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The Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra Inc D9710

Volume 17 No 08

Guest Speaker Meeting Peter Bray

Meeting 757 22 Aug 13

Pres Paul welcomed everyone to meeting 757, and as a 757 is also a plane, Pres Paul advised that he would Jet through the meeting.

Pres Paul invited Glenda to read the Charge to Australia, and Colin to toast Rotary International and the Rotary club of Chatham in Canada. Pres Paul welcomed Peter Bray and Bruce Millers beautiful partn er Liz. Welcome also to our supporter Vera and the late Cathy Hobbs.

David, after apologising for his tardiness in sending me the apologies, received the following apologies:, Anne, Lynne and Anton.

Guest Speaker Peter Bray

Paul Robey took great pleasure in introducing the Deputy mayor of Queanbeyan who has a great history of involvement with so many charities, including Hartley house and the book store to name a couple. Peter and his lovely wife Margaret are full time carers of beautiful Geraldine. As a result of his personal situation, he hasnt been able travel much but did get in a trip to Vietnam with his Daughter Winifred and grandson William. Before Peter began, Paul made a Toast to him as an old friend. Peter started by advising us that this was not a lecture, and there would be no worm, and told us to sit back and enjoy. So I did just that, took no notes, and if you werent there, you missed out Joking!!!!!

Before starting, Peter gave us 3 quick test questions as only Peter can. What is the fastest growing capital city? o o o Ireland, the population is always Dublin. Diagnosis Too tense. Somewhere over the rainbow, weigh up high. Client says to Doc, my symptoms are Tee Pee and Wigwam, Where do you go to weigh a pie? (Peter needed to sing for us here.)

Boom boom.
And on with the show: Peter has served in the Army for the past 50 years, either serving or in a honorary capacity. Served in a place call Vng Tu for 12 months. o o Set up in the sand hills. Established a log base, about the area of Jerra with 2000 people.

Clutter in front of Peter on the table was a history of non tech spt over the years, which Peter passed around to members. The pile in front of him seems to be getting smaller. And the local money seems to be disappearing, though it is worth nothing. Peter has the latest i-device; called the i-ron and boy can he use it. When Peter went back to Vietnam in 2009, there were no hang ups; he was not in the front line. Winifred said in 08-09, that she would you like to go to Vietnam so that her son William could experience the journey with them. Peter kept a diary which he passed around. (I think some people

may have spent a little too long reading the diary, as it didn't quite make it to our side of the table)..
Peter's Journey: Didn't want to stay in a tent, didnt want luggage, Always had a vehicle a driver and an interpreter and never picked up a piece of luggage. Only needed flu shot to be able to travel. Tied it in to coincide with the annual ceremony at Vng Tu on Anzac Day. Was held in a rubber plantation, no gun fire breakfast. Exactly where the battle of Long Tan took place

Trivia: Liz Miller was on the first Aust ship to go to Vietnam following the conflict. She was on HMAS SUCCESS in 2004, and worked at an orphanage fixing eqpt.
Koto cook book. Not military, helps the community. Would get up at dawn to see the city wake up: Step outside 0645, traffic chaos, cars, bikes, mostly motorbikes and lots of people too. Peter's experience in crossing the road: Move to end of footpath, take a deep breath, walk across confidently, do not falter. Likened to Moses parting the waters. Peter got to the other side, leaned on the light post and thought, how did I do that?

Only after making it to the other side did Peter realise the map was upside down and had to go back and cross back over the other way! Peter's Tip: Take anything over you want to be made and they will make it perfectly. Eg: Original cost about $1500.00. Made in Vietnam for $25.00, couldnt tell t he difference. More of the Journey: Stayed at Saigon, where he had stayed during his tour of Vietnam. Attended Anzac day service, Aust ambassador was there. Was given a map by the guide at Nui Dat. Not to be taken outside the area. Peter handed the map around the room! Was signed by the OPSO. Service was fantastic, headed back to Saigon. Caught the Hydrofoil, a fast ferry used on the Saigon River. For an American dollar you could fire whatever Wpn you wished down the firing range. Great night market. More Trivia: There was a Jerra boy on the back of the local paper Peter brought back. And in finishing: Whilst on tour in Vietnam, Peter's son was born. He sent home a couple of name choices, (Sergio Aloysius) which fortunately Margaret chose not to use. Pres Paul was studying Peter's diary and paraphrased: Escaped from family, visited red light and Suzy got 5 stars. (Now we know why most of us didn't get to see Peter's diary. Pres Paul

kept it to make up some entertaining stuff)

Peter and Mrs H constantly bypassed the top table when circulating Peter's memorabilia, but poor Pres Paul said it was ok, he was used to it.

I was in Vietnam in 2004

Really? We just missed each other!

So you do this.

Are you watching??

And you get a photo bomber!!!

Glenn thanked the man of many talents for an excellent chat with the Club.

Oh look!! A book!! Thank goodness I dont have to sell it!

Peter, Paul and ?????

Jerraganda business:
Reports: President
Short and Sweet!!! Raffle Books. Renal unit kids etc.Minutes will be coming soon. WOW!!!! Could barely keep up with the rhetoric.

Reports: Secretary NWTR...

Reports: Treasurer

Reports: Club Service:

Nicole Overall will be next speaker. Sue Jarvis will host in Pauls absence. Mez will be away from 02 - 15 Sep 13.

Reports: Community
And who was heard to say "Not the bloody ball".
Renal Unit Working Bee: 7-8 Sep Sue sent the attendance sheet around again for members to commit. Paul Roger and Jan will swap markets on that day. This weekend, car raffle tickets will be sold at both the markets and at the Jerra Shops. Pres Paul and Sue will be there and looking for some support. David Stevens, Mez and Jan offered to help. There will also be a membership drive set up as well.

Reports: International
I dont think I have anything to report..

Reports: Youth
Pres Paul advised that the Interact Club of Qbn has 7 people interested in going to RYPEN. Pres Paul has forwarded to Lynne as only 4 weeks away .

General Business:
Car raffle tickets. David Bailey queried that moneys for the car raffle were being deposited direct. He hadn't been made aware of this arrangement. Pres Paul said the Treas doesnt tell him anything, so he wont tell the Treas anything. Oh dear, how

old are we???

Selling raffle tickets, or fellowship???

Great membership display, well done Pres

How you doin

Dinner Meeting. David Stevens advised that the meeting will be at the Kitchen next week, 29 Aug 13. He currently has 25 people attending. The meal will be the usual 6.30pm. If you haven't advised David of your attendance, pls do so. Head and Tails: Not Dead Yet! Hey Glenn, does this make more sense? Used to put 1.00 per week. Club needed to run 500.00 per annum to cover. This was incorporated into the annual fees. Quote from Mr Treas: Not good with numbers MYOB. 17.00 per annum to cover h&t. Now, what happens to that money. One idea is to have H&T once a month and then a cash prize.

And seriously, I am not sure there was a decision made.

Bowel Care: Chilly attended the Kangaroos Club, bowel thingy

A bit blurry, Chilly From the AG: IFFR Rotary Canberra Dinner - Friday 6 June 2014 straight after the international convention in Sydney...all clubs are invited. Also at the last RI Legislative Assembly in April, it was agreed that "Youth/New Generation" should revert back to just "Youth

If you plan on attending the Ball, please purchase your tickets. You can pay direct at the Bendigo Bank.

Twitter: Go to @jerrarotary.

Invite your friends to like our FB Page.

Farmers Market Corner:

From the Pen of Peter Jarvis Sue and I and Vicki had a good morningnice and warm and not very windy. No comedy or drama unfortunately. One lost child reunited with parent. Sold 8 car raffle tickets. Thats about it.

Thanks Peter . I think!!

Market Takings for this week:

17 Aug 13

Peter Jarvis, Sue Jarvis, Vicki Still,

Tables $105.00

Bags $101.00

Water $34.00

Total $280.00

Comments: plus donation of $20.00 and found $20.00.

********************************************************************************************************************* Joker: Thanks to Liz for drawing Mrs H's ticket and thanks to Mrs H for
drawing the 8 of hearts which won't get the jackpot!!! Speaking of which, Mr Treas hasn't been ignoring my pleas for confirmation, and advised me this week that the total I keep publishing, is not the total prize money, only 50% of that goes to the member, the other 50% is Mr Treas' spotting fee, or something


SGT Fines:
The fines session this week took - $41.50. I think I am starting to enjoy this!

Heads and Tails:

Attendance: Attendance was 84%. Not too bad, people. Not there yet, though. I
had to dash straight after the meeting so not sure if the Pres spoiled his loyal subjects yet again.

Markets this week Cathy and Colin Hobbs and Bruce Miller Markets next week - Paul and Sue Roger and Jon Wells Raffle Tickets sales, Pres Paul and Sue, Mez, David Stevens and Jan are starters on the day. Treas will send out the dues and the assumptions.

29 Aug 13 19 Sep 13 17 Oct 13 21 Nov 13 Fellowship Meeting (The Jerra/Kitchen?) Nichole Overall Queanbeyan History Book Katherine Meacham Supporting Our Sisters MS Mega Swim Celebration and Presentation (tentative)

Social & Special Events

28 Sep 11-13 Oct 13 1-4 Jun 14 6 Jun 14 175th Anniversary Ball D9710 Conference - Merimbula RI Conference - Sydney IFFR Rotary Canberra Dinner

Farmers Market
31 Aug 13 07 Sep 13 14 Sep 13 24 Sep 13 Cathy and Colin Hobbs, Bruce Miller Paul and Sue Roger, Jon Wells Glenn and Glenda Wahlert, Jan Pettigrew David Bailey, Anne Davis and Mez Mulvaney

St Benedict's Roster
26 Aug 13 23 Sep 13 28 Oct 13 25 Nov 13 December 27 Jan 13 24 Feb 13 24 Mar 13 28 Apr 13 Paul Robey and Kerry McPherson Robert Cooke and Jan Pettigrew Peter and Sue Jarvis David Stevens and Bruce Miller NO BBQ Paul Robey and Kerry McPherson Robert Cooke and Jan Pettigrew Peter and Sue Jarvis David Stevens and Jan Pettigrew

Club Officers 2012-2013 President President Elect Vice President Secretary Treasurer Club Service Director Community Service Director International and Foundation Director Youth and New Generations Director Paul Roger Paul Robey Chris Hunter Glenn Wahlert David Bailey Paul Robey Sue Jarvis Terry Spencer Lynne McPherson

Club Service Members Director Sergeant Welfare Program & Fellowship Attendance & Meals Officer Communications and PR Welfare & Historian Jerraganda Editor Club Service Projects Paul Robey Mez Mulvaney Sue Roger Ian Wholohan David Stevens Chris Hunter Sue Roger Mez Mulvaney Colin Hobbs

Community Service Members Director BBQs Epic Markets Fairs Ball Bowel Care Projects Sue Jarvis Jan Pettigrew Anne Davis TBA Sue Jarvis & Jon Wells Kerry McPherson Bruce Miller

International Members Director Polio Plus RAWCS Foundation GSE/Friendship Exchange Terry Spencer Pam Spencer David Bailey George McIver Robert Chilman

Youth Service Members Director Local Programs District Programs National Programs International Programs Vocational Service Lynne McPherson Glenda Wahlert Robert Cooke Lynne McPherson TBA Peter Jarvis

Chartered Meets Apologies

Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra PO Box 8 Jerrabomberra NSW 2619 Email: 18 Nov 1998 Thursday 6.30 8.30 Jerrabomberra Public School David Stevens by 12 Noon Tue T: 0413519894 E: Mez Mulvaney 0419121128

Bulletin Contributions

Jerrabomberra Rotary Club Paul Harris Fellows 1998/99 2003/04 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2011/12 2012/13 Peter Jarvis, PP Gerry McNamara, PP Sue Jarvis, Keith Edmonds, PP, Jan Pettigrew, PP Pam Spencer, PP Terry Spencer, PP David Stevens, PP, Lydia Stevens, CSM, PP Mez Mulvaney, OAM, Liz Mulvaney David Bailey, Paul Roger

Rotarians of the Year 2000/01 2003/04 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Peter Jarvis, PHF, PP Garry Bradstreet Cathy Hobbs, Colin Hobbs Keith Edmonds, PHF, PP, Paul Hone Mez Mulvaney OAM, PHF, Liz Mulvaney, PHF Sue Roger Jan Pettigrew, PHF, PP

2010/11 2011/12 2012/13

Julia Worboys Robert Cooke Mez Mulvaney OAM, PHF


Alex Alexander David Bailey, PP Robert Chilman Robert Cooke Anne Davis, PP Cathy Hobbs Colin Hobbs, PP Chris Hunter, President, OAM Peter Jarvis, PHF,PP Sue Jarvis, PHF George McIvor Lynne McPherson Kerry McPherson Bruce Miller Mez Mulvaney, OAM, PHF Anton Pemmer, PHF, PP Paul Robey Jan Pettigrew, PHF, PP Paul Roger Sue Roger Pam Spencer, PHF, PP Terry Spencer, PHF, PP David Stevens, PHF, PP Glenda Wahlert, PP Glenn Wahlert Jon Wells Ian Wholohan

Vera Alexander Vickie Still Phil Sixsmith

In 1998 the Rotary Clubs of Queanbeyan and Queanbeyan West Rotary decided to sponsor a new Rotary Club based in Jerrabomberra. Bill Lilley, John Snedden and Peter Jarvis from Queanbeyan West took on the joint roll of mentor (Peter Jarvis went on to become our Charter President). Advertising for potential members began in March 1998. After a successful campaign, the Club was chartered on 18 November 1998 with 20 members. We are an unusual club as we have a very high proportion of female Members. Initial meetings were held at the Jerrabomberra General Storethe venue was very good until we grew in numbers. We then moved to the Jerrabomberra Community Centre for a few years. We now meet at the Jerrabomberra Public School Staff Room, on Thursdays (6.15 for 6.30 pm). As at 11 Jun 2013 the Club has 27 members 11 female and 16 male. Included in this are seven married couples. We also have 4 supporters of the Rotary Club. (Charter) President Peter Jarvis ran competitions to select a name for our Club bulletin and a design for the Club banner. There were some good and (very) bad suggestions. Pam Spencer suggested the winning bulletin name; Jerraganda. The banner design by David Stevens was eventually selected. The design incorporates a goose and the windmill associated with the original entrance to the estate.

I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.

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