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*NOTE: Never consume an herb or an oil without first researching the possible health hazards. Some herbs and oils are dangerous when consumed and even when simply touched. Always take proper precautions........ LEGAL DISCLAIMER No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from the publisher or the author of this book. This book contains formulas that were used in the historical AFRO-BRAZILIAN religious practices of Quimbanda, Candomble, Macumba and Umbanda. The author and the publisher do not encourage any of the practices in this book nor do we assume any liabilities for presenting those formulas or any information in this book. The formulas are presented for curious only. Neither the author, Carlos Antonio De Bourbon-Galdiano-Montenegro nor the publisher, American Candomble Church assumes any responsibilities for the outcome of any of the spells, rituals or initiations in this book. We make no claims to any supernatural powers of these traditional initiation rituals. All inquiries or comments may be directed to the publisher. You must be at least 18 years of age or older to purchase this book or to purchase any of the supplies listed herein.

TABLE OF CONTENTS I. The Introduction to the Occult Herbarium.......................................4 I. How to Grow an Herb Garden...................................6 II. Herb Garden Growing Tips.....................................11 III. How to Start Herb Plants from Seeds..........................15 III. Magic Palos.......................,.16 IV. Magical Occult Herbs.................................42 VI. Spanish & Brazilian Herbs....................................................76
THE OCCULT HERBARIUM A herbarium is a collection of preserved plant specimens. These specimens may be whole plants or plant parts: these will usually be in a dried form mounted on a sheet but, depending upon the material, may also be kept in alcohol or other preservative. The same term is often used in mycology to describe an equivalent collection of preserved fungi, otherwise known as a fungarium.

An Occult Herbarium would be a collection of preserved plant specimens used in the magical occult black arts. HOW TO MAKE A PLANT HERBARIUM An herbarium is a collection of dried and pressed plants. For hundreds of years scientists and plant lovers have preserved dried plants for study in herbariums. Plant presses work best for drying and pressing flowers and plants, but they can also be effectively pressed between newspaper and books. Herbariums can contain entire plants (including roots), seeds, leaves, or flowers. Try to gather specimens from a variety of places: your backyard or garden, a field, a river or lake shore, a beach, a swamp, or a forest. Use a tree, weed, or flower guide to identify your specimens. You may want to write out a label with the specimen's common and scientific names, as well as the date and the location where you found it. Press your specimens as soon after collecting as possible. They should take about 1-3 weeks to dry out completely. Attach the pressed specimens to heavy paper or cardstock. Thin strips of masking tape or plastic tape work well for whole plant specimens and glue works well for attaching seeds. Be sure to include a label for each specimen. Here are more detailed directions for pressing and mounting plant specimens: Lay your specimen out so it looks attractive and the main features of the plant can be seen clearly. For large specimens, you may have to bend the stems in a sharp zigzag pattern so they will fit on the page. You can also cut the plant in half and show the top half and bottom half side by side. It is a good idea to show both sides of the leaves, since the top and bottom often look very different. You can also leave space to glue a small envelope to hold seeds and other small parts. There are several methods you can use to mount your specimens, but one of the most common is called the glass-plate method. Traditionally botanists used glass plates for this, but you can use an aluminum cookie sheet. Dilute some white glue (like Elmer's) with water and spread it in a thin layer over the cookie sheet. (For delicate specimens, use thinner glue than for thick, woody stems.) Carefully set your specimen on the sheet so all parts touch the glue. If you need to, blot the plant on newspaper before placing it on the plant mounting page. Gently press on the specimen with a paper towel to fix it to the page and blot up any excess glue. Then cover each page with wax paper and stack them with cardboard in between. Put a weight on top of the stack and let the glue dry overnight. When it's dry, carefully slide each page into a plastic page protector. HOW TO GROW AN HERB GARDEN Herbs are probably the most popular and intriguing group of plants in existence. Undoubtedly, the explanation for this is that over the centuries herbs have been used in so many different ways. They flavor our foods, perfume our homes and bodies, decorate our gardens, and cure our ills. One way or another, herbs touch each of our lives. In this article, we'll show you how to grow an herb garden. Preparing Soil for Herb Garden Planting Count your blessings if you're lucky enough to have a garden with rich fertile soil, which is deep and easy to work. Good garden soil is not easy to find, and most beginning gardeners soon realize they must improve on one or more conditions of the soil. Herbs can survive in a wide variety of soil types, but by making some simple preparatory changes, your garden soil can become as easy to use and productive as you'd like. Good soil must be guarded by proper management. In this section, we'll teach you the basics.

Herb Garden Soil Preparation Techniques Now that you know what you need, you're ready to enroll in the soil-improvement program. In this section, you'll learn how to test your soil for texture and fertility. Then, you'll see how to improve soil deficiencies. There's no need to worry if you're not satisfied with the results of your testing. Improving your garden soil is easily accomplished and is a regular part of gardening. Remember, all of the soil-improving process doesn't have to happen in the first year of gardening. Take time working with your soil, and you'll reap the benefits of many years of fruitful production. We'll show you how to improve your soil, fertilize, and recycle soil to give your herbs the best chance at growth. Growing Herbs Sooner or later, most of us decide to try our hand at growing a few favorite herbs. If we haven't prepared our soil, it usually starts with a pot of parsley on the kitchen windowsill or a short row of dill in the vegetable patch. Once started, most gardeners find themselves increasing the number of herbs they cultivate simply because so many of them flourish with little care. In this section, we'll discuss the best methods to start an herb garden. Herb Growing Tips Like any other garden, you have many different options for layout and design when planting your herb garden. Do you prefer a container garden close to the kitchen for the aromatic herbs that you love to use in your gourmet recipes? Do you like rows and rows of lacy anise to sway in the breeze on a windy day? Does a wistful sigh escape your lips every time you pass an intricate knot garden? Would you rather plant a mixed garden full of herbs, vegetables, and even edible flowers? In this section, we'll explore the different herb garden options and help you lay out a garden plan to get you ready for planting. Whether you like to cook or like to eat, nothing tastes as good as something you've made yourself. Your herb garden will be a source of fragrant, delicious seasonings for your favorite meals. Let's get started by preparing the soil for herb garden planting.

Preparing Soil for Herb Garden Planting Good soil is the key to an easy-to-maintain garden. While most herbs are pretty hardy and require little care, you'll still find that a little preparation goes a long way. Improving Your Garden Soil Good soil is 50 percent solids and 50 percent porous space, which provides room for water, air, and plant roots. The solids are inorganic matter (fine rock particles) and organic matter (decaying plant matter). The inorganic portion of the soil can be divided into three categories based on the size of the particles it contains. Clay has the smallest soil particles; silt has medium-size particles; and sand has the coarsest particles. The amount of clay, silt, and sand in a soil determine its texture. Loam, the ideal garden soil, is a mixture of 20 percent clay, 40 percent silt, and 40 percent sand. Some people choose to add vegetables into the herb garden. In the interest of harvesting a bigger and better crop of herbs and vegetables, you'll want to improve the texture and structure of your soil. This improvement, whether to make the soil drain better or hold more water, can be accomplished quite easily by the addition of organic matter. Organic matter is material that was once living but is now dead and decaying. You can use such materials as ground corncobs, sawdust, bark chips, straw, hay, grass clippings, and cover crops to serve as organic matter.

Your own compost pile can supply you with excellent organic matter to enrich the soil. Each spring, as you prepare the garden for planting, incorporate organic matter into the soil by tilling or turning it under with a spade. If noncomposted materials are used, the microorganisms that break down the materials will use nitrogen from the soil. To compensate for this nitrogen loss, increase the amount of nitrogen fertilizer that you incorporate into the soil. The next step in your soil-improvement program is to have the soil tested for nutrient levels. The local county Cooperative Extension office can advise you on testing the soil in your area. Your soil sample will be sent to a laboratory to determine any deficiencies of the necessary nutrients needed for successful plant growth. Instructions for taking and preparing soil samples can be found in our article How to Prepare Soil for Planting. Be sure to tell the laboratory that the samples came from an herb and/or vegetable garden plot. The test report will recommend the amount and kind of fertilizer needed for a home garden. Follow the laboratory's recommendations as closely as possible during the first growing season. We'll talk more about fertilizing below and in the next section, Herb Garden Soil Preparation Techniques. The necessary nutrient levels are relative to the soil type and the crop being grown. Although different herbs have varying requirements, the soil test institution calculates an optimum average for fertilizer and lime recommendations. The results of the soil test will indicate the pH (acid-alkaline balance) of the soil as well as the nitrogen content, phosphorus content, and potassium content. The pH is measured on a scale of 1 (most acid or sour) to 14 (most alkaline or sweet), with 7 representing neutral. Most vegetable plants produce best in a soil that has a pH between 5.5 and 7.5. When growing an herb garden, check for soil texture by squeezing soil into your hand. The pH number is important because it affects the availability of most of the essential nutrients in the soil. The soil lab will consider the type of soil you have, the pH level, and the crops you intend to produce and make a recommendation for pH adjustment. Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) levels will be indicated by a "Low," "Medium," or "High" level. High is the desired level for herb and vegetable gardens for both nutrients. If your test results show other than High, a recommendation of type and amount of fertilizer will be made. Although nitrogen (N) is also needed in large amounts by plants, the soil nitrates level is not usually routinely tested because rainfall leaches nitrates from the soil, which easily results in low levels. Additional nitrogen through the use of a complete fertilizer is almost always recommended. Tests for other elements are available on request but are needed only under special circumstances. Adjusting Soil pH The soil test results may advise you to raise the pH by adding a recommended amount of lime to the soil. Ground dolomitic limestone is best and can be applied at any time of the year without harm to the plants. You may be advised to lower the pH by adding a recommended amount of a sulfur product. Ammonium sulfate is the sulfur product most commonly used. Spread the lime or sulfur evenly through your garden and incorporate it into the soil by turning or tilling. Fertilizing: How & Why To Do It Many inexperienced gardeners think that since their herbs have done fine so far without fertilizer, they'll continue to do fine without fertilizer next year. But it's not quite that simple. Although your plants will probably provide you with herbs without using fertilizer, you won't be getting their best effort. Properly fertilized plants

will be healthier and better able to resist disease and attacks from pests, providing more and higher-quality herbs. There are two types of fertilizers: organic and inorganic. Both contain the same nutrients, but their composition and action differ in several ways. It makes no difference to the plant whether nutrients come from an organic or an inorganic source as long as the nutrients are available. However, the differences between the two types are worth your consideration. Organic fertilizers come from plants and animals. The nutrients in organic fertilizers must be broken down over a period of time by microorganisms in the soil before they become available to the plants. Therefore, organic fertilizers don't offer instant solutions to nutrient deficiencies in the soil. Dried blood, kelp, and bone meal are types of organic fertilizers. Manures are also organic. They are bulkier and contain lower percentages of nutrients than other natural fertilizers. However, they offer the advantage of immediately improving the texture of the soil by raising the level of organic matter. Because organic fertilizers are generally not well-balanced in nutrient content, you'll probably need to use a mixture of them to ensure a balanced nutrient content. The table below, as well as the directions on the package, may be used as a guide to making your own mixture. Incorporate the mixture into the soil while preparing your spring garden. Apply it again as a side-dressing midway through the growing season. When you fertilize with an inorganic fertilizer, nutrients are immediately available for the plant's use. Any container of fertilizer has three numbers printed on it, such as 5-10-20, to indicate the percentage of major nutrients it contains. Nitrogen is represented by the first number (5 percent in this example); phosphorus is represented by the second number (10 percent); and potassium by the third (20 percent). The remaining 65 percent is a mixture of other nutrients and inert filler. A well-balanced complete fertilizer consists of all three major nutrients in somewhat even proportions. A complete fertilizer is recommended for herb and vegetable garden use as long as the nitrogen content isn't more than 20 percent. A typical complete fertilizer used in edible gardens is 10-10-10. HERB GROWING TIPS Ground-hugging thyme is a perfect choice for planting between the rocks in a flagstone walk. Tall clumps of angelica or rue provide attractive and dramatic accents in flower borders. Nasturtiums and chives add outstanding floral color to a garden, as well as making attractive cut flowers. The purple-leaf variety of basil is an eye-catching accent in any location. No matter which type of herb you prefer, we can help you design the right plan for your herb garden. Although herbs are often planted in a formal layout separate from the rest of the garden, this is by no means a requirement for success in growing them. Herbs can be mixed into other plantings. The exceptions are those few herbs, such as mint, that will aggressively take over if not curbed. These are best planted in containers or separate beds, where strict control of their spread can be maintained. Most other herbs can be planted along with other row crops in your vegetable garden. Herbs can be laid out in a very formal or an extremely informal design or anywhere in between. The choice is entirely up to your personal view regarding what will fit best with adjacent garden spaces. When planning a vegetable garden that includes herbs, the same basic rules of good design apply as when designing any other garden. Tall plants should be located at the rear of side beds, plants of intermediate height in the middle of the bed, and low-growing plants at the front. This way they'll all obtain a maximum share of the available light. In central beds, the tallest plants can be located in the center of the bed, the shortest plants

around the outer edge, and the intermediate heights between the two. The best approach to deciding which herbs to grow is to make a list of herbs you're most likely to use. Write down their soil, light, and water needs; their height and spread; and any special notes such as unusual growth habit. Make a secondary list of plants you might enjoy having if there's any room left. Sketch the herb garden area to scale (for example, 1 inch on the sketch equals 1 foot on the ground), decide on the size and shape of the planting beds, and determine which of the herbs on your list will be located where. Fill in any empty spots with appropriate species from your secondary list. Format balanced geometric layouts usually revolve around some sort of special garden feature, such as a fountain, sundial, garden seat, statue, an unusual feature plant, or birdbath. When planting a formal herb garden, a circular design plan centers around a monument. Harvesting As a general rule of thumb, herbs have the highest level of flavor in their leaves just before they bloom. Harvesting is best done at this time. In the directory of vegetable and herb plants, you'll find notes regarding the best time to harvest each herb as well as the best methods of preservation. Harvesting of herbs for fresh use can be done throughout the growing season. Thyme, sage, rosemary, and many other perennials need their active growing shoots snipped in 4- to 6-inch lengths. For annuals collect a few leaves as needed. When harvesting herbs to preserve for future use, wait until the plant is at its aromatic peak as noted in the directory. Pick it early in the morning when aromatics are at their highest level of the day. Discard any diseased or insect-infested portions. If there is dust present, wash the plant thoroughly and shake off as much of the excess water as possible before processing. If possible, wash the plant a day before harvesting. Be especially careful when harvesting seeds. The timing must be precise enough to allow the seeds to ripen completely, but they must be caught before they disperse. One way to solve this problem is to keep watch on a daily basis and harvest as soon as the seeds begin to dry. Carefully snip off the heads over a large paper bag, allowing the seeds to fall directly into the bag. Keep them in the bag to complete the drying process. Be careful not to compact the seed heads; air circulation in and around the seed heads is needed to cut down on the possibility of the growth of undesirable molds. If you cannot keep such close track of the maturation process, another alternative is to enclose each seed head while still on the plant in a small paper or mesh bag once all flowering has ended and the green seeds become obvious. Then, when the heads dry, any seeds that fall out will be captured in the bag. Once you notice that seeds are being released, snip off the heads, bag and all, and dry them indoors. The most common method of herb preservation is by hang drying. Another good way to preserve many herbs is by freezing them. This method is quick and easy, and the flavor is usually closer to fresh than dried. If you have the freezer space available, freezing is probably the most desirable choice for cooking herbs. Some herbs lose flavor when exposed to air, but they will retain it if stored in oil or liquor. Some herbs don't retain as much flavor when preserved by any means -- they can only be used fresh. You can, however, extend their season by growing them indoors as pot plants during the winter months. The herb chart below will help you quickly identify those plants best suited to your site. It also notes whether plants are annuals, biennials, or perennials, and how large you can expect each herb to be at maturity. Especially attractive landscape varieties are also identified. 13 Tips for Planting an Herb Garden

1. Do it. It is so much cheaper than fresh herbs from the grocery store, and you will have basil for your pasta and Tai food, mint for your lemon aid, rosemary for your potatoes, thyme for your chicken dinner, and you will generally be a happier and better fed person. 2. Dont start with cilantro. Its trickier than other herbs and may get you frustrated if youre not a diligent grower and harvester. (UPDATE: though I just got a comment from Sherry who makes it sound easy. Thoughts, anyone?) 3. Pick a sunny spot with good drainage. Most basic herbs love the sun and dont want to be too wet. Just a few like partial shade, like cilantro (which weve already decided is high maintenance), lemon balm, and mint. If you want to plant in a container, you can plant each herb separately or put them all together in one big bowl. Or plant them in pots according to the recipes you like to use them for, a Tai pot, an Italian pot, a chicken dinner pot. Use a soilless potting mix that will drain well. 4. Speaking of mint, plant it alone, in its own pot. It will take over all the other herbs and take over your whole yard if you let it. 5. Pick a spot near the kitchen if possible, so you can step right outside and snip off a sprig without having to hike across the yard. 6. You can start from seeds, but start with at least a few from plants for instant gratification. Big woody plants especially are good to just buy as plants (rosemary, thyme, marjoram, oregano). Be sure to water them before you transplant. Grassy herbs grow quickly from seeds (chives, parsley) and my S-I-L recommends starting these and other seedlings right in the pot or the outside spot where theyll be living permanently, if weather allows. The grassy herbs especially are delicate and dont like being transplanted. UPDATE: The most helpful article I found for planting from seeds was this one. 7. Plant some perennials. Id never realized how many herbs will come back year after year. Try sage, thyme, lemon thyme, chives, oregano, fennel, marjoram and mint. A few of these will get too mature and woody after a couple years. Sage and thyme especially you may want to replant every few years. 8. Try a few annuals. You have to go with basil for sure. Big-leafed sweet basil or genovese basil are good allpurpose basils. Plant them when its hot outside, when you plant your tomatoes. My S-I-L also likes lemon balm and dill. 9. Dont over water. Water every few days when the top few centimeters of soil is dry. Dont over fertilize. Once a month should be enough. If the soil is too fertile, the plants will produce too much foliage and wont have the intense flavor that a good herb should have. 10. Once the plants are taller and established, throw some mulch down over the soil. It will keep weeds from growing and keep the soil moist. Leave a bare spot of soil right around the stem to avoid a slug problem. 11. Harvest often. Harvesting promotes growth. It keeps plants in their growing cycle instead of letting them mature and finish their life. So stop by your garden before dinner each night and snip away. (Never tear.) You can harvest up to a third of the foliage. And if you see a flower, clip or pinch it off. Once an herb flowers its trying to finish its life cycle. 12. If you want to try to keep your plants through the winter, you have some options. Rosemary can thrive by a sunny window. You will lose basil, thyme, and sage after a frost, but you can also try variegated basil, which doesnt flower like other basils so it can be brought in during the winter near a sunny window and last for months. 13. Eat it! In order to use fresh herbs instead of dried, double or triple the amount called for because fresh herbs arent as concentrated. Try to add them near the end of the recipe. If you harvest herbs and cant use them right away, chop them up, put them in ice cube trays, cover them with a little boiling water and freeze them to use in soups once the weather turns cold.

ACACIA LEAF Symbolizes the afterlife; the leaves are burned on charcoal to develop personal power.Use to Gain Harmony, Increase The Power Of Spells, Attracting Money, Finding Peace, Ensuring Protection, Creating Psychic Development And Growth, And Finding Tranquility. ADDERS TONGUE POWDER Use This Herb For Spiritual Healing. AFRICAN BIRD PEPPER Use For Protection, Strength, Motivation, Courage. AFRICAN GINGER Use For Protection, Love And Money. AGAR AGAR Place this powerful herb in a bowl of water to keep evil spirits away, can also be used for good luck in gambling . ALOES POWDER (BITTER ALOES) Used in a graveyard bottle spell to silence the lips of those who speak evil lies. AGRIMONY The Person Carrying This Herb Gains The Power to Defeat, Any Villian. One of the few magic herbs believed to reverse a jinx, curse, or hex after it has been put on you. ALFALFA Alfalfa Can Be Used To Bring You Luck, You Can Either Carry It With You Or Keep It At Your Home In A Cupboard. Alfalfa Is Also Used For Cleansing, And Scrubbing. Kept in the home to protect against poverty; carried to the bank when you ask for a loan. ALKANET ROOT Ends the work of those who try to trouble your money matters or jinx your gambling luck. ALLSPICE BERRIES, ground Much used for prosperity, success, luck, and money gained through business ventures. ALTHAEA LEAVES To attract benevolent spirits to the home, to increase psychic ability, to heal and soothe, to find treasure through psychic gifts. ANGELICA (ARCHANGEL, HOLY GHOST) whole root Angelica can be used as an herb for protection and and also for excorcism.Enhances female magical power and strength, protects children.

ANISE SEED In A Small Pillowcase You Can Put Anise Seeds And Sleep On It So You Won't Have Any Nightmares. Place Some Fresh Anise Leaves In A Room It Will Drive Off Evil. It Also Averts The Evil. Used to ward off the Evil Eye and also to increase personal psychic abilities. APPLE Love, peace, happiness ARROW ROOT POWDER An old-time hand-dusting herb powder for gambling luck; combine with lucky Sachet Powders. ASAFOETIDA (DEVIL'S DUNG) powder Said to keep off diseases, evil spells, conjure work, and interfering law officers. ALTAMISA (MUGWORT) For Safety And Protection You Can Burn Mugwort. If You Place Mugwort In A Red Bag And Keep It Under Your Pillow To Aid In The Production Of Clairvoyant Dreams BALM OF GILEAD buds Comforts those who have lost in love, encourages the reconciliation of estranged lovers. BARBERRY Sprinkled in the paths of your enemies to bar their way and stop them following you. To Protect Your Home Or Buisness From Enemies, Put This Across Your Path Or Walkway into Your House, Or Business. BASIL To Enhance Your Love Life, Sprinkle On Your Lovers Food. For Refreshing Love To Come Into Your Life, or To wash Away An Old Love Out Of Your Life Sprinkle Basil In Your Bath Water. An herb for money and success, a happy family, and a peaceful home; to drive away the Evil Eye. BAY LEAF For protection and to avoid being jinxed, especially if you are doing a job on someone else. BAYBERRY ROOT chips Sprinkled on the money in your wallet to attract more money and good fortune to you. BERGAMOT Peace, happiness & restful sleep BERGAMOT MINT Physical energy, Prosperity BETH ROOT

Carry with a Cross of Carnavaca in a blue bag for good luck in gambling. BISTORT Carry With You For Good Fortune. Burn With Frankincense for Good Luck BITTERSWEET Mix With Bitter Root, Hexing Powder, And Black Salt Then Throw In The Path Of Your Enemy. BLACKBERRY LEAF Used to remove evil spirits from a home and to return evil to a person doing you harm. BLACK PEPPER Mental alertness, physical energy, protection courage BLACK SNAKE ROOT (BLACK COHOSH ROOT) chips Provides protection and strengthens those who are weak, timid, afraid, or shy. BLADDER WRACK Use for protection, sea spells, wind spells, psychic powers, and money. BLESSED THISTLE Brewed into herbal tea which is sprinkled around the home for protection from evil. BLOOD ROOT (RED PUCCOON ROOT) chips Strengthens family relations where "blood" ties bind you but respect is sometimes lacking. BLOOD ROOT POWDER Sew Some Into Your Mates Pillow To Help Keep Them Faithful To You. Burn Or Carry A Piece In A Red Flannel Bag To Defeat Hexes. BLUE COHOSH ROOT (PAPOOSE ROOT) If Someone Has Jinxed Your Car, Wash It Thoroughly, Then Make A Tea Of Blue Cohosh In A Gallon Of water And Rinse The Car To Wash The Evil Away. Used to protect people and places from evil; used by Native Americans to protect children. BLUE FLAG ROOT (WATER FLAG, SNAKE LILY) chips Used in money drawing magic spells, for prosperity, and to bring wealth. BOLDO LEAF Said to repel and keep away evil spirits, bad customers, unruly people, and even diseases. BONESET (WHITE SNAKE ROOT) LEAF An herb that opposes unnatural illness and wards off snakes.

BORAGE FLOWERS Carry this herb with you to increase courage and confidence. For peace in the home, tranquility in the family, and calm in domestic relationships. BRIMSTONE POWDER Brimstone Ritual Powder has numerous benefits for spells and rituals. It can dispel or prevent a hex on you; destroys an enemy`s power over you, and is extremely potent when used for exorcisms, banishing, and protection against negative forces and demonic energies. BROOM Protection of home, purification, peace, to drive away witches and unwanted visitors; for magical protection from evil.

BUCKEYE NUT Great for Good Luck, Attracts Money & Wealth. Sexual spiritually enhances male vigour. BUCKTHORN CUT Use for protection, wishes, and legal matters. BURDOCK ROOT A cleansing, protective, and uncrossing herb, said to restore male nature. CACTUS POWDER A cleansing, protective, and uncrossing herb. Can also be used for hexing CALAMUS ROOT CHIPS Used by those who wish to control a situation or to dominate a specific person. CALENDULA FLOWERS Strong for winning in court and powerful to induce prophetic lucky number dreams. CAMOMILE Sleep, meditation, peace CAMPHOR Purification & celibacy CARAWAY SEED Believed to provide protection and to keep young children safe from illness and harm. CARDAMOM SEED Used in magic spells intended to bring about lust, passion, and love in one not your mate.

CARNATION Physical energy, magical energy, love and health. CASCARA SAGRADA Legal Matters, Money, Protection.Said to bring good luck and especially to help you win in court cases. CATNIP Used to captivate your lover with your special ways and to capture his or her heart. CAYENNE POWDER Used to stop individuals from gossiping about you. Ties the tongues of your enemies. CEDAR WOOD Spirituality, self control. Draw a two-armed cross on the ground to peacefully cause an unwanted person to move. CELANDINE Said to keep off witches and law officers; helps one win in court by confusing opponents. CELERY SEED Believed by many to enhance latent psychic powers and to bring on prophetic dreams. CEREUS, NIGHT BLOOMING Phychic awareness. CHAMOMILE FLOWERS (MANZANILLA) An herb used in gambling spells and washes, and also for uncrossing. CHANEY ROOT (Chainey Root, Jamaican Sarsaparilla) Said to grant health, happiness and prolong life. CHERRY BARK Said to be efficacious in matters of love, romance, sexual attraction, and conjugal relations. CHIA SEED To stop gossip and back-biting; may be added to Slippery Elm Bark for this purpose. CINNAMON Sprinkled to attract luck, money, and love; also for purification and protection. CLARY SAGE Euphoria, calm, dreams. CLOVER FLOWERS, RED Used in love-magic, for a prosperous marriage, and to insure conjugal felicity.

CLOVER FLOWERS, WHITE Used for personal purification and to drive away evil influences. CLOVE Cloves Attracts Riches, And Drives Away Hostile And Negative Forces. Can Also Be Used To Stop Gossip. Said to attract good luck to your home, to stop gossip, and to help sustain friendships. COFFEE Conscious mind, breaking deadlocks. COLTSFOOT HERB Burned with other herbs to aid psychic visions or to remove sickness and mental problems. COMFREY LEAF Helps you hold onto the money you have or the money that you win while gambling. COMFREY ROOT Carried for safety and good health while travelling or when away from home. COPAL WHITE Burn In The Home To Remove Evil and Bless The House. CORIANDER SEEDS To draw love to you, to stimulate passion, and to keep your lover faithful to you. COREOPSIS FLOWERS Golden coin-shaped dried flowers are used in gambling and money-luck baths and spells. COUCH GRASS (WITCH GRASS, DOG GRASS) Used in binding spells, both for love-magic and for evil purposes. CUBEB BERRIES Used to control a lover and to increase sexual heat; will also help you meet a new mate. CUMIN SEEDS Believed to keep evil and bad luck away from your home, to keep your lover faithful. CYPRESS Easing loses, healing DAMIANA For Sex Magic for sexual rituals, Increases Magical Energy. Used to draw a new lover, to intensify sexual passion, or to bring back a straying lover.

DAFFODIL Love, passion and attraction.

DANDELION ROOT Summons Spirit, Helps to Prophesize Dreams. Drunk as tea or carried in a bag to enhance psychic dreams and second sight. DEER'S TONGUE Used to get someone to love you, to obtain a proposal of marriage, also for court cases. DEVIL POD (BAT NUT) For strong protection from evil; also used as an offering to dark forces. DEVIL'S SHOE STRING Protection, Luck, also helps Attract a Raise or New Job. Also helps you Gain Control Over The Opposite Sex. For protection from crossing and gossip, for gambling luck, for job getting. DILL LEAF For folks crossed or jinxed in love, and for men who have had their nature taken away. DILL SEED To make you irresistible to the one you desire, and also to help you win in court. DITTANY OF CRETE Fed to the one you love to promote desire; burned to bring a vision of your future mate. DRAGON'S BLOOD Carried for good luck, for making pacts, and to attract riches. Earth Smoke / Fumitory Herb. Used as a money drawing incense herb. ELDER FLOWERS Sprinkled around property or carried for protection from criminals and from the law. ELECAMPANE A famous magical love herb; one of the three ingredients in Medieval True Love Powder. EUCALYPTUS For Protection and Healing. To drive away pestiferous people and also for personal cleansing after contact with evil. FENNEL SEEDS

For protection, to keep the law away, to strengthen a women's courage, to prevent curses.

FENUGREEK SEED Carried with your money for prosperity, increase in wages, lucky money-finding, and wealth. FERN Used to prevent jinxes, to remove evil spirits from the home, to help ward off burglars. FEVERFEW A magic herb carried by clumsy or accident prone people to protect them from harm. FIVE FINGER GRASS For success in all the things. To get others to do your bidding. For success in all the things that five fingers can do, to get others to do you favours. FLAX SEED For success in all the things. To get others to do your bidding. Used to increase psychic abilities and mental powers, and for protection of children. FRANKINCENSE Use to ward off negativity. Burn during meditation, and add to sachets for luck, protection, and spiritual growth.

FREESIA Love, peace GALANGAL Magical energy, protection GARLIC CLOVES (AJO JAPONES) Protective, powerful, and edible; used in cooking and to repel all manner of evil. GENTIAN ROOT CHIPS A love-drawing herb; carried in a conjure bag with the name of the one you desire. GERANIUM happiness, protection GINGER ROOT (JAMAICA GINGER) Fiery protection from evil; also heats up love affairs and sexuality. GINSENG ROOT (WONDER OF THE WORLD) POWDER For male vigour and nature, good luck in gambling, and to control your mate.

GOLDEN SEAL ROOT THREADS Used by those who seek wisdom, strength, and beauty, also better health. GRAINS OF PARADISE (GUINEA GRAINS) For good luck, protection of the house, to get a job, and to make wishes come true. GRAVEL ROOT CHIPS Carried when looking for a new job or when asking your boss for a raise or benefits. HAWTHORN BERRIES, WHOLE Sprinkle around the home to keep another person from trying to become your spouse's lover. HOLLY LEAVES For protection of the home, to invite helpful spirits into the household. HONEYSUCKLE FLOWERS A twining vine with sweet-smelling flowers, it is used to entangle and tie a lover to you. HOPS FLOWERS An aid to peaceful sleep when placed in the pillow; ends nightmares, brings beneficial dreams. HOREHOUND Said to keep off wild animals and packs of dogs if sprinkled around the home; used medically against coughs. HUCKLEBERRY LEAVES Said to make your dreams come true; used by gamblers to produce lucky number dreams. HYACINTH Overcoming grief, love, peaceful sleep. HYDRANGEA Stops / prevents a marriage from taking place. HYSSOP A purification herb, for home cleansing, to put an end to crossed conditions, to take off a jinx IRIS Love, psychic awareness IRISH MOSS WHOLE PIECES To bring continuous good luck and a steady flow of money in business and gambling. JASMINE FLOWERS

Said to aid in the reception of psychic dreams and to enhance the power of love herb mixtures. JEZEBEL ROOT, WHOLE Attracts men with money; also used in the famous curse of Jezebel against enemies. JOB'S TEARS Seed Oil Used in a special seven-day magic spell to grant an important wish. JOHN THE CONQUEROR ROOT CHIPS AND PIECES For use in luck spells. JUNIPER BERRIES To increase virility in men, enhance sensuality in women, and to attract physical love. KNOT WEED (LADIES' THUMB) To bind, restrict or control a person's movements; to symbolically tie things down. LAVENDER FLOWERS To promote passion, romance, harmony, friendship, and cooperation with a lover. LEMON Health, healing, physical energy, purification LEMON BALM Peace, money, purification LEMON LEAVES For "cut-and-clear" spells to remove old conditions and open the way to draw a new lover. LEMONGRASS For protection and to increase the power of all amulets; also for a good sexual time. LEMON MINT (BERGAMOT MINT) To break up bad conditions and promote health; to draw a new lover.

LEMON VERBENA To magically break up or cause discord and strife between two people. LICORICE ROOT SLICES To gain power over others and control them; also to change someone's mind. LIFE EVERLASTING, YELLOW Brewed into an herbal tea that is drunk daily for longer life.

LILAC Love, purification LILY Peace, easing the pain of broken relationship LILY OF THE VALLEY Peace, conscious mind, memory LIME Purification, physical energy, protection LITTLE JOHN TO CHEW, CHEWING JOHN (GALANGAL) ROOT, POWDER Chew and spit to win in court. LOTUS ROOT SLICED Used in Lunar magical workings, for love, and for protection. LOVAGE ROOT (BO' HOG ROOT) SLICES To attract a lover of the opposite gender for romance and sexual passion. MAGNOLIA LEAVES Placed under the mattress for marital happiness, fidelity, and mutual sexual attraction. MANDRAKE ROOT (MAYPOPS) A famous root used by conjurers to create love-dolls and also for money-drawing magic. MARJORAM To drive off those who would harm your family; to protect home or business from jinxes. MASTER OF THE WOODS For mastery, strength, and control over adversaries, also used to prepare a healing oil. MASTER ROOT, PIECES A power enhancing herb used for protection, psychism, luck, and to command respect from others. MEADOWSWEET Peace, love MELON Healing, health MIMOSA

psychic dreams, love MINT An herb said to break spells and jinxes and to gain mental strength during times of difficulty. MISTLETOE Sacred herb of the Druids; one of the three ingredients in Medieval True Love Powder. MOJO BEAN (ST. JOSEPH WISHING BEAN), WHOLE Carried for luck; used in spells to make wishes come true. MOTHERWORT HERB For the magical protection of women and children; to bring peace to the home and family. MUGWORT (ARTEMISIA) HERB Burned and inhaled for psychic abilities, made into tea to wash amulets and crystals. MULLEIN Used in "dark arts" spells and conjurations; burned with incense when raising spirits. MUSTARD SEED, BLACK (BROWN) To disrupt the activities of unwanted associates or troublesome, meddling people. MUSTARD SEED, WHITE (YELLOW) A symbol of faith, carried for protection and to keep trouble away. NARCISSUS Love NEROLI Purification, joy, sex NASTURTIUM Physical energy, protection NETTLE A strong jinx-breaker herb when used as a sprinkle or brewed and drunk as a tea. NUTMEG magical energy. A most powerful lucky charm is made from it by gamblers to bring in the winnings.

OAKMOSS wealth and Money attraction ONION


Courage and protection ORANGE Purification, joy, physical energy, magical energy OREGANO To keep the law away; also used to keep troublesome in-laws away. PALMAROSA Love and healing PARSLEY Protection PASSION FLOWER HERB Symbolic of clinging love and of the crucifixion; brings peace and blessings to the home. PATCHOULY Sex, physical energy, money. Used in both love-drawing and money-drawing magic rites, and to break jinxes. PEACH TREE LEAF An herb used to help students pass tests and to increase studious concentration. PENNYROYAL HERB Conscious mind, protection. To keep peace in the home, end family troubles, and help solve marital problems. PEONY ROOT slices To protect against misfortune, bolster health, break jinxes, and draw good fortune. PEPPER, BLACK To get rid of evil or to cast evil onto someone; to make someone move out of your way. PEPPER, RED To make problems for someone, cause a break-up, make them move out; also for cleansing. PEPPERMINT Conscious mind, purification PERIWINKLE Placed under the mattress for love; carried to attract money and to dispel the Evil Eye. PETITGRAIN Conscious mind, protection PINE NEEDLES

A spiritual cleanser, draws steady money, drives out spirits, removes mental negativity. PINE To attract money and business success PLANTAIN LEAF An herb that is said to protect one against snakes and also against thieves. PLUMERIA peace and Love POPPY FLOWERS To induce psychic dreams and visions while you sleep; to confuse someone for love. POPPY SEEDS Used in spells to confuse someone; also used to dominate and morally weaken enemies. QUASSIA (BITTER ROOT) chips Used in controlling and domination spells to replace or augment the hair of the target. QUEEN ELIZABETH ROOT (ORRIS ROOT) WHOLE To attract men and to cause them to love you. RASPBERRY LEAVES Used in an herbal bath by women so that their men will not want to wander. RATTLESNAKE MASTER (CORN SNAKE ROOT, ERYNGO) For protection from actual and symbolic "snakes in the grass". RED ROSE Love, peace, sex and beauty ROSEMARY Protects against evil, cleanses, ensures fidelity; gives a woman domination in the home. RUE (RUTA, RUDA) To break hexes or jinxes that have been cast upon you; to ward off the Evil Eye. SAFFLOWER PETALS Conscious mind, physical energy, magical energy, money. Burned as a love-drawing incense by gay men; mixed with Sampson Snake Root by gay men to draw a dominant lover. SAGE

Memory, conscious mind, wisdom, money. For wisdom, discernment, and decision-making; keeps off the Evil Eye; reverses evil magic spells. SAMPSON SNAKE ROOT CHIPS A root of power and strength, especially for men; used in making Jack-balls and mojos. SANDLEWOOD Spirituality, meditation, sex and healing. SARSAPARILLA ROOT CHIPS For health, to draw money, to bless a house, and to arouse sexual passion. SELF HEAL (ALL-HEAL) LEAVES Believed to aid in matters of physical health and to cleanse the sick. SENECA SNAKE ROOT (MILKWORT, RATTLESNAKE ROOT) A magic herb used to protect from liars, false friends, backbiters and other "snakes in the grass."

SENNA LEAF Used to draw love from someone unaware of your interest, also for faithful love. SENNA PODS Mixed with other herbs to make a rinse water for laundry that keeps a lover faithful. SKULLCAP HERB To encourage fidelity; also used to magically attract gifts of money.

SLIPPERY ELM BARK To stop all types of slander, gossip, and back-biting by strangers, neighbors, and family. SNAKE WEED (BISTORT, SMART WEED) For luck and money; to protect against snakes and false friends. SOLOMON'S SEAL ROOT CHIPS To increase wisdom and make wise decisions; for success; for protection. SPANISH MOSS Used to draw in money and business success to individuals. Can also be used to hex your enemies. SPEARMINT Healing, protection during sleep.

SPIDER LILY Love and peace SPIKENARD A noted love-herb, mentioned in the Bible and often used love spells, oils, and incenses. SQUAW VINE (PARTRIDGE BERRY) HERB Used by pregnant women to protect an unborn baby from being "marked" by jealous eyes. STAR ANISE Psychic awareness. Stops misfortunes, increases psychic power, brings back a lost love, increases good luck. STEPHANOTIS Love and peace. SWEET PEA Happiness and courage. SUMAC BERRY To be given a reduced sentence or fine in court cases; for making triple-strength Peace Water. TANSY Said to protect against the police, DEA, or INS looking into one's affairs. TEN BARK (CINCHONA) CHIPS To ward off or reduce the effects of unnatural illnesses caused by tricking or hexing. THYME Courage, conscious mind, health, To make money grow and stay with you; to promote good health; to stop nightmares. TOBACCO (BLACK CANDLE TOBACCO) To win in court; to reach folks when you don't know where they are. TONKA BEAN Money. used in spells to make love-wishes come true TUBEROSE Peace and love. TULIP Purification VANDAL ROOT (VALERIAN ROOT) CHIPS

Used in raising demonic spirits, making pacts, and casting evil spells. VANILLA Sex, love, physical energy, magical energy VERBENA (VERVAIN) One of the three herbal ingredients in magical Medieval True Love Powder. VETIVERT Protection and money

VIOLET Used in magic spells to heal a broken heart and to attract a new love to you. WAHOO ROOT BARK Used in a special magical rite of uncrossing, to take off jinxes and tricks. WALNUT LEAF An herb that is used in hexing, jinxing, crossing, and break-up spells. WALNUT Used in a spell to rid oneself of ties to the past, to remove obsessive love. WATER LILY Peace, happiness, love WHITE OAK BARK CHIPS Brewed into an herbal tea in which one bathes for purification, jinx-removal, and cleansing. WILLOW LEAF Brewed into an herbal tea in which one bathes for purification, jinx-removal, and cleansing. WINTERGREEN Draws money and good luck; aids in sexual matters; used to smoke gambling halls. WOOD ALOE Spirituality, meditation and love WOOD BETONY Protective against evil spirits and disease; burned with Agrimony to reverse jinxes. WORMWOOD A protective magical herb, prevents accidents; stimulates psychic visions and magical contact with spirits.

WOODRUFF Purification and success YARROW Psychic awareness, courage, love. Breaks curses, increases psychic power, and stimulates courage in dangerous situations. YELLOW DOCK ROOT WHOLE Native Americans have preferred this root for the creation of effigy dolls for love. YERBA SANTA The name means Holy herb; it is kept on altars as an offering, and brewed into a cleansing herb tea. YLANG-YLANG Peace, sex and love


YERBA ABRE CAMINO - Use to open your roads for success & opportunity. YERBA ALAMO - Used in spells of protection and to give an individual victory over their enemies. YERBA ALMACIGO - Used in spells of protection against witchcraft. YERBA ALMENDRA - Used in spells of good fortune. YERBA AMANSA GUAPO - Use in attraction and love spells. YERBA CAIMITO - Used in spells of love, domination and seduction. YERBA CAMBIA RUMBO - Use to cause great harm & conflict to your enemies. YERBA CEDRO - Used in spells of spiritual protection and in divination clarity. YERBA DOMINADOR - Used to control others.

YERBA DOMINATE - Used to dominate others. YERBA EXU - Used to open or to close the roads. YERBA ESPUELA DE GALLO - Used in spells of reversing black magic back to the sender. YERBA GUAMA - Used in spells to dominate individuals. YERBA GUAYABA - Used in spells of prosperity and to open your roads. YERBA JALA JALA - Used to attract or to draw in individuals. YERBA JUSTICIA - Used to win a court case. YERBA MORURO - Used in spells to cause harm to your enemies. YERBA HUESO - Used in spells of protection and to break the power of a hex. YERBA PARA MI - Used in love spells & to draw someone to you that you desire. YERBA RASPA LENGUA - Used in spells to shut an individual's mouth. YERBA ROMPE SARAGUEY - Used in spells of banishing evil vibration. YERBA SALTA PERICO - Used in cleansing spells to remove witchcraft or bad health. YERBA SAUCO - Used in spells of protection. YERBA SALVADERA - Used in powerful spells of protection YERBA TENGUE - Used in spells of domination. YERBA TUMBA - Used to make your enemy lose their job. YERBA RAJA - Used in spells of destruction. YERBA PARAISO - Used in spells for gambling success. YERBA VEN A MI - Used in love spells to make someone come to you. YERBA VENCE BATALLA - Used in spells to overcome all obstacles. YERBA VENCEDOR - Used in spells of court to be victorious over your enemies.

YERBA VENCE GUERRA - Used in spells to reverse black magic back to the sender. YERBA YAMAO - Used in spells to make someone call you. YERBA YAYA - Used in spells of domination and control of other people. YERBA YO PUEDO MAS QUE TU - Used in spells to overcome your enemies. YERBA JAGUEY - Used in spells of protection. YERBA RAMON - Used in spells to shut an individual's mouth. YERBA SANTO - Used in spells to overcome an impossible situation. YERBA ROMPE CAMISA - Used in spells to break a black magic spell that someone sent to you. YERBA SIGUARAYA - Used in spells of spiritual cleansing. YERBA VIRA MUNDO - Used in spells to change an individual's fortune from good to bad. YERBA CAMBIA VOZ - Used in spells to change an individual's fortune from bad to good. YERBA BOBO - Used in spells to open or close someone's roads. YERBA ESPUELA - Used in spells to conqueror your enemies. YERBA CABALLERO - Used in spells to dominate and to control your enemies. YERBA GUAYACAN - Used in spells of removing hexes. YERBA MALAMBO - Used in spells of black magic to send the spirits to attract another individual. YERBA MAMEY - Used in spells of domination or to attract money. YERBA ZAPOTE - Used to dominate your enemies. YERBA NEGRO - Used in spells to cause conflict or a separation between two individuals. YERBA PINO - Used in powerful money spells. YERBA QUITA MALDICION - Used to remove witchcraft or negative vibrations. YERBA VERRACO - Used in spells of spiritual cleansing

YERBA ADAN Y EVA - Used in spells to attract the perfect mate. YERBA SAVILA - Used in spells of purification and to restore one's health. YERBA ATRAYENTE - Used in spells of love and attraction. YERBA ATADOR - Used in binding spells. YERBA ARTE NEGRA - Used in black magic spells to destroy your enemy. YERBA GATO NEGRO - Used in spells to cross someone's luck up. YERBA GALLINA NEGRA - Used in powerful spells of protection and to escape the law. YERBA NEGRA DESTRUCTOR - Used in spells of destruction. YERBA DEVUELVERME A MI AMOR - Used in spells to make a lost love return to you. YERBA COMANDANTE - Used in spells to control and to dominate individuals. YERBA CONFUSION - Used in spells to make someone confused. YERBA CONGO - Used in powerful spells to break the power of a black magic spell. YERBA AMOR VENCEDOR - Used in spells to overcome all obstacles. YERBA ESPIRITU VENCEDOR - Used in spells of protection and spiritual cleansing. YERBA CONTROLAR - Used in spells to control any situation. YERBA ARRASA CON TODO - Used in spells to destroy your enemies and to remove problems. YERBA HARAS MI VOLUNTAD - Used in spells to make people do what you want them to do. YERBA DOMINACION - Used in spells to dominate individuals. YERBA NO ME OLVIDES - Used in spells to make someone constantly think of you. YERBA NO ME ABANDONES-Used in spells of love to bind someone to you so they will not leave you. YERBA DESENVOLVIMIENTO - Used in spells to clear your mind so you can think much clearer. YERBA SIGUEME - Used in spells to make an individual follow you wherever you go.

YERBA CUATRO VIENTOS - Used in spells to invoke the power of the spirits for their assistance. YERBA ODIO - Used in spells to make other individuals hate a specific person. YERBA VETE DE AQUI - Used in spells to make an individual get away from you. YERBA AGUANTALO - Used in spells to keep good luck flowing their way. YERBA YO PUEDO Y TU NO - Used in spells to dominate your enemies. YERBA INTRANQUILO - Used in spells to make an individual intranquilo. YERBA DESESPERO - Used in spells to make someone think of you always YERBA VENCERE-Used in spells that assist someone in getting a job promotion or to find a new job. YERBA CONTRA EL MAL - Used in spells to remove bad luck. YERBA IRRESISTIBLE - Used in spells to make an individual irresistible to other individuals. YERBA DESESPERADAMENTE - Used in spells to make an individual lust after you. YERBA MALEFICIO - Used in spells to cause an individual to have bad luck. YERBA ROMPE TRABAJO - Used in spells to remove black magic from an individual. YERBA JUAN CONQUISTADOR - Used in spells to win any court battle or to escape the law. YERBA JUSTO JUEZ - Used in spells to sway a jury in your favor. YERBA RETIRA ENEMIGOS - Used in spells to get rid of your enemies. YERBA CORTA MALDA - Used in spells to remove negative vibration away from an individual. YERBA CORTA ODIO - Used in spells to make your enemies like you. YERBA DAMA DE LA NOCHE - Used in spells of attraction and seduction. YERBA BUSCAME - Used in spells to make individuals fall in love with you. YERBA MIRAME Y NO ME TOQUES Spells to get money out of other individuals without having sex. YERBA QUIERME - Used in spells to make individuals desire you.

YERBA MATRIMONIO - Used in spells to attract a marriage to an individual. YERBA VEN DINERO - Used in spells to attract money to an individual. YERBA CONTRA LA LEY - Used in spells to escape the law. YERBA PAZ - Used in spells of protection. YERBA PODER Y AGARRE - Used in spells to control any situation and or people. YERBA PROSPERIDAD - Used in spells to bring fortune and prosperity to an individual. YERBA CONTRA ENEMIGOS - Used in spells of protection from attacks of black magic. YERBA CONTRA ENVIDIA - Used in spells to remove bad luck caused by the evil eye or hex. YERBA CONTRA DANOS - Used in spells of protection from harm YERBA DEL RITIRO - Used in spells to stop a black magic attack. YERBA REVERSIBLE - Used in spells to reverse a black magic spell back to your enemy. YERBA SAN CIPRIANO - Used in black magic spells to conqueror your enemies. YERBA SAN RAMON - Used in spells to shut your enemies mouth YERBA SANTA CLARA - Used in spells of protection and healing. YERBA SANTA MARTHA - Used in spells of domination. YERBA SEDUCCION - Used in spells of seduction and attraction. YERBA REGRESAR EL MAL - Used in spells to send back black magic back to your enemies. YERBA SEPARACION - Used in powerful separation spells. YERBA 7 POTENCIAS AFRICANAS - Used in spells of luck, protection, good health and wealth. YERBA AJO MACHO - Used in spells of protection against the evil eye. YERBA CALLATE LA BOCA - Used in spells to stop rumors. YERBA ROMPE CONJUROS - Used in spells to break a hex.

YERBA CHANGO MACHO - Used in spells of attraction and luck at gambling. YERBA QUEDATE EN CASA - Used in spells to make your mate stay at home and to be faithful. YERBA QUEDATE CONMIGO - Used in spells to make your make faithful only to you. YERBA ESTATE QUIETO - Used in spells to make your mate only think of you. YERBA TAPA BOCA - Used in spells to stop your enemies from talking negative about you. YERBA GARRAPATA - Used in spells of love, seduction and domination of your mate. YERBA EXITO - Used in spells of gambling to bring the individual luck and success. YERBA AMARRADOR - Used in spells to dominate your enemies. YERBA TRIUNFAR - Used in spells to overcome all obstacles. YERBA TRANQUILO - Used in spells to make individuals calm & peaceful. YERBA DESCUZAR - Used in spells to remove a powerful hex. YERBA TE ODIARA TE AMANTE - Used in spells to make a married couple hate each other. YERBA VEN DINERO - Used in spells to enhance your gambling luck. YERBA QUITA CENIZA - Used in spells to remove bad luck. YERBA CONTRA RUMORES - Used in spells to stop rumors. YERBA JUSTO JUEZ - Used in spells to escape the law or to win in court. YERBA SAN JORGE - Used in spells to conqueror your enemies. YERBA DESCRUZANTE - Used in spells to remove bad luck. YERBA SANGRE DE DRAGON - Used in spells to remove witchcraft YERBA SAN ALEJO - Used in spells to make your enemies go far away. YERBA PATCHOULI - Used in spells to attract love. YERBA CHUPARROSA - Used in love spells to attract a new love.

YERBA GUERRERO - Used in spells to attack your enemies spiritually. YERBA TUMBA Y DESBARATAR - Used in black magic spells to destroy your enemies. YERBA AMAREE - Used in spells to bind someone to you in love and romance. YERBA FLAMBOYAN - Used in spells to conqueror your enemies. YERBA CEIBA - Used in spells of protection or to summon the spirits for special request. YERBA SANDALO - Used in powerful love spells and domination spells. YERBA ROSA - Used in spells of protection and luck. YERBA LAVANDA - Used in powerful spells of protection and love



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