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53/1551-ASB 501 04 Uen C1

ASB 501 04, acronyms, abbreviations and glossary

1 Introduction


Acronyms, abbreviations and glossary
2.1 Acronyms and abbreviations
2.2 Glossary

1 Introduction
The intention with this document is to describe the acronyms, abbreviations and glossary used in
the ASB 501 04 documentation.
2 Acronyms, abbreviations and glossary
2.1 Acronyms and abbreviations
10Base2 A Baseband Medium speciIication deIined by the standard IEEE 802.3. Commonly known as
50 Ohm Coax Media.
10BaseT A Baseband Medium speciIication deIined by the standard IEEE 802.3. Commonly known as
Twisted Pair Media.
2BD Basic rate signalling Iormat (2x64 kbit/s 16 kbit/s)
2B1Q DLR-3, Digital Line Repeater
23BD Primary rate signalling Iormat (23x64 kbit/s 64 kbit/s).
Only Ior North America
30BD Primary rate signalling Iormat (30x64 kbit/s 64 kbit/s)

A Executive override initiating party, A-party, calling party
A-law A type oI PCM coding
AAU Access Agent Unit board
AC Area Code
AC Common Abbreviated number
AC Alternating Current
ACAB Agent Call Account BuIIer
ACC Account Code
ACCT Account Code inIormation
ACD Automatic Call Distribution
ACD Agent A user (person) who is deIined in the ACD system
ACD Group A logical point Ior start oI search Ior Iree ACD agents
ACM All Contained Module
ACO Account Code
ACS Advanced Communication System
AD Amendment Directive
ADN Additional Directory Number
ADPCM Adaptive DiIIerential Pulse Code Modulation
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
AL ApplicationLink
AL Application Layer
ALU Alarm Unit
AMI Alternating Mode Inversion
AMU Acquisition Memory Unit
ANCD Automatic Network Call Distribution
A logical point Ior start oI traIIic distribution locally or in the network
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AOC Advice oI Charge
AOC-D Advice oI Charge, During call
AOC-E Advice oI Charge, End oI call
AON A-number Iunction in the Export application system
APDU Application Protocol Data Unit
API Application Programmer's InterIace. See also TAPI, E-API and I/O API
APNSS Analogue Private Network Signalling System
ARC Access Right Class (DECT)
ARI Access Rigths Identity. A DECT parameter that is used to identiIy
diIIerent parts oI a DECT system.
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
AS Application System
ASB 501 04 Product name Ior MD110
ASCII American Standard Code Ior InIormation Interchange
ASP Application System Parameter
AT Attention
ATA Advanced Technology Attachment
(PC hard disk drive bus interIace)
ATM Asynchronous TransIer Mode
ATS Analogue Telephone Set
AUI Attachment Unit InterIace
AUTKEY Authentication Key
AUX Auxiliary

B Whom executive override was initiated upon (see A), B-party, called party
B-channel Bearer channel Ior user inIormation
BAL Bus Arbiter Logic
BC Commercial expression Ior a release oI the exchange
BC Bearer Capability
BCD Binary Code Decimal
BCU Bus Connection Unit board
BDM Background Debug Mode
BFU Battery Fuse Unit
BHCA Busy Hour Call Attempt
BHCC Busy Hour Call Completion
BLT Broadcast Link Table
BMX Business Multiplexor system
BOS Bit Oriented Signalling
BPU Break Point Unit
BRA Basic Rate Access (2BD)
BRI Basic Rate InterIace (2BD)
BRT Block ReIerence Table
BS330 A base station model
BS340 A base station model
BS370 Base station repeater
BSS Business Subscriber System (CENTREX application)
BSY Busy message
BSYS The soItware Base System in the Access Agent
BT British Telecom
BTNR British Telecom Network Requirement
BTU Bothway Trunk Unit
BUAR Backup Area

C The third party connected to A- and B-parties in executive override
(see A and B)
C C-reIerence point (ISDN)
C-OP Centralized Operator
CA Control Application
CAB Callback
CAC Common Authorization Code (central)
CAD Call Diversion
CAL Calendar Iunction
CAL Call originator message
CALT Call Types
CAP CTM Access ProIile, deIined in ETS 300 824
CAS Channel Associated Signalling
CAW Call Waiting
CBCS Call By Call Service number
CBNA Callback at No Answer (same as CCNR)
CBWF Callback When Free (same as CCBS)
CC Call Control
CCA Call Centre Agent
CCBS Call Completion to Busy Subscriber
CCITT Committe ConsultatiI International de Telegraphique et Telephonique,
now called ITU-T
CCM Call Centre Manager
CCNR Call Completion on No Reply
CCOP Customer Centralized Operator
CCS Common Channel Signalling
CCSS7 Common Channel Signalling System No. 7
CDIV Call Diversion
CD Command Data
CDL CD Length
CDU Charging Detection Unit
CENTREX Business Subscriber System. Public exchange with PABX Iunctionality.
CES Communication End point SuIIix
CF Common Functions
CFB Call Forwarding on Busy
CFNR Call Forwarding on No Reply
CFP Common Fixed Part (ELU31)
CFT Common Function Table
CFU Call Forwarding Unconditional
CHAP Secure authentication support in the PPP protocol, compare with PAP
CHO Choice
CHU Channel Unit board
CI Common InterIace
CID Customer Identity
CIL Call InIormation Logging
CL Call Logging
CL Current Limiter
CLI Calling Line IdentiIication
CLIP Calling Line IdentiIication, Presentation
CLIR Calling Line IdentiIication, Restriction
CLOP Customer Local Operator
CLT Clerical Time (Ior ACD)
CN Change Note
CNF ConIerence
CNI Correction Note Issue
CNP Coordinated Numbering Plan
CO Central OIIice
Codec Coder-decoder
COF Call OIIer
COG Call Origin Group
COLP Connected Line IdentiIication, Presentation
COLR Connected Line IdentiIication, Restriction
CONF ConIlict Number Flag
CORE A DECT base station model
CORG Call Origin Group
COS Class OI Service
COT Call Origin Type
COU Control Unit board
CP Call Progress
CPU Central Processing Unit
CSEL Cable Selection
CSI Call Service InIormation
CSIU Call Service InIormation Users
CSP Common Service ProIile
CSTA Computer Supported Telecommunications Application
CSV Congestion Supervision Value
CT Command Type
CT Computer Telephony
CT Cordless Terminal
CT Adapter Product name Ior TAU-D
CTI Computer Telephony Integration
CTI Group An ACD group with CSTA monitoring
CTM Cordless Terminal Mobility (DECT)
CTS Cordless Telephone Set
CUP Call Pick-Up
CUST Customer number
CWF Connect When Free
CXN Cordless Extension

D-channel Signalling channel (ISDN)
DA Destination Address
DAM DECT Authentication Module
DASL Digital Adapter Ior Subscriber Loops (transceiver circuit)
DASS Digital Access Signalling System
DBA Product name Ior telephones
DBC Product name Ior telephones
DBY Product name Ior option unit Ior telephones
DC Direct Current
DCE Data Communication Equipment
DCK Derived Cipher Key
DCM Designation Card Manager
DCS Data Coding Scheme
DCS Data Communication Subsystem
DCT Digital Cordless Telephone
DDN Data Directory Number
DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications. Standard Ior cordless
DEST External Destination
DFC Data Formatting Circuit (Ericsson proprietary signalling)
DHCP Dynamic Host ConIiguration Protocol
DID Direct In-dialling
DIR Directory Number
DISA Direct Inward System Access
DIV Diversion
DLC Data Link Control
DLR-3 Digital Line Repeater
DMI Digital Multiplex InterIace
D.N.A. Dynamic Network Administration
DND Do Not Disturb
DNIS Dialled Number InIormation Service
DNS Data Name Selection
DNT Destination Number Table
DOS Disk Operating System
DP Device Processor
DPNSS Digital Private Network Signalling System
-channel Signalling channel, D-channel at the Q-reIerence point (DRA)
DRA Dynamic Route Allocation
DRC Dynamic Route Controller
DRG Digital Residential Gateway
DRX Digital Rural exchange
DSP Digital Signal Processor
DSS1 Digital Signalling System 1
DSU Distributed Switch Unit. Part oI the LIM switch
DT Dial Tone
DTC Data Transmission Characteristics
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
DTMF Dual Tone Multi Frequency
DTMFR Dual Tone Multi Frequency Receiver
DTR Data Terminal Ready
DTS Digital Telephone Set
DUART Dual Asyncronous Receiver/Transmitter
DUP DECT User Part
DW DocWare (documentation)
DXN Data Extension

E Erlang. Unit oI measurement Ior traIIic intensity.
E1 2 Mbit/s InterIace (ETSI)
E&M E&M signalling (Eear Mmouth)
E-API Extension Application Programmer's InterIace
EA External Analysis
EC External LIM control
ECF External Call Forwarding (external Iollow-me)
ECMA European Computer ManuIacturer's Association
ECP Echo Cancelling Program
ED External destination
ED External Dump
EDDS1 European DSS1
EDWSP Ericsson DECT WinSock2 Service Provider
EEBG Ericsson Enterprise Branch Gateway
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EGS Extension Group Subsystem
EIC Equipment Installer's Code
EIC Ericsson Identity Code
EIDE Enhanced Integrated Device Electronics
(PC hard disk drive bus interIace)
ELS Extension Line Subsystem
ELU Extension Line Unit
ELU-A Extension Line Unit, Analogue
ELU-D Extension Line Unit, Digital
EM Electronic Mail
EMC Equipment ManuIacturer's Code
EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
EMG Extension Manager
EMI ElectroMagnetic InterIerence
EMU Expanded Memory Unit
ENIPGW Enterprise IP Gateway
ENR External Number Redial
ENT External Number Table
EOS End OI Selection
EPC Enterprise Password Centre
EPP Express Powering Pair. Extra wire pair used to power Ieed the base station (DECT)
ERWT Expensive Route Warning Tone
ESD Electro Static Discharge
ESPA European Selective Paging manuIacturer's Association
ETE End-To-End
ETN Electronic Tandem Network
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EWT Estimated Waiting Time
EXN Extension
EXS Executive System
EXT External party

FAX Facsimile (Transmission)
FBOX Filter Box
FBOXLFU Filter Box Ior Line Filter Unit
FC Feature Code
FCS Failure Cause
FCV Frame Counter Value. 32 bit counter value used Ior ciphering in base
stations (DECT)
FDDI Fibre Distributed Data InterIace
FDT Fictitious Destination Table
FEN Free seating Extension Number
FME Follow-me
FOLT Fibre Optic Line Terminal
FOS Front OIIice System (Hospitality Application)
FP Fixed Part
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
FPROM Flash Programmable Memory, non-volatile read/write
FPTS Fixed Part TimeStamp
FR Frame Relay
FRCT Fictitious Route Choice Table
FRL Facility Restriction Level
FS Function SpeciIication
FSM Final State Machine
FT Fixed radio Termination
FTP File TransIer Protocol
FTU Failure TransIer Unit
FW FirmWare
FX-line Foreign Exchange Line

GAP Generic Access ProIile, deIined in ETS 300 444
GCU Group switch Clock Unit
GDI Generic DECT InterIace
GDND Group Do Not Disturb
GE Generic Extension
GF Generic Functional procedures, ISDN mechanism Ior conveying
standardized data
GFP Generic Functional protocol (in ISDN)
GHS Gateway Hospitality Server
GICI General InIormation Computer InterIace
GICI-E General InIormation Computer InterIace over Ethernet
GJU-G Group Junctor Unit, group switch side
GJU-L Group Junctor Unit, LIM side
GJC Group Junction Circuit
GK Gatekeeper
GND Ground
GNU Producer oI Ireeware, e.g. compression tools
GOS Grade oI Service
GRP Group
GS Group Switch
GSM Group Switch Module
GSU Group Switch Unit
GUI Graphical User InterIace
GW Gateway
GXC Group Switch Cross Point Switch Circuit
GXCI GXC Initialization

HDLC High level Data Link Control (bitoriented data transIer protocol in ISO/OSI layer 2;
HDT Hardware Disposition Table
HDU Hard Disk Unit
HLC High Level Compatibility
HLI Handover Length Indicator
HLR Home Location Register, located in home node
HSM Hospitality Server Module
http Hyper-Text TransIer Protocol
HVBU Hospitality Voice Board Unit
HW HardWare

IAD Individual Abbreviated Number
IAP ISDN Access ProIile (part oI DECT)
ICL Intrusion Capability Level
ICMP Internetwork Control Message Protocol
ICS Interception Computer Services
ICU InIormation Computer Unit
IDE Integrated Drive Electronics
IDN ISDN terminal Directory Number
IDNX Intelligent Digital Network exchange
IE InIormation Element
IEEE Institute oI Electrical and Electronics Engineers
I/F InterIace
IFM InterFace Module
I/O Input/Output
I/O API Input/Output system Application Programmer's InterIace
IOS Input/Output Subsystem
IP Internet Protocol
IPA Individual number Ior PABX
IPC Inter-PABX Connection at the C-reIerence point
IPDI International Portable DAM Identity (DECT)
IPEI International Portable Equipment Identity
IPeX IP extension
IPL Intrusion Protection Level
IPL Inter-PABX Link at the Q-reIerence point (DRA)
IPL Inter-processor Link
IPU Input/output Unit
IPUI International Portable User Identity (DECT)
IPUX An operating and Iile system Iound on every IPU board
IRA International ReIerence Alphabet
IRD Individual Repeated Distribution. Replaced by RID in all O&M documents
IS Interception computer system
IS Interception Service
ISC Interception Service Computer
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISDN Q Q-interIace or Q-reIerence point (between PABXes), ISDN concept
ISDN T T-interIace or T-reIerence point (between PABX and public exchange),
ISDN concept
ISO International Standardization Organisation
ISP Internet Service Provider
ISP In System Programmable
ITD ISDN Terminal Directory number
ITG Integrated Trunk Gateway
ITU International Telecommunication Union
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunications
Standardization Sector
IV Integrated Voice mail
IVM Integrated Voice Mail
IVN Intervening Network
IVR Integrated Voice Response

kbps Kilo bits per second
KS Session key (in DECT)

LA Location Area
LAC Least Cost Routing Access Code
LAN Local Area Network
LBP LIM Backplane
LCA LiIe Cycle Assessment
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCE Link Control Entity
LCP LPU Communication Processor
LCP LIM communications program
LCR Least Cost Routing
LCR - TOD Least Cost Routing - Time OI Day
LD-CELP Low Delay Code Excited Linear Prediction
LDN Listed Directory Number
LE Local Exchange
LED Light Emitting Diode
LFU Line Filter Unit
LIM Line InterIace Module
LL Lower Layers
LLC Lower Layer Compatibility
LLO Line Lockout
LMP LPU Main Processor
LNR Last Number Redial
LP Main LIM Processor
LPU LIM Processor Unit
LRMS Low Rate Messaging Service
LS LIM Switch
LSS Line Subsystem (in ASB 501 01)
LSU LIM Switch Unit
LTU Line Terminal Unit
LV Length Value
LVP Localization oI Voice Prompts application

M Module ( 1 M 2,54 mm )
M Mandatory
MAC Medium Access Control
MAI Maintenance Alarm Indication
MAIC Maintenance Alarm Indication Clear
MAU Modem Adapter Unit
Mbps Megabits per second
Mbyte Megabyte
MCT Malicious Call Tracing
MCU Multipoint Control Unit
MD Modular Digital system
MD110 Sales name Ior the ASB 501 04 product
MDD Multi Directory Diversion
MDDT MD Disk Tool
MDF Main Distribution Frame
MDM Main Distribution Module
MDN Multiple represented Directory Number
MDP Market Dependent Parameter
MEU Memory Extension Unit
MEW Message Waiting
MF Multi Frequency
MFC Multi Frequency signalling, Compelled
MFE Multi Frequency signalling, Espana
MFP Multi Frequency signalling, Pulsed
MFPB Multi Frequency Push Button
MFU Multi Function Unit
MGAC Modem Group Access Code
MGE Modem Group Equipment
MGN Modem Group Number
MIB Management InIormation Base. A data base in a managed object reIlecting its current
conIiguration and status.
MIL Mobility InIormation Logging
MIPS Million Instructions Per Second
MIS Management InIormation System
MM Mobility Management
MMB Multi Member Busy
MML Man-Machine Language
MMP Multi Modular Plug
MMT Management
MMU Memory Managing Unit
MMW Manual Message Waiting
MN Message Number
MNS Multiple Directory number and Name Selection
MNS Multiple represented directory number with telephone Name Selection
MO Mobile Originator
MO Mobile Originated SMS message
MODEM Modulation / Demodulation. An electronic device Ior converting between
digital data Irom a computer and an audio signal suitable Ior transmission over telephone lines
MOH Music on hold
MOS Message Oriented Signalling
MOS Mean Opinion Score
MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switching
MPPP Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol
MPU Multi Party Unit
MPX Multipurpose exchange
MR Message ReIerence
MR ModiIication Release
MS Mobility Server
MS Mobile Station
MSC Mobile Switching Centre
MSN Multiple Subscriber Number
MSU Message Signal Unit
MT Mobile Terminator
MT Mobile Terminated SMS message
MTBCF Mean Time Between Critical Failure
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTI Message Type Indicator
MTP Message TransIer Part
MTTF Mean Time To Failure
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
Mu-law A type oI PCM coding
MUP Management User Part
MUX Multiplexor Unit
MW Message Waiting
MWI Message Waiting Indication

NA Number Analysis
N/A Not Applicable
NCOP Network Centralized Operator
NDUB Network Determined User Busy
NI Name Identity
NIC Network InterIace Card
NiMH Nickel-Manganese Metal Hydride (battery type)
NIU Network InterIace Unit (SCSI)
NIU2 Network InterIace Unit (ATA)
NIUX An operating and Iile system Iound on every NIU board
NLOG Name and number log
NLT Number Length Table
NPA Numbering Plan Area
NPM Numbering Plan Manager (in D.N.A.)
ns Nanoseconds
NSI Non-SpeciIied InIormation (in DPNSS)
NWK Network

O Optional
O&M Operation and Maintenance
OA Originating Address
OACC Operator Access Code
OAM Optional Applications Module
OAT Out oI Area Telephone Lines
OC OIIice Code
OCP OIIice code PreIix subtables
OCPT OIIice Code PreIix Table
OCPT OIIice Code PreIix Table number
OCC Other Common Carrier
ODN Own Directory Number
OPI PABX Operator Instrument
OPI-II PABX Operator Instrument, second version oI the symbolic OPI
OPS PABX Operator Subsystem
OSA Operator System Access
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OVP OverVoltage Protection
OWS Operator Work Station

PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange
PAG Paging Equipment
PAP Simple authentication support in the PPP protocol, compare with CHAP
PARI Primary Access Right Identity (DECT)
PARK Portable Access Right Key (DECT)
PAX Private Automatic exchange (without trunks)
PBA Printed Board Assembly
PBM Power Backup Module
PBX Private Branch Exchange (see PABX)
PBX-group Internal group hunting group
PC Personal Computer
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PCREGEN PC-program Ior Regeneration oI initiation commands
PDC Public Destination access Code
PDM Power Distribution Module
PDN Public Directory Number
PDT PCM lines Distribution Table
PDU Packet Data Unit
PEDA Parity Error Detection circuit, A-side
PEDB Parity Error Detection circuit, B-side
PFA Packet Frame and Access (module)
PGU Paging Unit
PHF Packet Handling Function
PHY Physical
PI Parameter Indicator
PI Presentation Indicator
PID Protocol IdentiIier
PIN Personal IdentiIication Number
PINX Private ISDN exchange
PLD Programmable Logic Device
PLF Program Loader Firmware
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network
PMBX Private Manual Branch exchange
PNR Private Network Routing
PO Public Operator
POM Position Manager
POTS Plain Ordinary Telephone Set
POU Power Unit board
PP Portable Part, i.e. cordless telephone, DECT handset
PPP Point to Point Protocol. An Internet standard Ior transmission oI IP packets over serial lines.
PPS Pulses Per Second
PRA Primary Rate Access (23BD or 30BD)
PRE PreIix
PRI Primary Rate InterIace (23BD or 30BD)
PRI Product Revision InIormation
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
PRS Processor Subsystem
PSC Personal Screen Call
PSM Processor/Switch Module
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PT Portable radio Termination
PTN Private Telephone Network
PTS Proceed To Send
PU Program Unit
PUN Portable User Number
PU5DC Power Unit 5 Direct Currents. LIM power unit, replaced by RG5DC
PWM PoWer Module

Q Q-reIerence point (ISDN)
QINF Queue InIormation indicator
QoS Quality oI Service
QSIG ISDN signalling over the Q-reIerence point
QSIG-CF ISDN Signalling protocol Ior Call Forwarding
QSIG-CT ISDN Signalling protocol Ior Call TransIer
QSIG-PR ISDN Signalling protocol Ior Path Replacement

R&D Research and Development
RAC Route Access Code
RAC Individual Authorization Code (regional)
RAM Random Access Memory
RAS Registration, Admission and Status protocol. Part oI H.225.0
RAS Remote Access Server
RCT Route Choice Table
RD Reject Duplicates
RED Random Early Discard
RES Reset indicator
REU Ring Equipment Unit
REX Radio Exchange (Ireestanding)
RFC The network working groups, Request For Comments, Internet standard
RFP Radio Fixed Part (base station)
RFPI Radio Fixed Part Identity
RG5DC Ringing Generator with 5 Direct Currents
RID Repeated Individual Diversion
RIH Ring extension Handling
RL Ring Line
RL Relay Layer
RLD Reset Logic Device
RLT Release Link Trunk
ROC Routing Category
ROP Route Optimization
ROT Rotation storage area
ROU Route
RP Reply Path
RP Relay layer Protocol
RPN Radio Iixed Part Number
RSVP Resource reservation protocol
RTCP Real-time Transmission Control Protocol
RTOS Real Time Operating System
RTP Real-time Transmission Protocol
RTS Rotary analogue Telephone Set
RVA Recorded Voice Announcement
RWM Read-Write Memory
RX Receive

ISDN terminal interIace
ISDN Primary rate access interIace
SARI Secondary Access Right Identity (DECT)
SC Switch Control
SC Service Centre
SC Serial Channel
SC0 Serial Communication channel 0. One oI two pairs to the base station
SC1 Serial Communication channel 1. One oI two pairs to the base station
SCA Serial Communications Adaptor
SCA Service Centre Address
SCB Signal Copy BuIIer
SCC Serial Communication Channel
SCC Serial Communication Controller
SCD System ConIiguration Data
SCN Switched Circuit Network
SCP Signalling Control Protocol
SCSI Small Computer System InterIace
SES Service system
SGRP Service Group (in ACD)
SIC Service Indicator Code
InterIace Device circuit
SIF Signalling InIormation Field
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SIO Service InIormation Octet
SIU Serial InterIace Unit
SKI SoIt-Key InIormation
SLU Signalling Line Unit
SM Short Message
SMDR Station Message Detail Recording (see CIL)
SMMA Short Message Memory Available
SMS Service operation and Maintenance Subsystem
SMS Short Message Service
SMS-SC SMS - Service Centre
SN Subscriber Number
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SONIC System Oriented Network InterIace Controller (Ethernet)
SP Service Pack
SP Signal Processor
SPC Semi-permanent connection
SPC Stored Program Controlled
SPI Source Program InIormation
SPI Serial Peripheral InterIace
SPORT Serial Port on the DSP
SPU Signal Processor Unit
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
SRR Status Report Request
SS#7 Signalling System No. 7 (see CCSS7)
SSPC Static Semi-permanent Connection
SQL Structured Query Language
SQT Service Quarter Telephone (Hospitality Application)
SST Single Step TransIer, CSTA deIlection but in speech state
SSTATE Signal State
SSW System SoItWare
ST Signalling Terminal
stn Station
SUPDP System User Programmed Data Print
SUS Support Subsystem
SW SoItWare
SW Wait state (1 SW 1 clock period ~ 60 nanoseconds)
SWS Switch Subsystem
SYAR System Area

T Tag
T1 1.5 Mbit/s interIace (ANSI)
TA Trading Application
TAPI Telephony Application Programmer's InterIace
TAU Terminal Adapter Unit
TAU-A Terminal Adapter Unit, Analogue
TAU-D Terminal Adapter Unit, Digital
TAU-H Terminal Adapter Unit, Hayes
TAU-PC Terminal Adapter Unit, Personal Computer
TAU-S Terminal Adapter Unit, Stand-alone
TAU-T Terminal Adapter Unit, Telephone
TCB Transmission Control Block
TCD Trunk Call Discrimination
TCM Travelling Class Mark
TCM Time Compressed Multiplexed technique
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The standard Internet protocol suite that
provides network addressing and secure transport oI data over a LAN-type network.
TCS TraIIic Control Subsystem
TDM Time Diversion Multiplex
TE Terminal Equipment
TEAM Telephone support system
Telnet Terminal Emulation Link Network. The Internet standard protocol on top oI TCP/IP Ior
remote terminal connection service.
TES Test Environment Subsystem
TEU Test Unit boards
TEU-D Test Unit, Daughter board
TEU-M Test Unit, Mother board
TIF Time slot InterIace, the name oI the FPGA on the VCU board
TL TransIer Layer
TL Trunk Line block
TLU Trunk Line Unit
TLV Tag Length Value
TM TraIIic Measurement
TMR Tone Message Receiver
TMS Telephony Management System (Hospitality Application)
TMU Tone and Multiparty Unit
TNS Telephone Name Selection
TNS Transit Network Selection
TOLL Toll restriction indicator
Token Ring LAN technology based on a ring, compatible to IEEE 802.5
TON Type OI Number
ToS Type oI Service. It is a QoS mechanism that tags IP packets so they can
receive diIIerent treatment Irom network device
TP TransIer Protocol
TPDU TransIer Protocol Data Unit
TR TraIIic Recording
TR Token Ring
TRK Trunk
TRS Trunk line and Routing Subsystem
TRS Transceiver
TRT Translation Table
TRU Tone Receiver Unit
TS Time Slot
TSA Time Slot Assigner
TSM Time Switch Module
TST Tele Service Type
TSU Tone Sender Unit
TUP Telephone User Part
TX Transmit

ISDN interIace. Two wire 2BD with echo cancelling
UAK User Authentication Key (DECT)
UD User Data
UDC Ericsson's Usage Data Collector Ior collecting call records
UDH UD Header
UDHI UDH Indication
UDI Unrestricted Digital InIormation
UDI-TA Unrestricted Digital InIormation with Tones and Announcements
UDL UD Length
UDP User Datagram Protocol
ULR User Location Register, located in visitor LIM
UNIX Operating system
UNP UniIorm Number Plan
UPC User Part Coordinator
Upn ISDN-like 2BD protocol used between the ELU31 board and the base
-channel The compressed channels. User channel at the Q-reIerence point (DRA)
us Microseconds
USART Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
UUI User to User InIormation, ISDN mechanism Ior proprietary
UUS User to User Signalling service

V.24 A serial communication standard deIined by the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU-T)
VC Voice Compression
VCF VCU Firmware
VCU Voice Compression Unit
VIM Voice Intercept Messaging
VLR Visitor Location Register
VM Voice Mail
VMU Voice Mail Unit
VPF Validity Period Format
VPN Virtual Private Network
VSU Voice Storage Unit
VSU Voice Server Unit, LIM-mounted hardware Ior storing voice messages
VUC Virtual User Call

WAN Wide Area Network
WAP Wireless Application Protocol
WBXML Wireless, binary-coded XML
WFQ Weighted Fair Queuing
WINS Windows Internet Naming Service
WML Wireless Markup Language
WORF Base station models BS330/BS340 (DECT)
WSP WinSock2 Service Provider
WSP Wireless Session Protocol
www World Wide Web (Internet)

X.25 A communication standard protocol Ior Packet data signalling, deIined by the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU-T)
XML Extensible Markup Language, subset oI SGML

ZLIB Data compression library by Jean-Loup Gailly and Mark Adler
2.2 Glossary
Expression Explanation
A set oI bits that allows to deIine in an IP address the part ascribed to the subnet and the
part ascribed to the terminal. It is used to decide iI a packet shall be sent within the
segment oI the LAN or iI it shall be sent to another segment oI the LAN via a router
ApplicationLink An Ericsson developed CSTA server platIorm, to connect ASB 501 04 CSTA to e.g.
Novell Telephone Server or ECMA CSTA
Command log A Iile that stores the records oI the MML commands and some other system events
Data network It is the same as a packet based network
The device used Ior routing packets between segments in the LAN. The IP address
included in the packets is the key Ior the routing Iunction. The router is external to the
ASB 501 04 and routes the packets that shall be sent to another LAN segment.
Dual extension A dual access extension uses the proprietary 2-wire interIace DASL&S
and S
to connect a DTS, a PC with Personal Screen Call and ISDN-terminals to the ASB 501
Ethernet IEEE 802.3 standard networking technology Ior local area networks
External call Call to/Irom a destination outside the PABX
Firewall Device that protects the network behind it Irom intruders and Irom unpermitted
applications access. It may be realized by a stand alone host or as a part oI another device
like e.g. a router.
It can also be a set oI programs, located in a server at the entrance point to a network, that
protects the resources oI the private network against unpermitted use Irom other
Free seating
A generic extension which has an associated Individual Authorization Code (regional)
and a Iree seating licence
Free seating LIM The LIM where the Iree seating proIile is kept
Gatekeeper The entity that basically provides address translation, bandwidth management, call
management and admission control Ior H.323 endpoints
Gateway The H.323 endpoint that allows the connection oI IP terminals on a packet based network
to other terminals in the switched circuit network by providing protocol translation.
An extension which is compliant with the Extension API, an internal interIace in the ASB
501 04. It means that the implementation uses CSP and an HLR/ULR (home/visitor) data
structure and supports certain signal interIaces.
H.225.0 ITU-T Standard Ior call signalling and RAS between H.323 entities.
Partly based on Q.931
H.245 ITU-T Standard describing the logical channel signalling protocol between H.323 entities
H.323 ITU-T umbrella recommendation Ior multimedia communications using a packet
switched transport network
H.323 Endpoint An H.323-compliant terminal, Gateway or Multipoint Control Unit. It generates and/or
receives inIormation streams
Handover When a cordless extension is in an established speech connection and moves to another
location area, the established speech connection is kept. The handover Iunction perIorms
a switching oI speech connections and a location update is necessary.
Home LIM The LIM in which a generic extension is initiated
Host telephone The telephone Irom which a Iree seating log on is requested
Hypertext Organization oI inIormation units into connected associations
Internal call Call to/Irom an extension or other internal party within the PABX
Intranet A set oI interconnected LANs, usually owned, used and operated by a single organization
IP address The network layer address that makes an entity to be addressable at this protocol level. It
is used to identiIy a unique entity within a network
IP extension H.323 compliant endpoint
IP gateway See gateway
IP network The data network (a LAN typically) where the IP terminals are connected to. The
underlying protocol is TCP/IP
IP networking The Ieature that provides packet-based multimedia communications and networking
between H.323-compliant systems.
IP PC-client A PC with soItware compliant to H.323
IP telephone An H.323 compliant telephone Ior connection to the IP network
IP terminal A common expression Ior equipment that is connected to the IP network. It can be either
an IP telephone or an IP PC-client
Jitter Deviation in time in the arrival oI packets to the ELU32 board
Jitter buIIer The temporary storage Ior packets to avoid the jitter eIIect. Its size is changeable by
command, taking into account that a high value means a delay and a low value may cause
packets to be dropped
Login log A Iile that stores the records oI login and logout events
NetMeeting The commercial name oI a MicrosoIt computer soItware application that allows a
computer to initiate/receive calls as an IP terminal
The extension initiated in the host telephone beIore Iree seating log on has been executed
Packet based
A packet switching network
Port A service access point; that is, the logical interIace between entities oI two protocol
layers where a service is provided. In the documentation, the ports mentioned are used to
exchange RAS (Registration/Admission/Status) signalling and call signalling
PROG-KEY Instrument programming key on DTS extensions
Q.931 ITU-T Standard describing the logical channel signalling protocol between ISDN S
Roaming Whenever a cordless extension moves to a location area in a new LIM, a dynamic record
is created in a User Location Register (ULR) in this LIM. This ULR record contains a
copy oI the static data in the cordless extension's Home Location Register (HLR) record,
in addition to some dynamic data. The HLR record Ior the cordless extension contains
inIormation about in which LIM the ULR is.
SMS End-user The entity that sends or receives the SMS message
SMS Service
An application external to the ASB 501 04 which handles storage and distribution oI the
SMS messages
SOFT-KEY Key F1-F4 on a DTS, to access predeIined Iunctions Ior diIIerent traIIic cases
System blocked Type oI blocking set by the ASB 501 04 when the connection to the rest oI the system is
Iaulty and out oI use
User LIM The LIM where an IP terminal is registered.
Virtual extension A generic extension which is not associated to any terminal type

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