insults since I believed that this had to be some sort of a joke. Well, four days later she did call me. However, instead of insults, she invited me to another hotel that she was staying at in the city. I later found out she frequented the city because she

was a model from Brazil. I went up to the door, came in and she handed me $2,200 cash. So I said to myself, this looks like it could really be something good. Right then and there I decided to carve a career out of this. But how? I only had one client. So I went back to the Oyster Bar and tried this rap on 5 or 6 different women. I was insulted and told off. One woman complained to the management and I was told to please sit down and not bother anyone anymore. So I sat down at a table, ordered my usual cokeno ice, when one of the women that I hit on earlier and had rudely dismissed me, walked by my table, dropped her key and walked out. She was actually a very pretty blonde and needless to say, you know what I did. Again, I got paid $2,200, spent the night, and of course left her my number. The following day, I got a phone call from a woman named Barbara. She said she was recommended by Lisa, the blonde, and she supplies guys like me to high class women for money. Barbara wanted me to spend the night with her and in exchange, offered to teach me the tricks of the trade. Tips which would become invaluable. Tips that I am going to teach you now.

Barbara taught me all about exactly what these women wanted and what they would pay for. And this is what they are paying for and why. TIP # 2 - ENTERTAINMENT A gigolo must be their greatest source of entertainment. To make this possible you can not call or annoy them even to tell them how much you like them. You cannot impose in their life or ask them what they are doing or where they are going. You must literally enjoy their company, but not demand more of their time. They are paying for freedom and enjoyment with no strings attached. Always allow them to initiate contact with you and they will call. Being with you will build their self-esteem. For whatever time you spend with her, she will never be criticized; will always feel appreciated, special and unique. And, she will never be bothered with bullshit relationship talk. FUN AND LAUGHTER Do silly things. It brings out the freedom and kid in everyone. Do a Frankenstein walk. Karate chop a pencil in half.anything to lighten the mood and make them laugh. If you are not naturally an entertaining type of guy, have a series of funny stories or experiences to share to keep

everything light, happy, and entertaining. And if youre being silly, shell feel less inhibited and more comfortable being silly herself. TIP # 3 - FEELING PROTECTED AND SAFE Its always about feeling safe for women..all women!!! Not just your clients. Women need to feel secure and they need it more than most men realize and certainly much more than they care to admit. Women, and I mean all of them are insecure about their looks, their actions, the way people perceive them, and much, much more. They are paying you to create a safe environment where they always look great, act right, say the right things and are always are perceived in the best light. Look around and where do you find women? They are always on the latest diet, in gyms, doing their hair, nails, clothes, the list is endless and so is the need to constantly improve themselves. Why? Because they are so insecure. Imagine..what is it worth to be appreciated just the way you are? A gigolo is there to make a woman happy, does not have to lie, cheat, deceive. So you can always be your silly crazy self since you are not trying to angle for a second date. Because shes paying for your time and by virtue of paying for that

time she can be as crazy as shed like without ever holding you accountable. In other words, she is paying for the most important thing on the price listis it sex, is it romance? Obviously not. Is it because you are so cool? No. Its the fact that you never judge her. A gigolo must keep his emotions out of the picture because the minute his emotions get in the way it interferes with her freedom. She must be able to be exactly who she is at any given time, do anything or be any way shes ever wanted to be without fear of judgment or criticism. She can be freely uninhibited and even risk being that bad girl shes always wanted to be when she is safe with you. It is a priceless gift to them, and the only reason you can be in business and they will happily pay your fee. HOW TO GET YOUR FIRST CLIENT I cant stress this enough! Many of the techniques in this book will work equally as well with girls youd like to date or simply pick-up as well as prospective clients for your gigolo business. I strongly recommend that you stay on message..either you are looking for a client or you are looking for a date. If you strike out, just move on - never switch midstream. You will look weak, indecisive and ruin any future possibility.

You cant go to your local bar or your local anything to find clients. That would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. You have to go where these kind of women hang out so the odds are working for, not against you. You may have to do a little research to know where the classy, wealthy women you seek are in your area. Youre not going to find them at your local bar or bowling alley. Well, at least not as a general rule. TIP # 4 - SERVICE WITH A SMILE These women are used to buying services. Wealthy people spend a fortune on services. And, that is what you will be providing - another service. Remember, they are not interested in emotional complications or hassles. They probably already have that in their lives now. They will pay top dollar for the best pilates instructor, personal trainer, masseuse, psychic, personal shopper, or yes, gigolo. Therefore, if you are going to provide these services, you must go where these women live and hang out. Whether the suburbs or a major city, there are numerous places to meet these women. As you know, I started at the Plaza Hotel. A very high class, expensive NYC Hotel. High end night clubs work, as do wealthy communities. You just need to put

yourself in a place where most importantly, women will be able to afford your services. WALK THE WALK Youve all heard the expression Walk the walk and probably never knew what it meant. Well, Ill tell you what walk the walk means. How you walk, talk, dress, as well as the personality you project will determine how successful you will be not only in this business, but in your life. Take my brother Pelo-Head for examplehe had terrible posture. He walked as though the weight of the world was on his shoulders. He would give any woman the impression that he was an emotional wreck simply by his stride or walk. Posture in general is the first and maybe your only chance to make a dynamic impression. So when you walk anywhere you are going to be judged within seconds by the way you carry yourself. Old saying but quite true, a woman decides whether she is going to sleep with a man within the first 10 15 seconds of meeting him.

TIP # 5 - PERSONAL HYGIENE AND YOUR IMAGE The day you decide to build a gigolo business, is the day

that you better start looking and dressing the part. You cant dress to kill once in a blue moon and walk around like a slob most of the time and expect to be successful in this business. You are your own advertisement and therefore, must always Walk the Walk as we have just discussed. No woman will ever take care of a guy financially, emotionally, or sexually who care not take care of himself. It must be obvious and care about yourself before shell ever consider caring about you. Caring enough to pay for you. So personal hygiene and grooming is essential. What is not essential is cosmetic surgery, male hair removal, or even going to the gym, although I personally recommend it because its a good place to meet clients. But, its not essential. What is essential is being comfortable in your own skin. And please, no strong offensive colognes, but definitely wear a mild classy cologne because scent is one of the 5 senses and you want to activate all 5. Only when you take care of yourself, will women consider paying for you to take care of them. TIP # 6 - TIMING IS EVERYTHING Weve all heard the expression being in the right place at the right time. In this business, once you find the right place that works for you, it will always be the right time


because most of your business will be future engagements. Dont be afraid to give women your first and last real name and phone number. Tell them your price up front. Always smile, project a good mood and attitude, and dont ever pressure a sale. You dont have to. Why? Because next time her boyfriend acts like an idiot, her ex-husband gives her a bad day, or shes having a horribly lonely night, she will call. That is the biggest key to getting customers. TIP # 7 - MONEY (YOURS OR HERS) Dont try to impress her with money or any of your other possessions. She has money and the odds are very good that she has more than you. Frankly, its even a good idea to let her know that she has more than you. It actually makes it easier to get paid. When youre accepting payment always seem enthusiastic like a little kid who got a new makes them feel good about paying you and less like its an official transaction. It is important from the get go, that she understands that in addition to your flat fee, she pays for everything while you are together. Food, hotel, theatre, etc. Remember, this is not a date. She is a client. Your mindset: Youre worth it and she is going to enjoy it, pay for it, and call you again. KIM


Heres an example of how I picked up another client. The majority of my clients over the years came by referral (as will yours), but when you first start out, you will not have that luxury. Its not as hard or even as intimidating as you might think. Read on and see for yourself.

I was in one of those upscale strip clubs, which by the way is a very good place to find clients and this really sexy model walked in. She sat down and started watching the girls. I figured what the hell; Ill go over and start talking to her. My usual introductionHi, how ya doing? Im Gary. This line is a great opener if your name is Gary other wise use your name. She said Hi Im Kim. So I was making light conversation with her because I was curious about why she was there, and she was curious about me because I wasnt taking any table dances. She asked what the hell I was doing in there and I told her that I was a gigolo and that a lot of these strippers pay me to spend time with them. She said Oh, youre full of shit. I just laughed it off. Then she explained to me that she came there because she was a model and to see if she could learn any new poses here, but she wasnt learning shit.


We kept joking back and forth, and she kept needling me about the fact that she couldnt believe anyone would pay to spend time with me (which by the way, people will question, and thats something that you should keep a vague mystery). So I hit her with one of my all time famous lines. Keep annoying me, and Ill fuck your lights out and break your heart. She said I just started playing chess; will you come back to my apartment and play chess with me? I told her chess is all youre going to get and that will cost you one sushi dinner. She said, Deal. Well, we went back to her apartment after a great sushi dinner, yes, we did play chess. During the chess game I was using every seductive tactic you could imagine, but stayed with the chess game and away from being overtly sexual. Then I used a mind game. I took the chess game from the table to the floor to make sure her shoes came off. I was beating her badly in chess and I said to her do you want to concede this game and she said hell no, Im going to win. I said Oh yeah? If you win, you get a free foot massage on the house. I let her try to make a come back a bit, and then I checkmated her and she lost the game. No foot massage for you.


Whereas most men would have let her win so they could have physical contact with her, I beat her and laid the groundwork for the next meeting. This is what I call the preliminary work. OK chess was done. I told her if youre interested in anything further heres my card. I get $2200 a night or per session which is roughly 8-12 hours, call me. When I got home, she had left me a tape message saying please come back. When you get this message please call me. Apparently, I had laid some pretty good groundwork. So I called her. Again, she said please come back. I told her OK very happily. All right. I got back to her house in Manhattan and when I got back to the building, I realized I had no clue what her last name was, and I didnt have her phone number with me. Pre-cell phone days, I told the doorman shes got a 3 floor apartment, tall, very pretty and fortunately, he knew who she was and called upstairs. I went upstairs, she opened the door and just started making out with me. She handed me $2200, less the cost of the sushi dinner with the receipt paper clipped to one of the bills. We spent a great night together and I made sure to throw in a lot of hugs and caressing moves. The next morning, I just took a shot and asked when did you decide to retain me. And she said, Within three minutes after you


walked out the door, I just knew I had to sleep with you. And the reason this is true, is because until I walked out the door, she probably thought I was going to break down and she could seduce and have me anyway. Earlier, we discussed that you should decide whether you are picking up a client or a date, and once decided, never switch midstream. Here is a perfect example of how lack of patience, self control and switching would have lost you a client. Going for the kill right away is not always the right approach. You have to feel each situation out. Sometimes, patience and baby steps (one small move at a time) is your best bet. Remember, making a woman feel safe and protected (also discussed earlier) is a top priority. To appear too anxious is always a turn off. And the worst image you can project is one of a guy who has no self control. Without exceptional self control, you cannot be a good gigolo. TIP #20 ACTIVITY LIST OK, its impossible for anyone to be an expert or an authority on every subject or sport under the sun. Earlier we mentioned dancing. I have just given you a real example of a client relationship of mine that developed over a game of


chess. The wider your scope, your humor, activities you enjoy, the knowledge you have about current events as well as trivia, the easier developing your business will be. Therefore, you should keep abreast of things happening in the news, your local community and national trends. Cruise the internet and educate yourself a little about a lot of different things. Information is so readily available now, that theres no excuse not to widen your scope. Watch the history channel, the discovery channel, start reading the classics, rent movies. To do so will make you a more interesting person, even if you dont pursue this business. Consider taking classes in things that interest you. Talk to women that you know. Start with members of your family if you dont have many female friends. Ask them what they enjoy doing. What theyd enjoy doing with men. Use this as an opportunity to grow as an individual and you will be a happier person enjoying a much more fulfilling life. So, start an activity list of things youd like to do, learn, read about, etc. TIP # 8 - MISCONCEPTIONS When starting your business, dont worry about telling a woman that you are a gigolo. Many women will be relieved that your not some relationship jerk coming on to them whos going to try bring this relationship to the next level.


Others will be intrigued at this unique profession (whether or not they are interested in or can afford your services) and probably find you fascinating. If she is not interested, move on pleasantly. Never get angry or leave a bad taste in her mouth. She may be a future client or recommend you to others. Recommendations and referrals will come. In fact, after you get started, most of your business will come from other clients. It is a misconception that clients who pay for gigolo services are losers. A high end gigolo attracts a clientele that usually is the cream of the crop in reality. Most of these women are wealthy and have good looks. In fact, many are or have been models.

THAT FIRST PHONE CALL - WHAT DO YOU DO NOW? When you talk to your prospective client the first time on the phone, you must pay close attention to not only what she says, but how she says it. Is she nervous? Does she have certain expectations? Who referred her to you. You are supposed to take charge, so any clues she gives you about what she expects will help you satisfy her expectations and


be successful. In most cases, the prospective client will be more nervous than you could ever expect to be. Even if shes done this before, youre new, so shes going to be nervous. What you must immediately do is re-direct the nervousness into what is called nervous laughter. Youve got to be funny. If youre not funny by nature, think of the funny things that have happened to you or others that you knowthings she can relate to, nothing sexual or invasive, just things that will distract and lighten things up. Now you must immediately take control of the phone call. You have to put her in your hands so to speak. You do this by taking control of the conversation. For example, dont ask her what she wants. Give her choices of where to go or what to do. Suggest places that are non threatening, outdoors, and require physical activity like horseback riding, tennis, going to the gym; anything that gets her adrenaline going because that stimulates feelings similar to those of sexual attraction and that will create the magnetism to get things off to a great start. TIP # 9 - PROSTITUTE OR GIGOLO? You are learning to be a gigolo, not a prostitute. A prostitute


is a stud hired for sex. While a gigolo in fact usually does have sex with his clients that is often not the thing that these women are really longing for. Its just a piece of the whole package. Its not about orgasms. Its about fun. Its about giving her freedom to be herself. Believe me women become addicted to gigolos, just like narcotics, play stations, gambling and all those other things women become addicted to. They will become hooked on you too - why? I'll tell you why. Because you will always be there. You will never disappoint them because you promise them nothing. You will always be a comfort, loving, interested, and willing to listen, but you never commit to anything more than taking cash, check, pay pal or credit cards for the time you agree to spend with them. SEXUAL CHEMISTRY Sexual chemistry is that powerful and deciding factor surrounded by an aura of mystery. Its your job to cultivate those subtle sparks and fan them to a roaring flame in record time. But not every curvaceous prospective client will sense these sparks, so you might have to get a little creative. Your past conquests might have given you security and confidence,


but even the best cant guarantee chemistry every time. And if you are going to be a successful gigolo, lets face it, not every client is going to turn you on either, but its going to be your job to make sure that she desires you regardless. Lets say you have a particular prospective client in mind, but she isnt responding with the requisite level of interest. Its time to roll up your sleeves and create sexual tension, even if chemistry isnt immediately evident. The scientific definition of sexual chemistry, is a natural, mutual romantic attraction between two people which results from a mixture of physical attraction and natural, mutual personality-based rapport. Simply put, you need to adapt to her personality and make a few moves that point toward physical attraction -- even if shes not feeling it. Fortunately, most women if asked will admit that attraction for them includes more than physical attraction alone and that will give you an edge. It means that you have more tools at your disposal to get and keep the attention of the lady you have in mind. Unlike traditional relationships, it is extremely important to remember that no matter where you are, what you are doing, its all about your client, is she comfortable, and is she happy, is she having fun. It is not about you or your


needs. In traditional relationships, there is a mutual give and take (or should be) between partners that you probably will not find with your clients. Its not a personal thing; its just the nature of the client relationship.

You are there to fulfill her needs. It is what she is paying you to do and unless pleasing you is a real need of hers, it is not going to be a priority or on the top of her fact it may not be on the list at all. But that shouldnt stop you. Just remember, that you are getting paid to please her, not the other way around. And, pleasing her by no means, means fawning all over her. Being attentive and receptive to her needs is more attractive than staying one step ahead of her all the time. In fact, that can even be annoying. Its sort of like being in a restaurant. You would like your water glass to have water in it throughout your meal, yet you dont really want a waiter filling your glass each time you take a sip.

TIP # 10 - ALWAYS Always return phone calls Always make sure you get paid


Always be enthusiastic and express interest Always smile Always come from a position of strength Always look and act your best. Prospective clients can be anywhere. TIP # 11 - GOING THE EXTRA MILE Youve got to go the extra mile. Throw the romance on. Most women are starved to be held. Physical touch releases serotonin a chemical in the brain, but touchdont grab. Let her talk. Most women need to be heard. Dont demean, build. Wash her hair in the shower. Give her a back massage. Dont know how? Learn how to do it right by getting a few of them yourself. Remember, the time she spends with you must always be carefree for her. Always go the extra mile, but dont pour it on so thick that it looks phony. She will appreciate the small extra things you think of and do for her but only if she thinks that you care. TIP # 12 - FREEBIES In order for you to be there, be loving, comforting, willing to listen, you must be available to your clients. I consider


phone time spent this way part of the service I provide to all my active clients and I do not charge for this service. Always keep a misting bottle next to your bed so when they call and you are sleeping hit yourself in the face with 3 or 4 sprays so you can sound more alert than you actually are. Always be happy to take her call and be prepared to spend time on the phone because you have to be her bridge over troubled water. Most clients do not take advantage of this and prefer to see me in person whenever they can anyway.

TIP # 13 - NEVER EVERS (WORTH REPEATING) Never argue Never judge Never appear bossy (but always appear in charge) Never be indecisive (Its better to be wrong than indecisive) Never lose your temper Never dump your personal shit on them even if they welcome it (sharing a little with any one client Never ever on a second, third, fourth or future visit bring up anything from an earlier meeting that might embarrass her. No matter what she did, reminding her will only serve to personal information is OK) Never risk your reputation to win, to be right, to get even


inhibit her in front of you now.a big client killer. TIP # 14 - FIND SOMETHING YOU CAN LIKE OR LOVE ABOUT HER There probably will be parts of their character, habits, or perhaps aspects of their looks that you may not like. After all, they are just people. You can not allow these things to be a problem in this business. You have to search and it wont be a big search to find something that you like about her. Find something endearing, focus instead on that and let it shine through. Doing so will keep her as a client and more likely than not, youll get beyond whatever it was that you didnt care for. Youll meet many different types of women, the majority of whom are age 28-48. Most of them will probably be quite pretty and of course in good shape given the fact that they have spent most of their entire lives in salons and working out, making sure everything including their hair and nails are perfect. However, their personalities and minds may have not always have gone through the same rigorous training that their bodies have. Some clients will be complainers, character assassins, snobs, demanding, spoiled, or used to getting


their own way. So, if you want to pull 6 -7 figures a year from this type of work, remember that she has retained you to be in control. Its your job to remain in control even when she is totally out of control, so dont let her engage you in negative discussion. Always keep it happy and youll build one hell of a business. #15 - DO NOT BE CRITICAL OF HER It is said that a little constructive criticism can be positive. This is the case of course for everybody except clients. Suggestions are generally considered acceptable, particularly if she asks for them, but until youve established a fairly solid relationship, putdowns and unwarranted negative input are best left for her mother. If you correct her, tell her how to dress or generally act as though you know best, she will feel nitpicked and selfconscious. Remember, she is paying you for a good time, a distraction. The biggest asset you have is letting her be herself when she is with you, so if you absolutely must criticize, temper your criticisms with compliments, otherwise, you will be history. WHEN SHES ANGRY Aggression is a strange but powerful aphrodisiac. So Im


saying that sometimes, this can work to your advantage. Ever wonder why make-up sex is so good? Being fired up gets her aggressive side going, and aggressive women love sex. The trouble with angry sex is that if shes mad at you she isnt going to want to let you win by having sex with you. It is a juxtaposition that she will find highly confusing -her desire undermines her, by making her want you even more than she normally does, but she knows if she were to follow through on this desire, she will not only feel weak, but let you win as well. The best way to take the heat out of her head and rechannel it into her knickers is to be cute and sexy. Acting like a sweet puppy will take the fire out of her -- who can be angry and resist a cute little pup? Once you successfully charm her, you can then take full advantage of her passionate rage. Another good way to let out some pent-up aggression and frustration is to wrestle with each other -- fun wrestling, of course. The good thing about this is that you are probably a lot stronger than her, which means that she gets to really fight you. This will fire her up in no time. It is a fun way to let it all out, and it often ends in sex because of the close body contact and high energy levels involved. Adding a


Swiss ball into the equation is even better. Put it between you and punch each other's lights out without a single Ouch! FULFILLING FANTASIES Not all fantasies are sexual in nature. You may have a client who wants to experience something new. It could be a sport like tennis that requires a partner or simply an activity shes never done before. All women that Ive known through the years love to do one thing more than anything else. And that is dance. Usually, if a woman says she doesnt like dancing, it is really because she thinks she doesnt know how, or thinks she isnt any good at it. Once she becomes less inhibited around you, she will be more comfortable dancing and letting go. While you cant be an expert in every sport and activity known to man, you should be able to dance. You dont have to be a Fred Astaire, but if you have any hangups or reservations, a smart investment for your business would be a few dance lessons. She probably wont be Ginger Rogers, but you never know.and besides, dancing is not only fun, but a turn on too. You could be the one person in her life with whom she tries new things. It could be as simple as trying a new ethnic food each time you get together. Or maybe theres a good chance


shes never gone bowling or played pool. There is a whole world of things to share and every time you do something new with someone, you create a memory. Something that they will remember always. That is one way to develop lasting relationships and a history with people.all people and that includes your clients too. FLIRTING AND TRAINING YOURSELF FOR CLIENTS Flirting is almost an art form. It takes a lot of practice to execute the subtle signals of interest with perfect timing. Thankfully, there is no shortage of flirting tips for men out there. However, flirting is only half the battle. To truly make your rapport with a woman successful, you need to recognize when she's flirting with you. Women are masters of subtlety, so it's your job to remain especially aware of every gesture, every word, and every move she throws your way. Always remember that attentiveness is key. Body language speaks louder than words, and unlike conversation, it is much more difficult to conceal true intentions through your physical actions. So watch her body language carefully, and respond accordingly, since her body


language may be more accurate than her spoken words. DECODING A WOMAN'S BODY LANGUAGE Women, are adept at the art of prevarication. Most men say what they mean, and they mean what they say. Their speech is straightforward, to the point. Women, on the other hand, are just more complex and subtle in general, especially when it comes to conversation. That's why being able to interpret women's body language is vitally important. Believe it or not, women are constantly giving out very obvious signals through their body language, indicating what they are thinking and feeling at any given time. Your job is decoding these signals, which is especially useful at the pickup stage when you don't know each other very well. Check out the physical cues listed below to learn just what her eyes and hips are saying, loud and clear, even if her lips are mute. HOW YOU KNOW YOUR STUFF IS WORKING Women who are trying to get a man's attention are easily spotted, even from across the room. Virtually every aspect of their body language changes drastically when they flirt. For starters, they lean toward the man they are trying to


attract, and they frequently make eye contact. They laugh more often than usual and smile constantly, regardless of whether what the guy just said was funny or not. They chew on their lips. Their faces are just more animated; they look more alert and clearly more alive then usual. Flirtatious women also tend to fidget more, possibly fiddling with their jewelry, twisting rings and tugging at necklaces. This is due to nervous excitement because their hearts are beating a little faster than usual, and they need some sort of outlet for their tension. They may also play with their hair or place their hands on their bodies in some small but unusual way, which is an unconscious signal that they wish the guy in question was touching them in that way. How you should react? If the woman in your sight is exhibiting most, or all of the classic flirtatious signs listed above, you can feel quite confident about your chances and just sail in. Basically, her actions have just given you the green light for initiating something more. LUST Body signals of lust are easily recognized because they are


flirtatious signals, simply ramped up a couple of notches. Just imagine Beyonce (the singer) in any music video, and you'll get the idea. Eye contact is increased and prolonged, and dilated pupils indicate arousal. Striking sassy poses, with hips and chest out, is a dead giveaway. Naturally, this overt behavior usually occurs in private, or in a sexually charged environment, like at a club.

Also, notice the heavier breathing, which also indicates desire. For example, does it seem like she's breathing a little heavier when you're only inches away from each other at the theatre, occasionally brushing each other a bit? That's because she is, and because she's a little bit turned on too. She will also try to touch you under any pretext. How you should react? She's ready, so respond in kind. Ease yourself into more intimacy by reciprocating her actions, increasing eye contact, and making excuses to touch her, at first casually, and then with more intensity if she doesn't pull away. MORE SPECIFIC SIGNALS THAT SHE IS SEXUALLY TURNED ON


THE HEAD TOSS Women do this to throw their hair back over their shoulders, attract attention and to show off their neck. The head toss is not exclusively for women with long hair and can still grab someone's attention when used by women with short hair. EXPOSED WRISTS If a woman is interested she will expose the smooth, soft skin on the inside of her wrists. She will also show the palms of her hand whilst talking. THE INTIMATE GAZE OR SIDEWAYS GLANCE How to spot the 'intimate gaze'? If while she is looking at you, her eyes follow the triangular formation - eye to eye, then down to your mouth and chin, down the rest of your body and back up to your eyes again, she is definitely interested. IT'S ALL IN THE LEGS The pointing knee When sitting down one knee is bent to allow the foot to be tucked under the opposite thigh. The knee point will be aimed at the person the woman is interested in. It is a relaxed, informal position.


THE SHOE FONDLE If a woman crosses her legs and lets her shoe on the top leg hang off her foot pay attention - if she starts playing with the shoe, allowing it to slip on and off her foot then she is clearly trying to express interest and keep your attention. THE LEG TWINE Apparently many men consider this the most appealing sitting position for women. With one leg pressed against the other it appears to be extremely toned and, combined with the woman placing one hand on her thigh, gives a clear call for attention and probable interest.

THE FOUR STAGES OF FLIRTING There are four stages of flirting. The professional, successful flirt will use all four stages, but the key is to do what you feel comfortable with. STAGE 1 - THE COME ON (MAINTAIN EYE CONTACT) This behavior tells the person that you are interested in them: Turn completely towards the person you are interested in. Lean forward so that you are nearly touching.


Maintain prolonged eye-contact. Sub-consciously you will start to display the following signs, indicating interest: Your voice will become lower. Your breathing will increase. Your skin will flush. STAGE 2 - THE PULL-BACK (DON'T OVER-DO IT THOUGH) If you are sure that the person you're interested in, is responding to your come-on, it's time to introduce The PullBack Slightly withdraw from the object of your affections. If she is interested in you, this will make her unsure of your intentions so she will pay closer attention. The Pull-Back Look away Lower your eyelids Use your hand to hide your expression STAGE 3 - THE BLOCK OFF (KEEP THEIR ATTENTION) You don't want the person you are flirting with to pull back as well so you need to combine the pull-back with the block off! The purpose of the block off is to ensure that they focus on


you and you alone. Change your position so your body blocks the person off from everyone else in the vicinity. Men tend to stretch their legs out to create a barrier between the two of you and the rest of the room. Use the person's name in conversation as this tends to focus their attention. STAGE 4 - THE PROMISE (AND OFF YOU GO) This is a tiny hint of where things could go from here. Touch her when you pass them something. Touch your face or put your fingers through your hair

A WORD TO THE WISE Remember earlier we discussed staying on message - you are either picking a woman up for a date or pursuing a prospective client and not to change midstream. There are an untold number of signals that can indicate a woman is interested in you, but what you really need to know is that relying on any one positive signal can be deceptive. The lady you're chatting with may be an attention seeking serial flirter with no actual real interest in dating you. Or, perhaps she is very nice and friendly to everyone, not just you. If you see her often (at work, for example), a good way to tell


is by paying attention to how she reacts to others. If it's the same way she behaves with you, then don't get your hopes up. Also, its best to keep in mind that if a woman is making the first move or even if shes responding to your moves, there is no way she can possibly know you are a gigolo. The only way for her to know that is by referral or if you tell her. Therefore, again.its best to decide what your intentions are right from the start and if you are looking for clients, to let them know right away. In fact, most woman will be quite annoyed to find out hours later that they have wasted their evening pursuing a gigolo if they are seeking a date. Youd feel the same way if you found out you were pursuing a prostitute all evening. The following flirting signals can happen in all settings, whether in a coffee shop, restaurant, nightclub, or at work. If you are in a setting where theres a good chance prospective clients will be present, it will make your job easier if they express interest and you know they find you attractive. So sharpen your senses and read on. SHE KEEPS GLANCING OVER AT YOU Are her eyes aimed at you every time you look her way?


Does she avert her gaze whenever you catch her staring? Then you might have a live one here. If she doesn't prolong the eye contact, then she's probably shy and needs a little coaxing from you. Go up to her, introduce yourself, and get her talking. SHE SMILES AT YOU The smile is the ultimate sign of openness and friendliness, provided it is genuine. Many people force a smile when trying to be polite, but they tend to be fairly obvious about it. If she shows her teeth and has that sparkle in her eye, then you can deduce that she's enjoying your company. Your job is to keep her smiling by smiling back. SHE GOES OUT OF HER WAY TO GET YOUR ATTENTION If, on her way from point A to point B, she takes an unnecessary detour through point C (you), she might be trying to get your attention. For instance, if she walks by your table "on her way" to the washroom in a coffee shop, but your table is located No where near the restrooms, she is probably interested. Why else would she be going so far out of her way? If she smiles at you on her way, consider your job half done. SHE INITIATES CONVERSATION


Taking the first step to initiate a connection with you is a huge sign that she's interested. If she tells you something like "You remind me of someone I know," which begs a response and subsequent conversation, that's a concrete sign. During the conversation, she may further convey her interest by using your name or asking you open-ended questions that require more than one word answers. She might also whisper "secrets" to you, bringing your faces close together, perhaps letting you get a good whiff of her perfume. SHE LAUGHS AT YOUR JOKES When you relate a funny story, does she throw her head back in riotous laughter or does she just look at you and say, "Is that supposed to be funny?" A big part of flirting involves reactions to the partner, so if she acts captivated by your words, you're in the green. Other reactions that convey approval include asking "really?", "wow" and opening her mouth in amused disbelief. SHE ASKS IF YOU LIKE CERTAIN ACTIVITIES Does she ask you about your hobbies? Is she being more specific, and asking you if you like a particular pastime? Although she is not actually asking you for a date, it's an


implied way of doing it. She could be leading up to asking you out or paving the ground for you to pop the question instead. If the activity in question is dancing, movies or dinner, then it is almost certain. SHE PAYS YOU A COMPLIMENT Women are sparse with compliments, so if she throws one your way, you can pat yourself on the back. This is especially good if it has to do with your physique, as this implies that she is attracted to you. Another way she may demonstrate her interest is by repeating your name, letting you know that you are memorable and establishing a closer, more intimate connection with her. SHE MAKES SEXUAL COMMENTS Some women like to put themselves in the mood by talking about things that turn them on. It brings out their frisky side. So if she steers the conversation to sexy topics, she could be trying to pull you into a flirting crescendo that might lead to a veritable verbal foreplay. Most times they will keep it understated and tasteful, so you should do the same. A crass slip-up is a sure-fire way to ruin the rapport. SHE TOUCHES YOU When a woman breaks the contact barrier during a


conversation, it is almost a sure sign that she's interested. It can be as obvious as touching your arm or knee while making a point, or as faint as having her knees come into contact with yours under the table. But you must make sure that she makes the first skin convergence. A less direct way is if she mirrors your body language, which is something women do subconsciously. When you lean in, she leans in. When you rest your elbows on the table, she does the same. Duplicating your actions is her way of showing you that she's "in-synch" with you. FLIRT FREELY Since some of the above signals could just be gestures of friendliness on a woman's part, you should count a minimum of four before you conclude that she is, indeed, flirting with you. If she commits five or more, your evening is set, and you can go for the kill. So now you know the theory, but recognizing her signals on the spot takes time, especially when they're too subtle to be detected by the untrained eye. And though you should constantly be alert, don't get yourself into a state of tense vigilance, where you're looking for nothing else but the aforementioned signs. Keep cool, relax and enjoy yourself. In time, women's flirtation techniques will become as clear as traffic signals.


TIPS AND HINTS *Make sure you judge the situation and pace your next moves accordingly. *Don't try any of these too soon. If you're over zealous it might put them off. *Don't go over the top with your flirting. Sometimes, less is more! *Just go with what feels right. If any of these suggestions feel unnatural, just don't do them and concentrate on the ones you feel comfortable with.

IS SHE DISINTERESTED, CONFLICTED, ANGRY? DISINTEREST Physical signs revealing a lack of interest are pretty much the exact opposite of signs of flirtation. For example, if you're chatting with a girl on a double date, and she keeps looking away at other things, either she's not into you or she's just shy. If she seems absolutely calm but distracted, and rarely smiles, she is probably not attracted to you. Remember, animated, even semi-nervous conversation and spastic gestures usually mean attraction, so subdued behavior means the opposite.


Other signs of disinterest may include leaning away from you or crossing her arms. Obviously, by crossing her arms in front of herself, she is strongly indicating that she is physically and mentally closed to your gestures. How you should react? There's really little point in pursuing this cold fish. If you are really interested in her, it wouldn't hurt to give flirting a couple of tries just to see if she can be de-thawed at all. However, nine times out of 10, she's just not feeling it, so don't bother putting much effort into this one before throwing in the towel. FEELING CONFLICTED If women are unsure of your intentions, their feelings toward you, or maybe just what they should do in a given situation, they give off signs showing that they are feeling conflicted and indecisive. To match their inconsistent feelings, their bodies give off inconsistent signals too, that is combinations of flirtatious and disinterested signals discussed above. For example, first they might stare at you, and then abruptly turn around and look away. Maybe they'll lean in toward you, but when you move in slightly to match their actions, they'll act as if they've


suddenly changed their mind, and shyly ease back in their seat. This means that they aren't yet sure what they think of you. How you should react? In these situations, don't force the matter. You probably have a good shot if you move slowly. Be consistently friendly, but not too flirtatious or overtly sexual. Give her time to warm up to you. MORE ON ANGER Most people can usually recognize anger when they see it, but there are different types of rage less obvious than a screaming fit. Theres the icy-cold burn, which is revealed through the narrowing of the eyes and a tightly-closed mouth. This can be accompanied by the head tilt and tightlyclenched or closed fists. She may also cross her arms, similar to the disinterested pose, but when angry, it's more pronounced, and instead of relaxed, more firm. If her hands are placed on her hips, it is also a very, very, bad signal. Unlike the types of body language listed above, this type of behavior usually occurs during the dating stage, not the pickup (you couldn't possibly have pissed her off already, right?). However, you may get a taste of it at the early stages if she feels you have not picked up her more subtle


messages of disinterest. At this point, whether its about you, someone or something else that might have just happened to her really doesnt matter. How you should react? An already miffed woman tends to be disinterested and unresponsive. She's not a prime candidate for the hookup if she is still distracted by the traffic ticket she just got or the argument she just had five minutes ago. If you know for sure that the problem isnt you, wait for time or other people to gradually defuse her rage, and then consider going in for the kill. However, if you think it might be you, just pass and move on. INTERPRETING MIXED SIGNALS Remember that women's words and body language often give out mixed signals. For example, some women use sarcasm and put-downs to flirt with men, even when they're interested in them romantically. If the woman in question is insulting you with her words, but displaying all the physical signs of flirtation, despite the opposite messages, nine times out of 10, she's interested. Remember, body language always speaks louder than words. DATE OR CLIENT HOW CAN YOU TELL?


OK. Youve got her attention. Shes flirting with you. Responsive to your advances. Is she looking for a date or what? Honestly, flirting is flirting and chemistry is chemistry. So, unless she is a referral from a client who has explained everything to her, she is probably not out there shopping for a gigolo. So, thats why its extremely important that you situate yourself in the right places and target the right women. It will increase your odds tremendously. And just because she was not necessarily out looking for a gigolo, it doesnt mean that she wouldnt consider the idea. In fact she might not only entertain the idea, but perhaps has even fantasized about such a relationship. Why wouldnt she? Men have been doing it for years. And remember, before you open your mouth and tell her youre a gigolo, make sure youre really not shopping for a date and vice versa. Then, when she asks you what you do for a living, tell her youre a gigolo, just like youd tell her you were a stockbroker or in sales. No big deal. Even if she is not interested in your services, be sure that you remain charming and always demystify any negative ideas she might have about gigolos in general before you move on. Remember, you are your own advertisement everywhere you go and the idea is to always leave them curious and wanting.


ESTABLISHING COMMON GROUND Whether its on a moral, intellectual or emotional level, you need to establish a foundation of similarity. When it comes to nailing down sexual attraction and forging those pinpricks of passion, dont buy into that opposites attract baloney. You have to listen, observe, and then work toward becoming the second pea in her pod. She needs to feel comfortable around you, and establishing common ground will make you feel familiar to her. Simply agreeing with everything she says comes across as either patronizing or dismissive, so dont just nod your head and emphatically go down the youre absolutely right path without exercising your brain. It simply will not work. If you both have a passion for films for example, dont automatically agree that Philadelphia is the greatest movie ever made if you dont believe it. Once you have established some common ground, you now can start to express independence by debating the point. In fact, once some rapport and enough common ground has been established, its a perfect time to introduce something intriguing about yourself , something different or unusual to peak her interest. Another words, familiarity with a twist. It could be anything number of things where you deviate from the norm. The easiest way to stand out is if you are involved in

an activity where you excel. Its never a good idea to show off, but if you are in a position to stand out, or can be especially helpful to someone else in her presence, she will notice and probably be impressed. A gigolo, cant be a run of the mill kind of guy. He has to create a an image that draws others to him.makes them curious, intrigued, inviting while still maintaining the mystery that creates desire. CREATE A LARGER THAN LIFE IMAGE This is essential. Lets take the gym for example. You cant just go to the gym and work out like everyone else. You have got to create a larger than life image. Youve got to be friendly to everybody, say hello to everybody without being an annoyance. Youve got to get everyones attention, and then quickly move on. And this is how it works. First and foremost you must remember every potential clients name. Always stop by and say hi hows it going and then move. When they ask you hey, hows it going with youdo a one or two thumbs up and always smile. Well get back to smiling in just a bit. So what youre doing in the gym, outside of working out of course, is projecting the image, larger than life. Youre friendly, your smiling, youre happy to see them. And youre friends with the guys there too. So what youre really doing is showing them a good mood, but

not too good, just good enough so they want you to talk more, but you dont. Sort of enough to just give them a taste of how fun you are, but just a taste. Now, heres a little secret for all of you. Many of these women are going to believe that you are hitting on them and that you will come back and talk to them again, but you dont., You occasionally flash a smile, or a wave and when youre done working out you dont say goodbye to anyone, you just leave. This creates a mystery adding to attraction because you dont want to talk too much. Too many guys talk way too much. In a lot of cases many guys have actually picked up the woman and then ruined it by continuing to talk. Where ever you go you must stand apart from the crowd. However the point here is to create the mystique without announcing you are a gigolo. That is why you must always keep them interested, curious, wanting to know more. By the time you are ready to share that you are a gigolo, it wont matter, they will desire you more and be willing to pay whatever the price. BEING POLITICALLY CORRECT Dont do it. Women are sick to death of everyone being and


acting the same. So, if you must stand apart from the crowd, one way to do so, is to be politically incorrect. Women respect men who have beliefs or certain views and are not afraid to voice their opinion even if it doesnt always meet with public approval. This doesnt mean creating a scene in a public arena, but showing her that you have a mind of your own. And getting her to break some rules too can not only be fun, but sometimes helps create a private world that belongs to you two alone. But, dont go overboard here. Find one or two things that you feel strongly about and stick to your guns about them. Of course its a good idea to get to know a bit about her first. Then you wont be for or against a charity or cause she might personally favor or devote a lot of time and money to. TIP # 16 - WHEN THINGS MESS UP - RECOVER QUICKLY You have to be able to recover quickly. Things will go wrong. She may get upset over something. Perhaps she was already in a bad mood when you got together. Whether it has anything to do with you or not, you must be able to change the dynamic so she has a terrific time. A joke you tell, she may not find funny. The food she orders may not be good or to her liking. Whatever the problem, you must be able to diffuse any upset quickly and move on. Distract her, do not allow it


to permeate the entire evening with her. She is paying for the luxury of a carefree, fun moment in time. Being a gigolo is hard work. And the proof will be when you come home totally wiped out and exhausted. The so-called relationship for you maybe mostly bullshit and not real because much of it is orchestrated and choreographed like an affair to be remembered. But it isnt bullshit to her. For her, the time spent is real and will always be remembered as such if you are doing a good job. You hopefully are pretty uninhibited. You cannot say I cant do this and I wont do that. You have to be open to all possibilities and welcome her suggestions. The wider your scope, the easier your job. And what is that job? Your job is to keep the ball rolling. Whether its conversation, sex, ideas, it is your job that makes it possible for her to kick back and have fun. Having a great time is the only job she has while you are together. MUSIC If she has any favorite music, fine, then listen to it, be it classical, rock, hip hop, whatever, but odds are good that she wont. So you must come equipped with music. What you should bring is AM bubble gum oldies because they will either bring her back to her youth or put her in a mindset that is carefree and fun. And since being a gigolo is about


being carefree and fun this usually works. I usually come prepared with a few CDs. They can really set the mood and get things off to a good start.

TIP # 17 - YOUR BODY LANGUAGE Just like you will be watching their body language, they will be watching yours. On some level, conscious or not, we take these things in. Pay close attention to your own body language when you are out and around other people. Whether in the supermarket, with family, the gym, or stuck in trafficsmile, make eye contact and small talk when appropriate to everyone in your path and see what happens.see how they react to you react to them. Greet people with a smile and a hello, and see if they dont say hello back. Is your body relaxed or are you tense? When you smile at strangers do they smile back? When you are home alone, try this test. While watching TV, there will be times when what you are watching will make you laugh, make you scared, make you sad, have you riveted. As soon as you realize you are feeling one of these emotions, freeze your facial expression and take a look in the mirror. Does your facial expression match the way you are actually feeling? Sometimes, peoples facial expressions


dont project what they are really feeling. Maybe you were concentrating, but when you looked in the mirror you actually looked angry. If thats the case, the next time you are concentrating on something intently, you might want to try relaxing your facial muscles so you dont look angry. Everyone uses body language and it sends messages out loud and clear to those paying attention. Make sure you are sending the message you want others to receive. TIP # 18 - ENTERTAINING AT YOUR PLACE As a general rule, I would suggest that your home be off limits to your clients for three reasons. First - You always want to be seen in the best light possible. Your home is an extension of you. You are a high end gigolo and have wealthy clients. Unless you are financially independent, more likely than not, your home will not live up to the image you wish to project. Second - Your home should be a place where you relax, and entertain friends and family, not a place where you conduct business. As a high end gigolo, your clients are in a position financially to provide a meeting place be it their home, hotel, apartment or anything else required and they should do so.


Third - While your clients will be curious and interested about your personal life, your whole business should center around them and not you. So keeping them curious is a good thing. Letting it all hang out leaves too much room for criticism and an invasion of your own personal space and privacy. TIP # 19 - GIFTS, BIRTHDAYS, HOLIDAYS OK. This is a sensitive subject in all relationships whether friends, family, lovers, or clients. Should you accept and receive gifts? Always accept gifts from your clients and always accept them with great pleasure, again like a little kid on Christmas morning. As far as giving gifts go, you should only give gifts on their birthdays and I will tell you why. The other standard holidays are days people usually spend with family and friends. Whether or not it is true, you must present yourself as a person with a full life, completely separate from the time you spend with them. So asking or petitioning to see your clients on days like Christmas or New Years only serves to damage the gigolo image you are trying to project and you dont want to look like you are invading their private family life and time. If you see a client on their birthday, NEVER charge to see them on that day. Birthdays are days when as a general


rule, people receive. Its a getting day. Not a day when they should be required to give. Whether conscious or unconscious, spoken or not, charging them, will leave a bad taste in their mouth. But of course, there are exceptions to every rule. Occasionally some circumstance, be it a tragedy, illness, family matter or even some personal emotional upset will cause a client to want to see you immediately. It has been my experience that most will offer right up front and on the spot to even pay extra. It is at times like this that I take the opportunity to occasionally provide free service. With most clients it forges a special bond that says you really do care. And I never had a client take advantage of me in this way. TIP # 20 - JEALOUSY AND COMPETITION BETWEEN YOUR CLIENTS Once your business takes off, jealousy and competition between your clients is inevitable. Since most of your clients will be referrals, many will be from the same town and frequent the same places. Their kids may go to the same schools, husbands belong to the same clubs or gyms etc. In other words, they will know each other. Most of the time, jealousy and competition will serve you well. It will increase your value and raise the bar especially if they are competing


to impress you. Remember, they are wealthy women with many resources at their disposal and may stop at nothing to outdo one another. Each one will want to be your favorite. In fact, one of my clients once referred another client to me by telling her Hes really mine, but Ill let you have him tomorrow. So, when you see earmarks of jealousy, take it as a sign that you are doing a good job. However, NEVER takes sides, and always maintain neutrality. This is the time to listen, and empathize if necessary, not to direct or take action. TIP # 21 - CONFIDENTIALITY AND DISCRETION Over time, you will get to know your clients on a very intimate basis. You will know about their families, friends, finances, marriages, hang-ups, fantasies, not to mention their disappointments, pain, and guilt. Personal information must always remain confidential. Never share confidential information about one client with another. It is the fastest way to ruin your entire business. You must always remember that relationships with your clients require that you maintain a high level of discretion. And, try to avoid commenting about one client to another. It is just a good idea to keep the relationships you have with each of your clients as confidential as possible even though they may be the best of friends.


TIP # 22 - PRICING As I said earlier in this book, the reason I got $2200 per session started out as a joke. And that was also over 20 years ago. Today, $2200 would still be considered a very high end fee. Since it worked for me, I continued to charge that same amount. But that doesnt mean that is the right price for you. I was also working the most expensive and high end hotels. No one stays at the Plaza Hotel on a budget. So your location will certainly be a determining factor. And I do recommend working the more expensive and luxurious Hotels. You are more likely to be surrounded by woman who can afford your fees, not to mention woman traveling on business and possibly alone. Women will not accept a low price gigolo. I tried it. They must feel that they are really paying for quality. If your price is too low, they will reject you, assuming your price reflects poor quality and you are not worth much. Since they always want the best, and feel they are worth it, you must be worth it too. Of course you have to gauge the area where you live or are working. I was in New York City and $2200 in New York City


may be the equivalent to less somewhere else. That is something you are going to have to figure out yourself, but marketing yourself too low is a terrible mistake and hard to correct after the fact.

TIP # 23 - KEEPING RECORDS Always remember all the little things that she likes. Like her favorite drink, her worst enemy, her pet peeves. Record the dates that youve seen her, where you went, small details about her life, the things she just hates, how she pays you, who referred her to you. As your business grows a folder for each client is a good idea. You will have regular clients and others that you only see occasionally. So, if you dont see them all that often, it is important to be able to remember details you might otherwise forget when you see them again. I keep regular records and review them before I see my clients. TIP # 24 - CANCELLATIONS If she cancels an appointment never sound rejected or upset. Remain upbeat, continue to smile, and most importantly, again, never judge. For the very occasional client who makes a habit of canceling, this problem must be addressed. Obviously, somewhere along the line you lost


control of the situation, and lead her to believe this was OK. You must regain control or you will lose your business. Nicely, but firmly you must tell your client what you expect. If you dont value yourself, she will not respect you or your time either. TIP # 25 - HOW TO GET RID OF BAD CLIENTS AND STILL KEEP YOUR GOOD REPUTATION As you develop your clientele, it is inevitable that you will eventually stumble upon a client that is a problem for one reason or other. Not every client will be right for you. Perhaps, getting paid is always a problem. Maybe she is so needy, she has no respect for your privacy or personal time regardless of your attempts to let her know. She might be so obsessed with you that she has her nose in all of your business. It could even be a personality conflict, personal habits etc. that you just cant get beyond. Whatever the reason, if things get to a point where it is necessary to let a client go, you must always remember how you handle yourself will affect your reputation.for better or worse.



Immediately you can use that to your advantage. How you may ask? You dont go Oops. Sorry. You say very quickly and very contently you just turn me on so much Im lucky I lasted so long, and shell think to herself that she is extra special. WHY DONT YOU HAVE A NORMAL JOB? Now my favorite comeback when asked Why dont you have a normal job is quite simple. If I had a normal job, Id be sitting in front of a computer 10 hours a day living on someone elses schedule and turning into just the kind of guy that drives you to a guy like me.

WHY WOMEN REALLY DO HIRE GIGOLOS Terri from Levittown, NY I contacted one of my previous clients and asked her to explain why she retained my services and this is what she wrote back. I remember sitting at the Oak Bar at the Plaza Hotel in New York. I am a wealthy, sophisticated woman and imagine my surprise when I got hit with a spit ball by this guy who happened to be Gary. I walked up to him and said What


the hell is wrong with you? And Gary said to me, Dont mess with me, Ive got one of these and he showed me a drinking straw. I continued looking at him and I asked him what in the world is wrong with you? And he said, Oh, stop being so uptight and sit down. I was surprised to find myself doing just that. I sat down and because I found him intriguing said So, how are you? And he said the best you ever fuckin had. Immediately I thought, this guy is not the platonic type and I thought OK the guys an idiot, but he just kept smiling and laughing so I continued to sit there. Then when he told me he was a gigolo, and I realized he wasnt joking, I got up and went back to the bar. Sitting back at the bar I was continuously being annoyed by guys trying to buy me drinks telling me how much money they had and how successful they were. Every guy who was talking to me would occasionally jump as he got hit with a spit ball. I did not want to laugh. Obviously, I did not want to find this guy amusing in any way at all, but I couldnt help myself. Eventually, I had to laugh. Especially when this guy who was talking to me go hit with one of Garys famous spit balls and this spit ball got stuck on his eye glasses. He didnt know what happened, and as I looked at him and saw this I couldnt control my laughing. I found the guy with the glasses annoying from the start, but now with that spit ball


on his glasses, there was no way I couldnt take him seriously and I just couldnt stop laughing now. So, I walked back over to Garys table where he was sitting alone with a straw and 14 napkins. I was intrigued by the fact that I had never met a gigolo before and decided to sit down and have a conversation with him. In a sense I was relieved and actually felt safer sitting with him, knowing that he wasnt going to hit on me until I coughed up money. So, since I genuinely was curious about his job I asked him if I could interview him. What will that cost me? And he said a coke no ice, and no negotiations. So my first question was why would anyone pay you for sex, and he explained to me that its not just sex, its having the greatest relationship of your life when ever you want it without having any of the normal relationship crap, strings, responsibilities. What ever you might need at the moment. Someone to listen, company if youre lonely, a tennis or chess partner if youre without. Just good old-fashioned fun. Are you really that good I asked. And he responded by saying I just lay there. Its great. She continued, now most guys Ive met tell women how great they are at this or that or get downright gross and disgusting. Gary was making this


sound like it was a lot of fun. Since I am a woman of means, and I certainly was intrigued, I said to him, if I hire you, can I throw you out any time I want? And he said as soon as you want me to leave Im outta here. And, if you kick me out within the first hour, this is free. I asked him where his address was to send a check and he said to me, dont you have checks with you? I said yes, but I dont want you to know my address. He started laughing and said where the hell am I supposed to send the invoice? Thats when it hit me. This guy could never be a stalker. He was having way too much fun at this. I figured I would take a chance. So I took out my checkbook and made a check out to cash in the amount of $2200 which he said was his flat fee for the night. When we got back to my hotel room, I have to admit it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I was laughing having fun listening to music, being silly. I was completely relaxed, not the least bit self conscious and thats when it hit me. I realized why he gets paid that kind of money he gets paid and I knew he was worth every penny. My relationship with Gary really only ended after 4 years because when I got married, we moved to Europe. So, when you boil it all down, there are probably many reasons that women hire gigolos, but in my experience I


have found that more often than not, it is less about sex which most people actually think. Most people equate gigolo with prostitution which we have already discussed, and that is precisely why most gigolos do not make the kind of money that I charge. But they also dont perform the services I do either. I would guess that about 40% of the time they might not even want sex. Its not really why I am there. I consider my job providing whatever is needed at the moment and as we have already mentioned fun is right at the top of the list. Sometimes that does include sex. I have to be company when they are lonely, the shoulder they need to cry on, the entertainer, the protector, the lover, the friend, priest, rabbi or psychiatrist - whatever they need at any given time. All without judgment. And that is what they are paying me for. And thats why loving women helps a lot. You really do have to give a lot of yourself and if you do, you will be rewarded with repeat business, referrals and good friends. So, the wider your scope, the more interesting you are as a person. The more charming you are, the more in demand you will be. So take the time to develop yourself. It will increase your business and enhance your life.



There couldnt be a better time for you to be reading this book. With the divorce rate as high as it is, with the large number of single, successful unattached women in the workplace, with more women attaining financial independence in their 30s and 40s, there are probably more women interested in gigolo services than at any other time in history. In addition to women that dont want the complications of relationships, many women do not want the threat of losing their assets in possible divorce settlements and are therefore remaining single. Given the quality of most available men, who sadly think seduction is talking about their HDL, PSA, heart rate, what they ate today and how regular they are, you have a clear shot at a lot more women than you might think. Men have become feminized, emasculated, and so politically correct, that they think nothing of exhibiting their insecurities, complaining, whining, or acting selfish and self absorbed. They clearly have no idea how unattractive this has become to women. Many women may enjoy pampering and taking care of the men in their lives, but they are totally turned off and have no interest in men who clearly can not take care of themselves. Being so needy that they must have a woman run their lives they are overly boastful of their possessions to win a womans heart, but somewhere along the way they


forgot how to have fun. In walks the gigolo, who is all man, can not only take care of himself, but the ladies as well. The most important thing is to be willing and able to care. Being able to accommodate their schedule. You must be prepared to devote the time necessary to make this business work. In order to do that you really need to be available 24/7. She will decide when shed like to see you based on her needs, desires and in between her other personal obligations. If you cant accommodate her needs, she will find someone else who can. Always make your clients feel good about themselves. Creating your own culture with them inside jokes, favorite places, and develop intimacy within the parameters of your established gigolo/client relationship.

OK GARY, THIS BUSINESS IS FOR ME (So what exactly do I do now?) STEP 1 Take an inventory of your wardrobe. You need to have everyday clothes that are comfortable, but still project a together image. You must have gym, casual, and dress


clothes ready when the occasion arises. Remember, you will be with wealthy women and more likely than not, you will start frequenting restaurants, etc. that might be higher end than you are used to. Find a good barber if you dont already have one and maintain a good haircut. STEP 2 Start checking out various locations to meet women in your area. The best gym in town, a top night club, high end hotel restaurant or bar are a few suggestions to get you started. If you dont live in a wealthy community, find the closest one to your home. STEP 3 Make up some business cards. Full (Real) Name Phone Number Escort (Optional) By appointment only STEP 4 Create two lists of fun activities that you can do with your clients. The first list is activities that you enjoy and have done before and perhaps are proficient at. These activities are great because you may be in a position to teach her and


that is always a good role for a gigolo. The second list is made up of activities you think might be fun, youve never done before, but would like to try. Some activities are fine to do with a client for the first time even though neither of you may have ever done it before. For example, hot air ballooning. Its different, fun and you both are just there for the ride. But other activities, require skill and you dont want to look like an idiot. For example, dancing as we have previously mentioned. If you dont dance for whatever reason, it would be well worth the money spent to take a few lessons. You never know when a client might have a wedding or other such function where your services as an escort will include dancing. And that is not the time to run out and find a dance class. STEP 5 Join or start to frequent your chosen locations regularly. Its a good idea to frequent these locations at the same time and day each week. Very often, people have a regular routine and go to lets say the gym or club every Thursday or Mondays at 2. Take it real slow in places like the gym. You dont want to appear to be soliciting in their place of


business. Workout. Hangout. Act laid back. Observe. As you become a familiar face, your job will get easier. People will recognize you and say hello. Once you are no longer a stranger, but considered a member/regular, women will be more receptive to you. And if they already like you, you will be judged less harshly if you decide to tell them you are a gigolo. Unless you feel reasonably certain that you are talking to a perspective client, I wouldnt boldly advertise that you are a gigolo in a local community establishment. Remember..discretion, discretion, discretion. While a gym is a great place to meet people, you would prefer this knowledge and your business to be a known unspoken fact, not the local town gossip. STEP 6 The more experience you have, the easier and more fun all this will become. When you first start out since you dont have actual experience, you may be a little nervous or uneasy. Its a good idea to remember that everywhere you go, people are interacting, laughing, arguing, getting picked up, accepting and being turned down. If you are simply out having a cup of coffee, watch the people around and observe their interactions with others. The more familiar you become with their social interactions, the easier it will be for you to do it yourself. Youll probably get ideas, things you would


never have thought of on your own. The world is filled with examples everywhere you look or go, so keep your eyes open and take it all in. STEP 7 After you have spent some time observing others, you can start to talk to strangers. Make it a game. See how long you can keep their attention. If you are nervous, start with sales people, people who are supposed to help you and see how long you can keep them engaged. If you are too nervous to do it in person, then start by calling customer service or the order department of your favorite mail order stores. They usually have operators taking orders 24/7, so grab a catalog, call, ask questions about items and chat up a storm. Get comfortable talking with everyone you meet.

STEP 8 If you have reached Step 6, you should be out there looking good, approaching and talking to women, frequenting places where wealthy women hangout. All of you should be advertising yourself, telling women you are a gigolo. Many of you will already have your first client. If you do.CONGRATULATIONS!!!! For those of you who do not, remember, this is a numbers game as much as anything


else. Eventually, if you talk to enough women, the law of averages will kick in. The first client is always the hardest to get. Review the beginning of the book again, especially the sections on body language and make sure you are reading her signals correctly. Correct the things you are doing wrong. The more you do it and the more comfortable you get doing it, the better you will become at not only spotting perspective clients, but getting them to call. Social skills come easier for some than it does for others. Only you know how comfortable you are or are not in the social arena. If you really want it, stick with it and it will happen for you. Pretend you are already a successful gigolo by seeing yourself accepting phone calls, receiving cash, out with beautiful women and it shall be. ACT AS IF, and it shall be done unto you.

WHAT IS ACTING AS IF If you act as if, you actually already have every woman in the world. Not hoping you had them, wishing you had them, but Acting As if you already DO have them. When you ACT AS IF, it will prevent you from making very common mistakes. Mistakes that lead to platonic relationships, mistakes that make you seem insecure. When you act as if you already have her, believe in your heart she is already


yours, you will not constantly be looking for reassurance, nor will you respond emotionally to what she says or does because your mindset will be acting as if she is already yours. Therefore, your responses and reactions will be strong, decisive, and you will appear self assured. Acing as if she is already yours, always puts you in the take charge position and she will sense that. Remember, being in that take charge mode means making decisions for both of you. You exercise this control by giving her choices, not telling her what to do, think, order, etc. While its common knowledge that women generally tend to gravitate toward money and power, many eligible bachelors dont boast either. However, the gigolo recognizes that his prospective client probably already has money and power herself, so the key to fireworks will have to lie somewhere else. Precious and Few You will always be the bridge over troubled water for her. No matter what the situation, she must always feel that it is OK to call you and you will be there for her. While your married clients will have the same needs as your single ones, the married ones will have many more responsibilities and

obligations that eat up much of their time. The single women not only have more time on their hands, but they have numerous needs that may not be being met. This is where you can provide the safety net that is worth its price in gold. You may actually be the only one who is really there for them. I will not say a majority, but many women out there are starved for affection and caring more than sex. These women need what I call special handling. Handle them with care and and your business will grow faster than you can keep up with it. The Value of a Gigolo First of all, most of your clients will be as desirable if not more so than most of the women that you have probably dated in the past. They most certainly are not losers as we have touched upon before. So, lets review what exactly are they paying you for. As the number of women of independent means increases in our society, more women can not only afford your services, but will desire them as well. Why not? Wouldnt you like someone to keep you company and to stop by with cough medicine or orange juice when you didnt feel well? Wouldnt it be terrific to have the perfect companion for as long as you desired, and then say goodbye or goodnight when you had had enough? How about knowing that they will never overstay their welcome


and will be long gone before they get on your nerves? Wouldnt it be unreal if you could transform your relationships to include nothing but the best things and discard the things you didnt care for? How about the luxury of knowing that you would never have to break up or end a relationship again. What about knowing you will never be an imposition? Are you getting the picture? Having a gigolo is a luxury more and more women can afford. And by the way, dont overlook women in the over 50 age group. They are often better lovers, more mature and cultured, and are great company. More often than not, they know exactly what they want and can afford it. Statistics indicate that women live about 20 years longer than men and that leaves a huge untapped market of prospective clients, women who may be alone by choice and not want to marry again.

Rachel Over the last 20 years or so, Gary and I have had a most unusual relationship. No, Im not a client, but we have been friends, lovers, and even had periods of time with no contact at all. We have spent an untold number of hours discussing various aspects of seduction and a great deal of time figuring out and putting to the test why certain things work and others do not.


First and foremost, Gary is a master at the art of seduction. There is no question that all of his books are written from his own personal experience, and include input from the many women who have been a part of his life. The reason his books have stood the test of time is because they work and his customers keep coming back for more tips and information which Gary always makes available and loves to share. This is the first time in all these years that Gary has shared his experiences as a gigolo. The world of the gigolo is like a private club. Both the gigolo and the client live in the shadows, a private world of their own. And thats why, you all know so little about that world. And, you have probably made assumptions or been told many things about those relationships and that world that are far from the truth. While Gary and I could pretty much talk about anything (and we did), his gigolo experiences were something I really wanted to ignore, pretend didnt exist and were no part of his life. And why was that? It was because of my preconceived ideas of what I thought a gigolo was and the kind of women that I thought would even entertain the idea of retaining a gigolo.


But the world has changed a lot in the last 25 years and so have the needs of women. Never has there been a greater need or a greater time for the gigolo. And if youre the right kind of guy, you can be a very successful gigolo at that. Like any other venture or business, it will of course require, time, patience, dedication and desire, but if you really love women, love to be in their company you will be successful. The stud is really the gigolo of the past. He pretty much provides one service which is self explanatory. I suppose that there will always be a market for that service, and they need to care no more for their clients than the female prostitute cares for hers. Those businesses are mostly about money and have little to do with caring or feelings. But, let me repeat, the high class gigolo of today must really love women and enjoy their company. Because that is really what you are going to get paid for. And, remember, if its not real, women are much more intuitive than men so theyll will pick that up right away and you will be history. On the other hand, if its real, you will have regular repeat business and referrals, not to mention a dreamlike lifestyle. Why has my perspective changed? Well, I too am older and my needs have changed. I am a single woman and have


many single female friends, many who have been unsuccessful in finding compatible male partners for one reason or another, some who have high power careers and havent got the time or desire to devote to a relationship, others who are afraid to commit to yet another relationship at this stage of their lives and risk losing their assets, etc. if things dont work out. So, while most of the women I know have no problem finding casual sex if that is what they want, many of their other needs are not being met. Now, in walks the gigolo. Its a relationship of convenience, there when you want it, gone when you dont. No guilt, no strings, no hassles, no conflict, no arguing. You are paying for fun, pleasure, attention, convenience. Now of course, Im not a idiot. Everyone would like to think that they should and could find all of those things in a socalled normal relationship, and some people do. But if you look around you, in the real world, most of us have not been so fortunate. In addition to divorced and never married woman, there are at least two women to every one man born in the United States, and if that figure is correct, since women live an average of 10-20 yrs. longer than men, the number of available women continues to increase as women


get older. So, if there is a really a shortage of men out there, why wouldnt a woman of means consider a high end gigolo for companionship? Its a tailor made relationship to meet her needs. What you have to remember though, is that even though she might not be looking for a husband, she is still looking for the same quality male in a gigolo that she would be in any other relationship, so just anyone will not do. Therefore, if you are awkward socially, uncomfortable with women, are shy and introverted, you are going to really need to do a lot of work on yourself if you are going to be a successful gigolo. The better your sense of humor, the more cultured, educated, charming, up-to-date on current events, trends, trivia, etc. you are, the more in demand you will be. After all, each client will be and have different interests and the more you have in common, the more comfortable she will be with you. All relationships are based on connections between people. Its the glue that holds them together. Gary has given you tips on recognizing those connections and how to make them with prospective clients, but the more work you do on yourself to promote your own growth, the more attractive you will be and the easier it will be for you to connect.


One of the things I never could understand was why these women would make referrals, wouldnt they want to keep the gigolo for themselves, wouldnt sharing cause jealousy amongst them? Well, yes at times it does cause jealousy, but that in fact actually increases your value. However, it took me a while to get it, but the fact is that these women are not trying to own you, marry you, change the relationship into something that it is not. They know exactly why they have hired you, to meet specific needs in their lives and very often, their lives are quite full otherwise. As long as you are there for them when they need you, they are happy to share you with their friends as they would any other good find. Its worth repeating again here..These women are used to buying services and will spare no expense to hire the best..and so, you had better be the best too. Your job when you are with a client is to make each one of them feel like they are the only one in the world and of course, the most special. You are providing the closest thing to bottled pleasure available. And in order to do this you have to put your needs aside and focus on her whether in the bedroom or anywhere else. Why? Because, if you are focused on your needs, you are not focused on her no


matter what you tell yourself. If the women know that she is not expected to do anything that she doesnt want to do to please you and that includes sexually, she can be totally relaxed in your company.

Happy Hunting

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