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50-Book Challenge Requirements & Checklist (by Genre)

*NOTE: 10 of the books read must be from the AR Library and have an accompanying passing quiz of 80% or higher. Indicate these books with a highlighter, and write in the AR-Level of the book and the % score you received on the quiz. Baseline AR Reading Level: ___________ Trimester 1 AR Reading Level: ___________ Trimester 2 AR Reading Level: ___________ Trimester 3 AR Reading Level: ___________ Poetry Anthologies (6)
Poetry Anthology Title: # of Pages: Poetry Anthology Title: # of Pages: Poetry Anthology Title: # of Pages: Poetry Anthology Title: # of Pages: Poetry Anthology Title: # of Pages: Poetry Anthology Title: # of Pages:

Traditional Literature (6)

Traditional Lit. Title: Author: Traditional Lit. Title: Author: Traditional Lit. Title: Author: Traditional Lit. Title: Author: Traditional Lit. Title: Author: Traditional Lit. Title: Author:

Realistic Fiction (6)

Realistic Fiction Title: Author: # of Pages: Realistic Fiction Title: Author: # of Pages: Realistic Fiction Title: Author: # of Pages: Realistic Fiction Title: Author: # of Pages: Realistic Fiction Title: Author: # of Pages: Realistic Fiction Title: Author: # of Pages:

Historical Fiction (3)

Historical Fiction Title: Author: Setting: # of Pages: Historical Fiction Title: Author: Setting: # of Pages: Historical Fiction Title: Author: Setting: # of Pages:

Fantasy (5)
Fantasy Title: Author: # of Pages: Fantasy Title: Author: # of Pages: Fantasy Title: Author: # of Pages: Fantasy Title: Author: # of Pages: Fantasy Title: Author: # of Pages:

Science Fiction (3)

Science Fiction Title: Author: # of Pages: Science Fiction Title: Author: # of Pages: Science Fiction Title: Author: # of Pages:

Mystery (3)
Mystery Title: Author: # of Pages: Mystery Title: Author: # of Pages: Mystery Title: Author: # of Pages:

Informational (5)
Informational Title: Author: Subject Matter: Informational Title: Author: Subject Matter: Informational Title: Author: Subject Matter: Informational Title: Author: Subject Matter: Informational Title: Author: Subject Matter:

Script (3)
Script Title: Author: Subject Matter: Script Title: Author: Subject Matter: Script Title: Author: Subject Matter:

Biography, Autobiography, Memoir (3)

B/A/M Title: Author: # of Pages B/A/M Title: Author: # of Pages B/A/M Title: Author: # of Pages

Chapter Book Choice / Wild Card (7)

Genre: Title: Author: # of Pages Genre: Title: Author: # of Pages Genre: Title: Author: # of Pages Genre: Title: Author: # of Pages Genre: Title: Author: # of Pages Genre: Title: Author: # of Pages Genre: Title: Author: # of Pages

You CAN do this!! Just keep READING

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