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1. A bad workman blames his tools A man who gives excuses for his bad workmanship. 2. A basket case A crazy person. 3. A beggar can never be bankrupt People who are already poor need not fear they have no money. People who are rich may fear they may have no money one day. 4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush It is wiser to hold on to what one already has than risk it trying to get more. 5. A burnt child dreads the fire When someone learns a lesson the painful way, he will remember it for a long time. 6. A drowning man will clutch at a straw A person who is desperate will make a frantic last attempt even though it is hopeless. 7. A faint heart never wins a lady To succeed in life one must have the courage to pursue what he wants. 8. A fool and his money are soon parted A man who does not use his money wisely will definitely lose it sooner or later. 9. A friend in need is a friend indeed A good friend is someone who will help you when you are in trouble. 10. A good name is sooner lost than won It is difficult to gain a good name but easy to get a bad reputation.

11. A heavy purse makes a light heart A lot of money can make one happy. 12. A house divided cannot stand Family members constantly at loggerheads will destroy the family. 13. A hungry man is an angry man When a person is hungry he will not be in the mood to talk gently. 14. A leopard cannot change his spots A person cannot change his basic character or nature. 15. A light purse makes a heavy heart Being poor can make one sad. 16. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing Someone who knows a little about the problem and try to solve a difficult problem may end up in trouble in the end. 17. A man in debt, is a man in a net When a man owes money to other people, he is in trouble. 18. A man is as old as he feels The age of a person does not really matter. An old man can still act and fell young if he thinks he is young. 19. A miss is as good as a mile Even if a person only just fails something, it has the same effect as if one failed badly. 20. A new broom sweeps clean Someone new in a job who makes major changes. 21. A penny saved is a penny earned By being thrifty one will be able to save up. 22. A piece of cake Easy to do; no problem.

23. A rolling stone gathers no moss A person who does not stay put in one place for long to gain Experience cannot achieve much in the end. 24. A rose by any other name shall smell as sweet It does not really matter what one is called as long as that thing has good qualities about it. 25. A small leak may sink a great ship A small mistakes may sometimes destroy a big project. 26. A stitch in time saves nine A small piece of work done immediately can save you a lot of trouble later. 27. A thing worth doing is worth doing well If you embark to do a job, make sure you complete it nicely. 28. A watched pot never boils When we are eager about something to happen, it seems to take A long time for it to happen. 29. A wise man changes his mind sometimes, a fool never A stubborn person always believe he is right and will stick to his beliefs, no matter what happens. 30. About time Something that should have been done earlier. 31. Above board Honestly and openly done. 32. Absence makes the heart grow fonder We only realize we miss a friend when he has gone far away and Is no longer with us. 33. Absent-minded Forgetful.

34. Actions speak louder than words It is no point just talking about a job and not acting on it. 35. Advise when most needed is least heeded Sometimes a person may ask people for advice, but in the end They will not listen and follow the advice. 36. Air ones opinions Give vent to ones feeling in public. 37. All ears Being eager to hear what someone has to say. 38. All good things must come to an end One cannot always be happy. One is bound to be sad sometimes. 39. All is fair in love and war In any situation, all types of actions are acceptable. 40. All roads leads to Rome There are many different ways to reach our goal. 41. All that glitters is not gold Do not be fooled by appearances. Not all things that look like gold is actually. 42. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy A person who only works all the time may end up as an uninteresting person 43. Alls calm before the storm Everything will appear calm and peaceful before a disaster strike. 44. Alls well that ends well In spite of bad beginnings, if we can succeed in the end, it will be considered well worth the effort. 45. An apple a day keeps the doctor away Eating vegetable and fruits daily is healthy. You will not need to see the doctor often.

46. An army marches on its stomach Soldiers have to be well fed in order that they have the spirit to flight. 47. An empty vessel makes the most noise People who are ignorant can sometimes boast a lot. 48. An idle mind is the devils workshop People who have nothing useful to do usually end up doing something bad. 49. An old bird is not to be caught with chaff You cannot trick an experienced person by using simple lies and tricks. 50. A ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit Sometimes it is better not to do or say anything in a situation. Let the situation pass. If we act or say anything, might make matters worse. 51. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure It is better to prevent something bad from occurring than to correct it afterwards. 52. Any port in a storm When we are desperate we cannot be too choosy. We must accept help from anyone. 53. As a rule Usually; as a habit. 54. As thick as two short planks Extremely unintelligent. 55. As you make your bed so must you lie on it One must pay the price for ones mistakes or misdeeds.

56. As you sow, so you shall reap If you do good, you will be rewarded. But if you do bad, you will be punished. 57. At last Finally; after a long time. 58. At loggerheads Having a quarrel; opposing each other. 59. At odds Disagreement. 60. At ones wits end In a state of despair; unable to think of any more ways to deal with a difficult situation. 61. A sixes and sevens Confused or disorganized. 62. At someones beck and call Always ready to serve somebody. 63. At the end of your tether Being unable to tolerate something any more. 64. Back the wrong horse Choose to support the wrong person, idea or plan. 65. Bad news travels fast People usually pass on bad news more quickly than good news. 66. Barking dogs seldom bite People who make threats rarely carry them out. 67. Be an open secret Be known to many. 68. Be oneself Act naturally.

69. Be out in the open Make plans or ideas known to public. 70. Be over Be finished; end. 71. Beat around the bush Evade an issue; avoid giving a direct answer. 72. Beat ones brains out To try very hard to solve a problem. 73. Beat the clock Finish a task before a dateline. 74. Beauty is but skin deep Do not be fooled by appearances. 75. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Something that appears beautiful to you may not appear so to others. 76. Beef about Complain. 77. Beggars cant be choosers The needy have to take what is available. 78. Beginners luck Good luck or accidental success at the start. 79. Beside oneself Irrational; very emotional. 80. Better be alone than in ill company It is better to have no friends at all than to have friends who are bad in characters.

81. Better be happy than wise Sometimes it is better o be ignorant about a situation than to know about the details and shortcomings and feel sad about it. 82. Better late than never It is better to do something even though it is late than having to miss it altogether. 83. Better to be safe than sorry It is better to be cautious than to take risks you will regret. 84. Between a rock and a hard place Trapped between two unpleasant possibilities. 85. Between the devil and the deep blue sea Having to choose from two equally bad options or unpleasant choices. 86. Big trees from little acorns grows Great things often begin with small simple ideas. 87. Birds of a feather flock together People of same characters temperament group together. 88. Bite off more than one can chew Attempt to do too much or something that is beyond ones capability. 89. Blabbermouth A person who cannot keep a secret. 90. Black sheep of the family Someone who does not conform to the familys wishes and is considered to be a disgrace to his family. 91. Blood is thicker than water People usually take the side of ones relation against another who is not of ones own blood.

92. Blow hot and cold Be alternatively enthusiastic or friendly and then the opposite. 93. Blow ones top Become extremely angry. 94. Blue-eyed boy Someones favourite. 95. Bone of contention A subject that always leads to an argument. 96. Books and friends should be few but good Having a small group of friends who are of good character is better than having many friends of bad character. 97. Born with a silver spoon in ones mouth Refer to someone who comes from a wealthy family and being fortunate at birth. 98. Borrowing thrives but once If we keep on borrowing money from friends and do not return the money, we can expect to do so only once. 99. Bottom line The most important point. 100. Boys will be boys We cannot expect young boys to act responsibly like adults. Young people like to play. 101. Bread and butter Ones livelihood. 102. Bread is the staff of life Food keeps us alive. 103. Bread someones heart Make someone fell very disappointed, discourage or distressed.

104. Break the ice Strike up an acquaintance after overcoming initial shyness. 105. Break the news Convey information. 106. Breath of fresh air Refreshing development. 107. Brevity is the soul of wit Clever remarks are often short and succinct. 108. Burn ones bridges Make an irrevocable decision. 109. Burn the midnight oil Study or work all night or until late at night. 110. By oneself, myself yourself Alone and without help. 111. By others faults wise men correct their own Wise people learn from other peoples mistakes. 112. By the skin of ones teeth Only just. 113. By timely mending save much spending By spending money on simple repairs early, we can save a lot of money on bigger repairs later on. 114. Call it a day Stop work for the day. 115. Call someones bluff Challenge somebody whom one thinks is lying. 116. Calling a spade a spade Say directly and frankly what something is.

117. Cant make heads or tails of something Cannot understand. 118. Cat get your tongue Be rendered speechless. 119. Catch 22 A situation in which you cannot win. 120. Catch forty winks Sleep for a while; take a nap. 121. Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance We must focus on the main issue and not waste time on trivial issues. 122. Catch ones eye Attract ones attention or interest. 123. Change horses in midstream Change sides or tactics in the middle of a project or activity. 124. Change ones mind Decide to do something different from earlier plan. 125. Charity begins at home but should not end there Help your own family first before trying to help others. 126. Chase after the rainbow Desire to obtain the unobtainable. 127. Cheapest is dearest Sometimes things which we buy come cheap but in the end we spend a lot of money to repair them. 128. Children should be seen and not heard Children should not intrude and talk when their elders are speaking.

129. Calm up Refuses to say anything further. 130. Clothes do not make a man The appearance of a person is not as important as his character. 131. Come rain come shine Whatever happens. 132. Comparisons are odious We should not make too many comparisons of ones character. Each person is an individual and has his or her own character. 133. Cool it! Calm down. 134. Cost an arm and a leg Very expensive. 135. Couch potato Someone who spends too much time watching television. 136. Count your chicken before they are hatched Rely or count on the outcome of something before it has happened. 137. Courtesy begets courtesy If we are polite to people, they will in turn be polite to us. 138. Courtesy cost nothing We do not lose anything by being courteous or polite to other people. 139. Cowards costs nothing Cowards who are afraid always think they are going to die. A brave man never thinks of dying. 140. Crack a joke Tell a funny story.

141. Crash course Short duration course designed to teach in a quick manner. 142. Crime does not pay Crime is not profitable as criminals are eventually caught and punished. 143. Cross the bridge when you come to it Do not worry unnecessarily about a difficult or problem that may never arise. 144. Cross the stream when you come to it Deal with the problem when you come across it. Do not worry unduly. 145. Cry buckets Cry profusely. 146. Cry for the moon Wish for the unattainable. 147. Cry wolf Call for help unnecessarily. 148. Curiosity killed the cat Warning not to be inquisitive or nosy. 149. Cut corners Achieve a required result by making economics. 150. Cut off your nose to spite your face Suffer harm while trying to harm someone else. 151. Cut someone down to size Make someone realize that he is not as good or superior as he thought he was. 152. Cut your coat according to your cloth Live within your means. Do not overspend.

153. (On the) cutting edge Using the most recent technology. 154. Dead men tell no tales When a man dies, he dies with his secrets. 155. Discretion is better part of valour Sometimes it is better to keep quiet than to criticize others for their mistakes. 156. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched Do not calculate your gains before they are realized. 157. Do not cry over split milk It is no use being angry over or upset about something that has already happened and you cannot change. 158. Do not cut the nose off to spite the face Do not suffer harm while trying to harm somebody else. 159. Do not fish in trouble waters Do not interfere or get involved in an unpleasant situation. 160. Do not judge a book by its cover Do not judge people by their appearance. 161. Do not look a gift horse in the mouth Do not ignore an opportunity. 162. Do not make a mountain out of a molehill Do not make a big fuss over a small issue. 163. Do not put your eggs in one basket Do not risk everything in a single business venture. Better to spread all the risks into things first. 164. Do not put the cart the horses Do things in the proper order. Do the important things first.

165. Do not teach your grandmother to suck eggs Do not be advise or teach people who are more experienced than you. 166. Do not throw the baby out of the bathwater Do not be over-zealous. You may loss something good in the process of too eagerly throwing out something bad. 167. Do not trouble trouble until trouble troubles you Do not go looking for problems, unless you absolutely need to. 168. Do things by halves Do things incompletely. 169. Do unto others what you would have others do unto you Treat people kindly as how you would like to be treated. 170. Dont count your chickens before they are hatched Dont count on the outcome of something before it has happened. 171. Dotting the is and crossing and crossing ts Pay count on the outcome of something before it has happened. 172. Double-crossing someone Cheating someone who trusts you. 173. Down in the dumps Depressed; feeling bad for a long time; sad. 174. Drag ones feet Delay; deliberately slow in doing something. 175. Draw the short straw Being chosen from a group of people to do something unpleasant. 176. Drawing a blank Unable to remember something.

177. Dressed up to the nines Wearing ones best clothes. 178. Drive someone into a corner Force someone into a situation from which he/she cannot retreat. 179. Drive someone round the bend Annoy, frustrate or anger somebody. 180. Drop someone a line Write a letter to someone. 181. Eager beaver Someone who is enthusiastic overzealous. 182. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise Getting enough sleep enough sleep at the appropriate time is good for you. 183. Easier said than done It is easy to talk about doing something than actually doing it. 184. East or West, home is the best The best place in the world will still be our home, no matter how good the other places are. 185. Eat to live, but do not live to eat Do not eat too much but just enough to stay healthy. 186. Elbow grease Hard work; effort. 187. Employment brings enjoyment A person who is gainfully occupied will no doubt feel happy. 188. Empty vessels make the most noise People who have a little knowledge usually talk the most and make the greatest fuss.

189. Enough is better than too much We should be content with what we have rather than asking for too much. 190. Even a cat may look at a king Even the poorest have the same basic rights as other human being. 191. Every ass loves his own bray People like to boast of their own achievement. 192. Every cloud has a silver lining Every sad or unpleasant situation has a good or positive side to it. 193. Every dog has his day Everyone will eventually gets a favorable opportunity. 194. Every little helps Do not underestimate anything. Every little component has its part to play in a successful attempt. 195. Every man must carry his own cross Every person must be responsible for his or her behavior or actions. 196. Everyone thinks his own burden the heaviest Every person will think his or her responsibilities are more than the other persons. 197. Everything comes to those who wait We must have patience to succeed. Do not except success to come instantly. 198. Experience is the best teacher We can learn much from our own experiences. We are our own teachers in the end.

199. Face the music Face the consequences; submit to discipline/punishment. 200. Familiarity breeds contempt A long friendship can develop into disrespect or acrimony. 201. Fed up Bored and frustrated. 202. Feel blue Feel sad and lonely. 203. Fine feathers make fine birds We look smarter if we dress well. 204. Fire is a good servant but a bad master Fire will serve man well only when it is controlled and used wisely. 205. Fire someone Dismiss someone from a job. 206. First come, first serve People have to wait for their turn-the first to arrive will get preferences over others who arrive later. 207. First things first Do things in a correct or logical order. 208. Follow the river and you will find the sea Certain events will always lead to certain conclusions. 209. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread People take action without thinking through the consequences. 210. For ages For a very long time.

211. Forbidden fruit is the sweetest When something is unattainable or banned, people will desire to have it. 212. Forewarned is forearmed If you know of a problem beforehand, you will definitely be prepared for it. 213. Fortune favours the brave People who are brave enough to try out new things will always be successful over those who dare not try. 214. Fortune knocks once at every mans door Good opportunities come rarely to everyone and it is best to make use of it when it comes. 215. Garbage in, garbage out A process based on poor information will have poor results. 216. Get a kick out of something Find amusing, funny. 217. Get a move on Hurry up. 218. Get along Able to work live harmoniously together. 219. Get lost! Go away. 220. Get on ones nerves Irritate someone; make someone upset. 221. Get on someones case Repeatedly criticizing someone. 222. Get out of hand Become out of control.

223. Getting the wrong end of the stick. Misunderstanding something. 224. Give a dog a bad name and hang him Once you have earned a bad reputation then people will easily blame you for others wrongdoing. 225. Give and take Be tolerate and cooperative in a relationship. 226. Give credit where credit is due Even if someone is bad, he still deserves to be praised if he has done something worthy. 227. Give me a break! Give me a chance. 228. Give somebody the green Give somebody light permissions to do something. 229. Give someone a big hand Applaud (to show respect or appreciation for someone or something). 230. Give someone a hand Help someone. 231. Give the devil his due Acknowledge a good aspect in somebody you dislike 232. (real) go-getter A (very) ambitious and hard-working person. 233. Go out on a limb Take risks; put oneself in a position where there is a little support. 234. Go overboard Being too enthusiastic or doing too much.

235. Go the extra mile Put more effort into something than you would normally be expected to. 236. God helps those who help themselves If you make an effort then God will help you to succeed. 237. Golden opportunity A very favourable chance. 238. Grab a bite. Get something to eat. 239. Grin like a Cheshire cat Grin widely. 240. Grasp all, lose all We will end up losing everything if we are too greedy. 241. Great minds think alike Similar ideas or views are shared by two people at the same time. 242. Green horn Inexperienced. 243. Habit is second nature If we continuously do something, it will come naturally to us naturally to us without much thought. 244. Half a loaf is better than no bread It is better to have a little than not have anything at all. 245. Hands full Be extremely busy. 246. Hard feelings Anger; animosity; bitter feelings.

247. Hard-headed Stubborn; inflexible; unwilling to change. 248. Have a lot of irons in the fire Pursue several activities or having many business interests at the same time. 249. Have a screw loose Be slightly crazy or mad. 250. Have your fingers in lots of pies Be involved in many activities at the same time. 251. He laughs best that laughs last The person who wins the final victory achieves the greatest satisfaction. 252. He runs with the hare and hunts with the hounds Someone who simultaneously supports both sides in a dispute. 253. Hellbent Determined. 254. He that doth lend doth lose his friend People who lend money to others who do not intend to repay them, eventually will quarrel with them. 255. He that goes a-borrowing, goes a-sorrowing People who are not prudent and do not prepare for the future, eventually will end up poor as beggars. 256. He who hesitates is lost A person who is not decisive in making important decisions would fail. 257. He who pays the piper may call the tune A person who pays well will get things done his way. 258. Head hunting Looking for good talented person.

259. His bark is worse than his bite The (apparent) threat is worse than the (real) action. 260. His heart is in his boots Refers to people who are afraid and do not have the courage. 261. History repeats itself Something that has happened before is recurring. 262. Hit the book Begin to study. 263. Hit the jackpot Win or gain a lot of money or success. 264. Hit the road Go on a journey. 265. Hush-hush Secret. 266. Hit the sack Go to bed; go to sleep. 267. Hobsons choice A situation in which you seem to have a choice but actually do not have one. 268. Honesty is the best policy It is good to be honest and do not to cheat or steal. 269. Hue and cry Loud or great commotion; public outcry. 270. Hum and haw Hesitate; dither. 271. Hunger is the best sauce Being hungry gives one good appetite. Any food will taste good.

272. If the cap fits, wear it If you can do the job, then go ahead with it. 273. Imitation is a form of flattery People often imitate others because they admire their success. 274. In a jam In difficulty. 275. In deep water In serious trouble. 276. In every nook and canny Everywhere. 277. In for a penny, in for a pound Once you start something or made a decision, commit to it wholeheartedly, no matter what. 278. In his good books On his list of good people whom he likes. 279. In hot soup In trouble. 280. In kind Equivalent of money. 281. In the black Making profit; not showing a financial loss. 282. In the clear Free from debt or suspicion. 283. In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king If everyone is bad, then the person who is slightly better than the rest will be considered the best or the winner. 284. In the land of Nod. Asleep.

285. In the nick of time Just in time. 286. In the red Not showing profit; showing a financial loss. 287. In the same boat In similar circumstances. 288. In time Not late. 289. It cuts both ways It has an effect that works both for and against a desired interest or action. 290. It is well to profit from the folly of others It is good to learn from other peoples mistakes. 291. It never rains but it pours One misfortune is usually followed by others. 292. It takes all sorts to make a world One should tolerate everybody. There are all kinds of people in this world. 293. It takes two to make a quarrel One cannot start a quarrel by himself. It needs two people equally bad to have a quarrel. 294. Its all in a days work It is part of ones job even if it is irritating or difficult. 295. Its an ill wind that blows nobody good Everyone will suffer if misfortune strikes. 296. Its never too late to make amends It is never too late to correct our mistakes and do the correct thing the next time.

297. Its no good crying over split milk There is no use in worrying or complaining about something which cannot be put right. 298. Its no joke It is serious; not a funny matter. 299. Its the thought that counts The affection, etc. that lies behind an action or gift is more important than the action or gift itself. 300. Jack of all trades, master of none Refers to someone who can do many things but is not an expert in any specific work. 301. Jaw away Talk incessantly. 302. Jog ones memory Remind someone. 303. Jump queue To go in front of another in a queue. 304. Jump the gun Start something before you should; act too soon. 305. Jump to conclusions From conclusion before you have all the facts. 306. Junk mail Unsolicited mail. 307. Just one of those things Something unpleasant that must be accepted because it is unavoidable. 308. Keep a straight face Not laughing, even though something might be funny.

309. Keep an eye on Watch over something. 310. Keep an eye out for Look out for. 311. Keep in touch (with someone) Talk or write to someone. 312. Keep ones chin up Remain brave and confident in a difficult situation; do not worry or despair too much. 313. Keep ones fingers crossed Hope for the best. 314. Keep ones nose to the grindstone Work hard and long. 315. Keep ones wit about one Be careful and alert. 316. Keep something under your hat Keep something a secret. 317. Keep up with the Joneses Try to be the same status as your neighbours. 318. Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs Being too greedy can destroy a good and steady source of income. 319. Kind words are worth much and cost little When a friend is in trouble, he really appreciate words of sympathy which does not cost you money. 320. Kindle not a fire that you cannot put out Do not start a project if you do not know how to finish it.

321. Kindness begets kindness If you do kind deeds to others, you can expect others to do the same to you. 322. Knock the daylights out of somebody Beat somebody very severely. 323. Know something inside out Know or understand something thoroughly. 324. Know which side your bread is buttered Know whom to please and what is most likely to benefit you. 325. Know-it-all Someone who acts as if he/she knows everything as if no one can tell him/her anything that he/she doesnt already know. 326. Knowledge is power It is an accepted fact that having knowledge in a certain field enables one to have much control over it. 327. Laugh and grow fat Live happy and prosper. 328. Leave a nasty taste in ones mouth To leave one with a bad impression. 329. Lend only what you can afford to lose If you wish to lend money to people, be prepared to lose it. 330. Lend someone a hand Help someone. 331. Lend someone an ear Listen to someone. 332. Let bygones be bygones Do not keep bringing up the past. Forget the past.

333. Let not the pot call the kettle black Complaint or criticism from someone who is guilty of the fault they point out in someone else. 334. Let sleeping dogs lie It is better not to disturb or interfere with something that is satisfactory. 335. Liars should have good memories When someone tells a lie, one should always remember it. Sometimes in the future it will haunt you again. 336. Like father, like son Refers to sons who behave like their father. 337. Live and let live Be tolerant towards the ways and lifestyles of other people. 338. Live from hand to mouth Poor; having just enough money to pay for basic needs. 339. Loans and debts make worries and frets It is best not to lend and borrow money. It always give trouble. 340. Look before you leap Be careful of the consequences when making crucial decisions; be cautions/ take care before acting. 341. Look on the bright side Always think positively. Do not think about failure. 342. Looking for a needle in the haystack Try to find something (small) that is lost among many other things. 343. Loosen the purse-strings Generous with money. 344. Lose face Being humiliated in front of others.

345. Lose ones tongue Become speechless, usually through shyness or nervousness. 346. Losing it Losing control of your emotions. 347. Lost time is never found Do not waste time, for time will pass and we will not have the same opportunity again. 348. Love is blind When people are in love they do not see each others shortcomings. 349. Make a mess of something To do something badly. 350. Make a mountain out of a molehill Making a small problem seems a very big problem; exaggerate. 351. Make a move Leave. 352. Make hay while the sun shines Make the best of an opportunity. 353. Make short the miles with talk and smiles If we are happy and enjoy our work, a difficult job will seem easy. 354. Make up ones mind Decide what to do. 355. Man propose, God dispose Sometimes the results are exactly opposite of what we want. 356. Manners maketh the man How a person behave will determine his character.

357. Many a slip between cup and lip Do not depends on a plan until it is completed. 358. Many hands make light work If many people help with the work, the job will be easy. 359. Marriage is a lottery Getting married is a risk. One can be happy or sad later on. 360. Many straws may bind an elephant We may be small and insignificant but if we are united, we can achieve a lot. 361. Money does not grow on trees It is not easy to obtain money, it has to be worked for. 362. Money talks People with a lot of money can get many things done. 363. More haste, less speed Sometimes the more we hurry, the more mistakes we make. So it may be wise not to hurry. It is better to do it slow and steady. 364. Mother tongue Native language. 365. Mover and shaker A person who has great influence in business. 366. Mug shot Photo of someones face. 367. Mums the word Do not repeat what youve been told; keep secret. 368. Murphys law Something that states that if anything can go wrong it will.

369. Necessity is the mother of invention When we are in need of something badly, it produces the stimulus to provide it. 370. Needless to say Already know or expect to happen. 371. Never do things by halves Do not leave things half-done. It is better to do things until it is complete. 372. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today Do not wait. Do things immediately. 373. Never too old to learn Age should not be a barrier for us to learn new things. 374. Nitty gritty The basic and fine details. 375. No news is good news When there is no news it usually means that everything is alright. 376. No pain, no gain If we do not work hard we will not succeed. 377. No qualms No doubts; no hesitation. 378. Not on your life! Absolutely not! (a strong no) 379. Not out of the woods yet Still in danger or difficulty. 380. Not worth the paper its printed on Worthless.

381. Now and then Occasionally; from time to time. 382. On a roll Experiencing one good thing after another. 383. On the ball Aware of what is happening. 384. On the dot Exactly on time; sharp on time. 385. On the go Be very busy. 386. On the right track Moving I the correct direction. 387. On the road Travelling. 388. On the tip of your tongue Not quite remembered. 389. On time Not late. 390. On top of the world Very happy with ones circumstances. 391. Once bitten twice shy After being tricked or disappointed once, we will become more careful in the future. 392. One good turn deserves another People will be kind to us if we are kind to them. 393. One mans meat is another mans poison Something liked by or beneficial to someone might be the exact opposite to somebody else.

394. One shallow does not make a summer Do not jump to a conclusion based on one piece of evidence or a single incident. 395. One thing leads to another One small action or event can lead to a whole sequence. 396. Opportunity knocks but once Good chances do not come often. Make full use of it. 397. Out of it. Unaware of or unable to understand what is happening around you. 398. Out of sight of mind We normally forget people whom we do not see often. 399. Out of the frying pan into the fire. Going from a bad situation into a worse one. 400. Out of your depth Trying to do something that one is not able to do well. 401. Over the hill Past ones best. 402. Over the moon Very happy. 403. Pack ones bags Prepare to leave. 404. Paddle your own canoe Rely on your own effort to succeed in life. 405. Pay the piper Face the consequences for something you have done.

406. Penny wise, pound foolish Being frugal or careful in small matters, especially involving money, but being careless and wasteful in more important things. 407. Plain Jane A woman who is not particularly attractive. 408. Play something by ear Deal with a situation step as it develops. 409. Play your cards close to your chest Not letting people know what you are really thinking or feeling. 410. Poker face Expression that reveals no emotion. 411. Practice makes perfect The more we practice, the better and more skilful we become. 412. Practice what you preach Do what one tells others they should do. 413. Press ahead/on Make an effort to continue. 414. Press your luck Let earlier successes mislead you into trying too many things. 415. Prevention is better than cure It is better to take precautions against something from happening beforehand. 416. Pride goes before a fall People who are too proud will one day fail. 417. Procrastination is thief of time By postponing something again and again we are wasting precious time.

418. Proof of the pudding is in the ending People are judged by their actions, not by what they say. 419. Pull an all-nighter Study or work all night without getting any sleep. 420. Pull someones leg Tease someone by making joke. 421. Put not your trust in money; put your money in trust Do not depend too much on money to do work, but on people to do work. 422. Put two and two together Figure out something by adding up the evidence. 423. Putting ones shoulder to the wheel To work hard with full concentration. 424. Quick off the mark Making a prompt start. 425. Quit while you are ahead Stop when you are winning before you end up losing everything. 426. Rake someone over the coals Severely criticizing someone for his mistakes. 427. Read someone the riot act Angrily scolding or telling off someone and for a long time. 428. Return with your tail between your legs Return in a sad or ashamed manner. 429. Ring a bell Seems familiar in some way.

430. Rise to the occasion Being able to perform well when it is important to do so. 431. Robbing Peter to pay Paul Use money intended to pay for one thing to pay for another. 432. Rome was not built in a day Great things are not to achieved easily or quickly. It takes time, patience and hard work to complete something that is difficult or important. 433. Send someone to Coventry Refuse to speak to somebody (as punishment for a misdemeanour). 434. Set a thief to catch a thief The best way to discover or outdo a wrongdoer is to use another wrongdoer. 435. Shoot yourself in the foot Harm your own interests as you try to take action against someone or something else. 436. Sick humour Joke that is in bad taste. 437. Silence gives consent When we do not protest against something, it means we agree with it. 438. Sling/Throw mud at Insult; vigorously discredit. 439. Slow and steady wins the race Success is achieved by consistent work rather than by a short burst of activity. 440. Smooth somebodys (ruffled) feathers Calm somebody down.

441. Snake in the grass Someone who is deceitful and untrustworthy. 442. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind If you create a small trouble for others, you may end up with a bigger trouble for yourself. 443. Spare the rod and spoil the child If you do not punish a child when he does wrong, you will spoil his character later on. 444. Speech is silver; silence is golden It is better to be quiet if one does not know about the matter thoroughly. 445. Spill your guts Say everything you are feeling. 446. Square peg in a round table Someone who is unsuited to his or her job or position. 447. Stick to ones guns Hold fast to ones principles. 448. Still waters run deep A quiet person may have more intelligence or strength of of character than he seems to have. 449. Strike a chord Seems familiar in a way that causes you to remember something; trigger a memory. 450. Strike while the iron is hot Take advantage of an opportunity. Do not let a good opportunity slip pass. 451. Sweep something under the carpet Deliberately hiding a problem or something so that others dont recognize how serious it is.

452. Take something with a pinch of salt Not completely believing something. 453. Take the gloves off Changing from a gentle approach to a more direct and forceful one. 454. Take the rough with the smooth Accept the good and bad things that happen. 455. Talk nineteen to the dozen Talk fast and rapid and long. 456. The apple of ones eye Favourite person; one who is loved best. 457. The beaten track is the safest We can avoid taking risks by following the footsteps of others. 458. The best of friends must part Refers to a situation where friendship must end because one has to go away. 459. The cat is fain the fish to eat, but hath no will to wet her feet Refers to people who wish success but do not wish to make the effort to try. 460. The cat that swallowed the cream A self-satisfied person. 461. The child is father of the man Our childhood experiences will determine the type of character we will grow up to be later. 462. The company makes the feast Refers to a dinner. It is more important to have the right people to give us joy rather than the food.

463. The cream rises to the top The most able people will eventually reach the highest positions. 464. The darkest nearest the dawn Sometimes when our fortunes are at its lowest, we should not be discouraged. Better times are just around the corner. 465. The early bird catches the worm You have to be quickly to take advantage of opportunities. 467. The fat is in the fire Something unwise has been said or done that is certain to cause trouble. 468. The jewel in the crown The best thing you have. 469. The leopard cannot change its spot Refers to someone who will never change his behaviour or character. If they are bad, they will always be bad. 470. The pen is mightier than the sword Writers of books can sometimes bring more important changes than soldier fighting a war. 471. The pot calling the kettle black Someone who criticizes another person for a fault which he himself has. 472. The salt of the earth A person who is very good and trustworthy. 473. The straw that broke the camels back In a series of bad happenings, the one that finally exceed the limit of endurance or tolerance. 474. There are none so blind than who refuse to see Those who do not listen to reasons are as ignorant as blind people.

475. There are plenty more fish in the sea There are other things or people to choose from. 476. There is no smoke without a fire A rumour is usually based, however remotely, on fact. 477. There is no venom like that of the tongue People who say bad things about other people can hurt a lot of damage, much more than poison. 478. Theres a first time for everything Something must happen or be done for the first time. 479. Theres a time and place for everything There is an appropriate time and circumstance in which something may be done. 480. Theres no accounting for taste You cannot guess what or who another person may like. 481. Theres no such thing as a free lunch People who give you something expect from you something in return, even if they pretend they dont. 482. Theres safety in numbers A large group of people is less likely to come to harm than is an individual person. 483. Thin as a rake Very thin. 484. Thin end of the wedge The beginning of something that eventually leads to a major difficulty. 485. Those who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones Critics should be wary of criticism.

486. Those who make the best use of their time have none to spare If we are really busy, we would not have spare time to idle or laze about. 487. Throw a sprat to catch a whale We can trap a big fish by using a small bait; by using a small investment, we stand to gain much. 488. Throw caution to the winds To do something without worrying about the consequences. 489. Throw good money after bad Wasting more money on a venture that is unlikely to succeed. 490. Time and tide wait for no man Do not delay in doing important things. No one is going to wait for you. 491. Time is a great healer/Time heals Pain or sorrow will be felt less strongly as time passes. 492. Time is money Wasting time is like wasting money. 493. Tip of the iceberg A small, relatively minor problem that indicates a much larger, harder-to-see problem. 494. To be taken aback Surprised. 495. To err is human; to forgive divine People are bound to make mistakes, so do not expect too much. 496. To kill two birds with one stone To achieve two different ends by the same action.

497. Too many cooks spoil the broth Too many ideas can spoil a project. Everyone will want it to be done in his own way. 498. Touch a chord Stimulate an emotion. 499. Truth is stranger than fiction Sometimes strange things do happen. 500. Turn over a new leaf Change ones way of life to become a better more responsible person. 501. Turn the tables on someone Seize the advantage from someone by reversing the situation. 502. Turning a blind eye to something Choose to ignore a bad thing; pretend not to see it. 503. Two eyes see more than one It is better to have more peoples opinion than just to depend on one persons opinion. 504. Two heads are better than one Having more people can contribute to newer and better ideas. 505. Two is company, three is a crowd Everything has its good and bad points. 506. Two side to every coin Everything has its good and bad points. 507. Two wrongs do not make a right A second error or sin does not cancel the first. 508. Under the table Secretly, because the activity is illegal.

509. Under the weather Feeling unwell; ill; sick. 510. Union is strength By uniting and standing against a common enemy, we gain strength. If we are divided, we become weak. 511. Until hell freezes over Forever. (This expression is used to describe something that will not change, matter how long or how often it is done.) 512. Until youre blue in the face Until a person is very tired. 513. Up and about Recover from a sickness. 514. Up in smoke Burnt; destroyed by fire. 515. Up to the mark Up to the standard or level expected. 516. Uptight Nervously tense; angry; anxious; worried. 517. Variety is the spice of life Different experiences make life more interesting. 518. Vice is its own punishment, virtue its own reward Those people who practice vise will suffer for it. Those people who are good will be rewarded. 519. Wash ones hand of No longer responsible for something; abandon; disassociate oneself from. 520. Waste makes want If we are wasteful today, tomorrow we may be short of it.

521. Watch ones step Walk carefully or act cautiously. 522. Water under the bridge Past event (no longer important). 523. We can live without our friends, but not without our neighbours Our immediate neighbours will be the ones who will come to our aid if we are in trouble, not our friends who live faraway. 524. Weak at the knees Temporarily unable to stand because of emotions, fear, illness. 525. Wear ones heart on ones sleeve Display ones feelings openly. 526. Wear out ones welcome Make someone tired by staying too long. 527. Well begun is half done To start a project on a right footing can be considered to be half successful. 528. Wet behind the ears Inexperienced and nave. 529. What cant be cured must be endured If you cannot overcome a certain problem, you have to learn to live with it. 530. What is learnt in the cradle last to the tomb What we are taught in an early age (or during our infant days) will stay with us until we die. 531. Whats done cant be undone It is no use to cry or lament over a past mistake. It is better to learn to live with it.

532. When the cats away the mice will play When the person in charge is not present, other staff will do as they like. 533. Where theres a will theres a way If you want to do something badly, you will find a way of doing it. 534. Wind someone up Deliberately make someone angry. 535. With a heavy heart With a feeling of sadness. 536. With iron hand Ruthlessly. 537. With a light heart With a feeling of happiness. 538. With bated breath Anxiously, in anticipation of something. 539. Would sell his own grandmother Would do anything to get what he wants, not caring whom he hurts in the process. 540. Year after year Happening for a number of years. 541. Year in, year out Over for many years. 542. Yellow streak Being a coward. 543. You cant lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink You can give someone an opportunity to do something but you cant make him do it if he doesnt want to.

544. You cant have your cake and eat it (too) You cannot have both of two good things; you must choose one or the other. 545. You cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear A good product cannot be made from bad materials. 546. You cannot shoe a running horse A person who cannot keep still, cannot learn much. 547. You cannot teach old dogs new tricks Teaching old people new things is difficult because they are set in their ways. 548. You might as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb If you are going to be punished anyway, do something really bad. 549. You never know till you have tired You can only learn if you experienced it. 550. Young at heart Still feeling and behaving young. 551. Your goose is cooked Plan failed; chance is gone. 552. Youth and age will never agree It is common for young people not to agree with older folks over certain issues. 553. Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse People who are just enthusiastic about a certain thing but are ignorant of the danger can do a lot of harm or damage.

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