Lesson Plan: ND TH

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Lesson Plan

Teacher of English: Dasclu Elena Adriana Subject: English Date: 2nd, November 2011 Grade: Xth E Level: Intermediate Time: 50 minutes Text-book: Front Runner 2, l2 Unit of learning: Revision: Types of Adjectives; Professions Main focus: Grammar focus Classroom management: Student centred Strategies: Oral and written communication (discussions, solving exercises, explanation) Types of interaction: Teacher-Student, Student-Teacher Materials: blackboard, students book Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, spelling Aims: to improve oral communication and Vocabulary to test grammar notions (the correct use of different adjectives) to use vocabulary related to professions Teaching techniques: Individual work Exercises Explanation Anticipated problems: If there any (unknown words, difficulties in understanding) the teacher will clarify them. Lesson stages: Time 5 7 Stage of the lesson Warm-up Homework check-up Organization Teachers activity Students activity Type of interaction Informal conversation (greeting, checking Responding to informal T-S, S-T interaction if there are any absents) questions Have you done your homework? Was Students respond The teacher involves the it difficult? Who wants to read it? The individually when they are students and checks if all the

teacher names some students to read the asked to participate. homework. 7 17 Introducing the new lesson Feed-back The teacher introduces the new lesson. We are going to review the adjective and the vocabulary related to professions. The teacher asks the students to solve exercises connected to the new lesson: exercise no. 2 at page 26; exercise no. 6 at page 27; exercise no. 3 at page 28; exercise no. 8a at page 28. The teacher asks the students to read the text aloud( exercise no. 6 at page 29), asking if there are any unknown words. Students respond teachers questions.

students have done their homework. T-S, S-T interaction to All students are involved. T-S, S-T interaction

The students solve the All students are involved. S-T, exercises. The named T-S interaction students read the exercises solution from their notebooks.


Reading the text Homework

The students read the text The teacher involves all the and write down the students. T-S, S-T interaction unknown words in their notebooks. The teacher announces the homework, The students write down S-T, T-S interaction explaining the task: to establish if the their homework. sentences are true or false.

Dismissing the students The teacher marks students for their activity Greetings

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