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Introduction Selenium Introduction o Selenium vs other automation tools o Advantages of selenium over other tools o Technologies involved in selenium o Selenium IDE o Selenium RC vs Web Driver o Selenium core o Selenium Grid Web Application vs Stand Alone application 1,2,3 tier and distributed architecture Browsers, Web servers, Database servers, Application servers HTML Basics Javascript vs Java Locators o ID o Name o Filters o Xpath o CSS o DOM Architectures o Web Application o Selenium IDE o Selenium RC o Web Driver Technologies used in Web Application o HTML o Javascript o DOM o CSS o Creating sample web page using above technologies Tools used to locate elements on a browser o Installing Firefox o Installing firebug and fire path and fire finder add-ons in Firefox o


How to locate HTML elements using Xpath and Css o Why to know more about Xpath and Css when fire path and fire finder are there o Learning more about Xpath and Css techniques Selenium IDE o Downloading and Installing Selenium IDE o Firefox v/s IE o Learning about all the configurations provided in IDE o Record and play first test case o Setting break points, Running test case step by step and resume test case o Assert, Verify, Store and Wait commands o Assert v/s Verify o Why Store in Selenium IDE o Why Wait in Selenium IDE o Usage of JavaScript in Selenium IDE o Writing JavaScript functions o Writing java script extension for Selenium IDE o Case Study on any live site o Writing test cases on any live site o Accessing popup, Alert and tabbed windows o Learning about loops and condition extensions o What is XML files o XML v/s HTML o Parameterize the test cases using XML file o Taking the Screen shorts o Generating reports of test suite using RC server

Basic WebDriver Introduction o Why WebDriver for Selenium

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 111/4, G.M.R Abby Towers, 1st Floor, SGR Dental College Road, Opp to St Thomas Marthonas Church, Munnekolala Main Road, Marathahalli. Office: 080-64011999 Mobile: 9740441111

WebDriver v/s RC Why not RC Architecture of WebDriver and RC Advantages of WebDivers Installing WebDriver Configuring Eclipse for WebDriver First program on WebDriver Accessing Multiple browsers using WebDriver Working with IE and Firefox Browsers o Open and Close IE and Firefox o Default profile creation in Firefox o Bypassing proxy settings in Firefox o Accessing Basic HTML Elements Form Controls o Accessing Input box o Accessing Radio Buttons o Accessing Checkbox o Accessing Dropdown o Accessing Submit Buttons o Accessing Links o Accessing Calendar o Accessing Google autosuggest o o o o o o o o Popup v/s Tabbed Alert v/s Confirmation Opening, accessing and closing tabbed windows o Opening, accessing and closing popup windows o Opening, accessing and closing Alert windows o Opening, accessing and closing confirmation windows Handling Events on a webpage o Keyboard events o Mouse Events Uploading and Downloading Files o Uploading images o Downloading different file types o o o


6. 7.

Advance Selenium ANT o o o o o o What is ANT Why ANT for Selenium Installing ANT Setting PATH and ANT_HOME why build.xml Configuration, Properties and Target in build.xml

Advance WebDriver 1. Accessing Forms o signup and login o Accessing Registration Forms o Input data into Registration Forms o Submit Registration Forms o Accessing Login Forms o Input data into Login Form o Submit Login Form Accessing Links and Sub Links o links o Accessing all the links on a page o Accessing links inside a block Listing and Selecting Dropdown options Reading Table o score card o Accessing rows o Accessing columns Accessing Child Windows

Testing Frameworks Junit Framework


3. 4.


o o o o o o o o

what is Junit Why do we need Junit in Selenium What is a Framework Advantages of Junit Installing Junit in Eclipse What is an annotation Annotations used in Junit First test case using annotations

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 111/4, G.M.R Abby Towers, 1st Floor, SGR Dental College Road, Opp to St Thomas Marthonas Church, Munnekolala Main Road, Marathahalli. Office: 080-64011999 Mobile: 9740441111

o o o o o o o o o o Running test case Checking reports created by Junit Creating sample test cases Create test Suite Running test Suite Why parameterization How to parameterize the test case Running test suite on parameterized test cases Creating ANT Build file Generating Reports using ANT


TestNg Framework o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o what is TestNG Why do we need TestNG in Selenium Advantages of TestNG over Junit Installing TestNG in Eclipse Annotations used in TestNG First test case using annotations Running test case Checking reports created by TestNG Creating sample test cases Create test Suite Running test Suite Why parameterization How to parameterize the test case Running test suite on parameterized test cases Creating ANT Build file Generating Reports using ANT

Design Pattern Page Object Selenium Frameworks 1. 2. DataDriven Framework KeywordDriven/Hybrid Framework

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 111/4, G.M.R Abby Towers, 1st Floor, SGR Dental College Road, Opp to St Thomas Marthonas Church, Munnekolala Main Road, Marathahalli. Office: 080-64011999 Mobile: 9740441111

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