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3/14/13 4:47 PM RE: [GroundswellGroup] Violance Against Women Act: Info: IMPORTANT NOTE FROM HOUSE RESOURCES COMMITTEE

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RE: [GroundswellGroup] Violance Against Women Act: Info: IMPORTANT NOTE
Cutrona, Danielle (Judiciary-Rep) Feb 22, 2013 5:49 PM
Posted in group: Groundswell
!usL for lnformaLlon.

From: Richard Manning []
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 5:48 PM
To: Cutrona, Danielle (Judiciary-Rep); Virginia Thomas;
Subject: RE: [GroundswellGroup] Violance Against Women Act: Info: IMPORTANT NOTE FROM HOUSE

Slnce lL ls Lhe Pouse 8esources CommlLLee conveylng Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL l provlded, l would suggesL anyone
lnLeresLed ln Lhls call Lhem. lf Lhls ls belng senL ouL ln opposlLlon Lo whaL leadershlp ln Lhe Pouse wanLs, lL
would be Lhe flrsL Llme ln my experlence LhaL Lhls has occurred.


From: Cutrona, Danielle (Judiciary-Rep) []
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 4:50 PM
To: Richard Manning; Virginia Thomas;
Subject: RE: [GroundswellGroup] Violance Against Women Act: Info: IMPORTANT NOTE FROM HOUSE

lL ls my undersLandlng LhaL Lhe Pouse subsLlLuLe ls Lhe Cornyn amendmenL LhaL was re[ecLed ln Lhe SenaLe,
whlch would glve Lrlbes [urlsdlcLlon over u.S. clLlzens: To be eligible to exercise the special domestic
violence jurisdiction, an Indian tribe must first be certified by the Attorney General as having met the
requirements of this section, including the tribes ability to provide non-Indian defendants all rights
secured by the U.S. Constitution, the Indian Civil Rights Act and this section. The Attorney General
must certify or decline to certify a tribe within 120 days of the request and provide reasons for any
such denial and guidance on how the tribe may obtain certification.

3/14/13 4:47 PM RE: [GroundswellGroup] Violance Against Women Act: Info: IMPORTANT NOTE FROM HOUSE RESOURCES COMMITTEE - Google Groups
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From: [] On Behalf Of Richard Manning
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 4:40 PM
To: Virginia Thomas;
Subject: RE: [GroundswellGroup] Violance Against Women Act: Info: IMPORTANT NOTE FROM HOUSE

All: l [usL recelved Lhls from Pouse 8esources CommlLLee on some of Lhe hldden ramlflcaLlons of Lhe
redeflnlng of Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of lands conLrolled by naLlve Amerlcans under Lhe vAWA. Well worLh a read and
acLlon by Lhose concerned wlLh properLy rlghLs.

Hope all is well. As Im sure youve been keeping up with the current debate over the Senate
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) reauthorization, S. 47, I wanted to touch base to send along
some information from the Natural Resources Committee. As you may know, our Committee has
jurisdiction over tribal issues such as those contained in the VAWA reauthorization. As we come
closer to House floor activity next week, I wanted to be sure you had information on the major
disagreements between the House and Senate when it comes to the tribal issue.

Tribal self-government over Indians and their internal affairs is important and should be respected,
yet self-government does not and should not permit Indian tribal actions to trump the Constitution or
violate individual rights of non-Indians. S. 47 would violate the Constitutional and basic civil rights
guaranteed to individuals as they would be subjected to a tribal court system that does not uphold
the U.S. Bill of Rights. S. 47 would proclaim in law for the first time ever that tribes possess
inherent authority to exercise criminal jurisdiction over non-Indian individuals in Indian Country
specifically for domestic violence cases. Under S. 47, a person tried in a tribal court has no right to
appeal to a federal court, lacks the guarantee of due process, has no right to an impartial trial by jury
of ones peers, and more.

The bills sweeping definition of Indian Country means ALL lands (56 million acres) in Indian
reservations including non-Indian lands (private non-Indian owned property, homes, farms, schools
and even entire incorporated towns) and rights-of-way (federal highways and state roads), tribal trust
lands, and Indian allotments. The unprecedented and unconstitutional action of granting inherent
authority of tribes to criminally prosecute non-Indians could have significant implications beyond just
domestic violence cases. Additionally, passing a bill that is clearly unconstitutional, like S. 47, fails to
truly protect women, would likely allow offenders to go unpunished when the bill is struck down in
court, and delays women from getting the help and justice they need and deserve.

I hope to soon have details to share with you on a possible House substitute, but for now wanted to
get you this important information. Ive ccd Chris Fluhr, who is handling this issue for the Committee,
and we are available to discuss this issue with you at length at any time.

3/14/13 4:47 PM RE: [GroundswellGroup] Violance Against Women Act: Info: IMPORTANT NOTE FROM HOUSE RESOURCES COMMITTEE - Google Groups
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James Hennigan
Director of Outreach and Communications Advisor
House Committee on Natural Resources, Majority
(202) 226-9019 |

From: [] On Behalf Of Virginia Thomas
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 8:04 AM
Subject: [GroundswellGroup] Fwd: Violance Against Women Act conference call today at 11:00 EST - 605-475-
5900 Access code 325-2178

For those who wish to help in a social media VAWA project, join this call and help
others come to the call... (and let's do more of this!)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Dear Friends,

I apologize for the late notice, but we are hearing that the so-called Violence
Against Women Act is coming to the floor of the House of Representatives very soon. We
need your help in fighting back against the feminist campaign of intimidation and
misinformation designed to bully legislators into voting for more wasteful and ineffective
feminist pork just because it is presented as a way to help battered women. For more
information, here is Eagle Forums most recent alert on VAWA.

Please join us tomorrow, February 22nd at 11 a.m. EST for a conference call to discuss a
Twitter event, a virtual truth party, if you will, to expose VAWA, defend conservatives who
vote against the terrible bill and demand more than liberal rhetoric and wasteful spending for

3/14/13 4:47 PM RE: [GroundswellGroup] Violance Against Women Act: Info: IMPORTANT NOTE FROM HOUSE RESOURCES COMMITTEE - Google Groups
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Here is the call-in information:

Call in number: 605-475-5900

Access code 325-2178

The discussion will be led by my Eagle Forum colleague and social media guru, Glyn
Wright. We will keep it short to respect everyones time, but we believe a little coordination can
go a long way in amplifying our message. Please feel free to invite your like-minded friends to
join us. We look forward to working with you.

If you cannot make the call but you would still like to participate in the event, look for an e-mail
from us with details about the event and talking points.

Many thanks,

Colleen Holcomb
Eagle Forum
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