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Gift giving in Japan

Figure 1 Gift giving in Japan1

Figure 2 Gift wrapping in Japan2

Gift giving in Japan is very much appreciated. Japanese people love gifts, not only on some special events but gifts can be given on any time. Gift giving is practiced as a social duty and thought it to be a compulsory part of their lives. Not only Japanese people like to take gifts but also if you give gift to someone in Japan you will surely get one in return. Returning Gifts: In Japan gift giving is thought to be the highest part of appreciation and when in return you give gift to the same person you should return a gift which is more expensive then the one received. Hence over time value of the gifts are increased. Wrapping: Japanese gave special attention to the appearance of the gift. The gift can be a very expensive item but its appearance should be very humble. You should try to make a gift look like a very simple and of very less value item. It is an art to wrap a gift which is to be given. Gifts are wrapped in special fabric with square prints called furoshiki.3

1 2 3 Yuki Kim. The art of gift giving. Retrieved March 1, 2009 from

Figure 3 Gift Wrapping Style4

When to give gift:

Figure 4 Gift giving in business5

Figure 5 Presenting Style of Gift6

Japanese people exchange gifts on January 1 and on July 15 so that good relations among people remain healthy right from starting of the year to mid-year, then from mid year to the end of the year. It would be a good practice for businessmen to carry some gifts with him so that if he is presented with a gift, he would be able to respond by returning a gift. Gifts should be given at the end of the meeting and in a small bag so that probability of guessing about a gift is reduced and also gifts should not be at the beginning of the relationship. Etiquettes: When you are giving a gift it should be presented with both hands. Different gifts should be given to different people on different ranks. Never ever open a gift in front of the giver as it brings embarrassment to the gift giver. Do not accept a gift straight away rather refuse it politely one or two times and then accept it with a smile. If you are going to Japanese home then flowers, cake or candy would be the ideal gift. Types of gifts that Japanese like: Expensive brands Frozen food stuff Fresh fruit Gift of recipients interest 6

Types of gifts that Japanese dont like: White flowers Gifts are in combination of fours or nines Christmas cards of red color because it symbolizes a notice for funeral.7

Lafayette De Mente. (2004, August 4). International Gift Giving Etiquette (Japan). Retrieved March 1, 2009 from

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