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EXPERIMENT 1 Introduction to MATLAB

The objectives of this experiment are to:

Learn to use MATLAB to create, format, analyze, and manipulate data Learn to use MATLAB for plotting



This laboratory experiment provides an introduction to the use of MATLAB.


MATLAB Basics and Examples

MATLAB is a commercial product of the MathWorks (, which is an industry standard software tool in electromagnetics, signal processing, and control systems. A student version of MATLAB can be purchased at the Auburn University bookstore. The objective of this lab is to introduce the student to some of the basic features of MATLAB that are relevant to problem solving in the ECE department and engineering in general. You will receive additional MATLAB instruction in your other lecture courses.

Access to software
MATLAB is available on all of the computers on the engineering network and the computers in the laboratory. Students who wish to use MATLAB on their personal computers should purchase the Student Version of MATLAB.

MATLAB Background and Tutorial

The MATLAB program allows users to do many things that can be found in compiled programming languages, such as loops, if-then-else structures, and subroutines. The key differences between MATLAB and common programming languages such as C, C++, Java, or FORTRAN, are Declaring variables - MATLAB does not require variables to be declared. Variable - the primary type of MATLABTM variable is an array whose dimensions can be changed by the user at any time. Subroutines - For the most part, MATLABTM requires subroutine functions to be in separate files, each ending with .m. These are often called m-files. Plotting - MATLABTM has a easy to use plotting function that can be used to plot several functions, add axis labels, legends, and print these plots for use in other documents.

Trademark MathWorks

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Linear Equations
MATLABs most basic function is the solution of problems in linear algebra. One of the most common concepts in linear algebra is systems of linear equations. For example, suppose that we wish to solve for the unknowns x1 and x2 in the equations 3x1 + 2 x2 = 7 -3x1 x2 = -1 The equations above are often written in matrix form. First: Define the vector of unknowns: Then write the matrix form of the equation: x1 x= x . 2 3 2 x1 7 -3-1 x2= -1

3 2 are the coefficients of the unknowns x1 and x2. This notation is Notice that the rows of -3-1 important in the study of signals and systems, communications, electromagnetics, control systems, etc.

Start MATLAB on your machine. A user interface (Figure 1) will appear in which MATLAB commands can be entered with windows in which MATLAB programs and functions can be edited.

Figure 1 Variables MATLAB does not require that variables be declared. At the MATLAB prompt, enter the command:

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a=1 You will see the output as shown in Figure 2. Notice that MATLAB prints back the result of this operation.

Figure 2 Now enter the commands b=2 c=a+b The values for b and c should be printed to the screen (Figure 3).

Figure 3

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Now enter d = a b; Notice the semicolon at the end of the command (Figure 4). The variable d was calculated, but the semicolon instructs MATLAB not to print its value to the screen. You can see the value of d by entering the command: d

Figure 4

Question 1 (Write it in your report) Summarize the use of the semicolon in MATLAB. MATLAB variables can also be arrays or vectors. Type in the following commands and notice the results: a = 1:4 b = 4:8 c = 1:2:9 d = 1:3:10 Check your results with Figure 5.

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Figure 5 Question 2 (Write it in your report) Summarize the use of the colon in MATLAB. There are other ways to initialize variables. Question 3 (Write it in your report) Enter the following commands. Summarize the use of the commands linspace, zeros, and ones. f1 = linspace(0,1,5) f2 = linspace(1,2,9) g1 = zeros(1,4) g2 = zeros(3,4) h1 = ones(1,4) h2 = ones(4,2) You should get Figure 6.

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Figure 6 Finally, MATLAB also has string variables, which are always set off with single quote marks. message = hi there In MATLAB, you will see Figure 7.

Figure 7

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Notice that variable names follow the same rules as in other programming languages: they must start with a letter, and otherwise may be composed of any letters, numbers, or the underscore character _. For example, elec2010today = a great class is a legal statement in MATLAB. Calculations MATLAB can also perform math operations on array/vector variables. Question 4 (Write it in your report) Enter the following commands and summarize the results for your report.( We have already saved the values of a, b, c, d into MATLAB, when ?) w=a+d x=b+c y=a+c You should get the results in Figure 8. The last command gives you an error. Why?

Figure 8

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MATLAB does allow math operations with scalars even if dimensions dont match. Enter the following command (Figure 9): z=a+4

Figure 9 Linear algebra problems Since MATLAB naturally works with matrices and vectors, the system of equations mentioned earlier can be solved very easily in MATLAB. Enter the following commands in MATLAB: A = [ 3 , 2 ; -3 , 1] B = [ 7 ; -1 ] x = A\B check = A*x - B MATLAB will give you the result in Figure 10.

Figure 10

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Notice how matrices and vectors are entered: entries on rows are separated by (optional) commas and each row ends with a semicolon. While the commas are optional, they are a good idea, as are parentheses. Notice the line x = A\B. This line performs the operation x=A-1B; that is, it computes the solution of Ax=B. Question 5 (Write it in your report) Enter the following commands and write your observations. Notice that the commas and blanks in each line do make a difference in the result. x = [ 1, - 2 ] y=[1-2] z = [ 1 -2 ] You can see the difference from what you get (Figure 11).

Figure 11 (It is a good idea to use commas and parentheses in order to be sure that MATLAB correctly interprets your commands.)

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Loops MATLAB has loop capabilities like C, C++, etc. However, the syntax for loops in MATLAB is different. The syntax is: for varname = row_vector loop commands go here end For example, type in the following commands: for x = 1:5 thisvar = [x, x^2] end You should get a table of powers of two (Figure 12). We illustrate loops further in the next section.

Figure 12

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Displaying and output MATLAB can display variables to the screen using the fprintf command, which is similar to the C commands printf and fprintf. Enter the following commands at the MATLAB window: f1 = linspace(0,1,5) for myvar = f1 fprintf(the value is %e\n, myvar); end MATLAB will return Figure 13.

Figure 13 Notice that the variable myvar takes each value in the row vector f1 (or a below). The tag %e indicates that the value is a number that should be printed in exponential format. If the values are integers, you can also use the %d tag: a = 1:4 for myvar = a fprintf(the value is %d\n,myvar); end Check the difference between these two types (Figure 14).

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Figure 14 MATLAB also has if-then-else commands. Type in this example (Figure 15): for myvar = 1:6 if( myvar < 4 ) fprintf(%d is less than 4\n,myvar); elseif ( myvar == 4 ) fprintf(%d is equal to 4\n,myvar); else fprintf(%d is greater than 4\n,myvar); end end

Figure 15

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M-files By now youve noticed that typing in commands in the MATLAB command window can be tedious. MATLAB allows you to write scripts (programs) called m-files so that you can write commands in a separate text file and the run them later. Use the MATLAB editor (file -> new -> m-file or click ) to open a new m-file. Enter these commands in the file: (You will see Figure 16 after you open a new m-file).

Figure 16

M-file 1 myloop.m for myvar = 1:6 if( myvar < 4 ) fprintf('%d is less than 4\n',myvar); elseif ( myvar == 4 ) fprintf('%d is equal to 4\n',myvar); else fprintf('%d is greater than 4\n',myvar); end end It should be the same as Figure 17.

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Figure 17 Save the file as myloop.m. (See Figure 18.)

Figure 18 Notice that MATLAB does not run these commands. Now, in the MATLAB command window, type in myloop You should get Figure 19.

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Figure 19 Notice that you do not type in the .m at the end of the command. m-files can be called from other m-files. Write the following commands and save them in myfile.m. M-file 2 myfile.m fprintf('Hi there.\n'); myloop fprintf('back from myloop\n'); At the MATLAB command prompt, type in myfile and observe what MATLAB does. Plotting One of the most useful features of MATLAB is its plotting capability. Enter the following commands in the MATLAB command window, and write what happens as each command is executed. t = linspace(0,10,100); x = exp(-t); plot(t,x); xlabel(time (s)); ylabel(x(t)); title(plot of e^{-t}); grid on The output should be Figure 20.

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Figure 20

More than one signal can be plotted at a time. Enter the following commands in the MATLAB command window: y = sin(t); plot(t,x,-, t,y,-.); legend(x(t)=exp(-t), y(t) = sin(t)); grid on xlabel(time (s)); title(two plots at once) You can see the two signals in one plot (Figure 21).

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Figure 21

Notice that each plot has three arguments: the x axis values, the y axis values, and a string for the line style. Other plotting options are documented in MATLABs help files. Type in help command_name to see on-line documentation. For example, help plot and you will see Figure 22.

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Figure 22

Functions A function is an m-file that follows a special format. Enter the following text into an m-file window and save it as tempC.m. M-file 3 tempC.m function tempDegC = tempC(tempDegF) tempDegC = (tempDegF-32.0)/1.8; Now type in the following command at the MATLAB prompt bodyTemp = tempC(98.6) Your output should be like that shown Figure 23.

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Figure 23 Question 6 (Write it in your report) What is the value of bodyTemp? Remark 4 Notice the function tempC does not have a return statement or an end statement. It only requires that the return variable centigrade be defined somewhere in the file. Remark 5 Important! Notice that the name of the function, tempC, matches the name of the file, tempC.m. MATLAB requires this convention. This means that every function must be in its own m-file.



[1] Create an array for theta varying from 0 to 2 containing at least 20 points. Now plot the sine and cosine functions, both on the same plot as a function of theta, with the grid turned on. Add appropriate labels and title to the plot. Include this plot in your report. Make a second plot of the sine and cosine functions as a function of degrees instead of radians and include in your report. [2] Given the following temperatures in Fahrenheit, convert them to Centigrade, Kelvin and Rankine using MATLAB. How are the answers different? Now format them to get 2 decimal places in both cases and compare your final answers. -148, 14, 32, 50, 212, 572 [3] Create a plot of the function V = R I for the values of R = 100 ohms and I = 0 to 100 amperes using at least 12 values of I. Add labels and a title to your plot and include it in your report. [4] Create a plot of i(t) = 10 - 40 e amperes for the values of t = 0 to 10 seconds with increments of 0.5 seconds. Determine the value of time at which i(t) = 0 from your plot. Also, determine the maximum value of i(t) from the your plot. Add labels and a title to your plot and include it in your report.

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