12 Ingles

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Verbos Modais (anmalos)

So verbos com caracteristicas distintas dos verbos principais e que obedecem regras especficas de uso

1 - So usados antes de outros verbos

2 - No so precedidos de to 3 - Dispensam o uso de auxiliares

4 - Quando usados na terceira pessoa do singular (he, she, it) no levam s


verbo Modal

+ verbo principal

She must go home They should be here

To be Will / Would Shall Can / could Should / Ought to May / Might Must Would rather Had better Need Dare

Construo do futuro do verbo TO BE
Shell swim tomorrow morning. Will you be here at 6 pm? He wont sit down near you.

Construo do Futuro do pretrito (ia)
(2 Condicional)

She would go to the party if you invited her. Shed go to the party if you invited her. What would you do if she cheated on you? Even if I had enough money, I woudnt buy that flat.

Significado de sugesto (predominante no dialeto britnico) corre apenas na interrogativa e na primeira pessoa do singular e do plural. Shall we go to the movies? Shall I tell you my dream?

Can / Could
Habilidade I can play the guitar very well I could play piano when I was 16. (Past)] She cant play without her team. Permisso Can I drive your car Dad? (Informal) Could you help me with these exercises? (formal)

Can / Could
She can see a beautiful landscape from her window
(Possibilidade real)

What he said could be true. (Possibilidade remota)

Should / Ought to
Conselho (advice) He knows he should (ought to) go to the bank, but hes so tired. You shouldnt (oughtnt to) drive fast. Should I stay or should I go? Crtica (should have / ought to have) + Past participle of verb You should have (ought have to) gone when I called you. She shouldnt have (oughtnt have to) yelled at him.

May / Might
Possibilidade, sugesto He may (might) be at the kichen. She may not (mightnt) come this morning, yesterday she was so ill. May I come in?
Situaes no passado (may/might have) + Past participle of verb

I cant find my keys anywhere, I may/might have left them in her house.

Obrigao, ordem
Its too late, you must go now! She must not (mustnt) stay out of the kichen. How many exams must you do?

Would rather
Indica preferencia em fazer algo = prefer
I would rather stay home (Id rather stay home) Would you rather go home later? Wed rather not talk about it.

Had better
seria melhor, melhor , sugesto = should
I had better stop smoking. Youd better go. I think shed better not see it. Had she better stay here?

Necessidade quando anomalo s usado nas formas interrogativa e negativa
Need we come earlier tomorrow? (Do we need to come earlier tomorrow)

He neednt buy anything else for lunch. (He doesnt need to buy any anything else for lunch)

Indica um desafio, ousadia. Pode ser modal na interrogativa e na negativa. Na afirmativa um verbo comum She dared to do it again (afirmativa verbo comum)
He dare not show himself in front of us I dare not answer back. Dare you ask your boss a raise? Dare he come here?

Youd better run away!!

Id rather not be married

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