2013-08-28 Roots of Betrayal - Mike Bloomberg Speakership Press Release

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IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact : Louis Flores, 1-646-400-1168, lflores22@gmail.com


New York, NY (August 28, 2013) LGBT blogger and activist Louis Flores has released Chapter 8 of his book, Roots of Betrayal : The Ethics of Christine Quinn, on Scribd, and in it Flores questions whether Mayor Michael Bloomberg had a role in Christine Quinns selection as speaker of the City Council in 2006.
Link : http://www.scribd.com/doc/133525827/Roots-of-Betrayal-The-Ethics-of-Christine-Quinn- Copyright-2013-by-Louis-Flores-Uncorrected-Proof-Not-For-Sale-Excerpt

After Quinn was named speaker, she appointed Michael Keogh to become the City Council finance director. In that position, Mr. Keogh would help the City Council negotiate the budget with City Hall. The appointment created a conflict of interest, because it was not known if Mr. Keoghs former role with the Bloomberg administration would compromise the City Councils independence in the budget process. Mr. Keogh had previously served as a member of Mayor Bloombergs Office of State Legislative Affairs. In 2008, Mr. Keogh resigned after he was implicated in the slush fund scandal. Mr. Keoghs initial selection followed a pattern of politically-motivated appointments that were seemingly made to reward the powerful political supporters, who had helped to broker Quinns speakership. For example, after the party bosses in the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn, had each helped Quinn to cinch the speakership, Quinn announced that powerful City Council committees would be chaired by members from the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn delegations. Councilmember Joel Rivera from the Bronx became chair of the Health Committee. Councilmembers Melinda Katz and David Weprin from Queens remained chairs of the Land Use and Finance Committees, respectively. And Councilmember Erik Dilan from Brooklyn was named chair of the Housing & Buildings Committee. Since voters have often cited Speaker Quinns subjugation to Mayor Bloomberg as one reason citizens are promising to vote for Anybody But Quinn, Flores now asks in Chapter 8 of his book : when did Speaker Quinn make the deal to become Mayor Bloombergs chief enabler in the City Council ? Did the deal get made during the time Quinn was negotiating her speakership with the political power brokers in late 2005 and early 2006 ? Was Mayor Bloomberg among the power brokers with whom Quinn negotiated her speakership ? Was Mr. Keogh's appointment as the powerful City Council finance director a way to reward Mayor Bloomberg for his support of Quinn's speakership ? Roots of Betrayal : The Ethics of Christine Quinn can be purchased at : - Book Thug Nation, 100 N. Third Street, Williamsburg, Brooklyn ; - McNally Jackson Books, 52 Prince Street, SoHo, Manhattan ; - St. Marks Bookshop, 31 Third Avenue, Manhattan ; and - Bluestockings, 172 Allen Street, Manhattan. ###

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