Abdullah Papers

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Fill in the blanks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. The boy is sitting near a He is looking at the moo in the It is _______________ time (day/night) The moon and the ___________ are in the sky What does the rabbit family eat in the field? The __________, __________ eats __________ in the field Is the farmer angry? ________________, he _____________. Who climbs onto Ellys back? ___________ and ___________ climb onto _____________ _____________ Monty, __________ ____________, gives Topsy a _____________ Bizzy Bee gives him ______________________ Topsy takes ____________ from Dilly Duck. Mother Rabbit gives ___________ of _____________ to ____________ and Monty All the animals are _____________________ One elephant runs to _____________________ One tiger wants to _____________________ One monkey loves to _____________________ The three little animals _____________________ and ____________________ The frog was feeling very hot and tired. What did he do? He ________________ What did the frog spot on top of the hil The frog spotted ________________ on top of a hill What was the tiger looking for The tiger Was the frog dirty ________________, it ________________ Who was clever the tiger or the frog? The ________________ was clever Where did Salman and his parents go? They went to ________________ ________________ How did Salman and his parents go there? They went ________________ ________________ Which shop did they go to first? They went to ________________ ________________ ________________ first. How much did Salmans mother pay at the vegetable shop and the bakery? She paid ________________ ________________ rupees Did the family enjoy shopping? ________________, they did What did father say to Salman at the vegetable shop?

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

Father said, ________________ ________________ will make you ________________, ________________ and strong. What did Salman eat? He ate ________________ ________________ Mother ________________ in the kitchen (cook / now) The children ________________ in the park (play / soon) Azra ________________ very fast (run / now) She ________________ the race (win / soon) Topsy, the rabbit, ________________ because he is lost (cry / now) Movements of animals A cow _________________ A snake _________________ A fish ___________________ A butterfly ______________ A duck _____________ A frog ______________ Complete the following words using ee or ea M ___ ___ t thr___ ___ b___ ___ ___ ___t s___ ___ h___ ___r

Complete the table Animal Rabbit Monkey Buzzy Duck Elly Circle the correct describing word White / purple Salty / sweet Yellow / black Lazy / busy Milk Honey Sun bee Green / long Home / park Long / naughty Red / tired Pond Bananas Name Milky Trees Home Burrow Food Grass

Frog Work Stick Apple

Fill in the blanks with adjectives which mean the opposite of the words in bold These socks are clean but those socks are ____________________

Maira is thin but her mother is ____________________ We feel happy when we win a prize but we feel ____________________ when we do not A frog is light but elephant is ____________________ A giraffe is tall but a dog is ____________________ An ant is small but a dog is ____________________ Complete the following riddles I am friendly, I am white. I give you milk to keep you bright I go buzz around the flowers and give you honey for your tarts Quack quack I go all around the farm. I am always friendly and can never harm With a long tail I swing from a tree. I like to mimic whatever I see. I am very big. I am not a rose. But have big ears and long nose. Match the animals in column with the sound they make in column B Column A A dog A cat A bird A horse A monkey An elephant Column B Neighs Chatters Mews Barks Trumpets Chirps

Match the animal parents in column A to their babies in Column B Column A Cat Hen Cow Dog Lion Sheep goat Column B Calf Cub Kitten Chick Kid Lamb Puppy

Circle the odd word in each set Tail Roar Neck Look Eye Mew Horse Bark

Rat Pencil Car Elephant

Hole Book Plate Giraffe

Rabbit Flower Glass Deer

Camel Pen Spoon Peacock

Fill in the blank with a, an or the. _________ tiger sat under a tree. ________________ tiger wanted to rest A frog jumped into ________________ pond. ________________ pond had beautiful lilies in it. ________________ ox was sitting in the shed. ________________ ox was tired Sobia is wearing ________________ yellow frock. ________________ frock is very pretty. Fill in the blanks with before or after Thursday comes ________________ Wednesday Friday comes ________________ Saturday Sunday comes ________________ Monday Wednesday comes ________________ Tuesday Thursday comes ________________ Friday Fill in the blanks with yesterday, today or tomorrow 1. Today is Friday ________________ is Saturday ________________ was Wednesday ________________ is Thursday 2. Today is ________________ ________________ was Saturday ________________ is Monday Write true or false in boxes There are eleven months in a year July has thirty one days October is the ninth month of the year May comes after april February has twenty nine days in a leap year Match the number in column A with the words in column B

Column A 1 9 7 3 5 8 2 12

Column B Fifth Seventh First Eighth Ninth Second Twelfth Third

Fill in the blanks ________________ am Sheema. This is ________________ dress You are Abu. This is ________________ book He is Rehan. That is ________________ car She is Meena. This is ________________ dresss It is a monkey. That is ________________ tails We are clowns. These are ________________ hats You are harry and roshan. Those are ________________ shoes They are birds. These are ________________ nests Choose the correct word and write in the blank

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