And Criseyde Has Advantages and Disadvantages As Opposed To The Book of Troilus. There Will

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Armen Grigoryan Eng. 442 Prof. Nicholson Midterm #2/B Accuracy Communicated in Title One of the basic functions of a title is to communicate possible content of a story, and to catch the readers attention. With regard to both of these functions, the modern title of Troilus and Criseyde has advantages and disadvantages as opposed to The Book of Troilus. There will inevitably be a variety of understanding and interpretations of a title, but as the story unfolds the titles connection to the content becomes clearer. The modern title offers more interest initially, as it suggests a potential love story but is misleading in terms of character significance or emphasis but suggests a more accurate relationship between title and plot. Emphasis of characters, for the most part, is focused on Troilus as he, more or less, takes the role of protagonist. The other characters seem to be supporting roles that allow for the poems story to continue as well as the development and analysis of Troilus as a character. Even when Troilus is not present in a particular passage (or scene) it seems that many of them are in one way or another regarding him or his behaviors. Even as readers gain a better understanding of Criseyde, that offers clarification on Troilus and his character. For example, as readers find that Criseyde has a more assertive and decisive personality a comparison is made to Troilus in that sense, even if its not a deliberate analysis. By way of Criseydes stereotypically masculine behavior, Troilus appears more timid and hesitant even though he is (ironically enough) one of the greatest soldiers in Troy. The role of Diomed in the story, though short, is significant in terms of plot and character comparison. It is through the plot that the comparison bares its significance, as Diomed shows the decisiveness and haste that readers would presumably want Troilus to have. By doing so and with the help of other events in the plot, Diomed wins Criseydes affection. It is in this way that the title satisfies the appeal to a love story, but doesnt

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equally satisfy the development of characters. Plot is one element by which the title meets the suggestion of a love story. However, in comparison to character emphasis and development, the title Troilus and Criseyde is a more accurate depiction of the plot than The Book of Troilus. The broadness of The Book of Troilus could suggest to readers that there is a love story as an aspect of the plot, but fails to communicate the emphasis on it. In fact, had the title been Troilus and Criseyde there could be some confusion from readers as to why Chaucer decided to focus so heavily on a specific story between two people with the fall of Troy happening only in the background. Even the role other characters and divinities in the poem feed into the story of the relationship between Troilus and Criseyde. There isnt enough specificity in The Book of Troilus to communicate the events of the plot. That title would lead one to think that there would be more emphasis on other aspects of Troilus life. Such as possible battle that he has been involved in, or his overall role in the war between the Trojans and Greeks which in itself deserves much more emphasis than is offered. That isnt to undermine the quality or complexity of the story told in the poem, but only to suggest an inaccuracy in the relationship between title and plot. Furthermore, The Book of Troilus implies the possibility of a complete story of one man (which, again, is likely to include other characters). However, the poem as its written is a story that spans over the time frame of a few years and doesnt offer a life story as much as it does a story of the significance of one event in a persons life. Though the title Troilus and Criseyde as a title is not perfect for all aspects of the poem, it isnt likely to disappoint readers when considering the story as a whole. It certainly suggests a more centralized story revolving around a relationship between two people, thought it isnt as clear about communicating the protagonist. A viewer would not expect so much of the emphasis

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to be on Troilus, though Criseyde does have significant passages. However, Troilus and Criseyde as a title shares importance between the two names but that is not emulated equally in the story. Nevertheless, given all the characteristics of the poem, it is in fact a more accurate, specific, and attractive title (subjectively speaking).

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