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Consensus reached on temple Gold : Rupee to recover within days !


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Either Mahmoud Ghaznavi ( the alleged gold thief of Afghanistan) was an outright
idiot or the entire medieval Indian history taught to the modern world is a
farce.Whatever the case may be , scriptures report that , at the end of times the earth
will regurgitate the treasures ingested within her womb. Wall street Journal's
sensational disclosure that Indian temples have been hiding four times more gold
(approx 2000 tones) than those held by the Reserve Bank of India (approx 558 tones)
represents a case of criminal betrayal by our historians ever since the saffron brigade
usurped power in 1947. It shows that none of the Indian gold was ever recovered

from the brahmins (the so called priests) who have been stashing them in the vaults of
their family-owned ancient temples keeping them from the use of public good.
Tirupati trust is one such cartel hoarding 1700 tons of public gold worth around $81
billion. Indians can imagine sitting on hoards of gold and not knowing. The good
news however is that The Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Act of 1951
allows the Indian government to take over and use temple endowments in whatever
way they see fit.
While Indians are passing through the worst economic crisis of the 21st century with
rupee taking a nose dive, the desperation to utilize the temple gold is growing in
astronomical proportion with every passing day. But thank God! .
government-ordered recovery of temple gold plodding on for years,the earlier known
Babri masjid demolition squad (Kar Sevaks) with expertise in quick dismantling of
religious structures has been ordered into action by their paddy field marshals like
Pravin dogandia , ashok singhniklal and Sudhranahian Swamy.The ruthless patriotic
Kar Sevaks will make a surgical strike on the sacred vaults of the temple containing
Billions of dollars worth of gold , diamond and gems and will hand them over to
Chiddi upon recovery , for him to buttress the sagging Indian rupee.
It is therefore incumbent upon every Indian to send Kar Sevaks from every corner of
the country to Tirupati for the noble cause of motherland's economic recovery, those
who die in this cause will be declared martyrs and will be entitled to Ghazanavi
chakra. Although as the legend goes Ghaznavi himself didn't die recovering Koh-eNoor from Somnath statue.
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Arshad Mohsin 8 (%"' #&

(An Indian patriot pledged to unite Indians against moral obscenity)

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