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To be submitted to: ................................................................................

Group members names and Matriculation numbers: 1. ................................................................ 2.................................................................. 3. ................................................................. 4. ................................................................... Tuturial Group: ...................... ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ .........................................

.... /...................... /20....

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to express the deepest appreciation to people who helped and supported us during the completion of this report. First of all, we want to thank to our English lecturer, ........................................................... for her comment, advice and guidance from time to time during the making this project. We would not forget to our most dedicated and cooperative respondents. We feel very grateful to all Kedah Matriculation Colleges students who are willingly giving their times to answer the questions from our questionnaire and also give us priceless information. There were many hardships and challenges we faced during the process of finishing the report. However, we succeed in overcome those problems in the end process with the help of the others. Lastly, we would sincerely give our gratitude to our parents, family members and friends for their ideas, finance support and encouragement.





Internet, the globally recognized innovation is the one of the greatest advancement in the world of information technology and has become a vital instrument that has constructed the virtual link around the globe. The Internet is widely used for many purposes by the people nowadays, including the college students. A handful of researches regarding on the patterns of usage of Internet by the students have been published in recent years. Previously, Scherer (1997) investigated the pattern of Internet usage among 531 students using questionnaires at the University of Texas, a large public university. Students were classified into dependent or nondependent Internet users. The author found that 73% of the students accessed the Internet at least once a week,14% of them accessed the Internet more than once a week while 13% of them which reported that they believed their Internet usage to be excessive and significantly interfered with their personal functioning. Next, Davis et al. (1999) used a questionnaire to compare the Internet usage at private liberal arts university and a public state university. The private liberal arts university group consisted of 184 undergraduate students while 349 undergraduate students participated at the public state university. The outcomes indicated that while 91% of students on both campuses had Internet access, students were reported for extensive use (defined as greater than 25 hours per week) at the public institution. Students who abused the Internet admitted that it interfered their work, school and interpersonal relationships. The authors concluded that it is possible that small, private liberal arts universities stress learning and educational experiences more than larger

public universities, thereby making it less likely for students to spend time engaged in other activities, especially to surf the Internet. Keith J. Anderson (2001) studied 1302 college students from seven colleges in the northeastern U.S. and one in Ireland using a 69-questions survey. 224 respondents indicate that they did not use the Internet and so were not used in the analyses. The results indicated that on average, students spent about 100 minutes per day using the Internet, mostly for checking the e-mail. The results also showed that 9.8% of the students were Internet dependents, which spent significantly more time online each day (averaging 229 minutes per day as compared to 73 minutes per day for nondependent). Kedah Matriculation College, which situated at the developing Changlun town, Kedah has provided the Internet access for more than 2000 Malaysian students. The students are allowed to bring their own gadgets to use the free WIFI facilities provided by the college. Thus, Internet usage can also influence the life of the students as the other Internet users in the world.



Based on the Merriam-Webster (2012), Internet is an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world. It provides an environment in which millions of people participate and engage in the creation and exchange of information. (Rose & Fernlund, 1997)

Usage of Internet among Kedah Matriculation Colleges students can be described as the ways on how the Kedah Matriculation Colleges students benefit the Internet facility for their academic and daily routine. 1.3 RATIONAL / PURPOSE

There has been an impact or influence of the Internet among the students of Kedah Matriculation College. The usage of Internet is very wide and it is impeccable to see these students without the Internet. The research on the usage of Internet among Kedah Matriculation Colleges students can be the benchmark identify whether the students are couped in the mainstream of latest knowledge of modern invention or technology, like Internet. It is very vital for us to study the benefits and also the side effect of the Internet. Moreover, this research can give an awareness of the student about the appropriate usage of Internet and also reflect their satisfaction about the WIFI services provided by the college.



1. To determine the pros and cons of the Internet usage among the Kedah Matriculation Colleges students. The students would share their opinion on the benefits and negative consequence of Internet.

2. To analyse about the popularity of various kind of websites visited by the students. The types of websites which are preferable by the students can be determined.

3. To investigate how the students use Internet for studies. We can track how the students benefit the use of Internet in order to achieve better academic performance.



The questionnaires were distributed to 50 Kedah Matriculation Colleges students which age among 19-20 years old, both female and male, from various races and all of the module provided in Kedah Matriculation College, which are Module 1, Module 2, Module 3 and Accountancy Module. 2.2 INSTRUMENT

The questionnaire consists of 10 questions and it is divided into Part A and Part B. Part A is mainly about demographic background such as gender, module, and PSPM 1 result. While in Part B, the respondents are required to answer 10 questions regarding to the objectives of this research. The data collected is then analysed.

CHAPTER 3.0 Part 1


Figure 1 shows that the number of respondents by module. 60%(30) respondents were from Module 1, 10%(5) respondents were from Module 2, 14%(7) respondents were from Module 3 and 16%(8) respondents were from Accountancy Module. (Refer to Appendix 2) Figure 2 shows the number of respondents by gender. 60%(30) respondent were male whereas the other 40%(20) were female. (Refer to Appendix 3) Figure 3 shows the number of respondents based on their PSPM 1 result. 20%(10) respondents obtained pointer below 3.0, 34%(17) got the pointer of 3.0 until 3.5 while 46%(23) got the pointer above 3.5 (Refer to Appendix 4).

Part 2 Figure 4 depicts whether the respondents like to surf the Internet or not. 96%(48) or majority of the respondents like to surf Internet but the remaining 4%(2) respondents did not like

it. This may be due to the variety of Internet facilities provided in the college and easy access of Internet such as WIFI or broadband. (Refer to Appendix 5) Figure 4 clarifies the respondent`s satisfaction on the WIFI condition provided by Kedah Matriculation College. 16%(8) respondents did satisfied with the WIFI condition but the 84%(42) respondents did not. This outcome is possibly due to the lack or low quality of security, privacy and speed of Internet connection of the WIFI. (Refer to Appendix 5) Figure 4 illustrate whether the respondents feel that the Internet can boost their academic performance. 78%(39) respondents agreed that Internet help to increase their academic performance although the other 22%(11) disagreed with the statement. This may be caused by the unlimited learning material and interactive learning method provided by Internet. (Refer to Appendix 5) Figure 4 depicts whether the respondents feel that the Internet can make the communication easier. 92%(46) respondents agreed with that while 8%(4) respondents disagreed. This may possibly due to the abundance of social network websites that offer unlimited access to communicate with everybody even in far distances. (Refer to Appendix 5) Figure 4 shows whether the respondents feel that students should get freedom to surf the Internet without Kedah Matriculation College interval. 90%(45) respondents agreed with the statement while the remaining 10%(5) disagreed. This may be due to limited contents that can be browsed by the students. (Refer to Appendix 5) Figure 5 traces the devices used by the respondents for Internet surfing. 22%(14) respondents used computer, 40%(26) of them used notebook, 5%(3) used tablet and another 33%(21) used mobile phone or smartphone. The high usage of notebook to browse Internet

indicates that they are capable to possess the electronic gadgets at affordable prices. (Refer to Appendix 6) Figure 6 shows the time spent by respondents to surf Internet per day. 38%(19) of them spent less than 3 hour per day to surf Internet whereas 62%(31) of them spent more than 3 hour per day. This may be due to the addictive of Internet among students. (Refer to Appendix 7) Figure 7 shows the type of website frequently visited by the respondents. 31%(41) respondents visited social network sites, 8%(10) visited sport sites, 11%(15) visited education sites, 14%(18) visited media streaming sites,11%(15) visited file sharing sites, 3 %(4) visited shopping sites, 20%(26) visited entertainment sites and 2%(3) visited others. The most frequent visit to social network sites may be due to the interactive applications of the social network sites and easier to keep in touch with friends. (Refer to Appendix 8) Figure 8 shows the way of the respondents benefit the Internet for academic purpose. 54%(36) respondents used Internet for finding online references, 6%(4) respondents joined online tutor or tuition while 40%(27) searched for answer of questions about certain subject. This may be due to the variety of online references that can be obtained from all over the world by Internet. (Refer to Appendix 9) Figure 9 indicates the most preferable website chosen by respondents. 36%(18) respondents preferred Facebook, 30%(15) preferred YouTube, 2%(1) preferred iTunes, 20%(10) preferred Wikipedia, 4%(2) preferred Instagram and 8%(4) preferred others. This may be due to their habits to keep interact with friends even not in face-to-face. (Refer to Appendix 10)



From our research, it can be concluded that: 1) majority of the students prefer to use the Internet to do various of tasks. 2) most students feel unsatisfied with the poor condition of the WIFI provided by the college which is less secure, less privacy and slow to connect to the Internet server. 3) most students think that Internet helps to boost their academic performance and ease their communication since the Internet provides the numerous resources for knowledge and creates virtual link around the world. 4) most students want to get wider choice of browsing the web without interfered by the college. 5) most students are capable to possess the affordable notebook and also mobile phone to surf the Internet. 6) most students spend time on social network websites, like Facebook, Twitter and Myspace to chat and share their story with friends. 7) most students use Internet to find additional references of certain subject.



From our research, it is recommended that : 1) the Kedah Matriculation College can upgrade the quality of the WIFI so that the students can use the facilities with ease. 2) the students are given the opportunity to surf internet without being blocked by Kedah Matriculation College so that the students can have wider variety of webpage to browse. 3) the Kedah Matriculation College provides an Internet centre that allows all students, especially to those who do not possess any gadget for Internet surfing to get the opportunity to surf Internet. 4) the students is given the guideline to spend their time wisely between academics and entertainment when on the Internet. 5) the students are given a special education about the online etiquette so that the students will use the Internet correctly and be aware of online threat. 6) the college can provide a special online access for the students to get in touch with the other students or lecturers for educational purpose.

REFERENCES / BIBLIOGRAPHY 1) Ahmad, B. (2010) Before Email, IM and Facebook: 3 Communication Technologies the Internet is Displacing. Accessed 19th February 2013 from 2) Anderson, Keith J.(2000) Internet Use Among College Students: An Exploratory Study article from Journal Of American College Health, Vol 50, No. 1 3) Davis et al. (1999) Internet Use at Private Institution and Public Institution 4) Hiltz, S.R. and Turoff, M.(1994). The network nation: human communication via computer. Massachusetts: MIT Press 5) 6) Nayab. N. (2010) Exploring how technology has change communication. Accessed 19th February 2013 from

7) Teck, S.H. and Lai, Y. L. (2011) An Empirical Analysis of Pre-university Students ICT Compentency Gender Differences. International Journal of Network and Mobile Technologies, Vol 2 (1)

APPENDIX 1 THE USAGE OF INTERNET AMONG KMCS STUDENTS Please tick () in the boxes distributed with the questions.

Module: Gender: PSPM 1 result:


1 Male < 3.0

2 Female 3.0 - 3.5

3 > 3.5


1. Do you like to surf Internet? 2. Are you satisfied with the condition (privacy, safety, speed, etc) of WIFI in KMC? 3. Do you think that Internet can increase your academic performance? 4. Do you think that Internet can make the communication easier? 5. Student should be given freedom to surf Internet without being blocked by KMC. Do you agree? 6. What device(s) did you use to surf Internet? Computer Notebook Tablet

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No

Mobile phone/Smartphone

7. How long do you surfing the Internet in 1 day? < 3 hours > 3 hours

8. Which kind of website(s) do you always visited? Social network File sharing Sport Shopping Education Media streaming

Entertainment (Gaming, Humour, etc)

Other:_____________________ 9. How do you use internet for study? Find reference Online tutor/tuition Find answers for questions

10. What is your MOST preferable website? Facebook Instagram APPENDIX 2 YouTube iTunes Wikipedia



(8) (7) (30) (5)

Figure 1 : Module of respondents APPENDIX 3


(20) (30)

Figure 2 : Gender of respondents APPENDIX 4

PSPM 1 result:

(10) (23)


Figure 3 : PSPM 1 results of respondents






Option: (39) (11)





Figure 4 : Option of respondents


Device: (14) (21)

(3) (26)

Figure 5 : Device used by the respondents to surf Internet APPENDIX 7


(19) (31)

Figure 6 : Time spent by respondents to surf Internet per day APPENDIX 8


Types of websites:

(26) (4) (15) (18) (15)



Figure 7 : Types of websites visited by respondents APPENDIX 9


(27) (36) (4)

Figure 8 : Usage of Internet for academic purpose by respondents APPENDIX 10




(4) (2) (1)

Figure 9 : Preferable websites chosen by respondents

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