Syllabus BMB 401 US2012

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BMB 401 Section 730, 731 and 732, Summer 2012

Instructor: Dr. Kathleen M. Foley Contact information

Email: Office: 302B Biochemistry Building Ph: 517-353-5561 Email is preferred.

Important dates: First day of Summer Classes Mon, May 14th Smmer: Four midterms on the following Thursdays, from 3-4PM EST: June 7th, June 28th, July 19th, and August 9th Optional Cumulative Final Exam: Tuesday 3:00-5:00 PM EDT: August 14th Please note that this is a Tuesday exam this is done to ensure that exams are back from outside proctors in time for grade submission.
Course objectives: Students are expected to learn the structures and functions of major biomolecules, to understand the roles of these molecules in metabolism, and to learn the regulation and coordination of major metabolic pathways. This course has an emphasis on human metabolic pathways. Lectures: All lectures are offered fully online at the Angel course website: Lecture viewing methods: Direct streaming from the Angel website Downloaded file with mov or m4v extension for viewing on your computer, iPod or other similar device. Support materials: Lecture notes, practice exercises, practice exams, and work sheets are posted on Angel Required Course materials: Biochemistry: Seventh Edition, Berg, Tymoczko & Stryer, W. H. Freeman & Co, ed. Problem sets will be taken from this text, and may appear on exams. Please note that this is a textbook change to the new edition. Exams: Locally, exams will be held on campus in East Lansing at Anthony Hall, Room 1281. Four, one hour-long midterm exams will be given on the following Fridays:

Summer exam dates: June 7, June 28, July 19, and August 9, and the final, on Tuesday, August 14th
Persons living in remote areas not serviced by the above site should arrange for an outside proctor. All outside proctors are subject to approval by the course instructor, and adequate time must be given for this. All exams are given from 3-4 EST EDT. The final exam is scheduled 3-5 EDT, ONLY please note: all exams, including those held off campus, must be taken at this time only. If a question or problem arises during an exam, students on-campus may approach the instructor or course assistant directly to discreetly ask questions or communicate concerns. Off-campus students may request that proctors contact me with questions or concerns during an exam. My cell phone will be on during all exams to provide a direct link to off-campus testing centers.

Exam format: All exams will consist of 25 questions, which may be multiple-choice, true/false, or short answer. Each exam, including the final, is worth 100 points. Only the 4 highest exam scores will be used to calculate your grade. The final may be used to replace your lowest exam grade. Your grade will be calculated as a percentage of 400 total available points. The beauty of taking the final is this: If your final exam grade itself is higher than the average of your six highest exam scores, your final exam grade will be used as the entire grade for the class. Taking the final can only help you. I continue this practice in honor of my predecessor, Dr. Dave McConnell, who is a great believer in the power of the second chance. The optional cumulative final exam is intended to allow any student to improve her/his grade: if you score a 4.0 on the final, you will receive a 4.0 for the course. However, if you do better in the course than on the final, you will receive the better of the two grades. While this may sound a little like blackjack, it is designed to sustain your motivation, even when things look bleak! Students learn subjects at different speeds. Some who learn rapidly remember very little in the end, while some who learn slowly retain a great deal and understand more. If you are inclined to gamble, you can in theory skip all the semi-weekly tests and just take the final. For the average student, however, this is a formula for failure. Dr. David McConnell Course syllabus for ssBMB401 2006 Academic Honesty: Cheating will not be tolerated. Students found to be cheating on an exam, will receive a zero for that exam, and will be reported. Further actions may include dismissal from the university. Again from my predecessor: The appearance of cheating may include vocalizations of any kind, hand signals, notes, careless or intentional displaying of test-paper or scratch-paper, or study materials or any other form of real or apparent communication. No headphones will be allowed. All cell phones, and other electronic equipment that may beep, ring, etc. must be silenced and put away. We will not be held accountable for lost items. Students requiring accommodations during exams: Persons requiring accommodations should contact the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD) at Michigan State University prior to the beginning of class to obtain a VISA form that states the accommodations required. The website for RCPD is: http:// Missed Exams: Make up exams are given Solely at the discretion of the instructor. The final may be used to make up for a missed exam. Digitized lecture movies will be available for downloading. Again I defer to my predecessor in the following: You are urged to look at sample clips using the following URL to see how this works, and determine whether viewing by computer will work for you: You are encouraged to download the file to have for later review, although it may be possible for you to play the lecture movie directly from the MSU server. Please note: it is strongly advised to download lectures regularly, not only because it is better to keep up with the material, but also because pre-exam heavy traffic makes downloading more difficult. Downloaded lecture videos play like a normal web video, with play/pause buttons and a slide scroll at the bottom of the video PANEL.

Class Schedule The following schedule is given as a guide to the topics that will be discussed. Some topics may take longer to cover than what is scheduled, and the lecture topics are subject to change, with notice given. Lecture Topic 1 Introduction To The Course, Basic Biochemical Concepts 2 Basic Principles II Four classes of Macromolecules, Inter- and Intra-molecular Interactions 3 Polar Nature of Water, Acid Base Chemistry, Buffers 4 Basic Thermodynamics 5 The Central Dogma 6 Amino Acids Structure and function 7 Protein Structure Hierarchy 8 Protein Folding, Degradation, Amyloidosis 9 Exploring Topics in Homology 10 Myoglobin and Hemoglobin Structure, Function, Pathology th Exam I, Covering Lectures 1-10, June 7 11 Heme Synthesis, Degradation, Clinical Importance Of Bilirubin 12 Enzymes I: Nomenclature, Kinetics 13 Enzymes II: Kinetics continued, Profile of Carbonic Anhydrase, Enzyme Regulation 14 Vitamins, Coenzymes, Cofactors 15 Carbohydrate Structure and Nomenclature 16 Glycolysis I: Glucose as a Fuel Source 17 Glycolysis II: The Use of Other Fuel Sources 18 Gluconeogenesis, 19 The Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex, Overview of the TCA Cycle th Exam II, Covering Lectures 11-19, June 28 20 TCA Cycle, Enzymes and Regulation 21 Electron Transport Chain I 22 Glycogen Metabolism I 23 Glycogen Metabolism: Regulation 24 Pentose Phosphate Pathway 25 Lipids I: Fatty Acid Catabolism 26 Lipids II: Additional topics in Fatty Acid Oxidation 27 Lipids III: Steroid Synthesis 28 Lipids IV: Cholesterol Transport 29 Lipids V: TAG and Phospholipid Synthesis th Exam III, Covering Lectures 20-29, July 18 30 Protein Metabolism; The Urea Cycle 31 Amino Acid Metabolism 32 Nucleic Acid Metabolism I: Nucleotide Structure, Function and Synthesis I 33 Nucleic Acid Metabolism I: Synthesis II; Pathology 34 DNA Structure II; Replication I 35 Replication II: Mutation and Repair 36 Transcription 37 Transcriptional Regulation 38 Translation 39 Metabolism Overview th Exam IV, Covering Lectures 30-39, August 9 th Optional Cumulative Final, 3-5PM, TUESDAY August 14 Please note: This is the only Tuesday exam.

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