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End Time Current Events Newsletter: 8-18-13 Psalm 36:5 Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy

faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds. Psalm36:6 Thy righteousness is like the great mountains; thy judgments are a great deep: O LORD, thou preservest man and beast. Psalm 36:7 How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings. Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

CAIRO AT WAR BLOODBATH IN CAIRO: THOUSANDS INJURED... DEATH TOLL SURPASSES 600 Islamic group vows to bring down 'military coup'... Anger 'beyond control now'... Supporters storm gov't buildings, set on fire... Military authorizes use of live fire... Pseudo Christian & Catholic churches stormed, torched

1960s Subliminal Video of National Anthem Hides MKULTRA Message to Obey Government

I Sold My Soul to Satan - Welcome to Hollywood Tract: Contract!, The You do not need a contract with Satan to go to hell.

Obama Will Attempt to Sign the UN Gun Treaty While Congress Is On Vacation UN Office for Disarmament Affairs Including Americans

Obama Supporters Sign Petition Calling For Killing Newborn Babies Under Obamacare Video: Boy Prays to Obama | You are good, Barack Obama. You are great


Obama Supporters Will Go Hysterical Over This Well Sourced List Of 252 Examples Of His Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Etc.

Obama Group Has Climate Change Rally And Not One Person Attends

"We're building a domestic army" -Marine Corps Colonel speaks out

Out Of Control Cop Beats Woman, Sexually Assaults Her By Beating Her Breasts, Then Arrests Her For Resisting Arrest!! (Videos)

Pregnant White Mother Attacked By Black Mob In Sanford, Florida Where Was The Media Coverage?

Superfast transport concept unveiled

Physical Gold Vs Paper Gold A Titanic Lesson To Be Learned--Comment: This applies equally (if not more so) to physical silver: Watch the Video at: Why to invest in physical gold and silver

Public Park Mysteries Pope Francis greets his muslim brothers

PA honored the killers of 238 Israelis during Ramadan period--22 terrorist murderers chosen by PA and Fatah for honor during Ramadan--17 of the terrorists were imprisoned--3 were suicide bombers--2 others were killed during their terror attacks--The honored terrorists killed 238 people. PA Minister of Prisoners' Affairs: "The purpose of this visit during this month (Ramadan) is to emphasize the loyalty and love to the prisoners."

New California law will let transgender student athletes choose to compete as a boy or a girl--While a student's ability to choose which restroom they use has received the largest amount of attention, two other rights protected in the bill will have a direct impact on California prep sports: the right to choose which locker room a student wants to use and whether they compete in boys or girls sports .

Air Force invites drag queen to perform on base--August 13, 2013--

According to Fox News, the U.S. Air Force confirmed a well-known drag queen group was invited to perform on base during "Diversity Day" because drag is a "symbol of gay pride and unity." But the performance sparked outrage among some airmen who called the drag show "totally offensive and inappropriate." TAKE ACTION Send a friendly email to Secretary of the Air Force Eric Fanning

'The Fosters' to air TV's first gay wedding since DOMA

Abortion Drug RU 486 Has Killed Two Million Unborn Children in the U.S.

Planned Parenthood Abortion Businesses Get $655K More in Obamacare Funds

Late-Term Abortions Become Fashionable? Vogue Does Huge Profile of Wendy Davis The Vogue story is replete with effusive praise for the abortion activist who has become the face of the pro-abortion movement nationally.

Planned Parenthood: $4 Billion in Tax Funding as 20% of Its Affiliates Committed Fraud

John Hagee Sides With The Gay Rights Movement In Texas On City Ordinance--Pastor John Hagee holds to some curious doctrines. For example, he believes that Jews dont need Jesus because they have the Abrahamic Covenant mentioned in Genesis 12. But he does believe that all non-Jews need Jesus to get saved. This heresy is known as Dual Covenant Theology which he lamely attempts to deny he teaches, but this video of his own handmade commercial shows otherwise. Now we read that he has changed his stance on a pro-LGBT ordinance being proposed by the San Antonio city council. From MySanAntonio: Television evangelist and pastor John Hagee on Sunday told congregants and a national and international audience watching live that he no longer opposes a proposed ordinance that seeks to protect the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people in San Antonio. source

Bob Larson's Heretic Teachings One Commenter said: I went to a Bob Larson (Radio talk show host and Author) Spiritual warfare Conferenc Multiply Personality Disorder. He also stated that Peter and Saul were MPD as well as the demoniac. With th contain legion, because there were to many demons for one mind to contain. With Peter he said he was MPD Jesus the three times it was another person in him, with Saul it was the same type of logic Saul was one perso was sinning. Whats next? Email [D.] He has done more damage to mental health then almost anyone of late. He is a false teacher false prophet (he real quick) And I would not one to be in his shoes on judgment day! Bob Larson also stated at his conference would be a specific blood type and when the personalities changed, the blood type could change as well. I'd li

-----Original Message----From: D To: Contending for Truth by Dr. Scott Johnson Subject: [Contending for Truth: ] Spiritual Suicide - Bob Larson...

Brother there is more on Bob Larson. A report from Vice, it's sickening. I am not sure about the girls, but again the Bible say "Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." and "Psalm 11:3 If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" So if old Bob, is teaching them his unbiblical way of casting out unclean spirits, he is setting a corrupt foundation and they will grow up being just like him! Also are women allowed to cast out demons or teach, be like the apostles? I know they being young girls should be in subjection to their fathers, but the other 2, why are they not with their parents? What are they doing?! This isn't Biblical. And the unsaved in the comment sections see this and want nothing to do with the Word of God! Talk about taking the name of the Lord in vain. Here is a link to this: Bob Larsons Teenage Exorcists Part 1 - Part 2 -

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