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Cabinet Member briefing (CMB): Potential decision pro forma Note: in respect of key decisions, the shaded sections

provide public information which will be published on the website in the Forward Plan This form will be considered at the CMB, amended as agreed by the CCO, and then sent to: Report author Leaders Office Democratic Services The CCO is then responsible for adding issue to Corporate Report List and/or the Forward Plan, as necessary.
CMB date Cabinet Portfolio (and name) Councillor Dept./Division/Report sponsor Report author (to whom representations should be made, and holder of documents to be released to the public on request) CCO How does the proposed decision contribute to the councils outcomes? Cleaner streets More jobs Safer communities Report title Description of proposed decision (brief summary - what is the decision about and why is it necessary? Cooperative Opportunity Assessment?) Ward(s) affected? Risks and challenges for discussion at CMB Planned consultation with Ward Councillors All, or specify Name and contact details Name/email address/ location/tel. no.

Is this an executive decision) (Yes/No)?? If so, does it meet one of the following key decision criteria (Yes/No)? EITHER 1. Requires an amendment to the Community Plan Outcomes Framework or requires a recommendation to Council to amend the Budget and Policy Framework. OR 2. Financial: Result in the local authority incurring expenditure, raising income or making of savings in excess of 500,000. OR 3. Community Impact: Has a significant impact on: communities living or working in an area comprising two or more wards in Lambeth, or the wellbeing of the community or the quality of service provided to a significant number of people living or working in an area, or Communities of interest Proposed decision maker (and proposed decision date): Officer Cabinet Member Cabinet Council (or committee) Planned decision date Planned external consultation and coproduction What is the deadline for the submission of the report for internal clearances (this will be the deadline for the first formal body to consider the report. Deadlines are published here (via the hyperlink for the body concerned)? Consideration by relevant committee planned? scrutiny DD/MM/YY Be specific. Describe who, how and any closing date. Use consultation diary. Do not list internal processes here (to be discussed and agreed with Cabinet Member)

A list of documents to be submitted to the decision-maker for consideration when the key decision is to be taken

Decision-making report. {The above description will appear automatically in the

Forward Plan; if there will be anything else, list here} Is a separate exempt information report to also be produced? (Yes/No) If so include reason for exemption from disclosure Quote relevant sections (see advice at the end of this form). {for Cabinet 28 clear days notice must be given}

Officer boards: Governance/programme/Operations Strategic Board Informal Cabinet

Which, and date(s)

Yes/ No; Date, if so. Date (s) (As advised by the Cabinet Member and/or Leaders Office) Ditto

Labour Group

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