PRESS RELEASE: Islamic Relief Evening of Inspiration 2013

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NASHEED ARTISTS SET TO WOW AT EVENING OF INSPIRATION 2013 (JOHANNESBURG/DURBAN/CAPE TOWN, 29 AUGUST 2013) Islamic Relief SA, in collaboration with various renowned Islamic nasheed artists, is set to host its first ever Evening of Inspiration Concert (EOI) in Johannesburg, Laudium, Durban and Cape Town. Apart from raising funds for the needy, which is an ongoing process at Islamic Relief, this show aims to bring communities together through Nasheed, says Fatima Carrim, National EOI Co-ordinator. What sets this show apart is the sheer level of performers that are performing together. The evening will host renowned nasheed artists: South Africas very own Zain Bhikha, Dawud Wharnsby (Canada), Khalid Belrhouzi (Morocco) and US comedian Omar Regan. Performing at EOI is an honour for me, especially because I am once again sharing the stage with such talent, and more so because we are there not just for the entertainment but to carry out our duty as human beings in helping those that cannot help themselves, explains Zain Bhikha. The event will take place in various areas on these dates: Friday 27 September - Laudium Community Centre Saturday 28 September - Wits Linder Auditorium, Johannesburg Friday 4 October - Durban City Hall Saturday 5 October - Cape Town City Hall. Tickets cost R130 per person and are available from Computicket ( and all Islamic Relief offices. All proceeds in aid of Islamic Relief projects. In this time where poverty and other ills are strife, we should aim to do whatever it takes to assist those in need so that their numbers will decline, adds Bhikha. For more information contact 0800 111 898/ For daily updates visit our Facebook Page (IslamicReliefSouthAfrica) & follow us on Twitter (@islamicreliefsa). ENDS

Notes to editors: About Islamic Relief: Islamic Relief (IR) is an international relief and development charity which envisages a caring world where people unite to respond to the suffering of others, empowering them to fulfil their potential. We were founded in 1984 in the United Kingdom and provide support regardless of religion, ethnicity or gender and without expecting anything in return. Issued by Islamic Relief South Africa For any further information or media requests please contact: Shanaaz Ebrahim-Gire Media & Marketing Manager Office: +27 21 696 0145 Mobile: +27 78 377 7117

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