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of Solomon
Song of Solomon expresses the beauty and dignity of sexual love within the God-ordained boundaries of marriage between a man and a woman.

Authorship & Genre

The title and first verse of the book credit the Psalm to Solomon. It is also possible that of here means about, in which case the song could have been written about Solomon by someone else. The book is a classic example of ancient love poetry.

Key Verse
Song of Solomon 2:7: (Also 3:5, 8:4) I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, By the gazelles or by the hinds of the field, That you do not arouse or awaken my love Until she pleases. (NASB)

1:1-2:7 2:8-17 3:1-5 3:6-5:1 5:2-7:11 7:12-8:4 8:5-14 Opening Closing A The A Invitation Description Description Invitation to the Nighttime Wedding Nighttime to the of the of the Couples Countryside Search Day Search Countryside Couples Love Love A B C D C B A Outline proposed by David A. Dorsey.

Theological Themes

Human Love: Human love is a beautiful thing and ought to be celebrated and enjoyed as a gift from God. The value of sex should not be diminished either by shaming it or by treating it as no big deal. Sexual Purity: The frequent repetition of the key verse reminds us that there is a specific time and context for sex. Adversity in Marriage: The nighttime searches in the book exemplify the type of trials and suffering in life that all couples will face. The lovers virtuous and perseverant character allows them to hold on to each other as they face these trials. True love is not only marked by passion, but also perseverance.

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