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3/14/13 2:22 PM SHARE: VAWA Twitter Chat - Please send to your lists.

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SHARE: VAWA Twitter Chat - Please send to your lists.:
harleylebon Feb 25, 2013 2:39 PM
Posted in group: Groundswell
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8L: vAWA - 1weeL up
uear lrlends,
lease be a parL of our 1wlLLer chaL on Wednesday, lebruary 27Lh from 3pm Lo 4pm LS1 Lo oppose Lhe
vlolence AgalnsL Women AcL (#vAWA) and #femlnlsLpork.
8lghL before Lhe vAWA voLe ln Lhe SenaLe, Lhe femlnlsLs had a 1weeL up LhaL lnundaLed 1wlLLer wlLh
Lhelr wlld asserLlons and false lnformaLlon. (Search vAWA on 1wlLLer for examples.) AfLer Lhe voLe,
Crganlzlng for Amerlca and several oLher radlcal llberal groups launched a nasLy soclal medla aLLack on
Lhe 22 CC men who courageously voLed no.
vAWA wlll be comlng up Lhls week ln Lhe Pouse, so we wanL Lo do Lhe same Lhlng Lhe llberals dld -
lnundaLe 1wlLLer, excepL Lhls Llme wlLh Lhe LruLh abouL vAWA.
Cn Wednesday, lebruary 27, from 3pm-4pm, we wlll be hosLlng a 1wlLLer chaL Lo flghL Lhe rldlculous
clalms and lles promulgaLed by Lhe femlnlsLs. We need you a|| add|ng your commentary and re-
lease do noL spend Lhe nexL few days lmmerslng yourself ln Lhls awful plece of leglslaLlon - we have a
deslgnaLed group of pollcy analysLs and acLlvlsLs who wlll be LweeLlng facLs, sLaLlsLlcs, and soluLlons
based on sound scholarshlp.
Lagle lorum's 1wlLLer accounL (@EagleForumPAC)wlll serve as Lhe moderaLor by posLlng quesLlons,
re-LweeLlng all of Lhe efforLs, and pushlng ouL publlcaLlons regardlng Lhe lssue. 8elow, l have lncluded
numerous 1wlLLer handles for you Lo follow as well as resources Lo sLlmulaLe your LhoughLs abouL your
personal LweeLs. lf you have any quesLlons, please don'L heslLaLe Lo conLacL me: gl...[
Many Lhanks, and happy LweeLlng!
Clyn WrlghL
1w|tter |nformat|on:
We wlll be uslng #vAWA and #femlnlsLpork
1weeters |n D.C.:
3/14/13 2:22 PM SHARE: VAWA Twitter Chat - Please send to your lists.: - Google Groups
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Cllck here and scroll down for Lhe handles of Lhe 22 CC men who voLed nC ln Lhe SenaLe.
?ou mlghL also wanL Lo follow Lhe CC female SenaLors who voLed for Lhls pork ln order Lo ask Lhem
WP? and leL Lhem know abouL your dlssaLlsfacLlon. (Sens. AyoLLe, Colllns, llsher, Murkowskl)
Pere are some resources Lo sLlmulaLe your 1weeLlng LhoughLs:
PerlLage AcLlon - vAWA
PerlLage 8log - vAWA
CWA - ArLlcle
lndependenL Women's lorum - ArLlcle
Lagle lorum 8esources - vAWA
Cherylyn Harley LeBon
Twitter @HarleyLeBon

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