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TIENG ANH - NHOUNG DIEU CAN BAN Baia: TU L DANH TU (NOUN) TY Dank fain duge 1.1 Hin thite 66 it: a/an +N a" ditng trude N 36 ft bit ddu bing mot phy am. book, a pen, ... = an” ding trvac N s6 ft bat dau bang mot nguyén am. Ex: an apple, an orange, an egg, an island, 1.2 Hinh thitc s6 nhibu: 1.2.1 Hgp quy thc: N s/es Ex: books, pens, boxes 1.22 Bat quy the: $6 it ~> $6 nhidu ‘aman—men ‘a woman—>women ‘a datum — data “a foot—> feet “a tooth —>teeth “a mouse—> mice *a phenomenon—> phenomena “a child children *abacterium—>bacteria ta goose —>geese ‘a curriculum—>curricula ‘a person» people “a criterion criteria *a louse—lice 1.2.3 Danh ti ludn c6 hinh thife va mang nghia sé nhidu: clothes, scissors, spectaclés, shorts, pants, jeans, trousers, pyjamas, binoculars, belongings, 1.24 Dank ti 56 it va s6'nhibu c6 hinh thet giding nhau: sheep, deer, aircfaftcraft, fish, ... 1.25 Danh ti a 86 nhibu: police, cattle, people, ..(xei, 1.26 Dank news, mathem 2) Danh tir khong’ dé, im due teye tip (rn ‘sugar, butter, salt, bread, luggage, healthknowledge, equi ~ Khong diing véi a/an/one/two... = C6 thé di vdi tix chi don vi dinh lugng + of: @ bottle of milk, two litters of water, a loaf of bread, three sheets of paper,four pieces of chalk, a bar of chocolate, a gallon of petrol, ... 3) Dank tit vita dém duge vita khong dém duige: Mot sO danh tit trong truting hop nay la dém duige hung trong truting hyp khéc lai khng dém duge, én dutge—> Khong dém duge *a glass (mot ci li) glass (thuiy tinh) “two papers (2 td bio) paper (gidy) “three coffees (ba téch ci phé) —> coffee (ca phe) shwo sugars (2 muéng duong) —>sugar (dung) TINH TU (ADJECTIVE) f) Vi tr cia tinh ti: 6.1 Truée dank tt: Ex: She is a beautiful girl. 62 Sau dank tit: a) Chi sit do luting, tuéi tac: Nq Ex: This table is two meters long, He's twenty years old, b) Tinh tir c6 tip dau nga “a”: asleep (dang ng), ablaze (bing chéy), afloat (néi), alight (biing séng), awake (thitc), alive (con sOng), alike (gi6ng nhaw), ... Ex: I saw my son asleep on the floor. ©) Tinh ter bé ngat cho tiie tit Ex: We should keep our room clean. 63 Sau Linking verbs: be, become, feel, look, taste, sound, smell, seem, get, tum, appear Ex: It becomes hot today. 64 Sau dai tt bit dinh: something, someone/body, anything, anyone/body, everything, everyone/body, nothing, no one, nobody Ex: Do you have anything impor 65 Sau trang tt: Ex: Your story is very 3) Trat ty cila cée LY kién nice, g pt6 tell me? ‘hinoi chén Vietnamese, English, French 4) Tinh tit dang nhue dank tu: (xem them Bai 3, 11,5) THE + ADJ --> NOUN the poor, the rich, the blind, the deaf, the old, the handicapped, the sick, the strong, the weak, the hungry, the disadvantaged, the unemployed, the disabled, 3 ENCE ge ate aged ‘The rich should help the poor. 5 Ptantt dang nhie tinh tit Tinh ttn edng bing -ING —>-ED “amazing > amazed Yamusing amused “boring —>bored *confusing confused “depressing depressed ‘deserving > deserved ‘exciting excited “frightening —> frightened “disappointing —> disappointed “tiring tired “distinguishing distinguished “pleasing — pleased “encouraging—> encouraged “relaxing —> relaxed “interesting —interested “satisfying —> satistied “shocking — shocked “surprising surprised 1.1 inh: thie hign-tai-phn-tte-CING): Di&n-ta-nhinr thifc cia ngudi noi v8 ngudi/viee gi dé. Ex; That film is interesting. (BQ phim 46 hay.) (Nguoi xem nhan thay bd phim hay.) ° He is boring. He always talks about the same things. (Hin ta chén that, Hn Iudn ban vé nhiing tht gidng mhau.) (Ngudi nghe nhan thay hén ta chén.) 1.2 Hin thife qué Khuf phan ttt (ed): Din ta cd gide ‘cia ngudi n6i do ngubi/viee gi dé dem lai. T am.confused about the question. (T6i bi béi r6i ve cfu hai.) (Cu hdi lam t6i B63 16.) I}, TRANG TU (ADVERB) Phan loai trang ti 1.1 Trang tit chi thé céch: = Cho ta biét mot hanh dong duige the hign nhut thé nao é trd Idi cho cau hdi HOW? = Céch thanh lap: ADJ + LY (mot efch ...) “angrily gin gid "anxiously lo lng *brightly tui sing “badly dé, t@ “carefully cfin than ‘colorfully sic 63 “easily d8 dang * fluently tr6i chay “happily hanh phiic “heavily nang né “loudly Ami, inh di *nervously héi hop “peacefully hod binh *quickly nhanh nhen “quietly yén tinh ‘rapidly nhanh chong “safely an toin ‘sensibly hyp ly “slowly chm chap “stupidly ngu ng6c "warmly &m 4p + LUU ¥: - fast (nhanh), early (66m), late (tr8), hard (cham chi) vita la tinh t vita 18 trang ti. ‘Tinh ti Jack is a very fast He hasn't been to the cinema latel (Gan day anh ta khong di xem phith. “hard (chim chi) - hardly (hdu nhut khong) Tve worked very hard. (TOI lam vige rit cha She's hardly got any money left, (Co dy hu nhu khong con tién.) + MQt sO tinh tiy tin cing -ly: lovely (d8 thuong), lively (sng dong), ugly (xu x), silly (ngé ngiin). Nhang tit nay Khong phai la trang ti nén ta ding “in a..way/manner” thay cho trang tt. Ex She spoke to me in a friendly way /manner. (Cé ta n6i chuyén véi t6i mot céch than thin.) 1.2 Trang tit chi thdi gian: Cho biét sy vige xdy ra hic nao 8 trd Ii cho ciu hdi WHEN: now, today, yesterday, tomorrow, last year, then, still, no longer, already,immediately, just, soon, finally, recently, lately, at once, 2 months later/after, ... Ex: I'm leaving for Hanoi tomorrow. 1.3 Trang tit chi noi chéin:Cho biet sy vite xdy ra d-dau é tra Ii cho cdu hdi WHERE:here, there, somewhere, outside, inside, upstairs, downstairs, everywhere,in Paris, at the supermarket, ... Ex: Tom is standing there. 14 Trang tix chi sy thug xuyén: Cho biét hanh dong xy ra thudng xuyén nhu thé nao d8 trd loi cho cu hdi HOW, OFTEN: often, never, rarely, daily, always, sometimes, usually, frequently, occasionally, seldom, once/twice a week, every day, weekly, monthly, ... Ex: [often get up at 5 in the morning. 15 Trang tit chi mife 46: Cho biét hinh dong, tinh chét cla sif vide din ra dén mite nao: very, t00,.80, quite, rather, extremely, absolutely, terribly, completely, really, pretty, fairly, entirely, hardly,” scarcely, somewhat, enough,.. Exc I come here quite often. 2) Vi trf iia trang tit: 2.1 Diu ctu: Ex: Where are you going? 2.2 Gita cau: 22:1 Trude dong tix thuding: Bx: Our tea Sn>Milc 40>Thé cich>Thudng xuyén>Thdi gian falked to the church very slowly twice last Sunday. Cini y: Trat ty trén c6 thé thay 46i tuy vao muc dich ‘imanh cla nguti n6i/vist. 4) Chite nang ed bin cia trang tt: BS nghla cho Vi dy IN] Bone By Abby decoy bebatltaty-} 2) Tinh tit She is very lovely. 3) Trang ti hdc: He studied extremely hard. 4) CA cu: Fortunately, he wasn’t injured in that accident. + Phin in dam, gach du6i b6 nghta cho phan in nghiéng. GIGI Tif (PREPOSION) 1) Phan loai gigi ta: 1.1 Gi6i tit chi noi chon: IN, ON, AT a) IN (trong): duge ding - Chi mgt ngui hoje vat 8 trong mot noi ndo 46. in a box/room/sky /water/‘park/bag/book/river/pool/ kitchen /cinema /restaurant /lesson/newspaper /world/ picture/pocket/searow/ queue garden/ line building/. Ex: My mother is cooking in the kitchen. = Vi phuong tign xe hoi, taxi hoc duding phé. in a car/taxi, in/on the street Exc Peter arrived at the party in a taxi ‘They live in Hung Vuong Street. = V6i danh tit khong c6 mao hr dé dién t& mot ngudi dang 6 tai dé. in bed / in hospital / in prison Ex: Tom hasn't got up yet. He's still in bed, ___ - Trude c&c dt nude, thanh phé, phuiong hudng. in France /China /Paris /the east /west /south /north Ex: Ho Chi Minh City is in the south of Vietnam. ~ Bé tao thanh cum tit chi noi chdn. in the front/back of (a car/room/theater ...), in the middle of (the room ... [Exc I was in the back of the car when the accident happened. ‘There’s a computer in the middle of the room. b) ON (tren): duige dang = Chi vj te bén trén va tigp xtic véi b8 mat cla mot vat {gi 46. on the door/ floor / wall / ceiling / river / beach / coast /on a page, on/in the street, .. Ex: I sat on the beach. ‘The picture you're looking for is on page 7. - Voi phutong tign di lai cong cong hoge cf nhan on a bus/train/ship /plane/bycicle/motorbike /horse Ex: There were too many people on the bus. ‘Mary passed me on her bycicle. ~ Dé tao thinh cum ti chi noi chén. on the right /left, on horseback, on the way to (school .)/on the back/front of (the envelope/paper ...)/on top of (the war on/at the c woe din ti mat hoe sf nha; at the party / meeting / desk ... at 69 Tran Hung Dao Street Be: Someone is standing at the door. She lives at 69 Tran Hung Dao Street. - Bé tgo thanh cum tit chi noi chdn, at home / school / college / university / work at the top/bottom of (the page ...) at the end of (the street ...) at the front/back of (the line ...) at/on the comer of the street Ex: Peter's house is at the end of the street. The garden is at the back of the building. 1.2 Gidi ta chi thai gian: IN, ON, AT a) IN: duige ding - Bé chi budi trong ngay néi chung, thang, nam, ma, thap nign, thé ky,thien nién ky. in the moming / afternoon / evening, in February, in 1999, in (the) spring / summer / autumn / winter in the 1990s, in the 21st century, in the 3rd millennium = Trong mot si cum tit 48 chi mot khoang thoi gian trong tung lai. in a few minutes, in an hour, in a day/week/month Ex: Daisy has gone away. She'll be back in a week. (Daisy da di khdi. Co Ay s& tr’ v8 trong mét tun.) - Trong cum tit in the end véi nghia cuéi cing (finally, at last), in time véi nghia kip hic. Ex: Peter got very angry. In the end, he walked out of, the room. (Peter rat gin. Cui cing, né ra khdi phdng,) Will you be home in time for dinner? Ban sé vé nha kip gid an t6i2) * Chai y: on time (ding gid) b) ON: duige dang - Dé chi thit trong tun, ngay trong thang. on Monday, on 5th March, on this/that day Ex: I was bor on 27th June, 1983. = Bé chi budi trong ngay cu thé hose mot ngay cu thé; on Friday morning / New Year's Day’/ my birthday Ex: See you on Friday mor ©) AT: duge dang - BS chi thei gian, sF'sunset / dawn / noon / twilight rreakfast /lunch /dinner /supper. clock every morning. dip 18 hoi, mot thai khdc nao 46. fend, at Christmas / Easter/ at present! foment / the same time / this (that) time . Brown is busy at the moment. Dé tao thanh cdc cum gidi tit Jat the end/beginning of, at the age of, at first/last Ex: He came to live in London at the age of 25. * LUU ¥: khong ding IN, ON, AT trudc all/everylthis next/last month/year, tomorrow, yesterday, today. Ex: He has worked hard all morning, (iq all morning) Thope to see you next Friday. ( az * Céc gidi tit chi thdi gian Khéc: EBON IRON = BETWEEN ... AND) Ex: Every morning he mae tennis from 6 to 7. (Every morning he plays tennis between 6 and 7.) SINCE (tit khi - m&c thoi gian) Ex: I've been waiting for her since Spm. FOR (khodng) Ex: He has lived in Paris for three months. DURING (trong sudt) Ex: You have to be quiet during the performance. UNTIL/TILL (cho téi khi) Ex: She'll be here until Thursday. BY (vo khodng - true hod dén mot tdi ditim ndo 46) Ex: You must be home by 9. BEFORE (trutéc hic) / AFTER (sau khi) Ex: Come and see me before / after lunch. 2) Gigi te theo sau tinh tt: 1.1 Adj + TO “acceptable: ¢6 thé chp nhan accustomed: quen ‘agreeable: cé thé déng y “applicable! c6 thé ting dung “appropriate: thich hop “contrary: tréi v6i “dedicated: hign dang “essential: cin thiét “friendly (to/with): thin thign “generous: hio phéng “harmful: ¢6 hai “important: quan trong "kind: ti t& “known: duige biét dén “lucky: may min “Tikely: 06 kd ning/c6 thé thich hop “loyal=true: trung thanh *married: két hon ‘open: md ‘pleasant: vui_ ‘pleasing: lam vui long ‘polite: ich sit ‘preferable: thich hon *related: lien quan *rude: thé 15 ‘similar: giéng “strange: xa la ‘subject: d& bi, Kho trnh 1.2 Adj + OF ‘afraid: sg ‘aware: ¥ thife “boastful: khoe khoang “capable: 6 kha ning ‘certain: chéc chén careful(of/with/about): cn than ‘careless: bat efn “confident tin “desirous: Khao khét “fond: thich “full: ddy “forgetful: quén “glad: vui ming “innocent: vO thi ‘jealous: ghen ti ‘proud: ty hao ‘worthy: xing ding ‘*sure(offabout): chac chén “tolerant: khoan dung “thoughtful: chu dio, an cin (>< sthoughtless ) 13 Adj+FOR anxious(forlabout; lo au appropriate: thich hop available: cé thé ding duige difficult: khé ‘eager: hio hifc, him famous: néi tigng grateful (for sth); necessary: cin lay Jam thuong hai thich hgp useful: ¢6 Igi 14 Adj+AT amazed(at/by): ngge nhitn angry gin gid annoyed(at/by): bye minh thong minh excellent: xudt sfc good (at sth) hopeless: vo vong present: cé mit quick nhanh skilful: 66 nang khiéu 15 Adj + WITH acquainted: quen annoyed: gin bored/fed up: chén covered: bao phil crowded: dong disappointed: that vong pleased: hai long popular: néi ting satisfied: thoi man 16 Adj +N honest: luong thin interested: thich thit Proficient (at/in): thanh thgo rich: gidu successful: thanh cong weak: 1.7 Adj + FROM absent: ving different: khéc distinct: khac bigt free: duigc min safe: an todn separate: ritng Ié 1.8 Adj + ABOUT confused: b6i r6i curious: td md, hiéu ky enthusiastic: nhigt nh excited: huing thi sad: buén happy: vui vé serious: ding din, nghiém tic worried: dn chén, Io ldng 2.) Gigi ti theo sau dong tit —— “accuse ... of: bude ti “apologise to ... for: xin I8i “apologize for: xin 18i vé *apply for: nop don xin vite "arrive in/at: dén (noi) *ask ... for: hai... cho “believe in: tin tung vio belong to: thudc ve “blame ... for: d6 13i *borrow ... from: mugn “care about: quan tam vé “concentrate on: tp trung “care for: chim s6c/thich/yéu chu “charge ... with: phat *come across: tinh cd gip ‘complain to ... about: than phién “congratulate ... on: chiie mitng “consist of: bao gdm “crash into: va cham vao “deal with: gidi quyét “decide on: quygbdinh ve “depend on: thuge vio “die of: ch “divide into: chia (ra) ‘about: mo ve “escape from: thot khdi *exfilain ... to: gidi thich “feel like: cim thay nhupffhappen to: xdy dén “hope for: hi vong about/fromvof: nghe ve 8 “invite ... to: mai ‘40 “leave ... for: ri... dé dén “live on: sng nh¥ vio 86¢ “look around: nhin quanh “look back on: nhin vé qué kh on: khinh r8 “look for: tim : dibu tra “look forward to: mong doi : phan 46i “participate in: tham gia vao | #99 for: tra titn cho ‘point / aim at: chi .. vio Prepare for: chufin bj *prefer ... to: thich ... hon. ‘provide...with: cung cp “regard ... as: coi ... nh ‘rely ... on: dyavao ‘remind ... of: nhde nhd “result from: do béi “result in: gay ra, Peeacinto th > gE; L_ fsearch fo in ‘send for cho mai (ai) dén “shout at: la, hét “speakitalk to: néi voi *spend...on: chi tigu ... cho “succeed in: thanh cOng vé 7 ‘suffer from: dau, chju dung “take after: ging “think about / of: nght v8 “throw ... at: ném ... vao *translate...from...into: wait for: cho “write to: viét thu cho ‘warn ... about: cinh béo ... v8 * LUU ¥: Dong tit 2 che di vei GO go after: dudi theo, theo sau *go along: tin trién “go ahead: tin hanh, thing titn "go away: di khéi *go back: tré ve *go bys(thdi gian) toi qua “go down: (gid cd) gidm (>< go up ) *go off: chay, nd “go on:xay ra, dién ra, tifp tuc "go out: tXt, bi dap tat “go over: xem xét, kiém.tra kj “go with: hgp véi 4) V+ N + Gidi tir i “catch sight of: thoing thay “give way to: nhugng b6 “give place to: dinh chd cho “lose sight of: mét huit "keep pace with: theo kip “lose track of: quén mat “lose touch with: mét lign lac véi make allowance for: chiéu of dé make fun of: choc gheo, ché nhao ‘make a fuss overfabout: Iam Ign xon. ‘make room for. nhuing chd cho make use of: sit dung, tan dung “pay attention to: chi ¥ dn *put a stop to: chim dt ‘put an end to: chém dist *set fire fo: lam chéy, dot ‘take account of: tinh dén ‘take advantage of: Igi dung, tan dung take care of: chim sc “take notice of: Inu y, 48 stake note of: ghi chi, ghi nhan 1) Céch than tap: - Cau khang dinh S + V(6/es); S + am/is/are = Cau phi dinh $+ do/does+ not+V; Stam/is/are+ not = Cau héi Do/Does + $ + V2; Am/Is/Are + S? 2) CAch ding chinh: Simple Present ditng 4€ din ta: 2.1 MOt théi quen, mot hanh dong duige lap di l&p | cau thuting 06 cée trang ti sometimes, seldom, rarely, 23 Mot hanh dong tro chuong trinhké hoach. Ex: The last train leaves at 4.45. Ie Present Continuous: 1) Céich than 1ap: - Cau khdng dinh $+ am/is/are + V-ing = Cau phi dinh $+ am/is/are + not + V-ing - Cau hoi Am/Is/Are + § + V-ing? 2) Cich ding chinh: Present Continuous ding dé din ta: 2.1 Mét hanh dong dang din ra 4 hign tai(trong Ide néi); sau clu ménh Ignh, dé nghi. Trong chu thudng cb che trang tit: now, right now, at the moment, at present, ... Exc What are you doing at the moment? -V'm writing a letter. Be quiet! My mother is sleeping. 2.2 Mot hanh dong 48 duge lén ké hoach thye hign trong tung lai gin. Ex: What are you doing tonight? = Lam going to the cinema with my father. 2.3 Mot hanh dong nhat thdi khong kéo dai lau, thuding diing véi today, this week, this month, these days, Ex: What is your daughter doing these days? - She is studying English at the foreign language center. 3) Nhatng dong ti khong diing & Present Continuous: 3.1-Dong tit chi-giée quan: hear, see, smell, taste 3.2 Dong ti chi nh cim, cm xtic: love, hate, like, dislike, want, wish 3.3 Dong ti chi trang thai, sy lin he, 5 hau: look, seem, appear, have, own, belong to, reed, ... 34 Dong tit chi sinh hoat tri tug: agree, understand, remember, know, .. IIE Present Perfect: 1) Céch than lap: - Cau khdng dinh - Cau phi dink = Cau hoi 2) Céich ding chink: S + have/has+ V3/ed S + have/has + not + V3/ed Have/Has + S + V3/ed? ‘Nam has lived in HCM city since 1998, dong vita mdi xdy ra, just finished my homework. g cfu trie HF the first/second... time + § + have/has + V3/ed + the ss nhst +N +S + have/has + V3/ed Ex: This isthe first time have been to Paris, She is the most honest person I have ever met. 3) Che trang tit thudng diing v6i thi Present Perfect: just (vita méi), recently/lately (gin day), yet (chu), already (r6i), ever (da ting), never (chua bao gid), since (tit Khi ), for (khoang), a. now/up to “fi; Goyatapl PRE preséahlclhd dfn IV- Present Perfect Continuous: 1) Céch than lap: = Cau khdng dinh: $ + have/has + been + V-ing = Cau phui dinh: § + have/has + not + been + V-ing =Cauhéi Have/Has +S + been + V-ing? 2) Céch ding chinh: resent Perfect Continuous ding a€ din ti: + Hanh dong bat dau trong qué khit va kéo dai LIEN TYC dén hign tai va con tigp dién én twong lai, thuding ding véi How long, since va for. Ex: How long have you been waiting for her? - Thave been waiting for her for an hour. * Present Perfect: hanh dong hoan tét * Present Perfect Continuous: hanh dong con tiép tue Ve Simple Past: 1) Céch thanh lap: = Cau khing dinh $+ V2/ed; $+ was/were = Cu phui dinh $+ did + not + V; $+ was/were + not i -Cauhdi Did +5 + V2;- Was/Were +8? 2) Cach ding chinh: Simple Past ding 4é din ta hanh dong da xdy ra va hodn tat trong qué khif véi thoi gian auge xe dink ¥6. * Céc trang ti thitng di kém: ago, yesterday, last ‘week/month/year, in the past, in 1990... Ex: Uncle Ho passed away in 1969. Vie Past Continuous: 1) Céch thanh lap: = Cau khing dink S + was/were + V-ing - Cau phi dinh $+ was/were + not + V-ing -CAuhéi — Was/Were + S + V-ing? 2) Cich ding chink: Past Continuous ding dé difn th: 2.1 M@t hinh dong xdy ra (va kéo dai) vio mot thoi iém hose mot Khodng thai gian trong qué kh. She was studying her lesson at 7 last night. Ex: What were you doing from 3pm to 6pm yesterday? = I was practising English at that time. 2.2 MOt anh dong dang xay ra (V-ing) & qué khut tht ¢6 mot hanh dong khéc xen vao (V2/ed). Ex: He was sleeping when I came. While she was cooking dinner, the phone rang. 23 Hai hinh dong din ra song song cing hic trong qué kh. Ex: While I was d ork, my younger brother was playi VII- Past Perfect: 1) Céch thanh lap: S+ = Cau khiing dinh -Cau phi dinh $+ had+ rot =Cauhéi Had + S + V3/ed? 2) Cich dung chinh: Past Perfect dang 2.1 Mgt hanh dong xdy ra va hoan tat tude igm hove mot hanh dong khée trong qué khit, (hanh dong true ding HAD + V3/ed, hinh dong sau dang V2/ed). fe had had dinner before 8 o'clock last night. Lucie had leamt English before she came to England. 2.2 Mot hanh dong da xdy ra nhung chwa hoin thanh, tinh dén mot thdi diém nao dé trong qué khit. Ex: By the time I left that school, I had taught there for 10 years.(T6i lic t0i roi ngOi trudng Ay, ti da day duge 10 nim.) 3) Past Perfect thuting ding v6i cic tit sau day: * After, before, when, as, once Ex: When I got to the station, the train had already left. * No sooner... than (vita méi ... thi) * Hardly/Scarely ... when (vita méi ... th). Ex: He had no sooner returned from abroad than he fell ill. > No sooner had he returned from abroad than he fell ill (Anh dy vita méi ted v8 tit nude ngodi thi am ra bénh.) ditn “It was not until (mai cho t6i ... méi ...) Not until ... that ... (mai cho tdi ... méi Ex:_ It was not until I had met her that I understood _ the problem.—> Not until I had met her did I understand the problem. (Mai t6i khi t6i gp c6 ta, ti méi higu duge vin dé.) VIIL- Past Perfect Continuous 1) Céch thanh lap: ~ Cau khdng dinh $+ had + been + V-ing ~ Cau phi dinh $+ had + not + been + V-ing -Cauhdi Had +S + been + not + Ving? 2) Cfich dang chinh: Past Perfect Continuous ding 4é nhan manh tinh LIEN TYC cia hinh d6ng cho dén khi mot hanh dong khéc xdy ra trong qué Khu.” Ex: When she arrived, I had been waiting fpr'3 hours. IX- Simple Future: 1) Céch thanh lap: + Cau khing dink ~ Cau phi dinh I+ not + V =Cauhdi Will S+Vr 2) Céch ding chiff Future ding d€ din ta: 2.1 MOt ha ‘xdy ra trong tufong lai, c omorrow. duia ra vao hic néi. ill lend you the money. titn dodn, dy béo trong tong lai. People will travel to Mars one day 'MOt 6 trang tit chi thoi gian thudng gip: , tomorrow, tonight, next week/month/year, some day, in the future, ... + LUU Y¥: Cach dang cia be going to + V: ) Behave ave some mney Tm gong buy anew computer. (Toi 44 dé danh duge mot ft ti8n. Toi dinh mua mot may vi tinh méi.) + Din t& mot dy dodn c6 can ett Ex: Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain. (Hay shin nhatng dam may 46 kia. Trai sp mua.) X- Future Continuous: 1) Céch thanh lap: ~ Cau khing dinh $+ will/shall + be + Ving ~CAu phi dinh $+ will/shall + not + be + V-ing -CAuhéi — Will/Shall + S + be + V-ing? 2) C&ch ding chinh: Future Continuous diing 4é din ta mot hanh dong s& dang dign rao mét thoi diém hay. ‘mot Khodng thai gian trong tuong lai. Ex: This time next week I will be playing tennis. ‘Weill be working hard all day tomorrow. XI- Future Perfect: 1)Céch than lap: - Cau khing dinh —S + will/shall + have + V3/ed = Cau phi dinh $+ will/shall + not + have + V3/ed -Cauhdi Will/Shall + $ + have + V3/ed? 2) Céch ding chinh: Future Perfect ding 48 din ti 2.1 Mot hanh dong sé hoan tat trude mot thai diém trong tong lai. Ex: It’s now 7pm. I will have finished teaching this class by 8.30 pm. ( Bay gid la 7 gid ti. Toi sé day xong Iép nay hic 8 gio 30.) 2.2 Mot hanh dong sé hoan tat true mot hanh dong hac trong tuiong lai. Ex: By the time you come back, I will have written this letter.(Vao Ic anh ted lai, t0i sB viet xong Id thu nay.) * Thi nay thudng duge bat ddu bling By + time ( By then, By the time, By the end of this week/month/year). XII- Future Perfect Continuous: 1) Céch than lap: = Cau khang dinh S + will/shall + have + been + V-ing = Cau phi inh S + will/shall+notthaverbeen+V-ing -Cauhdi ” Will/Shall +S + have + been + V-ing? 2) Céch ding chinh: Future Perfect Continuous ding 4é nhgin manh TUC cia hanh dong so voi mot thoi diém nad inh dong khéc trong tung lai. “yfillghave been working in th ic of Ex: By net | office forte ye a e When Geotge fi tA e e studying a Ox } L4 Bai 3: GERUND & INFINITY 1 GERUND Ex: She enjoys listening to music. = V + V-ing (Gerund) Mot s6'tit/dong tir sau day cAn c6 V-ing theo sau: * avoid (trénh), advise (khuyén), be/get used to (quen véi), allow/permit (cho phép), enjoy (thich, thuéng thiic, consider (xem xét), deny (tit chéi), finish (hoan thanh), give up (tit bé, ddu hang), like (thich), dislike (khong. tich), keep (vin cn), miss (b6 10), practise (thy hank) postpone (ttl hodn),quit (rdi b3), recommend (48 nghi, Khuyén bio), spend (ti@u xai, tréi qua), suggest (48 nghi), can’t help (khong thé khong), .. * it’s no use/good (khong Igi ich gi), would you mind (ban c6 phién) * worth (dang, dang duige), busy (bn ron) IF INFINITIVE WITH “TO” Twant to learn English well. -V+TOV Mot s6 dong tt sau day can c6 to V theo sau: NG agree (ding y), afford (c6 di kha ning/diéu kign), choose (chon Iva), decide (quyét dinh), demand (40i hai, yeu chu), expect (mong cha, kj vong), fail-(thét bai, ‘héng), refuse (ti ch6i), hope (hy vong), like (mudn), Tearn (hoc), manage (xoay 58), plan (dif dinh), pretend (gid b9), prepare (chusin bi), promise (hifa), seek (tim Kim), threaten (de doa), train (dao tao, hun Iuyén), ‘want (mud), wish (a0 wéc), would like (muén), ... Ill INFINITIVE WITH “TO” OR GERUND 1) MOt s6 dong ttt 06 V-ing hoe TO V theo sau khong am thay Ai nghta: begin/start (bat dau), continue (tiép tuc), hate (ghét), can’t bear (khong chju duige), intend (dv¢ dinh), love (yeu thuiomg), prefer (thich...hon), hesitate (do dy), 2) Mot s6 dong tit 6 Vin 070 V theo saa am thay déi nghta: fed + to V: cn (nghia chil dong) Be cei ae (Ho edn lam vige cham chi hon.) ~ need + V-ing: cin duige (nghia bi dong) xc This room needs cleaning. (Can phong nay edn duige lau chai.) = remember/forget + to V: nhé/quén lam didu gi (chuia xay ra) |S RRP oe te igtcthen you get to the post office. ( Nhé goi ld thu khi ban dén butu dign.) + rememberiforget + V-ing: nhd/quén da lam diéu gi (4a xay ra) Ex I will never forget seeing you last year. (Toi sé Khong bao gid quén da gép ban vao nim ngosi.) = regret + to V: tie phai lam dibu gi (ap xay ra) Ex I regret to tell you that you failed the exam. (Toi lay 1am tiée béo cho anh hay anh 4a thi héng.) = egret + V-ing: tie da lam di8u gi (da xdy ra) er vase ey (Co fy tike da di nghi & New York) *LUU Y: Cu tric S+V+O+TOV eer aS aS ‘They let me visit my parents. Bai 4: PASSIVE VOICE J- Cie bude di citu chit dong sang cfu bj dng: 1) Xée dinh S, V, O trong cau chi dong (V c6 thé la don hoi kép. Néu la V kép thi V cud ciing-V chinh uige Adi thanh V3/ed.) 2) Xéc dinh thi cia dong tit 3) Dem O trong cau chi dong lam S trong cit bi dong, dem $ trong cau chil dong lam O trong cu bj dong, 4) Lay V chinh trong cau chi dong d6i thanh V3/ed ri them BE thich hgptruée V3/ed 5) Dit BY trudc O trong cau bi dong Ex (A) Thecat ate the mouse. > (P) The mouse was eaten by the cat. * Cu tric cg bin cla cau bj dong la BE + V3/ed. Sau khi Jam, cin kiém tra lai 6 thiéu 1 trong 2 yéu t6 dé khong. ee Dong ti trong clu chit dong va bi dbng: Tenses Examples Simple present Lan cleans the floor every morning. — The floor is cleaned by Lan every morning. Simple past Nam broke the glasses. —> The glasses were broken by Nam. Present continuous The pupil isn’t doing some exercises. > Some exercises are Present perfect Past perfect Tom had > The key had been Simple future Mr. Brown Modal verbs a) The students must do this test in ela ~ This test must be done in class by the students. 'b) We ought to overcome these difficulties. — These difficulties ought to be overcome. Tle Mt 56 diém clin hau ys 1) Cau hoi chi dong va bi dong: (A) Did your father make this c2r? > (P) Was this c2r made by your father? (A) Who repaired your bicycle? ~> (P) Whom was your bicycle repaired by? (By whom was your bicycle repaired?) (A) What plays did Shakespeare write? ~ (P) What plays were written by Shakespeare? 2) Laige bé tuic tt trong cau bi dong: Néu_chii_ti trong_c&u_chi-dOng KHONG chi-16-1a: gui hay vat cu thé, 16 ring (people, someone, every one, no one, any one, I, we, you, they, she, he, it) thi Khi d6i sang cau bj dong (by people /someone / every one / no one / any one me / us / you / them / her / hhim / it) 6 thé duige bé di. (A) People built that bridge in 1998. > @) That bridge was built in 1998. 3) Dong tit 6 2 tic tit 3.1 Dong tit cdn gidi tit TO: give, lend, send, show, ... (A) An'll give me this book (=An‘ll give this book to me.) > (P1) I will be given this book by John. — (P2) This book will be given to me by John. 3.2 Déng tit cin gidi tir FOR: buy, make, get, ... (A) He bought her a rose. (=He bought a rose for her.) > (PI) She was bought a rose. > (P2) A rose was bought for her. 4) Mot s6 dang bj dong khic: 4.1 C&u tric They/People say/think/beli = (A) People say that Henry eats — (PI) Itis said that Henry eats (P2) Henry is said to ea dang 6 it: iéa ch tit thude c&e truémg hop sau thi dong tit chia J dang 36 8. HEED ean een oe NMG Genie 24H = Milk is my favorite drink. 2) Danh ti tan cing bing “s” mang nghia s6 it: news, mathematics (maths), economics, linguistics, politics, statistics physics, phonetics, aerobics, athletics, measles gymnastics, mumps, rickets, diabetes, the Philippines, the United States, .. - The news is interesting. 3) Dai tiy bit dinh: every/any/no/some +body/one/thing = Someone is kbocking at the door. 4) Menh dé bét ddu bing that/what/where/when... hofc ‘cum tt bét dau bing TO V/V-ing: - That you get high marks does not surprise me. = To master English is not easy. ~ Growing flowers was her hobby when she was young: 5) Titchi th gian, Khodng cich, tin bac, do hing, thé Uh: = Bight hours of sleep a day is enough. - Five kilometers is not a long distance. = Twenty dollars is too much to pay for that stuff. 6) Ti dinh lugng + N mang nghia 56 tt - Each of the children has a toy. = One of my friends-is coming Ut Nhing trading hop dng ti chia dang s6 nihiéu: Néu chi tt thuge céc truting hgp sau thi dong ti chia dang s6 hi 1) Dank tit dém duige s6 nhibu: ~ Engineers are key figures in our life. 2) Céc danh tit Khée nhau két hyp bing AND: ~ Scientists and engineers are very important. 3) Tix dink lugng + N mang nghia 66 nhiéu: = Most of the students here work very hard. = Some books I read last week are written by To Hoai 4) Danh tit ludn & dang s6 nhibu: people, police, cattle, poultry, military, goods, clothes, scissors, glasses = The police have arrested the robbers. - Sun glasses are used to protect your eyes from the sunlight. * Chil y: A pair of scissors is helpful in this case, 5) The + Adj chi danh tit s6 nhiguthe rich/poor, the young/old/elderly, the homeless, the handicapped, the blind/deaf/mute, the English/Chinese. - The poor have many problems. ke Nhiiug trading hip cfs ae y: 1) Khi cfc chi 4 duige n6i voi nhau bdi as well as, with, along wit gp voi chi fi, th ~ The studenits, 39 - The teacher, & 2) Khi cfc chil ti Gy neither..nor, hoc not only.,/but/al hop v6i chi tir gan nha, - Neither she nor her friends hat 3) A number of +N sf nhiéu ~ dong tit 6 ‘The number of + N s6 nhiéu — dong tit 56 - A number of applicants have been interviewed. - The number of days in a week is seven. 4) Chii tir 1a danh ttt t8p hyp: family, class, crowd, group, club, association, company, team, ... 4. Xem nh MOT DON VI - dng tit 6 st: - My family has three members. 4.2 BE cap dén TUNG CA NHAN - dong ti s6 nhiéu: - My family were watching TV at 7 yesterday. Bai 6: DIRECT & INDIRECT SPEECH I- Dong tit tudng thudt & thi hién tai hoc tuomg lai: Néu dong tie tung thuat 6 thi hign tai hode tucng Iai, ta chi d6i ngéi nhut sau 1) Déi ngot thf nhét phd hyp véi chi tH trong ménh 8 chink 2) Béi ngoi thit hai ph hep véi tic tH trong ménh 48 chink 3)-Ng6i thet ba khong d6i Ex: He says to me, “I and you will go with her father tomorrow. —-> He tells me (that) he and I will go with her father the next day. * Chi y: say to —> tell Ii Dong tit tung thudt & thi qué Kit: Néu dng tit tu@ng thudt 6 thi qué Kh, ta déi ba yeu 16 1A ngOi, thi cda dong ti va trang ti chi théi gian va noi ch6in. 1) Ngoi: (nhu tren) 2) Thi cila dong ti VI->V2/ed —V2/ed—>had + V3/ed can—could will-9would _shall“should may— might must—>had 3) Trang tit chi thai giar chon: “today — that day ight —> that night ‘now—> then Pago > before syesterday ry before ( the previous day) “these ->those here — there said to me, “I met him yesterday.” told me that she had met him the day before. 1) Cau khang inh va phil dink: Dong ti tuong thuat thuding la said/told. Exl: He said, “I have seen her today.” He said (that) he had seen her that day. x2: He said to me, “The prize was not given to you.” > He told me (that) the prize hadn’t been given to me. fic Shieh Past fest [-] 2) Cau héi: Dong tit tutng thuat thudng a asked! wondered/ wanted to know (hdi/ttt hdi/mu6n biét). 2.1. Yes/No questions: Ex: She asked me, “Do you like him?” > She asked me if I liked him. 2.2. WH- questions: Exl: He said, “What is her name?” —> He asked what her name was. * Chil y trat tut olla S va V: Cau héi true tigp > Cau hei gin tiép = Yes/No- questions: “V + $2” if/whether +S + V - WH- questions: “WH- + V + $2” WH + + V * said to —> asked 3) Cau ménh lenh:bong ti wong thuft thing 18 total asked/ ordered (b4o/yéu chu/ra len). 3.1. Khang dinh: Ex: The teacher said, “Go to the board, John.” > The teacher told John to go to the board, 3.2. Phi dinh: Ex: Nam said to his friend, “Don't shut the door.” Nam asked his friend not to shut the door. Bai 7: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES & SENTENCE WISH F- Cu diéw kign (Conditional sentense) 1) Ba loai cau didu kign: 1a Loai I: Din ta didu kign 6 thé xdy rad hign tai ode tung lai. Ex: If it rains heavily, I will stay at home. 1.2 Loai I Din ta didu kign khéng thé xdy ra 6 hign tai hode tuong 1 Exd: I would buy a new bicycle if I had enough money. (Hign tai t0i khong c6 dil tién.) 13 Logi II: Dign ta dibu kin khng thé xdy ra 6 qué khit Exc If Tom had worked harder, he wouldn't have failed his, exam (Sy that la Tom da Khong chim chi va da thi rét) 2) Tom tit cong thi: Loai IF CLAUSE, MAIN CLAUSE 1. S4VIG/es) 8+ willean ... + V 2. $+ V2/ed/WERE, S + would/could ... + V 3. S+had +V3/ed , SAlwquld/could ...+ have + V3/ed 3) Nhang diém cin I 3.1 “If... not” 06 tuy nhien 6 thé thy 3.2 BS IF trong 3 logi cau didu kien vi SHOULD/WERE/HAD): Ex: Ifit should be necessary, I will go. ~ Should it be necessary, I will go. Exc IFT were rich, T would buy a new car. ~ Were I rich, I would buy a new car. Bx: If you had asked him, he would have told you the answer. > Had you asked him, he would have told you the answer. 3.3 MOt 66 tit va cum tit ¢6 thé thay cho IF véi nghia ‘tuong duiong: Provided that/ so(as) long as (mi&n 1a)/ in case (trong trudng hop)/ on condition that (v6i diu kién) Ex: You can borrow my book provided that you bring it back. ‘H- Cu ao wie: WISH (1t8¢)/ IE ONLY (gid. ma) 1) Khong cé that 3 hin tai: V2/ed/WERE ~ I wish Peter were here now. (He isn’t here now.) = If only I had more money. 2) Khong c6 that 6 tuong lai: WOULD + V ~ She wishes Tom would be here tomorrow. - If only Tom would be here tomorrow. 3) Khéng c6 tht & qué Khit: HAD +-V3/ed— ~ We wish she had passed her exam last year. ~ Ifonly you hadn't told Peter about our plan. Bai 8: SU DAO NGO Mot s6'tit/ cym tir sau khi dat dau cfu cén déo nga: 1) Nhaing trang tty 6 nghia phi dinh ho§c gin phi dink: never, no longer, nowhere else, rarely, seldom, little, not until ~ He knows litle about what she has done. > Little does he know about what she has done, + She is not only beautiful, but she js~also very intelligent. ~ Not only is she beauti intelligent. 2) Che cum tir bit dau @AT, IN, ON, UNDE! of what was happening. ige bé IF: (xem Bai 5, I, 32) ‘me, please tell them I will be away for > Should anyone ask me, please tell them for a few days. him better, I would give him advice. * The day was so hot that we had to stay indoors. So hot was the day that we had to stay indoors. Greener tr rr a 5) ONLY when/ after/ by/ then/ if ... ~ Only after a year did I begin to see the results of my work. - Only by working harder will you pass your final exam. 6) HARDLY/ SCARCELY/ BARELY ... WHEN; NO SOONER ... THAN: + Hardly had I arrived home when I had a new problem. ~ No sooner had she handed in her paper than she realized her carelessmistakes. Bai 9: TU DINH LUQNG I. Tit chd 86 long lon / nko: 1) A lot of, lots of, many, much: (nhiéu) ~A lot of, lots of + danh tir so nhibu/danh tir Khong «dé duge trong cdukhang inh Exc He has a lot of / lots of friends here. We need a lot of / lots of time to learn a foreign language. - Many, much: ding trong cau phii dinh va nghi van. Many + danh tit so nhiéu ‘Much dank tir khong dém duige— - Ex: There aren't many people living here. Does the newspaper have much information? = Many, much sau VERY, SO, TOO, AS: Ex: Very many crimes go unreported. We had so many exercises to do. ‘There is too much salt in the soup. He hasn't got as much patience as I thought. 2) A few, alittle / few, little: (mot vai, mot t / (edt) 18) ~ A few, a little: ding véi nghia xéc dinh ‘A few + danh tiv 56 nhiéu A little + danh tit khong dém duge Ex: We've got a little bacon and a few eggs. - Few, little: ding véi nghia phi dinh Few + danh ttt sf nhigu Little + danh tir khong déim duige Ex: Few people can say that they always tell the truth. ‘There is little sugar in my coffee. 3) A large number of, a great deal of/ a large amount of: (66 Iugng In) = A large numer of + danh tit s6 nhiu Bx: He has a lay of English books. = A number ofeNe ‘The number - A great dé Ex: A dishwe Tit chi sO = Véi dank ti déin dutge 88 Ex: All rabbits love green food. Most pollution can be avoided. Would you like some beer? Have you got any wood? No, I didn’t have any woods. We've no Sundays free. * some ding trong ciu khdng dinh va ciu hdi. any dang trong clu phil dinh va ctu hoi. = Voi cau trie OF + the/these/those/my /her/our... +N (ft/nhidu) Exc Most of my students like English. ‘Some of the food is delicious. = Vi cfu tric OF + dai tr tan nga (us/you/them/it) Exc Some of you have made careless mistakes in your test. * Khong ding effu tric NO OF + ... 2) Every, each, both, either, neither: - Every, each +N dém duige 6 it (ham ¥ tit c& hose ‘mdi mot ngudi/vat trong nhém) Ex: Every/Each room has a number. 1 go for walk every day. (m6i ngay) Each day seems to pass very slowly: (ting ngay) - Each of + the/these/those/my /her/our...+ N 86 nhiéu fCDMenh (ad aeael Heian gieth: Ex: Bach of the students has a personal computer. - Each of + dai tit tan nga (us/you/them) Ex: Each of us has our own desk. = Each diing mot minh hoge di sau dai tir Ex They gave us each a Math book. Each has a Math book. - Both, either, neither + N (di véi 2 ngudi hoje 2 vat) Bx: Both his parents are from Europe. You can read either book. (one of 2 books) Neither car is very economical to run. (2 cars) - Both, either, neither + OF + the/ these/ those/ my/ her/our... + N s6 nhigu Ex: Both of his parents are from Europe. ‘You can read either of the books. Neither of the cars is/are very economical to run. Both, either, neithersOF#dai ti tan.ngi (us/you/them) Ex: Both of us were tired. " She works for a company which/that makes cars. ~The girl whose photo was in the paper lives in our street. = An found a cat whose leg (the leg of which) was broken. - The hotel where we stayed wasn’t very clean. Tell me the reason why you are so sad. = Do you remember the day when we first met? ing 48 bé nghia cho danh tif ding truéc. Néu bd di ménh dé chinh sé Khong 15 nghta. Ex: I saw the girl. She helped us last week. — I saw the girl who/that helped us last week. 2) Ménh dé quan hé khong han dink: Ding dé bé ghia cho danh ty diing truéc, 1a phan gidi thich them. ‘Néu bé di ménh dé chink vin 16 nghia. Ménh dé nay thudng duigc tach khdi m@nh dé chinh bing du phy 4" Ta diing menh dé quan he khong han dinh khi: - Truée danh tit quan hé 6: this/ thal/ these/ those/ my/ her/ his... - Ti quan he la ten riéng hoc danh ti riéng. Ex: My father is a doctor. He is fifty years old. = My father, who is fifty years old, is a doctor. Mr, Johnson is a very nice teacher. We studied! English with him, > Mr. Johnson, who(m) we studied English with, is a very nice teacher. * LUU ¥: khong ding THAT trong ménh dé nay. 3) Gi6i tie dat true ménh d8 tinh tit:(WHOM/WHICH) Ex: The man speaks very fast. I talked to him last night, > The man to whom I talked lastnight speaks very fast DANHTU CHUTU TOc TU sé HOU Ngu’i — who/that_ who(m)/that_ whose vat which/that which/that whose/ of which Noi chén where Lydo why Thdi gin when ‘The house is for sale. I was born in it. > The house in which I was born is for sale. 4) Dai ti quan he THAT: 1.1 Nhitng trudng hgp thudng ding THAT: Sau cum tit quan he vita chi ngudi va vat: Ex: He told me the places and people that he had seen in London. = Sau dai tit bat dinh: Exc I'll tell you something that is very interesting. + Sau cfc tinh tt 0 64 Ex: This is the most by Alll that is mine j You are the only + Trong céfu tric It + Ex It is my friend that (Chinh la ban toi da viét cau nay, 1.2 Nhimng trudng hop khng ding = Trong ménh dé tinh tix khdng han dj = Sau gigi tit 5) OF WHICH / OF WHO! Exc Daisy has three brothers, All of them are teachers. ~-> Daisy has three brothers, all of whom are teachers. ‘He asked me a lot of questions. I couldn’t answer most of them. > He asked me a lot of questions, most of which I ‘couldn’t answer. 6) Rat gon ménh dé tinh ti thanh cum tinh ti: 1.1 Dang V-ing hoc bé be: Khi dong ti chinh trong ménh dé tinh ti & thé chi dong hoje la be. Ex: Those people who are taking photos over there come from Sweden. > Those people taking photos over there come from Sweden, ~ Fans who want to buy tickets started queuing early. > Fans wanting to buy tickets started queuing early. ~ The books which are on that shelf are mine. > The books on that shelf are mine. : all, every, very, only: that I have, ECR et PPS AH 1.2 Ding V3/éd: Khi dong tt chinh trong ménh dé tinh ti 6 thé BI BONG. Ex: The books which were written by Nguyen Tuan are~ interesting. ~ The books written by Nguyen Tuan are interesting. ~ Most students who were punished last week are lazy. ~ Most students punished last week are lazy. 1.3 Dang (FOR + 0) TO v: Ex: This is the hotel where we can stay. — This is the hotel (for us) to stay. ‘VII- Ménh dé trang tit: (Adverb clause) 1) Ménh dé trang tix chi noi chén: where (noi, chd) hoge wherever (bit ett noi nao) Ex: He told me where he had seen the money. I will go wherever you go. 2) Menh dé trang tit chi thé céch Ex: We should do aR as if he had seen a ghost. fegit 48 trang ti chi nguyén nhan/ly do: , aise, since, as (bdi vi) sold the car because she needed some money. 0 sinh because va because of: ause +S +V because of + V-ing/N/N phrase Ex: I'm late because I'm sick. Tm late because of my sickness. 7 4) Menh dé trang tit chi mye dich: so that/in order that (48) + $ + (can/could) + V Exc She wants to stay here so that she can perfect her English. 5) Menh d@ trang to chi thei gian: ‘when (Khi), as (Khi/trong Khi), while (trong khi), after (cau khi), before(truéc khi), untiV/til (cho téi khi), since (ti Khi), as soon as(ngay Kkhi), whenever(bSt cif Khi nado), no sooner ... than/ hardly ... when (vita mdi .. thi) Ex: When it rains, I usually go to school by bus. We should do a good deed whenever we can. + Dio nga véi no sooner ... than/ hardly ... when * KHONG dang thi twong Tai trong ménh dé trang ti chi thoi gian, HiLell-you-the news-when-Liill-com "Thi cia déng ti trong ménh dé chinh va ménh dé trang tit chi thai gian: Menh d8 chinh —>M@nh trang ttt chi thai gian = Present — Present ; = Past > Past ; = Future > Present 6) Menh a8 trang ti chi ket qua: ~s0 + adjfadv + that ... (qué ... dén ndi Ex: The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it. = such (+ a(n)) + adj + Noun + that ... (qué ... dén n6i .. Ex: It was such a hot day that we stopped playing. He is such interesting books that I want to buy them all. = so + many/much/fewMlittle + Noun + that ... (qué nhidu/it...dén nd...) 'Bxc There are so many people in the room that I feel tired. 7) Ménh d8 trang tit chi sy nhuong bd: ‘though/although/even though (mic da) +S +V Bx: Though he looks ill, he is really strong. *LUUY: in spite of/despite (mac da) + V-ing/N/N phrase Ex: In spite of having little money, they always enloy themselves. (Although they have little money, they always enloy themselves.) in spite of/despite + the fact that (mac da) +S + V Ex: Despite the, t they have little money, they're always happy, - no matter Exc No matfer ) ) ai 11: So SANH TINIE 0 sinh Bing: ne Cau khiing dinh: Exe This watch is not as/so expensive as mine. watch) (Ding hé nay khong dt nhut cia ti.) She doesn’t sing as/so well as her sister. (Co ay hét Khong hay bang chi c6 dy.) * LUU Y: - Khi so sénh danh tir véi nghia giing/bing hay Khong gidng/khong bing, ta c6 thé ding eu tric: (not) + the same + (noun) + as. Ex; He is the same age as I am. (Anh ta bing tuéi ti.) ‘Ann’s salary isn’t the same as Jane's. (Luong cia Ann khong bing lung cia Jane.) = C6 thé ding less + adj/adv + than (kém ... thay cho not as/so + adj/adv + as. Ex: This watch is less expensive than mine. She sings less well than her sister. = Khi néi gp bao nhigu lan, ta ding cfu tric times as + adj/adv + as. Ex: Their house is three times as big as ours. hon) (Nha cila he Idn gap ba Han nha ching ta.) IL So sanh hon: 1) Tinh ti/trang ttt ngin: adj/adv + er + than * Tinh tiy/trang ti ng&n la ti c6 mot van hay 2 van tan cing bang “y”. fast — faster cold — colder _ thick — thicker lucky —> luckier happy —> happier dry —> drier... Bx: John is stronger than his brother. ohn kho8 hon anh cia cu &y.) ‘This athlete runs faster than that one. 2) Tinh tit/trang ti dai: more + adj/adv + than Tinh tit/trang ti dai la ti 06 2 van tro len. modern, patient, difficult, fluently, beautifully, ... Ex This problem is more difficult than we thought. (Van dé nay kh6 hon chiing ta ng He speaks English more fluenth (Anh ta n6i tigng Anh IIT. So sank nit: : the + adyadv test fast > fastest a ngay néng nhat trong nai 0 ay a cO gai dep mbit trong lop.) Yo Ta cb thé ding the least a8 chi mite 49 kém nit. Ex: This story is the least fun of all. (Bay 1a cau chuyén kém vui nhét trong cfc cau chuyén.) Tinh tt/trang tt bat qui the Tinh tit/trang ti > So sinh hon —> So sénh nhst good/well (t6t) —> better — the best bad/badly (xu, d3) —> worse mae ead a) PaRiee ethos jy the/Farthest/furthest little (#t) > less —> the least ‘many/much (nhitu) —> more — the most IV- Céc dang so sinh khic: 1) Cang ngay cing ... inh ti/trang tir ngén: adj/adv + er and adj/adv + er Ex: Nga is younger and younger. (Nga cing ngay cang tré.) He runs faster and faster. (Anh ta chay cang ngay cing nhanh,) + Tinh tt/trang ti dai: more and more + adjadv Ex: My wife is more and more beautiful. (Vg cia t6i cing ngay cing dep.) ‘They work more and more carefully. (Ho lam vige cang ngay cing cén than.) 2) Cang ... ng = The more +S + V, the more +S +V Ex: The more I know him, the more I like him. (Cang biét anh dy, t0i cang thfch anh &y.) ~The + 85 hon +S +V, the + SS han +S +V Ex: The older he gets, the weaker he is. (Ong ta cang gia cing yeu) _ The more beautiful she is, the more miserable her parents are. (C6 ta cang dep thi cha me 6 ta cing khé.) ~The more + S + V, the adj ++ER+S+V Ex: The more he works, the richer he is. (Ong ta cang lam cing gid.) ~The adj + ER +S + V, the more +5 +V Ex: The hotter itis, the more tired I feel. (Troi cang néng t6i cang thy met) V- Qui te thém ER vit EST 46} vdi tink ti trang ti nga: 1) Tw tan cing bing “e” hay phy am + “y” Ex: large lager— largest easy easier > easiest 2) Gp d6i phy am: Ex: hot hotter hottest Bai 12: CACH THANH LAP TU Mot tit 6 thé duge thanh lap bing céch them vao tiép du nga hoic tifp ving. I DANH TU: 1) Tidn t6: sup “overdose sit dung “overexpenditure hi ‘overproduction sin “supermarket sidu th) pi “subcontinent tiéu yc dia *sub “surface b8 mit “underachievement dat dudi mite “undercurrent dong nude ngim ‘undergrowth bui rim “underpass duiting chil 2) Hau t6: a) V + -ion/-tion/-ation/-ition/-sion —> N Dong tit > Danh ti ‘add — addition sy them vao “correct —> correction sy sita chita “conserve —> conservation sy bdo tin ‘combine —> combination sy két hop “decide — decision quyét dinh “discuss discussion thio luin ‘‘inform— information thong tin ‘invite invitation 13i mai “pollute — pollution sy 6 nhiém “permit — permission sy cho phép “preserve—> preservation sf bio quan “prevent — prevention ngin ngtia “produce — production sin xudt ‘“provide— provision sy cung cp “repeat —> repetition sy lap lai “rotate— rotation luén phién b) V+ -ment-ance/-ence/-age/-ery/-ing/-al —> N Dong tit Dank tir : “accept acceptance chp nhjn . “achieve —>achievement thanh tyu "arrange —> arrangement sy sp dit ‘attend —> attendance sy cé mit “arrive — arrival sy dén "build —> building toa nha ‘differ — difference sy khéc nhau “discover —> discovery kim phé “disappoint ~ disappointment thit vong ‘drain — drainage sy théo nude “enrich — enrichment syf lim gidu "employ employment vigc lam ‘exist existence sy tén tai “feel feeling cém xic ‘improve —> improvement. opment sy phat trign ming lam nhiém 49c cycling vigc tai sit dung ‘Tefusal tt! ch6i *rob—> robbery vu cudp teaching day hoc *use —>usage céch ding er/-or/-ar/-ant-ent/-ee/ —> N jAccount—> accountant ké toin Fact actor dién vign nam *apply — applicant ngudi xin vige “assist — assistant ngudi phy té RSaueRa Steeda plo} tram dur} Sf “beg beggar ngudi an xin “build ~» builder thy xay *ealeulate — calculator méy tinh ‘contest contestant ngudi dif thi “cook —>cooker bép nu an *drive—> drivér tai xé “deposit — depositor ngudi gai tién “employ employee ngubi lam cng “edit—> editor bién tap vien “fertilize > fertilizer phan bén “inhabit — inhabitant cu din “instruct —> instructor ngudi huéng din “interview — interviewee ngubi duge phéng vin “own—> owner ngudi chil “pay — payee ngui duige tra tién “serve servant ngutii gidp vide *sing— singer ca st “teach— teacher giéo vign “train trainee ngubi duige dio tao “walk walker ngubi di bp work —> worker cOng nhan d) N + -ist/-an/-ian/-ess --> N Danh tit = Dank tit ‘act — actress nd dién vién ‘America American nguoi MY *journal— journalist nha béo history — historian mha sit hoe *host—> hostess ba chit nha “library > librarian thi thu’ ‘lion Tioness su tt ci *musie—> musician nhge st “physics —> physicist nha vat ly prince —> princess cong chia “science —> scientist nha khoa hoc “tiger tigeress cop céi “tour—> tourist khaéch du lich *wait> waitress ni hau ban e) N + -ism/-ship --> N Dank tit —>Danh tit “capital — capitalism CN tte bin *hero—> heroism CN anh hing ‘champion—> championship chife v6 dich ‘scholar scholarship hoc téng “ae agen “sportsman —>/sportsmahship tinh thn thé thao 9) Adj + -yhityl ie6thism/-dom —> N careless carelessness ‘certain certainty si chéd chin *clear—> clarity sy #6 rang *cold—> coldness si lanh léo “dark > darkness bing t6i “difficult difficulty khé khin “fluent fluency sy trdi chay “free freedom sy ty do “happy— happiness sf hanh phic ‘“iIl/ sick —> illness/ sickness sy dau yéu *popular—> popularity su phé bién “rich richness suf gidu cé ‘national —> nationality quéc tich “sad—> sadness suf buén ba *possible > possibility sy c6 thé “responsible -> responsibility tréch nhi¢m real — reality su that ‘stupid — stupidity su din don 8) Adj tin cing “ent” —> “ence” Tinh ti — Danh ti “absent absence sy ving mit “intelligent intelligence sy thong minh “confident confidence suf ty tin “patient patience si kitn nhl “diligent > diligence sy siéng nang *silent—> silence su yén ling tindependent—> independence sy doc lap *violent—> violence sit bao Ic Il DONG TH: 1) Tién to: a) dis-/mis-/re-fover-/under-out- + V-—> V “disagree khong dng y “disappear bién mat “dislike khong thich rewrite vigt lai “outnumber nhiéu/dong hon “outlive séng lau hon “outweigh ning hon *outrux chay nhanh hon “outgrow lén/phét trign hon *overstay 8 qué lau “overwork lam vige qué lau, qué site ‘overcook néu qui chin “oyeraét cutng ditu “undercharge tinh gié qué thpytindersell ban ré hon “underdo lam khong “undersign kj 3 duéi thap ‘underlay dat 6 dudi 4 *undercook nfiu chuta chin im *misbehave cx xtt sai iunhim —*misuse sit dung sai (on Lan nga *redo lam lai Adj —> V jable'lam cho.c6 thé (lam g}) “enlarge md rong danger gay nguy hiém “enclose gai kem fact ban hanh (1ugt) enrich lam gidu Hau to: ‘a) Adj/N + -izel-enl-atel-fy —> V ‘Adj/N Dong ti “beauty — beautify lim dep “bright brighten lam rang 10 “industrial — industrialize CN hos legal —>legalize hgp phép hos. Cade PGS RONG af a “less —>lessen gidm bét ‘light lighten lam nhe di *modren— modernize hin dai hos “origin originate bat ngudn "real realize nhan ra “sharp sharpen lam cho sc, nhon “short — shorten lam ngén Iai “tight — tighten sigt chat *wide > widen lam rong ra *weak—> weaken lam yu di “white — whiten lam tréng 7 i- TINH TO: 4) Tint: a) unclin-fimeliesi + Adj “dishonest khong trung thuc ‘unemployed thit nghiep unequal khong binh ding “unhappy khong hanh phtic > Adj unlucky khong may untrue khong diing “unreal kh6ng that “unsatisfactory khong hai long “illogical khong hgp ly “inconvenient bat tien “illegal bét hop phap “incomplete khong day dil_*inexact khdng chinh xéc “indivisible khong thé chia dugc *independent dc lap "immature chifa chin chin timpractical khong thy té “impatient khOng kign nhin “impossible kh6ng thé “irresponsible v6 tréch nhigm “irregular bat qui the ) inter- /super-/under-/over-/sub- + Adj/N —> Adj ‘international quéc t€ “overcrowded qué dong “overanxious qué lo 4u ‘overseas hai ngoai “overconfident qui ty tin “oversized qué cB “overelaborate qué ti mi “overweight qué, thita cin “overnight qué dém “overjoyed qué vui “underpaid tri thp qué “underweight nhe, thiéu can “undercover kinbi mit “underdeveloped kém phat trién “overjealous qué ghen *subnormal duéi binh thuding “subconscious tiém thc “superhuman siéu phim “supernatural siéu nhién ‘supersonic situ am 2) Hau a) N + -ly/like/-less/-ish/-y/-ful/-al-io! > Adj “agricultural néng nghi¢p brotherly thudc v8 anh em ‘careless khong cin thin “childless khong c6 con “childlike nhu con nit. *childish c6 tinh céch tr8 con ightful vui vé “daily hing ngay Ns “dusty 06 bui “foolish dign dai H “harmful c6 hai “helpful hay gitip da! “hourly hing gid “industrial cong nghiep “magical tuy@t vai “natural thién nhign “odourless khéng mdi vi *peaceful hoa bi ‘rainy 06 muta ‘snowy c6 tuyét "sandy 6 ct “speechless khong 13i “successful thanh cOng “selfish ich kj “scientific khoa hoc “statesmanlike nhitmha chiic tréch “treeless khong cé cay “useful c6 ich “worldly thuge vé thé gi6i *yearly hing nim b) V/N + -ive/-able/-ible —> Adj “active ning dong ‘agreeable tan thanh “achievable c6 thé dat duge ‘attractive hip din “comprehensible c6 thé hiu “countable c6 thé dém “defensible cé thé bio ve due “effective higu qua “eatable o6 thé an duigc “informative c6 nhibu thong tin “excusable c6 thé tha thit *manageable o6 thé quin ly “satisfactory 6 thé chp nhan “washable cé thé gist duge IV. TRANG TU: Phan Ién: Adj + -ly > Adv Bai 13: CHUYEN BOI CAU Céc dang bign Aéi cau thuting gp 1) Ch dong ~ bj dong: (xem lai Bai 2) — 2) Trye tip — gidn tip: (xem Iai Bai 4) 3) Bio nga: (xem lai Bai 6) 4) Menh 8 trang ti chi ly do, syf nhuyng bo: (xem Iai Bai 8, Il, 3&7) though/although/even though + S + V ~ despitelin spite of + V-ing/N/N phrase * LUU Y: but —> althought Ex: Cars cause pollution but people still want them. ~ Although cars cause pollution, people still want them, 5) So sénh: (xem thém Bai 11, so sénh bing/nhst/hon) Ex: An isn’t as tall as Tom = An isnt so tall as Tomy = Anis less tall than Tom. = An is taller than Tom. 6) Digu kign: (xem lai Bai 5, cit BK loa 6.1 Khong cé that & hign tai Ex: I'm busy. I don’t go to the — IT were not busy, I > Unless I were bus 6.2 Khong c6 that 4 pin because he woke up too late. up too late, he wouldn't have ‘is not happy because his girlfriend is not here. wishes his girlfriend were here. PBKhong cd that & qué khit Bx: Lam sorry I missed your wedding party. => I wish [hadn't missed your wedding party. 7.3 Khong 06 that 6 twong lai: Ex: They will not attend my birthday party next week. rely Sad iy birtudhy py next week, 8) Thué/ahd ai lam viéc gi: (xem them Bai 2, 4.2) St V+ O > S+ have +O + V—> St have + O+ V3/ed 7 S+ get+O+ toV—>S + get +04 V3/ed Ex: The machanic repairs my car every month. — Thave the machanic repair my car every month. > Iget the machanic to repair my car every month, ~Thave/get my car repaired by the mechanic every month. 9) Dé nghi, lai khuyén: ~S + adviselsuggest + V-ing +84 advise +0 +10 V ~S + suggest (that) + S(+ should) + V - How/What about + V-ing? = Would you mind + V-ing? = Why don’t we/you + V2 Bx: Let's go for a ride! ~ What about going for a ride? Please don’t play the music so loudly. > Would you mind not playing the music so loudly? + Let's +V PHY LUC : DONG TU BAT Quy TAC THUONG GAP (IRREGULAR VERBS) — Hign tai —> Qué khut—> QKPT Nghia *am/is/are — was/were —> been thi, la, & “arise arose —> arisen xudt hign “bear bore—> borne sinh ra “beat—>beat—>beaten dénh, dap “become —> became —> become trd nén “begin began—Pbegun bit dau “bend —>bent—>bent ci, gap sbet—>bet—>bet dan cule “bite bit bitten cifn “bleed > bled—> bled chdy maw “blow > blew—> blown théi *break—> broke broken lam 0 “breed —> bred —> bred nudi “bring—> brought > brought mang “build built built xy dung bum — burnt burnt dét chdy “burst —> burst —> burst bimg chdy “buy—> bought—> bought mua catch > caught —> cau hase choose 9 chose ch a fi cut cut— cut aft *dig—> dug— dug dao ‘do did done lam “draw drew—> drawn ve “dream” dreamt—> dreamt ma “drink drank—> drunk using ‘drive—> drove— driven Idi xe teat ate— eaten tt “fall—> fell fallen té xuling “feed—> fed—> fed cho an “feel felt felt cim thdy “fight fought —> fought dénh nhow “find > found—> found tim thy “fit fit fit via of “fly > flew flown bay forecast —> forecast forecast dy bio “forget —> forgot > forgot(ten) qué “forgive forgave — forgiven tha thit freeze —> froze —> frozen déng Tonh set got—> got{ten) dat dive sgive> gave—> given cho "go> went—> gone di “grind > ground > ground nghién scome—> came -scost > cost > cost “creep crept—> crept bi Ke 7, “grow grew—> grown moc “hang— hung— hung treo shave > had had of; ding “hear —> heard heard nghe “hide hid hidden che giffu *hit > hit—> hit dung *hold—> held held cdm, ndm, 18 che “hurt hurt hurt lam daw “keep kept—> kept giit “know knew known biét lay laid laid dat, dé ‘lead led —> led din dt ‘learn — learnt learnt hoe “leave— left left oi Khdi “lend —> lent—> lent cho min “let let let aé cho “lose—> lost lost dénk mt ‘make made made lim tmean—> meant—> meant nghia Id *meet—> met met gép “overcome —> overcame ~ overcé ut qua *pay—> paid paid tnd ti ‘send — sent sent gili di set set set xp dat "shake > shook—> shaken Ide *shoot—> shot shot bin “shut—> shut shut d6ng lai “sing sang—> sung hit “sink sank—> sunk chim, dim ‘sit > sat—> sat ngdi *sleep— slept slept ngil slide slid—> slid trap di “smell > smelt—> smelt ngit “speak spoke—> spoken ni *speed—> sped sped titng te “spell —> spelt—> spelt dah wd ‘spend —> spent—> spent fiéw xai ‘spill > spilt spilt tran ra ‘spread — spread — spreadlantriyén ‘stand stood—> stood ding ‘sting stung stung chich, d6t strike > struck struck dénh “swear—> swore—> swom the ‘sweep swept—> swept quét *swim— swam— swum boi, Idi *swing—> swung—>swung dink ds *take> took—> taken odin, ndm teach taught taught day tear tore torn xf rhch tell told told bio, hé ‘think thought thought suy nghi “throw threw thrown ném “thrust thrust—> thrust di mgnh > wove—> woven dét pt wept Kb yet—> wet—> wet lim ist jin won—> won thing ‘write wrote—> written viét () C6 thé them “ed” 48 thanh lap 2/3. oc 10) Nguyén nhan ~ két qua: 50 + adj/adv + that clause such (a/an) + adj + N + that clause too + adj/adv (+ for 0) + to +V not + adj + enough (+ for ©) + to +V Ex: The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it. > It was such cold water that the children couldn't swim in it > The water was too cold for the children to swim in. The water isn’t warm enough for the children to swim i “LU Y: ~ Trong cu tric so/such ... that, ta gid Iai ti “it”. ~ Trong effu tric too, va, a bd ti “it”, 11) Myc dich/nguyén nhan: -S+V + tofin order to/so as to + V +S +V+so that/in order that +S + can/could + V -=S+V + because +5 +V Ex: They started early to go to school on time. — They started early so that they could go to school on time. > They started early because they wanted to go to school on time. 12) Lin thd. ~ This is the first time that 13) ¥ ki€n/danh gié mot sy vide ~It + be + adj (for 0) + to V > To VIV-ing + be + adj (for 0) Ex: It is not easy for me to master English. > To master/Mastering English is not easy for me. It’s more dangerous to drive a motorbike than to drive a car. To drive a motorbike is more dangerous than to drive a car. = Driving a motorbike is more dangerous than driving a car. 14) Mat ... (thoi gian) lam vige gi: +S + spend + time + V-ing hole $ + last + time > It+ takes/took + 0 + time + to V xc He spent 15 minutes finishing this exercise. Ittook him 15 minutes to finish this exercise. ‘The flight to Hong Kong lasts about 8 hours. > It takes about 8 hours to fly to Hong Kong. 15) Théi quen hign tai va trong qué khit: ~S + often/usually + V +S + find + it + adj +toV NG S+ be used to + V-ing Ex: They usually drink beer. > They're used-to drinking beer. ——— I don’t find it difficult to get up early. > Tam used to getting up early. 2 $+ used to+ V > S+no longer + V=S+ not... any ‘more/any longer Ex: He used to smoke cigarettes. > He no longer smokes cigarettes. > He doesn’t smoke cigarettes any more / any longer. Luu Y: be used to + V/be used for + V-ing: cong dung mét vat. Ex: What is money used for? + Itis used to buy or sell goods. Its used for buying or selling L1 Contracts /"kontreekt/ N. hgp déng, giao kéo, khé usc, gidy ky két. L2 Marketing (thj tru8ng, noi tiéu thy; khach hang)... L3 Warranties /worenti/ .. L4- Business planning .. L5 Conferences /' onfarans/ hai nghi L6 computers ... L7 Office Technology . L8 Office Procedures L9 Electronics (dién tt’).. i L10 Correspondence (quan hé thu tiv, su phi hgp). L11 Job Advertising and Recruiting . L412 Applying and Interviewing L13 Hiring and Training... L14 Salaries and benefits .... L15 Promotions, Pensions and Awards L16 Shopping ... L17 Ordering Supplies . L18 Shipping ... L19 Invoices. L20 Inventory. L241 Banking .. 22 Accounting L23 Investments . L24 Taxes ..... L26 Property and department L27 Board Meetings and committees L28 Quality control... L29 Product Development L30 Renting and Leasing L31 Selecting a Restaurant. 132 Eating out... L 33 Ordering Lunch... L34 Cooking as a career. L35 Events... L36 General Travel L37 Airlines ..... wommVUVNAaanurww L38 Trains... L39 Hotels..... L40 Car Rentals L41 Movies... L44 Museums L45 Media L46 Doctor's Office. L47 Dentist’s office (Phong Nha si)... L48 Health Insurance ( su bao hiém stfc khoé (khi 6m)... L49 Hospitals t6 chtfc tir thién, té chifc citu té..... LSO Pharmacy (‘fa:masi) duc khoa .... TOEIC 600 WORDS L1 Contracts /'kontraekt/ N. hgp ddng, giao kéo, khé uéc, gly ky két \ Abide by v. to comply with, to conform Agreement /a'gri:mant/ n. a mutual arrangement, a contract (hgp dong, giao keo! Agree /a'gri:/ v. agreeable adj. (dng y, tan thanh, bang ldng, thoa thuan) Assurance /a'fuarens/_n. q guarantee, confidence (sy ch&c chan; sy tin chac; diéu chac chan, diéu tin chac) Cancel v. to annul, to call off (huy bd) Determine /di'te:min/ _v. to find out, to influence (dinh, xéc dinh, dinh r6) Engage / in'geid3/ v. to hire, to involve+ ( dan xép dé tuyén dung mét ngudi; thué médt ngudi) Establish /is'tzeblif/ _v. to institute permanently, to bring about ( lap, thanh lap, thiét lp, kién lap) Obligate / 'sbligei/_v. to bind legally or morally ( bat budc, ép buéc) Obligation /,2bli'geifn/ n. obligatory adj. ( nghia vy, bén phan) Party n. a person or group participating in an action or plan, the persons or sides (buGi tiéc, lign hoan) concerned in a legal matter ( tham gia, biét vé hoc ung hd (mot ké hoach, mot hanh dGng..) Provision /provision/ _n. a measure taken beforehand, a stipulation (diéu khoan) Provider n. provision n. Resolve _/ri'zolv/_v. to deal with successfully, to declare ( quyét tam, y kién quyét) Specify /spesi, fai/ _v. to mention explicitly (chi ré, ghi rd, dinh ré, ghi chi vao phan chi tiét kf thuat) Specification n. (sy chi ré, suf dinh r6) specific adj. (r6 rang, ranh mach) L2 Marketing (th| truéng, noi tiéu thy; khadch hang) Attract /e'treekt/ v. to draw by appeal (thu hut, h&p dan, Idi cudn) Attraction n. attractive adj. Compare /kem'pea/ _v. to examine similarities and differences + (+ with) so, déi chiéu to compare the orginal with the copy so nguyén ban véi ban sao + (+ to) so sanh © poets often compare sleep to death cdc nha thd thudng so sanh gidc ngui vdi cai chét + (ngén ngét hoc) tao cp so sdnh (cla tinh tu, pho ti) Comparison n/kam'paerisn/. comparable /'komparabl/adj. (cé thé so sénh duc) Compete /kam'pi:t/ _v, to strive against a rival (dua tranh, ganh dua, canh tranh) : Consume /kan'sju:m/ v. to absorb, to use up (ding, tiéu thu) Consumer /ken'sju:ma/n. ngudi tiéu ding, nguéi tigu thy (hang hod, thyc phém...) consumable /ken'sju:mabl/ adj. (cé thé &n dugc, cé thé tiéu thy duge) Convince /ken'vins/_v. to bring to believe by argument, to persuade (lam cho tin, lam cho nghe theo, thuyét phuc) Current adj. Happening or existing at the present time, adv. To be on top of things (chiéu, huéng (du ludn, tu’ tuéng...) Fad /feed/ _n. a practice followed enthusiastically for a short time, a craze (mét) Inspire /in'spaia/ v. to spur on, to stimulate imagination or emotion. (truyén (cam hing, ¥ nghi...); truy€n cam hitng cho (ai), gay cam hing cho (ai) Market _v. the course of buying and selling a Product, n. the demand for a Product (gid thi truéng; tinh hinh thi trudng) Marketing n. marketable adj. Persuade /pa'sweld/ _v. to move by argument or logic (lam cho tin; thuyét phuc) Productive adj. Constructive, high yield (san xuSt) Satisfy /'seetisfai/v. to make happy (lam thod man, lam vita long, dap ting (duge yéu cau, diéu kién...)) L3 Warranties /woranti/ (Sy bao dam) * Sif cho phép; su dude phép, quyn (auigc lam viée gi) * (php IY) sy’ bao dam (hang hod ating quy céch...) Characteristic _/,keeriktaristik/ adj. Revealing of individual traits (riéng, ring bigt, d&c thi, dic trung) Consequence _/"konsikwans/ n. that which follows necessarily (tm quan trong, tinh trong dai) Consider /kan'side/__v. to think about carefully (cén nhc, xem xét, suy xét, suy nghi) Consideration n. considerable Cover _v. to provide protection against (che, phti, bao phi, bao trum, bao boc) Expire ‘iks'paia/_v. to come to an end (min han, két thie, hét higu luc (luat); mai mét, mat ai) Frequently /‘fri:kwant/ adv. Occurring commonly, widespread (thuding xuyén, hay xay ra, c6 luén) Imply /im'plal/ _v. to indicate by inference (¥ néi; ngu ys bao ham y» Promise w. B. to pledge to do, bring about, or provide (lei hia, aiéu hifa, digu hen wéc; sy hita hen) : Protect v. to guard (bao vé, sy bao vé, ché cha) Protection n. protective adj. Reputation /,repju:'teifn/._n. the overall quality of character (tiéng tét, thanh danh, danh tiéng) Reputable adj. Reputed adj. (‘repjutabl) (cé tiéng tét, danh gid; dng kinh trong) Require /ritkwaia/ v. to deem necessary or essential (ddi héi, yéu cau) Requirement n. requisite adj. i = Vary /'veari/ _ v. to be different from another, to change (lam cho khdc nhau, thay déi, bién a6i) L4 Business planning Address v. to direct to the attention of (dia chi, chuyén di téi ) ‘Avoid /a'vaid/ _v. to stay clear of, to keep from happening (tranh, tranh xa) Demonstrate /‘demanstreit/ v. to show clearly and deliberately, to present by example ( chting minh, giai thich, bay td, biéu Id, lam thay ré) Demonstration n. demonstrative adj. Develop /di'velap/ v. to expand, progress, or improve (phat trién, ma mang, mé réng, khuéch truéng, lam cho phat dat) Development n. developer n. : Evaluate /i'vzeljueit/ _v. to determine the value or impact of (uéc lugng , dinh gid) Evaluation n. evaluator n. Gather /'geeda/_v. to accumulate, to conclude (tap hgp lai, tu hop lai, kéo én) Offer v. to propose, to present in order to meet a need or satisfy a requirement (dua ra dé nghi) Primary /'praimari/ _adj. Most important, first in a list, series, or sequence (chu yéu, chinh, bac nhat) Risk rn. the chance of loss or damage (sy rui ro, suf nguy hiém) Strategy /'streetiddsi)/ n. a plan of action (chién Iudc) Strategize n. strategic adj. Strong adj. Powerful, economically or financially sound (manh khée, b&n vitng) a Substitute /‘sabstitju:t/ _v. to take the place of another (thé, thay thé) LS Conferences /"konfarans/ héi nghi Accommodate /a'komadeit/ _v. to fit, to provide with something needed (diéu tiét, lam cho thich nghi, lam cho phu hgp) Accommodation n. accommodating adj. Arrangement /a'reinddsmant/ —_n, the plan or organization (sy sp xép, sy sap dat, cdi dugc sdp xép, cdi dugc sap d&t) Association _/a,sousi'eifn/_n, an organization of persons or groups having a common interest (héi, hi lién hiép; doan thé, céng ty) Attend /e'tend/ —_v, to go to, to pay attention to (dir, cd mat) Attendee n., attendance n. Get in touch ~_v, to make contact with (giu lien lac) Hold v, to accommodate; to conduct (té chtic, tién hanh) Location /lou'keifn/ n, a position or site (vi tri) Overcrowded /'ouva'kraud/ a, too crowded (kéo vo qua dng, don vao qué déng) Register v, to record (ding ky) Register n. registration n. Select v, to choose from a group (chon, Iya chon) Selection n. selective adj.(sy Iya chon) Session n, a meeting budi hop, ky hop, khéa hoc Take part in _v, to join or participate ( tham gia, tham dy) L6 computers Access v, to obtain, to gain entry (truy cap, dung vao) Access n. accessible adj. Allocate/'zelakeit/ v, to designate for a specific purpose (chi dinh, chia phan) Compatible /ke m’pasts bl/ a, able to function together (tudng tac, thich ung) Delete v, to remove; to erase (xa) Display n, what is visible on a monitor; _v, to show (trinh bay, trung bay) Duplicate /’ dju:plikit/ v, to produce something equal; to make identical (ban sao, gap adi) Duplicate. duplication n, Fail V, Not to succeed; not to work correctly (trugt, khéng thanh céng) Failure n. fallible adj. Figure out —_v, to understand , to solve (chi ra, higu ra) Ignore V, not to notice; to disregard (bé qua, Id di) Search v, to look for; n, investigation (tim kiém, tim hiéu) Shot down _v, to turn off; to cease operation (déng lai, ngiing lal) Warn v, to alert; to tell about a danger or problem (c’nh bo) Warning n. warning adj. L7 Office Technology Affordable a, able to be paid for; not too expensive (hgp IY) Asneeded —_adv, as necessary (cn thiét) Be in charge of, to be in control or command of (c6 tréchnhiém, nghia vy) Capacity n, the ability to contain or hold; the maximum that something can hold (ste chia, kha n’ng) Durable a, sturdy, strong, lasting (lau bén) Initiative n, the first step; an active role (sang kign) Initiate v. initiation n. Physical @, perceived by the senses (vat chat, digu gi a6 lién quan aén ty nhign) Provider n, a supplier (nha cung c&p) Provide v. provision n. Recur v, to occur again or repeatedly (tai dién, tai hién) Recurrence n. _recurring adj. Reduction n, a lessening , a decrease (thu nhé, giam bét) Reduce v. reducible adj. Stay on top of _. v, to know what is going-on; to-know the latest information (cap nhat) Stock n, a supply; v, to keep on hand (dy trif, cé phan) L8 Office Procedures 7 Appreciate —_v, to recognize, understand the importance of; to be thankful for (danh gid cao) Appreciation n. appreciated adj. Be exposed tov, to become aware of; to gain experience in Bring in v, to hire or recruit; to cause to appear (dan téi, mang tdi ) Casual a, informal (than mat, khong nghi thtic) Code n, rules of behavior (b6 lat, quy luat) Glimpse n, @ quick look (Iuét qua, thodng qua) Made of v, to consist of (tao nén) Out of a, no longer having, missing (hét, mat) Outdated a, obsolete; not currently in use (hét han) Practice n, method of doing something (tap luyén) Practice v. practical adj. (cling c@, gia cé) Reinforce v, to strengthen, support (cting 8, gia cé) Reinforcement n. reinforcing gerund Verbal a, oral (bang Idi ndi ) Verbalize v. verbally adv. L9 Electronics (dién tit) Disk n, an object used to store digital information (dia méy tinh) Facilitate v, to make easier (lam cho dé dang, thuan tién) Network n, an interconnected group or system (mang lui) Popularity _n, the state of being widely admired, sought (tinh dai ching, phé bign) Popularize v. _ popular adj. Process n, a series of operations or actions to bring about a result (quy trinh) Replace y, to put back in a former place or position (thay thé) Replacement n. replaceable adj. Revolution ——n, a'sudden or momentous change in a situation (cudc cach mang, quay vong) Revolutionized v. revolutionary adj. Sharp a, abrupt or acute; smart (sac nét) Skills n, developed ability (k¥ néng) Software n, the programs for a computer (phn mém) Storage n, the safekeeping of goods or information (kho, su du tri) Store v.n, - Technical a, special skill or knowledge (KY. thuat) 110 Correspondence (quan hé thu’ ti”) Assemble _v, to put together; to bring together (thu thap, Ip rép) Beforehand adv, early, in advance (sém, truéc) Complicated a, not easy to understand (phifc tap) Complication n. complicated adj. Courier 1, a messenger (ngudi chuyén phat, dura thu) Express a, fast and direct (chuy€n phat nhanh) Fold v, to bend paper (phii, bao boc, gp lai) Layout n, a format; the organization of material on a page (Sy bb6 tri trang gidy) Mention v, to refer to; “n, something read or written (dua ra, d& cp dén) Mention n, mentionable adj. Petition n, a formal, written request; v, to make a formal request (Idi thinh cu, a8 nghi) Proof v, to look for errors (bang chttng) Proofreader n. proofing gerund. Registered a, recorded and tracked (da vao s6, d3 dng ky) Registration n. registered adj. Revise v, to rewrite (sta lai, ban sta) L11 Job Advertising and Recruiting Abundant /e"bandent/ a, plentiful, in large quantities; n, a large number (nhiéu, thita thai,) Accomplishment /a'komplifmant/ n, an achievement, a success (Viéc d3 hoan thanh, thanh qua, thanh tyu, thanh tich) Accomplish /a'komplif/ v. Hoan thanh, lam xong, lam tron accomplished adj. Bring together _v, to join, to gather ( gom lal; nhém lai, hop lai) Candidate | /'keendidity _n, one being considered for a position, office (Ngudi dy thi; thi sinh) Come up with _v, to plan, to invent, to think of (¥ dinh), Commensurate a, in proportion to, corresponding, equal to (( + to, with) bang kich c@ véi) Match n, a fit, a similarity (vita) Profile n, a group of characteristics or traits (Tiéu st’ sd lugc; mé ta so luge) Qualifications /,kwalifi'keiSn/ _n, requirements, qualities, or abilities needed for something (Pham chat, nang luc, ) Qualify /““kwoli; fai/-v. (Batu céch, kha-nng, diéu-kién) qualified adj. Recruit /ri'kru:t/ v, to attract people to join an organization of a cause (tuyén dung) Recruitment n. recruiter n. Submit /sab‘mit/ v, to present for consideration (bién hé) Submission n. submittal n (su bién hd) Time-consuming _ a, taking up a lot of time (can nhiéu thdi jan) L12 Applying and Interviewing (xin viéc va phng van) Ability n, a skill, a competence (kha nang) Apply v, to look for (Xin viéc, tim viéc) Applicant n. _ application n.(nguéi nép don xin viéc) Background _n, a person's experience (kinh nghiém) Be ready for —_v, to be prepared ( s&n sang cho...) Call in v, to request (yéu cu, ,mdi tdi) Confidence _n, a belief in one’s ability (ty tin) Confident adj. Confidently adv. Constantly _a, on a continual basis, happening all the time (ién tuc, luén lun, khéng déi) Expert n, a specialist (nha chuyn mén, chuyén sdu, thanh thao) Expertise n. expert adj. Follow up v. to take additional steps, to continue (tiép tuc, tiép theo) Hesitate v, to pause, to be reluctant (do dy, lvéng ly) Present __v. to introduce, to show, to offer for consideration (trinh bay, gidi thiéu) Presentation n. presentable adj. Weakness n, a fault, a quality lacking strength (diém yéu) L13 Hiring and Training (muén va dao tao) Conduct v, to hold, to take place, to behave (huéng dn, chi dao) Generate v, to create, to produce (sinh ra) Hire v, to employ, to offer a job or position (thué, muén) Hire n. hiring gerund (thué, tuyén dyng) Keep up with _v, to stay equal with (gift can bang) Look up to v, to admire, to think highly of (Kham phuc, ngyuéng m6) Mentor n, a person who guides (ngudi cé van) On track a, on schedule (Theo déi) Reject v, to turn down, to say no (ttf chéi) Rejection, rejecting gerund Set up v, to establish, to arrange; a , arranged (thiét IGp, tao dyng) Success n, reaching a goal (thanh.céng) Succeed v. successful adj. Training -f,, the preparation or education for a specific job (dao tao) Trainer n. trainee n. Update v, to make current. N, the latest information (cp nhat) 114 Salaries and benefits (ludng va trg cap) Basis n. the main reason for something, a base or foundation (n&n tang, cd ban) Be aware ofv. to be conscious of, to be knowledgeable about (am hiéu va) Benefits n. the advantages provided to a employee in addition to salary (tin tro cap) Benefit v. (gidp ich cho) _ beneficial adj. (cé ich, cé Idi) Compensate v. to pay, to make up for.(bdi thutng, dén bu) Compensation n. (sy dén bil, sy b8i thu’ng) compensatory adj. Delicate adj. Sensitive, adv. With sensitivity (nhay bén, khéo Iéo) Eligible adj. Able to participate in something, qualified (dui tu cach, thich hgp) Flexible adj. Not rigid, able to change easily (, d& sai khign, d& udn nan) Negotiate _v. to talk for the purpose of reaching an agreement especially on prices or contracts (dm phan, thong ludng) : Negotiation n. negotiator n. Raise n. an increase in salary (sy ting ludng) Retire _v. to stop working, to withdraw from a business or profession (nghi huu) Retirement n. retired adj. Vested adj. Absolute, authorized (dugc quyén, duge phép) Wage n. the money paid for work done, usually hourly (tién céng, tién lung) L15 Promotions, Pensions and Awards Achieve v, to succeed , to reach a goal (giinh dugc, hoan thanh) Achievement n. achiever n. Contribute V, to add to, to donate, to give (déng gép, gdp phan) Contribution n. contributor n. Dedication _n, a commitment to something (c6ng hign) Dedicate v. dedicated adj. Look forward to v, to anticipate, to be eager for something to happen (chi di, mong dgi) Looked to V, to depend on , to rely on (tréng ché vao, phy thuéc vao) Loyal a, faithful, believing in something or somebody (trung thanh) Merit n, experience, high quality (xuat sdc) Obvious a, easy to see or understand (16 rang, hién nhién) Productive a, useful, getting a lot done (nang suat, kha n&ng lam viéc) Promote v, to give someone a-better job; to support, to make known (48 dat) Promotion n. _ promoter n. Recognition —_n, credit, praise for doing something well (sy cng nhén, sy thiva nh&n) Value n, worth (dang gid) L16 Shopping Bargain n, something offered or acquired at a price advantageous to the buyer (mac ca) Bear v, to have a tolerance for, to endure (chiu dying) Behavior rn, the manner of one’s action (cach Ung xt, doi xi) Checkout n, the act, time, or place of checking out, as at a hotel or a supermarket (thanh todn, quay thanh todn) Comfort n, a condition or feeling of pleasurable ease, well-being, and contentment (théai mai, dé dang) Comfortable adj. Comfortably adv. Expand v, to increase the size, volume, quantity, or scope of; to enlarge (ndi réng) Expansion n. expanded adj. Explore v, to investigate systematically (thm dd, khao sat ) Exploration n, exploratory adj. Item n, a single article or unit (mat hang) Mandatory —_a, required or commanded, obligatory (bat budc) Merchandise __n, items available in stores (hang héa mua ban) Strict a, precise. Exact (chat ché) Strictness n. strictly adv. Trend n, the current style (xu hung, xu thé) L17 Ordering Supplies (phigu tigp té) Diverse a, different; made up of distinct qualities (da dang) Diversify v. diversity n. (da dang héa) Enterprise _n, a business; a large project (Céng trinh dy an Idn) Essential a, indispensable, necessary (cn thiét) Everyday a, common, ordinary (théng thing, théng dung) Function _v, to perform tasks (chtfc ning, trach nhiém) Function n. functional adj. Maintain —_, to continue, to support, to sustain (duy tri) Maintainability n. maintainable adj. Obtain v, to acquire (dat dugc, c6 dugc) Prerequisite n, something that Is required or necessary as a prior condition (aiéu kién uu tién) Quality n, a distinguishing characteristic (chat lugng): 5 a2 Smooth @, without difficulties; deliberately polite and agreeable in order to win favor (€m thém, suén sé) Smooth out v. Smoothly adv (Lam cho suén sé) Source n, the origin (nguén, nguén géc) Stationery —_n, writing paper and envelopes (46 dling van phéng) L18 Shipping (van tai duding thuy) Accurate a, exact; errorless (dling, chinh xéc) Accuracy n. accurately adv. Carrier ny a Person or business that transports passengers or goods (ngudi hoc mét h8ng van chuyén) Catalog _a, a list or itemized display; v, to make an itemized list of (sch danh mue chi tiét) Fulfill ¥, to finish completely (hoan thanh(céng viéc, nhiém vu) Fulfilling gerund fulfillment n. (sy hoan thanh) Integral a, necessary for completion (cn thiét, ko thé thiéu) Inventory _n, goods in stock; an itemized record of these goods (Kiém ké (hang héa) Minimize _ v, to reduce, to give less importance to (glam tdi mite t6i thigu) Minimal adj. Minimum n. (téi thigu) On hand a, available (sn sang, sn 6) Remember y, to think of again (nhd, nhé lai) Ship v, to transport; to send (van chuyén) Shipper n. shipment n. (viée git hang) Sufficient a, as much as is needed (vita aii) Supply v, to make available for use (cung cSp) L19 Invoices (Héa don) Charge n, an expense or a cost; v, to demand payment (thu phi) Compile _v, to gather together from several sources (thu thap) Customer _n, one who purchases a commodity or service (khach hang) Discount _n, a reduction in price; to reduce in price (giam gid) Efficient @, acting or producing effectively with a minimum of waste (cé hiéu luc, higu qua) Estimate _v, to approximate the amount or value of something; to form am opinion About something (uéc ludng. dinh gid) Estimation n. estimating gerund Impose __v, to establish or apply as compulsory; to force upon others (dp at, &p budc, bat ai phai lam gi d6) Imposition n. imposing adj. (dah (thuéal-46) Mistake n, an error or a fault (Idi) Mistaken v. adj. Order n, a request made to purchase something ; v, to command or direct (don at hang) Prompt —_adj being on time or punctual, carried out without delay, n. a reminder or a cue (nhanh chéng) : Promptness n. prompt v. Rectify _v. to set right or correct (chinh stra) Terms n. conditions (diu khéan) L20 Inventory (kiém ké hoang héa) Adjust v. to change in order to match or fit, to cause to correspond (diéu chinh, dan xép ) Adjustment n. adjustable adj. Automatic adj. Operating independently (ty déng) Automation n. automatically adv. Crucial adj. Extremely significant or important (cht yéu) Discrepancy _n. a divergence or disagreement (sy bat déng, bat hda) * Disturb v. to interfere with, to interrupt (lam phin) Disturbance n. disturbingly adv. (lam réi loan, gay can tré) Liability _n. an obligation a responsibility (trach nhiém phdp ly) Reflect v. to given back a likeness (phan dh, tung ting véi) Reflection n. reflector n. Run v. to operate (chay, hoat déng) Scan v. to look over quickly (xem Iuét, xem qua) Subtract _v. to take away, to deduct (trif di, kh&u tris) Tedious —_adj. Tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness, boring (chan ngits, budn té) Verify _v. to prove the truth of (Xdc minh, kiém lai) 121 Banking (Nganh ng&n hang) Accept v. to receive, to respond favorably (d6ng y, chp thuan) Acceptance n. acceptable adj. Balance _n. the remainder, v. to compute the difference between credits and debits of an account.(Sé du (tai khoan)) Borrow __v. to use temporarily (vay mudn) Cautious adj. Careful, wary (than trong) Deduct —_v. to take away from a total, to subtract (khdu trir) Deductible n. deduction n. Dividend _n. a share in a distribution (Tién Iai cé phn) Down payment n. an initial partial payment (Sy tra.trude-1- ph3n-khi' muachang) Mortgage _n. the amount due on a property, v. to borrow money with your house as collateral.(c&m c6, thé chap) Restriction n. a limitation (giéi han,han ché) Restrict v. restricted adj. Signature _n. the name of a person written by the person (chit ky) Sign n. v. Take out — v. withdraw, remove (rit tién) Transaction n. a business deal (giao dich) 122 Accounting (thanh todn) Accounting n. the recording and gathering of financial information for a company (sy thanh todn, tinh todn) Accountant. n, account n. (ké todn) Accumulate v. to gather, to collect (tihc ldy, ly ké) Accumulation n. accumulated adj. Asset fn. something of value (tai sin) Audit n. a formal examination of financial records, v. to examine the financial (kim todn) Budget __n. a list of probable expenses and income for a given period (ngan quy, ngén sach). ‘ Budget v. ghivao ngan séch —_budgetary adj. Build up _n. to increase over time (Sy. t&ng cugng) Client n. a customer (khdch hang) Debt n. something owed, as In money or goods (khéan ng) Outstanding —_adj. Still due, not paid or settled (cdn tén tai, chua giai quyét xong, chua tra ng) Profitable adj. advantageous, beneficial (c6 sinh lai) Profit v. n. (Igi nhudn, thu héi) Reconcile _v. to make consistent (dinh chap nh§n, cam chiu) Tumover _n, the number of times a product is sold and replaced or an emloyee leaves and another employee is hired (doanh sé, doanh thu) 123 Investments (dau tu) Aggressive adj. Competitive, assertive (Ian sn, xm chiém) Attitude —_n. a felling about something or someone (thai 4, quan diém) Commitment _n. a promise (théa thuan, théa uéc, cam két) Commit v. noncommittal adj. Conservative. _ adj. Cautious, restrained (bao thu, than trong) Fund n, an amount of money for something specific, v to provide money for (nguén tin, quy dy tri). Invest__v, to put money intoa business or activity with the hope of making more money, to put effort into something (dau tu’) Investment n. investor n. Long-term adj. involving or extending over a long period (dai han) Portfolio _n. a list of investments (danh muc vén dau tu) Pull out —_v. to withdraw, to stop participating, n. a withdrawal, removal (rit tién, rat lui) Resource _n. assets, valuable things (nguén) Return _n, the amount of money gained as profit (tién thu vé, ti&n Iai) Returns n, returnable adj. Wise adj. Knowledgeable, able to offer advice based on experience (Ting trai hiu biét nhigu, khén ngoan, sng sudt). Wisdom n. wisely adv. L24 Taxes (nép thué) Calculate _ v. to figure out, to compute (tinh todn) Calculation n, calculator n. Deadline _n. a time by which something must be finished (han cuéi) File v. to enter into public record, n. a group of documents or information about a person or an event (sp xép, sp dat tai liéu) Fill out _v. to complete (hoan t&t, hoan thanh) Give up _v. to quit, to stop (dau hang, tam ding, tam ngung) Joint adj. Together, shared (tham gia) Owe v. to have a debt. To be obligated to pay (ng) Owner n, owing gerund Penalty n, a punishment, a consequence (khoan tién phat) Penalize v. penal adj. Prepare —_v. to make ready (chudn bi) Preparation n, preparatory adj. Refund _n. the amount paid back, v, to give back (tra lai, hoan tra) Spouse _n. a husband or wife (vg hoc chéng) Withhold _ v. to keep from. To refrain from (tif chéi, ng&n can, can tré) L25 Financial Statements (bdo cdo tal chinh) Desired adj. Wished or longed for (mong dgi, mong wéc, khao khat) Desire n. v. Detail _v. to report or relate minutely or in particulars (chi tiét, tiéu ti8t, khia canh nhé) Forecast n, a prediction of a future event .v. to estimate or calculate in advance (dy dodn, dy bdo truéc) Level Nn. a relative position or rank on a scale (mic 46, hang) Overall _adj. Regarded as a whole, general (bao gdm, tdan b8) Perspective n, a mental view or outlook — ae Projected adj. Estimated, or predicted based or present data (du én, k& hoach) Project n. v. : Realistic adj. Tending to or expressing an awareness of things as they really are (c6 6c thyc t&) Reality n. realistic adj. (thyc té, thyc tai) Target __v. to establish as a goal, n. a goal (muc tiéu) Translation n. the act or process of translating (ban dich, bai dich) Translate v. translatable adj. Typical adj. Conforming to a type (dic thu, d&c trung, tiéu bigu) Yield n- an amount produced, v. to produce a profit (Igi nhuan, Idi tifc) L26 Property and department (co quan quan ly bat déng san) Adjacent adj. next to (ngay canh, lién ké) Collaboration _n. the act pf working with someone (hgp téc, céng téc) Collaborate v. collaboration n. Concentrate _v. to focus, to think about (treng tm, tép trung) Conducive adj. Contributing to, leading to (cé ich, cé Igi) Disrupt _v. to interrupt, to disturb (pha va, quéy réi) Disruption n. disruptive adj. Hamper __v. to impede or interfere (ngin tr, can trd) Inconsiderate adj. Rude, impolite. (thiéu chu déo, quan tm) Lobby —_n. an anteroom, foyer, or waiting room (hanh lang, sénh ché, van d6ng hanh lang) Move up __v. to advance, improve position (tién lén) Open to adj. Receptive to, vulnerable (tiép thu, dling dude cho ai dé) Opt v. to choose, to decide on (chon Iyfa) Option n. optimal adj. (vat dugc chon, di@u duge chonj) : Scrutinize v. to look at carefully and closely (xem xét ky Iu@ng, cén than) Scrutiny n. inscrutable adj. 127 Board Meetings and committees (cugc hop hi déng quan tri va dy ban) Adhere tov. to follow, to pay attention to (Tuan thi) Agenda __n. a list of topics to be discussed (Nhiing van 4, céng viéc phai ban tai cusc hgp) Bring up _v. to introduce a topic (gidi thiéu, dua ra) Conclude v. to stop, to come to a decision (két luan, két thiic) Conclusion n. conclusive adj. (sy két thiic, sy quyét dinh) Go ahead vv. to proceed with, n. permission to do something (tiép tuc, tién trién) Goal n. objective, purpose (myc tiu, muc dich) Lengthy —_ adj. Long in time, duration, or distance (dai ding) Matter ___n. an item, issue, topic of interest (van d8, chu: 48) Periodically adv. From time to time (dinh ky) Period n.. periondic adj. Priority _n. something of importance, something that should be done before other things (uu tién) Prioritize v. prior adj. Progress _n. a movement forward, v. to move forward on something, especially work or a project (sy tién b6, su tién Ién) Progression n. progressive adj. sy tién tdi Waste b. not to use wisely, n. not worthwhile. (khéng gid tri) 28 Quality control (kiém sodt chat lugng) Brand —_n. an identifying mark or label, a trademark (nhin, nhn hiéu) Conform __v, to match specifications or qualities (Iam cho phu hgp) Defect _n. an imperfection or flaw (nhugc diém) Defect n, defective adj. Enhance _v. to make more attractive or valuable (tang, nang cao) Garment _n, an article of clothing (40 quan) Inspect _v. to look at closely, to examine carefully or officially (kiém tra, thanh tra) Inspection n. inspector n. Perceive __v. to notice, to become aware of, to see (nh4n thttc, linh héi) Perception n. perceptive adj. (sy nhan biét, m4n cam) Repel v. to keep away, to fight against (aay xa, khuc tis) Repellent n. adj. Take back b. to return something, to withdraw or retract (lay lai, kéo lai) Throw out. v. to dispose of (vitt di, bé di) Uniform —_ adj. Consistent in form or appearance (Khéng thay déi vé tinh céh hay hinh thefc) Wrinkle n. a crease, ridge, or furrow, especially in skin or fabric (nép nh’in) 129 Product Development (phét trién san phém) Anxious adj. Worried (lo 4u, bin kho&n) Anxiety n. anxiously adv. (méi lo du) Ascertain _-v. to discover, to find out for certain (tim hiéu-mét céch chac chan) Assume __v. to take upon oneself, to believe to be true (cho rang, thiva nhan) Assumed adj. Assumption n. Decade _n. a period of ten years (thap ky) Examine __ v. to interrogate, to scrutinize (xem xét chi tiét) Experiment v. to try out a new procedure or idea, n. a test or trial (thi nghiém, cudc thi nghiém) Experimentation n. experimental adj. Logical ___adj. formally valid, using orderly reasoning (hop ly,-c6-1y) Research n. the act of collecting in formation about a particular subject (nghién ctfu) Responsibility _n. task (bén phan, tréch nhiém) Responsible adj. Responsibly adv. Solve v. to find a solution, explanation, or answer (giai quyét, lam séng to mét van dé) Supervisor n. an administrator in charge (ngudi gidm sat) Systematic adj. Methodical in procedure, organized (cé phutdng phdp, hé théng) L30 Renting and Leasing (thué va cho thué) Apprehensive —_ adj. Anxious about the future ( e ngai, s¢) Apprehend v. apprehension n. Circumstance . n. a condition, a situation (tinh thé, tinh hudng) Condition _n. the state of something, a requirement (diéu kin) Conditional adj. Condition v. Due to Prep. Because of ( bd, nguyén nhdn d&n dén cdi gi) Fluctuate _v. to go up and down, to change (dao déng, thay déi bat thuting) Fluctuation n, fluctuating gerund. (sy giao déng) Get out of v. to escape, to exit (rdi khdi) Indicator _n. a sign, a signal (chi d&n, chi dinh) Indicate v. indication n. Lease n. a contract to pay to use property for an amount of time, v. to make a Contract to use property ( Hgp déng cho thué) Lock into v. to commit, to be unable to change (théa thuan ko thay aéi) Occupancy n. the state of being or living in a certain place (sé httu, chiém hiu) Option _n. a choice, an alternative ( sy’Iya chon) Subject to adj. Under legal power, dependent (tly thudc vao céi gi d6, difa theo cai gi dé) 131 Selecting a Restaurant (chon Iya nha hang) Appeal adj., to be attractive or interesting (sy hp dan, thich th) Arrive _v., to reach a destination (tdi méy nai) Compromise ___n., a settlement of differences in which each side makes concessions (sy théa hiép, théa utc) Daring —_adj., to have the courage required (t4o bao, liu linh) Familiar adj., often encountered or seen; common (tuong ty) Guide —_n., one who leads, directs, or gives advice (ngudi huéng dan) Guidance n., guidable adj., Majority _n., the greater number or part (phn Idn, da s6) Mix v., to combine or blend into one mass; n., a combination (trén (n, hda ln). Mixture n., mixable adj., Rely v., to have confidence in; to depend on (tin cy vao, dyfa vao) Reliability n., reliable adj., Secure _v,, to get possession of; to obtain (bdo dam) Subjective adj., particular to a given person; highly personal; not objective (chi quan) Suggest __v., to offer for consideration or action (ggi y) Suggestion n., suggestible adj., (sy d8 nghi, c6 thé d8 nghi duc) L32 Eating out (n bén ngoai) Basic adj., serving as a starting point or basis (cd ban, can ban) Complete _adj., having all necessary or normal parts, components, or steps (dy dui, tron ven) Completion n., completely adv., lam cho day au Excite v., to arouse an emotion (kich d6ng) Excitement n., exciting adj., Flavor _n., a distinctive taste (vi ngot, mui thém phang phat) Forget _v., to be unable to remember (quén) Forgetful adj., forgettable adj., Ingredient n., an element in a mixture (thanh phan) Judge —_v., to form an opinion (danh gid) Mix-up n., a confusion; v., to confuse (l4n l6n, béi réi) Patron _n., a customer, especially a regular customer (khéch hang quen) Predict _v., to state, tell about, or make known in advance (dy dodn, dy béo) Prediction n., predictable adv., Random —_ adj., having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective (ng4u nhién, tinh 8) Remind _v., to cause to remember (nhac nhd) L 33 Ordering Lunch (ggi mén &n trua) Burdensome _adj., of or like a burden; onerous (phién todi) Common _adj., widespread, frequent, usual (théng thudng, phé bién) In common n., commonly Delivery —-n., the act of conveying or delivering (giao-hang) Elegant —_adj., exhibiting refined, tasteful beauty (thanh lich, trang nha) Elegance n., elegantly adv., Fall to v., to become one’s responsibility (bat du 4n) Impress v., to affect strongly, often favorably (n tugng) Impression n., impressionable adj., Individual adj., by or for one person; special; particular (cé nhn, riéng 1é) Individualize v., individually adv., List n., a series of names, words, or other items; v., to make alist (danh sch) Multiple adj., having, relating to , or consisting of more than one part (nhiéu, phic tap) Narrow _v., to limit or restrict; adj., limited (chat hep, han ché) Pick up v., to take on passengers or freight (dén (ai d6)) Settle v., to make compensation for, to pay; to choose (dinh cu, 6n dinh) 134 Cooking as a career (Ngh@ n&u &n) Accustom to. v., to become familiar with, to become used to (lam quen véi cdi gi) Apprentice n., a student worker in a chosen field v.,(tap sy, ngudéi mdi vao nghé) Apprenticeship n., Culinary _adj., relating to the kitchen or cooking (viéc bép ntic) Demanding adj., requiring much effort or attention (di hdi kh’t khe) Draw v., to cause to come by attracting (kéo, Idi kéo) . Incorporatev., to unite one thing with something else already in existence (sét nhap chat ché) Incorporation n., incorporating gerund., Influx n., a flowing in (dang chay vao) Method —_n., a procedure (phucng php, céch thifc) Methodology n., methodical adj., Outlet _n., a means of release or gratification, as for energies, drives, or desires (I6i ra, 16i thoat) Profession n., an occupation requiring considerable training and specialized study (nghé nghiép) Professional adj., professionally adv.,(chuyén nghiép) Relinquish v., to let go; to surrender (tit bo) Theme n., an implicit or recurrent idea; a motif (chu a8, 48 tai) L35 Events (sy kién) Assist v., to give help or support to (trg gitip, tr¢ ly) Assistance n., assistant n. (sy gilip 3, ngudi gilip viéc) Coordinate v., to adjust or arrange parts to work together (sap xép, sap dat) Dimension n., a measure of width, height, or length (kich thuéc) Exact adj., characterized by accurate measurements or inferences (chinh xdc) 20 General _adj., involving only the main feature rather than precise details (hau hét, phd bién) Generalize v., generally adv., (dién ta chung chung) Ideal adj., imaginary; existing as a perfect model (quan niém, tuéng tugng, mau hinh ly tuéng) - Idealize v., ideally adv. (ly tudng héa, theo ly tudng) Lead time n., the time between the initial stage of a project and the appearance of results (khoang thdi gian giifa lic bat du va Itic hoan thanh mét qué trinh sx méi) Plan n., a scheme for making something happen; v., to formulate a scheme Proximity n., the state, quality, sense, or fact of being near or next to; closeness (sy gan giii) Regulation n., rules, laws, or controls; v., to control (sy diéu chinh, qui tac, diu 1) Regulate v., regulatory adj., Site n., a place or setting (vi tri, dia diém) Stage v., to exhibit or present (Trinh dién) L36 General Travel (du lich téng quan) Agency _n., an establishment engaged in doing business (dai ly) Announcement n., a public notification (théng cdo, théng bao) Announce v., announcer n., Beverage n., a drink other than plain water (a8 ung, thtic uéng) Blanket _n., a covering for keeping warm, especially during sleep; any full coverage; v., to cover uniformly (Mén, chin) Board _v., to enter a boat, plane, or train; to furnish to see the roads _v.,(lén tau) Onboard adj.,(trén tau) Claim v., to take as rightful; to retrieve (ddi héi, quyén yéu sdch) Delay v., to postpone until a later time; n., the period of time during which one is delayed _n., (tri hodin) Embark v., to go onboard a flight or ship; to begin (Lén tau) Itinerary _n., a proposed rout for a journey, showing dates and means of travel (lich trinh bay) Prohibit —_v., to forbid by authority or to prevent (ngan c&m, ngan chin) Valid adj., having legal efficacy or correctness (hiéu Ic) Validate v., validation n., L37 Airlines (hang khéng) Deal with _v., phrase, to attend to; mange; to see to (ban vé cai gi, théa thuan cai gi) 21 Destination n., the place to which one is going or directed (diém dn) Distinguish v., to make noticeable or different] (nhan ra, nhdn biét) Distinguishable adj., distinguishably adv., (cé thé nhan ra) Economical adj., intended to save money, time, or effort (tiét kiém) Economy n., economize v.,(sy tiét kiém) ~ Equivalent adj., equal (tuong dudng) Excursion n., a pleasure trip; a trip at a reduced fare (chuyen thim quan) Expensive adj., marked by high prices (d&t) Expense n., expensively adv., (chi phi) Extend _v., to make longer; to offer (keé dai, danh cho) Prospective adj., likely to become or be (va sau, s&p tél) Situation _n., the combination of circumstances at a given moment (vi tri, tinh thé) Substantial adj., considerable in importance, value degree amount, or extent (dang ké, quan trong) Substance n., substantially adv.,(trong yéu, quan trong) System n., a functionally related group of elements (hé théng) L38 Trains (tau héa) Comprehensive _adj., covering broadly; inclusive (bao gdm, bao ham) Comprehensiveness n., comprehensively adv.,(toan dién) Deluxe adj., noticeably luxurious (thudc loai sang trong, xa xi) Directory _n., a book or collection of information or directions (danh muc, danh ba) Duration n., the time during which something lasts (khoang théi gian) Entitle V., to allow or qualify (cho quyén lam gi) Fare n., the money paid for transportation (tién xe, tién vé) Offset v., to counterbalance (d8n bu, bi: dap) Operate v., to perform a function (hoat déng) Operation n., operational adj.,(sy’ hoat déng) Punctual adj., prompt (duing gid) Punctuality n., punctually adv.,(tinh diing gid) Relatively adv., somewhat (tudng déi, vita phai) Remainder n., the remaining part (phn con lai) Remote adj., far removed (xa xéi, tach biét) Remoteness n., remotely adv.,(Syf xa x6i, rt xa) L39 Hotels (khdch san) Advance / ad'va:ns/ n., a move forward ( ( advance in something) sy cal tién 22 Chain/ tfein/ n, a group of enterprises under a single control ( day, chuéi, loat. Cac céng viéc kinh doanh do 1 ngudi [am chi) Check in v., to register at a hotel; to report one’s presence (dang ky 8 khach san, suf ding ky di may bay) Confirm —v., to-validate—_( x4¢-nh§n;_chting thyc) Confirmation n., confirmed adj., Expect __v., to consider probable or reasonable (doan tru‘éc, liu truéc) Expectation n., expectant adj., Housekeeper _n., someone employed to do domestic work (quan gia) Notify v., to report (théng bdo, cho biét) Preclude — v., to make impossible; to rule out (ngan can) Quote v., to give exact information on; n., a quotation ( trich din) Quotation n., quotable adj., (Idi trich din) Rate n., the payment or price according to a standard (gid (ca)) Reserve __v., to set aside (dy tri’, dy’ phdng, dé danh) Reservation n., in reserve n., (d&t chd truéc) Service n., useful functions (dich vy) L40 Car Rentals (cho thué xe) Busy adj., engaged in activity (ban) Coincide __v., to happen at the same time (xay ra tring khép, dng théi) Coincidence n., coincidentally adv., (tring hgp ngau nhién) Confusion n., a lack of clarity, order, or understanding (nham lan, béi réi) Contact —_v., to get in touch with (lién hé véi ai) Disappoint v., to fail to satisfy the hope, desire, or expectation of (lam that vong) Intend _v., to have in mind (dif dinh) Intention n., intent adj., License _n., the legal permission to do or own a specified thing (c&p phép, gidy phép) Nervous _adj., easily agitated or distressed; uneasy or apprehensive (hdi hp, lo lang) Nervousness n., nervously adv., Optional _adj., not compulsory or automatic (tly y, ko bat buéc) Tempt _v., to be inviting or attractive to (16! kéo, xic giyc) Temptation n., tempting adj., Thrill n., the source or cause of excitement or emotion (ring minh, ring rn Wiky) Tier n., a rank or class (day, tng, I6p) L41 Movies (Phim anh) Attain —_v., to achieve (dat dugc, gianh dugc) Attainment n., attainable adj., Combine _v., to come together (két hgp, phi hgp) 23 ee Continue v., to maintain without interruption ( tiép tuc) Continuation n., continual adj., Description n., a representation in words or pictures (su mé ta, dién ta) Describe v., descriptive adj., Disperse _v., to spread widely, to scatter (phan tan) Entertainment _n., a diverting performance or activity (sy giai tri) Entertain v., entertaining adj., Influence _ v., to alter or affect (anh hung, téc déng) Range _n., the scope (pham vi, trinh 46, linh vuc) Release _v., to make available to the pubic; to give permission for performance (céng bé, phat hanh) . Represent v., to typify (déng, dién kich) Separate adj., detached; kept apart (tach bach, tach tiéng) Successive adj., following in order (lién tyc lin tiép) L42 Theater (nha hat) Acting n., the series (348 , 5) of events that form the plot of a story or play (thu vai, dién xudt) Approach. to go near; to come close to in appearance or quality; n., a way or means of reaching something (tiép cn, lai gin) Approachable adj., approach n., Audience _n., the spectators at a performance (khén gia) Create _v., to produce through artistic or imaginative effort (sang tao) Creation n., creative adj., Dialogue _n., a conversation between two or more persons (giai thoai, héi thoai) Element _n., fundamental or essential constituent (yéu té, nguyén té) Experience n., an event or a series of events participated in or lived through v.,(chi tiét) Experienced adj., Occur V., to take place; to come about (xuat hién, nay ra ) Perform __v., to act before an audience, to give a public presentation of (dién xuat) Performance n., performer n., (biéu dién, trinh dién) Rehearse ( 22% , HH) v., to practice in preparation for a public Performance; to direct in rehearsal (Di&n tap) Review _n., a critical estimate of a work or performance; v., writing a criticism of a performance (Su phé binh, Idi phé binh ) Sold out adj., having all tickets or accommodations completely sold, especially ahead of time; v., to sell all the tickets (hét vé) L43 Music (4m nhac) Available _adj., ready for use; willing to serve (san sang dé ding) 4 Broad —_adj., covering a wide scope ( #&7)58IH ) (rng rai, r rang) Category n., a division in a system of classification; a general class of ideas (hang, loal) Categorize v., categorical adj., (phn loai xc thyc) Disparate (45#89) —_adj., fundamentally distinct or different (khac loai) Divide _v., to separate into parts (phan chia) Favorite —_adj., preferred (ua thich) Favorable adj., favorably adv., Instinct n., an inborn pattern that is a powerful motivation (ban n&ng) Preference n., someone or something liked over another or others (syf ua thich, thich cdi gi hdn) Prefer v., preferential adj., Reason _n., the basis or motive for a action; an underlying fact or cause (ly do) Relaxation n., the act of reacting or the state of being relaxed; refreshment of body or mind (thu gign) Relax v., relaxed adj., Taste n,, the ability to discern what is excellent or appropriate (sé thich,thi higu) Urge (423 , fl) ——_-v., to advocate earnestly; a., a natural desire (thuic giyc, gic gid) L44 Museums (Bao tang) Acquire __v., to gain possession of; to get by one’s own efforts (dat du¢c, thu dude) Admire _v., to regard with pleasure; to have esteem or respect for (Kham phuc, ham m6) Collection n., a group of objects or works to be seen, studied, or kept together (b6 suu tap) Collect v., collector n., Criticism _ n., an evaluation, especially of literary or other artistic works (sy phé binh, binh phém) Criticize v., Phé binh critic n., (nha phé binh) Express __v., to give an opinion or depict emotion (bay to, biéu I6 tinh cam) Fashion _n., the prevailing style or custom (théi trang) Leisure _n., freedom from time-consuming duties; free time (thdi gian ranh réi) Respond _v., to make a reply; to react (héi dm, phic dap) Response n., responsive adj., (sy tra Idi) Schedule n., a list of times of events; v., to enter on a schedule (lich trinh, ké hoach lam viéc) Significant adj., meaningful; having a major effect; important (quan trong, dang ké) 25 Specialize v., to concentrate on a particular activity (chuyén mén hoa) Specialist n., specialized adj.,(chuyén gia) Spectrum n., a range of related qualities, ideas, or activities ( su phan bé theo tinh chat, s6 lung, hanh vi) L45 Media (Phuong tién truyén théng) Assignment _n., v., something, such as a task, that is assigned (nhiém vu, céng vic) Choose _v., to select one thing over another (Iya chon) Choice n., choosy adj., Constant n., something that is unchanging or invariable ( 7480) , Ax#BHN ) (trung thanh, chung thoy) Constitute ( #12 , #37 ) n., to be the elements or parts of (tao thanh, thanh lap, thiét lap) Decisive adj., characterized by decision and firmness (duit khodt) Disseminate ( Wt ) _v., to scatter widely; to distribute (truyn bd phé bién) Impact | _n., a strong, immediate impression (nh hung, sy tac dng) Indepth _adj., in complete detail; thorough (ty mi, cn than, chu déo) Investigative _adj., specializing in uncovering and reporting hidden information (aiéu tra) Investigation n., investigate v., Link ., an association; a relationship (lién két) Subscribe v., to receive a periodical regularly on order (dt mua mét céi gl a6 dinh ky) Subscription n., subscribers n., (sy mua béo dai han, sy thué bao dién thoai) Thorough (+349 , #01809) adj., exhaustively complete (ti mi, chu 40) Thoroughness n., thoroughly adv., L46 Doctor's Office (phdng khdm) Annual adj., yearly (xay ra hang nim) Appointment n., arrangements for-a meeting; a position in a profession (cudc hen) Assess _v., to determine the value or rate of something (uéc dinh, dinh lygng) Assessment n., assessable adj., Diagnose ( iif ) v., to recognize a disease; to analyze the nature of something (chan doan) Diagnosis n.__{8i. chudin dodn diagnostic adj., Trigu chitng Effective adj., producing the desired effect; being in effect (nh huéng) 26 Instrument n., a tool for precise work; the means whereby something is achieved (diéu tri) Manage _v., to handle; to deal with; to guide (gidi quyét, xoay sd) Prevent —_v., to keep from happening; to hinder (chéng lai, phdng chéngy Prevention n., preventive Recommend _v., to present as worthy; to endorse (giéi thiéu) Recommendation n., recommendable adj., Record ( 443%) —_v., to set down in writing; n., a official copy of documents (ghi lai, luu lai) Refer v., to direct for treatment or information; to mention (chi dinh, lién quan dén) Serious —_adj., weighty (nghiém trong) L47 Dentist’s office (Phdng Nha si) Aware / 2'wee/ adj., having knowledge ( cé kign thifc hoc nhan thifc vé ai/cai gi) Catch up _v., to bring up to date Distraction / dis'treekfn/ _n.., the act of being turned away from the focus ( su’ lam sao lang, suf lam lng di, sy lam duit quang (mach tu tuéng, céng viéc dang lam...); su lang tri, sy dang tri; diéu xao lng) Distract v. ( lam sao lng, lam lang di, lam lng tri, lam réi bdi, lam ri tri), distracted adj., Encouragement / in'karidsmant/n., inspiration or support ( niém d6ng vién) Evident —_adj., easily seen or understood; obvious (hién nhién, ranh ranh) Evidence n., evidently adv., Habit n., a customary manner or practice ( théi quen, tap quan Habitual adj., habitually adv., a Illuminate ( FRSA , FAFE ) // i'lu:mineit/ v., to provide or brighten with light ( chi&u sdng, roi sdng, soi sdng) Irritate ( 828 , IK) / ‘iriteity v., to chafe or inflame, to bother ( kich thich; lam tdy lén, lam rat } Irritation n., irritable adj., Overview / ‘ouvavju :/ n., a summary; a survey; a quick look (su miéu ta chung nhung ngan gon; cdi nhin khai quat; téng quan) Position / pa'zifn/ n., the right or appropriate place (_ vi tri, chd (cla mét vat gi) 27 Regularly 7 ‘regjuleri7 “adv, occurring at fixed intervals ( 6 nhiing quang cach hodc théi gian déu an; cdch d@u nhau Restore _v., to bring back to an original condition (Khdi phuc lai) 148 Health Insurance ( sy bao hiém stic khoé (khi 6m) Allow (a'lauv., to let do or happen; to permit (cho, c&p cho, tro cp, c&p phat) Allowance n., allowable adj., Alternative /o:!'ta:nativ/ —_n., the choice between two mutually exclusive Possibilities (sy Iva chon (mét trong hal)) Alternate v., alternatively adv., Aspect /‘sespekt/ n., a feature element; an appearance (vé, ba ngoai; dign-mao) Concern /kan'sa:n/_v., to be of interest or importance to (lo lang, bin kho3n; quan tam) Emphasize (‘emfasaiz_v., to stress (nhn manh) Emphasis n., emphatic adj., Incur 423% v., to acquire or come into (génh chiu, chiu léy) Personnel n., a group of employees or workers (cén bé, nhan vién) Policy _n., a set of rules and regulations (nhiing diéu khoan cua Hap déng bao higm) Portion 83 _n., a section or quantity within a larger thing; a Part of a whole (phan chia, khdu phan) Regardless adv., in spite of (Bat chp, khéng dém xia tdi, khdng chu y tél), Salary _n., a fixed compensation paid regularly for work done; one’s pay (ludng) Suitable adj., appropriate to a purpose or an occasion (thich hgp véi) Suit v. Hgp véi, suitably adv,, ( L49 Hospitals (t6 chife tir thign, t6 chive citu té) Admit /ad'mit/ _v., to permit to enter (hifa dugc, nhén dugc, c6 4 chd cho Admittance n., admission n., Authorization —_/,9:@aral'zeifn/ n., the act of sanctioning (sy cho quyén, suf cho phép) Designate /‘dezignit/ v., to indicate or specify (chi ré, dinh ré) Designation n., designator n., Escort /esko:k - is'ko:t/1n., a person accompanying another to guide or protect (ngudi bao vé; nguai din dung; ngudi di theo) 28 Identify /ai'dentifai/ _v., to ascertain the name or belongings of (dng nhat hod, coi nhu nhau) Identifiable adj., identification n., Missing _n., an inner calling to pursue an activity or perform a service (the missing (quan st) nhting ngudi mat tich) Permit /‘pa:mit/_v., to allow (cho phép) Permissible adj., permission n., Pertinent /'po:tinant/ _adj., having relevance to the matter at hand (thich hgp, thich déng, ding ché; di thang vao (van dé...) Procedure /procedure/ n., a series of steps taken to accomplish an end (thts tuc) Result /ri'zalt/ _n., an outcome (két qua) Statement /'steitment/n., an accounting showing an amount due; a bill (st bay td, sy trinh bay, sy phat biéu) Usual /‘ju: ul/ _adj., ordinary, expected (thudng, théng thudng, thudng Ié, thuting ding, duing quen) L50 Pharmacy (‘fa:mas!) duge khoa Consult /ken'salt/v., to seek advice or information of (héi y kién, tham khao) Consultation n., consultative adj., Control /ken'troul/ _v., to exercise authoritative or dominating influence (kiém tra, kiém soat, thi lai) Convenient /ken'vi:njant/ —_adj., suited or favorable to one’s purpose; easy to reach (tién Igi, thudn Igi; thich hgp) Convenience n., conveniently adv., Detect /di'tekt/ v., to discover or ascertain (dd ra, tim ra, kham pha ra, phat hién ra) Detection n., detectable adj. Factor /‘faekto/n., a contribution to an accomplishment, a result, or a process (nh&n t6) Interaction /,intar'ekfn/ _n., an influence; a mutual activity (tac déng qua lai) Limit n., the point beyond which something cannot proceed (gidi han, han 4) Monitor —_v., to keep track of (gidm sét) Potential /pa'tenfal/ _adj., capable of being but not yétin existence; possible (tiém n&ng) Sample /'sa:mpl/n., a portion, piece, or segment that is representative of a whole (méu, mau hang) Sense _/sens/n., a judgment; an intellectual interpretation (kh nang phan doan) Volunteer /,valen'tia/ _n., one who performs a service without pay; v., to perform as a volunteer (ngudi tinh nguyén, ngudi xung phong) ~ 29 Volunteerism n., voluntary adj., 30 TEST 11 Part 5 srr Cau héi Dia Gidi thich Djeh//Tir moi Tey thre-yarold Yorkshire erier, —— || Cla dag cia a ul | Lay no ct sn bb mT WO GT ~ against 23 other dogs to win the 18th dom vi day la cfiu ké, ‘anh bai 23 con khéc dé chién thing trong inal Courland Dog Show. Mang aghiacanh tranh Ii, inh | cuge thi trinh dda ch dhrdmg ni ln th sot | Otoemed p | tabehiln tag. 186 Counland ie "A forme thi ~ "Yorkshire terri cb sve Peay Bi epeat nh I Yorkshire ean bot) (©) followe c + annual: hang nim (@ competed B. = dog show: chi tio didn hs ‘law vas ——= pasta gives tax bent |] , ; ao ene yachon eng tephib hop akit | Mc dia ut de thing qu gin dy 8 felandovners wh lth an the Sagas ingen | tavcteiriat eens a cs ately, reently: gin ddy ch it bn it cho chiah pb 102 c = bepised: zoe tng gua (bp hardly repeatedly: nhic Iai = tax beneflt: Io ich thué'wy (@reealy Tuy nlida ely ng dine du | > andowner chi de aioe cl hte eich 1 government chin ph Foren Tae sully — Fang aa aga Sa ia [ph ee aa em ae aapines heag aac a panes dn (vt yl im thing | dog H8 dtd ac antag men qu ea iii dammieiaialale spcocualyy ogc | yng ante shoe (0) gives 1) mgd wes | 8 ‘a. | (Tip doin Foreman) = Ine (incorporated): ng ty (b) given A. Hign tgi don - retiring employee: nhin vién vé © giving BL Ciubi ding in : auaag ©. Dashing = ry: 2a qu gid Hin tp dida =_farevel git gui chia ay ‘The ambassador to Vietnam oversaw the ‘Theo viin cin Iya ean: a tad via 4 vi “opening” to th ‘Ned di ita Vigt Nam da quan sit bub cca aint Saha isi mac LEB Am age 104 (a) studio c ‘A. studio: phdng thu - ambassador: dai sit ett Beet he dng 1 reac: quan ety iim it (© caemony fpr st | prea gh mc ote sna Bi (© termination _terminadon: kt he Tan nal se criysotiware oa hor now Sass computer to—— It against viruses Tha dng nguyen ing | oi nmi bo 6 vin cide sau to" Day lcd chi mye dich | ™Y to p Aastra chtele prea ye oil ca 105 | (6) protector A B Deew + security: bio ve (o protection ©. Dan tr Ea phir a coe = protect against cg is Tor etry —— Weatng ould be ‘paid by the 15th of every month, canes ein ‘hon ign te ‘Hoa don dign vi nbigt cin duge ta trade 1 | 2° Derma a aly 15 hing thing ff oe P ) Bor: cng tng 2 thot den ae oe = heating: nhigt aaa D. and: vi arate very parte Healy Heart Reach ig i, Uy ban nga ol as Kod ‘Commitee holds meetings in five different smgeh thing t6 chit i ngh 5 thinh ph ‘lties to spread information about th (Cin 1 danh ti ¢6 ¥ nghia phi hop | Khéc nhau dé truyén bé thing tin v8 céch ies to spread informal eee ‘véi vin enh hee Bette D. Dante edn tha spread: ph igo (©) prevention = treatment: cich dieu tri (0) carefuness 3 ‘Customers who spend more than $100 will carn a25% dlcount on ——- next purchase, “Thi tnh tsb how bé nghia cho | Khich hig 6 hos dom trén $100 38 dupe oe dlanh "next purchase” ‘iim gi 25% trong la mua sim tiép theo 109 | 2% ‘A. Chi'ngd 2 eastomer:Khich hing (b) thei BL Tinh treo hw > spend: ci ita (them C. Taangt 2 dscoune: git git ae D._ Dai rch doh 2 purchase: mua sim “The rales meeting Was — to afer the Tours ‘Thiba phin gud Rh (PD) cb day vacation, ghia pi Bap ng su dng | paign chy mua bin duge i boda dé kh i sop | 4 De ela eee ‘igh 4nghy kb he rapa fo oeceuuul + sale meeting: Phiéa chy mua bin (revealed C. reveal: bol See eeeaaes (@ postponed D. postpone tt hoi delay) —— say that property taxes have increased faster than most homeowner's incomes. Cla i dente crag oiT ay" ihink dng ca on ng ‘Cie ahi phn tich cho ring tind Wisin d& ‘vd dang ting shanh hon thu nb eda hia A. Ding tit: phan tich ‘bét chi nh (@) Analyze B. Danh tir: cde nha phin tai r = property tax: thud dinh vio tai 110 |) analyte ih Z ht oe ¢ Beawearpiun | hana : aes meron (@) Analyzable tich durge ae Fa TST eet eae clnmtetog ery ngunpna | REnty sit ic hag ion in ea : goer lmowiedss. fepittice vine be aeeeaaa eae a tt |e pipe alae eee. C. D§ng tir: gidi quyét - ‘chink xée_ (handle D. Dong tir: xée hin = to the best of Sb’s knowiedge: (verify ‘ting nur ning ga 46 biée ‘David complained to the Better Business ‘David da thua kign Té chic Kinh doanh ‘Bureau because his landlord continued to — (Cla ms ng 89 naba phd Ding Tin Chy ve ch tepid Seta oa et Se Soy see Soe the broken heater in his apartment, A. fail: thit bei = complain: phan nan, thua kién 112 | (@) fail B. order: dt hing = landlord: chi dit (b) order 7 = heater: 1d sudi oe ee vate 2 RECS aw Coe agli GSTS ETT amie hipaa nay safety —— for the Darcy Power Plant. ‘Thidu 1 danh tirvi ding trade né_ | 6i moi trong cée quy dinh an tod cia Nha (opine Ars aaa - ee eee es (©) regulatory B. Tinh ir + legislator: co quan tip phip Ca oer i rca (oes D._ Dan i guy dink 2 update: fp abit, dBi mdi ower plant nh may phét dia 4 “Te Davidson Car-Buying Guide lists prices {or new and used cars in addition to— car safety ratings. (providing (@)canelng (© supporting @ demonsteating ‘Cu trie “In addition to N/V-ing” IA” pei cng op B Eanes hay © Sapper bb “Hiudng din mua 6 t6 Davidson o it ké ais xg vi méi bin em vigecung ofp bing xdp bang dan toinxe 2 guide: hung din Hist eke in addition to NV-ng safety: 4 ratings: bing xdp hang 32 "This year's —— for the Wilks Award for ~The ci nga danh tr cht ‘Nittng ag of vidn gilt Wills cho pac ve public service include a research scientist, ba OE rae nected anh vi che, mbt dos i hoo, vam university professor, and a local plitclan, B Dingti:inge | eloh alee phuong 115 | (nominees — ae | © Dank engi bd = award: gi ting (nominate shigm, git hia = public service: dich wu eéng ich cease Dank sing ci + Selenist: ah Khoa hoe 2) profesor: gio at (@ nomination 2 pollican: eda sit Tf we win the Best Product Design Award, ‘Clu trig cu dEu kia logit | NE cng ta ting gr THERE Sin pdm ‘our team — a bonus. Méoh dé chia oth ign ti dom | ttn, i ching ta 8 nia dug eae ‘Méoh chi chia thi wong | dhaing a p | iden design: thie (@)received ‘A. Tiga don 2 award: gid hing (0 receiving B. Quikhit 2 team a alias Cc. Ving 2 receive: ahéa age D,_Twong ai don 2 Domus: da ding ‘Oar Deautifal oral bouquets each come with TWEFDd os tye dep oba ching wr Bu aT 2 card for you to write a personal —. ‘Thad maha Bm | enn tn hp dé nv hong ip ove ‘a mf tin tb nga uae 117 | ©) fit p | °°A. Danktizmén gud : (© season Bah phen ie () message . mi 2 « D, Danh tits thing digp a eter Parson's dircclorialdcbut, Legend Har eae apn yy et es PREP arson dng vai ub do diga, di tha duge aleardoopapabonsernesiiaien “Thidu ng tr viding use n6 | doa tu phng vé Ton nhl wong nde vot Year, earning more than $107 millon on ching Jhon 107 tga dl chi wong cu edn in opening werkend alone, "A. Dingti: dgtduge | ibn bag eid 118 | (@) achieved a | BL Danhtic ngubi det debut: mn win dnd tién () achie duge, gidnh duye + directorial: dgo dién (tinh tit) (2) achiever ©. TiahuroSthédatduge | 2 box offle: pong vé (© achievable D._ anh i thinh a 2 earn kiém duge (achioverent neni: Ka mg, min Internet voting tn local and partamentary — ae = — is used throughout Estonia. ‘Thigu danh tir 06 ¥ nghia ‘chon qua mang trong cue blu cl oe Wing widele tga | SUebO va ca qua de pong dove (@) speeches ig nade nthe nh | Se dang ng kip Estonia 119 | (elections a] & Dan biidtovs vote binh chon (©) politicians Dank tis nb chinb te seat eed (@) installations alee et = throughout: Kip, xuyén subt Karen was able to include the last-minute a ‘Karen ob thE ding bilo vita kip hot avicteln the evening-—~ ofthe newspaper. |__| Tenth on dak Pk) gh ong pit ul wen dn tn ul (© edition ‘A. da bin Seer a ote 120 | remark A] B sebjohtoge | 1 areas (© volumes, Co aunts ip nna cle | ain: in bin ian yét nha 2 newspaper: ti bio (4) leita D._ sv gigi han = __tobe able to do St: 06 thé Lim gi Last year, neatly S14 bilion was —— in funds across Asia and Latin Am Trong cu bi dong, sau dag | ay ’ Trong sm nao, gh 141148 lad ge du te (@) invest eee eee atgkane 2) | viosequy 6 Ci A vi Chiu My Ltioh 121 | (invented Ba peace = early: gin oe © Dem dio we | > illo (@ investment D. Dan ir sy dtu te eee 3 “To request more—— about any of our ‘Products and services, please visit ‘www appliancepro.convinfo. (hn dat ing se “ore” 8 biée thém thong tn v8 bat ot sin phim vi dich vp nio cia ching ti, vai ing ghé ih ging io thim wow apliancepro con/info 122 | @ brochure. = aa = request: yeu eta (@)problens c 2 product sin phim (© information By erat atn > service: dich vu i a = ist gh thi ‘Basin Air announced that Wr would begin running Mights at Stewart Airport, whichis Fa Ea aes Foe —— the State Port Au , 3 Basin thing bio ity —- the ae Pet thre chuyén bay ski inh thsi by control. clu ic “unace So conte | Stat sin bay te qayen quin et 123 | as hee ead 5 chinh qin cng quyen bid sdt ob a 7 ae ae announce: thing ae + authority: ehh quyén © + Port: cing: (between i ‘Two public forums willbe held to discuss Halil in ing cng days HE options for —— the Mission Bridge. Chu tric eu ci me ic en (repair 2 Forvaing public forum: dién din cing 124 | (b) repaired (© repairing bacdeaeaae : (@repaiable : ‘Customers purchasing a Camcom 65T digital, ‘Khach hing mua may anh ki thugt 6 camera are enlted toa factory — of $75. ita sp | Cameom 657 dug hung khuyén mai 75 Ga factory ‘Thida donk 5 np pi hop 46 ta tir nha méy. 128 | (rebate BDaah sal git ed te thi (visual tek ae = digital eamera méy aah KTS aie hich = ibe sgn oe ng Chet endo Taveras poplar spicy broiled "Mén slat hr nung cay Glen nb ‘shark teak and mushroom salad isa favorite (ig oa Up tng Lendo Tavera ln eeaaae: Lia ch gi rp hop 4 dew ch evi ch tech (@past A qua ‘chef: bép trfcng 126 has B. gia, trong sé popular: ndi tiéng among © véphia Anh My) > pleyreay (toward D. medi 2 Bro ming 2 sharksteakt ol ohém @) despite aR “Thom Giber willbe — onthe AIDStar ‘Comedy Tour, which starts on September 4. ‘Céun bj dng, thiéu ding tire6 ¥ | Thom Gilbert sé duge trink chigu trong tour pay ‘ghia phi hop vi vin cin | din ha keh AllStar bit du timing 4 oo ‘®. ieasio kha thing () featured B. trinh chiéu = comedy: hai kich (©) created Cc. tor . oe Deh by citi, emt 128 ‘All—— are advised to use the printer In oom 118 unl the one inthe faculty room has been repalred, (employ (b) employees employers (@ employable ln da ng vai deh ngt Dong ti Dank tir nh vign Danh tr dng chi Tioh te pomp ‘Tht cd nha vido néa ding miéy in 6 phing {1B cho dén kh méy in trong vin ping. hon duge sia chit {to advise Sb to do Sbbe advised todo + prlater: nly in = faculty: koa > _repalr: sia cho ‘ cung ofp mot danh mye—— an online directory of ltt ahg te cby mugen | Senghee os lp oryers and aw serv _| Cla mgs dig 06 neha ph. | dla phuong ‘ rps canara “hap abt theo via ciah = online: qua mang, dig 19 (a) offers A. dua ra, cung cip > directory: the myc (©) guides BL hudng dia + local: dja phuong odors pa Iver: en > aw service: ic w ten quan (@ distinguishes dfn pp at ‘lease ake al personal belongings with you = zi — leaving the train, ‘Thida tyng ti bit diuménh 42 — | Vui ling mang theo tt c& nhimng ding cf ane chi th ian shin ia bpm Ki Kh fey ar 2 take: mang the (vat B cfimi = Belonging! ding of shin whom gusta > leave ri koi eae D. vim 2 teal: ‘A S20 Tine will be— to replace any Tost oF Khoi phat 20 8 fa sO] du GE thay_ aia caiane thE bitte od ado bj mit hay dn ep nae ee = fine: iénphgt a bi dig tid pin gud 2 charge: thd, tha ibn (©) charged Ae = replace: thy (©) charges, coeueeree wie ve é + steal>stolen: bj inh, @) charging = card key: thé khoé Because of he —— of hospi employees at tateeenon arcane ‘Boi vi sy hid byt bia vin & bg vga sg ‘Thigu danh tie ding tir | Bon Secours, tring bd phin quin i di bit administration began advertising job ee du ding quing cfo tuyén dung trén bio pening inthe newspaper. A. Thhdicngla = Because of Ning 132 | (ato Daten ste + head: ngwdi ding dia oe. 2 administration: 69 phn qué ©) shorter 7 + Advertsing: ging io (© shorten = Job openings: wyén dung once = _emspaper: bio “Any player who wishes Yo pariepate i he 3 Gracey Tennis Tournament should register — ‘Thi gidi tir mang nghia la traée | Bét i ngudi choi muéa tham gia gidi quin — Avgust 14, rely 1408 ‘vot Gracey nn ding i de aly 1478 133 | uni Baie 2 eat = 2 topartieipate in: ham gia about ©. tea 2 thames eae dls (since D. tse > reglster: ding kt befor sessions before their first day of class. ‘Cin mot danh tir chi ngudi b& Céc trg giing cin phai tham dy buéi hoe (@ booklets ght cho teaching” in hong rade ney din oa Whos "A cu sich abd hoe 134 | (0) promoters B. nguii ing bo = attend: tham dy (©) assistants, C. ty ging - orientation: djnh hudng (@) instructions D. Wii liguhudng din = session: bubi boc 135 Passports must be valid for atleast six months fo be ——— for a travel visa. (o) enable ©) quality (eligible (8) appropriate (Cla mgt cng vi gir “oe” mang nha a chun ‘Dong te: enable Sih Danni: cht ome C. lige for Bien D > chun, phi hap appropriate ro phi hop Hig chika cin pha co gid wong hain 6 thing 48 dre edp th hye 7 Paspart gehi = valid: 06 higa Ive + atleast: itahie + visa th hye 35 ‘Your wage — ata rate of $21 for every hour of work. iy i chu bi dong vi chi net ta dank tr chi vit Luong ca ban s& dug tinh & mie 21 48 ta cho mét git lim vite (a) calculated Wage: luong cog shin (eo gid) 136 | Gelatin : Cha wie ct dng = _ fay og te (th) (© to caleulation To be (chin th pi hyp) + ca (@) will be caleulated a Moroeco™s — Indusry provides the third anu con largest source of revenue for the North Sana ‘ ich Morocco eung efpngub eres Tabatha ce | AS ain tc eB Pi 9 | er nga da ich pons anna | 137 | 6 couing ae provide Sh for Sb: eang dp cho (© tourism B. adi date (d) tour's: Cnn da tet ~ revenue: doanh thu ‘Many real-estate agencies are —— 4, “Nhigu dai ly bat dong san dang thué cic vrefeasional phategraphers to take pictures. ily li cdu kd chia & thai hign tei | nhiép anh gia chuyén nghigp chyp dah nha Guan See tip dida > Cin mgt dng irvV- | vi dle d8 giao bin, 7 op ing ¢6 ¥ nghia phi hop = Feahestate agency: di ly BBS 138 | (hiring Ate profesional: chuyén mahi residing Bo cvtt 2 photographer: aid dg (© excluding CC. lopitee = to take picture of Sth: chyp aah ‘D. chuyén déi - @ converting ie zi — the weather forecast, Cayton Clay should get more than fiteen inches of snow cla: ding a cu 06 a iam lamas igloo | Cy sb an 139 | @ Atwill of Ar Theos mun cla "weather forecast dy bo ha wet ( Accordngio Php tuge vio > tmhe2Som (Depending DB. Blogdva 2 imeem eap (@) Agreeing with 140 Beginning next week, managers will he — performance evaluations forall employees within their department. (@) conduct (@) conducts . (©) conducted (conducting ‘Ding sau “will be” co HE resent Prtciple(V-ing) hog ast Patciple (P2) (Chi gt Ia danh tr chi ngubi > Diy I edu chi dd, khong th ding P2 Hii dng xy ra vo mt hd idm ade dh tong trong lai Ding tt chia 6 thi team lai tibp dita ‘it lu tun sa, céc qu én ish dah gid hint ited nha vn trong, ane ‘nmap: conduct: ta hinh Performance: sy th higa Eraatin: din gi tmployee:nhin ven department: png, ban 36 rs 6 Quai - Q14 “Thank you Tor choosing to stay at the Maxinws Hotel on Your recent trip to Cleveland, Our records show that you stayed in our Grand Suite____the dates of May 4 and Clu tne “between (khodng ‘choose: Iya chon May 7. thi gian) and (khodng thi > twstay at somewhere: & 141 | yin imniodén | on trip: chuyén di (between tha idm abo : 38 gh chép (amongst (@ without We hope that you enjoyed your stay with us and would appreciate any feedback you could give us om how you found our __and facies, ‘Theo vin nh: + enjoy: tén ing tag | finds aie = appreciate: inh gid cao (©) storage oe + feebacks phn (@)services pega alc pong ign (factions you are interested ina survey regarding your I stay, please vise www.maximushoteLcom/survey. Thank you for your time. : = complete: hoin think 4g | @eomoete oe een be mlereeed, > survey: bin iu ra (©) competing > regarding: ve (© completion ce eae (@ completely 7 Q144 - Q146 ‘Beginning in October; Voyage Bus Co, wil add a new bur route___ commuters from Maxwell County with the Tarrson Metro train station line to Harrison Cl, Tee van rit gon, |= route: 9 inh 144 (@) connect dGng tir & thé chi dong ~~ connect: két ndi (6) connector 3¥-ing 7 commer guid thing uae (Comeeting =which connect) | = ta salio: gut (@)conneting ‘The company currently runs 23 buses throughout the tri- aunty area ands the preferred mode of transportation : : for commuters to. Yorktown and Harrison City, ia eo xuyén khip i tri > area: Khu we providing low fares and qulek service. Chat pasate acts 145 | (@) none bccn 1 inode of transportation: (b) both neither ~. nor 2. ‘Phuong tga giao thong een - fmm ei tng = provide: cang cp (@ iter 2 fares edu ‘Voyage Bus Co. ts able to keep its fares down with the receives from advertisers. Advertisements i Appear, nt only on the side ofthe bus, but also tn the Cin dann tt ding sau mao tr | Peeve: nn age ‘magazines provided on the bus, and in TV commercials “ev oj ng phi bop Sa 146 | set onthe b's lovin satin daring the commute ‘ak « Tidomone guing co (0) compensiton cee Side: én anh ( iribton Bains oe (© requirements (@proabiies 38 Q147-Q149 ‘Visit Kaplan Park for the 24th annual Tee Festival during the week of Monday December 26 to Sunday January 1 eee tae 10 AM. until 8 PM. cach day. bic ie aie ay = annual: hg non 167 | ite eee > unis cho dén (ater >. tila (@ without "There wil be lo hating on Dorchester Pond, horse (Los ca sas ray sleigh rides around the pars, an fe seulplng cho “ce skating” ng : = tee ska e cen ane sag pa er ha bp vn oh : eecrwa i champions Lawrence Novak and Francesca gett AL Dongs ace f Bite | Betis (@ perform ‘inh dig - contest nate fi) @)peromer © Dassmin inh | > Seep a (© periormance D. Tinh ir Se aaretee eee (© perforate * Tickets tothe event wil be soldat the gate. Saas * The S10 admission fee will___you to enjoy any = event: i ign vent you choos, including free food and beverages from yeoman eee |S gate eta sap | teva rernent sand. har + imbson te: phi vio nae é sae mete aa (contest eens anne @entite ceceee crea 39 Q150 — Q152 ‘There has been a change in policy regarding office supply ‘orders. From now on, all orders must be____through ‘Cameron in administration, you would like to order something, please fill out a office supply request form, submit i to Cameron, and she will contact the supply company. Forms will be available = pally hi i = Fegarding vb ice: ding via ping Thoo vin clahvachonphin | supply cangelp i gl th yp 2 cede: don hing From now on: ti bay gid 150 c] A Btagttiin sdminitration hin In the faculty room Bt pee ae io (a) printed CC. Dong tit: thyee | ~ — tofil) out a form: dién (© purchased D. Tinh ie de bgt Yoda = request: yeu cho (©) processed = submit: 48 tinh (@ particular = available: ¢6 sin ‘Cameron wil distribute all ofthe supplies once wwe reelve thet. Li con tang hc op (@) Added 151 | (0) Adding vo D | ta addon: Ngodir. : (@ Addton to “Addon 0” pi ob “in” & tewée, hon nda (@ In addition “In addition to” + N/V-ing ‘Any extra supplies willbe kept inthe cabinet at che back: ‘ofthe faulty room, Please check there for supplies before eae oe + Catcher (place ‘Cin mit danh ding te V-ing | 7 gablmetsch 181| Oe wp |iakattaaiegsns | beck dagen ond 2 teplace an order dit bing (@ placing 0 Part 7 Q153 - Q154 (Career. com ~ Job Profile Duties associated with this job include: Data compi architectural assignments ion, design computation, and elementary Possible duties: Estimate and plan preparstion or structure inspection. ‘Requirements: Bachelo’s degree in architecture. No professional experience required, Base salary range: $30,000 to $50,000 a year. * data specific to the New York City area What ag aera? z ; 1a mit dre vara di cho vr no? (oyArmareing poston Lami aye w 153 | (6) An architect position B B eee (©) graphic design poston hd (A tementary school caching poston D Gio vin bu hoe ‘According to the information, whats rae Tae aa ga ao bout tej ating v8 cong vide nly? pee Clu xudt ign ong bai din | A. Cong vige you chu ing thae sf (0) requires amar depres dn pf: 'B. Cng vide o6 bron $50 000tEn 1) eonpmetawe ssi sinonosyer. | P | Smioatconince | Hb min (© lis high level postion within a compary sulle. C. Doi mtr lp ca 6 wong eng ty vide Hig eae ki gh pie e eee 3 gigi ahi a QUSS- QIS7 ‘Shopping Center Proposal Worries Residents Residents of the town of Crowley are worried thatthe shopping center Hertz Corp. has proposed ‘o build on Burlngham Road will destroy the small wm feel oftheir quit community. More ‘than 20 residents spoke against the proposal ata town board meting eld on Monday. “I moved here from the cit to escape this kind of development,” said Tyrone Devlin, who lives ‘ear the proposed construction ste. "The trafic and crows this shopping center will ring is ‘exactly whet we dont want here.” ‘The shopping center would be more than 600,000 square fet of commercial space, including a movie theater, department stor, family restaurant, and several smaller retail shops. ‘Theo council will ote onthe proposal on Monday, March 16 afer a thorough environmental evaluation ofthe construction site e conducted over the weekend. punnuiacassan oa aaa Ago (@) tis a salt communi Du higaxudthiga tong bai} B, BS i mot dad ch bi (8) Iisa popular tourist area. én ip fn: tidng ¥55 | (oe new campaign weleomes investors. * | the smailiowm i oftheir | C; Cin ich mdi iy dn chio senha dh te (@ eaenty has one major shopping mall oe DG dye 1 trang tin mua sen hia “Recording tothe news ati, what willbe Parra arary Jncded inthe shopping center? malstesahingge (A petstore fugu satin wong bit | ACh ig hh th ong 186 | (A movi theater B | an ab dip 3 Rap chia pin, adage esr (© A spots complex @ Aol skating ik, ‘What will happen on Monday, March 16? id lsd ya vo wghy 1603 (@ A protest wl be held. Chara itawongbat ala | A Mics ish (b) The city council will vote on a proposs én dip én: B Gi dng thin pb bh ct vd ‘Th town coun will vote 157 | (e) An eavronmental evaluation willbe conducted, |B | These ce Cote Shing (@ The city counet wil tour the construction sit, Marble Hg dng thi ph cham quan im xy dong a “Siig ~ > 5 compreher © should you need to file an insurance clas insurance policies. Our goal 3 5 * You Can Lower Your Insurance Rates ‘You may already be doing things that could lower the cost of your homeowners insurance, 3 fo seven, For more information on polices and alist of ways to lower your insurance payments, visit 2 Q158 - Q159 ‘At Ouner’s Choice, we offer a variety of coverage options fo your home trough our 10 guarante the protection of your home due to damage caused by fre, flood, or burglary. Wat pe of : a ) Home iu suit ign trong bi din | Logt bio bib nto duge a8 xuSt ae (ha dip ANhi ota 158 stave coerce ) Travel ‘ = Da (© Aucomobite luca D.Xemiy ‘Wats mentioned as away Tor customers fo Die = : 2] dug 08 cip nhw me pron lower insurance payinents? Gajalsite oneal dln | eae uhach hang gt te han fon (©) By renovating a home Ouming numberof see ; 189 | (b) By owning a security system protectvedevicessuchas | # re BL Séhtu h thing bio ve () By meeting special 0 curity avstoms can lower ‘ : (6) By meeting special health equitements ib C. Dip ting ec yeu cu se khot de bet (By maintaining an acideneste record. dourlnuene bmn EY | D, Duy ti hd so phdng tia ta nan “a Q160- Q163 EEE Program Description | The Excel Business Institute isan accredited international business schoo! affiliated with Chicago's | Milfoa Universi. The international business program in Beijing is hosted by Zheng Luo ‘University located inthe heart of the bustling easter capital. The vear-ound study abroad nd culture, Chinese business an and Chinese business law. Student instruction will be supplemented with business related field {tips and guest lectures by CEOs of major Chinese corporations. At the program's completion, available through Milford University $11,000 (price excludes housing) Living Arrangements : Once enrolled, students will be given a choice of three housing arrangements: independent living, hhome-stay, or dormitory. Applicaton Requirements All applicants must be majoring in basinest, economics, ora related field. Applicants must submit ‘Where doer ie program ak ple Gaal fa ong a bens fanaa iene | cnong win dda rad abu Ta ShivlotmnomlDusinsain | ® Ditka 160 | ovinBeiing p | Sue Bie Kish Beiingwith the Excel Business (©)in Shanghai ©. Thaong Hai anes. Insite D. lng Rong Whats NOT fecas afie program? aaa hang bli ln sip | Din King pl rng im cla haw (Police & cnn ae Thseasundstuivabrad —— | A-Chis ror | Basins a eee; | Bc tagtkih duh (© Language and cate ‘inselmnguageandcale, | C.Ngin gt va vi od (@ Busines and conic, Gnsselusnessandeconmiss, | D. Klub va Kink dow And. Chnee using ewe Tetorng ote aformaton, Wats ‘Ca ul ig tng ba la PaokEs mpese eke i: i "© | sco thing tn trong ii lb cb Attica somision, | Ay due i on hia chev ah sea | OAR ing | A MOttim bing ; ino ooo in Ching (Acertfeate > Matty ching ha ville offre io students who ave | ©! Mt ets (OA eter ofreferene on sscsenflly conse ihe Mate (@ An intrtip oporniy. atc bhp ‘What document docs the application : require? (Cau mut ign trong bai din dfn 6p | 5, ang Ki yeu chu nhting th ligu mio (Aresome Moe 16 > Bit Q) Anesiay pele (Adore B.Bing dit (@ Atanscit To: Connte Caruthers [carucon@edennet com] From: [] Subject: Gas Card Date: June 19 Dear Ms. Caruthers, Q164 - Q167 ‘Asaprefired edit cat holder of Quanes, we woud ike to offer you our new gas card. The ‘Quanex Gas Card will give you a five percent cash back bonus reward every time you us it spares gas, have your ear repaired, or buy something at our online automotive store. ‘Theres no limit on how many eash back bonus rewards you receive, and your rewards will never expire, You may request to receive your cash back bonus rewatd in the form of a ‘heck or an acount credit at any time, Additionally, the Quanex Gas Card comes with advanced security features to ensure that you are never responsible if your cardi ost or stolen, I you sign up for a Quanex Gas Card within the next two weeks, you will receive zero percent APR until March, 164 ‘Whats implied about Ms. Caruthers? () She owns more than one cat. (b) She owns another Quanex creditcard, (©) She has recenlly had her car repaired. (@ She has visited the Quanex online store before. hu bi dita trong bi | dnaladipias ‘Asapreferred credit card ‘holder of Quanex itu pl ngy 9 v8 cb Caruthers ‘A. CO dy eb hon I chide 6 18 B. C8 dy e6 1 cai thé tin dung Quannex Kbse . Gin day 08 fy mei sta xe D. Trge diy fy di tig thim ola hing ‘eye tuyéa Quannex 165 "The word “preferred” in paragraph I, line I, fs closest in meaning to: (agreed (©) favored (©) accepted (improved B | Prefer thich hom ‘Tir “preferred” trong ding 1 dogn 1 66 anghta gin nhde véi Acdéngy Bahn chip niin D. eli tia oti ‘According to the wall, what ls true about the offer? ‘Chu mute ign trong bai din ‘Theo email didu nio sau Gay 1 ding ve (@) Customers can use the card for car repairs. tino: ccontmin | Wimeiniy i (©) Zero percent APR is available until January. iveyouafivepercent cash | 4 Xhich hing o6 thé ding the d8 sia 616 166 A B. 0% APR sé ap dung dén thang 1 (Seer fetes must be purchased fncktomscadenss: | C Thuang ence ol Hag separately, Mime on seittonurshase | Kiet hing th iy Ii 10% tia st (@ Customer can get 10 percent in cash bask sex baveyourearssoaitd | ng y6i pin tung onus wards, ‘What is NOT Isteda way for stoners To Tormsciveanamlicalion ie recelve an application? ard oy. vis Didu no Khéng dg itt nh 1 ich (a) Visiting a Web site Sensiteat 167 p | munsauanescomizascard, | A. Ghé thim website (b) Calling a phone number ‘calLour 24-hour eustomer | B. Goi dign thogi (c) Responding to an e-mail ‘service line at 1800-267. C. Tra Iai email (4) Visting the Quanex sore. ‘AQ oreespondinthise: | D, Tham quan ela hing Quanex (@ Visiting the Quanex st aa 45 Q168 — Q170 (Ocean Bay Lunch Specials * Lunch spesials are available every weekday from 12 P.M. until3 PM. Entrees Seafood Plater... $13.99 A wonderful tio of thee of our best dishes: lightly breaded shrimp, butered scallops, and a seasoned fish fillet. Fish ofthe Day. $10.99 ‘Bach day we serve a different fsh, which you may choose to have fied, grilled, or broiled to perfection, ‘Seafood Caesar Salad... $8.99 ‘Your choice of broiled lobster or shrimp served over crisp romaine lettuce and fresh tomatoes with (Cacsar salad dressing and garlic croutons. ‘With what meal can customers choose crab? (humus in tong i dan ai dn: | Kc Mg 6c chp cuntrong che (@) The Seafood Pasta Seafood Pasa... $9.99 168 | (e) The Seafood Plater - : () The Fish ofthe D trong ney (Oe etd Gr Sa a DSi How much is the Fish of the Day? Taye don Ci trong ngiy gd bao nhieu @s8o9 a : @s899 169 | 5999 c_ | Studie higa trong bai din én dip dn: | 0) $999 a ish ofthe Day... $10.99, (@si09 513.99 313.99 ‘What is NOT free witha lunch special? Ci gh khng ib ph vét the dom (A drink trong bai din én dp dn: | ban tra de igt 170 | (b)Asalad c = = oboe (OA dessert @A side dish D. Mén thém 6 QU71 - QI75 [ease Robinson, ‘am the vice president of Chestnut Development Group, the rel estate development company that will, be leading the development of 40 acres of property at Philadelphia's south end, We strongly believe that the development ofthis area willbe vital tothe city's economic growth and revitalization. like to invite you and your consi plan ‘meztingso determine how best to restore the property. Among participants inthe mestings willbe top ur series of planning sessions willbe lead by famed urban planner Gustav Temoin, who founded the School of Temoin Urbanism, ‘Que fist nesting will beheld on Monday November 23 from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. in the Wallace Town all building. Four other meetings wil follow during that week. I hope to see you on Monday. Sincerely, What is the purpose of this letter? ue _ | Mye dich dia bire thurla gi ee Shatadiamenens [EE cent (b) To invite Ms. Robinson to attend a meeting ‘Dest Ms. Robinson, B. Mai cé Robinson tham dy cuge 171 | (6) To thank Ms, Robinson for organizing a meeting B | Wewould ike oinvite | hop é (@) To accept Ms. Robinson's invitation to speak at a -You.and your constituency to See 45 8 chibo attend a weeklong series of i necting Iubanplanningznstings | D. Chip nbn moi pr biéu trong i hk ac Robingon ‘The word “Fstaro Tn parang nee diet facercepaaiis in meaning to: cb § nghia gin nhdit voi (@) rein al A. ee m D_| Restor: kd pine Ba (retonm Ballots (ovrepace Dkk pe (@)reemstrct According othe Ter, Who WT NOT atid he (jax igm ong bi in| Tago be thu ag ham pa ‘meeting? én dip én: ‘budi hop (@) Architects ‘Among paniipan inthe | A: Kip te 173 C | mectings will be top ‘B. Céinh sit (0) Poticians peta wilbete © Gio se (©) Professors, planners, local politicians | D. Nha ké hogch 48 thj (@) Urban planners and community Jeaders. ‘Who is Mr. Temoin?- ‘Ong Temoin Ia ai io) dame sbal oes Du higu xuit hign trong bai | A. Nha KE hogch d6 thi nditéng. din dén dip an: B. Gitim thj mot truimg hoe 174 | () The superintendent of schol rar es ie orn (©) A Philadelphia community leader Temoin . Chit tich tip doin phittrign (@ Te president of Chesnut Development Group Chestaut ‘When wil heist meeting be Bala? ‘Dau higu xudt hign trong bai | Cuge hep du titn din ra khi nio ee din dén dip A.6/L ans | ©) OaNoverber 15 D | curtis mestine wide | B.1st1 (©) On November 18 held on Monday November | C. 18/11 (Oa November23 cc Dimi 4a Q176 - QU77 | From: Camille Stone | To: All employees | subject: Next week's faculty mesting | Date: Tuesday, January 6 | Hello, | Because next wesks holiday falls ona Thursday, we wil hve to reschedule our weekly ft | metingio Bay, Pease mest inthe fly rom by 5PM on Fry Janay 16 Tyo taking | Friday asa vacation day, please let Shirley in the general affairs know by Wednesday. | Thank you and enjoy your day off | Camille ‘On what day is the holiday? (e)Tesday Du igu xt bign ong bat | NERY DERTTA meno 16 | (@) Wednesday | Hla at Siw ext week lida fs on (o)Thurssy cma (oritey ot eae ‘What willbe rescheduled? Dense vngts | He alin any (2) Apretetation arian wit 477 | (&)Aotiday party © | mewillhavetoreschele | A: Bui tiyéc eh Baie tong ght (A tcuty meeting sucwsckv fica mestog | Ci top tice (@)A taining workshop siiay . Hi tho do too e Q178- Q180 Love Animal Shelter Foster Owner Progam You can help save a dog's life by becoming 9 foster owner until we find a loving owner to adopt your pet or until we reunite them with ther original owner. We have dogs of all ages for you to are for, and many require special attention. Although being a foster owner is one of the most rewarding experiences inthe world, its ‘emotional, physical and financial demands should be given earful consideration, For this reson, ‘we eave all of out applicants go through an orientation program at our shelter so that they can ‘get used tthe responsibilities of caring fora dog and decide for themselves if they would like to continue doing it. We will also have one of our stff conduct a home and lifestyle evalustion to determine if ech applicant’ living situation is suitable for one of our dogs. Additionally, once a dog has been placed in your care, our adoption center will be oneal 24 hours a day, seven days a ‘week to help with any situations that arises. 1 more informa in. ineludin coment i visit lt ‘What s the purpose of the advertisement? (@) To encourage people to adopt a pet Diu hig zuleiga wong hi | M¥E le cia md guing con iu xt hia rong ba (©) Toenco eto Become foster ln én dp dn ‘A. Khuyén khich mpi ngubi nn nu hs, pacman siecrast [| Sees B Khuyéa khich moi ngubi mudi thi (©) To encourage people to donate othe animal iz foster | C-Khoyn khich moi ngubiting i vem thi shelter . Khuyén khich moi ngubi lim dah nguyéa & (@) To encourage people to volunteer atthe eae vai th shelter ‘What does Lave Animal Shelter require eee 3 een tea ce ng vat yeu edu nhong Interested people to do? beeline | ote quanti tg | (Senda personal check . : A.Giistecdnhin (©) Fill out some paper work ‘sereaieallofour B. Dido vio vi gify lim vide (© Complete an orientation program EE C Hota hh hong tink ih ng (@) Visit the adoption center often bicelles According to the advertisement, what ‘Diu higu xulthign tong bit [yoo wdy. i 0 miu quing fo, cdl gh e6 sin én available on the Web ste? eee trang web (@) Forms foscrowmergrostm, | | ABER 10 | OP vif pcg B. Tranh inh . ce ‘nludine testimonials fiom | © Hing dia (© Gudetns summntandoious i | FT aes (Tesimonials ws, 9 Q181 — Q185 refer to the following email and employee reimbursement form ‘Natasha Golden. Melnture and Baranowski Suite 114 31 Bho Lake Avenue Mabtomedi, Minnesota $5115 Dear Ms. Golden, Tve enclosed an employce reimbursement form along withthe receipts fom my business trp to Orlando. ‘As Iwas able to use the company card to book my flight and hotel reservation, those expenses are not accounted for on the list. Please advise on the time it takes to be reimbursed, usually takes ane month, however it took three ‘months tobe reimbursed for my last business tip to New York, ‘Thank you for your help inthis matter. 5 Sincerely, Bob Yuengling ‘Malnure & Baranowski ‘Employee Reimbursement Form ‘Employee Name: Bob Yuengling ‘Employee ID Number: 002938 Reason for Expenses Incurred: Business trip to meet wit client ‘Account of Expenses: Dinner ~ Kuna Restaurant $16.34 Tuesday May 20 ‘Transportation to client’ office + Taxi $13 Wednesday May21. Dinner with client + The Kitchen Cafe $107.03 Wednesday May 2 ‘Transportation back to hotel ~ Taxi $13 Wednesday May 21 Dinner ~ Ties Amigos Grill $23.03 Wednesday May 21 Employee Signature: Bab Yuengling ‘Dis hia xudthign tong ba ‘itu gi ¢6 and rit ra vé ngAi Yuengling din a dip dn ‘Whereis implied about Me. Yuengling? Bch chonauti | A. Anh dy du ich hing tneng (a) He uaels mony. MaluteaBarnowski | B. Aah fy sg Fonda 181 | (o)He lives in lorie DunsinanhioincSngtie | C: Anh 4 8k toin (6) He works as an accountant. phLtheo miu eta Melntvre | D. Anh dy lim vige cho Mctatyre vi (@) He works for Melngre and Baranowski siBumowiki Baranoveki ere did Mr Yuengling go Neil Yuengling a8 adi? ‘Where did Mr. Yuengling go? Du gu xan trong bii_| @) Orland tL ang dn dén dip én: (b) New York we] BTN von irre Osimnertie (6) To Minneapolis i (exo Cit (To Mexico Gy (@ Mexico Ciy ow Tong dows W ordinarily take fo gota Thstog nt bv tha al ange tannin reimbursement? eo cng he pt : sas | (008 month eee i Mtns (©) Two mons Tong beth oe, (© Three mons Tuumalvikcsonemont | § Betting (@ Four montis ‘Wat ny iW aes BERR RENE (, vounc anaraalvasngy an Cee ‘rong don xin thank todn | A- Tht hai 184 | © Tcatay Pong don B.Tat ba ng tbe phi Taine ae TaxiS13 Wednesday May | D. Thr nim (0 Thursday According to the Tit where was the most ‘iu gaat higa wong B37 | Theo danh ich iw eta a ohidu money spent? dla de dip das ean (@ At Tres Amigos Grit Trong don xn thank tn | (e) Tres Amigos Gail 485 | (At The Kitchen Café cng tc phi (0) The Kitchen Cats (©) At Antonio's Restaurant Land Reslawant $16.34 (Antonio's Restaurant oueanieeeie. Petia ICSD |e st Q186 - Q190 Gloria Stefan (] From: Reesa Bonjani [rbonjani@harborflls.nef] ‘Subject: February freworks schedule Date: Devember 16 Dear Ms. Stefani ‘Thank you for inguiring about the fireworks at Harbor Falls waterfall. Atached to this message youll find schedule of our fireworks displays forthe month of February. I'm sure you'll beable to find a suitable date around which to plan your tip. ‘Also, i{vou're interested in staying at one of the hotels that offers a view ofthe waterfall and fireworks, please vist our Web site at www harborfallsnet and cick on the link for nearby hotels Don't hesitate to contact me with any more questions. Enjoy your stay at Harbor Falls, Sincerely, Reesa Bonjani Harbor Falls Department of Tourism. Harbor Falls Fireworks Schedule ‘Ecbruary Thursday February 1 (or the beginning of February) ‘Saturday February 10 ‘Wednesday February 14 (Cor Valentine's Day) Saturday Febuary 17, ‘Sunday February 18 ‘forthe Lunar New Year) Monday February 19, (Gor President's Day) Saturday Febroary 24 reworks displays during the month of February wil star st 9 p.m, * Dates and times are subject to change and will be updated onthe Web ste when that information, ‘becomes available, * Fireworks displays may be cancelled due to adverse weather conditions, 32 “According to the e-mail, what has Ms. Stefant done? Dla tee i ce | 565 emai Stefan dm gh aE ae A. Tham quan Harbor Falls ang | (© Visited Harbor Fats Trong bie te Ram go Hor (8) Reserved a hotel room Deor Ms. Stefani, CC. Yeu elu cung ofp thing tin (6) Requested information Thank you for inquiring D. Lién hé véi dai ly du lich about the fireworks... (@ Contacte her ravel agent Ws Gi Bi ge a Ms Se bane | ex sting Resch i A. Sip xb lich ch chuyén di ca od dy be araminla rong chs a uavng |B. Dee wonder Fle 187 | (b) Read the Harbor Falls guidebook ‘ifvou're interested in staying ©. kisdeh yn of hb nin rth ude atone of the hotels that 2 abla a (© Stay at hotel with a view ofthe waterfall ne ofthe hal . pat (@) Speak withthe head ofthe tourism ‘nd fireworks '. N6l chuyga véi trading bp phn du Ii Apartment ‘what day wil fireworks NOT be displayed? ‘Din ga nal higa one BAT | Pho hoa of Knog ilu dfn vio wgly alo? rary co din dln ip fo: ar : (© Feteuary Trong lich biéu didn Bm 188 | (b) February 7 ‘Thursday February 1 C1072 (© February 10 ‘Saturday February 10 (@ February 14 Gaia rane i ‘Why wil fireworks be dlaplayed on February pra eI ist ‘da db dip i tap | (Porte weekend Trong ich bd dén BB Nhia ngly fa thi uring (b) For President's Day C.Nhan dip Té Nguyén Din (©) For the Lunar New Year ‘or the Tanne Nes Year) D. Nhiin 18 ki niém khéch san (@) For the hott anniversary ‘According to the schedule, what information ‘Diu higu xudt hig bai | Theo mbw lich trinh, thing tin ndo sé duge ‘ill be updated on the Web site? dinate | eae unary eee (@ Hotel room mates Trong ck du dibn ‘A.THR phngkhdch can 190 | (&) Fireworks display times “Dates and times are subject | B. Thi gian biéu dién pho hoa {nchangeand willbe C. Cée ping hich san e6 sin (©) Hotel room availability updated on the Web site” D. Gif vé xem biéu din phéo hoa (@ Fireworks display tcket prices 33 Questions 191 -195 refer to the following e-mail and ticket _ Paradise Cineplex T0Red Road ‘Miami, Florida 33126 305-463-2226 ‘The Museum ‘Thnse middle school shidents left behing on a clas trip spend the night in a history museum and ‘uncover the secrets ton ancient mystery. Running time: 2 hours, 15 minutes Gene: Mystery, Family lip B Director(s): Harvey Fedderman Producer(s: Louisa Marquez, Daniel Leviston Writer(6: April Pascueei ‘Studio: Cinereve ‘Show times: Beginning August 12 10:00 AM, 11:30, 1:00 PM. 2:30, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00, :30, 10:00, 11:30 Paradise Cineplex * lease print he following ticket information, You may need to presenti before gsining, ‘admittance to the theater. Online Ticket ‘Ticket issue number: 002948275H. ‘Movie: The Museum Date: August 14 ‘Time: 4:00PM, (Credit Can Information ‘Name: Sarah Adesida ‘Address: 3027 West Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33126 Phone number: 305-463-9738 ‘Account number: XXXX XXXX XXXX 2230. ‘Whats rue about the movie? ‘Diu higu xudt higa trong bai " (@) Its to hours ong. aaa dendip eos | big a ng hin 191 | (©) It debuted on August 1. ‘Three middle school students | Khoi chiéu vio ngiy 1/8 (©) It takes place in a museum, Jefibshindonaciassitin | ¢: Digna é motbio tng (@)Itwas writen by Daniel Leviston ‘and thenishtinabisiry | 5 vid pei Daniel Levison Who is Phillip Banks? ‘Diu higu xudt hign trong bai Phillip Banks Ia al (@) An actor ain ip fn: ‘ilo ven Suuioe Heel Conce ‘Nha via 192 Zume.GlintSmdon, =| © Gm dde Danikacoske Pics 1 > Nn sin zult Phillip Banks Dama Da hgusulthia tong bai | THlot ea bg phim 9p | ©Comedy ein ip AN tp © Acton Geom Misry amity | BH (Mystery D.Huyén bt “According tothe Wicket, what should customers do? a ‘Theo thing tn fren ¥, Mn gla nd Kim gh a abate | Recent 194 | (Reserve eas a the ticket booth ® ‘he fal B.DiehB & quly ve (© Arve tea minutes before the movie begins (© Present their creditcard at the ticket booth sém 10 phit trade ki bp phim bit di ‘D. Xudittrinh thé tin dung & quay vé ‘When does Ms. Adesida plan to see the Cd Adesida fen ké hogch xem phim vio vt es tos | AUT PM, rater averse eres ara. bidet asters 35 Questions 196-200 refer to the following letter and quotes. Tavestment Tips By Scott Russell Investing in stocks that are less than $5 per share is good way to boost your stock portfolio. ignore ocks because ofthe potential risks involved, however, these socks oft grow significantly over the couse of ime. Investing in inexpensive stocks isa wise ‘move, provided that you hold on to them for at last one year to allow enough time for them to develop. Four stocks that I suggest for less than $5 per share are High Standard Pharmaceuticals Company, ‘Nova Oil, In., Direct Access Publi Quick Stock Quotes ~ Thursday April 22 ~ 240 PM. (Quotes delayed by 20 minutes) 3.93 40.08 +2.08% Previous Close 3.85, Open 3.87 High 3.94 Low3.79 Volume 868,300 Bid 3.91 ‘Ask Size 3,300 52 Week range 1.64-8.90 56 ‘What type of stocks isthe article about? (@) Oil company stocks Diu hgu sult hign rong ba “Thing tn trong bat bio ta v2 tog cb phiéu ni? sng | Ores oat oid cng (©) Poarmaceuieat tocks ‘nvssing ininexeensive | pO (@) Stocks fom new companies settee D.C phi eda ang cong ty mai ‘Wii does Mir Rusti say big investor ignore eS these stocks? pee oun Vi sao eb Russell nd fe nt hw tin (Theyre isk. ln ta hung gu mg sty 197 | (b) They are too popular. ‘Many big investors ignore 'B. Ching qué phé big. these stocks because of the (©) They often lose money rpily. dona eau . Ching nha liao hy ba (@) lis dict wo make money fom them D. RAL iho 8 i chun ts ehing ‘What investment strategy does Mr, Russell iu jeu xude hign trong bai NOY suggest inthe article? thn i rough | Ciba tye du te nto ef Ruse hing a (@) Investing in more than one stock at once ‘Monline brokerage firm | HP trong bil béo ‘Atha tr hia hon afte 198 | (6) avesting through an online brokerage frm onivimestapimiive | Apt peab bon mbt ch pity mt (6) Investing inthe stock for at last one year wofyourentie sock | © pty gv céc ob phidu kéo dai ftabdt {nim (@) Investing wp to five percent ofa stock Parle them foratleast | D. lu ten dén 5% danh myc ob phiéu pono What company's stocks profited? pnb acing ty who Ganga EN (@) Nova Oi ne. ln db dip 2) Nova Oi ne. top | (0) Peak Media Holdings (0) Peak Media Holdings ‘hrsday Andl.22= 2:40 (©) Direct Acces Publishing Group (6 Direct Access Publishing Group ‘Nova Oil Ine, (NOD iz (@ High Standard Pharmaceuticals Company ( High Standard Pharmaceuticals Company ‘At what price did the company's stock close ao ngy true a ga ob phidu dng & mie ‘on the previous day? Diu higu xudit ig ai} ($3.72 mato hice 200 | 33.79 perse nd dt EY | 98885 hia see pointes | BESSA (©) $3.91 per share (@) $3.93 per share TEST 12.Part 5 sor | __ Cau hat Bia Giai thich Djch//Tix méi— Children younger than 5 years old are (C1 phn gu iv ty a foe cemeveeree in bj dng “Tre dud 5 tu5i duge vio ede 1 hd mika (@) admit ‘A. Dong tir phi cad (b) admitted 7 B. Phan tir qua khir + to be admitted to N/V-ing: (© séaision Dash ‘dug cho vio (@) admittedly a fe lesronles retailer Buyers World ‘Hing bin Nog qua mang Buyers World anounced plans rebates on La chon dng tro nghia phd] thing béokd ooh ngng a Bid ce in software purchases, hop theo vin canh phim phin mém a | A asia =" announce thing béo (@) forecast B. vin chuyén = plan: ké hogeh (b) transport C. huy ba + eliminate: hyy bé (eliminate D. thoa higp nate (4) comoromise 2 software: pda mém Mr. Barry oversaw the development of the Thiduguiwabane iy an og ii a aE initial st iu gidi tir 48 chi w 1g ‘Nissan tir giai dogn du tién cho dén khi Nissan Building ‘ts Inia stages to Ti gis cnet lng | Nisan tg its completion. ‘im abo = overse: quan sit 103 | (a)of c A cia = development: sy phat trién Bae > Inia di Oto cw = stage: gal doen (fom D. + completion: syhodn thin (about WEM's quarterly report ‘he gains ; a J sini | Bio eho hing guy cia WOM phn én ‘the computer company made in its software Tila dog chia nat ats | ge Seen ancrenctes division. a bona tigger ekg | Phin pin mim o 104 | (retest B |B. Ding uy Chia Gogoi Tetris hos at (et ¢ mado = fect pn > gain lo fch (©) relector D. Dank tir + division: bg phn @refeton Beginning in August, tree parking available to anyone taking the commuter ‘Thidu ding te “to be” chia & thi | Bit ddu Geshing tim, cc bai 45 xe mién ‘rain from Green City, tong li Dist 6 sin cho bit ra ita v thing tr p | A gubkne Green City 105 | (@) were B. hign tai, = parking: bai dd xe yore bigaat = tobe available to Sth: sia (otwiog Duong la + commuter: ngubi di vé ting (will be lies were Setup inthe conference oe i mgt sinh tt 6 nghia cho | Vin phing tam thoi duge dit 5 phing hoi room unl building renovations were 7 96 o anh "offices thio cho dén Kh vige ning efp oh nha hon completed. ‘A Dank irDingtr | hey? eee (a) Te D B. Danh tir/Déng tir = tobe set up: lip dat. ws ote Cpe | mae tea ae sid = renovation: ning cf (© lavented Tint tg thoi 1 Smpltes ane aed (OMakesbitt 58 Ms, Jefferson asked her secretary to (Chu tre “to ask Sb to do Sth”: (C6 Jefferson 42 ng thu ki chia t thng tin ‘the pamphlets into three categories. 4B nghj a lim gl founder: ngudi sing lip a foi chi cit cde biéu ‘Storcowncrs removed outdoor signs and ‘Thid dan 69 nehia ph bop Sonekcaseretinnes decorations in, of the windstorm. cir pou (0) damages: AL thigt hs : ee 11S | @) eaten cue > outdoor: ngdi i (©) recovering plea > windstorm: gi bio (@ anticipation “Aiier Waly Tor two years, Carmen : : ‘was able to speak Italian faently. SER sg 2 nm, Cre @live ‘Clin me danh dng ti (Ving) = tobe able to do Sth: 116 | (ey tived ling sau afte to thin mga 4B co thé tim = fluently: tinh tho (Coliving livade The ales tax ‘om the Oakdale ‘Dem mth oma anip ‘Shopping Outlets is used to benefit residents ‘Tid dah ving win6 | Oakdale doe cing sh win of Oakdale County. Seam sale tax" bbaghia | cx din tinh phd Oakade eee SA dan tha + ale tax: hud Kin doen ang | arene, BL aythdhign 2 revenue: doa tha ©) dipay C. tela 2 Shopping out: cia hing dij (© banquet D. agbangt 2 resent din (@) language A power outage the Intersection of ee “Thiga git e6 nga pls bop_ | sy mdt din 6 dém giao Prospect vi dng @out AL ngoai Finnegan da duge bio cio 118 | (near B gin = outage: sg nging chay ‘ c & > Intersetion gap net Oar D. sabe + report: bio cho during ‘Doe to subway spi repr, service on Une zi : Thu phn a2 vitongetusiy |, san cazane an ‘Thas been _ un Tuesday. Bgirenavtongstble | Doss ce ng nag, (@) reserved en Sete are aie 1 | ey mpendes 3 ven 2 fase oe Clee * duet: do (ie dng xéu) (@ istibuted D. phin phi Rye Co, Te offer to purchase - : 4, | ing ty Rycet aa buy dom hing mua Buchly-Finch aller reevaluating company Clam dng trea gus | COE Rye dt don lng, finanees. evi iy Weiuid | Bashy Finch sm ‘A. Ding ti (qu i) Pais mis 120 | (@) withdrew B. Dong trmguyén the 1 Mae: dong (©) withdcow C._ Phin dr qui kit f nenbncent tial (©) withdrawn ‘D. Dah tir (@) withdrawal ‘The evidence suggests people used the machine ____thelate 18th century, “Thidu 6 059 nght phd hap | Bing ching cir ing con ng sing Qott ‘A tt ina = BL ofng vot 2 evidence: bing ching 121 | @phs c twge > ir cho tly (unl Di gita 2 tuachine: mdy née (Oberveen > century: tk ‘Cries What te plot of the im war too nirieate and would confuse most Cla ding tes ¥nghta phi hop | Cie nha phé binh pin ni ng oft euyga moviegoers. hint qr ay ta cia bg phim ul phi tp vi gy ico ng xem 122 | (@) favored A. thich ceritie: nha phé binh () produced Bo sin + plot ft truyga (© complained phn nin trent: pe tp Om D.-dinh gid cao = confuse: gy Iba x0 Founded ten years ago, the Youth Media Se eae Network the leading source of prin tray thong tr va ang tr thinh nga and broadcast news for adolescents. ‘ tin nat bn vi ph than hing dicho ees ib 6 avi dang dy thank iéa, 13 |@ SD ang tr chia 6 thoi hig ti = media: troyén thing i dassceered ‘hodn thin 1 aaerks cg bt (© becoming ade igh — 2 Santen tn it, it oda duge Carngion dara nhtng gt Carrington Medical Group offers employees (cin mgt dak th oh vt tog psec we ac aa competiive salaries and benefits___, ‘A. ong vien ne 2 Take = twoffer Sb Sth: bi aii eh 124 | (Packed ©. Danh te chi nga 7 yee D._ Dan drehi vt : (@ packages 7 “Ae team Tender, Wvetie Ts responsible Tor ‘asks to team members, Thidu mt dank dng ites | Langadi db sng, Yveechiy wich -nghla phit hep. nhigim giao nbigm vu eho cde thinh vi (@ dleguing raps nek 125 | (v) supporting Be bday > leader: nguéi dimg du (© originating C bitda 2 tobe responsible for Ning (ome D. tam gia 2 dtegae! pao vite Former football player Tito Grimaldi 4 commentator and analyst for The eee ‘© ch th ng Tito Grima ig Nighy Foot Recep. seivarcaty PON Yah pana ppt cobin tn 126 | (@) currently A. bie tl 2 Mormers tube diy (©) carefully Habeas hy + commentator: ni phé binh (© purposely D. cdnhin Ses ene (@ personally cea Das sehedules are updated frequently, Thea ps a cp ag ‘heck our Web ste for the latest _ay, vt yg qua ang web in “Thi mp iat ci ‘hing i a bid thoi lan walt pt v ot ‘eparture and areval tines, tay étqui | ching bit i gan wo pit 127 | (30 B nb schedule ch tah it CC eling Kiting 2 Tepartare:¢i eae Di. congiht 1 arf ala (@ whereas 6 Employees are not permitted to refund customer purchases unless __ by a manager or assistant manager, Chu tre song song th8 bj ABing, chi ng Ia “employees” [Nh vign king duye pgp nbn Ii cde Ikhodn mua stn etaRhéch hing tri ki sr gidm sit ci quan I hofetrg 1 qui 1 12g | supervise —_ [| Bo} A. Ding tir (cha aging) ~ (@ permit Sb > Sb be (b) supervised B. Dong tit (bi dng) permitted to do (© supervisor © Danhar = Fetunds (Ompervision D. Danka supervise: gm st For (echnical questions the Latan Air Web se, please email Hep@lutanar-com oF call our help desk at feu ‘ei thn ctu hi th ign quan én 14) 777-4341. Gln soit c6 ¥ neha én quan | ong web ip Hing Hing Hing Lt, vu Jeng email dé hoe got ne» © |B hngate tesipoin tone ye ten gaan oe ocallSbat phone number (©) regarding. ip, (@ throughout Despite the onset of heavy ral, the outdoor ‘concert was nt Bitchy on ng a ng con ms @emed “idapin gut ings | MAEDA a ahs 130 | (4 canceled B_ | ing tobe" v dy cau bh Se a (©) canceling ding = concert: hoa nhac (© cancellation > cancel: sy 63 Moi observations are as part of the employee evaluation process. Vige theo di hing thing dug tién hank (@)etucated ‘hid phi qua kin ing sau_| SME cb uy tah nh gi nn 131 | (equipped 2D | ste ee ay et fea (© insted = implement the ign (@ implement > evaluation: dah gid The Seville Group must acquire atleast one more fore it cam purchase the ™e eens ‘Thi dant hing seu “one Property. sore” Tap doa Seville pai ob day nt gt 132 | @eommand co] Af ath sh trated io hr sn (b) obstacle a ean Ff > Se a (6) ivestor bo + property: oie D. swihé higa (@ demonstation Bakeries historic waterfront thousands of tourists during the summer Bd sng lich st Bakevile thu hit hing (@) attracts: ‘Thiéu dng tir chia 4 ng6i thirba | nghin khéch du lich trong suét mba hé 138 | (6) aration A | shit ca nyc thd hin waterfront: ong, bn tia to don ching a ia diéms = tract th hit (©) attractive = tourist: khdich du lich @atwatvenes Tie wate Tgilaare's most recent law fines ; Dida ht mdi nt ea o quan ip pip Arvers caught driving. more than 10 niles Cha mf giitecbygnapha | bane pte tse hors age T as perhour___the sped tit hip vi vin oi Gi oi hyn bed : 134 | ino a] A victs gtr: co gun pip (@)abore C._bén tong : (inside De ehdag iat = @ seainst 7 a Th neighborhoods near universes, a ae tie Se EER He sme Into ren Is generally a ot dagh dog tia bit dia | cla nhi thin isin cho tha 18g See eee fa mgt mgah 2 déng vai ted chit] trong hay geod ie net = nelghborhood: hing xém 135 | (9 owning AL sohpu + rental: cho tut : (©) deciding 3 awl dink ~ Property: ti sin oe Be cay ai @ convering ee Tune 16, Tout more buses wil rovide rush-hour service on the Hudson- C6 higu hp tt ngly 1616, 4 chic xe bus pinta hs Teving fit 8 cang cp cfc dich vy git cao diém ‘A. igh nghta teéntuyda dung Hodson-Cornell 136 | @) Defining B. Xty dyog = provide: cung ofp (@ Building © Céhiguip + Fush-hour: i cao did (OBiate D. Dulich + route: tuyéa dung (0 Traveling ‘City guides and maps of cy landmarks are available to at the information i htouy ila a hong Bin ng dnc rong hn : sin & trang te thing tin din cho 137 | © vist eae Radian an visitors ©. Danh djng tr { galde: ing da (visiting D. Dank tia tham quan | ~ ‘landmark: Rh, vn @ visitation By studying under Tamed plant Rachel Frangella, Timothy learned to her trademark syle and technique. 138 | (@) submit + famed: obi lag () distinct anit: ght pena (© eproduee + trademark: thuong higu oe 2 style: pong eich Dale received plane ticket ess than ‘one week before the conference in Mexico. (Can mt to sta Dale nba duge vé may bay cs a fy chi te ‘A Daish teade bub hi thio & Merico tt hom 1 faba 139 | hs B. Thhiisobew + toreeeive th: ha dag (olin © Tinngt > plane: miy bay (@himeett 1D. Bait phin thin = conference: Wi thio was discredited following reports ‘hat some articles, exaggerated facts. Ting (tained ‘A dito Links som ba gi onc v8 B. chia dung. mgt sb bi bio thé ping thdng tin 140 | (b) contained C.thinh eng = discredit: mit niém tin, (© succeeded D. gilts + exaggerate: hb phdng (@ entertained 6 Part 6, Q141- Q143 14 ‘All department -managers should make a list of the supplies needed by their employees and an order form for thelr department. () complete ©) completed (© completion (© completeness “make” vi “complete” cing “Should” 1 ding tr khuyée iu néa ding sau n6 dng + department: phing, ban = lst: danh sich = order form: don d3t hing Department managers will have the ability to approve or order requests they deem excessive or unnecessary. = approve: tin thin prove 2 etal uw 2 req apply 1 Greve dein (© raject unecessary: ng cin tit (@) permit ‘Orders for new supplies willbe placed onthe last Monday of every month, Supply request forms must be recived paceaaaaeea: tem driest nage ieyresg Py | |ritisesoain PO atthe latest, + manager: quin 143 | (aby + preceding: trade o (orb 2 Rthetatest mig (© citer (through Q144 - Q146 By visiting one of the 12 goverament offices located throughout the country, you can all the ‘Theo vin ciah {information you will ned te register your busines. ee aa 144 | oy Bowe 2 Siroeghout: hp est © ebupe 2 reglter: ding kt (© obiain D. phiuy (@ desroy Tach office also provides access tothe offical Romantan a peesar eee Business Database, where you can find current = ees to: lp edn fee pee ee > Segoe ‘manufacturers, and distributors already working (Ch tgif epi hop 1 potential: tion nding ‘Romania. + partner: d5i tée 45 B ton 8 loom E mayne BE posers We © within Di dbiaign — : (© dung ~ geome aphin (opposite . = Bradys an ‘Adattonally, he database will____ your company to ater busineses throughout Europe pare petire eae ny chia thi orng | : a a sug | come Gn >ceatagare | > tation noon (©) connected nguyén thé img sau “will” — (© connection (@ connective Q147-Q149 regret to Inform you tha ill not beable to uphold the : ‘of my lease U have been offered a Jb overseas Chom dani phi hop theo |= a egret todo Sh: tide id will leave the it the end of December. am phi kin gt Se eee = taregret doing Si tie @ AL nhigm va ailing 147) ey tems Bo digu khodn = uphold: chéng ao ame C. bilge Tease: bgp dng tug ah D. bint + overseas ude neo, (comments ba pee = : = aware: shia thie Tm aware that I must forfeit my security deposi of $750, ot cane ‘equivalent (0 one months rent payment, stated “Theo vincinh Ba poster ne in the eary-releas clause of my lease. + epee én da ne ou AL oh + tobe equivalent to: tong 48 a} BR chu ‘bvong vi yet Chon + rent payment: tin thus (©) than ‘D. nhwthé nha (such = state: dB fp 2 lene cing bb > lane: du hin To also aware that I'm responsible for paying the three months of rent wall a new tenant or + tobe responsible for sublesse cam be found. I'l ry my best to locate someone Tico vin cnt chon ane | NVIng hi th tin 48 soon as possible. T appreciate your understanding in 6 ghia phi hop sablesee muti hu 149 | this matter. nan + locate: din vi (@) post Coen = appreciate: dénh git coo (addition & gly + derstanding: thong (6) gathering cam (@) remaining > matter: vin dé 66 Q150 - Q152 Despite its status as the nation's sceond largest and third casa most densely populated city, Danforth both “Theo vn cénh ya chon Jing: me dit Gambridge and Andover in environmental efficiency. ng ti thie hop nbd. 2 Mi ang (2) ranges - ia 150} © cc] A. phemvi > densely populated: din (©) maximizes B. tdivuhos cu diy dic (©) surpasses S woopaue = environmental: mii determines D. quyéttim ‘owing o + efficiency: higu qu Firs, its high population Jed tothe development ae > metattea of am extensive public transportation system. nonce 2 Septadin: fp om (@) concentrate B. Tinh tr = development: phittién 151 | (b) concentrated D C. Danh tir: b9 dng: ‘extensive: bao quit (©) concentrating tim = publi: cB cng. o * D._ Dah tr sep = transportation: giao (@ concentration ‘rung thing = system: bg thdng, The Danforth Metropolitan Transportation System Te ‘used by more than 73 percent of Danforth citizens, most (Cha mtd quan hg chi of ____ do not own cars, to commute to work every gui = metropolitan: tung tim, uy, ‘A. that eng ing ae sau déu phy = percent: phin tim 152 | @ that BL Bw chingui = tien: cing din (©) whom Ckhdng ding : (© what “sat = (@ which D. chivit oa Q153— QI54 ‘Theresa Long | | 40 stuart Strect Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Dear Ms. Long, 1 was pleased to see your advertisement for a Manager of Financial Services in the Boston | Record on September 17, 1 think my backeround and experience match well with your ‘requirements. My resume is enclosed for your review, | At my former post as financial manager atthe Cromrell Land Initiative, 1 was able to improve operating efficiency by reducing outstanding balances and expenses. If you are seeking an ‘experienced, successful financial manager, please consider what I have to offer. I would be hhonored by an opportunity to speak with you futher about the positon, My phone number is (781 324.7732, ‘Thank you for your time and consideration. look forward to hea Sincerely, Ryan Graham 8 ftom you, ‘What ste parposs of Mr, Grahams Teller? nase Pan Clematis rngtaldda | Mee deh uy cangh Gramm aed sane én dip én: ‘A. Xin li khuyén 153 | (b) To promote a product ‘D | Lthink my background and | B.Giéi thigu sin phim (©) To comment on an article sematch well with | C.Binh nfn bai bo (@ To apply for ajob opening yourrequirements Diving tuyén eng vige ‘What did Mr. Graham enclose inthe etter? (Areume Cu ult bia wong ii din | Nel Graham inh kim ll vt che? (6) An advertisement ta dip: ‘Aso yo ich 1st A is_ench B. Quang cio © Anexpense report Memes | koh ph (@) A newspaper article. ee D.Bai bio 6 __Q155- Q156 ‘The Alexander Wendell Agency (AWA) ‘The Alexander Wendell Agency is the lead including Lysik Pharmaceuticals, Phonetel, and Alas Air. ‘The AWA currently employs more than 9,000 people and operates more than 300 offices in 80 countries. Ten years ago, CEO Dominique Lawrence ercated a division called AWA-Ethix to ‘suide AWA clcnts in implementing socially responsible campaigns and projects advertising agency inthe country. Founded 167 years ago by Alexander R, Wendell, the agency has grown to represent more than 1,000 clenis, ‘What is true about the Alexander Wendell Diu gi king vé gt Ij Alexander Agmey? ‘Du higu xuithign trong bai] Wendell og | Cisne eel py din dla dip dr: ‘A. D6 li mbt doi du lich hing dba 4X ‘It employs less than 1,000 people, ‘the agency has grown to B. Quy m6 nhé hon 1000 nguéi_ Poel at repsscmoretian L000 | C. Khdng cb vin phn node : sions napa (@ represents soot 1000 cients IDs ig cho 1000 ch hing ‘According to the information, what did Ms. ‘Diu higu xult hign trong bai i Tawrene do Sina toeeieg (© Aspoints new CEO A'Db cr mpm db mii 186 | (&) Found the company B.Tim L cong ty (©) Start anew program (@ Resign from her post. C. Bit ddu 1 chong tinh mioi D. Tirchie khoiv tricia o8 fy o «Special Offer” "Subscribe to Photography Today and get 60 percent off the newsstand price, 3 mete sl oe ofthe following option —X Send me 12 issues (one year) for $21. Send me 24 issues (two years) for $42 § Subscriber Infomation " Email address: onish( 4 Fullname: Tones Hawkins * Maing addres: 251 Wes 38th Suet Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 ® Phone number: (201) 858-1110 Q157- Q158 ‘What is Ms, Hawking requesting (@) Intemet service (®)A concert ticket (©) Camera accessories (©) A magazine subscription 157 ‘Chu xu higa trong bai din «ba dip in: C6 Havskins dién vao form Subscribe to Photography, (C6 Hawkins yéu clu gi? A. Dich vy internet B. Véxem hod nhac Phy kiga méy an D.Datbio How much will Ms, Hawkins be billed? @si2 (sat (os se. 188 ‘Diu higu xuithign trong bai din dba dip in: Cé Hawkins chon phiong dn A Sendme 12 iamuss (one ‘yea for $21 (CO Hawkins 58 phat thank toin bao hig ws 821 sa (se, 0 -Q159 - Q161 “Travel Free wih the Norih-Rail Rewards Program With the Norh-Rail Rewards Program, your business will ear trvel points for every North-Rail ‘business-class ticket purchased witha company creditcard. Travel points ean lterbe redeemed for commuter tran tickets, allowing businesses with employees who travel often to ride North-Rail trains for fle to presentations, meetings with clients, and other business-related events. ing up to receive travel rewards is easy: visit www and register your company’ credit card information, ‘What type of dckets mast customers (6) The city they are traveling to cor ‘clu nul ign ong bi dn dn ip porchase? ray hh hing phil mua lol vé mho (2) Onesvay tickets ‘A. Vémgtchibu 139 | ()Roundsip kets D 3, Veal ving gh (©) First-class tickets C. Ve hang nhs zs (4) Business-class tickets eee. a ‘What information are customers asked To ‘provide? Khéch hing duge yéu chu cung cp (4) Thei travel dates hag tn 160 | (6) Their travel itinerary c gis (© The names of five employees C.Tenela Sabin vien D. Thanh phé noi ho dn ‘What is NOT listed as a way for ‘customers to purchase tickets? 161 | () Visiting an office A (©) Calling a phone number {Going toa train station (@) Completing an online form ‘i Khong phil cich a khdch hing nye ‘A Dén vin ping Gai dig thon Comin 1D. Hodnthinh don ding ki qua mang 1 Q162 — Q164 From: The Hilton Preservation Society {membermall@preservehilfon org) ‘To: Doreen Arie [daricen@weblie-com) Subject: A special offer for HPS members Date: September 8 Dear Ms. Arie, ‘As a valued member of the Hilton Preservation Society, we would like to extend the Gollowing ofer to you on behalf of Century Card, ‘The new Century Platinum Card offers you a chance to support the Hilton Preservation Society every time you use it. Each time you use your Century Platinum Card, a donation ‘equating 15 percent of your purchase will be made to the Hilton Preservation Society's Restoration Campaign fo help restore historic buildings and landmarks. Century Bank's Century Platinum Card also offers HPS members these additonal benefits: (A) Discounts at afiiated hotels and aitines, (B) 0% APR on high-interest balance transfers and cash advances, (C)No-annual fee and low APR on all f (©) Secure onfne access to your account information, ‘What isthe purpose of the email? ‘Diu higu xudt hign trong bai (tomate lat al fhm ama ee ee ‘we would lke to extend the Larisa te i c By Qungto a io ip dia ra (6) To offer Ms, Arie a creditcard service {ilowingoffsctovouon | CMa ob Are st dang dich wy thé tin dong (d)To remind Ms. Arie to renew her membership ‘behulfof Century Card, D. Nhiic c6 Arie gia han thé thinh vién or wha ill money be donated? (Reng iter ing luge ong ta | P08 eine ta ie 149 | © Fein cavioamentl pojos sed epee (©) Producing a monthly newsletter {abel estore histori C. Sin xudt m6t bi tin hing thang (© Supporting politcal campaigns . H8 ty ec chién dich cia cin sit ‘What is stated about annual fees? (2) They are not collected. (Chu xudthign trong bai din (©) They depend on sccoust activity ain dip 164 | (oy They canbe paid in nstalnenta * | CoNo annual fc and low (@) They make up 15 percent of funding, Diu gh duge nh dé v8 phi throng nién ‘A. Khéng thu phi B. Phu thuge vio hogt dng cia ti Khon C.Cé thé ta gop D. Chiém 61 15% tid ei eg n QU65 - Q167 From: Daniel Travers [ ‘To: Sandrine Walters [waternsand@] Subject: Your Sound Byte order Dear Ms. Walters, ‘Thank you for purchasing ftom the Sound Byte online store. Your order has been ressived, processed, and willbe shipped within 2 busines dave, Please review this summary of your order and notify customer service if there are any disrepancies, Order Reference Number: 7833091 Order Summary Billing address Sandrine Walters 12 Market Steet Saint Louis, Missouri 63103 Shipping address Same as billing address Order Details (Quantity Description Item Price Item Total Greyson $-ise CD Player $129,99 $129.99, ‘with Remote Control Subtotal $129.99 Tax $7.23, Shipping $9.08. Total $14630 Customer service can be reached by responding to this email or by calling 1-800-665-3838. Thank you for your order. Daniel Travers Customer Service Department Sound Byte Online 165 ‘Recording tothe e-mail, what Inappened to Ms, Walters' order? (a) Iewas shipped, (6) Itwas modified, (6) lewas cancelled. (2) Iewas processed (Cau nuit hign trong bi din dfn ddp é: ved, ds ‘Theo email, didu gl dl xdy ra v6i don hing eva od Walters ANS da duge gi BLNG di bj thay C.N6 63 bj ny D.N6 dang due tién hink How many items did Ms. Walters order? Co Walters bao nhieu ther a5 | 0%" (Chu nud ign rong bi dla dén dip én; | A MOE (b) Three ‘LGreyson S-dise CD Player C.Nén iz © Five D.biy (Seven What is tnduded ta Ms, Wal il gh trong dun hing ca od Lcsasahl iy Walters (@)A fee CD Diagonal ign tong bi dln aa dp | WANE 167 | (b) A remote control - c ‘B, Didu khién tir xa (©) A factory rebate ‘with Remote Control, C. Sy gidm gif cila nha may (d) A 14-day warranty. D. Bao hinh 14 ngay “ Q168 - Q171 tention employees: [Last week I met with Mr, Hendrix to discuss our overseas marketing campaigns. As you know, we now have retail stores operating in South Africa and Argcotng, in addition to having our products caried by. ‘department stores in France, China and Japan, Although our sales ar at satisfactory level, Mr, Hendsix would like tp increase our brand recognition abroad to make Fields Sports! apparel more competitive with both local and foreign equivalents. This ‘To discuss this mater further, L would lke the entie marketing staf to mest on Wednesday, March 14 at 11 AM. At the meeting, we will discuss ways to further the presence of Fields Sports’ apparel through special events, sponsorship, celebrity endorsement, and anyother acti. ‘Tank you and see you on Wednesday. Charice Tn what country are Fields Sports’ products NOT ‘ii higa walt ign ong bat sola? dln dln dp a: ‘Sin phim cia Fields Sports (In china leaden duct | tg hin rode ne 168 | (6) In Japan - BNbgt Bin (ln France C-Phip (tama Die ‘What i indeated about Flelds Sports? Dida g Geve ney ve Fits (0) Their sales are declining ‘A:Doanh sé bn hing dang giim (©) They primarily produce sports apparel B.Ban du ho chi sin xult quln do 169 | (0) They hos a variety of sports competitions. B thé thao (@ Their products can only be purchased in department CH tir cho rt ida pa a store. 1. Sin phim hi bin cs hing bch hos When wil the staff meting be held? : Kh mio budi hop cfc uhdn ven 8 Chu rule hign trong bii din | KP (3) On March 11 dn ip dn rary 179 | ©) OaMarch 12 | Lovonld kesh ence (©) On March 14 marketing stafTtomecton | B12 (©) On March 20 ‘Wednesday, Marsh 14 Bas ‘What pew arose the sta meting? Distiesltite ong unr | REE Oe rns (2) creasing brand ecogiton Gin dis dap 1 Gia Gg akin d m (Qiumuesce eee A | Mr Hendrix would liketo | B. Tai try di myén dja phrong (6 Inroducing new products overseas i igi iu sin phim mdi dn {@) Opening ell Nore Sou Ais loses our bund Sanne M6 cita hing bin I & Nam Phi 8 QU72- Q176 | Ashion Black Named President of nfoQuest By Karina Todd In November, Ashton Black was appointed President of InfoQuest after serving seven yéars as their | hie nancial officer. promoted to Head of Research at sareeras a financial analyst at Robertson, Ine, Soon after, he was the brokerage firm, ‘Working alongside Burt Edwards, named CEO of InfoQuest in June, Black plans to make InfoQuest ‘more competitive Despite earning nearly $775 million in profits on advertising sles, the company. silLsingeles to compete with rival company, InfoQuest also faces growing ompttion from companies emerging in the industy, andi looking for ways to rebuild company morale, aac employees with imovative ideas, and produce beter resuls for loyal investors. Industry analysts are not yet certain whether Aston Black is the right man fr the job, “Being president of the company will require more leadership from Black than ever before,” suid Theresa ‘Spears, chief financial analyst at Mires Investments, "InfoQuest needs to doa lot of work if they want to keep up with, and Black seems eluctant to change InfoQuest’s business strategy.” | | | i The word “serving” In paragraph 1, Tine 1, is f ‘Tie “serving” trong dng 1 dogn tb closest in meaning to: roughed am | Heng | Ciubsisrwms Agi a0 (0) Presenting thay in (© comping Site eh” (@) Encouraging ‘When did Mr. Edwards become CEO of eae ‘Khi nio ngii Edwards G@ thin TnfoQuest? ‘lu bev sult hign wong bit] Ceo cua tafoQuest ho de dip: A. Tom trade 173 | (@ Seven years ago © | Workingalongside un |S 7 pam muse {One yer ago EduadsamedCEOot | & Wine (2) In Jone TofoQuest in June. ie pean Cha walt ifn ong bak dia What is true about Mr. Black? aap eee De ing gh ak (enews Bish vinatendalYale | § Gre fled Eomenot 174 | (0) Heis originally ftom Connecticut | SebonlofManagementnear | Gog y 1 hia ven ban qui (6) He serves asa board member at Database com, eee atsecom (@ He has worked at IafoQuest his entire career . Gag dit ton eat ‘What i TnfoQuents greatest concern? ‘MBI quan tim tin nb cia (@) Dectining profits ook anes TnfoQuest gh 115 | () An waqualed sat D | thecompanestiLamuasinto | 9° SEE on ap (©) Debt from construction projects ampstewithrval company | C” Kin ng tied dit én xdy dmg () Competition rom other companies. D, Can tanh i dg ng ty kde ‘What does Ms. Spears suggest about Nir. Blacks CB Spears c6 gh VE sy inh go leadership? | cla nga Black 5 ‘iu hurt hie rong bil) ‘Na hit abd nha ce (@ Rew atract mor investor dln adn dip dn B. Né gip edi thign tinh trang cfg ty 176 | (Ie will raise the companys status. D | Blacksecmereluctantio 1c. Né mit thuln vi cich lh dgo (© evil conflict with that of Me. Edwards. simaueInfeQuests buiness | is ng Edwards (4) Itwill not change the company's situation. 'D. NG sé kiving thay di cnhhiah congty 76 Q177- Q180 Prinine Air Here are some things you can bring on your wip that are sure to keep children occupied and relaxed daring along fight * Paper with colored pencil or crayons ‘This allows parents and children to do actvitis together, of for children to do something independently, With blank paper and colored pencils or crayons, children can write, draw, or ‘make their own games. For more excitement, pack small figures o use as board-game piers in Your cary-on luggage and lt childcen design their own game hoards, * Adeck of cards ‘aren can teach children ther fuvorite card game or show them card tricks, n return, children «an do the same for parents 1 good idea to pack a book on a long trip. Children will especially enjoy stories that take place inthe country to which they are traveling. Ths will give them a chance to preview the culture and history they will earn about on vacation, * Gis from Pristine Air One net lg a te of fie att wl fi any chlo ing “According to the Information, what le dificult (Ci xudt ign trong bai din for children? Peet db dip a: 177 | (@ Long car rides yy | Pasting Air (@) ternational lights Tins_for_tveing with (©) Going shopping with parents (@) Waiting for doctor's appointments ‘Theo thing tin dura ra, dibu gi kh vt tré ‘A. Ds 16 dung da B.Bay qubcé Cima im vi b8 ms D. Ch lich hen cia bic 59 ‘Ciu xult ign trong bai dia ‘What are children encouraged to bring? ape (A schedule (A family portrait ‘boards, ‘Ted em duye khuyén khich mang the cA gh A Lich rin B. Ted choi dign C.Danh sich mua sim . Khong én gia inh What is mentioned as a possible activity? (Cau xult higa trong bai din (@) Taking a wale én tip 179 | (© Singing songs C | Parents can teach childien (© Playing cards ‘thei favorite card game or ‘show them card tricks, (wa ” 180 ‘What is NOT offered to children? ‘Diu higu xudt hign trong bai pipe dln da dip én: tg kang dug ang cp cho em (©) Sacks fnvahidentatclagtt | SDS inate (6) Sticker ‘CH di (A magazine. D. Tap cht Q181 — Q185 refer to the following article and email City Cuts Spending for Rink Renovations By Niko Lennox. March 29 = Over the weekend, city ofiials postponed the project to renovate Dennis Parks ice stating rink indefinitely. Officials state that the move was prompted by the project’ rising cost ‘The site of the ice skating rink, named after its founding donor Elouise Dennis, was being developed by Y&B Rinks, a facilities management service from Ouawa, Last year, Y&B Rinks submitted an application to the city board for funding to renovate the rink and received approval Recently, however, unforeseen problems with water drainage forced the company to reasess its {funding needs, andthe city would not approve a second request for finances the park incl sink to 2 than ling art ling i Dear Mr. Stewart, ‘Lread_an article in last week's newspaper about the city governments rejection of your second request for funding (9 renovate Dennis Park Rink. As a child, I often visited the rink with my family, and through the years ie-skating has developed into one of my favorit leisure activites. Td like to see thousands of children in the Otawa area experince the same joy I did at Dennis Pare ‘Rink, For this reason, | would like to fund the novation efforts you have so graciously beguo. like to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss how we can collaborate to improve this valuable community resource, Please call me as soon as possible at (970) 845-7628. Sincerely, Steadman Murphy 8 181 ‘The word “move” in paragraph 1, line 2 of ‘the article, is closest in meaning to: (@) Movement (@) Decision (©) Activation (6 Inspiration. (Clu hoi sewn “move” ngu 9 néi quyét inh “et hodn dean ‘Tir“mave” trong ding 2 dogn 1 c6 nghia Asi di dbi ‘B quyétdink C.sirkich host D.cim hing 1st ‘Why did Ya Rinks request more money? () There were problems during construction, () They wanted to hire more construction employees. (©) Constniction materials were more expensive than expected, (@) They did not receive all of the funding they ere promised, iu biga muha tong bit la dn ip i: Trong bi béo unforeseen problems with water damage Visao Yin Rinks ln uhifa ifm hon A. Co vin 8 rong gus wih xy dng BH muda th them ong nbd xty dng . Vitlitu xty dyng dit hom dba 'D. Ho khéng nhén duge tién tai try ‘Du higu xudt hig trong bat at change was fee dln np ee Trong ba bio ‘Thao undo trong aon ) Bulding a Theubfnisdrenovations | A.ety mi tgs | © Adding stadium seats pp | fodhepark included Tl i wong sa vo og (€ Making the nk ager ‘sxpanding the rnkto C-Lim sin bing 00g hom (@)Comrecting ker sccommodatemorstha | D. Xiy ef ping o6 kos ‘L000 sates. addinga ‘etmtable roof, and building indoorlockerrooms. ‘Wy docs Mir. Murphy waite the eter? (o Tone Ovange van in ee Coteeidieneo vaste” (6) To suggest a fundraising Trong bie tar B. Goi mot jewing ay au) 10 . : a CC. Thc dy cng din WS tg dn (0 Toma izes spp he poet ouldliketo and he | D, Khuybn eich chia quye tinh ph ti (@) To cocourage the city government to find the eontion sie trp dp dn : project ‘What does Mr. Murphy imply in his letter? ‘Dia higa xulthign trong bit | 1ygai Murphy dm ehi gh trong bie the (@ He wed to bein the city gover din dpi: ‘A. Ong y ting 1 chin quyba thin pd . a ma Ding din tien cia bai bio ing dy ting 1a chink qu () He read the March 29 newspaper article. (© He lived near Dennis Park Rink as a child. (@) He enrolled his children in ice-skating Iessons. gh ig sade bn I 2908 rong bite dae ‘Lad an anil in ast bag by oc to aly 293 CD Sara betas Pepi cba me D. Ong dy cho con tham dig khod hoe tragt bing ~ Q186 - Q190 ‘From: Customer service [service—____ To: Yuna Dautry [ ‘Subject: Coupon offer Dear Ms, Dautry, We apologize forthe mistake we made in processing your October 28 order of item #99820 from four Web site. We have since comected the enor in our computer system and shipped the item vou ‘risinallyrequssted. The item was shipped on November 11 and should arve within $ to 7 ‘business days. Sincerely, Lynn Russo Customer Service Office Supplier. Office Supplier 50 percent off your next office supply purchase at www This coupon not valid in conncton wth ter fe, on shiping ron git card phases. Tis emp only valid for onetime use on online orders of in-stock items. ‘This coupon is not valid on orders with shipping addresses outside of the United States Office Supplice reserves the right to choose the method of delivery for each order. Delivery fees are nonrefundable if the order or part of the order is reed, unless the product is damaged or defective, “Please enter the following coupon code during checkout: XB7749IKO09W 80 ‘When did Ms. Dautry place an order? (@ 0 October 5 186 | (6) On October 7 (© 0n October 28 (8) On November 11 ‘What can be inferred about the item Ms. ‘Dfuhigu xt hign tong bai_| piu gi c6 thd dm chi v8 man hing ma 6 Dautry ordered? «lin dfn dp fa: tae ae a aioe Trong bite wn [Queer resin devas ntin BLN khéng obn trong kho (6) Iwas not delivered. C.Né cua duge giao (@)Tewas not the item she ordered, 'D.N6 king phi ma hing o by eat ‘What can Ms. Dautry use the coupon todo? (@) Order items online C0 Dautey sit dyng phigu 8 im gi? ae ‘A. Dithing qua mang sg | ©)Purchase gift card B Mua pha qua ting (© Buy computer sofware C. Maa phn mm may tn (@) Pay for shipping costs D. Tri phi vin chuyén “ ‘What is trac about the coupon? ; (@)Itean be used more than once Ditu gh ding vt phidu mua hing niy? z A. C6 thé sr dung mbit how 1 in ap | ©)Jewill expire ate thy days B. Sehét han sau 30 ngiy (©) Its valid for international addvestes, (@) Iteannot be used to buy electronic items, C. Cé hig hge vi ede dia chi qubcté 1D. Khing thé dig 4 mua 08 dign tt 190 ‘According to the coupon, how can Ms, Dautry receive the discount? (@)By completing an online form () By entering a code on the Web site (© By presenting the coupon to an employee (© By mailing it tothe store with a receipt Du higu xudt ign trong bai din dén dp én: Tong phim hing ‘Please enter the following ‘Soupon code during ‘sheckout:XB77495K009W ‘Theo phiéu mua hing, Ham céch mio eb Dautry e6 thé duye Khuyén mit ‘A. Hoda think don ding ki qua mang B. Nip mi sf trén trang wed : Xai tinh phiéu mua hing cho nbn vign . Gti thu dé cia hing kém theo hoi dom Questions 191 -195 refer to the following e-mail and menu. Taly 8 Sophie Boonyarat 1 Waterman Street Providence, Rhode Island 02906 Dear Ms. Boonyarat, 1'e enclosed a revision ofthe banquet menu as we discussed yesterday afternoon, Please review it ‘to ensure all the changes we talked about have been made. Per your request L added a vegetarian dish. Ofthe three choices you presented, I thought pasta would be the best option since it ean also be offered to non-vegetarian guess. ‘When you've finished reviewing the menu, please call me at (401) 421-0009 so we can begin or the event ‘The Fowler Business Association ‘Neoworking Banguet- Proposed Menu Appetizers (served at 5:40 PM.) Bread: is i ter : House salad with I hon Portobel and su Main Dishes (served at 6 P.M) (Chicken: Honey-glazed chicken served with risoto ora baked potato and mixed vegetables Salmon: Char-grilled salmon served with risotto ora baked poato and mixed vegetables. ‘ttuceini (vegetarian): Fettccini noodles served with spinach in a cream sauce Desserts (served at 7 P.M.) Cake: Chocolate or angel food cake Ice cream: Vanilla, chocolate, o strawberry Fruit: An assortment of bananas, apples, oranges, and grapes ‘Beverages (avilable throughout the evening) ‘Water, assorted soft drinks, iced tea, grape juice, and apple juice 2

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