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Outcast Noun- A person who has been rejected by society or a social group.

Adjective Rejected or cast out: "made to feel outcast".; Good Morning/ Afternoon Mrs Kalazis and yr. 11 Bankstown girls today Im going to talk to you about outcast, what they bring to society and how what they bring effects everyone in society and how the choice that society has done effects the outcast in the context of the movie Edward scissors hands directed by Tim burton and secret friends written by Elizabeth Laird. Being rejected because your different is really an abomination because there is no such thing as a utopia society ,utopia meaning a community or society possessing highly desirable or perfect qualities, imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect , where everybody is the same , perfect and boring such things only exist in movies or books. One movie in particular is Edward scissor hands directed by Tim Burton. Burton created a movie where utopia existed a place where all the houses were painted in only pastel colours, the grass was bright lushes green and always tended to perfection, a place where even the cars are painted in pastel colours, a place where everybody wanted to be perfect. This all changes when Edward is brought to the community by Peg a Avon representative who when she first saw Edward saw that there was something about him worth sharing to the community, to society, NOTE that the first time she saw Edward he had scratches on his face, he was wearing black leather - latex jumpsuit with zipper here and there it looked like it had been carelessly put together by a person who had no sense of direction in clothes yet alone knew how to sew together clothes, his face was pale white like a blank piece of paper , his eyes were white and his bags stood out like a sleep deprived criminal on steroids , his hair was messy , carelessly curly,he didnt have hands he had scissors ,The emotional thrust of the movie was that here was a person who wanted an emotional connection and wanted to be touched, but couldnt actually be touched because of the sharpness of the scissors that he had for hands which is really ironic. Edward was misperceived, manipulates, violated, abandoned and shunned by society. Burton through this movie was able to address the issues out cast and what Edward brought to the society , Edward was able to bring the gift of snow to a society that wanted him dead , to a society that rejected him when all he wanted to do is help, Edward was able to feel emotionally what love was with the help of Kim , Burton created a movie were the main character Edward only spoke 169 words throughout the entire film, yet was able to express so much emotion through his eyes, facial expressions and awkward body movements , a persons actions are only a glimpse of what a person goes through even if they say that actions speak louder then word but thats not true if actions speak louder than words than why have the need to speak if speaking is only a verbal action in witch word come out of our mouth through our vocal cord.

What we say what comes out of lips really matters its like the book secret friends written by Elizabeth lyod , where its this new girl Rafaella , at school who finds making friends difficult. With her strange name and sticking-out ears, she's different from the rest. Lucy is the first to teasethe first to call her "Earwig." Until a secret friendship starts between Lucy and Rafaella then a tragedy has occurred: one that may have been avoided. Lloyd is expressing the fact that people are not things in which you can toy around and shove to a corner because they are different , people are not things that you can change in a snap of your figures , Rafaella was teased and bullied because thought she had to change herself to fit into to a society thats not perfect , she wanted to change he self because she wanted to be accepted by one girl Lucy that was made to feel like an outcast too but was the first to tease Rafella and called her Ear Wig and all she wanted was to fit in and died trying to do so and she left Lucy with the one gift that Lucy can never take back and thats the memories of the secret friend ship that could have been different . You were properly wondering why I kept referring to the word society or community and thats because each and every one you, me, us this school is society we make up society, and what we say and our actions reflect society, society reflects us as a person , how you every been made to feel like and outcast rejected , and alone admitted to yourself and if ur like nahhh I have never felt like that then may youre the one making people feel like an outcast thank you for listening to my speech I hope you enjoyed it.

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