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I can pretty much see through all the bullshit of this illusion and will sum in up below.

1) It's scripted shit - Your character role is scripted and so is the storyline. 2) Law of attraction is bullshit - It doesn't matter what you say, do, think or believe - The who or what that controls this illusion will sometimes give you what you believe but sometimes not. There is no set formula or rhyme or reason. 3) It seems like a sort of "inverted reality" where you get often what you don't want and what you want is unreachable. Though once in awhile the PC (Program controller) throws out a "cookie" or a "carrot" to pull you along down different "rabbit holes" 4) No one know anything! All you know is you think therefore you are! You can't trust your perceptions. Where do your thoughts, feelings come from? Are your thoughts and feelings scripted by the PC (Program controller) So my question for you is WHO or WHAT do you think controls this illusion? It could be the following: 1) Evil Aliens 2) We're already microchipped at birth and we're already programmed 3) We have a higher or expanded part that is "pooping out" scene after scene. Now I'm going with number 3) because it seems to me I have this big blob or PC (Program Controller) or expanded self or higher self that just "poops out" scenes regardless of what I feel about that scene. It is like this machine that just robotically produces scenes and even has scripted my thoughts, beliefs, feelings and actions. It's all scripted bullshit and yes I've posted before. It seems the Expanded Asshole that controls this illusion just keeps trying to suck me into the bullshit that is this illusion. It will try to suck me in by using those around me or events to get me going down "rabbit holes" again or buying into the kaka that is this illusion. Problem is I ain't buying it anymore. I really don't give a flying fuck whether there are chemtrails or whether we end up in FEMA camps...who cares? Just a storyline. What pisses me off is the fact that I'm not "in the driver's seat". That there is some robotic or sick and twisted fuck of a being controlling the script and my scenes. I'm looking to hear from others about what or whom they feel controls this illusion and the script.

Not looking for a discussion about whether this illusion is scripted or not. Not looking for some mind control games by shilltards. Not looking for a psych evaluation from amateurs who have their own mental problems Was Descartes correct that some evil aliens are controlling this illusion? Like I said I believe it's an expanded self that is robotic and "poops out" scenes and feels nothing about what I experience. But I can never know for sure. The fucker sure likes to dangle "carrots" out there to get me going down "rabbit holes"..that's for sure... The storyline sure doesn't interest me anymore...could care less about conspiracy shit or mainstream shit...'cause it's all shit...just more "TRAPS" the PC (Program Controller) is dishing out And please no posts from arrogant condescending assholes who think they know for 100% anything...just your THEORIES because let's face it that's all we have! I'm gonna read responses and not respond probably for awhile just 'cause I wanna read people's thoughts is all Thanks!

Re: Who or what controls this illusion? I will use a fully anonymous proxy chain through a cracked wifi to post this. - You are the creator of this universe and you have created the universe and everything in it to forget who you are and the true state you are in. - You being the only living conscious being in your true state, which is a state of insanity, horror and neverending revolutions into yourself for eternity, while you try to escape it knowing you are all alone and nothing else or no one else exists. God, to give it a name. - By emanating parts of your self into creation, giving each of your emanations/creations the feeling like it is an individual (free will, consciousness), you experience so many things at the same time that you truly believe you are just one of these creations seperately (a star, planet, human, dog, tree, rock, atom, neutron). And you "live" their lives, in real time, seperately, while all of them are emanations of you. - A lullaby to forget who you are and your true state.

- The more friction, movement, divisions, the deeper you go into the illusion. The more unity, peace, calmness, the more you start to realise who you truly are. - You are actually Satan, the fallen angel cast down into a dimension away from the light, which is why you want to forget who you are and your state of horror. - You are me, I am you. - The only way out of that state is to consciously go through the corrections which you are receiving in your true state of horror and insanity. As long as you hold on into believing all your creations are real and individually existing, you are escaping the corrections and will not return to your original domain from which you have been cast down from. - Return.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1336872

THIS is getting much closer to the truth than anyone else here. However the creator of this universe, which you think of as "God", is not God at all. It thinks it is. It tells you it is. But it is not. There are levels above the material universe that it has forgotten about, deluding itself into thinking it is God. Re: Who or what controls this illusion? Know that you are not alone. There are definitely boundaries and unseen walls in this realm. When you hit one of them, I like to call it "forcing a fault in the system". If you're aware enough, you'll know when you're hitting one of them or about to. As far as who's running this place? Dunno for sure. They do their damndest to stay hidden. You can see them by the ripples they make. Whoever they are, they are powerful, they are smart. But they are not omnipotent. And they make mistakes. ********* We are all part controller, part player, part observer and part affected, and therefore choose to actively or inactively engage or operate in a flexible multi-dimensional plane of physical, conscious and subconscious existence. The problem is the playing ground we know as the cosmos is a growing infinite field, but we unfortunately are restricted to physically (but not mentally) playing in the physical

realm known as Earth ...and therefore to some degree are restricted or as some feel imprisoned. Therefore we are born and forced to play out our individual roles in a ponderous an ongoing historic game...we call life and evolution. Sadly unlike a computer games we cant preset, edit or change the starting conditions or origin point because we are part of a continuum and the actions of our parents game. Nor can we really pull the plug and start again when things dont suit us...although sadly some use suicide as a way out. The reality is that we choose and can define who we are and want to be in the game i.e., good, bad or whatever. But remember to take time to listen to whats inside because sadly we are playing in a very crowded competitive ecosystem (playing area) so therefore need to develop the personal skills, knowledge and abilities needed to grow and fulfil who and what you want to be. The most frustrating part is that the game came be slow or effected by others, who force you to do things that dont fit in with you or your ideas and there are very few cheats to get past certain systems to get directly to where you want to be or feel you need to be, so it is hard work and quite boring at times, because you might not fit in with your surroundings or with you fellow players, but these are all lessons too...but we are often too impatient to see or understand that the game is really a personal journey and everyones journey is unique. I wish it could be fairer and more equal and happier for everyone..but as I said before the universe (and the game) is infinite, and this is only one of many that you have chosen to live, feel, experience and enjoy the good times, have patience in the slow times and learn from the bad ....hope that helps?
Quoting: humanitech

Careful with the mind/ego trap. Searching for lessons in illusion is a highly questionable activity. lol See what I mean? People read stuff and they take it on as belief and then they regurgitate it or parrot the beliefs and don't really question it anymore. I've had experiences and I'm continuing to have those experiences over and over again which is pointing to a scripted illusion. Best to distrust what is thrown at you in this illusion because it is like the "pide piper" leading me down another "rabbit hole" *********** There are many, many levels. People in the 3D world are on different levels. There are people who are wholly invested in the illusion, and play their roles believing them to be absolutely real. There are people who are heavily trapped in duality, some less so. You are part of a complex system which involves your Higher Self. There is no "time",

so every incarnation of you is experiencing their life simultaneously under the control of your HS. You "experience" your incarnations as a linear series of lives, but really, there is no time. Your Higher Self is kind of a prick. I suspect this whole idea of you being complicit in the illusion is just more bullshit. It is sort of like someone being manipulated into agreeing to be drugged and then beaten, but half way through, they decide they don't want to play anymore. The abuser says, "But you agreed to this." The victim responds, "I don't give a shit, I don't remember agreeing and I don't want to play." This type of arrangement is nothing more than evil dressed up like it is free will. There is no free will if you cannot choose to stop the illusion at any time. Anyway, your HS is collecting these experiences and attempting to keep you stuck in this illusion in order to gain more. Whenever you bitch too much about it, they give you a big dose of feel-good love so you believe it's really about your soul's progression. Actually, it's just more lies and deception to keep you here deep in the illusion. Even the concept of "God" in this realm (not the Creator) really doesn't understand or give a shit about your suffering. It's a system of spiritual psychic vampirism where beings feed off your experiences. Bad events carry a lot more wallop. So after a particularly crappy life, and when you start realizing this is all complete bullshit, you are offered the opportunity to experience a really terrific incarnation. You know those people you see where they are born into wonderful families full of love, where their creativity is fostered, they have tremendous opportunities and their lives are a series of successes? These are the lives of privilege and leisure. You'll know them because they always have a freak accident before the age of 30, before their bodies start to deteriorate and their death is always immediate and without suffering. Anyway, those lives are to keep them stuck in the illusion and to get them to agree to return. Then, bam, they are a starving infant next to some emaciated cow in Ethiopia. It isn't about you learning anything, or spiritually evolving. It is a trap. It is about recycling your soul, endlessly through various incarnations. The reason your memory is wiped is because if you understood how many times you had done it, and the sheer weight of the suffering you've endured, you will simply starve yourself to death as soon as you found yourself in physical form. There is no way any of us would agree to experience suffering like this and anyone telling you otherwise is just perpetuating the lie. This system was put in place by a "God" who is long gone, and then taken over by "alien" forces (actually interdimensional beings) who use it to keep us here in prison. There is a way out, but this has gotten very long. If you want to buck the system, stop feeding them energy. Stop giving into anxiety, anger, fear, joy, happiness, etc.

Remember, positive emotions are simply the flip side of negative ones. Love and light are the same illusion in better dressing. And whatever you do, when you die, get as far away from the Earth and Moon as possible and DO NOT go toward the light. That is part of the trap as well. *********** Interesting subject, OP. Ive also thought that we are scripted (being played). My current theory is that the controllers are inter-dimensional beings who are either evil or a combination of bad/good. Ive ruled out good only; my thinking is if they were entirely good, they wouldnt have created, or be playing, this game with us (the tokens). I suspect much of the script installed at birth but other parts are dynamic. My theory differs from some in that I think a TEAM, not one entity, is working with each of us. This idea came to me when I was doing some research on astrology. According to astrology, the sun, moon and 10 planets influence or set us up with certain ways of being or doing (scripts) depending on their position at the time of our birth. For example, the sun determines our basic identity or ego think of a director-type script. The moon rules emotions and the unconscious; Mercury, communication; Venus love and beauty, etc. The basic scripts differ considerably based on which of the 12 zodiac signs each falls within on an individuals birth chart. The signs are Aires, Capricorn, Leo, Scorpio, etc. So, your sun may fall in Leo, your moon in Aquarius, your Mars in Virgo, and so forth. Im no expert in astrology and understand it is a complex system, but this gives you an idea. According to my current theory, the signs of the zodiac would be the inter-dimensional entities, the programmers. For example, if energetic Andy Aires (I like to give them names) wrote the code for my moon/emotions, I would have his script. If sensitive Christine Cancer wrote my moon script, I would play out my emotional life in an entirely different way. We would each have 12 main scripts, including the important director (sun) script. In this theory, the scripts are written by any combination of 12 programmers (zodiac signs). A person could have three pieces of code written by Trish Taurus and none by Liam Libra. Peaceful, dreamy Penny Pisces might write a wicked script for the love and beauty (Venus) area of a chart but her code for energy, action and desire (Mars) would probably suck. How are the code/scripts inserted? I suspect they may be biological viruses coming through the mother or via the environment. Perhaps our illustrious team of programmers flicks the switches to code the viruses at birth or shortly thereafter. ********** I am not sure who exactly benefits, whether it is some concept of God, or higher beings, blah, blah, blah. I do know that many people talk about NDE's and meeting up with a

council or guides who promote this idea that we need to return to learn and grow, and then the person is compelled to take another life. I have read about NDE's where souls have simply refused to go back in and were literally forced to do so. Others have told me that they did not get the life they agreed to, and when they confronted the controllers, they were told they did the best they could, but basically tough shit. I do know of one person who had an NDE, and was given an opportunity to return, but did not go back to the life they had, instead, the timeline jumped and they were living an alternate reality. They are still pissed off about this. Whether it is for our own good or not, there is no free will. If someone benefits or not, the end result is still the same -- you are enslaved. I personally believe that some of these Sudden Infant Death Syndrome babies are souls that flatly refused to take a life. I will NOT come back here unless I am forced to do so. And if I didn't believe there was a way out, I would have committed suicide a long time ago. I have to disagree with the idea of it being merit-based. I do think it has to do with gnosis -- that is, once you have the knowledge to defeat the system, and understand how the illusion keeps you trapped, you can be your own savior and free yourself. And I guess it doesn't matter if we're being used by other beings or not. The result is still the same. We're here, we're stuck and we want this to end. The problem is that you have to break free of the illusion in order to learn how to transcend it. The only way I have determined how to do this is to understand that in this life, if you have grasped that this is all bullshit, you have a rare opportunity to break fee. This may be the only lifetime you have where you make this realization, so don't squander the opportunity. For me, that means mastering the 4th dimension, the astral plane. You have to become proficient at astral traveling in order to gain enough knowledge to break free at the time of death. You must use this time to gain as much knowledge as possible so that when death comes, you will be sufficiently aware to direct yourself away from the reincarnation "trap" or cycle. This is where you can use the script to your advantage. The "controller(s)" cannot change the script they have written. So if you are here until you are 70, you can use this time to master manipulating the illusion. They can try to scare you, but they really cannot stop you. ********** The mistakes are apparent. There are so many flaws in this program and I can see many of them.

I know the PC (Program Controller) doesn't like what I can see. The PC (Program Controller) likes to fuck with me. Worry about running into a skunk and one appears in my hologram. I don't like the stench of my roommate's toxic cleaning stuff and voila next day he's installed toxic smelling air freshners. It's a constant mind fuck. I'm trying to stay observant now and am trying to strategize what b.s. is coming next and I'm not reacting as the PC would like. Screw that! Not buying into the program anymore. Though the PC can force you to do something you normally would NEVER do. It's difficult it seems to resist what is scripted! I'm waiting for the PC to give me some "cookie" to get me off on some other "rabbit hole". Look at all those new agers. Most of them have monetary problems and they're chasing those "carrots" that are presented to them. The new age stuff is another trap. So many traps and they usually involve the mind taking you off on some tangent. I'm guestimating that everything connected to the illusion is a trap so EVERYTHING in the illusion needs to be ignored and not given power. I can see everything so clearly now that characters in the storyline just seem now like very bad actors!

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