Eisrael Parliamentary Act 06-09

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eIsrael Parliamentary Act (06/09)

Parliament of eIsrael

Definitions: The following definitions defined below relate to this Act specifically:
1. PM/Prime Minister: defined as the Prime Minister of eIsrael or the President under the
eRepublik Game System
2. DPM/Deputy Prime Minister: defined as the chosen person of the Prime Minister to act
as his Deputy.
3. Minister/s: defined as the Ministers of Departments within the Executive Government.
4. Deputy Minister/s: defined as the Deputy Minister of Departments of the Executive
5. Executive Member: Member of the Executive Government in a position other than PM,
DPM, Department Minister or Deputy.
6. Cabinet: also known as the Executive Government and consists of the Prime Minister,
Department Ministers, Deputy Ministers and any other Cabinet Member in Cabinet
7. MK (Member Knesset): defined as an elected Member of the Knesset of eIsrael or a
Congress member under the eRepublik Game System.
9. Knesset: the Knesset of eIsrael or Congress under the eRepublik Game System
10. Speaker: the Speaker of the Knesset, elected by the MKs each term.
11. Deputy Speaker: the Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, elected by the MKs each term.

Purpose: eIsrael Parliamentary Act will outline the basic structure of the eIsraeli
Parliament and define names, titles, basic tasks and requirements specific to the eIsraeli
Parliament and the eIsraeli Executive Government.

Part 1 – General
1. The legislative power of eIsrael will be vested in the eIsraeli Parliament, which shall
consist of the Prime Minister, The Cabinet (Executive Government), and the Knesset,
which shall be called "The eIsraeli Parliament".

2. The eIsraeli Parliament will operate at all times on the official eRepubilik eIsrael

Part 2 – The Prime Minister

1. The Prime Minister shall be voted into their position by the People of eIsrael during
the Official eRepublik Vote for President.
2. The Prime Minister MUST be a registered member of a Political Party on eRepublik
and a registered member of the eRepublik eIsrael Forum.

3. The Prime Minister may, at anytime, create or disband any Government Department
at his discretion.

4. The Prime Minister may, at anytime, appoint or remove any Minister or Deputy
Minister to any Government Department or appoint any other type of Cabinet Member
he sees fit.

5. The Prime Minister may, at anytime, choose to add or remove Portfolios to any
Ministerial Position or Government Department after discussion with his Cabinet.

Part 3 – Executive Government Branch (The Cabinet)

1. The Executive Branch of the eIsraeli Government is also known as the Cabinet and
consists of the Prime Minister of Australia, Ministers and Deputy Ministers of the any
Governmental Departments that may be created directly by the Prime Minister, for
example, Department of Finance etc. The Cabinet also consists of other Members of the
Cabinet appointed by the Prime Minister or Department Ministers that may perform
duties relating to the Cabinet, ie: Cabinet Secretary, Interns etc.

2. Cabinet Ministers MAY be a registered member of an eRepublik Political Party in

eAustralia and a registered member of the eRepublik eIsrael Forums.

3. Ministers may also appoint and remove Assistants into their own Departments to
assist and learn about the Cabinet aspect of Government, without Prime Ministerial

4. Ministers and Deputy Ministers are appointed to their Department positions by the
Prime Minister.

5. The Prime Minister may add or remove portfolios to Ministerial Departments as he

sees fit.

Part 4 – The Knesset

1. The Knesset shall be composed of MKs from political parties within each territory of
the State and be voted into their positions by the People of eIsrael during the Official
eRepublik Vote for Congress each month.

2. Each nominee for MK at the Congress Elections on eRepublik MUST be a member of

an eIsrael Political Party, and SHOULD be a Registered User on the eRepublik eIsrael

3. Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Cabinet Members may also nominate on eRepublik as
MKs and may be voted into the Knesset by the People.

4. ONLY duly Elected MKs may Vote in the Voting Hall. This includes those Ministers,
Deputy Ministers and Cabinet Members voted in as MKs, excluding the Prime Minister.
5. Further information into Senate Operation can be found in the eIsrael Knesset
Protocol Act – 06/09

E. – The Speaker and Deputy Speaker

1. The Speaker and Deputy Speaker shall be elected from the members of the Knesset
before ANY other business.

2. Only MKs that are NOT Ministers, Deputy Ministers or Cabinet Members may
nominate for the positions.

3. The Speaker and Deputy Speaker are responsible for Moderating topics on the
Knesset Forums, for closing topics and moving them into the Voting Hall for the Knesset
to vote after the elapsed time. They are responsible for Tallying the votes and making
them known, as well as locking the voting topics after the elapsed timeframe. They are
required to move Votes and Topics into the correct Archived Forums after the
appropriate elapsed timeframe. They are responsible for the Posting of Acts and other
Policies into the Policies forum should those responsible initially for the task be unable to
do so.

4. Further information into Speaker and Deputy Speaker nomination can be found in the
eIsrael Knesset Protocol Act – 06/09.

Responsibility: The Speaker and Deputy Speaker shall be responsible for the
enactment of provisions in this Act in relation to Knessetorial matters.

The Prime Minister or his designated representative will be responsible for the
enactment of provisions in this Act in relation to his Office or that of any Cabinet
position or Office.

eIsrael Knesset Protocol Act;
eIsrael Cabinet Protocol Act.

Amendments: N/A at Present

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