What Is Performance Testing

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Performance testing is a type of testing intended to determine the receptiveness, throughput, reliability, and/or scalability of a system under a given workload. This document is focused on Web Application performance testing. It provides suggestions on the following:

Managing and conducting performance testing in both dynamic and structured environments Performance testing, including load testing, stress testing, and other types of performance related testing Core activities of performance testing: identifying objectives, designing tests, executing tests, analyzing results, and reporting

Performance testing is typically done to help identify technical snags and bottlenecks in a system. It also forms a baseline for future testing which in turn determines compliance with performance goals and requirements. Consequently, performance testing analysis and results help estimate the hardware configuration required to support the application(s) in question.


Performance tests are broadly categorized as

Performance testing. It determines the speed, scalability, and/or stability of a system or application under test. Performance is concerned with achieving response times, throughput, and resourceutilization levels that meet the performance objectives for the project or product.

Load testing. It is focused on determining how a system or application under test responds to workloads and load volumes anticipated during a production operation. Load testing is conducted to

verify if your application can meet your desired performance objectives and SLAs. A load test measures response times, throughput rates, and resource-utilization levels, and the applications breaking point.

Stress testing. It validates performance characteristics of a system or application under test when subjected to stressful conditions, such as limited memory, insufficient disk space, or server failure. The

goal of is to detect application bugs (like synchronization issues, race conditions, and memory leaks) that surface only under high load conditions.

Capacity Testing: Capacity testing is conducted in conjunction with capacity planning such as an

increased user base or increased volume of data. For example, to accommodate future loads, you need to know how many additional resources are necessary to support future usage levels. It helps you to identify a scaling strategy in order to determine whether you should scale up or scale out.


Performance Test - Determines the speed, scalability and stability characteristics of an application - Focuses on determining if the user of the system will be satisfied with the performance characteristics of the application - Identifies mismatches between performancerelated expectations and reality - Supports tuning, capacity planning, and optimization efforts Load Test - Determines the throughput required to support the anticipated peak production load - Determines the adequacy of a hardware environment - Evaluates the adequacy of a load balancer - Detects concurrency issues - Detects functionality errors under load - Collects data for scalability and capacity-planning purposes - Determines how many users the application can handle before performance is compromised - Verifies how much load the hardware can handle before resource utilization limits are exceeded Stress Test - Determines if data can be corrupted by overstressing the system - Provides an estimate of how far beyond the target load an application can go before causing failures and errors in addition to slowness - Establishes application-monitoring triggers to warn of impending failures - Ensures that security vulnerabilities are not opened up by stressful conditions - Determines the side effects of common hardware or supporting application failures - Helps to determine what kinds of failures are most valuable to plan for Capacity Test - Provides information about how workload can be handled to meet business requirements. - Provides actual data that capacity planners can use to validate or enhance their models and/or predictions. - Enables you to conduct various tests to compare capacity-planning models and/or predictions. - Determines the current usage and capacity of the existing system to aid in capacity planning. - Provides the usage and capacity trends of the existing system to aid in capacity planning

We undertake testing solutions and consultancy for the new systems and applications in the development stage and ensure that problems are rectified at an earlier stage. Thus by identifying the source of the problem, we recommend a remedial course of action. We provide performance services at any stage in the lifecycle of your IT systems. Our performance testing service elements include:

Load and stress testing Scalability and volume testing Endurance and soak testing for your software applications, IT systems, infrastructure and multi-tiered solutions.

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