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I love challenges.

Child: Ibrahim Date: July 2013 Written by: Teacher Eunjoo Kia Ora/ As salamu alaykum Ibrahim and whnau,
Ibrahim, this month I have found that your self-confidence has gotten bigger. A couple of weeks ago during outside free play time you were just watching your peers climb using the small fence /rope. You looked like you would love to try but seemed hesitant. So I came to you and asked Ibrahim, would you like to climb? but you said that you were scared.

Azia heard you say this and said You are a baby. Of course you were sad at what she said. So I added that Its okay to be scared and you can try when you are ready. Surprsingly, Ibrahim, you thought for a moment and then you tried it carefully. I told you well done, you did it. You were so happy and repeated it several times. After several trials when I asked you how the climbing was you said Teacher Eunjoo, I need to keep practising. Today, when you were outside with your peers and mum (Teacher Bushra) I was surprised that you were so confident in your climbing. Ibrahim, I could see your mum also watching you climb with a big smile. I am pretty sure you also noticed your mum watching you and you stood up on the top with a grin. Later, you enjoyed playig hide and seek with your peers. Ibrahim, when it was your turn to be a seeker you said confidently I can count 30 and I was amazed when I heard that you could confidently count up to thirty.

Whats happening here?

Ibrahim, I really appreicate that you were listening to me and you tried to climb even though you were scared. It shows us that you have built a close relationship with me, Ibrahim, and you are obviously feeling safe and comfortable in my presence, which is so

important. According to our curriculum, Te Whriki, children develop a capacity to pay attention, maintain concentration, and be involved where their emotional well-being is nurtured (Strand1: Goal 2). You said that you needed to keep practicing your climbing and I can see that you set yourself a goal and made several attempts to climb. Your perseverance made it clear that you accept that making a mistake is part of the learing process. I really like that you revisited it and you overcame your challenge and said that you were not scared of it anymore. Through this experience, I can notice that you have been working hard with your mum at home to master things by repeating so you know you need to spend some time and take a risk. This tells us that you can use your ability to apply past knowledge to new situations and make connetions between home and school environment. Additionally, you have shown strong interest in school readiness and your high level of mathematical concepts. This also adds to your self confidence and today you showed off your counting skills. Well done. Ka pai t mahi! What is next for Ibrahims learning step? Ibrahim, during this month I have observed that you have actively participated in all of the centres program both inside and outside including spontaneous play. Ibrahim, you have been at the centre for just a few months but I can see that you have settled in so well and you keep exploring our environment and sharing what your interests are with your peers and teachers. You are going to be five next month and I am sure that all of these evidences are that Ibrahim, you will be able to further adjust to being involved in a new physical environment (primary school).

Your teachers will continue offering you opportunities to build up your self-confidence and help you to make sure you are prepared to go to school. Child/Parents/Whnau Voice

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