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you are a timeless process You are very much your body. And, at the same time, you are very much the embodiment of a momentum that is surging toward the completion of a timeless process ! The process is the reunification of all that you are, all that you have ever been, and all that you are yet to be, in a simultaneous expression of ONENESS. make significant choices As your individual vibration accelerates .. in relation to your dimension at large, .. your reality manifests, recognizably, as a reflection of your choices. There is no longer the luxury of being able to delude yourself into believing that you are subject to the effects of random occurrences. For, as the time - lag between the inception of thought and the manifestation of reality diminishes, it becomes obvious to you that you are creating all of it. The realization then dawns that one is able to choose what one wishes to experience. And the true challenges of a physical incarnation have the opportunity to express, through you, as reality.

all things are possible What do you wish to experience, in physical form, in this lifetime ? What do you wish to leave behind, discarded, as excess baggage on your journey ? Who do you really wish to be in your own eyes ? Knowing now that all things are possible, you are able to make significant choices. And at the same time, you are able to take full responsibility for the ramifications of those choices. One becomes the creator and the creation simultaneously. journey toward oneness As your journey toward

conscious alignment with who one truly is, so that there is agreement and full participation in the process. ascension is a universal motion Ascension is a universal motion, a yearning, a striving, a releasing, a surrendering .. a joyous culmination of your journey here in physical form. It is not something that is done to you. It is a process that is initiated by you, orchestrated by you, and experienced fully as an evolutionary journey by you. much work remains to be done For many of you, the initial stages of the transformation process are now nearing completion. Repressed emotions, negative inclinations, habitual behaviors, addictions, and victim consciousness have been raised to the surface, blatantly, so that you would be able to scrutinize the evidence of the misguided energy harbored within your physical form. Much work remains to be done, as the process itself nears fruition. indifference to outcome You will become keenly aware of the threads that are woven, now almost instantaneously, into the tapestry of experience on given themes in your life. You will have

accelerates, your experience as a physical being takes on the breadth of perspective and the heightened awareness characteristic of the higher dimensions of existence. As you merge and become integrated with higher aspects of your own being, your experience here takes on the coloration of that heightened level of perspective. ascension is a gradual shift You are well within the process of ascension now. For, ascension is not an event but rather, a momentum. Ascension is a gradual shift. It is a shift in awareness, a shift in perspective, a shift in vibration, a shift in attunement, and a shift in

spontaneous recall of related occurrences and a sense of understanding that pulls the experiences together into a cohesive document. Once you transcend the automatic response patterning the reaction of egocentered emotion .. and replace it with an automatic response of indifference to outcome, you shift to a state of being in which you are able to manifest what you would like to experience in your life. the observer As your journey progresses, the role you are inclined to play becomes more the one of the observer, than the object of your experience. Your finest teachers are those beings who have played the role of nemesis throughout your life. The beings with whom you have had the most caustic and severe interactions are those who were painstakingly cast .. by you .. for that role. karma .. agreements Some would have you believe that certain interactions and relationships between individuals are karmic . What is meant here by the term karmic is that certain agreements are in place between individuals that transcend a given physical incarnation.

life - times .. dramas And those agreements are in place to continue to work on that given theme in a subsequent life-time. Thus, one would continue to be drawn into dramas with beings who have played these roles for one another for eons, and will continue to do so until, eventually, they are able to transcend their need to do so. The karmic adversary becomes the catalyst for change when there is non - attachment to outcome on the parts of all concerned. One is able to recognize the completion of certain life theme interactions with key individuals when one can, in all honesty with oneself, recognize a heart - felt wish of well being for the individual who played perhaps the most injurious role in ones life-time.
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a bit of practice The transcendent being does not arrive at the place of sublime indifference over - night. It takes a bit of practice. In these times of acceleration of all experience, you can anticipate reaching closure on many of your dominant life themes in the times soon to come.
source : Oneness by Rasha

Maitreya Buddha Dhyana Vidya Vishwalayam
Kebbedoddi (village), Harohalli, Kanakapura (taluk), Karnataka office : # 609/1, 15th Cross, 6th Face, J.P. Nagar, Bengaluru - 560078 ph : 91-80-32723143 mobile : 0 9448350265

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