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Cited ArticlesBibliography 1

Erica Ballard Social Work 464/465 Ms. McArthur Tuskegee University August 26, 2013

Cited ArticlesBibliography 2 Citation Treger, Harvey "Initiating Contact." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.1844

Abstract Initiating contact was an article under the main title building a Social Worker -Police Relationship that described the initial contact process for social workers. The article suggested that the making initial contact with clients or patients can be very easy to an extent. For example, if the person/people that you are trying to make contact with is in the same building or area that you are in then initial contact can be a breeze. This related to my initial contact at the agency because there were some staff and patients that I was able to come into contact with and greet, but there were some that I was not able to come into contact with. The facility is relatively large, so I understand that there are some people and patients that I will not come into contact with quite often. The article also mentioned that there must be an opportunity to communicate with the people you are trying to make initial contact with. At Hill-view Terrace, the environment is very fast paced so there are not many opportunities to stop and communicate with people very often. Everyone has task and patients that they must tend to so everyone has to work around one anothers schedule.

Citation Karls, M. James "History of Person in the Environment." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.1820 . Abstract History of Person in the Environment was an article that described the particular w ay that clients adapt and respond to their environment. I think that this particular article related to my event today because I observed how the patients functioned in the facility and how they felt about adapting to the environment that they are in. Majority of the patients really liked being in the facility because of the caring and loving environment that it is. The article also suggested that it is extremely important that the social worker is attentive to the clients and the way that they interact with individuals within the environment. It is important that the social worker does not ignore any social or environmental problems that the client has. Today, all issues that the patients may have had about the rooms were documented and addressed immediately. I believe that this is what social work is all about, and that is helping to address the issues of individuals. This article was very helpful and related directly with the events that I participated in today.

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Citation Byington, B. Diane "Treatment Services." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.1844

Abstract The article entitled Treatment Services was an article that addressed my entire day at my agency. The article explained the job of a social worker as it relates to providing treatment. This related to my day because the social workers that were at the facility worked together to produce plans and services that would help them better assist the patients. The facility, just as the article stated, provides services to both long term and short term patients within the facility. The social workers help address the needs of the patients as well as any concerns or suggestions that the patients relatives may have. It is very important that the social workers take part in all phases of working with the patients. The article discussed the roles that the social worker plays in assaults and abuse as well. At my agency, however, there is a zero tolerance for assault and abuse.

Citation Ginsberg, Leon "Staying Visible." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.1979 Abstract Staying Visible is an article that addresses the importance of being in the eye -sight of others for contact purposes. The manager should always be able to be reached especially in a large environment. This article relates to my day because I think that although I am not a manager, I am an active team member and it is important for me to remain visible at all times so that patients are able to communicate with me whenever they need or want to. The article also addresses the fact that managers should attend majority of all meetings and conferences to stay afloat of everything in their workplace. I have witnessed my supervisor attend majority of all meetings and stay afloat of all events and patient information. I think that this is a good example for me because I would like to attend meetings and conferences to ensure that I am aware of the events taking place in the facility.

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Citation Fortune, E. Anne "Dealing with Emotional Reactions." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.1979

Abstract Dealing with Emotional Reactions is an article that discussed the importance of identifying and addressing the emotions of others. The social worker has the right to express how they are feeling as well if it does not infringe upon the client. I think that this article relates to my day and interaction with my client because my client has the right and the ability to freely express their emotions and feelings. It is my responsibility to ensure that the client feels comfortable with discussing their feelings and emotions. Social workers must understand that clients/ patients undergo changes and tend to express themselves to them because they are meant to help them. With that being said, the social worker should take full responsibility of addressing their client to understand how they are feeling and what emotions they are experiencing.

Citation Flynn, P. John "Consideration of use of personal information." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.2177

Abstract The article Consideration of use of personal information is an article that discusses the importance of privacy and the limitations to sharing peoples personal information. This article relates to my day because there are a lot of charts that are accessible to me for interning purposes. However, I understand that it is very critical that I keep the patients information contained in the charts very private. I cannot, under any circumstances remove information out of the patients charts for my own personal use. I understand that confidentiality plays a major role in my role while interning at the agency. Today when learning how to do a referral/ general psych referral would be one of the instance in which I am allowed to make a copy of the clients records to send to different agencies. Besides for the purposes of working on the clients case so to speak, I am not allowed to use or talk about the clients personal information for any other uses.

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Citation Iatridis, S. Demetrius "Self Determination." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.1849

Abstract The article entitled Self Determination was an article that discussed the potential and protection of a persons desires and rights. This article states that the individual has the right to make the decisions that they want to and act upon them as well. The article relates to my day because the patient that I conducted a social history report on had a sense of self-determination. The patient was determined to function on his own in order to display that he is capable of performing and functioning independently. I think that the client motivated his self to reach the point of functioning on his own so that he could be able to be relieved. This is a good thing considering the fact that being at home is one wish anyway. He desires to be in the comfort of his own home. Social workers are responsible for ensuring that they push their clients in the area of self determination.

Citation Lowe, R. Gary "Social Development and Social Work." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg. 2166

Abstract The article Social Development and Social Work was an article that discussed the importance of individuals socializing with those around them. The article also discussed how important it is for the social worker to ensure that the patient is comfortable with their environment in order for them to engage in conversations with others. I think that this relates to my day because as the social work intern, it was my responsibility to ensure that the patient that I was conducting a questionnaire with was comfortable with the entire atmosphere that they were in. Sometimes people are not too fond of answering personal questions for. The client has to be very comfortable and relaxed so that they will not be uncomfortable while responding to the questions. Social workers must be aware of the patients styles of communication and adhere to them.

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Citation Goldstein, G. Eda "Diversity." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg. 1951 Abstract The article entitled Diversity was an article that described and discussed the importance of diversity within the workplace. I think that it is very important to have diverse groups in the workplace. The reason that diversity should definitely be a factor in the workplace is because everyone should be given equal opportunity. I believe that having different populations, races, ages, etc. contributes to the environment. There are things that different groups of individuals can give one another. Different groups can learn from one another. I think that it is important to understand different cultures and ways of living bedsides ones own. The article also touched on the fact that there are some minority groups that companies, organizations and groups refuse to work with. I know for a fact that this is not the case at Hill-view Terrace because there is a diverse setting there. There are people from almost every ethnicity, age, etc.

Citation Cooper, Marlene and Turner, Sandra "Games." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg. 2406

Abstract The article Games discussed the importance of interacting with clients to understand their psychological and social levels. Some games however, as mentioned in the article, are not helpful for clients. The games that are not helpful to clients are the games that discourage clients instead of encourage clients. This article relates to my day because while leading the exercising activity, I encouraged every resident to try the exercises. I noticed that the residents tried the exercises to the best of their ability and I pointed their strengths out the entire time. I managed to compliment the patients on their improvements when they readjusted some of their motions. I think that positive reinforcement is very important because it encourages clients to achieve or succeed more than they have already achieved or succeeded in. In a medical setting, I think that it is important because patients seem to react by striving harder to increasing their improvement.

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Citation Coulton, J. Claudia and Chow, Julia. "Limitations." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol.3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg. 1868.

Abstract Limitations is an article that explains how the cost of living (housing, bills, etc.) affect the average individual. The article addresses the fact that the cost of living has increased over time and having food in the household has become less of a necessity. There are people who place purchasing food on the last section of the priority list. Individuals have the responsibility of providing shelter, clothing and food for their families, but shelter and bills come before food. I sort of understand because if a person does not have a place to live, them having groceries/food in their possession that they can cook would not matter because they would not have a house to cook in. I think that this article relates to my day at the community market because it describes why people attend the community market. Individuals have to use their money wisely and use the resources that are provided. When a person makes all of the necessary payments for that particular month, they may not have any money left over, so they use the resource (community market) as their food resource.

Citation Roberts, R. Albert "Shift in focus." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.2440.

Abstract The article Shift in Focus discussed the importance of providing the necessary services that are critical for individuals in need. The article stated that there was a shift in the focus that the government had to have in order to serve individuals according to their greater needs. This relates to my day because as a social work intern, I must shift my focus from simply getting the patients to respond to all of the questions that I ask them, to taking time to learn the patients from the questions that I ask them. Patients are not just in the facility to answer questions, they are there to be nurtured and treated in a proper manner. I shift my focus to learning the patients and building rapport with the patients. I understand that there is necessary paperwork that has to be completed in reference to the patients, but having actual conversations with the patients and enabling to know that you care means a lot. I try my best to ensure the patients that I actually care about them and not just about completing a bunch of paperwork.

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Citation OGrady-Leshane, Regina Retirement Decision." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg. 2054

Abstract The article Retirement Decision discussed the reasons why individuals choose to retire. When a person decides to retire they have come to the decision of ending their work career. A person usually decides to retire when they are in the senium period of their life. This article relates to my day because there was a retirement ceremony/party for one of the retirees. The retirement ceremony/party was set in place to honor the retiree for their years of service, hard work and dedication. I think that the ceremony was the perfect way to honor the retiree for their hard work and years of service. When an individual reaches the stage at which they choose to retire or are required to retire, is the time when the retiree has reached a level of achievement. Retirement signifies that the individual has experienced several areas of the field in which they are in and are ready to past the torch to someone else.

Citation Bass, Deborah "Training." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.2066

Abstract The article explained the purpose of training and how it contributes to the performance of individuals in the work place. The article also mentioned that there are agencies that are dedicated to training individuals. This article related to my day because the orientation session took place with the goals of training the new members so that they will be able to perform to the best of their ability in the facility. The new team members had to learn about the rules and regulations that they are obligated to abide by. The article discusses the importance of social workers being trained to assess different cases and to understanding the treatment options for all cases. The social workers at hill-view have allowed me to shadow them as a part of my training so that I can understand how to conduct assessments with patients. After being trained, in a sense, I understood the approached that I had to use to connect with the patients. Training is a critical part of ones career.

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Citation Hopps, G. June and Collins, M. Pauline. "Professional Education." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.22672268. Abstract The article Professional Education was an article that discussed the importance of professionals having an education in order to carry out their skills in the workplace. The article relates to my day because it points out the fact that in order for professionals, or anyone for that matter, to work effectively they should be educated about their field. I agree that this is important because it contributed to the patients being served in an effective manner. However, I also think that professionals should have a grip on reality as well because oftentimes when you are working with patients, you cannot be a robot. The patients respond better when they can relate to the person that they are interacting with. Education is very important, but education in every area possible is also important. That includes being educated on how to connect with people and how to use various approaches with people. Citation Bricker-Jenkins, Mary and Lockett, W. Patricia. "Relationships." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol.3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg. 2533. Abstract The article Relationships catered to the importance of relationships between the client and the social worker. This relates to my day because I truly understand how important it is to the patients themselves to have someone to not only care for them but to care about them as well. Social workers are meant to be motivators and encouragers for every client that they have. They are responsible for building rapport with their clients and helping them to feel comfortable with receiving the services necessary for them to survive. Relationships include effort and dedication from both the social worker and the clients. It is essential for the client-social worker relationship to be positive and healthy. Clients report to social workers to receive help in areas of their lives that are causing them trouble or because they need services that will provide a solution to their problems. Clients, to a certain extent, walk into the door of a social workers office with a little bit of trust in them before they even provide, or point them in the direction of services. With that in mind, social workers should carry on in a manner that caters to keeping their trust and providing them with the services that they need.

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Citation Hepler, B. Juanita. "Social Development and Social Work." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg. 2198. Abstract Self-Perception Measures is an article that discusses social skill. When social workers work with their clients, they should be able to interact with them in an effective manner. The social worker should evaluate their skills and confidence when communicating and engaging with clients. Social skills should be nurtured so that they are consistently developed for the benefit of one self and others. Individuals should be able to identify their levels of social skills and improve them accordingly. Social workers should evaluate their skills and levels of communication by using the self perception measure tool. When working with clients it is extremely important to understand your level of socialization and your strengths and weaknesses when communicating. The main reason clients come to social workers is to communicate their issues with them and to be able to receive feedback from the social worker. Citation Orthner, K. Dennis and Kirk, S. Raymond "Program Evaluation." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.1500. Abstract The article Program Evaluation discussed the significance of the effectiveness of the programs that are in place to help improve the lives of individuals. The article also addressed the importance of the efforts of the individuals that are a part of the programs. The programs that are established to help improve the lives of others are meant to provide quality service for those that they are assisting. The community market is an establishment that caters to the needs of people and I would say that it is well kept and provides quality service to individuals. When the lives and circumstances of the individuals who are receiving services improve, it is an example of the community market, or any program, succeeding in impacting lives. It is important that programs complete a self evaluation every so often to see the areas in which they need to improve so that they will be able to continue providing quality services for individuals.

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Citation Griffin, V. William "Follow-up to Victimization Trauma." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.2303. Abstract "Follow-up to Victimization Trauma is an article that explains to readers the steps to dealing with post-incident trauma. The article suggests that the individual(s) that are experiencing postincident trauma do not need to be mislead with false statements about them being the way that they were prior to their incident trauma. The main role of a social worker when dealing with such cases is to support the client and encourage them to improve and enhance their being. I think that this relates to my day because I met a patient who may be experiencing post incident trauma and I have to understand my role as a social work intern. My role is not to sale the patient a collection of false hopes by stating that they are going to be back to their normal living style in no time. My responsibility is to instill into the patient that they will receive the help that they need from me while they are in the facility. I make it my priority to always be there to listen to the patients when they want to communicate and I am there when the patients want to partake in activities together as well. Overall, I believe that the patients should receive top treatment while in the facility and no matter where social workers are stationed they should ensure that all patients are treated in a just manner. Citation Dunn, C. Patricia. "Risk and Liability." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.2489. Abstract The article entitled Risk and Liability discusses the importance of volunteers and workers being in environments that they feel are safe and protected. I think that this article relates to my day because the facility has rules and regulations that I must follow in order to be safe and protected. For example, wearing the proper gear before entering a patients room that are on isolation is important. The entire method of wearing a gown, gloves and or a mask may seem unnecessary, but it is only to protect you. Although the patients may not like the fact that when individuals enter their room they have to have on protection, I think that they would not mind because they would not want you to be harmed or ill due to their condition. A lot of the patients understand their conditions and they are absolutely fine with the protective wear. I think that safety is important, but treating a patient with dignity and respect while in the protective wear is evenly important.

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Citation Smyth, J. Nancy. Diagnostic and Assessment. Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg. 2329. Abstract The article Diagnostic and Assessment described the how staff would recognize the different illnesses and diseases that clients may have. The article explains the effectiveness of being knowledgeable of the clients state of health. The clients state of health is a precursor to understanding the treatment that the client may need. The article relates to my day because being able to recognize that the patient was not just acting out of term on their own but because of their illness is important. The patient had an outburst because they have Alzheimer disease. Not understanding or knowing the patients state of illness can result in maltreatment of the patient. The patient however, should not be viewed as their illness, but they should be treated for their particular illness in the proper manner. The article does a great job at enabling me to understand the importance of assessing clients. Citation Becerra, M. Rosina and Damron-Rodriguez, JoAnn. Mental Health Services. Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg. 2434. Abstract The article Mental Health Services discussed the fact that facilities offer services for patients who are dual diagnosed. The article suggested that some facilities offer programs that cater to individuals that may be drug addicts with dementia. I think that this particular article related to my day because there are patients within the facility that have dual diagnoses as well. For example, Hill-View treats patients that are cognitively impaired and paralyzed. The article enabled me to understand how facilities withhold staff members that specialize in the different areas and needs that the patients need assistance. I think that this is an effective approach that facilities take by caring for patients with dual diagnoses. Almost every patient has more than one area or service that they need to be provided with.

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Citation Fraser, W. Mark. Families. Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg. 2458. Abstract The article Families discussed the role that families play in the lives of clients. Because ones family is the most immediate connection that they may have, family members are responsible for contributing to the recovery of clients. The article relates to my day because while meeting with the patients family member, it seemed as if the patient was comfortable and anxious to interact with their family member. I think that the immediate sense of love and care from ones family members is most important. While communicating with the patients family member I could tell that they had a pretty strong bond. This particular bond contributes to the patients stay at the facility being a relaxing stay. The patient, I am sure, would probably not have a problem with staying in the facility until they recover as long as they are aware that their family member will visit them quite often. This sort of support from the family member of motivating the patient to receive care is important and effective. Citation Hare, Isadore "Goals and Attributes of Successful Programs." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.2100-2101. Abstract The article identifies the main goals and attributes that contribute to a client being in a successful program. The article touches on the fact that the program must also reach outside of their agency in order to contribute to its programs success. I think that the article relates to my day because I think that just as you have to pull contributions and factors from outside of the program in order for the program to be successful, so it is with a client as well. If we, as social workers, want clients and patients to recover and achieve their goals while in the facility, we must pull from outside factors to support them in doing so. For example, I think that the patients are motivated to place effort into their recovery when they are supported by their family members. Pulling from outside of the facility to receive helpful factors for the patient to have a successful recovery and comfortable stay while inside of the facility is very important.

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Citation Soest, Dorthy Van Consequences of War, Violence and Social Injustice Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.1812. Abstract Consequences of War, Violence and Social Injustice is an article that discusses the variety of wars that have taken place over the course of life and the impact that the wars have had on the lives of others. The article provides statistics to display the amount of individuals who have been killed, or injured in different wars that have occurred; I think that this article relates to my day because it refers to the soldiers that the patients spouse had to remove from the battle field. I find it interesting that the very same veterans and individuals that the article mentioned who have been involved in military forces, was one of the individuals that I received the opportunity to meet face to face. I think that the articles that I read and the news that I watch pertaining to this has no comparison to meeting someone in person that has witnessed such activity first hand. Citation Gibelman, Margaret Positive Impacts Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.2001. Abstract I enjoyed reading the article Positive Impacts because I could definitely relate to the message provided within the article. The article touched on the fact that the government and society should have a positive relationship and impact on one another. I think that the article relates to my time spent at the facility because just as the government and society should have a positive impact on and relationship with one another, so should people in society with those in need of help. I think that it is the responsibility of individuals within society to care for one another. We should all have a positive impact on one another lives. I believe in changing and enhancing the lives of those who need help in achieving in society. Overall, I know that my goal at the facility was accomplished because I managed to have a positive impact on the life of a lot of individuals at the facility.

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Citation Jones, R. Linda "Role of a Social Worker." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg. 2416. Abstract The article Role of a Social Worker discussed what roles social workers play in the lives of others. It explained the fact that social workers are concerned with the social welfare of others and they provide services for others. Being a social worker excludes individuals, in my opinion, from performing and providing the bare minimum for clients. I think that it is the responsibility of the social worker to go above and beyond to help clients improve their lives. This relates to my day because, although the patient was behaving in a hasty manner, I think that it was my responsibility to continue communicating with the patient and try to find the best way to approach them. When conflict arises or if something does not go as planned, I do not stress or fold; I simply use different approaches to improve the situation. Social workers face a lot of difficult situations and they have to be strong enough to conquer those particular situations. Citation Rubin, Allen."Common Types of Social Work Surveys." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol.3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg. 2387. Abstract The article entitled Common Types of Social Work Surveys was centered on the importance of surveys that social workers provide to respondents in different settings. The surveys are used to help social workers enhance and improve their approaches and functioning in the social work field. I think that the article relates to my day because I did not give the patients a survey and I am not a licensed social worker yet, but the patients did provide feedback about my work and efforts made at the facility. I value the opinions and feedback that the patients provide because it will help me to view the areas in which I should improve. Improving different areas will enable me to be a better worker in the field of social work. I think that surveys should be given to the patients to know the different improvements that they think should be made by everyone that provides services for them.

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Citation Yankey, A. John. Strategic Planning Encyclopedia of Social Work. 19th ed. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers, 1995 Print. Pg.2321. Abstract Strategic Planning is an article that discusses how to plan and why planning is important. Planning is important because it encompasses the steps that you will carry out in order to reach your goal or the goal of the company or an organization. Strategic planning strengthens the strong areas of the organization or goal and weans out the weaknesses or weak portions. I think that strategic planning relates to my day because it correlates with the planning that I had to undergo to notify the patients of my departure from the facility. Planning and consistently notifying the patients of my departure helped the ending process to be carried out smoothly for the most part. I think that planning events such as the ending process is an important factor when being at a facility that you know you are only intended to be for a specific period of time.

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