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Practice in Health Administration

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal and External Recruitment

Practice in Health Administration

Recruiting Internal Candidates

Advantages Disadvantages

May improve employee morale May encourage valued employees to stay with the organization Permits greater assessment of applicant abilities; candidate is a known entity May be faster, and may involve lower cost for certain jobs Good motivator for employee performance Applicants have a good understanding of the organization May reinforce employees sense of job security

Possible morale problems among those not selected May lead to inbreeding May lead to conflict among internal job applicants May require strong training and management development activities May manifest the Peter principle May cause ripple effect in vacancies which need to be filled.

Practice in Health Administration

Recruiting External Candidates

Advantages Bring new ideas into the organization May be less expensive than training internal candidates External candidates come without dysfunctional relationships with other and without being involved in organizational politics May bring new ideas to the organization Disadvantages May identify candidate who has technical skills but does not fit the culture of the organization. May cause morale problems for internal candidates who were not selected. May require longer adjustment and socialization Uncertainty about candidate skills and abilities, and difficulty obtaining reliable information about applicant

Practice in Health Administration

Types of Retention Strategies

(Healthcare Advisory Board 2002)

Practice in Health Administration

Types of Retention Strategies

1. Strategies that neither increase moral nor improve retention 2. Strategies that increase morale but do not improve retention 3. Strategies that do not increase morale but improve retention 4. Strategies that increase morale and improve retention

Practice in Health Administration

Five Effective Retention Strategies

1. Selecting the right employees 2. Improving orientation and on-boarding procedures by creating a buddy program and other opportunities that help new employees establish professional and personal relationships with colleagues

3. Monitoring turnover to identify specific root causes, including identifying managers whose departments have high turnover rates

Practice in Health Administration

Five Effective Retention Strategies

4. Developing and implementing ways to retain valued employees
5. Although marginal in its effectiveness, systematically attempting to reverse turnover decisions

Practice in Health Administration

Nine Principles of Service and Operational Excellence

(Struder: 2004)

Nine Principles of Service and Operational Excellence

Principle # 1: Commit to excellence
Principle # 2: Measure the important things Principle # 3: Build a culture around service

Principle # 4: Create and develop leaders

Principle # 5: Focus on employee satisfaction

Nine Principles of Service and Operational Excellence

Principle # 6: Build individual accountability
Principle # 7: Align behavior with goals and values Principle # 8: Communicate at all levels Principle # 9: Recognize and reward success


Practice in Health Administration

Comparison Between the Old Paradigm and the New Paradigm on Human Resources Strategies

Practice in Health Administration

Human Resources Strategy

1. Key drivers of patient/ customer satisfaction 2. Patient involvement in healthcare 3. Organizational culture 4. Staff selection and training 5. Employee motivation

Old Paradigm: Focus on Physicians and ThirdParty Payers

Clinical effectiveness and cost efficiency Limited involvement Provider driven Focused only on clinical skills Rewards for technical proficiency Costs, clinical processes, and medical outcomes
Practice in Health Administration

New Paradigm: Focus on Patients as Customers

Patient/ customer perceptions of quality and value Maximum involvement Patient/ customer driven Focused on both clinical and patient/ customer service skills Rewards for both technical and customer service proficiency Total service experience

6. Measures of effectiveness

Ten Healthcare Trends

Practice in Health Administration

Ten Healthcare Trends

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Technological innovation Consumer mind-set of patients Focus on quality and evidence-based medicine Security and privacy New healthcare professionals Information technology and decision support systems 7. Globalization 8. Demographic changes (aging, diversity) 9. Prevention and disease management 10. Patient safety

Practice in Health Administration

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